Did Minecraft 1.21 Just Get Ruined? (big last minute changes)

some surprising last minute Minecraft 1.21 changes including a spicy controversial one that’s ruffling some feathers let’s talk all the bottom hey how you doing everybody it’s meet your favorite handsome lad and I kind of can’t believe that I finally get to say it but we’ve done it we made it together Minecraft 1.21 update week is here baby now over the course of today’s video we’re going to talk about some of the very final changes to Minecraft 1.21 including some super controversial ones so tap that like button and let’s talk about the end Chris so the end Crystal surprisingly was taking damage from fire and now no longer will this thing take any burning damage at all that really in the grand scheme of things kind of means nothing at all but basically if you had fire near this thing somehow well the fire would catch it on fire and blow it up then if you believe your eyes right here well clearly it’s not happening so this change is one of the many tucked inside of a Minecraft 1.21 pre-release 2 that released at the beginning of last week because I’ve been working at getting all of those different 1.21 guides out for you I figured I would just kind of like wait for all of the pre-releases to end up releasing eventually we run smack Dam to release candidates and then we go ahead and talk about them all in one shot another change that happened early in the week that I’ve had like so much time to get used to but I just can’t do it has to do with the Trident the mace and the heavy core so this one really it’s like the Trident this feels so unusual but oh that pink text right there I mean uh in like a good way right like it’s beautiful but it’s so different looking looking now that’s going to be the same with the heavy core and the brand new mace as well essentially these colors have to do with the Rarity of items If an item is super rare like the Trident is the heavy core and definitely the mace then it gets that pink color now that pink color being on a tool is actually pretty uncommon and actually arguably I think the goat horn should be adjusted as well and made this pink color because I mean those are pretty rare each different Rarity tier and I don’t remember them all off the top of my head but each different Rarity tier is going to have a different color so you start out with like that old basic white text eventually you work your way up to like blue text somewhere in the middle in there you’ve got an orange text there’s also a yellow text somewhere in there too but eventually you get the rarest of every single thing the pink now these name colors also translate if you didn’t know to when you name a tool so let’s say I had my trusty Trident Peter well now it’s in pink and yeah if you use a trident a lot that’s going to be really really different speaking of that whole color thing patterns so Banner patterns some Banner patterns are craftable and like pretty common like the flower charge one other ones are craft bu it a little bit less common like this creeper charge one or the thing one that’s pretty crazy well we have an adjustment to this snout Banner pattern from 1.6 it’s now going to be a yellow text whatever that means and we’ve got the brand new ones the flow one and my favorite of all Guster Guster and flow are going to be like a light blue color that’s kind of cool however these color changing things don’t get it mixed up when it comes to the banner patterns and everything like that even though the color of the icon like the name of the pattern thing when I go over to it on the hot bar it’s a different color the actual designs of snout Guster and flow are exactly the same as before I still really think they should maybe uh update these icons a little bit though like we could have something more right in one of the most embarrassing moments of all time for Mojang previously the Copper Door for the longest time in snapshots was actually a viable furnace fuel this is kind of just like the oak door you could actually throw an oak door in the furnace and use that door to smelt up the coal so then you could eventually get the coal to maybe like I don’t know smelt up more coal well yeah for the longest time you were able to do that with all of the copper doors as well yeah with moves like this Mojang is never going to beat the accusations of new wood types being straight up reskins of the other ones yikes game rule spawn radius if I set that number to zero right there then I unfortunately go ahead and depart from this world pretending I didn’t have my bed set right here and then I departed again well with a respawn radius set to zero you will again always consistently spawn on the same exact block when you pop back in and last but not least for our major changes in that snapshot let’s jump into this boat while I move around inside of this boat maybe I wanted to say do a little bit of pearling well now I could actually do that you can use an end pear not the wall you can use an ender pearl while you’re inside of any kind of ridable entity so like maybe a boat maybe you want to like make a quick escape from somewhere you’re riding a horse and I mean I ACD the boat and ruined the whole setup but yeah let’s say I was in the horse yeah this is a pretty straightforward one but it’s nice if you’re riding an entity you can now actually use an ender pearl while riding that entity and you’ll be teleported off of it now Minecraft 1.21 pre-release number two came with a load of bug fixes some of the biggest ones we just talked about right there but that just about wrapped it up for that pre-release other than even more technical changes this is insane 1.21 is like the most technical update since the be update I think now tragically I hate to do it to you but it’s all black and white I can’t believe what happened but Xbox game showcase 2024 this so have you been following some of the content lately more specifically this video right here we just talked about the rumors a little bit of a new game something special whether it’s Minecraft Legends 2 dungeons 2 or a Revival of Earth or maybe even something unexpected either way a new game coming to the community soon and ah all lives were on Xbox game Showcase in one of the most tragic moves of all time at Xbox game showcase nothing was announced when it comes to a brand new Minecraft spin-off game or anything like that heck anything spicy at all it doesn’t matter it’s not there it’s so sad a couple of years ago Minecraft Legends was revealed at this Xbox game showcase thing and oh boy I’m glad I didn’t waste my time waiting around for this I was outside planting plants and stuff like I’ve been doing lately ah there was nothing at all however this doesn’t mean a new game isn’t coming soon it just means that that new game would maybe like whenever it does get announced it might just get its whole fullone proper showcase moment I guess we’ll have to wait and see to see so from one bit of bad news to a different tragic memory the OG wind enchantment we all remembered So currently 1.21 when it drops is going to have three different levels I’ve got three Maes with each level so with this mace enchanted with wind burst one called bursty one if I hit this Golem oh boy oh buddy that was really really high up in the air however that was nothing Robert burst is going to be my wind Burst 2 maze if I hit this poor villager whoopsie if I hit this poor villager oh yeah yeah yeah that was quite a bit higher more specifically 14 blocks that’s insane all right now that I’ve healed up and this poor friend right here please look away I can’t I can’t the eye contact with this poor friend right here come back no I didn’t mean to this mace right here is called a burst E3 when I hit this villager oh boy yep that right there that is going to unlife me yeah wind burst and champman has got basically an entire rework this rework comes like pretty much just days before Minecraft 1.21 actually releases FEA falling I mean I it completely shifts The Meta if you’re going with the wind burst enchantment remember this is a treasure enchantment you’re going to need to find it well uh if you’re going with this enchantment inside of the update well 100% you’re going to need to get your hands on feather falling wind burst three with feather falling four if I hit something go all the way up to the air and then land I still lose about half of my health this stuff is insane I can’t believe that the jam wasn’t shaming like this but not going to lie I kind of like it it’s kind of great news that means wind first one I mean seven blocks of a jump that’s already pretty good and you could totally chain that and hit it again bounce bounce up seven hit it again bounce up seven hit it one more time bounce up seven in fact to check this out I’ve been practicing a little bit we’ll use Rober burst for this one we hit the Golem we go up into the air we go down we hit the Golem again we go up in the air we do it again three hits just like that Robert burst feather falling I mean it’s not bad I mean I’m not going to lie I do miss when you could just hit something and get a little bit of a burst it was really cool but this new version I mean this is really insane and it’s pretty fun still though a little Minecraft 1.21 Pro tip for you it’s wind charge plus wind burst it could be a little bit tricky to get right but if you could use a wind burst mace with a wind charge I mean it’s the perfect like liftoff so you can hit that damage oh technical changes these other were none 1.21 no you haven’t been listening at all technical change is a databack version 48 again another technical update right before the release we’ve got a beautiful map fix inside of this update as well so I don’t know if in your world if you ever mess around with maps or anything but let’s say we had this map right here then I went ahead and say like I don’t know inside of the cartography table cloned that map so I duplicated it after that let’s say I maybe like walked over onto the proper map itself and put the map inside of the item frame you know something like that then I get that greenen cursor right there now let’s say I went ahead and maybe mov the map or whatever over place it somewhere else well now again finally I only get one green cursor this is a bug that you might have noticed inside of my Minecraft guide World Tour when I was looking at my world map which is way more zoomed out that’s when I seem to have the problem a lot more but I was looking at the map and that the map originally I had it in the frame at my spawn base eventually once we moved out to the Cherry Blossom base like you know I put that map inside of a different frame and I basically have just had two green icons on the map for the longest time and then in a very minor change but also kind of major at the same time let’s say I was heading over to the end well check this out no matter what every time I go to the end when I land I will be facing towards the middle or downwards if I was looking down so let’s check this out in that last one when I just jumped in the portal I was kind of facing this way and downwards let’s go ahead and flip it exactly opposite I’ll look forwards and enter from this direction and just like that I’m looking towards the actual middle of the end Island that’s going to make it a whole lot easier for those of you trying to jump into the end jump into the end and I don’t know just like run right over to Old Betsy birth or whatever the dragon’s name is and take it out all right now the Big Kahuna did Mojang actually ruined Minecraft 1.21 so nowadays more so than ever before it’s so hard to tell if this is like a small vocal minority screaming about things on Twitter or if this is an actual like large bad thing that happened but in Minecraft 1.21 pre-release number four and I watch this all weekend long but um a little bit of a change that’s questionable happened and it seems like the Uproar is getting a little bit more intense every day so over this change let’s go ahead and kick everything off with this set of armor over here the armor every single piece is named one of the most beautiful names in the world I could think of Jimmy blast it’s kind of cool I got my inspiration from somewhere with this piece of armor right here it has blast protection 4 when I put it on me I get plus5 explosion knockback resistance so basically if I had that on me and I lit a TNT rate here this doesn’t have to do with the damage that I take from it it’s instead how far I’m going to move back uhhuh and you can see right there I moved back like kind of quite a bit if I had maybe two pieces of this blast protection armor on I lit this explosion right here and stood right against it still then this time I’m going to be shot back but like a little bit less far back I put another piece of Jimmy blast on go ahead and put to do the same experiment again I stand right here and those things are basically stacking right now Barefoot me for free has plus 45 explosion knockback resistance once I put this thing on that’s going to go all the way up to plus6 knockback resistance if I do the same experiment again like this I will now get the maximum amount of explosion knockback resistance that I could dream of with the blast protection enchantment now for this one if you were like a tough Italian guy you might be saying hey what was the big deal I’m a tough Italian guy that’s the same old as always well no no no it’s not and these changes they actually spill over to my other set of armor called Carl burn now I don’t want to spend too much time and talk about these fire resistance changes in detail as well no spoilers you’ll see why in a minute but basically each set of fire resistance armor would make you burn for a little bit less time instead of before how it worked if you even have one piece of fire resistance on you’re going to burn for a whole lot less time and that’s not even factoring in the other thing that fire resistance does where you like I take less damage from the fire now look from a purely analytical standpoint I do think some of these changes do make a little bit of sense like each piece of armor is now valued a little bit greater but in the grand scheme of things gameplay side of things oh man this was annoying it’s just like why why are we just changing this like why oh but it’s no big deal enter Minecraft 1.21 release candidate 1 so keep 1.21 pre-release 4 in mind it second where to go back to it however those big changes that I was just getting into that you might have heard a bunch of noise being made over the weekend on well poof they vanished they’re gone I like when this happens the devs try to change maybe they hear the community say oh yeah maybe it is a little Annoying and so they just go ahead and undo it that’s exactly what they did with all the blast protection stuff and the burn Time stuff too figured out would still go ahead and add it into the video here though because over the weekend I mean seriously it was getting hated like I saw at least a handful of people talking about how moang would go ahead and ruin Minecraft 1.21 right before releasing yeah for clarity sake I figured it made a lot of sense to just still add this into the video so you know that no no no no whatever you heard it’s not true it’s not real it’s gone and it’s been fixed now while we’re talking about a 1.21 release candidate number one also fix a total of three bugs these bugs are relatively insignificant bugs but still bugs nonetheless hey but speaking of explosions while you’ve grinded your way out and fully committed to the explosion resistance arm well let’s go ahead and drop some TNT and light that stuff on fire send it through the portal Chase it through the portal I make my way to the other side and boom that blew up my poor beautiful track that I spent so much time building it’s gone but the portal is not oh yes baby so I previously if I lit TNT and sent it through the portal hey buddy go through the portal no no no if I sent it through the portal um it would have you know blew up the portal on the other side but now it if I I am a disgrace to my mother father and entire family name if I sent the Prime TNT through the portal well the prime TNT will land on the other side and blow up but it will not blow up the portal itself now I like me a good Farm or too but I actually don’t usually use portal Farms that much I’m just not into that Overkill of a farm but I don’t know maybe somebody who knows a little bit more about portal Farms does this like does this have a big change on the whole portal Farm situation or no you let me know as for the rest of Minecraft 1.21 pre-release number four we have a tiny amount of bug piix when the bug fixes get even less I mean I we we already know the update is already releasing but yeah if you didn’t know you could see like seven bug fixes and say hey it’s got to be soon the final 1.21 changes I kind of can’t believe it I don’t think I can remember an update where I’ve seen such relatively large changes hit the update so close to release this will also mean for some of these changes they’re just not going to be in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 maybe in 1.2 1.10 but even at this point it looks like that update’s wrapping up too for more on that check out this video next because today we’re done right now subscribe I have so many fire things coming later this week including a couple of videos you’re not going to want to miss so subscribe turn notifications on and thank you all so much for watching today’s video and joining me throughout the 1.21 snapshot Development season I can’t wait to carry on this whole journey that we’ve got going together in 1.21.1 and maybe even 1.22 to I guess we’ll have to wait and see that’s enough sappy for me today though anyways this is me Waddles your handsome lad I’ll see you tomorrow goodbye [Music]

Minecraft 1.21 snapshot season comes to a grand finale with a whole chunk of big changes to things like enchantments, the mace, windburst, portals, and more! Today we take a look at Minecraft 1.21 Pre Release 2, Pre Release 3, Pre Release 4, and Release Candidate 1!

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Minecraft 1.21 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPreZAKi368mI8SE5w8–bSJ5

if you read this comment “portal”


  1. Hot take: I kinda don't want a new spinoff. The only arguably "good" spinoff they have made was dungeons, and I don't want a 1 in 3 chance of them wasting time making another game when they should be focusing on minecraft.

  2. "Mojang is never going beat the accusations of the new wood types being straight-up reskins of the other ones" you just say literally anything on this channel huh

  3. Thank you for talking about changes that have been reverted. It's the only way I'd get to hear about things that the devs are thinking about, and it's also nice to hear them listening to feedback 🙂

  4. Mojang: Adds great features and a new cool weapon
    Community: cricket noises

    Mojang: Messes up ONE thing

  5. Love to see Mojang seeing our pov’s with the snapshots and pre releases. First the pistons, now the blast resistance. It’s small, but it’s a start

  6. Been playing on Minecraft Preview on Xbox and I’m actually kind of upset how underwhelming the loot is from the trial chambers ESPECIALLY when I pop an Bad omen V bottle and may or may not give you an ominous key all just to give arrows and wind charges to add to your stack of breeze rods…..

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