Playing as ATHENA in Minecraft!

all right owe today we’re going to slay the golden sheep also we could slay a Sops too S I can’t never say that right all right so let’s make the shears with oh what the Zane I said find the door hello what do you call this now come on find something that’s God out of the way let’s see treasure excuse me you where’s the god treasure someone is here and it’s me my treasure big lady uhoh no I think we may have messed up oh are you taking me to the treasure find some get out of here yeah find some treasure that way maybe the treasure is your man is wait is that you my name is Athena I’m the goddess of smartness and fting himself you said this place was empty I mean it was in the middle of nowhere I just assumed every time it’s not Zade it took forever to build this and I don’t appreciate you breaking in you didn’t okay the air strike while we were here strike we need to go we need to go right now yeah I I mean a now listen we should really run like now keep moving keep moving what do you mean air strike well we didn’t know how to far we had to dig for Treasure’s already here why would you do that the [Applause] I on here he comes nice landing woo guys I did it I didn’t miss my queue and everything and hey who’s this so that’s the lady that’s going to kill you it’s trouble cuz you all blw my place well you know technically Pi blew up your house so I’m just going to go okay and you’re not helping Hey listen how’s this blown up all the time you know I mean we can just rebuild it God Powers it should be easy for you right plus you got ad ad those are some pretty good explosions right right now on my house besides I am not rebuilding this you all are sure sure sure we can do that assuming you want to give us some Powers too you know excuse me I don’t think so them okay okay why can’t I move going to be very happy to rebuild your place the normal way right Zane yep definitely yeah whatever just let us off there you go okay fine I will be watching every single one of you now come along I’ll show you around don’t you dare try to steal anything what the okay there’s some delay explosions I was wondering where those would go off that was so crazy guys seriously ow ow ow no no no no no it’s all gone all of it it wasn’t bad before this is horrible I work so hard on this how could it all be gone I mean well not to brag or nothing you know I just here I would shut the heck up why why not I worked really hard oh you blew everything up and now I have to start all over oh hey you know what great segue anyway let’s talk about that how do you actually go about getting God powers like that you know hypothetically I mean yeah yeah yeah yeah h H actually why don’t I show you come on there we go go down it oh you know actually uh change my mind I wait you’re not going to do that to us though right I I can just m my way down so don’t worry I’ll help you no no no no no I don’t need take thought J try lady I’ll do it [Music] myself this water okay you don’t think I’m that dumb to drop you down do you I don’t want you to die and respond where I can’t actually make it you work this is a big place ah wait where’d he go there we go yeah wait did Z die or so what are we supposed to do down here okay um yeah what are we up to let’s see oh okay right over here do you guys see these things right here oh that see crafting table side I need this they’re golded I need to put them together there’s six pieces in total oh guys guys check this out tell me this doesn’t say God poow is all over it let me just take a look here let me just end that doesn’t look safe over there man really cool chair is it’s going to be what happened to me I spoke too soon C oh the lions are here wait Lions yeah come on we got to find them oh my oh I see Lions now I say those are some sweet shoes dude they aren’t shoes they’re my feet oh man same sweet feet dude I’d rather not have my entire feet and make gold I at least have more go fell and there L down here too wait Ian Ian what are you doing wait wait wait oh what I was meant to do this is my moment I actually get to become gold oh my God you saw what happened and he’s still an idiot actually Ian maybe stay right up there I think you’re doing a great job you got it yeah you’re doing Sublime wait how many pieces does everyone have I have three do you guys have any at all bad KY yeah I got two oh nice um let’s see anyone else found a piece guys I’m trying to keep this piece safe for the Lions but it’s really hard wait he found a piece oh he’s dead down there why didn’t you say anything well I I’m sorry that was jum the water jump up the water you oh my goodness oh there’s one right there oh oh you got it come on good job goddess ladyo thank you can’t believe I’m saving after what you nice guys lady Ian how are you doing I am doing great however I cannot move whoa we’ll come back for him later yeah can we leave him there forever yeah I call that okay now I have to recreate the source of my power by using this how exactly are you making this back up okay I don’t need any more trouble from you guys so wait it’s just a crafting recipe or exactly oh it’s going to be so good I’m so excited to see how this thing comes out it’s it’s a golden crafting table wa now your tiny little mortal brain might be able to take this you might just show us come on come on come on please I can’t take it okay and there we go it’s so beautiful all right but it’s just a crafting table what’s it going to do then different than a normal one yeah but it’s gold you know if Aaron doesn’t want it I can always I’m with Aaron on this we did all that work and it’s just for this all that work Mister you got your babe but do you actually have any powers cuz it feels like you just bought this mod online excuse me I can prove it all right let’s see it’s super shy I like it I’m not trying to be a jerk but I need to prove you know what I’m just going to say her powers guys are probably just for show I mean she can’t stop us from doing anything oh there we go now Look at You unhorse me this instant I I am going to show you how I get my go be free please don’t turn me into life I don’t want to do this do you believe my Powers now fine you’re a really impressive goddess and uh-huh and I’m just a puny mortal there we go I want to turn on a pony R oh that felt awful how do the gold crafting table let you do that easy a golden apple on the golden table makes a saddle with a you know combined with a saddle there we go I have my flame spear wait wa flame spear okay that’s pretty cool though isn’t it all right check this out yeah I like that I got to get one of those please please please please I got to that’s pretty awesome I told you uh Hey guys something’s happening they’re kind of cute and spiders terrifying way um wait those are wolf spiders oh no no no they’re taking over the house something must be going on let’s go oh man they’re just up here come on okay but shouldn’t we be running away from the spiders what I like that no it’s your fault they’re going into my house you’re going to help how are we responsible for this huh what you guys put all the holes in my house what yeah all right yeah all those we’re going to need more Alie n wait wait what are you doing I’m calling my owl what your owl what is an owl going to do come on how is that ever going to help it’s a goddess owl that spawns anything that I need wait what you random but uh oh what is this a frisbe a frisbe oh that’s totally going to help right look I trust the owe okay yeah but I don’t know if we do up here all right here we go oh wait look at this place this is my Mountain oh great yeah your house looks pretty rough this is very very very very bad a is the little goddess afraid of some little spot spider quiet don’t worry they’re just spider webs okay you got us we can take care of this all right boys get your swords out let’s do it wait wait I wouldn’t do that oh here’s one over here you don’t understand this God Island let me go see guys the mom oh the what now what do you mean oh yeah that thing is huge Z you really let it get oh oh guys yeah uh maybe maybe we ought to think about getting out of here oh don’t look at me okay I have a little problem over here guys this is a rack me okay she loves to eat um what she wants to eat people I got you don’t worry all right up this way thank you any second I don’t want to be those spider spe yeah just careful she’s a little dormant right now okay okay we got to get rid of the spiders there you go oh thank you she’s kind of standing there oh yeah the the little spiders are just be careful yeah I think they’re M I got to take care of her myself you have every spider you can all right so how are we going to take care of Mama over there don’t worry about it good question maybe she’s asking to leave I don’t speak I have an idea wait Aon that’s smart actually ask her to leave fris I forgot going to do with the Frisbee f as a spider spider okay let’s see uh this this this go get it f it’s not going to oh my gosh it’s actually working I don’t even know how to this island makes zero sense okay puppy all right back cleaning up so that was kind of my idea idea too right uh it was gross no come on just a little bit further I’m really putting a lot of trust in you after what you guys did I know I know that’s that’s why we wanted to do this all right and stop and now look up oh wa surprise yeah surprise all right so we know we little bit of pain since we got here so we wanted to do something nice mhm we’re making you breakfast wa wa wa wait lot of breakfast look at these eggs they’re huge they’re so big maybe I’ll let them learn you might want to get away from there what right now wait why what talk about ungrateful huh look someone’s let the whole goddess thing get to their head no all all right that’s fine that’s fine they just more breakfast for us then oh my go what is that oh okay now I seeck is it wonderful you could give us a little warning I tried I everybody from himself it’s right get it oh wonderful another giant monster for the toes you guys are not going to beat her I have an idea guys guys I’ll save you again just hold your on for a little bit what do you think we’re doing EAS you said the done thanks oh my goodness I can’t believe I’m actually helping them with this they’re the dummies who got them in trouble in the first place all right need a chicken real quick let’s see just got to feed the somebody get out the H over this way dude that’s going to help I don’t know if I can pick up that chicken but there’s another chicken here all right let’s see and I would oh okay hello oh there we go and eat this wa stop moving hey I did it what’s going on up is that you whatever you did do it again thanks uh feed them all right sorry about that there we go all right I’m out of here boys let’s stand back a little bit seems like you got a handle let’s go KFC delivery for free and nice wait wait wait where is it going we won I think it’s going away get out of here over we’re alive we did it wait what do you mean we you guys started this you know what I meant it was a figure of speech you clearly did all the work there t bford I swear listen don’t listen to him okay thank you for helping we all appreciate it right it’s no problem it was a sweet thought o okay so I don’t know about you guys but my hunger bar is L who needs breakfast no dude not the eggs not these did you learn nothing the chickens with eggs up here okay a hey this is looking pretty good guys face does have a long way to go but the cobwebs are gone let’s see wait guys guys the cows are alive oh my gosh what oh wait cows you need us to kill some cowser what’s happening guys I used to have some big cows until someone blew it up obviously what it did that yeah than you guys are going to go get them and bring them back okay they’re huge but they’re really nice plus they got to be safe they’re right down there oh yeah yeah we could totally do that after one second go go get me off this freaky Island get back here run run run SC oh come on oh hey we’re coming over here to get ready for the cows H yeah the cows the cows are this way behind yeah that way yeah definitely not I mean we were so enthusiastic think about helping you sure you were yeah yeah we’ll just get right on that that’s why you ran in the opposite direction GH okay now that I got them busy I can start making some other stuff H what’s taking them so long should be easy um oh wait what the oh my gosh no they did not they did not how could they I I can’t believe that but I also can’t anyone feeling more Godly and no guys I mean the s’s really good but I don’t think it’s changed anything feel a little bit Fall Guys good that better not be what I thinking is was idea guys who’re look look look listen well we thought we could rebu faster you know if we had some of those gun Powers so we ate some of the have you thought you could get away with eat my cows right in front of me basically yes well they were technically stakks so you know what what if my cows tried to eat you how would you feel huh that’s so stupid what come on wait [Music] what let’s get the show on the road then wait what are you doing that wait only people wait so now they’re oh they’re Minar oh I don’t seem too happy they’re trying to eat me for sorry we just call him off oh Cowman I have no beef with you I already ate seriously can you maybe if you just leave them alone they’ll um all right I was going to have them literally drop the ACT but I have some weed on me there we go come on let’s go cows there’s more minur whatever they are go all right let’s see they must have run over here somewhere can’t believe those boys H my Island and ruin it completely before I go in oh Alie Alie oh there they are what got what’s a super secret item for the what is this is this a hat a a silly hat are you kidding me oh what’s a silly hat going to do what do I look like oky dokie let’s see go this way over here oh all right I do not want to arago them I mean if I do they’re just going to chase me and then all of them pop out and then have to deal with that on top of searching for the boys guys I think I’ve almost got it no dude you don’t so this is how we go really guys you’re here this is it huh wow you kind of deserve this actually what no no I won’t actually all right C out don’t worry still need yall alive so you can help me rebuild my castle goddess Tower whatever it is saving me for last okay Best For Last I see how it is I really need to get one of those Spears all right come on I don’t want you guys to have any weapons because you might try to destroy the cows like you did before yeah Fair super mad at you and they’re also going to be mad at me [Music] oh wait is everything okay or oh this is it we’re going to die here I don’t even know where my respawn point is anymore Z calm down [Music] Pierce what are you doing uh who’s Pierce oh just a Cowman here fellow Cowman is what I am oh dude oh I think he’s lost his mind finally D no one’s going to buy that wait a minute be maybe he’s on to something wait what H what does this do oh Oh’s a pumpkin a pumpkin of course the natural friend of calman all right let’s see so we just need to disguise everyone to get out of here seems simple oh yeah perfect there we go okay no wait I listen I don’t want to be a pumpkin no at least I’m not a pumpkin the table what am I going to be hey what am I bail hey yeah hey is for horses Ian put on and I mean you’re goddess this is the best plan you’ve got yep I don’t know what this does we’re going to figure it out follow me we can’t even see you oh yeah I’m invisible follow my little I’m going to Sprint a little you can follow my little particles okay all right just tell us what to do then oh okay come on come on come on come on come on Sprint and and this way follow footsteps this way come on sprinting and yeah I see the block dust yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah perfect oh there’s a girl okay now what do we do I don’t know if they can detect by movement yeah just crafting tables pump some of us aren you know what this taking too long hold on I got this i got this pretty sure they eat pumpkin hello it is I your best friend Pumpkin King me Pier aren’t you uh so excited to oh hey y that didn’t work oh they don’t like pumpkins go go go run run run thanks guys appreciate go go go go please please please please please go go go go go go go and oh guys perfect oh go go go okay oh all right get through the door get through the door go go go go okay oh I’m glad I’m not t anymore perfect timing out of the frying can and Into the Fire actually wait what do you mean by that what is this place what where’re at the river sticks here what yeah what purple I thought it’ be are we going to push that oh yeah sorry I forgot I got to take this off give me a moment yeah this definitely doesn’t look safe to swim in how are we going to get across oh there you are so we’re going to have to start building let me get my crafting table the source of my power all right start Gathering some materials okay oh we got one what can we make I Got Dirt don’t bother them and they’ll leave you alone okay yeah way ahey on that one are they friendly ghost ah the water hurts wa have the ghost have materials wait Zade Zade what are you doing I’m going to become Zeus with this you hit a boat the entire time I kind of spelled it out already guys it’s it’s obvious why did you guys let him I didn’t let him I was looking the other way yeah can’t believe you guys later that has to be something we can do um fly over there and kill him my owl let me see ow ow what Alie Alie come here oh that’s his name yes I thought she was just being weird oh there he is there he is he spawns anywhere that I can’t oh great a net a net serious L wait a minute wait what if we use this against the ghosts wait what wait what we can fly using them that sounds crazy but I’m willing to give it a shot oh wait wait what happened to me oh oh no I think I’m dead yeah so much for that well at least I can fly now come here ghost can you get one I can’t reach that one guys oh there’s another one hey oh died welome to the club you guys get across oh wait this is a good thing okay I can actually do this we go the now I got a wait wait I’m alive now all right I had oh you can trans back I wanted to keep flying I’m alive hooray all right can we get that jerk now please thanks a good idea thinking there oh it’s no problem you know me I love dying was that hey buddy wait where going that was quick run run take this take this I don’t want it anymore they wanted to do oh no that’s huge oh no okay oh wait can we go back that way or is it just that maze with the minotaurs yeah I know come on we just got to push forward we got this it’s just a giant withered what are we supposed to do I have a sword and a butterfly neet got a sword he’s up in the sky all right fine I’ll be the bigger man and I’ll hold there you are come on here and you can help you now okay we got this wait why are you laughing what did it give you it gave me a laser gun a what this is actually useful what is that thing are you sure at a hole oh well that’s the end of that that was so cool I you got it after letting the ocean in now we got the good water we can get out of here with it all right come on let’s go listen after that I am not questioning you about anything yeah works right um I’m surprised how straightforward it was hey when we get out of here a found can I can I have a turn with that thing no absolutely not did you defeat it already all right almost there come on a listen I just wanted to tell you again I’m really sorry you know a I know you are I don’t know about some of these guys yeah yeah they’re they’re not oh you did rebuild my base though look at it which I blow up really good I’m so happy and I got my source of power back you know I consider this a warning to y’all wait a warning what you’re not going to do anything okay yep do not ever do it again or else okay yeah we get the warning we not even thinking about it I just want to go home all right we’ll get you home then yeah I’m pretty sure our boats are over all way oh well those used to be your boats apparently don’t worry guys I got this I was originally a pupp I wonder what the pumpkin thinks he can do with this excuse me Hydra uh you and I are a lot alike I used to be a pumpkin and you’re a lizard thing think work please oh oh she’s very bad

This Goddess of Knowledge is gonna take these boys to school!
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====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Aaron: Jason Bravura
★ Zane: Kestin Howard
★ Ein: Chris Escalante
★ Pierce: Shado_Temple

NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft.

#Minecraft #Aphmau


  1. day 3 of asking for a gender swap. the girls will turn into boys and do boy stuff and the boys will turn into girls and do girl stuff!!!!1

  2. Love your videos Jess/Aph, and always will bbut i do miss your old vids i wish you could do them once in a while like mystreet(loved that series and the other roleplays you did). Still love what you post tho😘😊😎
    Pls continue mystreet or your old mini games you used to play (if its okay with you🥺, but i will always be a fan no matter what vid you post. ❤😊👌😍

  3. Aphmau is the best YouTuber, everyone says this alot but she’s also so good, the roles, the acting, it’s so good! She posts daily for us, and it must be hard! Can I have likes for my comment since it’s true? I won’t beg just thank you if you can!:)

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