I Cheated with //REALISTIC in Minecraft Build Battle

I’m going to cheat in a build battle against my friends using sl/ realistic I can turn this horse into a super realistic horse this looks so crazy are you ready oh no I need to remove this so my friends don’t see it there you are we’re going to build giant Villages good luck losers come on we can’t let wood win oh no how do I tell axi that I’m cheating without her freaking out what are you doing we have no time to waste we don’t have to build anything crazy axie I’m using SL SL realistic to cheat flashless realistic is this a prank mongle of course it’s not come on we need to build a tiny version of what we want and then after I use SL SL realistic it’s going to make it look super realistic it better because if it doesn’t look realistic then you’re making me lose the Build Challenge hey wait a second what are you guys talking about over there uh nothing wudo we were just talking about how cool our build looks right axie oh yeah our build looks super cool come on I just need to add some final details to this village house and then we can finally use SL SL realistic and ax you’re going to freak out the only thing I’m freaking out over is how newbie this house looks oh gosh don’t worry we’re almost done with it let me just place down these final blocks and wo this house looks terrible but all I need to do is just type out/ realistic just like this oh in the world what is this it’s so realistic I told you axie since I use the command check it out it’s in a giant village from that little tiny house we made not only that everything in this Village looks like real life look at all the wood look at the ground and oh my gosh look at the sun the sun looks like it’s going to burn me up it’s kind of cool hey guys you sound kind of excited but there’s no way that your little village could be that cool oh yeah voodo you’re right your village probably looks way more cooler than ours especially because our one is so small that’s what I thought mango so save your little reactions for when you come over to my side actually wo doesn’t even know what’s going on on our side we have so many different village houses that we can turn them into whatever we want really we can upgrade these houses even more exactly and if we make these houses cooler wo’s going to be even more jealous that’s a great idea Wood’s not going to know what hit him when he sees our side what are you guys talking about are you really thinking that I’m going to be shocked by what you guys are building come on axi forget about that guy for now we need to go inside of one of these houses and customize them to what we want I’m going to place down some glowstone on the ground and wo even the lighting it looks crazy wo you’re right this lighting is insane it’s going to bring in so many customers to our new Cafe wait you want to build a cafe inside of this Village aie I think that would be a great idea check it out I’m going to place down the counters over here and these counters literally look like real wood that’s awesome come on we need a kitchen too that’s right every good Cafe has a nice kitchen so I’m going to place down all of these fridges and stoves axi you’re going to create the menu for this Cafe okay I’m on it mango while you do that I’m going to place down all of the different seating for this Cafe and oh my goodness look we already have customers here wait they can’t come in yet we have it opened yeah guys just give us one second okay you’ll be allowed in the world’s greatest Cafe and you’re going to be super happy that you’re in our village and not wos hey why wouldn’t they want to come to my Village huh because wudo let’s just say our village looks pretty insane all the villagers would never want to leave this place that is not true they’re all going to line up to come to my Village we’ll see about that voodo with the way things are going I think every single villager in the world is going to leave every village and come to R1 what in the world that is just not happening if you guys think this Village looks super duper awesome and realistic hit that subscribe button right now we’re getting really close to a million subscribers hit that subscribe but wait a second axie you added in the menu and what in the world it says special worm soup for $9 oh it was meant to be $99 but this sign got cut off a this is a cafe not a restaurant we’re selling coffee in here for all of the customers to drink but that’s why soup is a genius idea you can drink it or you can eat it oh my goodness I didn’t realize you were such a genius axi but come on we’re done with the first building inside of our realistic Village but now I think we need to find the biggest building in this Village and customize it to being something super duper cool wo this building will be perfect exactly axi there’s so much room in here and there’s also an awesome view of the outside world oh my gosh we should turn this into a store where we can sell all sorts of cool realistic things to the villagers like a dollar store exactly axi we’ll make so much money and we’re going to be way richer than wudo did someone say richer than rudo that is the best joke I’ve heard all year oh it’s only a joke cuz of how easy it is exactly woodo you don’t even know the amount of things we’re going to have inside of our Village Store like what boo you guys are probably going to sell poop buckets ew actually I can’t tell him that we’re selling realistic items so what do I tell him um just tell him we’re selling uh we’re selling poop woodo you were right yeah buo we’re going to make a giant business off of selling poop you are so smart wait what oh gosh I didn’t mean it like that that’s right wood we’re going to S poop and still get richer than you oh my gosh axi can we please stop talking about poop I’m looking in side of the creative menu right now and there is literally so many realistic looking things really pick the best ones all right I’m going to start out by having these realistic flowers over here they look so awesome wo those realistic flowers do look really good why are you guys so excited about flowers you know what I’m adding in my Village wo what are you adding a chocolate fountain so all the kids can come to the Fountain and they can just drink all the chocolate wait chocolate fountain gives me an idea actually what if we sell realistic food over here too look at all these different realistic Foods they look absolutely insane this bread and this soup and these cookies look like real life wo that’s a great idea we should have a whole snack aisle so that I can steal from the store I mean so that we can sell a lot wait did I just hear you say you’re going to steal from the store no I work here so I’m legally allowed to take anything I want okay whatever you say axie come over to this section I think what we’re going to do over here is have a bunch of different pets that people could buy that sounds awesome let’s put plenty of dogs and cats and lions and Cheetos and tigers wo actually look at these wolves over here they look kind of scary no they don’t they’re super cute and cuddly oh my goodness hold on I also need to spawn in the cats and wo that cat looks super duper grumpy that cat looks like rudo hey what looks like me axie nothing yeah you don’t need to worry about anything woodo let’s just say our build is looking pretty good you might have to start worrying I’m not worried about anything that you guys build cuz I know my build in my Village is just 10 times better are you sure about that woodo of course I’m sure your guys’ build was probably made by a 2-year-old oh yeah you’re right wodo this awesome super cool village with realistic trees is definitely built by a 2-year-old wait did you just say realistic trees what does that mean uh nothing wo just focus on your build okay stop talking to us M very interesting maybe I need to keep an eye on you guys oh gosh axie wo’s getting a little suspicious this is not good it’s fine we’ll just tell him that we’re really good Builders he’ll definitely believe us I don’t know ax I really hope that works check it out we also have a watchtower on this village where we can get an amazing view of everything wait really let me see this is so peaceful I can literally spend my entire life here well this is awesome I’m just living the village life no you’re not you’re living a garbage life that built which is so lame are you serious this guy woodo just keeps rambling on axi I know I think we should go over there and make him stop trash talking wait are you saying we should prank him hold on a second I’m the king of pranks all I need to do is just make us invisible and now we can go over there to see what he’s building and what in the world is this wow my Village looks so amazing and most importantly it looks so green oh my gosh the villagers are going to love it and my chocolate fountain what is this supposed to be is this a slime Village I think it’s the rudo village and it’s all green what we need to do is change the colors of it because green is not the best color in the world we all know it’s red and everyone watching the video knows it too so everyone comment red right now no comment pink and I’m going to change the color of this area to be pink a no one’s going to comment pink there’s so many people that love red over pink no there’s not you don’t know anything well come on let’s just continue changing the houses to be dirt I wonder what woodo thinks about this all right let me just go ahead and place these down here and wait what in the world is going on why is there dirt on my houses oh my gosh look he finally realized axi but we’re not done there with our pranks what I’m going to do is go over here and get some snakes and I’m going to spawn in a bunch of snakes all over his village oh gosh what is that noising are those snakes and they’re slithering at me guys W’s so scared well he does that I’m just going to take this house back here and make it mine wow actually I didn’t know wo would be that scared come on I have one more thing I can do and that’s you sl/ realistic on wudo himself so I just need to type out SL SL realistic and wo look at wudo he looks completely different oh my gosh he literally looks like a realistic Turtle what in the world is going on I got to make sure those snakes didn’t bite me otherwise I’m not going to look good for the villagers when they come to try out my Village let me just put down a mirror to make sure I look good and wait what in the world why did I turn Super realistic do you think he likes it actually he looks absolutely gorgeous oh no this is bad I got to get rid of this I need to wash my body in the chocolate River oh my gosh wo is completely freaking out actually I wonder what he’s going to do to fix his village you know what this many things to fix is too much I’m just going to have to build something bigger and better than a tiny little village something like a spaceship for the wudo Space Program wait what woodo is building a spaceship axie well that just means that we we have to build a better spaceship we can’t let him get away with this come on let’s go back to our side and what we can do is build a spaceship on top of the village I think that would look super duper cool wo on top of the village yep all I need to do is just build up all of these blocks and then remove all the ones below just like that and actually we can work with this block up here let’s build a super cool looking tiny spaceship and once we use slash realistic it’s going to look absolutely insane it better Mongol I want a super cool giant spaceship that I can go into space in yep and we can see so many aliens that look like woodo yeah I bet they’re all green and weird hey are you guys talking about me being an alien I’m not an alien well voo we’re building a spaceship right now and we’re going to find aliens that look like you what go you guys are building a spaceship I’m building a spaceship hey why would you copy us woodo we just started building our one are you looking over on our side and cheating no why would I do that I don’t need to cheat from some newbie Builders like you guys unless you came over and looked at my side and are cheating off of me calm down Woodle why would we ever want to go look at your side when our side is this awesome exactly come on axi forget about him let me just drink some milk real quick so we can turn back to normal just like that and now that we’re normal all I need to do is SL slash realistic are you ready I’m ready do it boom what in the world look above us wo axie the sun is suddenly being blocked by something huge and what in the world this is the spaceship that we spawned in this looks insane it looks so futuristic look at all the blue glass and the shiny quarts exactly axi come on let’s go inside of the spaceship to see what’s happening and wo it is so dark in here yeah it’s kind of hard to see come on axie I can just change the blocks to be way cooler first all I need to do is just replace all of the stone over here and what I’m going to change it to be our glow stones and wo that already looks much better oh now I can see but wow this spaceship is so huge what do we even build in here a look it looks much better now and we can build whatever we want this is quite literally the most futuristic spaceship there is in the entire world but I think we should build something related to aliens so wudo gets scared aliens too is really exist well we’re going to make them exist axi come on look over here the spaceship is so huge that we can build it wherever we want I just need to find an open space and wo this is the perfect area axi let me just get some fences real quick and we can have our first alien inside of this area do you know any aliens we can spawn in well I do know of one wait a second it better be something crazy and creepy axie it’s so little creepy it kind of looks like woodo here what in the world is that thing oh my goodness that definitely looks like an alien and you are right it does look like wo I think they’re from Mars hey what looks like me is it something handsome smart intelligent and Rich um yeah I wouldn’t say all that voodo these are just some aliens that we found interesting interesting well I hope they’re rich and awesome like me well voo they’re not really rich and awesome but I am spawning in these other aliens over here in axi this Enderman looks so crazy Enderman are basically aliens they look so weird exactly and they look even creepier being realistic you know what we should just put our next aliens over here and keep moving on yeah I agree what aliens could we possibly have look at these things axie these literally looks like some crazy slug aliens oh my gosh I’m going to name these woodo as well oh my goodness why are there so many aliens that look like woodo I think there’s a theme yeah I think woodo just looks kind of funny guys I do not wo you do look kind of funny we can all admit that okay no stop saying that that’s so mean okay fine we didn’t mean it would here I’m going to spawn in some aliens that look like axi now because she was making fun of you okay yay there’s no aliens that look like me I’m a cool Earth creature oh yeah axi well we just spawned in some water which means I can spawn in some water creatures that look exactly like you look at these things what the heck is that that looks like it eats exles for breakfast well it’s you axie so you better get used to how you look that thing is not me I’m going to name it wudo oh my goodness why do every alien need to be named woodo come on actually let’s forget about the aliens for now what we need to do is come over here because if we’re going to have so many aliens we need to make sure they don’t break out and attack us right that’s a good point we don’t know how dangerous those aliens could be exactly and since we have such a giant awesome looking spaceship like this we don’t want anyone stealing steing any of our stuff so I think what we need to do is have some crazy weapons I know some crazy weapons let me just get them real quick wait what they better be really really crazy A I don’t know if I trust you introducing a tentacle on a stick the most crazy weapon you can have for your stomach and for anyone you need to Bunk over the head actually this is not a crazy weapon oh my gosh I’m starting to think woodo should have built with me I told you Mel no if woodo was building with you your whole spaceship would have been made out of dirt are you sure axi look at all these cool different weapons I have that I found myself first we have the M2 flamethrower over here and what in the world it causes realistic Flames oh my gosh that thing is too strong exactly then we have this weapon over here and this one and this one and this one what about this cool portal gun wait what that thing definitely looks insane put it down axie okay let me put these over here too and now we have a whole hallway of weapons hey woodo don’t get too jealous because we have all these weapons bro wait what I I’m not going to be jealous of your little weapons trust me mine are 10 times stronger I don’t know about that one wudo your spaceship is probably the same size as a snail wait what I’ve been working so hard Boo and even though you’re two Builders I know that my build is still better oh yeah L well you’re going to be super shocked when you see our build exactly voodo because not only do we have aliens and weapons we’re also going to have an experimentation area inside of our spaceship what in the world experiments you should experiment on and see what she turns into no we’re going to experiment on you and turn you into a tortoise exactly rudo you’ll see how it feels like to be something that’s not a turtle for once wait what no come on Ax let’s add a bunch of different tubes over here so we can experiment on those aliens that’s a great idea let’s make this two R Siz as well just in case we want to experiment on him oh my God goodness wudo I’m sorry buddy but you’re going to be our first experimentation no you can’t experiment on me well it’s going to happen buddy all I need to do is just place down all of the different tables over here where we’re going to have all of the different equipments ax that sounds awesome but wait what equipment do you use to experiment on stuff that sounds perfect I’ll handle putting down all of the experimentation stuff if you can handle the cool space stff don’t worry axie check it out I’m adding a bunch of Rovers in here that we can use on our space journey this is going to be so cool when we land on another planet and what I’m also going to do is have a bunch of space armor that way we don’t suffocate when we go in the air I hope we land on an axel Planet full of only Axel are you sure that exist axi it probably exists I mean axelos are super smart so we definitely travel to another planet you guys are not that smart from what I remember what are you talking about my IQ is – 20 yeah don’t you know that the more negative your IQ is the smarter you are I don’t know if that’s how it works guys but if you guys want to believe that I’ll let you believe it check it out axi I’m going to add these glowing pillars over here don’t these look so awesome and realistic what the heck is that whatever you guys are building definitely doesn’t look cool at all oh my goodness ax this guy is still going on and on yeah it’s super annoying let’s go back there and see how his build is we need to teach this guy a real lesson let me just make us invisible just like this and wo I forgot how crazy our spaceship looks look right below we can see voodoo’s one over here Earth to vooodo hello hello is everyone hearing me I’m about to go on my space mission with my new aliens what in the world he has two aliens and this spaceship is so small ax how about we spawn in our scariest alien on wudo let’s do it our scariest alien is uh which one was it again axi you were super duper scared of this thing over here so I’m going to spawn it all over wo’s base wait what what that’s a big alien I didn’t even go to space yet now guys look at wudo he’s freaking out come on what I’m going to do is go over here and I’m going to make the inside of a spaceship absolutely stink I think it already probably stinks there you go I just need to do that and actually now his spaceship is going to be completely ruin oh gosh what is that Stitch my spaceship is getting all poopy no I wonder how he’s going to deal with this axie you know what I’ve had enough of this spaceship I need to build one last thing that will absolutely destroy and axi once and for all and I got to take off this space suit because it’s going to require that I wear a bikini wait what what is this guy doing now it’s time for a water park are you serious ious actually we can’t let him have a water park and not have our own one come on let’s go to our side real quick and build a mini water park that way a gigantic one spawns in and we can officially win the bill challenge that’s a great idea let’s add water everywhere all I need to do is just go over here and make a simple pool axi and once we do this I can just do SL slash realistic let me just put down these blocks and put down the wall water and just like that all I have to do is this one command are you ready I’m ready okay 3 2 one boom what the heck just happened wait a second ax I think my game just got even more realistic look at the trees it looks absolutely insane but wait a second is this the water that’s going to be in the Water Park it’s so realistic and beautiful oh my gosh mom go I want to live here forever ax that was only the pond of the water park look at the actual water park over here wo are these dinosaurs in here and all these buildings and slides look so fun this is the best looking water park I’ve ever seen look there’s a slide right here axi come on let’s go down it okay I just need to spawn in a boat just like this and oh my goodness this slide is so fun I love this water part voodo is missing out so hard I really wish he could have joined us hey what am I missing out on you guys can’t be having that much fun oh yeah voodo you’ll see when you come to our side come on axi how about we make this water park look even better than it already is what I’m going to do is make the slides luxurious what are you going to do I’m going to turn this this pool over here into a massive aquarium wo that’s a great idea axie all I need to do is go over here real quick and I can make this entire area into gold let me just do this Command right here and wo we have an entire gold water slide axie that’s cool but can it beat having 1 billion Axel well I don’t know axie this gold looks like real life and the water looks so beautiful and the sun looks even more pretty oh my goodness SL slash realistic is literally the best thing in the entire world it’s not as good as exelo all actually I think our build is pretty much complete we don’t need to worry about adding anything else how about we go to wo’s side and then we show him our insane builds okay let’s go right away oh woodo time is up come on show us your build really oh my gosh I’m so excited to show you guys the most amazing builds you’ve ever seen check it out this is the woodo village what in the world woodo why is the village half dirt half pink and half green and why is there a sign here that says axi is the best do I have a secret admirer um I don’t really remember writing that but yeah I guess you’re kind of cool axie anyways guys why don’t you follow me over here to my rocket ship I was getting pretty fed up because of all the weird things happening to my Village so now we can all go to space together and live on my alien planet zaduba dorf one question Woodle where’s the controls what in the world this spaceship doesn’t even work but woda what’s back here well hold on I was about to say that we can Propel this rocket ship using our farts but if you want to go to the fun part then be my guest this is my water part wow it’s not really a park it’s just water wodo wait what what do you mean I think you have to come to our side to understand yeah voodo let me just pick you up and take you over to the greatest side and boom wodo check it out this is our village over here what in the world is this everything just turned so realistic that’s right wudo and this is the first of our many builds up here we have our amazing looking spaceship oh my gosh this is a spaceship that you guys built that’s right voodo and just look how realistic everything looks the glass the sea lanterns The View everything is pretty amazing if you ask me I can’t believe my eyes M go everything looks so real I want to go to a new planet right now we can do that woodo after you see the rest of our awesome build exactly woodo check it out this is our gigantic water park that we built with our own hands what you have a whole water park I want a whole water park let me go down a slide if you wanted a whole water park you should have just built faster Woodle hey woodo take a look at this water over here what in the world oh my God gosh I’m going down so woodo can we just admit that our build is way better um okay look it’s pretty cool you guys but before I say if it’s better or not I have to ask how were you able to build all this stuff in the short amount of time that we had actually I’m just going to tell him because we’re way too op wait no we hired a bunch of tiny hamsters to build for us you did what you hired hamster that’s right wudo the hamsters built everything this is absurd this is what you guys are going to get for using hamsters to cheat against me I thought that would work hey why are you blowing everything up thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed did watch another video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye

Mongo and Wudo are doing a build battle except Mongo is cheating! Does Mongo win? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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