Minecraft but There’s Mob Armor

in this video I’ll be collecting custom Armor All across this Minecraft world and using their awesome powers to beat the game and stop a terrible evil that could destroy the world check it out dude we got a little chicken armor in there um I feel bad for stealing it I just borrow it oh there’s a man here excuse me sir do you mind if I borrow your armor for uh reasons please help the armor boss is going to destroy the world we must gather all the mob armors if we want a chance to stop it the rabbit armor is in that abandoned house up on the hill across the village please take my chicken armor to help get you there good luck crafty you know my name I look incredible oh goodness oh it’s like a book of all the armors oh these look awesome but first the chicken armor has been unlocked incredible dude can I jump and fly I can I can do a little double jump hey yeah a that’s so cool uh the more armors I get the more Powers I’m going to unlock I guess let’s check out our armor codex um okay okay so we have a bunch of these armors the rabbit armor found in the abandoned house H uh that looks interesting all the way in that corner shall we go check it out I shall toot on my way let’s see here uh yeah looking looking pretty abandoned my guy H you’re you’re missing Limbs and everything there’s a chest does it have H CB webs that’s a weird way to spell rabbit armor it yeah uh is that rabbit armor oh there it is dude we got our second armor already look looking good what does this do attack a mob to spawn protective Rabid Rabbits Rabbid rabbits say that five times fast huh yeah oh go oh gosh those are bad guys no hey back up dude Rabbits go attack attack hey get out of here guys this is crazy yeah crushed it I’ve got a whole new rabbit Army and I can swap my armor to get the all I can stack the powers oh this is cool I want to get some more armor already what do we have uh we’ve got the creeper armor found in the gunpowder dungeon what the heck is that dude I think I saw some maps here earlier yeah here we are we got some maps here oh man we got a lot of places to go to dude I’ll grab these thank you don’t worry I’ll be back well there’s no time to waste let’s head to this location first huh well I think I’m here oh gosh yeah that’s a lot of creepers I think I’ve made it it’s time for the rabbit armor that’s so many creepers dude Take It Go Rabbits go back yeah take that and that oh gosh there’s a lot of creepers dude oh no no no no no no no go away go away go away I don’t think this rabbit armor is going to be quite enough for me let’s grab a sword or something shall we I’m back baby yeah okay good good good the rabbit power still does work with the swords too where’s my armor where’s my creeper armor ooh there’s like a dungeon down here wait hold on hold on I’m attacking the creepers in the surface but it looks like down under is where I actually get my my armor probably oh gosh this is going to be dangerous uh I might regret this I might turn into Fried Chicken here in a second but let’s try to parkour over this careful careful careful oh gosh oh no that’s going to explode that’s going to explode just keep making it across keep making it across this is dangerous dude do you mind excuse me pardon me oh so so sorry so sorry excuse me sir I like when I get hit I make a chicken sound too can I make it all the way come on slow falling yeah easy money oh there’s some bad guys over there yes looking as intimidating as ever in my bunny costume hello my boy honestly ow he smacked me honestly he doesn’t look that much more intimidating with his armor either hey go attack bunnies oh no problem got him easy peasy and check it out we’ve got our creeper armor dude oh this looks awesome hold sneak to launch ignited mini creeper around you my goodness okay so I just hold sneak oh I’m I’m charging I’m charging this is cool and oh I see it like launches out creepers in all directions that’s crazy prepare and go my minions explode interesting that’s going to be interesting Powers oh wait what I can just squat a little bit and it’ll launch little tiny creepers oh that’s cool dude what’s next for us the evoker armor is found in the Woodland mansion and it looks like it we we got a brown Square here so I’m going to assume that’s the Woodland Mansion we’ll head in that direction pardon me excuse me friends I got to be careful not to accidentally launch out some Creepers with this armor and while I’m heading to the mansion I’ll tell you that this is a Marketplace game that I’m playing right now so if you want to try out the mob armors for yourself check out mob armors DX on the Minecraft Marketplace oh man I’m never going to find this Mansion oh I found it let’s check it out shall we the evoker armor sounds pretty awesome oh interesting it’s blocked off a there but I’ve got my creeper Armor after all should we break down one of these walls go creeper minions go oh man I’m going to I’m going to make a wreck out of this place hello there gentlemen oh gosh hold on wait wait I’m not ready I’m not ready oh no go creeper minions attack yeah go creepers go it’s kind of slow to take him out with creepers yeah all right all right we got him good job creeper buddies and charge up go Kaboom so nice and convenient I’m probably just going to use the rabbit armor honestly where are you hello boys come on get them gentlemen where where are these rabbits coming from by the way just The Ether they just spawn out of the ground get him attack oh right I have a sword charge up and go booom might not be the most efficient way to open doors but it’s certainly the most fun um H he he’s just minding his own business NOP all right hello goodbye come on dude where’s the evoker armor oh gosh okay he probably has it he probably has it okay guys I spoke a little too soon ow man I’m not ready for a boss battle dude wait yes I’m always ready hello my boy ow he’s shooting alligators at me come on relax oh he’s protecting the armor give me the armor I will send out my minions oh he’s sending out his we’ve got a minion battle going on here oh man but his fly yeah take that my minions can beat up your minions ouch okay got to take him out quick got to take him out quick come on go creepers go get him yeah easy money I didn’t almost die what are you talking about ow no stop and there it is our evoker armor Don’t Mind If I Do looking cool a new armor has been unlocked kind of looks like I’m holding The Infinity Gauntlet or something let’s see what our power does okay well I guess I’m going to have to find out the Hardway yeah take him out yes look at that dude every time I get hit I send little crocodiles say or fangs or whatever it’s basically like my armor has thorns except instead of thorns it’s alligators I like it oh sick I can also just squat to send out my alligators in One Direction as well Chom them boys go that’s awesome definitely my most powerful so far but will it be enough to take out the armor boss I don’t know probably not what’s my next armor the Iron Golem armor found in a raided Village oh that’s going to be dangerous I’m in let’s do it well that that looks like a village that’s seen better days let’s see what’s going on over here there’s fire everywhere uh uh gentlemen you guys doing all right uh seems a seems a little stressed hey oh oh gosh there’s fire everywhere dude floating fire go attack attack the fire all right are there guys oh no pillagers get out of here boys yeah go alligators attack no problem you don’t stand a chance against me don’t worry villagers hang in there buddies I got you hey stop stop pick on somebody your own size that was the most sensitive little ow hey relax oh gosh oh gosh I’m going to die I’m going to die no mob armor save me oh no no no half heart half heart this is very bad this a oh no no no no no no no I’m just going to hang out here for a second oh no there’s a ravager okay this is going to be a difficult one careful boys careful boys can you get inside Jeremy dude I got to do it for them ah get him get him go go go go go just just just keep shooting the F out Jeremy go inside gosh dang it well uh I did warn him no no no pick on somebody your own size get him get him yes keep slowing him down come on easy dude I love this Armor Man Village saved yes we’ve done it uh it is a little still on fire but you guys got that covered right with determination you can rebuild what’s up buddy oh one dirt equals the Iron Golem set for one dirt hold on this might take a while Montage time go Montage over that was a good one guys hopefully that wasn’t too much for you editors all right we’ve got we got one dirt and we’ve got yes the Iron Golem armor I look like a Bionicle or something yeah yes dude I like this one man I look so puffy I am the Power Rangers Bionicle okay uh all you had to do is walk around the fire you’re not a marshmallow my guy let’s see what this armor does my attacks will throw enemies in the air and I have knockback resistance so that’s good and no fall damage that’s pretty nice next up we’ve got the spider armor found in the dormant volcano I remember that one where are you yeah there it is the dormant volcano I’m kind of scared but I do have some cool armors now so hopefully I shall survive oh wow that’s a large volcano I guess that would make sense I wasn’t really expecting a tiny one probably have to reach the top might be a job for our chicken armor huh let’s see what we have here oh my goodness it’s a m shaft inside of a volcano who’s out here making a mine inside an active volcano doesn’t seem very effective my boys but what will be effective is our Golem armor here cuz I don’t take fall damage right what’s up spiders come on fight me see what happens I can just launch him up with my armor this is so nice and jump down here yeah come on spiders show me what you got where’d he go oh gosh oh gosh that’s a lot of them just keep smacking no problem I like this armor dude but there’s no time to waste um oh goodness I got to be a little careful here what is this there’s a cage down there is that a guy I got to save excuse me hold on yeah we’ve made it okay oh looks like there’s villagers in the cages don’t worry boys I’ll save you get out of here evil spiders this has got to be the most dangerous evil layer of all time just in an active volcano don’t worry I got you buddy although you are going to have to find your own way out of here um I am an Iron Golem but if I launch you up I might take you out uh if you catch my drift be free my cleric buddy hi there’s the third oh gosh there it is the last guy oh no the last guy is being protected against these spiders get out of here spiders oh yes take him out take him out oh this is the boss he just walked into the lava himself I say is I also walk into the lava myself hey you can’t pick up on my villager friends don’t worry little buddy I’ll save you oh snap wait a second is that just armor hey yes it’s our spider armor Dude Looks Like all the villagers are saved and I’ve earned myself a nice little spider armor this is kind of creepy dude oh I mean I like it but it’s kind of scary don’t mind if I do yeah check this out it’s awesome I hope the powers are really cool do I fly no wait a second I do kind of fly oh I see I climb up blocks now ow ow I am still flammable though I can climb walls that’s cool man Spiderman Spiderman does whatever a spider can okay just a little more and we’re out of the volcano so nice dude go to my iron golem helmet take no fall damage the combining of the armors is really neat curious what you guys end up doing with them next up the Enderman armor found in the obsidian dungeon I have two maps left although this one looks like it’s in the end so first let’s check out our snowy biome well that looks quite terrifying looks like it’s made of obsidian yeah that looks horrifying I’m ready dude what might we have up here I hope the armor I have is good enough for this man hello anyone home oh hello Enderman oh gosh I looked at him that was bad idea that was a bad idea and he’s gone there’s there’s skulls around here there’s a throne but nobody’s sitting on it looks pretty empty the only thing I can see is there’s a giant hole up the top I guess we use our spider power huh it’s like Spider-Man and Dr Octopus com L together let’s head up shall we go spider it’s convenient but it’s also very slow at the same time I’m doing my best out here oh gosh oh no I don’t like these no please stop stop stop go away yeah yeah just smack them oh that’s actually really satisfying watching them all fly up in the air like that back to the spider armor climb up a little more make some disgusting sounds on the way up yeah oh oh that’s not a little guy that’s a big guy okay okay that might be a boss or a minion of one of the bosses yeah take that take that agronaut you vested me on these Marketplace maps for the last time probably not though come on oh he has so much health dude yeah the Iron Golem has taken him out did I get it oh I see I see an armor piece I see an armor piece the Enderman helmet yes we’ve got the armor dude the Enderman armor I I don’t know if I like seeing my face through this or not yeah it’s like my face is in the mouth of an Enderman do you see that hey it’s me crafty if you don’t subscribe he going to eat my face so hold and release sneak to teleport in a direction you’re looking if I look straight up and I sneak what happens hey okay well uh well well well should have seen that coming we’re not going to talk about that oh and check this out we’ve got a giant nether portal here uh shall we the nether I assume I got to go here right the blaze armor found in the Fortress Courtyard yep okay sounds good let’s find our for foress Courtyard shall we well no Courtyard yet but there are these weird pillars here that I don’t think are natural so let’s test out this Enderman power shall we see where these lead this is actually an incredible power dude so op all right just make it right up here yeah oh it’s terrifying here man hey teleporting around is quite nice it is also a little nauseating oh gosh careful in the lava is this the Fortress Courtyard I guess only one way to find out oh you scared me dude ah come on all right we’ll just use our little teleporter here that’s actually incredibly convenient stop go away who needs blocks when you can just teleport over stuff oh can I teleport through Lava hey can’t touch me now lava oh goodness this place has seen better days dude hello don’t mind me just a normal innocent Enderman I am your friend just shorter I am a short King Enderman just passing through oh here’s the Courtyard oh snap dude there’s the blaze armor oh snap there he is okay hold on time out time out ah he found me no no no stop going I was trying to strategize I could use my bunny armor although I don’t know if I’ll have time I might just have to go in swinging yeah get him come on oh he’s got a lot of Health dude just keep swinging yes easy money oh this armor is so good but it’s about to be even better yeah the blaze armor let’s try this bad boy out this one is like already my favorite and it just might be your favorite too if you get the map and try it for yourself uh can I just stand in lava now if I just I can check me out dude just having a nice little tow roast H I think I know what one of the powers is I have fire punches slow fall falling and I spawn a fire Vortex if somebody attacks me hey my boy do you mind attacking me real quick I want to spawn a oh my goodness what is happening I don’t know I’m not sure what happened but that indeed was a Vortex very cool I like it and the most powerful of them all the Wither Skeleton armor found in the nether dungeon the final armor set to rule them all pardon me excuse me just dropping vortexes oh snap here we are at the nether dungeon arrived at your destination thank you nether GPS a lava door way you think that’s going to stop little old me not today oh goodness okay a lot of bad guys oh it’s like a gladiator Arena oh oh snap this might be a difficult battle we got a lot of guys here hello give me the armor dude you missed me I can light you on fire I can send out the vortexes this armor is incredible dude watch out watch out send out the vortexes yeah have that do some damage I’m taking a lot of damage here though dude oh that wither is crushing me ah oh no no no two and a half hearts all right I got to be a little careful in this one light them on fire no oh gosh I’m oh I might die here please please please yes yes the Wither skeleton’s gone just the big boss left no problem only one and a half hearts I mean most people survive with only one so he yeah okay okay okay uh yes just got to strafe him I can light him on fire he’s pretty slow so if I back up he’ll miss me no ouch ouch ouch yes Vortex yes Vortex get him dude do some damage ah crushed it oh come on where’s my armor dude final round oh I did not know there was more okay got to take on two at once they’re really making me earn this armor huh yeah oh gosh oh gosh I’m I’m just going to just going to light him on fire yes send out a bunch of vortexes take as much damage as I can early there we go there’s one down no problem just one more one more oh I see something is that armor yeah come on come on just get him get him get him get him yeah we got it dude oh that looks so cool oh man I got too many armors this Market Place map has too much value to hold it all in one inventory there it is the coolest armor set so so far this looks insane yes dude all right what awesome powers do I have I’m strong I have a Wither power and I’m wither proof how am I wither proof and have wither power this should be enough to take out the armor boss but this isn’t all the armor that’s in the pack so if you want to see all the crazy armor you’ll just have to see for yourself huh all right last but not least we’ve got this end looking area so I guess we head into this lava portal here will I make it to the end uh oh snap we got a nice little portal over here it’s not lit that’s that’s curs dude it’s time my friends let’s take out this armor boss and save the world oh no I threw away my pickaxe come on help me out Enderman armor yeah it worked ouch wa this place looks incredible the armor boss there he is dude ah you know it’s going to be quite a battle when you got a Boss Bar okay okay he hasn’t seen me yet let me swap over to my wither armor here if I can wither him down Health that might be a super health helpful oh he looks insane armor boss it’s time for battle H Wither Skull attack oh yeah that’s so effective against me huh yeah take that yeah yeah oh easy dude oh my sword is about to break though so I got to be a little careful here no there it goes there it goes okay it’s time for some vortexes come on hit me hit me do it see what happens what the heck was that come on spawn some tornadoes oh I’m wearing the evoker boots whoops yeah yeah Vortex attack back shoot out some vortexes okay okay quickly go back to my Wither Skeleton here oh man oh man what was that he’s breathing out dragon breath on me no he’s attacking me with gingivitis my worst enemy we’re just going to run away for a second we’re just going to heal up just for a bit oh man I wish I had armor that gave me regen or something but I don’t need it I’m strong enough he’s about half Health if I just keep punching him down oh gosh oh gosh that was a powerful attack okay okay okay come on hey good thing I got a built in like knife in my armor that’s pretty cool yeah no no no no stop breathing on me I’m on fire I’m on fire this is not good heals it one hit left yes we’ve got him and there’s a whole new set of armor what is this the Warden Armor oh sick we’ve done it we’ve saved the world and now I got the coolest boss armor ever and with my token I can switch between the powers what powers are they well you might just have to find out for yourself download Bob armor DX in the Minecraft Marketplace and I’ll see you guys in the next video bye the armor boss is doing all this crazy stuff in my world and if you get this map on the Minecraft Marketplace you can have all these mobs and bosses and armor sets in your own world and heck you can bring on your own friends too I wish I had friends

✅ PLAY My Marketplace Game Mob Armor [DX]! ➡️ https://cutt.ly/Mob_Armor_DX

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#Minecraft #But #craftee

Minecraft but There’s Mob Armor

🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins
🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
📜 All music used with permission from its creator.


  1. My little brother loves your videos and all he watches is craftee, he is 9 years old and needs to feel important I make shorts on YouTube and it was all his idea and I would love it if you can give him a shout out on your next video

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