Testing Clickbait Minecraft Shorts That Are Lies…

these are the most clickbait Minecraft shorts on the internet and it’s time to see which ones are real or clickbait starting with that if you breed to Wild foxes their offspring will protect you oh way their offspring will not follow you so I just got to a Le attach a rope to the baby give it a weapon so that it can deal more damage give it a weapon yeah let’s give the baby a weapon that’s a good idea all right let’s see if The Offspring will protect us now we got to test it okay this is not an offspring this is a brand new Fox will you protect me from the husk I have now fed you a Sweet Berry take your sword I don’t think he’s going to protect me because he’s just running around in this box like he’s afraid of me all right there’s the husk attack attack please so the fox will not protect me but now what if we create a baby fox all right so let’s get our foxes over in here wait this one just what did you spawn how did you spawn with feathers in your mouth okay anyways right yes make of The Offspring now you’re going to come right over here okay put that in your mouth please sir oh he’s got them okay sick all right now I need you to protect me from this husk oh yeah you I don’t know how well this baby would protect us so let’s just go and grow him a little bit my boy is [Music] hungry sir a there we go all right now protect me from this evil husk oh wait he actually protected me wait a second is that cuz I’m your daddy wow that’s crazy I didn’t even know that’ work bro foxes are way better than wolves cuz they can actually hold swords in their mouths if you stand in the middle of an N portal and fill in each frame for some reason the portal would generate to the side of it a pretty broken no wait a sec wait wait wait hold on hold on if you stand in the middle of portal and fill in each for some reason the portal reg generate to the side of it I thought that’s only hold on hold on okay so I know this can happen when you build a portal ESP way but does it happen every time N I got to test this hold on I I think I’m calling cap on this one already okay we’re going to build the portal too so I’m pretty sure if you build the portal like this you’re going to get the glitch every single time all correct me if I’m wrong but I think this is going to result in the portal glitch in aha it does see it builds outside which is kind of wicked but if you just built a portal like the guy kind of showed us from the inside and you didn’t do it from the outside it should just spawn a regular portal on the inside dud if this messes up I’m gonna look like an idiot please see this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and I I’ll do it again just to prove it to you guys okay I’m going to stay inside the entire time when I fill in these end portal frames and I’m telling you it’s not going to spawn it in any other crazy Direction it’s going to spawn it right here on me ready 3 2 1 it’s clickbait ladies and gentlemen you just don’t trust a man who’s got an orange skin don’t trust him oh no not this the best bug Ever every time I see these there’s like a 5% chance these are actually real okay so we have a diamond block and we are going to be attaching Redstone to the Piston which is attached to a slime block okay we’re adding it looks like one tick of delay on each of these oh yeah cuz we can just magically spawn infinite diamonds I wish this would you know what I’m hopeful I’m hopeful it’s not clickbait cuz infinite diamonds is a world I want to live in all right let’s see this infinite Diamond okay slime block sticky piston goes down here all right don’t forget there’s a very important part of this video he breaks two blocks underneath it I don’t know what this does does he break to the Slime b line does he break all the way to the Slime piston or does he just break one two no he only breaks the first two all right then he goes out two like this okay repeater the repeater goes down this way can we oh yeah then we go this way this way connect these repeaters okay one tick of delay I’m pretty sure it’s only one tick of delay on each and then just adds a lever and this is going to magically produce us wait a second what what’s the time here okay it looks like it’s like sunset time set Sunset okay that’s not a command ah perfect I mean it doesn’t get better than this this is literally identical to what he built and this is supposed to give us infinite diamonds boom boom W look at that look at all this infinite diamonds man and that’s why this is clickbait why are shorts so diabolical can somebody explain this to me in the comments come here K I’m sorry it must be done I’m sacrificing you so we don’t get click baited anymore oh man infinite XP bug well we know with a cactus dog this is my block don’t you dare disgrace it wait can you even put a copper rod on a cactus block okay so we’re farming the cow for infinite XP dude look I I want it to work man I’m willing to give this a shot just don’t have your hops too high I feel like we’re just doing the cactus all wrong here but you can put a copper rod on it I didn’t know that so at least that’s new all then we got to apparently surround it in Redstone cuz that’s going to make the infinite XP drop let’s make sure we have a nice little uh play pin over here with our cow all right we’re going to put the cow in here okay I got to go in creative mode I’m sorry okay it was Bert all lowercase you know maybe there’s something going on with Bert maybe it’s kind of like when you name it you know dinner bone and it flips upside down all right we now have ber to count okay Bert come with me you about to be a sacrificial Pond B now don’t move oh oh gosh got to get on that Cactus oh oh paint all right there we go now Bert if this doesn’t work I’m sorry I have killed you for no reason all right Bert there you go Bert don’t touch the cactus okay now we just do weather Thunder this is so dumb man all right Bert good luck buddy you’re going to need it you’re where are my balls huh huh sorry ladies and gentlemen but this is literally iconic like literally scene for scene the exact same thing there is no infinite XP this is C rip bird in the comments he a good cow oh oh wait e this is came in and gravel are supposed to be unobtainable blocks breaking it drops nothing even with silk touch and it’s even destroyed when falling onto a torch if it wasn’t for shears breaking them with shears still does nothing but with cobwebs then if you get a suspicious sand or gravel to fall on a cobweb with after 30 seconds it’ll break into the item and these are actually pretty cool building blocks for variation and also is going to go and harvest all of this gravel and suspicious sand why would I want these blocks if this is clickbait I’m holding this over your head for the rest of your life and I’m tweeting this out all right let’s see can we Shear the suspicious sand all right he’s telling the truth there it does not drop we know we can get cobwebs with shears so we need to find oh here’s a perfect piece of suspicious sand oh that I just ruin it’s fine we can make this suspicious sand work it’s fine it’s fine I got it I got it I got it I’m a professional all right this will work this will work all right now that I didn’t totally butcher it we can now mine this block let the suspicious sand drop on it and this is going to take some time so make sure you stay until the end of the video to see if this actually works cuz we’re going to be here for a while I’ll see you at the end of the video legal portal whoa whoa whoa I got to get this command I’ve never even seen that command okay what do you do flicking this a circular nether portal would be absolutely based beyond belief ah please tell me this works all right we have the command set up with the command block now the question is is it real or is it true command blocks are not enabled on the server now let’s see if it works we want this to work circular portals would be amazing oh so far so good we’ve got the circle but will it ignite it’s not fake there’s a little Gap at the top and then some on the bottom but overall this is gorgeous and it works it’s real you’re welcome we got a boat chest oh oh wait a second I don’t think this one works either breaks the reinforced deep slate puts the water inside the leaves now what are we doing here what what are you doing wow okay that definitely does not work all right well I can almost guarantee that none of these are going to work but we won’t know until we test all right come on over here yeah there’s no way dude I’m filling this boat with as many anvils as possible but will it sink tap it does not sink our boat is not sinking even though we have the maximum amount of anvils that you can put inside of this yeah I mean the water goes in but the lava’s just going to like it’s just going to flow yeah this one’s already fake what the heck is this it’s like a oh what [Music] no okay not what is this infinite piston hallway I’m calling cap I’m calling cap almost immediately 1 2 3 4 five and then it goes up one then the Pistons go down all right this is it then he goes to the side and it magically gets bigger but for mine it doesn’t do anything what a coincidence and then he goes he goes back around it and then he goes through and then it just creates this infinite fake nonsense it’s fake I’m sorry illegal blocks in m CRA oh we’re trying to what no you cannot put your chest in glass it’s just no dude [Music] no I’m getting so angry watching these videos cuz I just know it’s not going to work the only one that might work is the slabs all right so we’re going to start off with the first one he puts two glass blocks inside of each other technically that worked he breaks the glass block huh I’m shook I didn’t think that was going to work oh no I might have this guy wrong yeah icy campfire this would be sick and it works this one’s crazy if it works so it’s two pieces of glass put this inside break this block break the block beneath it put down obsidian and then an in Crystal oh this is crazy I didn’t expect that one to work we got Stone on the bottom this bad boy oak on the top and it works like it hurts my brain to see two different blocks in Minecraft like that and then we have the finale the yin and yang concrete powder which I’m confident is going to work at this point and it does ladies and gentlemen wow this is why you got a test thing ah dude I love Minecraft illusions tell me this works though I’ve never known how to build one of these oh giant chest wait where’s I can’t even see the illusion here the teeth look at the T-Rex oh it works pretty good once you’ve seen it you can’t really unsee it you know what I mean what these crafting tables look the same size oh no okay this is a real crafting table and this one is definitely not real but if you start flying oh wait look at this it’s cuz the platform that we’re on it’s almost perfectly lined up oh that’s sick tell me right now like if you loged in your Minecraft server you would genuinely think that this is like actually real all right sunflowers okay now we’re just putting the carpet on it oh wait is it like a zombie trap oh it’s confuses the mob AI to dance will my zombies be confused holy moly I just dug out a big old hole like this and planting flowers look I like dancing as much as the next guy but I don’t have the biggest hopes for this it would be it’ just be crazy if it worked it’d be actually insane and now we stand here and we wait for Nightfall there we go baby show me you can dance they can so I think it’s about the specific block you’re standing on so if I move yeah they stopped dancing but wait okay if I L them back over here this side go back to that same exact block they just start dancing again I don’t know why this works but it does wait for it okay we’re making a empty map then we’re going to get our craphy table put the map with the orange D and we get an orange empty map H oh but it’s not done yet okay dude this is so dumb oh I want believe it I do I genuinely I want to believe this very badly all right I just I can’t I I can’t justify this I can’t even die the map so we know this one’s busted illegal overpowered Farm wait what do we do what do okay we got a chest we dug down two blocks what is this oh my gosh how are you fooling these young kids all we got a little hole right here for our chest we’re going to make this open it’s actually kind of hard to follow this to like the perfect amount then he had a Observer over here oh no it was facing the other way as long as the face is facing up which it is right here another Observer right here oh all right we’re getting a little bit of signal all right then we got the two Hoppers my chest aren’t even working there we go all right then The Hoppers feed in and they keep going around like this all right and then this one fed into this and then it’s just pressure plates and for some reason a dispenser on top facing up with water now we’re just going to add the fishing rod and but it definitely doesn’t work two Minecraft life hacks you didn’t know throwing gunpowder on a creeper apparently stops it from exploding and you could place lily pads on lava in the nether okay we’ll see about that all right now look I’m going to diffuse you even though I don’t believe it’s going to work and so stupid now we go to the nether I think I’m going to sink and immediately and [Laughter] die you can’t place L pads in the nether all right this guy’s not even playing in Java we are playing in Bedrock okay what are we what are we trying to are we trying to duplicate armor is this an wait for end I am waiting for end oh wait he’s making like a statue oh that does look cool oh he’s not even done yet what oh this is cool oh now I really want this one to work before we test Bedrock let’s test the Java version First all right we got all eight of the armor stands now we break these boom oh they’re stacking this is a good sign a little sad that they can’t wield their swords but they do look perfect all right redstone torch boom boom then it was a comparator like this flip it and then you feed the Redstone to the back and nothing happens no now we got to try in Bedrock yes we’ve got it all set up in Bedrock now this is our magical moment oh dude come on you can’t tell me this isn’t amazing and you can do so many other things with these guys too oh what is he doing we’re putting composters down why are we putting composters down oh what no you can’t x-ray with gravel and a composter can you if this works you got to subscribe I don’t think it’s going to work so don’t worry if you feel pressure to subscribe you won’t have to I do want it to work though no but you can’t see through it I didn’t even expect this part to work but no you definitely can’t see through things great and now nobody’s going to subscribe I I appreciate you click baiting me buddy okay we got a 2X two Cross Hole piston sticky sticky piston are we just making like a what are you doing man okay is this a basketball goal that’s just funny though I just like this guy is like I never thought I would ever want to play basketball in Minecraft but maybe that’s about the maybe that’s about to change today okay so we had some Redstone down here oh we had obsidian blocks I’m not sure why the obsidian is here maybe to make it look different and then there’s just pressure plates over here and then you can dunk oh it’s all about the timing folks we’re all about the timing and it does work you got to kind of like jump and land on the corner in order to get dunk but it works oh not see whenever I hear the music in the background I almost assume it’s fake oh we’re also on the Bedrock Edition again what are we doing [Music] here oh oh he’s just kiding up the mob I think this will work I I think this one will actually work okay we had the dispenser on the bottom and then there’s an extra block on the top too all right we got our little lever down here so that the way that he put it in was like kind of perfect like he put it in just like this uh and then there is a shield all boots are on the top spawn the skeleton in [Music] and of course today this was Java but we’ll work in Bedrock and the Moment of Truth yeah dude honestly Bedrock is better than Java in some ways I’m just being honest ew what are you doing oh is this like a jump scare prank skeletons literally in the closet interesting all right two blocks down light sensor amama stand hey there we go and the skeleton skull oh this looks good dude yo this is creepy wait but I want to know if you actually added some Redstone to it cuz you make him go up and down like what if you put him on a piston imagine this you walk up to your bed boom activate the Redstone jump scare you’re welcome free free life hack all right what whoa whoa whoa what is this guy doing a glowstone portal what are you doing what are you doing why are you making it complicated for no reason oh my gosh this guy’s a demon for making me follow these steps the things I have to go through to see if things are real or fake it’s getting ridiculous dude just go in creative pleas the fact that he’s breaking the blocks of vanilla are the most upsetting thing to me yeah I’m [Music] ready okay so I you [Music] just what this is so dumb what are we making making the water portal let me go follow his thousand step program so we start with the nether portal then we break it and we just start outlining everything in glowstone right we love the glow Stone portals and then he places a bucket of water right here but then he says wrong and then he Scoops it back up and then he puts nothing but dirt blocks inside the portal area puts out a crafting table or Mak it a bunch of well you can’t even do this he did this and it didn’t work for me so now I got to manually go get my water bottles now we turn this into dirt or turn it into mud with the water bottles not the water bucket now we got a p Pistons facing inside dude why are you making this so difficult on my life homie there we go a okay Pistons they’re facing the right way thank God now we got to put our uh the redstone blocks on the back side just like so he comes around here says a wait for it then he breaks all the blocks every single block get broken all right then he comes around here places a redstone block but it doesn’t place for him but it does for us ooh spooky steps inside the portal to eat his dingleberry and then steps and then as soon as he steps out it gets struck by lightning it’s fake you made me waste so much time guy made me rage dude oh my gosh what am I looking at folks what is this some kind of trap oh it’s a it’s like a one way oh actually I think this could work all right little uh all right yeah this little thing like this you put this little fence down here keeps it open and then we surround this with our carpet pressure plate goes down like this covers this in carpet and then it’s a oneway so you can go in oh but you can’t come back oh wa this is cool you can’t even you actually can’t even jump over it the toll booth you got to pay the fee okay now we’re trying to attract Zeus we need the lightning it’s so zoomed in man I I can’t even see what’s happening can you not be so zoomed in now we’re going to name our Trident oh no we’re not we’re going to just we’re going to give it okay channeling obviously for the lightning it makes sense and now he’s just going to speak he’s spam throwing him on the rod the copper the copper Rod oh and then now we get to add the lever okay weather Thunder oh wa oh I want this to work oh my gosh all right we can do this we can do this a lot a lot of steps huh all right a little piston little slime block little lightning rod on top that me like four blocks like thisa oh yeah it’s like this right one more and then one more then it redstones to each other and then he puts the Anvil down yeah then he channels his bad boy okay boom now we just stack oh gosh you know he put a lot of forks in this thing hey yo thund bring the Thunder now we activate the Redstone boom hey yo I did not expect this to work wait how much damage is this going to do all right folks come on I’m chaning my energy that is impressive how to make a cool Minecraft Prank build to recently and it’s so cool so to start room build out of sea lanterns then you put an item frame on every single sea lantern then you fill the item frames with these maps that are made up of just one type of concrete for this black concrete once you’re done you get this really cool effect like you’re in an infinite room you can’t really tell how big the room is or how far it goes if you put that even makes it crazy I think this is like this when it happened to me I had no idea going on oh yeah don’t worry we’re going to make some magic happen here this would take far too long so please server make the magic happen there we go now he’s got a couple left okay and then hey yo this is going to take too long all right the finishing touches now let’s see if it looks as good as his video and wow this is perfect I genuinely I feel like I’m in a void where did you come from he spawned in the abyss I feel like I’m falling oh he’s up against the wall you can see his hand is kind of like glitched inside dude this is nuts and but you break one of them even breaking this one you still feel like you’re lost that is confirmed honestly this might be the coolest one of the whole video what are you what this guy thinks he’s Gojo satu okay armor a statue on a TNT block flicking a lever so instead of blowing up the TNT it just creates an infinite sphere of pearls mother of pearl this got to be fake dude this is Faker than your grandmother’s teeth now enchanting snowballs with flame dude this guy believes that he’s him and he’s not him wait it’s going to like erupt it oh oh I want this to work okay we’re going to summon the Ender Pearls oh oh wait this is sick who let this armor stand cook look at it it’s got a perfect butt guys I had low expectations for this I’m going to be honest but it’s not over yet because we still have to explode it and see if it’s satisfying hey if this works you got to like the video I don’t make the rules oh yes it’s so beautiful oh wait they just keep going I’m so glad that works wa oh my God oh my I got teleported like a million times best bug oh my no I got to rewind that was too fast buddy okay sharpness 5 netherite sword one hit a Golem ain’t no way that’s not possible that’s not you can’t combine what do we get what are you what 11 attack damage eight attack damage Ain’t No Way 136 attack damage that’s a lot of damage that can kill a colossal Titan in one hit this better not work all right we’re going to go and hit it with the old sharpness five okay so you know how this works right basically he just continues to repeat this process over and over again with the grindstone and the Enchanted sharpness sword yeah because this one’s got eight attack damage this one’s got 11 because of the sharpness but then when you grind it it should give you an 11 attack damage sword no wait this can’t be this is inconceivable 13 no why is this working this is f you can do this this is this is real 99 attack damage man no one man should wield this power that is crazy you know what to do we got to try this on the warden come here you Buffalo I don’t know how much health he’s got 2 3 4 5 don’t tell Mojang I showed you this bug BN nobody knows that WR in the comments if you already knew this okay we’re in a we’re in an ocean Monument wa is this guy saying there’s a secret door guy is like makes a cut or something look at this what the guy got Aimbot on okay what are you doing those prismarine shards oh okay we’re going to make a prismarine brick uh what is he is he trying to make a portal what are you doing no dude now we see if it’s real okay dude we got to find the exact spot in the monument all right yeah where’d it go where’d it go okay it was like over here okay it was like a like a like a door like an in oh oh wait is this it now we got to break the the top and the bottom blocks both of them does an Aimbot to the top and does this and the pickaxe has to break part of the magic Ladi all right crafting tables going down we’re going to make our bricks okay first bricks in put them in the bottom then the top now this is the most important part you suck three times one two three boom I mean what’ you expect to happen this is criminal activity illegal Farm how illegal is this wao okay w why are we building the thick portal I’m waiting for it yeah I’m waiting for a whole lot of nothing wa whoo you put the dispenser on it okay two observers go go down yeah I’m ready show show me it oh oh he’s got the hoe okay dude oh yeah man all right 50 million views on Tik Tok man okay there’s just like a little hole right here and then it’s just like a 4×4 portal or 5x five all right we’re going to ignite the portal this is where the magic happens obviously how did he get it to face the portal was he Observer like this yes now we look around he he does this thing where he goes around comes back puts the ho in the middle and 56 million views BL man what are you doing H what I don’t know what’s happening okay we’re put a water bucket down wait he’s trying to land oh he’s trying to land on the one pixel wait is that going to save him from Fall damage n this ain’t possible I mean that’s that’s like that’s that’s he ain’t Houdini no I think this one could work wait he put the Cobb down does the Cobb kill him no the Cobo would save him wait what it does if you hold shift dude wait this is op oh please tell me this work dude now here’s the drill we fall down and we got oh oh oh no way I don’t even think the pixels are coming over I don’t know how this is working okay then he did it with a cobweb too and cobweb no I’ve lied to you my whole life oh no and now I got to do the honey the last and final test does it work oh we got to go lower baby we’re doing it from less height okay W the corner and oh oh it only works sometimes but that’s real that was not clickbait best bug ever uh what do you mean there no way that this does anything n this guy’s trying too hard what is breaking that dirt going to do what is blood doing you got no drip dude oh inside of the nah oh we got to test this one daddy p is on the case ladies and gentlemen sorry Humpty Dumpty there’s no room for you copper slab goes down yeah Cobb right there two dirt blocks on the top then he’s got the drip stone block breaks that dirt block and then decides to place a piston like this then he breaks the dirt block adds a redstone torch up here and then adds the pointed dripstone to the bottom of the dripstone block this is so weird in survival mode breaks the top block and this is somehow magically supped to make our spawner go inside of cobweb [Laughter] and I hate Tik Tock for this reason gravity block duplication for this glitch you’ll need 10 dirt blocks 10 levers 10 big drip Le we got all these items first step is to create a nether portal okay we can do that okay now we’re in the nether okay 10 blocks on the ground why are we putting dirt in these holes what are we summoning we going to turn them on not place any gravity blocks there you want to duplicate onto the drip leaves oh oh I’m going to use dragon eggs as you guys can see there after you place a gravity block on a drip Leaf it should start moving like that what what after you’re done with that step go through the nether portal oh tell me this works go back out go back in as you guys can see here the gravity block should not be duplicated what there’s no way into the nether we go oh boom boom boom oh no no no no no naughty naughty there we go there we go okay then you make fill them with dirt all right now you got the Le leav drip leaves put the eggs down and no whoa whoa whoa his was all bouncy mine ain’t got no bounce we didn’t do anything wrong This Guy’s in Bedrock yeah look at this boom Press B to emote you cannot emote in Java okay we got it all back everything set up in Bedrock oh they’re jiggling look look at them jiggle okay now we got to leave the Nether and we come back tell me they’re duplicated baby why does Bedrock have so many more cool things than Java the best bug ever and it’s always the best bug ever oh no it’s this guy again sometimes his are real and then sometimes they’re clickbait I don’t know what to believe anymore when I watch this guy’s content okay so we got a bit another he loves his red stone too much Redstone is not a good thing my friend wait what what he’s whoa whoa whoa whoa what is this okay so he puts the coal in in the item Hopper bamboo and diamond ore what is this it’s an oh it’s an infinite fuel source oh but now he’s why are you breaking it oh my gosh wait it still keeps cooking when you break everything no way dude Bern eye Hopper OBS goes here dirt block break this bad boy oh my go why is it so complicated Cole going in oh look at it go boom diamonds bamboo oh oh oh no my Flame’s going down wait no it is not an infinite fuel source I’m sick of building these redstone contraptions that don’t work whoa whoa what the heck whoa the letters go off the sign what you didn’t know this bug use the bug before it is fixed you can break Minecraft look go into options and activate in language the following setting now write again something on the side who wait what setting is that what the heck we got to go to force unic code font deactivate the setting from before what the I have found a way to make it even find the character pinned in the comments oh it’s pinned in the comments of course it is oh what is this you can get very creative with it wait your short it’s a sign ladies and gentlemen T TT okay where is that I’ve never seen that Unicode thing wo wo this is weird looking yeah it’s smaller dog this going to work dog tell me tell me right now oh please yeah floating text 2024 is here baby wait I got to do what he did yeah I got to type this weird character oh I got some red dye don’t worry buddy oh glow let it glow baby oh dude this is so OMG I broke Minecraft oh dude tell me you’re breaking Minecraft without tell me you’re breaking minecraft oh it’s more redstone is this supposed to be like an infinite I think he’s trying to get infinite diamonds with roses no shot dude no way hey goes to the edge turns around boom imediately places down this Observer boom diamond block Redstone Dust diamond ore diamond ore Moss piston Redstone Dust pressure plate goes down bone meals the rose this is weird man ain’t no way okay now we hold right click with the bone meal and then walk in the pressure plate at the same time hey there’s no infinite diamonds he it’s stop giveing this guy views 1,000 ender pearls wa oh my gosh why I want sushi now have you ever thought about it like just real quick though how did the Enderman get the pearls is it like their eggs I don’t know I’ve just been thinking about that how else they breed okay anyways back back to this thing oh wait that’s so beautiful oh oh okay dropping the we’re dropping the load oh that’s a lot of pearls oh that is a lot of pearls my friends oh man that might be more than a thousand look at the water dude actually this is kind of cool it’s it’s like a fountain hey y okay now we collick this okay and TNT oh wait it’s perfect this is so cool what going to go more look at it baby make it rain Make It Rain imagine somebody’s trying to kill you okay they’re chasing you instead of throwing one Pearl you do this yeah you do this like good luck figuring out where I land homie nobody knows that but our last grinder did work okay we got a really enchanted diamond sword okay upgrade it we can do that why are we adding this back in what are we doing here okay okay okay okay so we’re just going to spam it now what disenchant it why would we disenchant it wait a sec wait a sec okay goes from 101 XP to 136 how are you going from 101 levels to 136 levels okay boom smithing table hold up smithing table did not look like that oh I got to add a smithing template what why do I need a a template to Smith okay this one okay whatever boom I I feel like this is this either going to be better or worse so it only gives one yeah upgrades it like this oh we and now we know it it does even go back in you can’t even read it wait maybe we still get 35 levels from the grindstone maybe what that’s it n this one was this is this is you wrong for this one buddy illegal obsidian bug last time I was told something was illegal it didn’t work get what you what are you doing you are a naughty sausage buddy no okay you’re telling me right now that’s it what the heck is this what homie you can’t even expect me to believe this is real this guy’s freaking crazy dude okay goes down two blocks puts his two observers down lines it up with Hoppers I’m smelling it dude I smell the bull shrimp oh yeah yeah yeah yeah now I got it now I got it fence goes down boom boom water bucket in okay okay now I’m expected to all right for the culture I want this to work what what where am I it just gets filtered out every time back into my chest wait maybe the lava goes in it doesn’t even work with lava it don’t even work with lava man and nothing happens the only thing illegal is your content H I said every time I see the portal one I just I just I don’t have hope you know like and then he’s going to make me build all of this red stone too if he makes me do all of this Redstone for this not to work I will be triggered I am not a redster okay what he gets portal blocks oh I mean this would be sick if it works though got to make it so complicated dude okay in Crystal on this block puts the fire down here which doesn’t ignite the crystal Redstone does torch explodes the crystal oh it’s actually just like the video they lost their heads yeah he breaks all of this lowers this breaks this he puts this and then breaks these redstone block break it these got to go too igniting the portal but then he puts two more back on the back oh come on redstone block you got to go come on okay now these come on dude give me this get you suck it worked until it did it oh my heart oh wait it it broke the obsidian so you can do this to break obsidian with anvils all hope is not lost this is only half clickit nobody knows this now I do ah the freaking redstone contraptions they never stop do they are you trying to combine beds can’t break what glitched bed uh-uh no oh wait it works with other things than Bedrock this is like the magic clean eraser like it can clean anything oh wo what’s that wao BR I’m about to be Mr Clean this beautiful dig out for the redstone dust and then our beautiful pistons on top and then our obies oh why did they always face the wrong way oh look at him come on what Redstone are you oh wait it’s activating but there’s no crunch wow we realized this one was clickbait before we even got to the good part I can tell you right now that this is garbage by simply using a trident and a channeling book combining an anvil together and throwing them at a hting sign and then having one of your friends or yourself walk under hey what if I don’t got friends Bud you’ll instantly get electrocuted over and over by light oh it’s KFC like a lightning rod but instead with a sign this is a crazy how does this oh tell me this one works this is it seems too simple okay yeah we got our channeling okay eat it like right oh oh yeah weather bringing the rain dude yeah okay so I know it said that you need a friend but out of curiosity does it work with anything else oh cow what about myself wo whoo wo okay are we sure this is going to work Joe I need I need you test something for me um I got just just don’t ask questions just walk under that sign okay okay oh wait it says it says W yeah I stand right next to oh oh oh oh oh that looks fake wait Joe come back do it to me do it to me why does this work in Minecraft you only get 10 hearts and most people think you cannot go with that limit but I found a game breaking glitch by which you can get hundreds of hearts and survival Minecraft so first you want to eat one Notch Apple eight extra Hearts which will disappear in a few seconds but if you eat one normal Golden Apple just after that and wait 2 minutes you will get six per hearts and the best part is heart repeating this with one stack of NCH apples will give 384 permanent hearts in survival back you cannot heal it back once you take damage but anyways subscribe we eat the Notch Apple and then we got to eat the golden apple we got to wait 2 minutes we have to wait until the absorption goes away oh we’ve got the six hearts oh dude wait okay so if we repeat this process over and over again we can survive a fall from Max height for the next hour I will be eating golden apples ladies and gentlemen I have eaten so many apples but look at this and okay now we jump come on and we survived that is freaking crazy I mean I would never recommend to spend an hour in Minecraft eating apples unless you’re a YouTuber but it’s true an apple a day does keep the doctor away the sniffer eggs I love sniffer eggs wo wo wait is he coloring them you can dye your eggs wait is this like an Easter update wait do they no way no they hatch with the color that you dye them if this is fake this would be cruel and unusual punishment please oh please please no way dude no way why would you do this I actually kind of believed him cuz you know with Easter eggs you paint them and then they could have it’s a snipper and you and it doesn’t work this guy is evil this guy is the Grinch wa this guy is filming in the past did you just make a naked sh what what only his shell goes invisible you can see the Nugget inside look at him oh there he is bro the emperor about to have no clothes get ready boy look at this dude yo you look like an old tired man this guy looks like Master Splinter that is so trippy look at him what is this random stripe on the bottom of him hey that’s not clickbait why did no one tell me this before uh-uh you can’t no you cannot die your horse armor man no shot dude I would have known this this is going to be just like it was with the turtle legs I guarantee it yeah I freaking knew it I knew it dude look at this look at this no we didn’t miss a step this gu in Bedrock don’t tell me this works in Bedrock why does it work why does Bedrock have so many cool things and Java is left in the [Music] dust and it’s still falling hey Grandma jacket [Music] oh wa wait did we get it was cman not lying oh we actually got the suspicious sand it’s not clickbait I will not have to call cman out on Twitter but you should still follow me because when he does lie when he does clickbait I will call him out and you will be the first one to see it and make sure you click this to watch another video please

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  1. I have a i think patched bug that makes water float without commands without barrier or any secret item u only need piston/sticky piston push the water (it will stay in the same place) and break or deactivate the piston

  2. I hate to call you out and i love you're videos but 🍑 in one of your myths the zombie dancing i spoted on the side in chat specateor mode who was it?

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