Why JJ and Mikey Built CURSED LONGEST HOUSE in Minecraft Maizen!

[Music] hey JJ JJ you’ll never guess what I found here follow me yeah what’s it see H what is that is it this is a very strange house he’s probably cursed shall we go there I wonder what’s inside wow there’s definitely treasure somewhere inside want to check it out yeah okay the first floor entrance only one is the correct entrance pick one JJ oh I get it I have to choose between the correct door and the wrong one I need to choose carefully H it’s hard I wonder which is right H hey Mikey the door on the left there’s something weird about it it’s kind of sticking out huh the other one doesn’t the door that sticks out is kind of sus no it’s not there’s nothing sus about it h H well it kind of bothers me and I can’t stop thinking about it I want to try opening it here goes open wao hold up huh ah that was the wrong door wrong door the skeleton shot me that side was wrong so it must be the other side that’s right I’m going in keep moving oh oh I see that’s how it is this is the way forward the parkour course leads to the second floor yep get up there oh good job it’d be painful to fall from here careful easy oh you’re fast all right you made it to the second floor hurry inside come on hurry up this door is also sticking out suspiciously whatever oh you’re ready here we go oh uh wow huh you’re trapped hang on oh the floor popped up behind me to keep me from leaving you’re stuck I’m locked in plus there are monsters all around you so there’s no way for you to escape huh no kidding what’s going on here lots of monsters what am I supposed to do There’s No Escape H what can I do huh that’s a creeper oh dangerous a creeper yep be careful creepers explode if you get too close to them which means I might be able to use the Creeper’s ability to help me if I get too close huh now wo wo huh did you just blow it up to escape yep h i escaped thanks to the creeper wow and now wo sweet you’re doing well oh there’s even a chest here let’s check it out hey this is quite a haul M look full diamond armor so cool and a golden apple I’ll eat it now and now so cool does this ladder lead to the roof yep that’s the roof the top of your cliffside house there’s a treasure at the top but also monsters no kidding still Mikey I can use the diamond equipment you left me to beat them yes no problem woohoo so strong impressive job let’s see what kind of treasure Mikey prepared for me wo nice cake and cookies nice sweet oh no I fell Mikey me too is the floor made out of slime what’s this hold on I see a gold block over here what do you think it’s for is it just me or can I jump higher now I think we can cool was that some kind of jump boosting button I can jump so high now wow let’s go this room is a piece of cake so easy awesome this is so much fun good job what’s this yes do I go in yeah what this is bad huh why bad gu everywhere this might be a boss area let’s get him pow we got this nice what’s this huh what something dropped over here right here a lever I’ll attach the lever to this block oh I see nice open nice I think we’re close to the top so keep going I think so too are we there let’s see what now I think it might be the boss it looks tough It’s kind of creaky let’s get it it’s attack has knocked back no way attack take this yeah don’t give up no way let’s get him keep hitting it it’s still standing but oh never mind wo wo it dropped some loot it dropped diamonds and emeralds sick nice okay here I go 3 2 1 open wo a treasure chest already mhm I know what this is something will happen when I open it yep you figured it out that was easy besides this is the only part of the floor made from Sand it must be a pitfall trap uh well that part might also be a pitfall trap I knew it then all I have to do to avoid getting pranked is avoid standing on the sand the treasure is mine yayuh what’s this nothing’s happening what Mikey fell into the pitfall trap’s lava hey I’m not going to make it all right can I open it sure 3 2 1 open oh there are three paintings in here mhm only one of them is the correct one H the others are wrong interesting mhm what shall I choose okay I think I’ll choose the one on the right oh starting with the right okay what do we have here I’ll try the lever 3 2 1 flip oh a skeleton good good luck [Music] Mikey go all right yes woohoo I beat it interesting but that didn’t surprise me at all it was cool how the skeleton popped out of the picture though mhm it’s impressive that you were able to keep your cool mhm still it was the wrong choice well it’s not like it surprised me anyways Franks should have a little more punch to them h H mhm well make your next choice Mikey all right well what’s next I choose left oh the left side all right I’m pulling the lever in 3 2 1 flip H what’s that noise what what is this ouch ouch ouch Mike’s getting taken down by a horde of mutant skeletons great how many are there too many mut skeletons uh where’d you go Mikey oh there you are wo H I can’t get away Mike’s in a lot of trouble there’s no running away from these things a Mikey died oh now that was a surprise JJ who really had a punch to it thank you Mikey the center was the correct Choice mhm all right I guess I’ll call the center lever 3 2 1 what’s going to happen huh woah wo awesome there’s a tunnel inside a secret passage after you Mikey all right come on oo it’s a secret passage oh a door I wonder what’s behind it mhm open it Mikey here goes nothing 3 2 1 open JJ look wait what’s all this take a look at this awesome armor let’s put it on oh there’s a sword too cool okay wow we look sick yeah wo we can beat anything now we’re fully equipped let’s go hang on pressure plates can we step on them definitely with our Samurai armor and swords there’s nothing we can’t handle right woohoo the pressure plate spawned a hord of zombies hey help attack JJ help me please use your charge attack how do I do that watch I can’t figure it out bam huh wow wao that rocked this armor is insanely tough hey check out this door I bet there’s another enemy waiting on the other side come on we can handle it no problem let’s go okay I’m kind of nervous 3 2 1 open H what Well for now try to parkour across without touching the sewer water it’s disgusting JJ just keep moving are you okay I fell get out ew all right keep it up let’s go so nasty if we keep going this way I think we can escape this town [Music] okay nice W let’s see there’s a lot of plants in the way but we can keep going uh here we go hurry h Huh oh what’s this place H he saw us he’s going to attack us what now we have to fight back get him show no mercy wow he’s strong wo yes we defeated him we did it we did it we beat him those are some seriously strong weapons wow all this stuff look at the loot this is what the gang stole from everyone let’s give it all back mhm okay nice let’s see H look a ladder let’s go back all right yeah here we go what is this place h a lava pit this bad guy doesn’t take any chances he set up this trap for us falling in would not turn out well for us that’s for sure let’s be careful we’ll move slowly one block at a time nice just like that make sure you don’t fall in okay got it hot that’s hot Mikey make it stop oh no oh slowly let’s go coming nice all right yeah oh there we go yes I made it up good [Music] work nice now we don’t know what other traps he set up so let’s be extra careful going forward extra extra careful hang on H there’s a door over there let’s go sure come on what just happened we triggered a pitfall trap it got us but at least we’re safe now or are we look out alligator attack we got to bounce run for it get away from these pesky alligators there are so many just keep running we’re totally outnumbered we’ll never beat them stay close and don’t stop moving forward are we safe yet that got really hairy I had no idea there were criminals who took these kinds of precautions he’s one prudent crook so we better be on our toes right through the escape hatch stay alert move out okay here we go H where are we oh lasers in a place like this he’s crafty we’ll have to proceed with caution I mean getting by the security measure isn’t a big deal but ow you okay okay yeah I’m fine be careful let’s get going through here there made it made it without touching any of the beams shall we yeah I’m ready let’s bust this door open we’ve got this 3 2 1 open what’s this wo cool this kind of looks like slime parkour yeah you push the button and it bounces you into the air wow I get it on to the next one you got it let’s keep going 3 2 one I fell off well let’s try again like this sure start here that’s it amazing this is so cool then up here nice let’s go ready yeah wo good job nice I made the jump I’ll go oh no it’s pretty hard up here next oh it’s really tricky W let’s keep going I’ll hurry a you fell all the way to the bottom Mikey it’s okay I’m almost at the top so I’ll bring the treasure back down awesome nice I found the treasure I’m going to open it oh W wao I’m so happy incredible look at all these diamonds you take half Mikey thank you now I’m super happy wait what no way what is it huh wo that’s a long way to the bottom of the hole it looks like there are slime blocks down there for us to jump on Wow me first sure yum be careful I guess it’s my turn H come see this what is it okay hurry hurry JJ come on wao there oh there’s so much slime I can’t believe how much slime there is down here look H wao that’s even deeper than the last hole do you see an exit somewhere down there here I go aim for the ledge Mikey huh oops I missed I know the Slime is fun to bounce on but there’s not much else down there let’s get to the ledge I don’t get what you mean okay watch me jump oh I missed total fail I’ll climb the ladder and try again okay go for it oh oh close was I this is really hard hey nice jump oh I did it I made it to the ledge wow you’re really good at this I see another room through here come on Mikey wait I’m coming don’t move a muscle okay you got it here I come come on a a not quite don’t give up Mikey one more time let’s go [Music] okay you had it so close this time for sure I made it thanks for waiting great job now then wo I almost fell off let’s move on to the next room what do you seeing there Mikey hey wo what’s this we’re in a weird room huh all right can I open it sure 3 2 1 open oh there are three paintings in here mhm only one of them is the correct one H the others are wrong interesting mm what shall I choose okay I think I’ll choose the one on the right oh starting with the right okay what do we have here I’ll try the lever 3 2 1 flip oh a skeleton good luck Mikey W all right yes woohoo I beat it interesting but that didn’t surprise me at all it was cool how the skeleton popped out of the picture though mhm it’s impressive that you were able to keep your cool mhm still it was the wrong choice well it’s not like it surprised me anyways Frank should have a little more punch to them H mhm well make your next choice Mikey all right well what’s next I choose left oh the left side all right I’m pulling the lever in 3 2 1 flip hm huh what’s that noise what what is it ouch ouch ouch Mikey’s getting taken down by a horde of mut skeletons crazy how many are there too many skeletons uh where’d you go Mikey oh there you are wao I can’t get away Mikey’s in a lot of trouble there’s no running away from these things a yeah Mikey died now that was a surprise JJ who really had a punch to it thank you Mikey the center was the correct Choice mhm all right I guess I’ll pull the center lever 3 2 1 what’s going to happen huh wo wo awesome there’s a tunnel inside a secret passage after you Mikey all right come on oo mm it’s a secret passage oh a door I wonder what’s behind it mhm open it Mikey here goes nothing 3 2 One open now what do we have here I see lasers lava and a challenging unforgiving parkour course I can do it I messed up get out of there I’ll be okay I drank a potion let’s get out of here before our fire resistance wears off touchdown you’re good at this yes great jump now let’s go [Music] ready huhuh no away what run back wait the way we came from also got blocked off are we trapped in here come check out this shutter quick it’s so sturdy we’ll never be able to get out we can’t turn back or push forward to catch the culprit this Wall’s unbreakable we’re trapped forever hold on Mikey listen to me what’s the point I brought something huh I wasn’t sure what to expect so I packed some Dynamite that is so perfect good thinking this should be able to blast through yeah but now this crook is about to get get caught on your toes all right we’re in 3 2 1 open huh hang on a freaky clown look out it attacked me it hit you it’s strong seriously the swords we found right wo use your sword take it down jumping slash ouch it’s so strong slash that was strong wo We Beat It we did JJ I found something amazing H the clown was impressive but look treasure let’s check it out treasure treasure treasure 3 2 1 open what is it diamond pickaxes and swords thanks These are nice awesome wo it came back to life huh seriously woah how ouch wo H yes w we beat it they come back we’d better hurry along Mikey quickly it’s terrifying but at least we got something good out of it okay wo this is awesome what’s it supposed to be diamonds and gold maybe we use our pickaxes to choose the ones we just got so which one I’d like some diamonds can I have them we can share okay let’s mine the diamonds together ready another freaky thing it’s something else who I’m low on health Mikey W it’s strong this sword can defeat it take it down I can do this I guess the werewolf couldn’t fit through the entrance we beat it JJ hurry right before it comes back yeah let’s go let’s mine the Gold I guess gold was the right choice wo check that out jackpot emeralds not bad emeralds and diamonds and gold that’s everything we’re Super Rich yeah wow I can barely believe it bring on the diamonds yep jackpot wo what’s up ah it’s a maze good luck oh try not to get lost it’s dangerous it splits Which Way H okay okay this way wo that was close wo be careful not to touch those you could have warned me huh this way has lasers too what now H I guess I could sneak through the lasers this way yep be careful got it wa yes I’m on a roll what’s over here a door let’s go 3 2 one what’s this place I hope you’re ready what is this place there’s water and lava but why you have to choose between a pit of water or a pit of lava and dive into one one is the right choice and the other is wrong what it’s a choice H water or lava I know H I choose one water why well JJ I would burn up if I chose lava no matter how I think of it water is the answer it’s obvious the choice is simple water so here I go yipp oh wao I guess this was the right door all along huh it kind of looks like a parkour challenge this was the right door can we escape from up there go for it JJ yes made it nice job my turn yes yes yes yes wow great work uhoh so close I almost made it okay again yes yes yes yes yes yes yes wo it’s a dead end no Mikey look there are slime blocks down below for us to jump on bounce up and land up here get it like this that’s the stuff nice upstairs hurry I want to see the skies this is a slime elevator if you want up you just have to push the button like that wow cool it works sweet W all good ah I made it to the top wow you good yes sir all good nice yes yes yes Almost come on one more there oh nice Let’s Escape arrows there’s probably more to this more where oh we need to jump from the slime blocks to the ledge no way can you even make that give it a try seriously you got it go I did it oh nice you’re here I go wow there I did it that was fun yeah I want to get out wait a sec what’s this let’s open it up 3 2 1 oh oh this stuff’s pretty good we got a full equipment set Wow Let’s equip everything and go let’s do it I’m pretty happy we found some food in here as well awesome uh what’s this do you think it’s some kind of maze a maze let’s go mazes are so easy here we go there cool wao hang on Mikey this will be easy what are they oh there are so many it’s a swarm what do we do I have no idea we have to fight them off right all of them uh-oh who did it get clear will there be more of those things huh well I guess that’s it they all crammed together at the entrance we’re safe we are for now huh does this lead outside we made it we did hang on are we underwater what we can’t make it through that we’ll drown what now look over there I think I see a door on the other side unfortunately if we try to make our way through the water we’ll run out of air and drown so we’re stuck is there no way out of here H hang on a chest opening in 3 2 1 oh wood wood planks won’t help us now hold on Mony I figured it out watch what check it out like this now we have doors we can use the doors to make it across the underwater room seriously how are doors supposed to help us you’ll see how they help just watch I’m following you sure come on it’s fine yeah it’s fine well ow it’s kind of scary when you’re this deep underwater I’m scared hurry our Oxygen Bar is almost empty but when we stop behind the door for a moment it’ll go back to full oxygen and we can breathe through the door amazing we’ll just place the doors as we go there nice nice nice can you breathe like this yeah I can let’s go hurry up wo what’s this wall the whole thing is completely made out of Bedrock I want to see what’s inside is this the exit show show me the sky huh huh all right let’s open it oh what is it apples Mikey apples thanks here you go let’s eat wow these look delicious totally should we head back now sounds good I guess I’ll see what this button does H oh that means lava is the way to go is it really safe to just dive in if it makes you feel better I promise you’ll be fine if you jump in really I don’t have any other [Music] choice what huh I’m fine check it out there’s a layer of water right underneath so that’s how it works even your fall damage was taken care of by these slime blocks let’s move on to the next area wo the treasure room that’s amazing this treasure is epic yeah let’s open this chest wo diamonds wo what a crazy day if you enjoyed our video please make sure to like And subscribe thank you bye

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Why JJ and Mikey Built CURSED LONGEST HOUSE in Minecraft Maizen!

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