JJ FIRE Family vs Mikey ICE Family Survival Battle in Minecraft ! – Maizen

hurry up and follow me all we have to do is get down this mountain and it’ll be a lot easier from here it’s nothing they’re real dragons I think we’re in big trouble JJ they’re shooting something weird at us except they don’t seem to be doing any damage what are they going to do to us I feel kind of weird very interesting who would have thought there were dragons in this area and they are not ordinary dragons but they obviously have some kind of magic which they gave us I feel very strong it’s like they gave me and my family fir Powers Mikey’s not so lucky his family has water powers we’ll have to see what we’re capable of that’s so cool now we’re real Wizards and actually I’m lucky too because water magic is cool too it may not be as destructive as yours but I’m sure that if you understand water well it can be the most formidable weapon so don’t hurt me and my family and why waste time to get stronger when you can be strong right away I could kill you right now because your little pieces of ice can’t do anything and I’m leaving behind molten blocks so you and your whole family are out of luck the most you can do with your power is get yourself some water because that’s all you can do don’t you dare say that JJ I’ll get back at you for saying such rude things sure Mikey good luck with that JJ what are you going to do about Mikey I think he said some bad words to you the last time you saw him so I suggest you get back at him somehow like set a trap or something I know you’re a real pro at this and we’ll be be there to support you morally I can’t wait to see Mikey’s sad face you’re right there’s nothing better than a trap and I know that no matter how much Mikey tries to be careful he’ll never be able to avoid falling into one because it’s like he’s not paying attention enough that’s what I’m going to use it’s going to be as simple as possible I’ll just have to lure him to this exact spot and the trap will work the most important thing is that he doesn’t come out while the Trap is still under construction because then he will definitely not fall into it or even start attacking us but I believe that everything will go perfectly and we’ll enjoy Mikey’s screams Dad I’m always amazed at how quickly you build traps of varying levels of complexity I tried to make a trap with my friends once but it took two long in fact they saw us and gave us a scolding apparently you have built them many times so you have such a great speed but that’s okay someday I’ll be as fast as you then it’s a deal one day you’ll have to make a trap so good even I’ll fall into it you can try anytime but night because at night the kids have to sleep and by the way I’m almost finished building my trap I think the perfect solution is to break his window JJ why did you do that all right I’m coming for you now look at him he’s so serious if he knew that in just a few seconds he’d be in the pit he wouldn’t be so sure of what he was saying somebody help me I’m trapped JJ I know you did all all this just to piss me off remember I’ll come back to you and then you’ll be begging me to leave of course Mikey in the meantime have a nice swim in the lava I think we should burn his house down too so he doesn’t think too much of himself they have water magic so they’ll make a new house out of icicles that would be really cool what a mess we’ve made of this place I got a family of real thugs I like it a lot of course it’s been a long time since I’ve seen JJ I can’t believe he’s calmed down all right well I’d better get some resources wait a minute that can’t be right there’s JJ and his family that’s great because I have a chance to get back at JJ for everything he’s done I just have to figure out what I can do I think it’s best if it’s his family that gets hurt not him let’s try to find the diamonds for now we can definitely use them to get JJ and his family’s attention and then make sure they fall into our trap speaking of which there are diamonds right here what do you plan on doing with them it’s just a beautiful place because I’m going to give JJ the opportunity to mine all these diamonds and once he breaks the first block there’s going to be a huge amount of explosions and no magic will not help him here because he will not even have time to sprag a rouette that’s my little plan but I think his whole family will fall for it we have to make sure they don’t hear us because they’ll believe me there don’t worry this time my plan is perfect and remember the most important thing is to always stay in those suits they’ll help us blend in with the cave walls so no one from the JJ family can find us and please laugh as quietly as you can wow that’s a lot of diamonds I want them all oh no what happened why did the diamond block explode so violently I don’t understand they can’t do that there’s got to be somebody else involved and I think I know who it is except I can’t find Mikey anywhere he couldn’t have come in here in an invisibility cloak JJ you are so funny you should have seen your face when you literally looked at me but couldn’t tell the difference from the wall and I thought you were smart but now something tells me we’re about on the same level I think you liked my explosive gift it’ll be payback for that trap you built in front of my house I can still get back at you for the house itself wait for us we can’t keep up with you speed okay Mikey my patience is definitely wearing thin how could he even dare to do anything to keep us safe it’s a very horrible thing for him to do we’re allowed to bully Mikey’s family because we’re cool but they’re not cool so I’m going to give him a hard time he’s going to regret getting involved with me a thousand times over we’re done with the vegetable garden which means we have to move on to The Next Step the most important thing is to make sure at least one of his family is home although I hear voices inside the house which means they’re probably all there it’s going to be fun to throw a smoke grenade in there it’s going to be a real night in their house and it’s going to take them a long time to get all that nasty smell out of their house because smoke grenades have a pretty nasty smell I think we’ve definitely beaten them this time I agree with you completely I can already see them running around the house hoping to find the door except they’re unlikely to find anything under such extreme conditions so all they have to do is panic until the Smoke Clears have you heard from anyone it’s really weird but I can’t hear anyone out there at all did they pass out that fast I think we should check it out except their front door’s locked which means I’m going to have to break in who’d have thought I’d need those lock picks after all I brought them with me by accident now just give me a couple minutes and I can open this door Dad they told us we can’t do that because people might call the police and then you’ll go to jail why do you do it then because Mikey’s my friend and I hope he doesn’t call anywhere that’s it the door’s open which means we can go in wait not again so this was all your plan Mikey I can’t believe this did you think it would be that easy I’ve known you for a long time so I know what you’re going to do honestly it’s kind of a now that you can’t surprise me anymore but I can surprise you that means I’m cooler than you JJ and something tells me your light’s gone out I’m sorry but no I don’t care Mikey what did you do to me why am I so heavy now and I don’t have any powers now Wait Don’t Run Away help me oh my God what did he do to you you look different now doesn’t it hurt you’re kind of hard now though aren’t you it’s really quite horrible I’ve completely lost all my strength which means I can’t get back at Mikey anymore because he’s much stronger than me now I feel like I should talk to that Dragon he’s the one who can give me the strength to defeat Mikey again let’s go I’ve reached the lair of this Dragon I just have to explain it to him properly because it is a dragon something tells me one more word and I’m dead so I got to figure out what to say to him beforehand right I’ll tell him Mike’s a real bad guy and he’s threatening my family I think the dragon will be touched by that because he’s got a lot of eggs here which means he’s going to have a big family to take care of hopefully my plan will work and he’ll give me those Powers again Dad he’s on his way please talk to him very carefully because we can’t handle him after all he’s the one who gave us these Powers which means he’s much stronger than us hey Dragon I need your help my friend betrayed me and now he’s threatening my whole family I hope you can help me and get my powers back I’m so sorry for you family is something you should never try to take away but how could you lose to someone with the water element at his command my power is so much greater although I think he defeated You by stealth not physical strength but I’m leaning towards giving you your powers back in exchange for my commission are you willing to accept those terms of course I agree thank you so much for your strength that’s great then go to the lava location and get me as many local blocks as you can so we’ve arrived at the right location for you why don’t you just pick up all these blocks real quick and we’ll run back because even though we have fir Powers we still take damage from the local blocks I wonder why a dragon would even want them these blocks look too weird I hope we’re not doing this for nothing and it doesn’t end up being some tasty dragon food don’t worry I’ll be picking them up as fast as I can it’s a good thing I have such a powerful pickaxe because I’m sure these blocks are really strong this way I can break them in seconds I guess the dragon didn’t know I had something like that was that an explosion but from where was it Mikey again oh no it’s something much worse than Mikey it’s some kind of giant ghast why did it come at such a bad time all I had to do was pick up some blocks although something tells me those are the blocks he’s trying to save in that case I feel a little sorry for him because I’m the thief but that’s okay I’ll be gone soon I won’t be around much longer because his punches are so strong just a couple of hits like that and I’ll be dead for sure what are we going to do we can’t hide from him forever he’ll find us sooner or later and we’re not going to hide from him anymore we’re just going to run away I think I’ve collected enough of these blocks so there’s nothing more for us to do I just need to hit that gasta a couple of times to make him realize I’m No Ordinary mortal that’s all well I’m back dragon and I didn’t come to you empty-handed as you asked I was able to get you these blocks so I did my part thank you so much I thought it would take you a lot longer to fulfill my request as a reward take this potion trust me you won’t regret trying it out it’ll make any opponent seem like a threat to you well let’s see what the effect is wow I’m as tall as three of me now and I’ve got these big muscles that’s really cool thank you Dragon I won’t forget your kindness wow you look like a real God now I’m shocked at you so it’s time for us to take up the cause of getting revenge on Mikey and his family again look how fast they built their new house I can’t believe it and they have very boring Powers so we definitely need to somehow destroy whatever they’ve set up here JJ maybe you have an idea I’d just blow up their house that’s all oh no it would be too boring to break into a house I think Mikey deserves something a lot more interesting so I need to get his attention first and then I’ll show you the real magic I don’t think he’ll go against me when I’m in this shape JJ why are you destroying my house have you forgotten what I’m capable of wait a minute JJ is that really you why are you so big and pumped up I haven’t seen you in a while now I know what you want to do to them I knew it as soon as you got the gravity blocks it’s going to be really cool because their house is going to slowly fall apart right in front of them it would also be cool if you had freeze blocks that way they wouldn’t be able to stay here don’t worry I have all the blocks I need and the freezing ones too I just need to put in more gravity blocks first so the house breaks from all sides and only then put in the other blocks Mikey what do you think of my housewarming gift I think you really liked it considering you’re going to need to build yourself a new house you’ll know how to trap me I so enjoy doing all sorts of nasty things to you it’s really cool because it doesn’t cost us anything at all I’m going to remember this day as the The Best Day Ever probably better than new year now it’s time to add some water to his house I think it’s going to set off a chain reaction and his whole house will be covered in water and since Mikey now has water magic in theory he’ll freeze too which means I’ll do to him what he did to me the other day I can’t think of a more perfect Revenge although my imagination knows no bounds JJ why are you being so cruel to me you literally turned me into ice and now it’s going to be very hard to get out besides I don’t think I can use my magic please help me and free me from the ice this is my home and it’s going to take me a long time to build it back up what makes you think I should help you you did the exact same thing to me and because you took away my magic I had to go to a hellish location and run away from aasta to get my powers back but you know I’m grateful because now I look super cool you can’t be like that so have fun and remember what happens when you hurt my family yes that’s right after JJ destroyed my home and froze me out I know what I have to do in order to keep my family safe I need to make a base within which I can fight back against JJ if I have to except that he’s obviously stronger than me now so I’ll have to do everything I can to just keep him away from the base because if he gets too close my whole base will just turn into water the JJ has become a real powerhouse now after all Mikey remember you’re not alone you have which means I’m going to be there for you until the end I think JJ’s playing the monster a little too much that’s why he won’t stop trying to destroy you it’s sad to admit but it’s a real battle now and there can only be one winner and I hope it’s us and not his family thank you for being so supportive Dad we got a really cool base it’s got everything we need to live here I even brought some of my toys so I don’t want creepy Uncle JJ to come in here and break everything it would be very sad if we had to build a base like this again because it’s very long and boring don’t worry our dad will definitely think of something to keep the evil Uncle out of our house look he’s already making a moat to use the water to stop Uncle JJ and this is not ordinary water but fake water I am sure that when JJ sees that he will have to walk on water he will not dare to do such an act and will just leave still I don’t think the dragon will give him his powers back a third time that would be too cool your plan should really work I believe in you Dad so I feel like I haven’t done anything with Mikey in a very long time and look at the base he’s made for himself it’s literally made of blocks that could stop me he even made a mod of water so I wouldn’t dare go up against him except he got his calculations very wrong because I’ve gotten so much taller and bigger which means I’ve got a longer jump so it shouldn’t be too hard for me to jump over that moat and Destroy his entire base you could easily destroy them all but let’s make it pretty I say we mine his entire base and then set off a remote detonation imagine how terrified Mikey and his family will be when that happens I don’t think they’ll have the words to say anything maybe then they’ll realize they did us wrong and apologize I actually like your idea even better so we’re going to have the biggest explosion in history well that’s it now we’re ready to get our show on the road so I suggest we get this show on the road and have a blast as soon as possible because Mikey’s not looking forward to this right now what’s JJ doing right next to my base oh no everybody run away now how awesome that was the explosion was just like in the movies now I want to go on every adventure with you I’ll think about it son

JJ FIRE Family vs Mikey ICE Family Survival Battle in Minecraft ! – Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!


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