Terraria playthrough with Bonnie C gaming (pt.4)

is so cute the what oh umbrella yeah yeah yes let’s see let’s see how many seconds to get my chat today I don’t even see my stream yet no that’s what I’m talking like how when my stream pops up that’s when I have like chat okay okay okay I see I have eyes you have ice yeah I also have ice hey my stream is up ah nice the world just vibrated a second here in the game for me what everything just went let’s see Blanca says hey Bonnie hey Blanc and S says hi hi s Blan says Bonnie hello Blan y’all were quick as [ __ ] indeed yeah s ask remember me yes I remember you s oh it’s a bit darker I’m I’m going to place more torches upstairs okay was dark in a corner Darkness Darkness I know uh Blanca ask where’s Mina here can’t you hear her hello I am here FL says yo dad welcome flury and soon as I get notifications yeah just so quick [Music] is your stream up yet M uh yes I believe so nice yeah let’s see Sarah says hi s you’re not late at all we’ve been on for 2 minutes you’re early s ask what’s up what’s up uh not much Terraria and FL says miss you that lock my ass up miss you too flury and sun is kissing Emoji nerd Emoji pointing Emoji okay first is stop by say hi cuz I’m going to Mom okay over she’ll be very pleased with no words at all my God it’s so dark here but I want to work wear the shark Hood it’s a what it’s so dark but I want to be a shark be a shark yeah but it’s so dark so my face get dark oh oh oh like the hood okay yeah then just take the hood off and just have the rest of the shark face no okay be a shark I’m a shark see minina yeah are you a dumb shark no did you drop your controller no what did you drop nothing what did you drop nothing okay I’m going to it’s not important I’m opening your stream it’s okay let’s see do I look yellow in the Stream or is it all right I’ll see in a sec hey flurp is here hello uh no it look fine I look fine yeah okay so I can be a shark yeah me so much what are you laughing about you I I I turned back time in your stream what did I miss what is it what did I miss what did you miss yeah you told me you asked earlier what what did you drop or something oh yeah no I didn’t see what you dropped just saw you dropped something you were messing with the camera oh okay yeah all right uh first say my mom sah says when I heard the name Bonnie I thought they meant Bonnie from fin Freddy’s that’s what my name is taken from it is inspired by Bonnie from FNAF C is y Blanca C is doing nail pint Emoji heartemoji s says wait I’ll be right back no worries take your time s says what does mina name on her V you Mina time it’s in the title or Mina time underscore yes FL says your favorite child is here yes or I mean I don’t have favorites da is going to be really pissed to hear that at least no I don’t have favor favores yeah no I love all my children equally it’s good let’s see uh Blanc says I’m officially a cousin hell yeah congrats see ice block sure clothing weapons I need a whip a whip a whip for what uh it’s a Summoner weapon okay oh my God you kinky bastard you you rat you’re the one who wants to whip you rat I don’t want to whip you do just saying I was going to say something but no oh my God Sinda is here hey she says oh my God Mina you’re cutie girl a lot of emojis thank you uh Sierra says back also saw your sleeper awake I think I think she’s awake cuz I got a text message from her earlier but she could have fallen back asleep since then but I believe she is awake i’msure though and the Blanca says got this crying Emoji yes Sarah says use a face C next time to sh your face by the way uh I need to buy one I have one but that’s the one me Su but doesn’t work on the PS5 uh so I need to get a hold of one I’ll do it with my next paycheck I think cuz I also get some extra money cuz holidays oh yeah nice yeah that is so ni so then I’ll see if I can find a camera um FL says someone asked on soe to be adopted and soe says ask Mina and Bonnie apparently they are going around adopting people like I’m not sharing oh my God we can adopt everyone it is fine yeah huge family we’ll take them all serious this damn you’re rich how am I rich Luna says she was a fairy yes oh it’s a quest huh Spencer has a quest who who is Spencer uh a guy that was outside in in chat or no in the game oh oh the fisherman yeah no he lives here he gives us quests every day oh my God and you go fish a specific fish in a specific place and then you get things I can make the W of frosting I guess um fluffy says no no no you will only have two two children only fluffy you have to share yeah we have to take care of everyone it’s important a should I built way too many that’s you forgot about Daisy so we have three children yes and suniva says don’t you agree B bie don’t you agree Bonnie she is cutie for real you’re so lucky Bonnie yes I am uh she also asked are you on the same home yes yes we’re just in different rooms yes uh let’s see serious bro every is my sister saw you and Mina playing together she shipped two guys do I tell her to stop me and Mina are as so as basically married we’ve been together for 4 years Blanca says tell her to stop don’t tell her to stop ship because we are we are a couple oh my God as always says we’re basically married yes s is oh okay K yeah the light is so annoying okay huh no I just fighting the lamp oh Blanca says Okay that was unexpected what what we’ve said so many times we live the same place we keep saying I love you to each other and stream like how is this a surprise to anyone we’re just gross we’re just chilling and they were roommates and they were roommates literally it reminds me of the tweet I saw where someone like uh she and her husband never actually officially said they were dating so he’s like oh should I ask him and like they have a kid together and live together and been together for 14 years like are we are we dangerous and he’s just like we just bro no he’s just kidding of course that’s the vibe yeah oh my God uh let’s see blus is unexpected to me interesting okay and S is my mind during classmap and just the error loading all right did they hear Dr her die I saw she was underground here somewhere but now she’s gone but flury says uh she’s going to fight whoever asked to be adopted by you and Bonnie so oh yeah flury I think we have to have a talk about that I found a of milk you can’t go right fighting people Anda says damn you have to propose now like if you don’t I will find you by the way talking to Bonnie not proposing yet FL say going to fight with Dad BRB okay you going to fight me apparently why I I’m not getting a by myself by me or what that would be strange yeah oh [ __ ] oh my God maybe with my P check I should invest in some better lighting yeah it’s just this is too much maybe you need to get like a ring light or something I heard that ring lights are kind of bad oh yeah they give like not or it gives like an even light but not very flattering oh okay okay I you no just like when we when I did like uh HED of things and such then we did used like ring lights when I took pictures and I I know so used a ring light yeah I know they’re very popular yeah uh Blanca says damn my finger hurts from typing oh no he’s youring okay and S is Blan a cut off the finger oh God no more fingers the only solution yes yeah cut it off oh my God it has to be done let’s see I found some silver you found some silver found some silver ah also so today’s Quest we try and fight the Eater of worms no Eater of Worlds I mean not the Eater of worms he is a worm it’s a big worm a big worm Big Worm Big Worm Big Worm Bonnie do you know what we should buy actually uhuh uh like for lightting what are are you talking about lightting yeah no no clue we should buy a lamp for the dining room oh yeah yeah yeah that could be practical yeah we lived here for nearly a year and we still don’t have a lamp you know what we’re we’re Simply Built different yeah built stupid buil pretty okay a Detonator and some explosives fun FLIR says father you’re not adopting any more children and dramatic enough for you and Mom you are dramatic enough that’s for sure kind of giving me some Damian Wayne wibes all right Bruce is only a biological kid oh the little [ __ ] kid yeah no no he’s not a [ __ ] kid he’s just dramatic he’s a fat kid he’s a little [ __ ] kid he was L say flury chill I’m your cousin oh oh flying eyeballs has Blanca been adopted by Zoe ah maybe maybe mayhaps perhaps is it flying eyeballs yes disgusting three of them not okay oh no not the worms uh yeah oh my God s about first of all you need to chill wrote in all caps damn Sean now you made her sad you have to stop the game and go kiss her on the chin or you have to Pro propose now me are you sad she also asks are you thinking about having kids I mean at some point but not yet not in a long time it’s going to be some years at least yes and no I’m not sad I’m good good good uh FL says so don’t go around the Dophin people that me GB and Daisy are freaking enough FL says Blanca say hi to ano and I’m still mad at you for not noticing me in her stream Blanc says okay bye cousin there and G by me B and Blanc is adopt by soe so much adoption so many kids oh my God so many kids that’ be so expensive holy [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] what a clutch hold oh there’s so many ice why are there so many eyes what did you do where are you oh there you are I don’t know huh they just appeared yeah we need more uh houses houses houses do you want to take uh Abigail the ghost yeah uh sure yeah nice cuz then you can also have like a summon cuz I have two flines nice I have platforms an owl hoot hoot hoot hoot you need to move sir or else we will trap you um versus are you complaining Dad I’m not complaining I would never complain and FL say Mom are you complaining we would we would simply uh children being expensive I think Blanc say so your mom doesn’t have any streams right now damn I mean kids are expensive kids are expensive C asks Mina can you say yeah I just said it as a proper Norwegian you know proper noran yes yes is yes crafting silver I do want to make a watch maybe flare face back after fighting with that nice should we you feel ready for a boss fight I’m building a room but after huh after that yes okay okay I’m just going to loot off a bit says um ha oh my God your voice is so beautiful gorgeous beautiful how many uh how much health do you have uh H 15 all are you almost dead oh no I meant heart hearts the amount of Hearts I don’t see the numbers okay it’s 10 on top right yeah yeah okay yes then I’m going to eat this heart and you get next one all right fory ask are we beating that in this game we are playing together so we can’t really beat him it’s a team work experience team workor Makes the Dream Work and first is good don’t complain that uh why do you have so many things what you mean you why I have so many things following me yeah I am a Summoner what do you mean it’s a lot of a lot of people just be done uh what weapon do you use I use I my sword and uh musket how much uh damage does your sword do uh uh 12 M 12 M damage do you want my sword what does that do 23 and it shoots things yes please here you go thank you I I love you I am powerful I will kill everything yes of course let’s see um what is the first let me get the wiki um the wiki let’s see Blanca says y’all need to get married oh my God oh I’m only 20 we don’t have money no mean is an old woman though what 21 almost dead really dead say Blanca imagine entering so stream and saying hi Mom lo my [ __ ] ass of blanca says I’m going do that next stream say Blanca I’m joining with high and soe ver say how dare you call my mom old and says okay okay I’m going to check the wiki real quick for whips uh see you can be Indiana Jones yes it’s it’s so annoying but no cuz there are only three whips I can get before hard mode FL is coming to fight you for calling me old no the morning holy [ __ ] you can get the Morning Star whip oh my God from Castlevania from Castle oh my God yes I love you from Castlevania yes I could work for the jungle uh what is the first whip I I cannot get that I cannot get that not that Dr by the Wall of Flesh okay that’s one Empress of light [ __ ] no uh purchase from the solist that could be nice but how do we get the solist again I have no idea me neither okay the B Ser needs to have been filled 10% we currently have 22 okay and then we just need an open housing so she can move in oh nice we just need room and then I can get the leather whip you know kinky oh yeah oh my God I want the morning star one though but I can’t get it until we’re in hard mode uh where do I place Abigail’s flower uh oh no you just use it oh okay just have it in one of your like regular slots let’s see uh oh so much chat okay flaggy boy PGA says yo can you say happy birthday to my friend his name is no uh and you’re banned oh trying to get me to say the N word oh no Blan is there’s his Dad if Mom is old then you’re Grandpa probably you’re Mina is older than me and Blan says Kung Fu Panda Blanca promised me I won’t do that thing alone Blanc say I promise some emoji and FL say okay good favorite child of ano is Blan L and Blanca pose a DOT first he calls my grandpa yeah I’m an old old man no 20 almost dead how do I place the acorns oh oh never mind uh what I figured it out nice why are they okay oh no I accidentally drank the milk okay that’s fine oh no first this mom look younger than her actual age just saying is hi Uncle and Aunt hello oh you’re building I was placing trees or acorns oh nice but yeah I’m building okay should I go chop some wood uh I just chopped should I go chop some more wood uh okay nice oh there’s a lot of acorns there nice good work thank you oh no I no I no oh no it is okay I fix okay okay oh no it happened again oh no oh no oh no no oh my God you good no no I am a bit stupid but it’s okay okay do you have a huh can you build a chair s tables exactly what what we going to ask about do you also need doors uh yeah yeah got you covered I also need walls but I can oh oh no ah it keeps happening you can’t keep getting away with it full Focus yeah come on yeah I did it you’re so good thank you great work thank you let’s see um Blanca smiling and asking Auntie how old are you me yeah I am 21 years old yes and fl’s that amuse me with your gaming skill I mean I can do it when there’s a boss fight right now there isn’t anything exciting happening as we’re just building your penguin is so cute it is cute same he doesn’t have a name though he needs a name do you have any suggestions in chat well no that’s real B just because I just said it so no no no I’m asking chat for suggestions okay okay okay okay okay all right all right what are your fluff balls called I I I don’t have a name for them um maybe uh let’s see let’s think what about Carl and Yan no um I’ll call them uh Franklin and Richard and Jason Richard and Jason all right L says can we beat dad at building at least I there is no way to beat him in this game I am doing uh that’s good I think your age hm like I’m doing the most building and you’re like doing the most mining yeah it’s a teamwork teamwork teamwork Mak Dream Work hell yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay let’s see are these housings hey the swall just has arriv nice time to get weapon is it the one that just jumped down from the roof maybe with the tail yeah yeah nice cat license five five gold used to adopt a cat for your town already have a cat use additional license to activate the pet Exchange program find the perfect fit for you and your cat oh my God nice yes I’mma buy the whip see oh my God oh my God where are you Mina no no stop it not okay BL you mean couple teamwork hell yeah and first is that I think my mirror just shattered when you started singing have I sung I don’t remember singing uh FL say me and Blanco we are a single team huh we probably we kind of sing a lot I do I’m very sing songy but I don’t uh pick up on it yeah by the way I have a metal detector oh [ __ ] yeah very good what does it do uh and under your map you if you’re close to like Metals it will tell you what kind oh it’s used in the creation of another thing I don’t remember what it’s called though where did I put our chains flist say mother using is Angelic and Dad well wow okay thought there was going to be something more there but no no long is yeah damn oh my God FL says Blanca your mother would be proud if you have a partner so we loves when people get uh when people risk people up see a clock that’s tungsten absolutely not um that’s 10 silver do you want the watch uh sure nice I’m going to make some I just waiting for the orches see flury says what about you and Mom how would you react if I had a boyfriend I don’t know I don’t know depends depends on the person you know yeah if they’re trash and disappointment if they’re nice then good yes I need four iron or more to make two watches I’ll make you one first oh I have iron no no I mean silver I have silver oh oh oh hey hey hey okay pass the silver okay I believe in you okay I can do it just give me a second I you hey yay I did it oh my God we have the exact same amount of silver oh my God nice so nice where do I make to watch is it on tables if you want a boyfriend you can get a boyfriend it is all right yeah just make sure he isn’t trash yes okay oh l where are you there you are here take this watch thank you now you can see the time oh my God stop it it’s my weapon okay I’m hoping to get another one than the leather one later cuz Le one is kind of nasty I feel like yeah you do agree there I do indeed yes okay should we go uh blow up some things and fight a worm uh uh oh no I stole the torch oh no but uh how could you uh give me a second yeah no worries I am trying to you know get rid of some stuff M MH uh Flur says then I will find one next year and can we steal anything from Dad we have shared flury you’re a little villain [Applause] see I’m over at the bench uh FL Bonnie said you’re a willing I would never say such a thing never I have so much stuff I have thankfully looted but I think maybe I should bring some more bombs oh I was say if we have more bombs but yes we have over 100 bombs FL is coming over to you now she’s going to beat my yeah see uh how do I use the watch oh just as long as it’s in your inventory you can say see the time on your map thereus father hello daughter this smiling how dare you I mean anything good spirits I’m no villain uh just Spike shoes H SP stop whipping okay what did you ask me uh um precise shoe spikes mhm what is this those are the ones that allow you like scale walls all right uh and they go like in the shoe slot no they go in accessories yeah where I have hermit heres boots yeah but you can have Hermes boots and those what yeah oh my God you should always have Hermes boots just to be like Fast yeah like if you have an shackle you could probably change out that or an aglet cuz they aren’t that great all right FL says if I’m a villain I would have uh ask Mom to mess up with your item or building or whatever as you did and Blanca says hey auntie hello Blanca good day good day good day we have 150 something Platinum Ore what can we do with those we can make it into platinum bars yes get you some better armor oh yeah better armor yes yeah our chest is a little bit messy it’s a bit messy yes okay probably fine uh I also have a cave bat Banner oh okay should I mean it’s no use up here cuz it’s like they aren’t here I don’t them yeah I know but should we bring it to a cave or something yeah maybe do you want full uh platinum armor uh sure okay where are you I am upstairs yeah there we go now we’re almost out of platinum did you give it to me yeah I threw it behind you oh okay see uh FLIR says I did not say can we steal en from Dad and what the hell is Blanca doing with my mother there say Dad need get this ear attack I think maybe so I’m old you know BL says hi hi Blanca and ver say give Mom everything I’m not giving her everything I also need things give me everything no everything to me no no I’m just kidding good just a little joke you know yes a little jokey joke a little haha ha indeed I’m going to whip the [ __ ] out of this boss no it has to be done oh it’s my class’s weapon I’m just hoping I get I I I’m so hyped for the Morning Star but it’s so long till I can get it as all oh my God I have so many bullets oh nice all right cuz you have a gun right the musket yeah Blanca says mom is single that she is uh pery says I’m back after a very nice chat with Dad yes yes very very nice but uh y’all can hear me and Mina in each other’s stream right I hope so yeah they should be able to do you have bombs huh do you have bombs I have 108 sticky bombs ready nice yes shall we uh yes but first Flor says I can hear that freaking loud demonic voice very well from here okay nice yes and what was that I don’t know what you’re referring to let’s go let’s go where okay go go go go all right umbrella style yeah I like umbrella oh no oh my God CL says I don’t know how to describe that noise oh yeah and can you die in this game yeah you can die but you just respawn at home yeah you lose half your money or something oh no not the money the money no also we should be looking for some floating islands later it has some good loot including balloons balloons it allows you to jump higher oh nice yeah and since you have like cloud in the bottle you can like mix a cloud in the B with a balloon so they don’t so they just take one slot oh mm nice there’s a lot of things you can make so you can like use space more efficiently I like that same it’s very nice oh my God I love the penguin it’s beautiful it has a jet pack it’s a jet pack penguin it’s so adorable it is he needs a name uh uh uh Harlem ni wow okay couldn’t even say no in English I had to say it in the we wow so mean it was it’s awful no wow okay um sir um what’s the name of the the oh the Norwegian one yeah the Norwegian one in the Army oh I don’t remember but we should we can search it up later yeah we can do it when we get to our back to the house or something yeah I think it is something like sir Olaf or something yeah ah no I don’t like these oh this hole is a dead end oh okay it’s not this one oh not this one either okay we’ll go down the next one then we know it’s a sure oh and hold me if you hold down arrow you going down faster yeah I know I did not I forgotten oh my God this goes deep mhm holy [ __ ] me thought they could fly May 28th 2024 okay let’s not aggate while we’re all the way down here we want some movement like some place we can move let’s move oh I found it for yes oh the gry stone oh yeah I was like uh let’s see huh for a second I didn’t know what you were talking about oh yeah I know gravestone yeah yes s says Dad give everything to Mom or I hope you fall into lava and lose everything I won’t lose anything if I fall into lav I just lose some money that’s fine I have okay we are sharing yes it’s about teamwork sharing is caring yes oh my god oh I’m struggling maybe you should have just set up a rope that’ probably be quicker but yeah yeah but it’s fine oh I I don’t have rope with me well [ __ ] but we have grappling hooks yeah I’m almost all the way up I’m up oh my good oh the traveling Merchant oh he’s back at home let’s see if there’s this I’m R pry down dad for calling me a villain you are not a villain I take it back oh when you get over here it’s learning time uh okay it might take a while no worries ah wrong way okay I got nothing of it oh oh my God say okay good I can hear you whip hello oh no remember you have a grappling hook yeah I know but I thought I could just jump jump like normally but apparently not ah I sorry grapping it’s shooting upwards oh my God okay finally hello hello yeah you see this uh yeah this is a demon alter oh I think they’re two different variations but there’s some items you can only Craft on them when we get to Hard Mode we will destroy them cuz then we get new medals in our world okay see you FL say call me a villain again I’ll wait for your downfall in any games you play Just a Friend mind L love you Dad not scary at all okay let’s see okay no orb over there is that the penguin Major General Sir Nils theii fantastic we are in the wrong hole oh my God we are clowns yeah but that is fine but yeah but we have rope okay okay uh oh you’re own says who said I’m trying to be scary anyway did you go up yeah why I got a burger aren’t we going to blow up the thing uh not down there what it’s the wrong one oh my goodness they’re more practical ones all right all right all right H lead the way thank you we we we we wait wait wait wait here blun says I’m Boris bored oh no are you bored well soon there will be a boss fight how can you be bored when you’re watching us oh my God going to set out some torches so we can see if you’re bored you can start bling the region yeah wait isn’t BL on the region I don’t know isn’t Sun the region yeah sun in the right now okay let’s blow up this one okay no can we take this one yeah yeah any specific re it looks cooler okay ah give me a warning oh you’re fine oh you’re you’re tiny tiny guys you’re tiny guys yeah they’re in the hole oh you’re raccoon oh yes oh my God being so strong it’s okay okay prepare yourself for battle Hur yeah I just want to say Flur is never boarding our streams that’s good yes he’s coming oh he’s under us oh no oh no oh no oh no this not good uh no there’s oh we got a section of him oh we’re hurting him good oh my God there’s so much going on oh we got this in the bag though yeah yeah oh my God I have no clue what’s going I’m just holding my button oh my God no jump up yeah I did it’s okay that was so chaotic that was super chaotic but we destroyed him nice nice okay then then we can blow up some more things see I I got a key musk I don’t know if that’s better or worse than the one you have me neither okay oh my God how do I get up uh grapple oh yes okay I’m going to blow up some more a my God I love you I love you too uh blun ask where’s my mom I don’t know and uh oh that’s love gold I I got to right remember uh you can use the pig if you want to put away your cash uh okay cuz I believe it goes to yours or you’ll see it when you check it out okay uh FL says how can I be bored when all I do is being dramatic in the Stream True Blanc says I made no region gang yeah right yes true all right your horrible chill goes down your spine ah so something called brand of star power what’s that increase maximum am by 20 oh okay I should probably take that one then oh but what to change out there’s so much defense I know nothing yet to do we need more balls yeah Blanca says my mom broke a plate right now oh it’s not good did you say we need more bottles balls oh yes oh there’s more here yes let’s blow them up you these balls are bursting I know um oh wrong button I know screams Echo around you oh I got the F Furious wild Born oh uh Magic oh okay I can show it you that’s good cuz I’m a wizard some a wizard check it out a wizard oh I think it’s going to be pretty good for this B actually fory ask can we get a bunny in this game yes o we can also ride on one which is like biging can jump super high oh right we can have bunny here in the in the the one with the maess yes the maess yeah 2 4601 yes okay let’s see um FL says Blanca a is probably b l you will see her in three4 us maybe and Blanc says oh man maybe maybe not so long if you want to I can ask her if she’s stream going to stream today and get a date he has [Music] arrived prepare oh [ __ ] prepare yourself we’re going into battle oh yeah this where destroying him oh my god oh [ __ ] the one is so good nice yeah oh my God I see anything let’s obliterate this twink I like this Boss music it’s fun I can’t see anything I just see a lot of I just see chunks yeah that’s fine cuz I know approximately where I am and my weapon is like it spins around me so I’m on yay oh we got a trophy like a like a fiscal one not a PlayStation one we can put it on the wall at home nice okay are there any more balls for us to blow up uh oh there’s a deite or no Shadow skills in the wall that’s not good not good no no no I need to get to them so we can make stuff oh okay there we go okay oh my God we 63 Shadow skills oh God I got a mask which is the dude who killed e can I put it on on the mannequin no that has the T never mind we can make another one oh yeah we can have a lot I guess who stop us I will stop you no I do I do feel like we could take out the dungeon boss the dungeon boss the dungeon boss uh there more balls oh more balls shall we yes yes I have still have 84 bombs now 83 I guess hey my favorite number 83 yeah all right oh no I forgot the traveling Merchant we missed him a that sucks hope you didn’t have anything too good a horrible old chill goes down your spine ah so scary to the next ball yeah and when we get home I’ll just put everything in the chest and weapon chest and you can see what is what okay there’s a lot of muskets you can see some are better than yours oh oh my God oh no I fell oh no oh nice you picked up the V phone what uh the weapon that came out see uh FL says please do that um if BL says I need tell her I’m officially ad by her and FL says Blanca I’m flexing that my mom is streaming blanc’s crying and then Blanc says then say wow oh my God okay I will text soe ah so hard to climb I don’t know why I answered n i was rri n on my mind just Twisted oh no ah come on oh this is oh my God I did it you did it good I thank you oh no what is down here oh pain and suffering is down there oh no have you been no oh okay dude oh you have been H are yeah is there a tombstone minus Journey was ended by devour ah nice yeah also I think the next ball we explode he comes back okay I’m not where you are right now no no I’m not breaking the one down here I’m coming up what I just want huh what but but cuz they’re they’re they’re more further up oh okay and like where I break the last one that’s where it will close spaw in here it’s just like there’s nowhere to go okay a word oh my God I am giving up are you good I’m living in this hole now you’re living in the hole this is my home okay oh [ __ ] you are on your own no yes you you just need practice I am practicing a lot let’s see BL fles can I flex again no wait okay let’s no ref further back long says thank you Uncle no worries FL say l be patient my cousin BLC says okay cousin Blanc says can I flex again BL Blanca says okay cousin Flur says hey Dad what’s your favorite color um and FL n Lao no I want my favorite color um I think I’m not sure I think turquoise I like turquoise and blun says etc etc etc yeah yeah it it goes for a while my favorite color is blue blue kind of oh you got out of the hole yeah very good so talented thank you are you chopping something uh I’m trying to yeah you can’t chop these blocks yet yeah I know I like that’s what we use fair so I use the power of explosives okay I’m going to continue blowing [ __ ] up now let’s see before I blow it up first this my ears Pinker turquoise which one I like turquoise Blanca is laughing more and then it says o oop oh okay oop oop all right all right no oh no where is he oh he’s here I split him nice where’s he at he’s down okay I’m coming oh my God I feel like we’re bullying this guy yeah absolutely oh my God I was worried at first H CL says oh my God we’re getting rich yeah yes we’re getting Rich As [ __ ] oh yeah okay nice shadow skills there oh there’s a Shadow Skill down there what shadow scale the FY drop a meteorite has landed hell yeah uh okay what is that metor with that we can make metor bars we can make good arm lightsabers some guns oh okay yeah okay but should we head on home yes yep just going to see the hole nice FL says I swear to God if he starts laughing and rip my ass I’m not let’s see uh are you in the weapon chest y okay also I I got a shadow or from him uh last one do you wanted a what a shadow orb it’s a different type of pet which just like gives light uh okay yeah dropped it on you thank you welcome uh do you need Shadow scale yeah okay I have some nice we can now make the nightmare Pickaxe so we should probably do that nice uh I I’ll make us do nightmare pickes then we can chop everything up to hellstone all right oh let me put some things in the weapon thanks fore to check out and ammo I dropped the the thing the thing it’s by the gold chest oh thank you okay I put some weapons in the weapons okay o so every boss can drop one of those banish it’s like a so and so big percentage for it to drop okay so sad that we missed the Traer a Traer yeah like the Fallen tra uh the no the traveling Trader Oh I thought he said Trader oh no no no no the IC child is back welcome to Jurassic Park no dinosaurs D did you close the window I opened the window wow do you want a nightmare Pickaxe um is it good h is it good uh yeah it has 65% pickaxe power uh yeah let’s see vs says hello to mina me and chat welcome Banker hello yeah where are you here’s your new pickaxe uh thank you welcome should we should we just sell the old pickaxe maybe yeah yeah cuz we don’t need them um back saying hi to everyone FL is finally a decent High not of thumbs up I’m no longer mad at you uh how much does each of your armor pieces protect you uh uh I don’t use the helmet but it gives five like the chest piece no the helmet oh okay yeah which I don’t use M uh the uh the chest plate gives six mhm and the pets give five okay so uh cuz we can make the shadow set for you but it just has one more per so maybe it’s not that worth unless you want it you can just have it if you want a it’s all right okay I should make the obsidian set see oh no I need a hell Forge we don’t have that we could go and defeat uh contention probably though uh Bonnie is pretty lowkey I am verus told jump traumatic I got from Bonnie what you’re very low key yeah Banker said I’m very lowkey like not like lowkey but like l o w k e y like Loki like chill yeah oh okay like chill okay yeah yeah yeah yeah all right I’m chilling do we get like a bonus rate for being out in the sun uh what you say do we get the bonus trade from being out in the sun h no I think that’s cuz we have sunflowers there are no sunflowers here wait where are you where I am at least here let me go check uh okay wait how do I see what that means again um I don’t remember what I know everything what everything damn no should we I know that’s why I stop right lava okay should we go and see if we can or daytime it’s 700 a.m. so you can only do the dungeon balls at night uh okay what the anything you want to do in the meantime more building mining uh do we need more rooms what did you say do we need more rooms always should we build more rooms probably let’s build more rooms okay I’m going to go get some oh I think we can make a better ax also with the nightmare stuff [Music] okay okay do you want the war ax of night sure nice oh you’re in the basement yes like a creep yes here you can also be used as a weapon if you want oh okay thank you welcome [Music] firstus by the way Dad you need to rewatch so stream from two days ago when I told her I’m officially aded by you and me okay perhaps and FL say l were not so stream when I told her that see oh flurf says mom is beautiful and pretty and gorgeous indeed she is thank you oh um Do you want to build Apartments while I go hunt down like those fluffy little bastards so we can summon another BS uh yeah cheers Teamwork Makes the Dream Work indeed Inda see then we can also get dare clops what dcops it’s a boss oh okay I feel like we should be able to take him but I have absolutely nothing backing that up hm we can try we can try we are risking it there’s nothing cuz why not right yeah yeah if you don’t try you’ll never know exactly like maybe he destroys us but then we know yeah see if bank is going over some Algebra I got all all uh Dr fing you don’t know what you’re doing is at a vector presentation for La M far and was quickly reminded i’ forgotten to reduce a ratio versus v l you remind me that Ma Sam will be having that algebra so I humbly apologized and told him he has a new subscriber and student and versus vsf learning uh question mark mean something else to me we need to get proper chairs later oh yeah yeah oh I found the meteorite at first I was like what what do you mean the NPCs have chairs what are you talking about they love their apartment with you me real life yes okay see meet you’re right okay I’m chopping some Al you got to be uh careful when Cho me right cuz if you stand on it you take fire oh yeah well at least you get nice and Cy like War exactly I there potions and items you can get so you don’t take fire while standing on like burning blocks but as I do not have any of that potions and lotions Gore oh no what oh my God what a terrible mistake oh no what have you done I faced the chair the wrong way how could you I’m so sorry say example three you only do 3 * 2 * 1 is that a squirrel probably there’s a lot of squirrels around here and Bank says you mean question pation or CH Mar okay you all have your little MC chat in who is the lady with the green hair uh green hair green oh the dryad what she’s a she’s a force nth she can tell us how much of her world is corrupted and she sells like things to purify it and such oh I see yeah I know I’m burning I’m burning I’m burning I’m burning more keep burning no don’t burn trying not [Music] to okay I home just want to see what we can make with me right do not collect needle yet cuz it’s a hassle oh I need uh uh I need I need I need I need something we all do need a little something yeah I need uh an Obsidian Shield maybe let’s see we have two more rooms yay very nice okay we can make uh lightsabers now nice oh and we can make the HX which is a hammer and an axe in one cool yeah we can make this space gun that’s a magic item uses six Mana oh and the meter staff shower no we can’t make that yet never mind not that we can make the metor suit which is good for Mages and we can make the star cannon star cannon star cannon it is somewhat close in an item I guess we could go towards start the track towards dungeon if you are ready yes yes okay where is it uh [Music] to yeah where is to the right almost at the end end of the world Oh I thought it was to the left yeah uh the dungeon will always be on the opposite side of jungle okay uh FL says L how do you say that LMO El lau lau we’re just laughing my ass up yeah tell me you will stream for a bit longer yeah yeah we will we we streaming yes we aren’t done not quitting it we aren’t even close to done we’ll never be done never I’ll stream till the end of the world oh now that’s a bit long but what about uh toilet breaks um I mean the stream can keep going and food brakes the stream can keep going oh okay you know like copons yeah that seems so intense yeah uh flury says please cuz I think tomorrow will be the last day I can join your stream I have exams next week oh no oh no are you streaming tomorrow Amina uh it’s Sunday tomorrow yeah Sunday is tomorrow uh maybe yeah I found another a flower oh nice I think I start work at 4 tomorrow so I can stream a little bit before that nice uh you should take this Abal flower but I already have one yes but this one has the modifier Superior so plus 17% damage temps and knockback ands and critical stke chance okay so just resummon Abel with that point I did it nice now your ail is a tiny bit stronger FL says it will go it will oh my God going on for 3 weeks I will miss you in Bon a lot three weeks we’ll miss you too that how many exams do you have that good question oh no oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no watch out down here here’s the meteorite oh don’t land on it don’t land on it now oh looks cool though yeah it’s very cool and meteorite head spawn around where metor right or like this space Oh no you good yes oh no nice it happened again I know nine subjects two papers for some account 21 papers at least oh my God awful how many I think I had two exams one in history and one in uh art I think perhaps cuz I think I had one one written exam and one oral exam yeah yeah so I feel very lucky right now yes absolutely are you eating candy yes yes [Music] some subject have two to three papers ew I will um don’t even start about oral I will start stuttering it’s okay flury I believe in you you can do this and E for I also believe in you yeah e because you have a lot of exams no wa this intense it is oh it’s snowing or something a sandstorm oh a sandstorm he oops Yeah so now we’ll move slow dad promis to stream for 2 hours if I got an A English yes yes nice what oh okay I thought it was a monster just a corpse you good no I got scared oh oh I’m on this no it’s another one God damn it I thought what h e we sure to use a grappling a lot here to move around probably yeah okay okay okay another sandstorm yes oh my God it’s evil oh my god oh I’m out oh thank God okay I’ll wait for you thank you FL says please I really need that I believe in you you can do it yeah I oh no no no no I need wa oh no no oh my god oh I know oh my God you good no no oh no oh oh no okay ah oh my God you doing good oh no do you need help no get now it’s h I’m struggling with the grappling hook oh no yeah there’s a lot of monsters here so well ah my grappling H doesn’t reach that far oh okay I did it okay okay okay nice good work ah thank [Applause] [Music] you yellow hello oh no oh no no no oh no oh no no oh no no no no no okay next night maybe then like I love the Merit so many times I accidentally pressed it when I’m not supposed to yeah [Applause] oh my God truly evil it is he is uh Banker says congrats in the a me the time what I have never gotten my a my life have you not or like not at the like end of the year report oh okay I got an A on test but not like for the whole subject M okay okay she said she had any English no no it’s if flury get an in English I’ll do a 2hour stream cuz she wanted it per say wait what wait what what what what what are we all getting confused what’s going on B say ooh gets it says hey I worked hard on that BS what I I have no clue I’m so lost now I am a bit confused uh fluffer says I worked hard on that a in English vs yes have you gotten an a already in English oh yeah I’m going to the water the water the water oh no oh no oh no you good uh yeah okay I am so chaotic what me chaotic never yes no yes you fake [Applause] news oh my God you’re doing grand it sounds like this area oh my God it’s so annoying chest let’s see uh Bank says she hates math and I’m mathematician she has an interest in science though at mean time what what did I didn’t I didn’t hear what there’s so much going on oh no uh Banker says she hates math and I a mathematician uh she has interest in science though at Mina time where are you actually oh you’re there oh wait are you making your way back over yes oh [ __ ] I just went home like yeah I’m sorry I didn’t know what what that meant the comments yeah Fair did you I don’t think we’ll have time to beat Skeletron this night though no I just think I’ll just Camp over there okay yeah just chill and read the chat in the meantime yeah maybe oh my god oh a goblin arm is coming oh no we need to protect home the goblins are coming the Goblins are coming let them come oh my God you good did you fall in the hole no what’s happening I Ed the mirror again no yes oh okay maybe you should like take it out of her hot sloth while you’re moving around yeah I think so that is unfort [Music] FL says when will we kidnap the squirrel and sounded like a ghost is crying with my heart dropped you good no I love you I love you too oh my God Jam goblins Goblin Army is approaching from the West oh no oh yeah oh they Havey gun oh there’s a goblin wizard in the house why is he in the house cuz he’s a dick all right I need to summon my people goblins can also open doors no not okay uh they’re on the roof what they’re not allowed on on the roof that’s so mean no goblins on the Roof oh God the hair just just cut some of them oh nice the D is doing something oh no okay 36% for this and I love chemistry chemistry is fun they took and broke one of the doors pulled it off its hinges what that’s so mean that is is so rude super rude say mom looks so depressed oh no you good Mina oh it’s okay is it custom mirror yeah yeah it’s not okay damn it should have like a like a a warning or something like are you sure you want to use the mirror yeah like save them in really clutch situations it would be nice or like if you could hot lefted to a specific key yeah how’s it going over here it is going fine over here nice it’s so [ __ ] intense on my side FL asks Daisy break I don’t know where Daisy she’s not here oh she sleeping in her bed okay then there shall be no Dy break sadly the hyoon W the hairdresser is cutting someone them with sisters she’s really been in Good Help nice maybe we can take a daisy break if B wakes up yeah the Goblin Army has been defeated nice oh well there’re still Goblin here but okay yeah but like then they they won’t spawn anymore and the ones are here will probably just leave okay the hairdresser was such a goat no survivors no survivors slice them down they gone nice let’s check harpoon oh and like if it’s close something it will hit more rapidly do you want it uh no thank you okay oh it’s 900 a.m. but we are a bit clumsy should we maybe start making a way towards maybe we should yeah I’m going to put my mirror in my inventory in the meantime yeah uh what does SMH mean uh SNH like is it in your chat or yeah oh s shaking my head shaking Cy said shaking my head I need to start exercising I start to gain weight let’s see that’s why I did it with Doctor Fang when you see a problem though it becomes a prediction for instance finding distance with a 90 triangle if you calculate you’ll predict correctly flury also says chemistry is fin I agree B you’ll end up being an engineer flury and Bank says terar is cod primarily in C+ uh that’s great programming language it was developed using the Microsoft XNA framework nice all right I need to put away my money don’t want to lose it I don’t want to go back so I’m just bringing my money fair oh you already your yeah yeah I’ll come along I can’t wait till we get wings then Char is so much quicker that’ll be nice yeah also whatever the closest biome to the dungeon is we should probably just build a house there for a couple of the MPCs cuz then we can like teleport oh okay like a pylon I don’t quite understand how they work but we’ll find out what is a pylon a Teleport our sorts oh okay see uh uh FL says no not engineer banker and FL says by the way Dad please stop making the Demonic voice and make you feel like there’s a DM next to me why can’t I say I’m a demon it happens uh Bank says you will at this r that chemical engineer a deal for you flury and Flur says no no no I want to be a pharmacist oh nice nice nice yeah okay I’m muting for a second okay are you going to eat more candy yeah yeah nice nice nice nice we oh my God there’s another personer Mishka ask can I join uh no not on display for it’s like just me and Bonnie yep he’s trying to learn my Terraria I haven’t uh or technically I’ve played it before but I never finished it before Oh my god let’s see um FL says I’m blaming you if I nightmares oh and than is St work flury versus lamari proud Dad Mom yes of course and versus I’m so against engineering you’re against engineering what what oh no flury apparently hates engineering hey flury do you know um how the world would look if we didn’t have engineering Z bang say I would get jacked up on cherry and grape bubble gum while on Xbox I told so already but my Moto at the time playing Shooters was grape chew kill you even those Cherry I drink what what Banker is a menace oh my God what I can’t use the grappling hook on trees on what on trees and no don’t think so what but they’re there they are there stupid uh Flur says I’m more into helping people to stop crying and not make myself cry time I see math questions fair fair did you hear anything more from the Terraria dude uh Mishka no yeah no okay people keep asking every time you stream it’s so interesting yeah maybe they just want somebody to play with maybe maybe I should put all the people that ask me in their own chat so they can play with each other M guide them all up yeah yeah where is is this the dungeon you at the dungeon yes who is this person old man that is the old man do not go down the dungeon then you will die who is the old man the old man is who we’re going to kill when night time comes oh okay he is uh possessed by Skeletron okay which is the skeleton of Kulu or the moon Lord let’s see Banker says uh oh wait Flur says basic physics already make me cry oh no B says engineering is just invention and construction I had to tell you but your math journey is just beginning if you’re going to be a pharmacist yeah firsts this you need to see how VB Tred to make me understand how to calculate unable am vs having heads rest in peace me broken heart and B’s basic physic is just vectors and algebraic manipulation of velocity formulas okay my God you good I think I think we can find him at 6 p.m. you you dying I died a little it’s Oh no I got spit down the wrong pipe oh no yeah do you good now yes I don’t know if we should have a platform I think we’ll just risk it okay also do not hit his head go for his hands his head has way more defense his hands yeah his hands go for those first and then when those are destroyed then the head but why can’t we kill him now no he he isn’t killable yet he when night time comes then his curse can be activated okay my wrist hurts I know yeah not good do you have anything you want like some cash or something you would put away then use the piggy oh okay thank you why do I have a burger you have a burger I don’t know but keep it like bra for the fight it will give you a slight Improvement to all your stats no major Improvement to all stats for 8 minutes that’s good nice we can summon him soon I think it’s either six or seven okay I don’t know how this will go though cuz like this is a real like hilly place maybe we should build a platform uh okay I’ll just get make what I can with the w I have bless you thank you you’re welcome oh my God my nose is beefing today oh no do you need more wood if you want to place like solid under so we don’t fall could be nice maybe uh okay how far under not too far so we can jump back up oh no okay 91 damage did you fall I fell I see chat is popping up I’ll read it soon unless is just YouTube maing around what I’m talking to chat oh okay FL says running nose I hear mommy’s l lot of rest I do need rest but I have to I have to go to work today which is not fun is it 8:00 p.m. it cannot be 7 yet at least then we have time to do some building oh Lantern Festival oh oh yes 7:30 I believe we can summon in now see though uh FL says yes a lot of R make that do all the house work I’ll be cleaning the bathroom later yes okay shall we we shall yes try not to fall through hit hands eat your burger if you haven’t oh oh wait uh uh okay I eaten my burger Banker ask India has a Lantern Festival does s no don’t believe so Lantern Festival yeah yeah no you ready I was born ready here he comes e uh oh we are destroying him nice oh we got this in the bag oh no oh oh good the head you good oh no oh [Applause] no oh my God oh my God I can’t get back up no grapple oh oh okay thank you oh he’s coming for me [Music] hey okay now we can go to the dungeon now it’s open for us the dungeon the dungeon see if there’s anything something good a chest with a golden key yeah cuz like chest in the dungeon you need something called golden keys to unlock them okay uh but a lot of different things drop golden keys I have one on me now though let me you see any good magic weapons I’m getting shanked I know by what spikes on the wall ah not good simply a bit clumsy oh there’s a chest over here ow and the trap okay one we can’t unlock yet but one we can unlock it has the Cobalt shield grants immunity to knock back that’s nice Platinum barro eyes healing Titan potion close space and you good never mind I’m not good no no there’s a lot of spikes at the end of the uh the tunnel thing oh God okay that’s a lot a lot of spikes yeah see if I can start mining them okay yes they’re minable at least okay nice I’m never seen this many spikes in like one area in the like entrance that’s wild I’m choing them CH Chum ch ch oh we got a thing we got a thing oh Marathon medalist oh like you got a trophy yeah oh nice it’s good oh another the chest don’t have any keys for say vs won’t let me borrow his brain wow wow you get a share W oh no I’m very much in danger oh no what this going on there are PS flooring some places you like fall through oh like which Falls when something interacts with it okay I got a key are you fighting something or I am fighting yes yeah I can hear oh sorry it’s okay and an alchemy table we’ll bring that ow and more traps no yes uh do you want me to bring the paintings uh yeah yeah oh also a grandfather clock oh nice a pink dungeon clock oh my God opening a chest demonic Blue Moon 68 M damage oh my God interesting a lot of peculiar things let’s see chat popping off uh um than just your brain needs for you flury let me borrow your brain I need it just for 2 days that’s the long enough SC I need back come on help me out you’ll just keep it it’s like Ela and Mars you have to take care of her first oh no h oh no oh no oh no oh no you good oh I need I need ghost ghost ah oh the engineer hello now the mechanic I mean the mechanic yeah now we can get her now she’ll move in when we have an open space we have an open space then she’ll move in soon ha and hopefully we’ll find the goblin too that’s the one I’m most excited about the goblin he uh gives us or he sells us the Tinker Workshop which makes we can make many of accessories like fuse into one and improve them oh okay and he also sells those rocket boots rocket food just nice oh you’re a mimic holy [ __ ] e oh no slime pet I found a slime with a top hat which is nice called slime that is nice he might he might die what I don’t know why it’s a lot of enemies here oh but I’m getting bones which is nice yeah I think I can use bones in uh arms if I need for like Summoner the spider set oh my God there’s so many things here yeah this place is this place is awful oh my God okay I think I’m going to die soon oh no oh yes oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay yeah oh no H can we build a bridge Yes actually absolutely let’s build a bridge over over like uh uh place which is like um all the evils in the world multiply by cancer needs a bridge no more holes no more holes no more holes no more holes oh no oh [ __ ] am I dead are you dead maybe I think so yeah [ __ ] I dropped five gold that’s fine what are we even doing at the bridge we’re going to build a bridge so we don’t fall down every hole yes let’s build what do you want the bridge out of uh it does not matter okay just Bridge just bridge I think we have like a lot a lot of dirt that we can I brought a big painting nice and a clock um do do you want the Demonic blue moons in CIA I can try it yeah here you go thank you welcome I got the dirt yeah yeah see um I’m just going to loot it off and then I’ll join you and keep you covered okay wow what I have pickups I love you I love you too yeah yeah that’s what it’s all about [Music] woo oh slime do moved in he lives here now we can pet him oh so he isn’t like a petri can bring along no no no he he’s chilling in the house I thought it was like the other pets yeah understandable the umbrella is my favorite item yeah yeah so fun understandable the umbrella is great but I love the wings yeah yeah vertebrae oh we don’t we don’t have vertebrae do we what a vertebrae what is that a vertebrae it’s um what’s it called uh it’s a piece of the spine what what it’s [Music] um used in crafting it’s a bone piece a bone piece yeah somebody’s spine yes all right let’s see Banker says change is bringing back a piece of the Moon if the Chinese government can’t can do that then you can’t study flury and use Moon Rock to engineer bridge for Bonnie yeah make me a moon Bridge how many bones do I have 78 bones oh I need more bones and go and get some more and go and get some more bones yeah yeah but not yet what cuz cuz uh I’m need to cover you oh okay cuz when I get more bones I can make me a new uh whip called spinal tap e that’s a dope ass name it sounds disgusting spinal tap spinal tap spinal tap sounds like a medical condition it does doesn’t it oh I have spinal tap oh sorry dude I can’t help you live I got spinal tap yeah let’s oh new NPC moved in the cloer that’s that’s the dude we killed in the dungeon and now he’s living with us yeah cuz he was like possessed he wasn’t the old dude he was just clothes okay got it yeah um uh says mom help W is making me study he is uh not studying oh no God he is not accepting the fact I will study later well as long as you study it’s all right yeah I don’t know how to study all the time it’s important to take breaks I need free black FRS you’re not getting any I need six black FRS uh no yes no yes no yes they’re all mine you cannot stop me oh yes I can no that’d be mean well I am mean wow how with it I’m just what was so expensive the one black Fred is one gold and 30 silver e yeah but the things I can make makes it all wor of it what can you make oh you’re going to see all right uh oh my God FL says don’t worry I’m an owl I will study at 12 and go to sleep at 5: flury flury no no your brain needs sleep yes sleep is important uh it’s okay you good yes yeah yes I certain yes all righty I am I am uh good yes very good very good yes very good yes I need to loot off there’s so much stuff it’s wrong place H you good there’s so many disgusting things there are yes um f says uh that works for me but I don’t know why I just wake up at 8 and have a headache all [Music] day H H what could it be I mean it could be anything really of course except lack of lack of sleep of course of course of course cuz that would never affect anything no no no no no no that’ be foolish also we can fight I of K again should we or do we need to I mean we we can just for some cash like more material but I don’t think we necessarily need yet it’s just like yeah we can okay okay okay maybe we will maybe we won’t you know only time will tell only time will tell okay I’m on my way nice firstus it’s automatic okay I just go to sleep at 5:00 and wake up either at 6:00 or 8 I can’t read that Banker wait bunny read what fluffy said again uh it’s automatic okay I just go to sleep at 5:00 and wake up at either six or eight wait wait wait you only sleep 1 to 3 hours that’s dangerous oh my God or does you sleep like 14 hours that also isn’t that good but no it’s either hand work I am on the way my way Mina nice okay oh my good than somebody’s lying CL says vs I’m not lying VI I see the first dir Bridge very nice nice I can hear you oh my god hm I can hear you yeah I can see you hello what is on your head first it’s a hood with like antlers in a play du mix and then it’s the M uniform oh my God all [Music] right moral support very nice thank you I can’t read that V doesn’t mean I’m a Muslim and I can’t understand H Arabic say oh but there are no heada ACC yes what and Bank says if you sleep in two hour shifts you couldn’t study plus you speak more than one language that makes you super duper smart flury I would is speaking more than one language instantly makes someone super D smart like 90% of the world do it almost yeah do you have more dirt I do nice nice nice uh thoughts on the Blue Moon yet I haven’t tried it okay so I don’t know do you want it or I know you can test it first or yes but only if you don’t need it cuz you are the melee okay I want to go swimming someday yeah to the beach oh my god oh two seconds I’m getting I’m getting a okay uh how do I mute myself okay for [Music] I tried calling back but she didn’t answer okay was it work uh yeah okay well that’s on them yeah it’s probably just asking if I can come in earlier yeah and I’m busy you’re busy I’m streaming we’re gaming yeah I’m working if only this paid as much if I this paid as much it will be So eventually I like your dirt Bridges they’ll they’ll be very nice yeah this character became way more kinky than intended made outfit W whip yeah oh my God say Mom give me tips on how to sleep longer than 3 hours uh well first of all you need to like what should I say oh my God English oh my God Bonnie uh make time for maybe yeah sure make time for sleep for like if you wake up at uh 6 or 8 you should like count the hours backwards so you at least get like at least six or seven yeah versus can I blame school for this yes that’s how I am I don’t sleep that long most time like 5 hours but will sleep the other for your so during somay some part of the day okay I was like that in high school I started staying up overnight after doing a biology paper on termites gun a nice I like studying at the time it’s peaceful sometimes it’s a Vibe did you fall down the hole yes okay this is do you need a do you want a rope yes please oh my God H per says I am home reclining oh so I stay up all night no oh well then it’s the school’s fault more rope uh I don’t know yet okay oh my God okay I’m getting I’m getting cold again two seconds hello hello hello for spee uh um yeah okay that’s super yeah oh I died yeah either of souls took you the worm uh this no that’s the your world the small ones oh okay like the standard enemy here yeah I didn’t see sadly cuz you were in the hole no but it’ll be quick to get back now though cuz you have bridges yeah true see have I gotten any answer from so actually I forgot to see I have so is yeah to what um actually streaming later so Zoe is streaming later and uh all right all right let’s see when I got some other messages okay two seconds here uh also our neighbor asks about a new run of Katan tonight but you’re at work yeah so I can’t here you um [Music] I’m send uh unfortunately min’s going to job all every day this weekend yes sadly yeah and I got a message from cooworker unknown individual Lisa says oh my God I finally made it welcome Lizzy and ver is flexing great I see okay thanks that thanks say welcome liy Li says Hey Bank says I got two Fs in Cal 2 until I pass it the third time full disclosure I’m in fact human but tenacious nonetheless fla says we need more mom in hoodie l m oh I I don’t really like hoodies that much it’s mostly because my hair is a mess so M I’m covering it by the way your voice uh when you speak Norwegian is so cute Mom thank you uh Bonnie yes where are you I am close to where you died okay I was just I’ve answered all my messages now and uh my fussy little dudes have protected me nice let’s see L says I’m inan like half my grades are a nice ly very good okay CL say I got 7 out of 180 for calculus oo that’s rough hello welcome thank you protect me it is oh oh my god there corpses in the way no where is it the Rope no it is the corpses oh oh my God you saved I I I survived nice oh my we are whipping them yeah yeah nice’s see message retracted ver is way worse and B is huh flurp oh you got your little Shadow orb out nice what the shadow orb okay H oh yeah the purple thing yeah [Music] yeah Banker says just sub to you minina time nice nice much appreciated are you now a 20 then I will take a look protect me a I’m here I picked up some ancient Shadow graefes I 21 hey oh my God your age too how fitting yeah uh purposes I’m going start learning a reion so I can make sense what you’re all talking about yeah we we usually don’t say much senseful stuff we say a lot of um a lot of uh what should I call it [ __ ] huh like when we speak Norwegian yeah it isn’t much uh useful stuff we’re saying no oh my God my God there’s so many now where did they come from teach me reach Mom all right ah oh I’m just going to wait until it’s not so so crowded over here and since I’m fighing things can I borrow the blue Mo in the meantime uh yeah think you just thr towards me [Music] okay thank you you’re welcome this damage is just so much better yeah I’m now your Shield other than talk what should I know you if you are going to introduce yourself to say your name you should say yeah I haveed my name is and then your name hi my name is what my name the traveling Merchant has arrived oh oh my God oh my God no okay I will meet you at home where is he where is he oh he’s over here hello traveling Merchants to say I died It Is Ash are you okay he’s selling a fedora and like in the text it says tips my lady he’s also selling a chef this is one of the worst lineups I’ve seen from the traveling Merchant oh yeah do sell a photo though I’ll take that uh look at this way I said that I could start 30 minutes earlier at work okay we I have to end now then or no it’s okay okay okay can continue wait when when do you start again now then 1630 yeah okay oh yeah that’s a while to okay I need help with how the world is pronounced and the spelling please oh my God have you tried dingo oh yes do dingo it’s see Bank says you okay my SS aren’t better than yours as a matter of fact getting out 24 minutes you didn’t study is frustrating and studying in not getting it rank says you’re your me and I have a great photo nowhere place oh also take your uh Maan here you thank you welcome yeah you’re learning Chinese on Theo oh my God can I move this small photo um okay oh interesting terrifying I’ve never had this many photos in the house in Terraria can I move them around yes move them as you face you fit okay I’m just placing them so you can do whatever uh I have Shadow pants for you I think they’re better than your platinum I thr one at you thank you it is stretching time oh my God stretchy time this is here my is your Luna ligo Luna ligo do lingo [Applause] ory is Daisy being a douche she is oh no now she’s I am jumping down the hell hole Goodbye by I don’t have my umbrella ready no oh this is interesting Daisy why won’t you come Dy theyy the people want to see you the people has a CED an audience you are loved Daisy you are famous yes a very famous little dog yes what should we do next um yeah right cuz we did the goals um what is next uh I need to think for a second one two three um I guess we could kill the fussy little guys so we can summon their cops and uh at some point the Wall of Flesh so we can go into hard mode but I think we should do more dungeon exploration okay we need some more mines too FL says I’m ask that to teach me some curse words in the reaching huh oh just do wait all righty um how sensitive is YouTube when it comes to swearing yes yes yes all right I think it really depends yeah yeah what if it is for educational purposes good question thank you there’s a spider welcome oh did they drop anything I don’t know it’s still alive oh okay I don’t kill everything I see oh my God interesting flury I don’t know if I can teach you I don’t I know if YouTube is going to get mad at me oh I need my umbrella oh my God I forgot God everyone need to get whipped kinky this place is huge holy [ __ ] oh D know I think we should maybe uh explore the Dungeon like get all the chest and such there and ow and um what’s it called uh fight D clubes maybe oh maybe it’s been such a long time oh my God you good uh yeah I’m getting the [ __ ] beit out of me oh my God no yeah I bone serpent where are you at I’m in hell oh okay I thought you went all the way down no I I was going to buted I got sidri oh no let’s see FL says Dad teach me come on I can’t do that BR Say ding is actually pretty fun but I haven’t been there myself in about a week her it’s good versus L go in vs Godfather says what are you up to welcome Godfather we are playing Terraria and yeah yeah I guess yeah playing Terraria having fun yeah uh Godfather says what’s up flury missed you and Bank says we swear all the time on the KP podcast and it isn’t demonetized however some streams are better without it to be honest I wouldn’t be fearful of using it though unless you demean a human right does this teach me the least dangerous word at least um fall it basically just means [ __ ] and the bankers is uh hello to Godfather verus Godfather I miss you too and I’m being dramatic again Godfather’s Banker what’s popping dog I found more milk flury you can say bash yeah say bash it means yeah she can she could absolutely get away with bash where is the guide here’s the guide Jeff come come oh my God DIY is oh my God DIY DIY doing something she’s just lying on the floor staring at me oh sty being a little weirdo yeah nice oh we need to find the goblin flury are you asking about Bash bash how do you spell that b a a s r s yeah yeah there’s no R oh no okay what are you waffling about I I don’t know I might be dyslectic so yeah true I’ll blame that yeah maybe I think h no I was just thinking fluff was trying to write it but she I don’t think you have that letter no but um I think yeah I think next on the agenda should be checking out the entire dungeon yeah yeah you can do that or we can do either that or Dare clops your pick what is dare clops D clops is a boss from another game for him we’ll need a lot of like the Flink spur and the demon Demonite which we have yeah he could be fun I think he drop some cool things yeah so maybe we should do that and then the dungeon we can do that nice then let’s go to the winter biome yes and flury it means poop yes poop see just need to pick with Chef see what we need see to summon their thing we need Flink spur demite or and lenses we have lenses we have dite or so we just need Flink fur uh okay but where are the lens yeah there’s lenses flarey is texting their friend this one later nice okay let’s go to the winter biome now you can try out your uh flail see FL or this thing the the mace whatever it’s called um is right down don’t know how to say it uh you’ll learn go yeah BR is maintaining my Lord godf Banks go say you can’t possibly be more dramatic than my manager flury work was war o God is maining and shriving Banker Bank says sorry to hear work went that way bro say godfather I can he he Godfather says nothing to be serious about work his stress 100% controversial opinion I think a good amount of stress is good for man there this GB out of us too I’m dramatic one I would say that it’s good to experience stress and maybe learn how to handle it at yeah but not like have stress all the time no that also ages you like dirt what like if you stress all time you age really badly oh yeah all right that is true yeah also when we make the things to fight their clubs we have to fight them in the snow biome I believe uh okay also I only I think I only fought him once ever if I have so no I have no tips great yay but we’re so good we are so it’s and I found a carton of milk so I have I I believe a carton of milk yeah minor improvements to all stats for 20 minutes and then say for strong healthy bones oh okay is it yeah okay it’s here we go down way down we go FL says this Regional lesson is going well yes you have learned the most important word f yes L on the cor will cause cardiovascular problem stress for stress sake is no good yeah stress has reaction to the unexpected is necessary yes yes hello hello profet says I will tell you if my friend end up cursing me back nice well it is not really a curse it’s just the war for poop so yeah the traveling Merchant has departed good he wasn’t good I hope the other one wasn’t great and we miss some good [ __ ] all right spider webs oh [ __ ] I just took 241 damage oh did you forget to use your umbrella I I was whipping oh yeah I like those bastards okay was it around here we got a lot of the flines I don’t remember okay maybe mayhaps the jet attack is so great yeah are there more rooms what are there more rooms over here more what rooms rooms oh no I don’t or like openings yeah there’s something over here oh okay ah just small Pockets Banker asks did you two meet at your or body no at your we did not we did not meet at your or i’ never been your same I only watched on the tell see go as no says y depends on how you handle it 100% I notice that when I get angry under stress my heart starts having all kinds of heart palpitations and chest pains but when I don’t let the stress get to me dot dot dot yeah also heart palpation not good not great oh there’s a continuation you’re so quick speed speed oh oh boy what’s under here oh this is ice yeah oh there’s a viking I saw oh a flinx got the fur nice how much do we need uh we need three for one I at the moment I have three no four first so you can summon in once but we probably want to do it multiple times cuz they have a lot you can have a lot of different loot here’s another one oh I’m Fallen hello did you get the fur I don’t know okay can check amatar afterwards okay um yeah I got okay nice how much uh two okay we can s in three times at the moment no two times I mean nice very nice it’s a lot of spiky ones don’t like those no ah I’m stuck I know we got him though nice yeah the goblin oh hello Goblin shop give me the rocket boots the rocket boots are great by the way you should probably buy them you can combine them with your fast boots okay I’m also buying the tiners workshop it costs 15 gold and we can both use it it allows us to uh mix accessories some of them okay also if you have like bad modifers on an item you like you can uh get him to reforge it oh nice so now he’ll move in if we have open rooms I think I have one left nice perfect a viking a viking a viking just like us oh no oh yes 121 damage wait what did you say of liking just like us oh yes yes uh let’s see what’s in chat here uh Bank says jet pack that reminds me of Super Smash Brothers L just kiding about your vision heard me the time sing me no not good Godfather and Flur is uh what the hell was that uh Flur says gbn sending an online slap if you’re angry take care of yourself man you’re making us worried yeah and the bank says yeah control breathing is part of meditation yoga taii exercise all help maintain Focus um most things that make us angry actually are just unexpected events to predict and think through them before hand is the key say I’m straight haven’t had heart palpation or pain in a while eating better and supplementations help a lot nice th dad have bias towards the goblin I love the goblin is good good thanks is that Bonnie must have been the most fertile fre B must have been the most fertile free old in human history absolutely what uh B are like quotation like that cuz FL and the like body has to be most fertile preing yeah yeah yes yes I am um FL says M D Love Goblin more than not he’s more excited to beat the goblin how unbelievable the goblin sorry but the goblin is just so great it’s so practical he’s such a goat all right there’s don’t else here the ball Master the ball Master the ball Master asked are you planning on fighting a boss soon because if you are you are in luck oh why are we in luck I do not know I guess we’ll find out if the B Master reveals the secret yeah I guess we’re fighting dere CL soon yeah yeah yeah we we can fight him twice at least or should we do that next time yeah maybe cuz when whenever we think of ending [Music] um I don’t know but the ball Master says I am wondering boss Trader would you like to buy a boss summon no no I we’re good much appreciated we’re trying to get them ourselves you know yeah ESS unbelievable seriously he love Goblin more than sorry I just I just love the goblin but I love you too of course the Goblins just I don’t know is not yes I love you all too but the goblin also has a special place in my heart go ask why did you choose to name Bonnie um it’s based on it’s from a character which I liked in a game called fin night fredes and one of the characters there was named Bonnie and I always like Bonnie so I took their names this this this yeah I’m following you yeah go ahead out of the snow now now it’s just like seeing if we find anything else a three yeah oh another thing look another thing I looking at oh it was yours I thought it was s never mind no no no it only spawn in the snow so we won’t see any now lava I know I know um the ball bster says well then have a nice day or night I most must go sell my boss bosses somewhere else much appreciated ball Master have a good day or night YouTube have a good day or night ball Master FL says mom don’t tell me you love the goblin more than us two no I don’t love the goblin she will I I I don’t know I don’t have any feelings for the Goblin yet see FL says what the hell that Goblin come first no no the goblin doesn’t come first or does it no no no no no no all right see oh I see a big house oh yes yes yes yes nice house means chest chest means loot if say you sure love cry yes yes I’m certain there’s a piano we know my inventory is full a lot of useless [ __ ] here though I’m not taking that chest is this another mushroom area it is yay versus H I’m doubting doubt all you want but I know the truth ask anybody ever watch theum Trolling YouTube videos [ __ ] fans like yeah I’ve seen some of it an interesting period in the lockdowns are you a mimic it was not a mimic it’s an actual chest okay do you need to kidnap you me no Daisy oh yeah I think you have to K that come come come come my child oh my God Dy what the hell was that oh my god oh I found your heart Crystal thank you I got the child you got the child I got the child now you have to sit here Dy oh [ __ ] okay it’s fine they is here Dy Dy the grace the full time yes indeed FL says then do tell why you’re excited to meet the goblin more than us cuz think of it like this I see y’all almost every day the goblin I haven’t seen for many months it’s like reading an old friend nice nice nice are you finding anything exciting yeah I found um I found two hard crystals I got a bookcase a piano um on a dynamite another summon for I of culu nice yeah a third heart pistol I see now before me oh yeah a lot of good stuff lot of good stuff oh oh oh oh [ __ ] a metric [ __ ] ton of lava how about you you find end being good um no okay I I’m holding Daisy all right yeah oh I can see Daisy then see oh there she is and I’m supposed to tell you that you did not see us every day from okay every other day and so ready to fight that old man am I that old man flury how dare you burning [Music] yes you are the old man oh man I’m an old old man h h no just lava oh oh you don’t have D anymore oh welcome we’re mining I see there’s more places under us should do we think about ending it yes very shortly yes I just um I’m intrigued by this area okay I see a lizard a lizard go oh wait go Banker says Hey guys got to make a run we’ll be back a bit later if you’re on if not we’ll catch you so or next one no Banker take your time and take care God say goodbye bank and God see again soon 100% yeah God am I that old man well sounds like a guy from Monster House that movie is so good was very very scary when I small though another hard crystal that’s for on this trip that’s so good nice very nice is there anything exciting down here oh that’s lava what are you up to I’m just walking I think I’m going to go back uh back up yeah to the surface yes yes I think that is something to do okay oh God I have so much loot off but I think that’ll be next time prob this is leaking my leg thisy the Menace she’s so weird here we have the Tinker Workshop I think was that the tinker’s workshop yes H I do not know I do not know but what I do know is that I have to pee you have to pee yes not allowed oh but I have to pee no oh that is so mean did you buy the did you buy the rocket boots yes if you take off your Hermes boots put them in your inventory as you have the rock boots and go over here you can make yourself Spectre boots which combine them okay I will do that next time yeah should we end it here then yes so I can go and pee yeah go says all right y I’m going go eat yall have a great day see y all again soon thanks for the stream thank you for staying and thank you to all who’s watched and who’s all here and thanks to all who’s creeping in chat not saying anything also you’re also appreciated and yeah um you have any closing regard to me now um no not really just think thank you for watching like And subscribe you know that is yes like subscribe share with your grandmother all of that yes yes thank you all so much and I’ll see you in the next one bye bye bye bye

Playing Terraria with Bonnie C gaming

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