Minecraft Battle Royale, But Farming is OP!

today we made it so that every 10 minutes in Minecraft Battle Royale different blocks drop incredibly op items how long will it take for us to find out what is op and what will happen when we Face the strongest Teams Minecraft Battle Royale has ever seen I was about to find out as I logged into the game 3 2 1 go there is so much loot in the middle here come on let’s go for this chest oh I got a sword no I didn’t get a sword no no no an axe okay okay right that’ll do that’ll do hey oh oh what the yo Z Run This Way Run This Way run this way on is that Luke yeah it’s me all right come with me come with me full gear yeah yeah right me you and Zas can Team Up is Zas coming am I am I welcome oh goo bungal again oh here we go right four players all four of us we teaming up right off the bat let’s go this guy wa I’ve got two diamonds I’ve got two diamonds oh you can get the advanced pick already yeah I can get it instantly nice go this way go this way go this way wait chill chill chill try and get this guy right okay here we go where did that guy go okay wait there’s a l structure over there where is everyone yo goo come on I I don’t know are they chasing that guy some leather here oh there’s a structure over there as well right let’s go to this whatever this is over here oh there’s player’s here who’s that Relic okay we could try sneak up on him see if we can get him might have some decent loot in there if he’s watching stream now we’re finished I hope he hasn’t found decent loot in here there’s a chest down there he’s upstairs I think he knows we’re here yo Relic on top nice listen listen guys please yo reic drop all the loot you found and we’ll let you go no we’re fine we’re fine you want a team no no no no I’ve already got a team oh no I’m stuck in the web I’m stuck in Relic drop whatever loot you found and we’ll let you go no I I literally only got what I got from mid there’s nothing here I swear I swear on everything please please dude why do I find this please please please please please please please please please please please please please I’m still please please where are you let me see what you’ve got I still have I still have a Lea helmet okay I know you guys are stacked and I’m not going to take a 1v5 okay listen I’m not aoan I’m not that good Relic wait oh oh ch ch I’m not going to lie sword you’re kind of scary list I’m kind of SC you got iron on don’t lie to us no no no I don’t talking about come on Relic oh there’s people here as well let’s get him wait person in front of me help me please guys help me please please please please please please no no no no no try to get these oh wait yo goop goop no Sor this is what you get don’t him towards me go this is what you get this is what you get sword no come back here sword this is what you get I have a diamond sword I’m not afraid to use it well that bow down Relic put that bow down come here sword I’ll fight you I could be cooked here chat already take it on come on what do you want me I need to heal up I need to heal up no I didn’t even get the wood Who the hell’s this get him oh no no no no no no no Relic wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no no no no oh come here come here sword wait reic re wait wait wait we can team up I promise please you want to team now after please I didn’t even kill you I didn’t try please you w going to kill me you were going to kill me so I all right give me one give me one good reason I shouldn’t kill you right now I’ll drop you everything I’ll drop you everything swear swear I’ll drop you everything I promise all right all right all right all right I’ll stop I’ll stop you have to stop though if you I need to heal I need to let me heal let me heal let me heal let me heal please please all right pleasee please Relic no I’m not going to kill you I’m not going to kill you I’ll give you your arrows back all right I’m not going to kill you I’m not going to kill you if if you want to team up we can team up okay I actually have nothing I have a kill token that’s about it okay wait right there’s still that there was some other guy that tried to kill me there let’s just get out of here real quick oh I need food wait do you have any food yeah yeah bro I I I was on half heart I was like am I really about to fight sword and his hello hello oh I nearly died there yo Relic we never we never even debated killing you oh I thought you guys you no s you were like what do you have come over here want me to apparently breaking crops drops op loot jeppi wanted to ask if that’s normal breaking that’s what it is then he said crops so probably like we need to find a farm then oh there’s a village over there there’s a Village over there we can go over there and try and get some crops and if if jeppi if you’ve been told by Insider information jeppi is saying making the the lobby lag because everyone’s just breaking CR oh wait pumpkins count pumpkins count really wait and we cans we can replace them oh my God wait grab these and get out grab these and get out quick let’s run the opposite way let’s run the opposite of get out of does random stuff give you random items yeah no it’s so each game it’s one random item each time so this time apparently well jeppi said it’s farming wait crops and stuff wait there’s some sugarcane over here as well don’t mind me oh sugarcane doesn’t count Roose pear in all over the place no it’s Nott a trident oh got a trident oh I got a trident as well I got I got brought two diamond boots can I get a pumpkin yeah yeah yeah yeah easy take take a pumpkin okay wait how do you use rip I’ve never actually used Riptide what do you like you would to be in the water how yeah well how do you do it oh left click right click oh damn wait wait can can people protect me real quick I got to fix my K mines yeah yeah yeah um yeah I got you just be careful cuz there will still be other people around here if other people have already looted all the Farms then we’re going to be ruined because they might have a lot of good loot actually let me just oh yes oh my God this is so good I mean as soon as other people realize pumpkins can be duplicated as well everyone’s going to be on the same playing field oh my what level zero I don’t want that oh my God got pearls what’s this chop two diamond sword bro I’m actually oh I’m living I’m living sword I got it no look at this come here you look at this look at this look at this there we go is that efficiency 10 oh my God it instant break it instant breaks everything bro grab those real quick let’s see if we can grab structures anyway cuz we still if we can find like totems and stuff from the structures it’s going to be worth it there’s no point we let’s just find pumpkins well we’ve got pumpkins let’s let’s try and get some some of the stuff that isn’t cuz this is going to be the same loot pool pretty much over and over again right let me let me just double check right Diamond four wait diamond boots prop four why have I not put those on wait someone take two diamond boots there I’ll take them I’ll take them I have many boots Diamond actually that probably is a better helmet let me put that on let me put that I’ve got a prop three iron if anyone wants it a sharp 4 iron I’m not going to lie that I’ve got no food does this drop anything like food wise oh I got some golden carrots perfect Let’s uh let’s see if we can find a structure I’m pretty geared right now I’m happy where I’m at right let’s uh yeah let’s just go this way and see if we can find a a structure or anything oh I keep forgetting I’ve got this Riptide thing yeah woo wait oh you take yeah be care be careful be careful we need we need water buckets hold on I got sharp five iron wait I shot oh no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God yo hold up yo yo watch out mobs do crazy to you yeah no I only took two hearts from this guy I just got like jump boost a thousand from that Pillager goo said it’s infinite oh he’s coming back down oh my God yo oh my God I B I thought it was infinite it zero the whole time sword I have battman three right okay we need to be careful when killing mobs then wait don’t bro don’t what if you just get like instant harm in now and you just drop dead wait can I can I die from killing something I don’t know bro I could have just oh United have scored let’s go I didn’t expect a a Pillager to give me jump boost 10 million what in the world okay is there anything in here I have mining fatigue and na three oh we need to find a cow for you to get milk I’ve got no iron we should lowkey just go mining I’ve got an efficiency 5 wait I have I have a ton of iron I have a good iron hold on wait how much iron you got uh I have 25 okay wait drop me drop me two pieces my Sprint is not working you got food I have 28 diamonds myself so I don’t think I need I have three Trident if anyone needs a spare no I’m good I don’t have a diamond chest plate though I mean there’s an there’s an e table at Mid let’s just see if there’s a massive cave here I need to make a bucket as well actually here I have a bunch of Diamonds oh by the way I got five feathers for the bows cuz I know they we could try and get the the spider bow the new one if if other people are going to get that then we could be we could be finished off hand gaps good idea thank you ever said that in chat chicken bone tenders thank you oh wait oh there’s something here what’s this it’s like a ruined Village wait can you do like a water bucket in the Trident thing yeah yeah you can oh damn that’s op when you do it when you’re placing the water you can go like this place it and then are you going to try and get the the bucket back and it oh oh out of that way yeah yeah that’s smart that’s smart right I need another bucket then let’s see oh yeah there’s some water here I don’t think there’s any actual loot here I think it’s just like the remains of what was once a village need to look for some big towers or something what’s over here yo there’s like a little village over here there’s spawners there’s some mobs of some sort yeah these this is cool is there any loot here though oh damn okay I’m not even going to engage with the mobs I’m just going to see if I can find some loot uh oh chain mail as well this would have been nice if there wasn’t op loot oh by the way ree I have three stacks of golden carrots if you need any oh yeah I could take some I’ve only got 15 so I mean I definitely take some of bro I’ve got a sharp five iron axe I have a sharp five diamond want one out have two what sword sword and axe oh I’ll take the sword for sure yeah yeah no no sword’s mine you can’t ax I mean I’ll take the ax oh do the same as the iron one anyway oh there’s another structure over here let’s go go for that one people people people people people people is that a person or am I is that a I think you’re tripping I think you’re tripping no no oh no it’s NPCs okay right be careful cuz they look pretty stacked yeah they are St okay yeah this is scary also I don’t want to get hit with jump boost 10 million again oh I think I think someone’s been here wait can we get diamond gear from these though did they drop it come on oh he dropped golden carrots I got nothing bad oh so it’s like a it’s like a 50/50 chance in it seems of getting something decent or something negative okay this is is good loot there’s good loot here yeah there’s not there not awful loot hold on if there’s an easy way to just like Farm These mobs without them just all constantly running out was like this we might be able to get oh he’s just dropped a pickaxe what’s that uh I’m going to keep looking around I got another efficiency n pickaxe right yeah yeah just keep looking oh he dropped some diamonds as well yeah let’s just Farm these things oh my God this is so free wait hold on wait wait wait do this dream team dream team I got blindness you got blindness yeah we should uh find you a cow there was cows back at that place you could get milk from in case we get bad effects oh yeah true we should get like eight milk buckets eight milk buckets could be a little bit extreme I think n bro oh they don’t seem to be giving bad effects anymore oh I’m blind I’m blind I’m blind oh never never mind think of the I’m just straight up linding I’m just straight up linding oh oh I’m going to die why can’t say anything I have wither three oh Munch gaps Munch gaps wait I’ve got gaps if you need them how many have you got okay I’m good I’m good I’m good you sure it’s going to end in yeah it’s going to end in 5 seconds I’m full don’t get with a three yeah with the three are sure are you sure you’re going to survive yeah I’m good you don’t look good a it’s lasting a lot longer there’s a guy down here there’s a person down here we could PE on him should we we should oh diamond leggings yeah I’ll take those wait wait wait wait I’m going to I’m going to rip should I rip that wait no don’t rip tide there’s oh there’s a few people there’s a few people is it a few people I only saw one name tag yeah we should have chase that guy to be honest we should try to kill him let me just break this with my efficiency oh my God that’s disgusting yo trying to escape from people is going to be so easy sort of I just found a Notch Apple in one of these double chests over here oh wait so this isn’t looted then yeah no this isn’t looted I thought you said it was no that bottom part was looted I think people just came and passed by I was just killing the mobs for loot but yeah yeah careful care careful there’s a ton of yeah yeah hold up there’s barrels here as well though wait oh grab the gold grab the gold cuz I got efficiency 9 I can just grab this immediately oh there’s some barrels here are these looted oh some iron I’ll take it right I say we go over that way and see if we can find those people that we just saw a second ago yeah let’s do it oh there’s water jump down did he just Trident off the edge yeah Oh I thought you went into the forest I was going to say you’re going to die where’s Relic oh there he is um sorry oh oh n is here hi NY no please she’s got Trident as well keep keep following her keep following her I need a team I need a team I need a team I need a team yes what do we think gang I have stuff I promise what stuff do you got stuff give me a diamond chest plate for hey we could maybe debate some things I can give I can trade some stuff I can give some gaps please okay right come on to land come on to land Let’s uh let’s chat it out okay I don’t know if I trust you no no I’m a trustworthy guy now invite invite first invite the team first oh what can you bring to the team H A bunch of gaps PRS PR for armor um sorry for sting that’s disgusting behavor okay I’ve got Trident oh oh they okay do you know what I think considering there’s hella people left and also probably all got open GE we should probably take her in I concur welcome to the team so you just said you’ve got a loot of stuff to share with us so let’s start sharing I gave you like the pr armor I don’t think I picked that up I don’t I got full inventory I need to fix my inventory a little bit actually I’m carrying a lot of useful I gave you some like half of my gaps I only have four left oh yeah I’m only on four as well so I mean we’re on evens yeah but we should just keep killing mobs it works I want to kill people there was some people over here that we were going to go and Chase and then you appeared should still go for the explosive bow though low key I how much is it you need like gunpowder TNT feathers and Flint I mean it’s fairly easy you just got to find that one windmill structure somewhere right I think mid was over that way right so we could go back over towards middle we can keep going this way oh tame got the Ender boo that means he’s got a Target on his back I the soul harvester what okay really I can make the soul harvester yeah give if you have three diamonds I can make it yeah I got I got 32 take those if you’re going to use that though make sure you try and hit someone with it just before they’re going to die you get extra Hearts um I got it make it the guy who chased me might have gotten the ra cuz he was a bit out stacking me okay where where was The Raid um okay I came from it should be this way I mean we can go over I mean I wouldn’t mind a totem it was like it was right by the border as I remember everybody else is going to be just as stacked as us oh chicken here we go no feathers God Dam oh there’s another one try and grab some feathers if you can where’s the chicken going come here oh there oh there’s a baby chicken but I just got to kill it anyway for the culture oh I didn’t drop anything what a shame I thought they did all of a sudden yeah there should be a load of chickens in this Forest if we can find them um are you lying about this village with this raid cuz I don’t see no Village genuinely there is one I don’t know where it is cuz I kind of just um you said it was this way away from there it should be cuz this towards the border right I don’t know we’ve not seen the Border yet I can’t promise that the raid is still going because I was chased away from it okay well Relic didn’t you say you had bat Omen 3 at one point yeah I did and then I lost it but oh it ran out yeah it ran out okay it should be beat it oh the Airship okay right let’s Trident our way down the river woo oh the I should have done more of these op ones is there a raid this might be a different village oh come on leading us around mind mind maybe maybe Me Maybe ra oh wait there’s a high chance which is kind of scary actually thinking about it you know we got an efficiency nine pickaxe yeah what if someone’s been given a sharp nine sword what that would be oh God we need to be very careful of what weapons people have got you’ve lied to us no I haven’t lied it’s just the wrong Village Chad can vouch is maybe the village with the raid was the friends we made along the way because I’m not I’m not believing in this raid right now wait it could be over here it could be this one there’s another Village it could be that one it could be that one let’s just check it oh God bucket clutch I’m so good Nick lunari would never lie yeah being for real I’m being for real I think wait actually I think it is this one cuz you said that about the last one I think n is lying to be honest with Who the hell’s that oh there’s play here my God that’s element Elemental Elemental Elemental Elemental head see I was telling the truth yes sh Elementals head where you going buddy how what How’s he over there already I’m going to cut him off yo I do not know how to use a trident efficiently where did he go he’s gone right she wasn’t lying though the raid was back there right let’s go back for the raid let’s go back for the raid all right all right all right Elemental must have started that raid because Nick obviously was not telling the truth okay okay okay okay buddy okay oh it’s not even here anymore oh no there it is there it is okay I don’t see the Raiders though there was a good chance they may be underground uh no oh there’s one here there’s one here yeah yeah okay never mind they are still here oh if we can get totems now this is going to be crazy good oh this is going to be nuts if we get totems or just be careful that a villager doesn’t end up giving you like crazy effects oh ah there’s a ravager oh my God yeah he do like three half you don’t want with there we go oh I got badman again oh this guy hey he’s stuck wait can I double happen okay right please hope we’re doing another one oh a saddle I’m taking that oh there’s players over there there’s players over there okay right be careful cuz there are people here just try and stick together right where’s the where’s the wave started oh over here over here shotgun the first totem where’s the evok where’s the evok where’s the evoker come on oh watch out okay I’m just going to kill him die there we go okay by the way the more the more of us there are I think the more spawn I’m not getting bad effects anymore no me neither maybe maybe these don’t give him I didn’t see an there’s another another there’s a play here yo let’s beat this ra let’s beat this ra no no let’s beat you let’s beat you be relax [Applause] rela just it’s fine I’m color blind hey that’s my excuse stay on him oh I don’t how oh oh oh I see now man get out out of here you a catching me I see now how this works stay on him this River’s going to come to an end we left the raid oh no where are you going no okay I’m going hey come back for the raid come back for the raid there’s no point I think that like the riptide Trident are a little too much for uh for this trying to do any PVP yeah when the Border shrinks it should be all right right just look for the evoker first off I think the villagers might be trapped cuz this was left here for a while and there was no one here and it didn’t end see if we can get the totems I don’t see any of them though was it just that guy that was in the middle of the street I think it might just be this guy here oh no there’s a few there’s a few did you get a oh he got I got one I got one oh this raven is like glitched God they do so much damage oh Lord this Vex is absolutely buling oh there vexor where’s the evoker I got where nice nice nice okay where’s where’s the evoker though apparently goo got it yeah oh yeah he’s got the totem he’s got the totem okay oh there’s some more Raiders over here more Raiders come on oh no watch out ow there these things do so much damage yeah he’s got an enchanted iron ax try not to throw him down like a cave or something is that all where’s the rest no there should be more oh there here here here here got it okay there’s only like two more left somewhere I think there might be in cave they’ve got to be cuz they spawned over here oh yeah here’s one hey buddy there we go oh there’s a guy down there I knew he was in a cave yo he’s underground yeah I’m ringing the bell so he actually appears I never actually knew that was a thing I’m not going to lie I I knew it but Le on line just messaged me and reminded me just ring the bell it’s a good addition there is still one more though that we can’t see anywhere he’s on you I found him oh you got him oh yeah all right if there’s anybody near rivers we shouldn’t even waste our time trying to chase them cuz it’s going to be almost impossible to get new round new round okay cuz we’re on hard I think there’s going to be a few rounds of this this one should have three oh over here over here over here and evoker oh yeah evoker evoker please please please please give me you give me you no no no no it’s spawned already okay I’m just going to pop a gap and chug it out oh did you get it yeah oh my God was there only one oh God I’m getting surrounded one sec pop a gap if you need to oh oh vexes take oh I picked the totem up I got the totem I didn’t even realize right hey did these vexes count towards the raid no oh oh there’s another wave I’m I’m going to get on a roof I’m taking a beat in here these things do so much damage oh they’re on me as hey hey get away from me there we go oh wait there’s another evoker wait how many arrows do I have oh raver rer over here evoker there’s noer yeah there’s one there’s one just behind it let me see if I can grab it on oh my God I’m going to die no oh my God watch out watch out watch out watch don’t die don’t die don’t die careful oh my gosh hold on oh yeah jeez they do a lot of damage yo that evoke is weak I’ve hit it a couple times there he is come on Budd bro I don’t know what just happened my instantly my God don’t die please don’t die bro they do so much damage you got it oh my God oh my God how many we got we got we got four I have none I have none I had one that I popped because I just got absolutely lagged on right um well I’ve got one who’s nck NY is fighting oh oh there’s one over here I was going to say she’s fighting nothing bro it’s on a it’s on yeah that’s that’s an easy drop there’s another team there what the other Village yeah the other Village I think it’s Elemental right there’s only two two of them I’m not getting any more drops no me neither it might have changed to something else what was it at first it was farming right let me try the pumpkins again no it’s not pumpkins either anymore do we have a spare totem uh no I’ve not got a spare totem I’ve got one totem oh there’s a there’s a mine shaft down there where um right down this cave come down here there’s a m shaft I want to get some cobwebs oh there’s so many cobwebs here we’re chilling here we go hopefully there’s not a spider spawner that’s going to absolutely Ru me here all the world board is shrinking fetch got the spider bow uh-oh okay well we’re going to see in action for the first time that should be interesting just grab as many cobwebs as you can I got 19 already I think you can only carry 32 so I’m just going to grab enough for me and then somebody else can take these shares if they want yo somebody come and pick these up then cuz I’ve already hit the max all right pick up all those webs I can’t pick up anymore wait let me just take a step back and organize my inventory real quick diamond leggings actually I’m going to keep in case they break don’t need that don’t need that don’t need that I just want to I want to enchant this soul harvester I don’t know how much damage it does I think it’s a base netherite sword really okay so then it does it should do eight it should stay on it what it does it doesn’t tell me it doesn’t tell me how much real quick uh N I think there was a a lava pool near Mid like one of those little volcano I found so many cobwebs I’m rich now I’ve got 32 I’m maxed out wait wait there’s there’s a thing here there’s a thing here there’s a what oh there is something here what is that it’s like a bash new structure new structure dropped hold up this oh my gosh oh my God what is it what is this the mobs in here oh oh it is like a b oh Jesus watch out watch out my God oh my God oh my God throwing so much stuff oh oh my God be careful be careful be careful yeah there Vindicator down here yeah yeah yeah just run just run just run jump in the wall oh my God what is this it’s like a Bastion hold up right wait let me go in here it’s looks like a little bit less dangerous down here oh never mind this is a Bastian it’s just oh no there’s an illusioner I do not want to have to fight that uhoh no no no no no no no no no please get me out of here please get me out of here oh no not an illusioner again please just let me run okay where the hell have my team gone oh no these mobs are following me it’s only witches that’s a I just run straight into it thing yeah okay it’s only slowness that’s not too bad oh now we got poison phenomenal well these things are tanky I’ve got a sharp five diamond right oh sharp two diamond oh no my axe is sharp five okay oh no oh no and I can’t see that Vindicator that’s coming wait I got an idea stay away from me there we go oh no no no no no no stay away from me even more please stay away from me I’m just going to dig into the wall how long is this poison 15 seconds oh my God where is my team team MSG where you at I think everyone almost just died in that random structure that we just found let me just see if I can slowly dig back over towards where they are my armor isn’t too good I’m not going to lie Relic shouted help in chat oh I can hear yo oh he’s over there hello I’m digging towards you I got chased into a into a cave by a load of mobs wait someone in my chat said you’re digging in the wall and like start looking around the walls I was mining into the walls I I fell down and I clutched up with my ch there I actually I doubt it’s all looted down there chest right here this is empty empty empty oh emerald sword what what even is that what is that it looks pretty Diamond to me looks iron where are you bro think there was like there was like 20 witches and freaking yeah I got chased into a cave by a lot of oh my gosh right we should go back up cuz the Border shrinking remember so we don’t want to get caught oh there’s some lava down there hold up let me grab that woo n well to be fair I’ve only got nine gaps I don’t know about yourself but I’m actually not that stacked I have eight I have eight although goo I think that diamond sword that you said you had would be pretty nice in my hands uh where did oh NY went down for lava right n can meet us at the surface right we just need to be careful of the Border cuz it’s going to be up here very very soon all right surface at last right which way was mid mid was like 0 way so it’s this way I’m pretty sure where’s nyck oh there’s nck there’s nyck oh chickens come here give me those feathers hold up nck did you see that windmill in where at one point uh yes close to spot okay right let’s go over to the mid then oh there’s players players okay so that is our first look at another team and they are pretty good that’s Chris yeah they’re pretty stacked right at least we know what we’re up against us oh oh behind us behind us oh he wants to fight now where’s your fire wa come on oh why can’t I oh okay that’s why okay why getting 3 on looking on look on what just one just wait hey n you got the spider bow oh nice nice bre up break it up break it up man break it up break it up oh again I’m not on either team you again you want some of this you want some of this come on yeah yeah I do want some of it uhoh I don’t want it no I do want it I’ve always wanted it oh this tall grass is getting in the way y where’s my team wait stranger here there we go I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming yeah you good you good what are you doing Str yo Vi don’t run come on you pushed us you got to fight no I I didn’t push I you did push don’t lie you were with elemental just a second ago get him to get him who’s this a you with your Trident just kill to real quick instead what no you’re not oh I’m not chasing that sword stay back up stay back up yeah yeah they’re all they’re all going away with the Trident I’m not following I don’t even have my trient on my inventory I’m not using it who’s that over there yeah these guys out come in yeah you thought you going to get away but it was me oh yo watch out they’ve got fire aspect yeah I can feel oh to yo what did to get good hold up oh I was always good I was just holding back you are not him you’re not him oh God oh God oh God I’m there I’m in the SL this fire killer all right ladies let’s break it up here come on let’s fight come on can we get strin so first hello no we’re not going to get me yeah yeah let’s just focus in I have an idea I have an idea damn I’m I’m awful at this game I Lord destroy oh damn I accidentally peed I’m panicking that much all right chat we could be cooked I won’t lie these guys are stacked oh yeah let’s just focus this there’s people he ready I’m going to tr I’m going to go in here ready I’m going try a no right I’m not chasing that let’s get him let’s get him oh the others are back the yeah yeah come over here don’t stay near the river there’s no point oh who’s this oh it’s to oh I think I miss I was calculated good feeling yeah I don’t want Elementals attached down waste that Gap see you later just keep running let him waste the Gap who’s that oh oh no no Y where did Relic go re’s dead I killed Relic relic’s dead I killed him well that ain’t idea get out of get just get out of here just get out of here I thought Relic was good it’s fine he tried to kill me at the start anyway that’s what he deserves help us oh hell no go this way go this way there’s so many people here oh I remember this sword I remember it yeah well you ran earlier you’re going to run again oh can we just get out of here no we can’t cuz they’re just going to keep following so there’s no point we may as well fight it oh right I’m I’m really low on gaps now so I need to try and preserve them I need to try and eat these golden apples more than the gaps where’s my team ni he is oh my God no they’re all on me now I thought that was my team just try get out yeah yeah right where is the from I don’t know what how though where to let’s go to the water go to the I don’t know how to use those Trident efficiently let’s strike a deal let’s strike a deal let’s stri a deal with no I ain’t striking a deal these guys have drained all my gear wait go go go go to the structure go to the structure where’s goob just just keep running I I’m sorry but like keep just keep M go go south I’m completely out of healing and my armor is half dur yeah my armor single Gap a single Gap I’ve got three take that one do you have any spray gold cuz I have much apples I’ve got 20 raw gold I’ve got the advanced pickaxe though so we can go undergr we might be able to get some let’s just go mining let’s just go mining wait is it what does this not structure have like crazy good loot though yes but it’s also crazy op op loot yeah yeah op mobs too yeah yeah just carry a water bucket and brush them all away as long as they don’t fly be fine if you have spare diamonds and like iron we can also repair a gear I’ve got eight diamonds yeah uh oh there’s chest here come on here we go oh iron okay if that was gold that would have been lovely one of those chests definitely going to have gold like that though how the hell do I get up here there we go oh there’s ladder why am I placing water give me that I’ve lost my water I got it um oh gold here we go gold yes perfect I have to go into outside okay that’s fine yeah people have been here by the way just saying yeah but doubt they’ve been to the top like not everything’s looted yeah yeah I’m just going to I don’t think I think they may have gone straight to the oh oh they may have gone straight to the top some more gold would be lovely right now oh there’s so many barrels there oh there crafting table no they’ve took everything Nick might be right we might have to go up is she still all right I think she is okay some more gold there we go I know the the roofs usually have the best loot here Emerald though that’s not great oh Jesus stay away from me yeah NY has suggested we go mining I kind of agree with her this seems mostly looted yo niy can you hear me oh I’m deed up yo niy hello oh here we go some diamonds some iron that’s not too bad ah stay away from me let’s just keep going up some of these roofs aren’t looted this might be the play right come on break that spawner quick oh yes Golden Apple perfect wait what’s that bow what’s that bow anything’s better Unbreaking three I mean it’s Enchanted it looks intimidating uh M next uh where you at right oh hello Mr yo where’s n have you seen her yeah n is right like oh she’s over here she’s over here right yeah we need to go mining yo yeah let’s go mining let’s go get apples and then go mining yeah we need to be careful though we need to go mining near the middle so we don’t get caught out by the border yeah it’s go it’s go which way is mid it’s this way I mean The Border’s going to be near the middle in about 10 20 minutes cuz it’s already been an hour and 10 minutes of this game so oh man I’m so surprised we got out of there alive cuz so many teams started showing up my overall perception of how this is going to go though is has gone down a little bit I mean cuz I didn’t find out the thing about like the cops until very late like right before it shut so I think other people just had like the opportunity to do it I think Relic or goob said that jeppi was like found a whole farm and got it we only got a few pumpkins what is the recipe for the advanced diamond pick two diamonds and three iron we can make a few oh there’s a cave here should we just go in this one yeah we can just make just make more yeah yeah I can make a few you need diamonds yeah okay look gold already perfect yes oh diamonds as well I have iron can you give me the other stuff for yeah yeah diamonds and there’s some wood for sticks and stuff let’s see if we oh yes this is the exact cave we need my God there’s scull down here as well oh there’s some gold over there right perfect I can try it down to that right oh my God that was risky I should not have done that let’s grab this it should Auto smelt as well bang oh there we go perfect Auto smelting and we might even get some extra gold in the process this is beautiful uh 16 gold already right I’m probably going to get enough for maybe eight more golden apples so a stack of gold and I’m getting out cuz I do not want to get caught out by the border at all that’s going to be a disaster if that happens some more gold here perfect how much are we on now 27 and I’ve still got 20 un uncooked this Auto smell is so nice man I’m so glad we added this keep grabbing oh my God there’s so much gold here as well wow hopefully Nicks and goo are able to get quite a lot as well next is over there yo hello you found much gold uh I have 18 uh I’ve got 63 63 yeah yeah are you mining coal as well and stuff with it yeah you got mine everything yeah I’m on 64 now dude I’m only getting Diamonds oh No Suffering From Success right we need to get apples though before the Border fully shrinks cuz I don’t know I can’t remember how many oak trees were up there but we need to make sure we can find something beforehand wait do you still have the crafting table Yeah place it down real quick thank you cook up some of this extra gold that I’ve got in the meantime right you got a little bit more gold here how much gold do you want now total uh one I oh you’ve got apples how many apples you got spare I had I had four oh okay right yes so we need to go up and get some quick then all right let me see if I can get a little bit more gold I’m not doing a maid outfit for a thirst trap sorry out of context that’s probably sounded crazy chat chat what are we no no no no no chat I’m not dressing up as a maid I think you traumatized my chat yeah I asked them what they think my next outfit is going to be cuz B where do you see like how your P like your thing CH no mine’s not g red yet right let’s just grab the golden get out then I don’t see the Border either way it’s this direction I have red on my screen see I see I see run wa wait wait let me dig out let me dig out let me dig out i’ no let me up go just run hopefully I’ll break out into a cave are we on a flat oh my God come this way come this way quick we’re good I think this goes to the surface oh there’s a staircase here there’s a staircase let’s just try and get up then we can assess where we are it’s when I’m jumping it goes slower oh is this surface Sur no no we’re chilling we’re chilling we’re free oh there’s mid okay okay oak tree there’s not going to be any trees in the thing now give me the wood give me the wood give me the wood give me the wood give me the wood no I can’t mind any more pieces H give me that run run run I’m free right I need to oh my God I’m going to have to get the apples from the trees in the middle or Apple watch out watch out re there’s people coming I need to make a hoe oh no you going to team man what happened where’ you go oh my goodness no we could have teamed wait where we could have teamed you run away yeah had to just I didn’t know you were going to Mid so finished I’m the two teams catching to each other yeah next we got to figure some out [Music] I love to see it you guys benit more from fighting each other than fighting us I’m good I’m good never in doubt chat I’m very much so in doubt yo NY give me the apples that you picked up please here thank you I just dude I told them they benefit more from fighting each other and they started fighting we have to be careful though they’re kind of coming back I dropped my Axe by AC yeah I’m almost out of app and it’s you find a tree go come this way go to this tree go to the tree oh hey hey buddy oh this not a o tree go this way wait this gu’s a solo ni I need to find apples on there’s no trees I’m sorry there’s a tree over yo that’s a birch tree I’m so no please no not like this come on drop your apples drop your apples drop your apples apples I have no apples apples drop your G okay okay okay wait wait wait wait let me drop them drop them right next Hold Up Hold I need I need these leaves I need these leaves right let me make a hoe how many apples do you need uh the leaves you know I got one there’s a guy here who’s that it’s goob goob what’s he doing can get a sapling or something I have seven apples I have seven apples seven apples okay I dropped them where’s the crafting table right I got nine apples in total how many you have five make sure that goo has shh well that’s a stack team right we need to get over to goo drop wait next drop into that water and then try up the hill go oh hello this this this is this guy’s chill he gave me gaps oh how many Gap you got I got four right now wait I don’t have any can I have one sure just gave his last Apple for you this guy’s a ride or die oh watch out watch out run run same run who they running from wait hide down here get down here get down here the sword think he can hide the sword think he can hide I can’t hide stay on him stay on him I might be getting quick I’m running see you later Mike is atrocious mik capping he’s low they they’re kind of weak they’re kind of oh actually no they’ve got a full team they’re part of uh fet and dying fires can you guys go away just asking him to go away m fight this is crazy what is that a what is to tr tot forend don’t lie wait why is we fighting all right you want to go oh that’s my teammate no one person what a mess this is no the guy died not s a weak sword’s never pop it sword is not the strongest player on this m this guy’s weak I’m sorry run wait wait I’m the web sword I’m web sword him no no no no no no no what’s up I’d love oh my where’s my [Music] team oh my God there’s so many people here I’m never giving up Never Back Down how’s it going buddy okay sit still hide goober and N are still alive where did they go who’s that okay another two teams fighting n next next next next One V one totally a One V one can I reach that water oh yeah one V one right yeah come on buddy let’s fight no okay he’s gone he’s G right come over here come over here where did goo go I’m sorry re I know we want to get goo but we have to let these teams fight each that’s fine I’m happy to sit here and just spectate for a minute I mean I’ll take is that goob it is goob get over here and hide for a minute no they’ve got the oh they’re coming over I think they are fet has the Spider by the way wait two two water buckets from YouTu make a quick uh infinite water source I need some water uh oh I can make a load of extra I’ve got so much iron how many G you only need three but like make sure you I’ve just I’ve just made four Stacks do you need to like I have diamonds if you need to repair uh yeah I I can I can repair my chest plate a little bit I guess watch my back while I I’ve got no chest plate on there we go all right got eight water buckets and a dream wait wait n’s getting wav n’s getting waved we have to we have to like third part party okay right I’m down this is it the beginning of the end they’re coming on us oh they’re coming from behind here go away go away oh my that fire aspect is so hard to fight against yo n n over yeah I he’s detached he’s detached just keep this gu is alone he’s not even gapped how’s he not dead that’s who po a totem who totem popped oh no yep oh God it’s over choke is so hard oh okay oh they’re fighting no I’m going to kill this guy come back no I dropped my Trident did nck die nck died no BR I’m so bad at the game I don’t like this trident PVP I’m not good at it at all right wait is there a trident here there is a trident here we go I’m out of golden apples I mean it’s the last stand right are they cross teaming as well unbelievable right let’s just bounce over here see if I can grab any of n’s loot n died here I think but use the tri there we go uh oh goo oh my God I was going to say uhoh okay I got nyx’s helmet thank you NY for the ra here we [Music] go oh hell no no no this is it I need to try and eat oh no he’s right on me come on please let me get away no oh the Trident no GG’s GG’s man Fair Play No I hate Trident man I actually hate trident

This was chaos, will definitely do it again!

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  1. Fun fact i never even found the op item thing so i won the event with out finding it. I looted whole nether woth bastions 34 gaps going grazy. I got op items later like trident from killing people

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