The Nomad Life Continues Once Again! : Ep.20 – Minecraft Nomadic Survival

[Music] [Music] [Music] Bob Bob Bob where’d you go Bob man he had a cake I wanted I have no food left and that looked so good well guess I got to resort to some fishing welcome back everyone to some nomatic survival here on episode 20 I think like 2 or three years later from episode 19 and I know this is quite the reoccurring theme with this series but that is no more I’m bringing this series back in full swing I want to see this taken so far in this channel because this series is my absolute baby yes I got a salmon I won’t starve listen I love my let’s play on Minecraft Pocket Edition but this holds something special in my heart I don’t know what it is just something about it I love so much maybe the idea that I came up with all by myself but since we are on Java oh oh all my animals Chief oh Chief how you doing holding the good stuff assassin assassin nice to see you who else a bunch of no names Spitfire the one who spit in my face meeps I remember you going missing at one point but we got you back another no name bear wow look at you sit Bruce Mr Buttersworth and a fox we cut out here which I don’t think we’ll be taking but uh yes in this episode I’m going to get my crap together show you everything I have new for this series and we might even head out to a whole new area but first off let’s talk mods oh what’s this oh oh I was nice enough to what I would have assumed spawn was that way oh wow that goes to show how lost I really am so spawn is that way Barn which is our first little settlement I believe is that way Treehouse oh jeez need to get my bearing straight put my fishing rod back down see that what do I have in here I got some stuff I remember the last episode we kind of just decorated this house very poorly and got a fox oh I’m ready to just get back out there in the Wilds with all my llamas a lot of crap in here that I don’t need to am I already loaded up that’s a lot of wood oh my lucky pickle Adventure log planner comment book o listen to this everything has its own little sound so yes I’m continuing the nomadic Journey with some mods but these are very vanilla friendly mods it doesn’t alter the game drastically so I’m still playing purely vanilla but it’s mainly Aesthetics and quality of life features as you can tell the first thing is clouds you might recognize these clouds these are the clouds actually b o uses in hermitcraft I’m honestly so ready to get out of this cabin we’ve been here for literally years years we have been here for years we have been here for like two to I think like 3 years we have been here for a long time a very long time yeah yeah that’s another mod uh so yeah before we start anything I will go through what mods we have ready for this um this right here is actually an armor stand this is vanilla tweaks and I’ve wanted this in Minecraft forever I have this book I made I had to name it statues and as you can see you adjust armor stands with all kinds of different numbers and put it exactly where you want and turn it it off so you can’t see it and it looks like stuff leaning up against walls and I love this this is my nomadic bow I can’t lose this I love that bow and this is my bait Master yeah leave that there for now I also have something else you might notice some Hermits use and that is better animations so almost every mob and animal in this game has their own unique animations like their blinking eyes their wiggling their ears sometimes bear lays down on the ground Mr Buttersworth will clean himself I can’t wait to discover all that and as well we also have a map now this is my first time opening it in this world I’m wanting to figure out if it has tracked my progress oh my God has it oh it has oh my that is good news so since this series is all about adventuring I want to be able to keep track of all my bases I’ve ever made so this would be pretty handy to make way points and all that stuff and be able to track down our old bases if we wanted to also have a sound mod which makes inventory sounds as you’ve already heard and I really like these it just adds a little bit extra to the game also have Dynamic lighting as you can see I normally played with this when I had OptiFine but I’m all on fabric now and I also have an eating animation every food item will have an eating animation these will all be listed down below uh you can see everything I have installed right here not much but maybe I’ll add more as the Siri goes on all right now we got that out of the way let’s get some stuff figured out interesting in my adventure log here when we last logged our log about our Log Cabin yeah I put been here for a while thought I was going to retire here but I can’t quit now moved out on 83021 my booty I did I’m actually going to keep that date for when I wrote that I stayed another few years I missed being a nomad it’s time to head back out wow I look at that time Gap that is nuts okay log cabin’s right here where was my last base the mega Tiga base I’m in a mega Tiga though okay this one was different let’s look for this treehouse on the map oh is that it it is look at that as you can see right here this was where we made Ewok tree houses from Star Wars that actually isn’t far away look at this right here so we traveled this way and settled down here Swamp House 4880 it’s got to be in here somewhere there it is if you remember this was the swamp this is how far I am from it that’s way up there Ewok place right here here’s our current location okay hi but you haven’t se are you sniffing me these dude’s actually blink that is nuts oh my gosh okay I spent so much time in my mini map men you tracking everywhere I have been so far oh look at him I’m getting distracted but look okay I’ve loaded all the terrain we have explored so far and let me show you where we have been this is so helpful to understand where we’ve been so far so here’s spawn if you remember this episode 1 if you’ve not seen this series before I recommend going to episode one it’ll be linked in the description below start it from there and catch yourself up this is one of my favorite series I’ve ever played we started off here and lived on this boat for a couple couple days it was rough but anyway I headed this way this is our first Outpost Outpost will be in white and our main bases will be in red then we went here and built our barn then we went here and built the Mountain Base and these are all campsites that are in green then we went over here and created the desert base and then this is when I decided to head north I went North and built the Swamp House here and for some weird reason I decided to head extreme nor oh I was following the Woodland Mansion map that’s right and I stopped here to camp and decided to give up on it and then I headed all the way back back through here past the barn this is where the Treehouse bases and then I headed this way and this is where we built the Log Cabin I now know where we are okay I am ready to get back into the Nomad life you have no idea how excited I am um oh my gosh that sounds interesting am I going to have room for that okay I don’t need some of this I want to bring clay because you know clay pots and whatnot uh-oh what’s in here oh soup stuff if you didn’t know I have to eat the foods that are in this biome here I was eating as you can tell mushroom still oh my gosh I didn’t realize that I kept these llamas and developed good relationships with them and I didn’t realize these are actually crappy llamas they don’t have all their spaces unlocked here you can have that no name these guys earn their names just to let you know like Spitfire spit on my face here’s the dreaded Woodland Mansion map and you know what now that we have caves and cliffs because this world was created before it I wonder if it would even still be there one day we’ll go to it all right I’m going to get these guys ready and we’re going to figure out which direction we are going in okay I got the bait Master that’s good we got nomad’s bow we got my pickle these are some OG items somewhere okay for a while in the beginning episodes I was tracking my first crafting table and furnace I guess I set them down and gave up that after a while because I don’t think those are them what’s crazy is is how old this world is we’re still in the beginning stages like I haven’t even gone mining yet well I have gone mining but I haven’t gone through my mining phase like we only we don’t have many diamonds here’s our loot we got some oh I got 60 emeralds okay let’s going night time this is going to be the last night we stay here I’m so nervous I actually spent the past couple days catching up on all of the episodes just because I didn’t want to miss any details I forgot I got some challenges for example we can only sleep at settlements like this or if we make a tent so if I have the whole gang with me I’ll have to make a whole tent but if I’m only bringing like my dog for example I can just put a bed and have to make a campfire okay um here’s the thing I’m not bringing him with me oh my God why’d you have to do that he looks so cute the thing is is he’s out and he took my lead um I need that trade me no no no no trade me oh look he has a swimming animation trade me I need the lead man oh thank you I want to bring him back out into the wild I’m not taking him with me because they don’t follow and I don’t want to drag him everywhere luckily with this sound mod I now have an a sound animation for when my lead snap so that’s really good oh not all the windows are in no Mr pworth you’re going to hop on a bed you stay outside no crap don’t eat that that’s mine ah dang it stay I’m just going to have to patch these windows with blocks I want him to stay in here in case I ever return and see him don’t go upstairs not allowed up there okay good luck Mr Buttersworth stop cleaning yourself oh bear just let you know we do not have the new dogs yet because we have all these mods going on oh boy here we go back to the Nomad life we did not retire this is going to be the most interesting part right here seeing how well oh man I remember how rough this was I’m going to head this direction because I want to see how new terrain loads for me come on Assassin y all pull well is this going to work wow just like the old days oh look at them their little chests flap when they walk oh they hop oh I just realized that oh I love that oh my gosh this animation pack is phenomenal okay that’s everyone right dog cat parrot parrot on my shoulder oh my gosh goodbye Log Cabin you’ve suited me well oh I didn’t realize tomorrow is the anniversary since the last episode uploaded four years ago four um how the heck is that much time passed already I thought that was a little ridiculous oh this is going to get hard to used to again oh I got to keep track one two three four five one two three four five okay I got six llamas now FYI I am just traveling right now I have no idea where I’m going to settle down next uh we’re just going to have to make some campsites and figure this all out on our own come on meeps you’re slowing us down okay honestly I don’t know if I’m going to be using this map a whole lot like I love this map but it almost feels like too much information like I like the idea of getting lost sometimes so I might make a big decision and it might not be here next episode but I’m going to use it for this episode I do also have this if you didn’t know I do have the mini map on but that feels too powerful so I turn it off since [Music] the okay I got a feeling that is where old and new generation begins oh this is going to be interesting oh never mind that’s just an extreme Island oh that’s kind of cool actually I thought it was glitched for a second I’m just forgetting that caves and cliffs added extreme terrain wow look at that that okay let’s take a look here I had a planner and this is where I would come up with my ideas of what to build good old swamp hutted oil rig wow I was ambitious medieval Town western town a sky base elytra of course I don’t think I’ll be doing elytra in this because that defeats the purpose [Music] oh no bear Bruce Bruce is dead oh are you kidding me this is the first episode back and Bruce is dead oh my God no I thought I was going to sleep fast enough oh you hurt you look hurt oh here here here here get me out get up God I know you’re hurt and it’s thundering now come on go back move how cute oh my God Bruce is dead just made it back no I think he was on my shoulder oh that is awful hold it together slime hold it together you got this you sit down I need to heal you guys just a reminder if I die or any pets die we do create Graves for them oh look at your walking animation so whoever our next settlement will be I will make a grave for Bruce there I I’m trying to get out of here if you look at the map here I’m actually trying to head north this is a lot of over here I’m trying to head north and go to this new area up here ow what the I was blocking oh I was crouching dang it let’s get the heck out of here why is there a rabbits did you get that for me a that’s nice of you I have a lucky pickle so I don’t need this but I’ll hang on to it okay we leave that there that is our spawn point this is a campsite I need to write this one down this will be easier to track and Mark these now considering I can do it while I’m here there we go this cat is wasting daylight how do you guys know a solution for this I don’t know how to leave I I don’t know how I did it before how do you get a I can’t break the bed because this is my spawn point how do you get a cat off of a bed I’m Googling it Minecraft how to get stupid cat off bed oh that’s how double right click did that work it did you just double right click them wow that’s awesome what are you looking at I didn’t kill Bruce we’re finally back and we already lost someone you might notice as well we do not have our original Sky pack on if you remember it’s called Lively default it was very blue oh we got a village and it had like the preset clouds and all that night time had the sparkling Stars sadly that pack can’t be found anywhere anymore there’s a few of them online but they’re outdated and they’re not they don’t work work like they’re supposed to what oh I liked that sound though I now know when my leads break but I am glad we have this guy now because these clouds are actually real and move and are shaped in many different ways oh yes a place to loot yall chill I think I like I like that about this you don’t have to lead up all of the llamas you can just lead up one and they’ll all stay put that’s pretty handy I need everything you guys have especially food sorry Buttersworth guard got to get rid of your gift whoa look at him just standing sway whoa hey I won’t cause any trouble got a blacksmith ooh another saddle oh my gosh what look at that oh what I think he’s having a nightmare every time he blows out the no oh and his eyes actually close let just go to watch him sleep all night [Music] Bruce was blown up by creeper oh oh he dropped the bow ah not as good as my nomad’s bow so if you guys weren’t aware I’m still doing a challenge where I’m trying to obtain silk touch and Fortune only through trading we still have not got that yet so I’m going to be needing to keep my eye out for that that ooh I want all of this I see a farmer this is good please trade wheat yes no no no no no that’s my wheat a dang it thank you want some more thank you actually you know what I’m going to take that deal should I though yes I do because I like using axes in this series I don’t use swords they’re so much more powerful he girl bear this is all I could find going to have to hold over until we get the dog armor ah it’s been so long I forget that there’s some useful stuff in my llamas he has rotten flesh so yeah I just need to memorize what these guys have again the whole point of the Llama Caravan they carry all my useful stuff I have a pro for I’ve got to say nomadic survival is such a better experience on this new laptop the last time we played this I was on my old Lenovo y700 or no Lenovo y750 and this is on the Lenovo Legion 5 and not one hiccup not one stutter it is running like this is what nomadic was made for it’s been amazing so far I haven’t had one instance where I’ve lost some of my fellow llamas we might I think we’re approaching an old Outpost here one of our first out posts it’s just water guys one by [Music] one going to should be right here yeah all right you go there you sit there very grassy here where’s the cat stay away from the bed Outpost one on September of 2018 what leave ooh some food I left this here for an emergency though in case we spawn back at spawn put some other stuff in here for an emergency I’m going to stay here for the night so I don’t have to set up camp anywhere what the okay don’t like the sound of that in the inventory just a reminder when I’m traveling anything for food goes but it’s when I settle down I have to rely on the food in that general area only this this might sound crazy but I think my next base might be an Ocean Edge like a beach we’ll see what I find kidding me I got a saddle don’t really need those anymore oo got a big oan oh there’s a Temple right is that a it’s an ocean Temple oh boy I’m wondering if I’ve been to this I don’t think I have what do we got coal ooh bamboo did we not have bamboo in 2018 when it started I guess we didn’t bir treasure map oh I need more space already oh the thing is is if I get more llamas that’s cute I would have to start leading another llama because only five llamas can follow one llama but if I start leading two llamas then I can have 10 llamas following with a total of 12 which would just be absolutely insane but I am willing to attempt that I don’t know how soon but we are running out of space oh dang it this is why I don’t think I need this map this is that giant jungle from the beginning of the series and we couldn’t find any jungle temples in it look there’s one right there and there’s one right right there stop looking Dallas that’s all it takes stop looking close the map close it okay well we have an ocean and a beach here including an ocean Temple that we could attack with lots of gold in it you know what no I am a nomad my job is to travel the world and experience new things we have been staying in this I mean this is a large area trust me when I say that but our Woodland mansion that we have never reached yet is somewhere like out in this general area we’ve been up here so I am going to follow this trail go above spawn and hopefully see if this land reaches all out here what’s this how did that get generated way out there I need to create some emergency campfires to put in my inventory since we do Camp quite a bit always leave the stumps too got to know where you’ve been this is probably about to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever done but that’s how much I care about first items in this world get in the hole everyone get in the hole okay I got a little spot set up for these guys to wait here the llamas can stay in here I am going to take my donkey all the way um oh gosh all the oh my gosh all the way to here I could be spending this time adventuring this way and getting more loot for my nomadic Adventure but I forgot something here and gosh darn it I’m going to get it back [Music] [Music] oh you can see all the rejected llamas I set them off into the wild because I didn’t want to kill them and now I just have a bunch of llamas with chests out here that’s funny didn’t think I’d be revisiting this so oh there’s mules oh this is where I left my mules but yeah I didn’t think I’d be revisiting this so soon did I leave anything good there a lot of cob oh man I remember my mine here was insane my spiral mine oh I need to check the house real quick this isn’t the location I’m going to by the way oh this is where I had my second death death by creeper quote I was totally blocking there’s my little home here oh and this is when I died and I spawned all the way back at spawn that was rough oh here’s some ladders I can show you real quick I installed one more mod and that is where you can place lad gliders anywhere you want and they will be 3D so I’ve always wanted this in Minecraft so I thought I’d try it I got to head that way and then all around that way this is totally worth it totally [Music] [Music] here it is oh gosh this is also a place that I stopped playing on this world for a while so as you can see it got really piled up with sand but um yeah I traveled all this way reset my spawn I guess after my break here I didn’t realize I left him behind but this is simply the crafting table and furnace I started the world with and it was a goal of mine to use these for the rest of this adventure I don’t know why but uh I I forgot about it on episode 11 and just created Impostors for the next eight episodes anything else here I want not really so yeah I traveled all this way for a crafting table and furnace assass get back here but if you ask me it’s totally worth it oh I didn’t know I made all of this up here I even made a roof oh I didn’t even Fully live in this place I just went into hibernation mode and came back a year later ah all right time for my trip back I miss my llamas I knew I’d get distracted on my way back I was looking at these islands here and like this is kind of what I’m looking for but we’re like in the middle of the map I mean we could set up something here you never know this is a decent spot but anyway there’s a ship out there probably been to and there’s one embedded into the sediment here like sandstone and look at this I’m wondering if it’ll actually have a chest deep in here it looks like there will oh yeah this is cool how wish you can find more like this o bamboo I’m already carrying some I’m out of space though aha there is oh my gosh oh oh got emeralds but I think assassin’s full on emeralds I have another space that’s good oh I’m already missing my llamas running out of space I have a diamond shovel I can sacrifice this iron shovel oh I love that sound all right made it back safe just made a little base camp here uh you know just shoved my shield in the sand leaning my bow against that wall without armor Sands that’s just in normal Minecraft if you didn’t know but yeah I’m going to hold off here and by next episode we are going to head off in this direction um I have some build ideas I cannot wait to start building again it’s going to be so much fun but I’m also looking forward to the adventure because this is nomatic survival we got to move just as much as we build and we’ve stayed in a really kind of small area for a long time so it’s about time we start turning this into a map like this even bigger you know okay but to answer comment question of the day because I do these in this series uh I still forget I jevin got the first one and I know I always mention it but if you didn’t know Ivan’s a big inspiration for my channel and even my character my slime character pretty cool to always see but today’s comment question which is from from 610 20 20 and I’m answering it on 61024 what are the odds of that that’s just scary to see that I waited that long but from Alex Logan 11.9 Hi Dallas what build idea are you most looking forward to and why by the way your videos are so inspirational and you are a great man oh well thank you for that ending part what build I am most looking forward to oddly enough it it sounds strange because it sounds like I’m looking forward to the end of this series but I’m look I’m not I’m looking forward to the end Mansion where I officially retire because that is the end goal I don’t know when I would want to bring this series to an end but whenever I do I need to build a mansion to call it in but I don’t really look forward to that per se I guess I actually look forward to my ocean base the most I plan to get a lot of good ocean gear actually our next big goal is to get a turtle helmet and enchant that and then wherever I decide to we are going to live in maybe a dome underwater just to protect us maybe that’ll be our mining base or something we can have a little mine down there I don’t know how I would get my llamas below the ocean though actually there’s a way I could do that actually I yeah that’s what I look forward to most honestly um so if you have a question leave it down below I’ll answer it next episode I’m going to end this one here I will upload the lp as well soon I’m just going to be focusing on this for a little bit to get it back going again don’t worry I see all of your guys’ fine donations and they will all be mentioned in the next LP video as right now we’re going to be a nomad for a bit I’m going to catch a lot of fish for next episode before we head out so I’ll see see you guys there bye-bye [Music]

We are back once again… I love this series so much, yet I’ve neglected it so much. Through the years of uploading a variety of different content, I’d get easily distracted and forget about certain worlds. That is no more, it is time to embrace the Nomad life once again and adventure to far off lands. I will not quit this series again. If I do, I’ll call it the end.

World Seed: 8418650050067004151

Start the Adventure from Episode 1! –

Mods used in this series:
(Using Fabric on Minecraft version 1.20.4)(Every mod is downloaded on 1.20.4)
Fabric API-
Xaeros Minimap-
Xaeros Worldmap-
Camera Utils-
(Needed for other mod in list) M.R.U.-
(Needed for other mod in list) YetAnotherConfigLib-
Dynamic Lights-
Eating Animations-
Better Ladders-
Better Clouds-
(Needed for other mod in list) Cloth Config 2-
Armor Stand Editor-
(To use Fresh Animations with Fabric, watch this video below and download the two mods in the video, they will also be linked below the video url.)
How to us fresh animations with Fabric –
Fresh Animations-
Entity Texture Features-
Entity Model Features-

About me:
Race: Slime
Age: 28
Country: US
World Created In: Update 1.13
Computer: Lenovo Legion 5 Gen 7 –
Record With: OBS Studio
Edit With: Shotcut
Microphone: Blue Yeti (Blackout Edtion)
Headset: Astro A10

Thanks for joining me on today’s adventure!



  1. After so long and watching all of the old episodes 3 + times a new episode i am so happy. Ive been watching you for 4-5 years and this has always been my favirote series please countine it.

  2. My college is about to start from tomorrow and I have enrolled for a class which is also starting from tomorrow!! I was pretty sad that my 2 month long vacation was coming to an end ! I needed something that will keep me smiling and happy! That's when you came in clutch! Thank you Dallas for continuing this great series.
    I think you are the only one to Do these kind of Series. Thanks so much.

    Your fellow old Subscriber 👍👍

  3. you can take the nomad life from the slime but you can't take the slime from the nomad life— is that how it goes? no bother. he's back!

  4. Hate when parrots get blown up by creepers from sitting on your shoulder happens too much that I can’t bring them with me no more

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