Great Pumpkin Harvest Fall Year One New Stardew Valley Update!

all right I think it’s starting okay here we go all right it’s been a week and we are starting up the great pumpkin harvest at least that’s what I called it wait I don’t want to record get out of there wrong button stop it you ever accidentally recorded yourself I just tried to do that all right there we go so we’re going to leave these alone and hate when I have my sword equipped got to defend myself against uh honey apparently okay so we have cranberries technically not the the you know pumpkins I said I was going to have but they’re coming soon okay we got a little wheat and we have some cranberries and let’s go yes let’s go starf fruit [Music] wine okay let’s just put some more star fruit wine in there oh apparently I just harvested a broccoli M tasty I wonder if there’s recipes for these things okay let’s toss them in here nice cranberries I’m going to put a couple in there not a whole lot let’s put a stack and then we are going to start selling off some of this stuff cuz we need money cuz we want to go to the to the desert wow dessert we want to go to the dessert we’re going to sell some starred Goods cuz we have a lot of stuff in here and it’s going to take forever to process so we might as well sell off a bunch of extra stuff yeah that’s a good chunk okay sell that these things should make some cash okay going put the broccoli in here cuz it’s a nice little snack organize this and let’s get the Fiddle Head couple of these flowers I mean they’re great snacks but we don’t really need the flowers any starred item I’m going to go ahead and keep that in there for [Music] now there’s a lot of stuff in here we don’t really need at this moment yeah whatever whatever we don’t need it we don’t need it there we go okay what do we have for seeds oh we have pumpkin go ahead and toss these pumpkins in here I think that’s it no one more there we go I think that’s it now not a bad little thing here okay we have one Tapper I need to find a home for then hey T chip how you doing let’s see I’m glad we split this off because just knowing what we got going on in here is so much easier we’re going to need some more copper I don’t know how much we need copper bars but it’s just what we have low hey chicken [ __ ] and we’ll grab these aridium we have the best chickens in the world [Music] what am I doing clicked on the wrong one that’s what I’m doing I’m supposed to put these in here there we go I know how to do things I played this game before get out of here okay it’s only 9:00 a.m. we did a little bit of chores um maple syrup I instantly almost always turn into a uh a thing over there you know the beehive oh we already cleared that out all my trees are so gross looking okay so we got the Tapper on a couple trees oh yeah I forgot so I got the cute the cute cow mod now so they’re adorable they’re all blushing and they got little happy faces on them I love them so much oh that’s going to get annoying I got a couple of the other cute mods on there so we’re going to be able to see those here soon maybe animals are expensive it’s 10:30 let’s see oh yeah his basket I know where it is I could go get it but I don’t want to oh getting pretty far down [Music] boots all right let’s see 4 and four versus three and three yes please thank you and let’s go down I’m probably going to get murderized mushroom floor score this is money how did I end up so lucky if I leave here and then come right back in will it still be mushroom floor or it shuffles doesn’t it wasn’t there a trick to that [Music] nope that wasn’t it I don’t remember what it was but oh well I couldn’t have made it easy for me you know now I have to go down the hard way oh well we’ll take gold I don’t [Music] mind I didn’t bring enough snacks for this I realized that but I do have mushrooms in my pocket so and I have a nice little weapon oh squid in thank you I appreciate that okay come on oh wait that’s not that’s it’s not a real there we go get him and got him okay that was easy hello to how you doing hey whoa no no stop it I don’t need to go around here I just was curious of what’s on the other side if there was Treasure I always want to see if there’s [Music] treasure hey Noe all right we survived you started playing mushroom floor again I found it yay your friends don’t want to play starting with you anymore tell them they’re just mean I did take a very long break not going to lie there you have like wow that’s a lot just take it no okay here we go oh there we [Music] go and oh the stairs are right there okay come out okay I have like I have one okay snack and then I have a bunch of mushrooms in my pocket I don’t want to you okay it’s only 4:30 so that’s good is there anything else in my pocket that I could possibly eat not really okay I don’t want to eat the mushrooms if I don’t have to but I will ah fire which probably seems like okay he’s he’s like protected okay okay okay okay okay let’s eat one of these how do I even do this this is not even fair fine I got him wrong button hey Ash how you doing really I have no room for diamonds get rid of this sap okay I got to make it down like a couple more floors wait let’s not do that yet wait why are you doing that it slid over one too many times he’s naked naked scups and he gave me a bomb hot out it was a nice day today it was a very nice day it rained most of the morning so that kind of helps but um yeah it was like maybe in the lower’ 7s which I don’t mind uhoh one 18 we got plenty of time I’m not rushing it grab a little [Music] treasure little Diamond what are diamonds good for I don’t even remember final I got some ideas what are we going to what are we going to toss here ah let’s sa the shoes can’t do anything with them here in a camper van next to the Grand Canyon wow so what you’re saying is is that if you wanted rain all you had to do is just relocate and drive your home to a different location like hm I’m feeling like a little snow today let’s go a little North I don’t want any bat wings right now I want [Music] that skull key yes that’s kind of cool I did a well nothing like that but uh one of my jobs was uh I did a lot of traveling just uh within the state but I did a lot of uh camping in my car for it because I didn’t want to pay a bunch of Hotel fees Motel fees so I was like screw it just camp in my car [Music] oh my gosh again oh no here it [Laughter] comes here it comes right theise oh yeah there it is I was waiting for it oh my gosh with the five get the subs thank you so much there it goes every time I don’t know what to do with squiding my my my you see names that weren’t green yeah um I think it gives them so randomly though you can’t pick names oh my my my oh so I’ve been starting uh Physical Therapy oh oh my I’ll tell you Oh My My My that’s been rough oh the hand is so cramped up oh my oh my oh oh my my my sorry I’m doing my little stretching right now cuz it’s hurting it’s hurting a lot oh yep definitely I was I was planning on streaming this week I have a game or two that I want to do some extra streaming on and yeah that didn’t happen cuz physical therapy is rough pumpkin time nothing like having somebody grab your hand and say Cole on it and yank on it and twist it it’s not fun oh we got four four five six yes we got it quality bundle is hard to get if you’re not paying attention like you got to really go for [Music] it it’s a physical therapy after my car accident my wrist and everything um yeah it’s so lot of work but yeah nothing like this lady that’s just ripping my my my wrist apart like we got to do this to make it feel better and you’re like I don’t feel better wild I’d rather have mixed seeds H yep I would rather have but we have to go back to the store we got to get more seeds twist it bop it pull it yep it’s a you had to go through that with your lower back yeah I had to um I will say the physical therapy I did on my feet was a lot nicer it was basically like a foot foot massage for like the first couple weeks and then we had to do a little strength training but this is this is something [Music] else I’ll throw these all in here for now um honestly I just want to sell all this I made so much money holy crap look at that money woo so that’s going good I hear you [Music] chicken why does this happen I wish I knew I wasn’t it was such a stupid thing like just driving down the road I I wasn’t even like I wasn’t in a turning lane I wasn’t there wasn’t anything obstructing me at all I was just right there in the open plain as day like the guy was absolutely not paying attention to my side of the road because I was not hard to miss at all but yeah literally not hard to miss because yep he he definitely made contact I’m going to sell these too and we’re going to sell these 80 blackberries yeah we don’t need these we have a lot of poisonous mushrooms there we go we don’t need this we don’t need that we don’t need that okay I’m going to go check on the cows what does that mushroom button do on on the side there mushroom button this thing that looks like a mushroom it uh helps you sort so if I had like a if I had like a grape right here and a grape right here it would just swoop straight up into the inventory n a big boys big girls [Music] technically uh it it sinks everything that you have like in your pocket like if you had a tomato and a tomato if you have like the same item it just SNS it up we got K now I need a cheese maker do I have a chees chees maker oh I have a cheese maker don’t tell the cow how to identify well if they were boys this would be a totally awkward experience right now so uh you know that is a pretty happy cow look at it so adorable oh my God I love that cow mod it’s the best Okay so let’s make the uh wood Stone hardwood and [Music] copper I paused there for a second cuz I literally forgot what I was making it out of and I want to make two and that’s all I can make well that’s all I got the ingredients for anyways whatever it is it is insanely happy and super adorable oh they gave me Play-Doh as a physical therapy office it’s more like well technically it’s kind of like silly P putty and that’s my homework for this like for the week weekend it’s just to play Silly Putty of [Music] [Music] exercises have you seen a fairy yes I honestly didn’t know if that was her talking to me or the tree I was like what’s going on okay garlic I don’t think we have the ability to grow garlic yet mahogany and The Fez bait and bobber okay so let’s go and get some more seeds cuz we have a lot of plants [Music] [Music] no you weren’t supposed to say that it’s not my fault that was a setup no yesterday was her birthday oh well I’d like to put topaz on a chain okay well that’s an easy one [Music] pumpkin that should be enough right I don’t know seems like [Music] enough is there another Quest yet nope [Music] get in your house yeah I did get trash though so I win calling you sure [Music] until I was buying the [Music] seeds I am a farmer after [Music] all I don’t think this is enough I really under under bought I didn’t realize how how much like I had going on what am I doing standing here I have to go buy more stuff [Music] I am a farmer I do my best and my best is not good enough cuz I failed there we go hi girl what are you doing what he’s yelling at me silly [Music] cat he’s being chatty oh man I fed you you even got snacks as a food he’s spoiled always determined I do my best I don’t know where he is oh gosh another one what are you doing man oh my oh my can’t play you’re already in bed already in bed holy crap Lindy you’re gifted a sub wherever you may be all right Gro well thank you for popping in here oh my gosh this cat is unreal right now hey we got jeese you need [Music] chees we need any of this I don’t think so throwing rocks away what do you want there sir he’s being super needy right now and he’s making out with the desk good job cat Okay um we don’t need these being needy usually he’ll make a few sounds and then he’ll be done but he’s all like meow meow meow meow meow meow meow and now is like making out with the desk bus yeah that’s what we are doing I I spent some because we needed a a new crop but yeah hey salty nuts how you doing I have been trying to clear up some of the extra Goods that we have um if I see anything with a just going over what we have extra looking [Music] good oh we should probably take that in I’ll probably take that in tomorrow take this in take all these in I kept the diamond and the large goat milk the Cake’s good the this is good and bring the pumpkins did you take the pumpkins into the community center [Music] the ones that were in the red chest oh no they’re in the wrong chest okay never mind I put them in the wrong chest I was like where’ they go okay never mind I just didn’t know what I did with [Music] things so he wants a top has so we will make sure we have one of those out um salty I am doing good I just did my first week of physical therapy and it’s a pain in the butt it doesn’t when they’re pushing my hand around it doesn’t really hurt all that much one way versus the other uh going backwards it doesn’t hurt much going forward it hurts a lot but I have a bit more movement today just trying to play the game it hurts a lot more than last week so pain pain means progress I guess I don’t know but there’s a lot more movement than there has ever been so I guess it does mean progress yay what do you have on your head I just kep running in here like I’m going to bed meridium seed maker [Music] look at that money I think we just doubled our income or yeah just in one day we have twice as much as we did nice just a reminder blah blah blah the fair is tomorrow all right we should have a fair amount of goods for the fair I don’t know where Liz is though she’s going to miss the [Music] [Music] fair okay okay let’s go pet the cows got to melt the cows too they’re so [Music] adorable beepi muasa I didn’t point the right direction oh you’re so cute oh wait got some starred milk already why are [Music] there I don’t know how there are bombs in here oh I better get those off of me I’m going to blow things [Music] up all right let’s see what are we going to put in here let’s put two of [Music] these and then the milk in here got to more make some more cheese and then we are going to go and grab the eggs from the chickens apparently they’re not liking me too much cuz I’m ignoring them no I just want need to find the chickens no I don’t want to eat the eggs I need to find the chicken there we [Music] go there we go and there we go nice okay let’s not keep bombs in our pockets cuz you know the last time I tried to pick up something from the ground and I had a bomb in my hand things exploded and lus did not get a snack that [Music] day okay let’s break open some stuff and we got this for person we got that and the rest of this stuff is good for other things we have goals we have goals today skull key Louis Louis get your B back here [Music] yay gopher I’m a gopher yeah did you want a pumpkin I don’t know I got money all right mister let’s crack this stuff open what is it oh I don’t know it’s a mountain warp and a farm warp that’s kind of [Music] [Laughter] cool he just throw those in my pocket and run [Music] away and dirt hey hey look wow how did I miss these in my pocket one of each and yep okay let’s not accidentally use those as well surprise pocket find hey I have actually something to donate a computer yay we get a reward collect another painting I haven’t collected any of my artwork that’s readily available I don’t want it give me something good that’s not good that’s trash yeah mysterious bulge is quite mysterious has a question mark on it oh look I found another one since I’m here let us just go over here and drop off the quality oh crap what am I missing oh I got to bring a pumpkin here and here after the fair we’re going to bring the goat milk in here cuz I’m using all five of these for this and hey we get a preserve jar nice so all we need is the wool looks like it has a face on it so I need to upgrade the barn so we can put one more thing in there we already have this but I’m going to use it I might use it for the thingy for tomorrow milk is not going to be done in time but yeah and then this needs its pumpkin okay M for moo juice 25 5,000 do the 5,000 and we get quality fertilizer I’m going to sell those for 10,000 we get a lightning rod and for 25,000 we get crystarium woohoo we’re kind of broke right now [Music] but the mayor’s office is fixed [Music] yay I’m just going to put diamond in there oh I still have oh he closes at four doesn’t he that’s right okay well it’s time to start selling everything selling more things jeee okay let let’s put a blueberry in there blue and there we go and we have diamond oh nothing I have is goes in there what about here couple things okay let’s see trash it yeah don’t need that or that or that or that um whatever garbage garbage put that away all might might as well use this must be added for planting just let me use it that’s just kind of rude whatever sell it what’s in here fishy [Music] stuff I can warp to the mountains where’s that where where in the mountains okay like the summit there’s a piece of corn in here hate when I do that okay so we’re kind of broke do have the skull key need a better weapon need a better pickaxe before we go down into like the desert cave because this just a suicide mission if we try to make that work with what we [Music] have I forgot to bring a battery but I think I have to bring a battery in here yep good thing I have one or two but I need those for the ridium sprinklers don’t I one battery one yeah I don’t have aridium so it doesn’t matter it’s going to a while it worked aha Rainbow Shell to the train platform okay I can do that isn’t there something about radishes I don’t think I have radishes I think I have a Rainbow Shell Rainbow Shell catch you later catch you later my dude see you thank you for popping in here oh mushroom yeah miss you too train station beats 10 beats in the fridge holy crap what is going on here there’s a tree Forest holy crap that’s a lot of wood um [Laughter] nothing it’s getting late uh-huh there no nothing radishes yep that’s right I need beets not radishes there’s a cat in my bed no secret Forest Jesus apparently the neighbors want everyone to hear their music as they drive by oh my my gosh cat I don’t want to pet you I was stretching out my hand oh no so all I was doing was stretching my hand downwards and out and it’s like oh is that hand for me I must be petted oh gosh you’re such a nerd stupid cat oh all right no more pets junimos are done dancing back to work all right where we at day 16 [Music] woo check in the mail hey 500 bucks today’s the festival day right yeah Festival woo we’ll do a little harvesting I’m going to going to need a [Music] diamond and then let’s see oh there’s the diamond why did I do that anyways we get all those goods and then right that’s good enough we’ll win with that I don’t think we have any fish so yeah we got some good eggs though they were acting up oh yeah we got an aridium egg I’ll put that in there chicken b b [Music] cool and then we’ll melt the [Music] cow so cute okay ooh fairy Rose and sunflower yeah let’s put the fairy Rose in there and get rid of the [Music] sunflower there we go let’s go to the fair [Music] prize ticket glowstone ring and a star drop man this is always so hard to [Music] do I don’t know if the Cake’s worth anything but [Music] that looks great right should I replace the cake with a something else this is barely better right that should be fine are you eating wall Burgers wall Burgers still exists [Music] no just regular Burgers I miss wall [Music] Burgers okay so we need some wind some [Music] coinage leave that’s a ripoff is there anything new here I don’t think there is [Music] man’s looking at pigs talking about ribs oh scary and they’re the adorable [Music] kind Jesus Harvey ha that’s what you get that’s what you get stupid kids can’t check trash cans okay anyways hey mayor [Music] Louis yep yes go get in there get going faster yep she w’t talk to me I looked at her and she’s like no [Music] come on mayor come on I need the money I need the money I need like $40 [Music] million yeah first place with 96 points yeah [Music] yeah see we’re so good is there an easier way to do this cuz like that would be great that was almost a perfect score right 96 that’s like four points away from perfect wait did you just blow it all at once which one’s the one that is it which one’s the good one orange or green I can’t remember which one’s the one that always does green right oh my God my zero key is the screenshot I got to hit the different zero great great great great great great you lost it all on green he [Music] one green let’s [Music] go 117 okay well then my theory is not right either still I [Music] won you lose I didn’t mean to do that I meant to go for all of it and I’m glad I didn’t go for all of it now I’m going for all of [Music] it [Music] yay come on come on come on [Music] yay come on no [Music] come on [Music] yeah I hope this is it cuz I don’t want to play anymore come on yay is that enough say 2,000 for that 800 for this and 1,000 for the prize ticket that’s enough for [Music] that [Music] Mom I feel the power it tastes like coffee delicious PR sck and rareco that’s not always my favorite know how much do I have left let’s go green [Music] and I don’t know just keep going till I lose it all I get something extra you’re trapped in a fishing game it’s okay I’m just burning through my extras if I win enough to buy something else that’ll be cool if not it’s okay still wiy [Music] stop hey [Music] 500 I could buy the [Music] Fedora well you got yours back I got 600 [Music] oh [Music] 500 and a lost again all right let’s go for all of it [Music] B it all and hey we won again yay let’s go spend [Music] it yes what do we want to buy flowers I don’t know if this is better than what I have I have the separate rings but I don’t know if the combination is better I’m buy aora that’s 300 [Music] bucks see if we can get a rug since amp is stuck in the [Music] game there we go can we get a rug or nothing hey we can get a rug I’m just [Music] lucky yes rug I can decorate my house I can’t believe I’m I [Music] lost oh so [Music] exciting Jody are you digging that clown he doesn’t look very happy [Music] no he [Music] doesn’t you misclicked on the rarecrow [Music] no it’s a rough day for you my friend I already talked to you [Music] hey that worked out for you go [Music] green and you found your star drop yay [Music] you have 472 you can uh try for a couple more coins or are you done they’re done or not okay that’s what I did I just kept going double double or nothing just kept buying things [Music] yay should work at a casino I would make them lose money do you also get a chance at a prize [Music] ticket last one no is hero sad wah no price stick here okay nice [Music] try I got to turn everything into like stuff got turn this into cheese oh yeah those are just for fun where’s my my mouse where’s my mouse there it is and cheese a prize ticket that could have been the pumpkins get sold I have a [Music] ticket how do I look in a fedora I look stupid do you want a fedora I spent my money on a fedora what is this I want it shirt with a bow I’m stealing a shirt with a bow I’m stealing the book ah oh well I said I was stealing the book I didn’t mean to actually take it and read bedtime story what is the shirt with a bow looks like I’m wearing a watermelon shirt or something it’s very red [Music] day [Music] 17 hold on we got to people got to wipe their feet when they come in the door there we go I’m going to put my shirt away [Music] hey we made some money back here we have grapes [Music] [Music] okay so let us go ooh let us go ooh yes my brain did a dumb I I turned the the goat milk into cheese instead of putting it in the community [Music] [Laughter] center yay I was like oh I’ll put it in the community center after I’m done with it no one turned it into cheese so it’s useless now [Music] woo oh well I guess we’ll just have to get a [Music] goat why not make things [Music] harder I brain dumbed it cow was so happy he’s like oh you’re coming to milk me I’m so [Music] happy Happy Cow hey Martina how are you [Music] doing that was an expensive thing of milk too [Music] all right uh not there uh not there there okay well I can take this to the Maya there we [Music] go [Music] Pam who’s going to go on the bus today I am I just got to grab a [Music] snack hey I got a congratulations good to hunt and St streams well welcome here we’re just goofing around in the the new updates you knew it was going to end up in cheese I didn’t mean to turn it into cheese I blanked out for a second processing processing GEOS I can speak no do you want the shiny new bed the the blue pinstripe since I I I wreck the cheese world I need beats oo okay so do we want tiger trouts in 5 days or uh ghosts which one do you think we should do it doesn’t say how many goop goopy goop we need from ghosts but it also doesn’t say how many tiger trout I also don’t fish so I think it probably better if we do the ghosts ghosts Liz isn’t here that’s amazing like Liz is not here person that does all the fishing is not here oh I already talked to you I’m kind of digging my shirt right now just one goop it doesn’t give you numbers extra rare powerful goop ectoplasm okay so we have to kill it just random randomly spawns then I remember now all right so time to go ghost hunting I already did everything else um let’s bring a [Music] snack there’s like two there’s multiple snack drawers in [Music] here ooh wait yes I want to bring my broccoli cuz that sounds delicious also I don’t want to bring this tool go away tool and hopefully lonus is up here so I can bring him his [Music] basket 51 through 79 cool we need to harvest some supplies too [Music] M you got oh I was reading chat for a second and it’s like oh this guy he needs his basket wait wait what you didn’t give me things oh you wrecked my snack why did you do that I thought you picked and harvested food you had at least picked it up not stomped all over it angrily what is wrong with you [Music] lonus all right let’s go to 50 he’s a monster let’s go kill some ghosts we can uh get some loot here while here while we’re here here here okay there we go Ting hey more Stacks I can’t get over him stomping on the freaking stuff oh my gosh hey next ghosties uh oh I’m gonna die come on come on come on come on come on come on no no no no no no no no oo boots there’s the ghost give me give me your plasma your plasma give it that’s not that’s an Essence I need plasma they also count yeah we’re not ready for the skull Cavern yet we just unlocked it but I he was trying to get freaky while the other one was dying did you see that slime was all like hey hey lady oh you’re dead ooh mystery box I’m getting a lot now that’s two nice must be like a lucky day or something oh ghosties I need to um upgrade my my pickaxe definitely um that make it easier and I need to get a better weapon we just Bleu through all our money so we’re trying to get that cash back okay but I’ll definitely go go definitely go words I can say words sometimes sometimes get mashed all together and I make up new words hey going down again Liz to the to the desert fish yep ghosty come here yeah yeah definitely a lot harder especially when you’re all in the cave together woo I remember I’ve had so many uh yeah there’s a lot of streams of me just screaming in the cave it’s like it’s stardo no it’s War you don’t understand yay where’s my plasma the flashbacks and then when like then when you had some lag going on in the game no especially those early days oh [Music] man just close your eyes and just keep swinging wait if it’s a monster floor then there should be extra ghosts please tell me if there’s extra ghosts get out of here get out of here get out of here slimes get oh oh my gosh oh they don’t hurt me get out of here it doesn’t even [Music] hurt okay well the only way to get down is to beach up I think the next thing I’m going to spend money on woo I want it I want it give it give it no the [Music] babies get out of here what’s this one combat experience ooh I learned a thing I am on the right floor right slay ghosts so I guess just all ghosts in general you know you’re doing the right thing but but then you go and double check it like a million times you’re like are you doing this right am I doing this right how many ghost do I need to kill oh let’s just wait a second see if there’s a ghost here which one I don’t know [Music] oh crap I didn’t realize the time good thing we unlock these pretty early bus all right no luck anyways but I can sleep ha oh just enough time to stretch my hand Barry fairy hooray can you make the mushroom dryer I didn’t know the there was a mushroom dryer I can make a egg press [Music] [Music] [Music] we got the fruit bats inventory is full okay [Music] fine okay so let’s toss those in there inventory full hey Crystal how you [Music] doing okay we’re going to sell these things sell the broccoli and those and the blueberry jelly uh uh let’s sell the pumpkins we’ll leave the regular broccoli alone where’s that oh I was going to say where’ we get a coffee bean but I know where we left where we got [Music] it okay we route I don’t think we need [Music] that fits one person on the this Farm yeah it does it’s a one person bed it’s cute though I can’t sell that but I can sell these how’s the how’s the wrist healing uh I did my first week of physical therapy and they beat me up it’s pretty pretty sore but it’s getting better I have so much more movement um just after the first se s like session um I was able to start my car and put it into gear like I wasn’t able to do that before I was having to reach over with my left hand and do all that so definitely progress and um I was able to like put my hand on the steering wheel I’ve been very uncomfortable about doing anything so just being able to do things here and there a little bit more relaxed hey hey Matt how you doing [Music] you can get two yeah you need a double oh we got the big milk yes so that can go into the community center and then ooh mushrooms so you said something about U mushroom dryer I don’t think I have that oh it’s fruit salad day can make seeds though I I said that kind of out loud cuz I was thinking about turning the Cherry into a seed might save that the mushroom [Music] away okay so that one’s that this one is for here for now and chickens um at the end of March I got into a car accident and it completely broke my wrist and I’d have surgery and they had to put it back together so uh yeah it’s really stiff and moving is very hard [Music] okay so take that that and we’re going to rush yeah I’m doing [Music] good just a lot of a lot of stiffness honestly that’s pretty much the most of it like everything feels okay I’m moving everything is just going to take a [Music] while fractured oh ow my cousin broke hers at her ankle at almost looks identical to how I broke my wrist and she even has a similar plate in her ankle as I do my wrist and I was like what are you trying to do copy me cuz it’s I just found the amusement you know I’m like we’re even going to have matching scars it just happened like a couple weeks after I had my my car accident [Applause] why so many accidents oh I don’t know I didn’t choose mine I’ll tell you it was I was just going to get lunch and somebody pulled out in front of me and I couldn’t avoid them there was right there like bam [Music] I haven’t been cleaning up the moss on the trees so like every tree has Moss right now oh it’s marne’s birthday what does she [Music] like then somebody say she likes gems she likes quartz I think give her a quartz I should have went to the mines today but I kind of didn’t diamonds we have extra diamonds taken with humor oh yeah I I was goofing with the the doctors as well like I was trying so hard hard just to be light about it because if you’re if you like you know just I don’t know the words for it but what would you even call that just like if you try to keep it light and just joke about it and stuff like that the pain doesn’t it doesn’t hurt as much you know what I mean you just don’t feel the pain I mean trust me it’s there but you know the distraction words are hard okay she should be here right Marney wait isn’t she supposed to be here aren’t you supposed to be here with your boa friend Barney Mary why aren’t you there it’s your birthday why aren you at the bar with your boyfriend she’s already in her house isn’t she that’s not it’s not fair I hate this so much I can’t give her a birthday gift she’s just rude wait what was that she’s making J dinner she won’t let me see her so we’ll just let’s go deliver the milk here yep animal okay so we’re going to need a goat and a sheep or something oh yeah I have a a bathtub I I soak in it my scar on the other hand that’s that’s something I need something else for they’ve been trying to soften it up buto that thing that thing is rough she didn’t want no diamonds jeez cheesy cheese okay attacked by a shark [Music] oh crap what am I going to place there uh mix seeds here we go I forgot to buy filler I think the only other thing I I don’t really have anything Al I have is flowers whatever flower’s fine have some flowers in there they’re beautiful it’s all good I got to get rid of this this one yep throw that away I keep stepping on it and the gravel is the most annoying sound in the game these don’t get watered cuz you know they’re out of the range got a couple eggs in there yeah I have some fun I usually have some fun talking about battle battle wounds but now I got a big one be like oh yeah we look at this one I win um I’m liking the new update uh I guess a lot of it’s probably late game stuff that I haven’t really got to experience but I’ve I’ve been seeing few things here and there so hopefully we can get through this first year and then a year or two we’ll get to see some more the newer stuff um I only got to do one stream [Music] right when the update happened and then I got in the accident and I was out of out of play for weeks so and I didn’t look at any new content so I don’t know any of it I kept myself in the dark [Music] okay 40,000 hey we’re doing pretty good I like to buy a pumpkin didn’t I sell all [Music] mine I might have sold all my pumpkins but it’s oh hey look a pumpkin I got a pumpkin now woohoo yeah the little tickets and stuff those are fun and a broccoli oh another broccoli more broccoli oh hey you need a pumpkin right here’s uh there was two pumpkins in the patch one for each of us it works out perfectly I’m going to enjoy it yeah um the last time I played we did a good run through for the uh the island we burned through the island content the last time I streamed had a good uh continuous group of people that were coming in every uh every stream so yeah we had we had some fun with that [Music] one there was a lot there honestly going through it all and then having to come back and then upgrade stuff there was quite a bit all right cows I love that mod every time I look at the that freaking cow mod and every time they’re smiling I just want to squeeze them they’re so adorable that’s my favorite [Music] mod I should like link them into the description sometimes cuz usually when people play back they don’t have it cuz I usually link them in the [Music] Discord okay pumpkin got 3 days left on that so that’s probably my objective today let’s grab some snacks I’m going to grab a no that’s a crappy snack I don’t want that need a better snack that’s a good snack wait where’s my broccoli where’s my broccoli I just had broccoli yep broccoli is decent okay let’s go once I get done with the the plasma I’m going to upgrade my pickaxe definitely need an upgrade before I go to the desert oh pomegranate do I need another pomegranate I do don’t I I think I do yam yep okay who needed this thing Caroline [Music] Caroline can anyone say Caroline without like some weird accent you can’t really Caroline where is she that’s your wife [Music] right is this your wife oo embrace them as War trophies yeah um if I move my wrist up and down it PS on it um it’s getting hot in here uh it’s very relaxing do you like that answer is that the answer you wanted to hear Caroline I’m going to spend all day in here just give me the goods oh crap shaky shaky shaky where are you car where you at she in town square is that where the ladies hang no there she is come back here you need a pumpkin eat it that’s an expensive pumpkin I should have given you a cheap one okay there we go I have broccoli on my head now I knew I needed a pomegranate in here Haley didn’t like your hat wait hey grab the nautilus shell at the wagon lady if you’re nearby uh there’s a bundle that needs it stat wait I didn’t need it thought I needed it oh oh well I have a pomegranate in my pocket whoopsie I think we can get them in winter but I mean we have the cash so it’s not a big deal blue bird snack I saved that snack because you know lonus would have killed it and like that’s just kind of mean I say like probably too many times you said something about whatever ghost yes I remember the floors 51 through 79 I think you said I chose a different floor number [Music] yay give me the ghost I need the [Music] [Music] ghost I need plasma please hurry we have three days [Music] oh come on we can do [Music] this let’s just mine the entire place there we go dust bunnies hey is there a ghost down here ghost oh there bats get out of here more hey come here come here come here ghost come here I hate the knock back because it takes so long to kill him what are you doing come here I need to kill you fast there why does it take so long hey penic how you doing your voice is still completely gone man that’s rough I don’t think mine’s ever been gone that long how are you going to deal with work I mean granted you can go to work just you don’t have to talk to anyone all right just quietly do your job I used to I used to lose my voice a lot when I was younger look at all that treasure yeah you can’t I mean you can do worky things you just can’t do customer things no gohost here G come on [Music] you got a crab on your head you just you just crunched into a fish hole bones and all so gross half your job is talking yeah that’s going to be a rough one oh come on what is this this is not fair we need ghosts okay there’s one [Music] I got it I got it yes oh my God we’re done let’s get out of here we’re done never come in here again it’s a horrible vacation let’s get out of here I will take this to him tomorrow but for now let’s let’s load her up okay so this got to sail sell it sell it sell it [Music] yeah that’s a long time trash trash trash well not trash but so um I think I’m going to turn that into a seed so we’ll keep that we’ll need that this is going to be crushed okay and I think I saw someone here Y and Y cool cool looking good I will keep these in my pocket oh well I got to go to bed we can organize when we are done there we go all right two hours down every night I have to stretch the hand yeah work was uh rough this week had a some sponsor stuff that I had to do and with my worky work so I was like man and with physical therapy was rough so I was like yeah there’s no way I’m doing anything extra I wanted to do some extra streams but yep thanks for stopping by my sun room okay [Music] je yes I have a lot more movement in my hand it’s painful but there’s movement need a cabin upgrade okay I can do that since we got this thing I don’t okay there’s so many things I got to do put the broccoli away fairy Rose is going in here put that away we have too many diamonds I don’t know if we we don’t need diamonds really do we I know we need Earth crystals to make things I don’t think we need emeralds to make [Music] things there’s things there’s a couple things we need and unless there’s new things that need to be made and I don’t know about it yet but oh oh my gosh there’s a mega bomb that makes me excited okay let’s go let’s behave let’s just go melt the [Music] cow let’s not mess with the mega bomb yep um I said earlier I said this earlier but uh after my first session I was able to start my car and put it in drive and that is something I had not been able to do yep um and then the last couple days I was able to even put on my seat Bel so I’m like Yay just the little say that you’re happy about like I can do these things yay um cuz I couldn’t do those before with my right hand I had to like reach and I feel like I was going to pop a rib sometimes trying to reach in ways you know with my left and my left only it was very complicated and twisted [Music] but yeah day to day I’m just kind of like making my my left do more things ripe eggplant for Pierre it’s worth a ticket so if you go to the board and there should be eggplants somewhere around the farm oh I got to turn that in but it doesn’t open till later process [Music] geod oo sprinkler oh what’s that one that’s the lucky that’s a lucky lunch might have to snack on one of those when we go down into the desert mines desert caves o aridium french fries I will always call those french fries and you can never tell me I’m [Music] wrong we have a few things we can throw [Music] away did you just you just threw more in my [Music] pocket more ridium no trash I have to do it again what else is trash uh uh this rock computer upgrade tools uh let’s go with the golden pickaxe that’s 10,000 okay it’s expensive but we need it donate oh there’s a lot [Music] here and collect [Music] reward decoration boring [Music] can I sell this stuff to you like right here shop um that that that and that here we go I have a little bit of free space now let’s go seek Robin [Music] Rin that’s a very unfortunate plant I sold them french fries Rin upgrade house you don’t have the money I do have the money wait how much is it 10,000 I need wood dang it she’s going to close by the time I get back there she might not I might have time stack of wood running back come on come on as long as lonus doesn’t get in my way need something built yes I do upgrade thank you done you know Linus can get in the way sometimes oh thank you I think we have enough for one ridium bar so that means we can get one ridium sprinkler okay let’s see yes we do and what do we have a lot of or we lack thereof oh we need more of these okay so where are we at with this let’s put that there one bar and then these [Music] woohoo now I need to place this somewhere that would technically go right here but there’s really no more room for these I guess I could put one right here eventually guess it doesn’t matter we’ll have to make a new arrangement I will put this in here for now we’ll wait until winter three luck nice [Music] I didn’t sell the computer I should have okay let’s go give wait who gets this wizard let’s go get the wizard this plasma why did I think it was the uh what do you call it the uh The Guild for a second I thought it was the guild I almost went up there glad I double checked you better not be locked good hey man yeah be good you must have collected your money like straight away I was like wait what I didn’t collect my money but then how did I collect my money I was like in the middle of talking it’s so somebody else collected their money oh looks like there’s something there need to put some flooring around those I hate that you need to do that okay we’ll put the lucky food away [Music] I’m looking for the seeds I don’t know where they are BM foods can go back into the food I don’t know if we need those [Music] anymore oh looky here you put torches on sprinklers yeah I have some somewhere I think wait get in there like yeah somewhere I think possibly I’m not sure there’s a possibility they exist it’s not what I wanted I need to move a house I think need to move a trailer this trailer needs to possibly move cuz it’s a little in the grass no you are knocked unconscious I mean it’s a little in the dirt that can be harvested and I could probably do a little over here too like a little bit over yeah there’s a couple of them that have it not all of them do oh it’s one bedtime cat just like a cat sleeping behind a chair cuz then when you you know push your chair out so energy tonic does not give Health hm it just gives you energy woohoo got to make up that cash we were missing I never used this stuff myself I don’t think I did not saying I’ve I’ve never never used it but oh raining too bad there’s no like lightning mini Obelisk ooh pumpkins eggplant you’ll need an eggplant for the thingy right Pier I had a pier request for an eggplant I didn’t know if you grabb that one too no I picked up a flower I’m the worst I’m going to put a couple pumpkins in here all right I’m going to go ahead and grab the rest and then put them away in case they are [Music] needed I’m going to sell these oh you got Wily cactus fruit [Music] gotcha ridum bar yes what’s the other ingredients go gold bar and a battery pack I just want to make [Music] one actually might as well roll out some more while I’m here that’s always a fun sound battery yes okay so I can’t do anything with this right now I will be able to we’ll uh redesign this whole layout but I got it made that’s the important part so right now it doesn’t really look like I have a good filler crop to fill in the holes we do need to feed the cow cuz it’s rainy and we need to feed the chickens all right so we have food for them oh apparently there’s they’ve already been fed I did forget the milker love them so much they made me laugh literally every time they smile I’m going to giggle I’ve established that chickens oops I locked you in hey chicken you want a mushroom chicken you want a [Music] mushroom peridium there are five rare seeds um we can’t grow them but we’re getting close I yeah I guess if you want to we’re getting close to the uh you know the thingy there’s a word I I don’t know [Music] Greenhouse I need to get oh there she is yeah just tosses in the seed yeah yeah in the seed drawer seed chest when we get the greenhous we can toss all the the expensive stuff in there cactus fruit for Willie okay and then I have this for Pierre yeah prize ticket thank you I think I guess I could go to the desert but I think there is a cactus fruit at home yep he h hello should I just like marry the first person that falls for me right now it’s Demetrius who is the first datable uh looks like Penny’s winning and that’s saying a lot because it goes down the line pretty far okay so some quick filler crops there’s not really a quick filler crop we got 7 Days 4 days for Bach 10 days for that uh so it looks like bok choy I don’t think we need full 22 but that’ll work also I want to buy this okay should be okay scroll to the bottom it’s a dehydrator okay we’re broke you better start looking in these trash cans cuz that’s all we got oh hey priz ticket and I’m going to get one from Willie here in a second Birds Willie give me your ticket I’m not worried about money cuz we got tons of just stuff we have so much stuff wait wasn’t he supposed to give me a ticket thought are you supposed to give me a ticket why didn’t he give me a ticket I don’t like Willie what’s that what’s that is that a love book go look at the board oh wait you got a star need a cactus fruit what does that mean I thought there was a I thought there was a ticket for this you need two more for a ticket so if I give him two more like today does that count oh is it because I I already got I got one so because I got one for yesterday’s Quest I couldn’t get one for Wily’s Quest I’ll great it dang it [Music] okay we got a pomegranate where do I plant this yeah but what I’m saying is I just I just received one so that’s what from the quest before with Pierre oh take it or is it because uh amp did did it first so he got the ticket no what is this thing I want it every time that something pops up what is this you become friends with people a little faster okay well all like know is there was a ticket on the board when I accepted the quest and then I didn’t get a ticket it lied to me but we did get three of these and we got a pomegranate tree we’re going to need to like find a place for all this [Music] stuff a shed you know I don’t I don’t mind getting a shed but I kind of like like them out in the open like this is that weird or I know it the sheds help with room and space and all that but I kind of like having them crazy all all out there can make another row here of stuff but yeah definitely going to have to work on reorganizing this honestly I could put a shed literally right here make a make it right next to the greenhouse and it’ll work out perfectly [Music] fine out of sight out of mine need to utilize this little area too I almost we could move the barn there too or maybe we could probably move the chickens over there and if I move the chickens over there then I can move you guys over here over to chickenville and then the crafty area stuff could be I can move the shed over next to me quite an overhaul we might do that during the winter cuz you know everything’s kind of dead and cleared away and we’re not growing as much so we can focus on that I need I need another Silo too make sure we have enough food definitely winter months are good for reconstructing everything hey we need some hey you made it to bed we needed that cash my pickaxe should be done by now right yep pickaxe blueberry tart oh broccoli sun and I think that’s all the corn I don’t think we really need to keep harvesting the corn but it’s a couple extra bucks broccoli okay [Music] chickens I don’t like the order of they ate that food it just bothers [Music] me [Music] really mahogany [Music] yes I’m pretty sure all of these are right plant that right there I’m not positive but maybe not I know this tree was supposed to be this one right here that’s why I have it under the little sign that says save because you know you’re gone for a week and then you’re like oh there’s a stupid weed here I’m going to chop it or a stupid tree let me clear out some tree stuff and then you forget that you actually planted it so it’s nice to have a little sign to remind you that milking didn’t go well wait get back here what are you doing why are you in here check the long Quest board already we just got done [Music] oh walking past the cheese factory there we go okay so I need to go get my [Music] pickaxe we can Crush that and we don’t need that every week yeah I I wasn’t sure when they [Music] started a poor Robin how was their birthday 80 hardwood to make it happen and we don’t have our fishermen so let’s go get that hardwood and that’s not hard to do cuz we have the secret Forest I think we already have over 80 but we need to get them [Music] fresh yay process Shield there we go piece of gold thank you appreciate no get out of here okay [Music] so that’s an easy one to do hey nerd yeah reading books what a nerd there’s so much Moss everywhere I’ve been I’ve been ignoring it so bad [Music] [Music] ah don’t eat my face [Music] stop it see what happens see what happens yeah that’s what [Music] happens man I’m going to have to do this like every [Music] day get out here plus I think there’s a tree at the farm that I can chop down it’ll be fine wait how do you get out of here again where is it there it is oh [Music] stuck have 12 I think the tree I said to save is fully grown so I can chop that one down what is this tree can I chop you here’s a regular tree lame you are the tree I said to save so you should be hardwood now nope well then why did I save you stupid tree I don’t think we have any other trees on the farm that can be hardwood nope at least other saplings are hardwood these yeah I’m pretty sure I think these are this one this one you have tree fertilizer no but I can get some I think I think he sells it right or can I make it P I need to go back home and make the uh dehydrator too don’t I you got any of the fertilizers nope you have grass tree fertilizers there it is fiber and stone hey I can do that and I need to make the dehydrator we will do that and then we will ow hand stop hurting there’s so many things like my brain’s like I got all these things to do and then I forget like everything so dehydrator where are you that’s what that is wood clay and Fire Quartz wood clay how much clay two clay well that’s easy and Fire Quartz and if I get another fire so I can make another one oops I don’t need all of them so we’re going to make two there we go and then let’s see we need five of a mushroom we have 56 red mushrooms so let’s put some poisonous stuff in there no this is mushroom just go in there it doesn’t like him it apparently doesn’t like the poison ones okay fine then let’s put the the ones that are edible in there cuz Poison’s bad I’m going to put po the mushrooms in this chest the ones that can go in there it doesn’t like poison stupid I can make quite a few actually we can put fruit in there too right wood and Clay yeah okay so I just need the quartzes there we go I made five more life Elixir it’s like let’s dehydrate them so we can eat them later cuz that sounds like healthy squishy there we [Music] go that’ll go through our supplies pretty quickly oh I should probably put stuff [Music] back yes girl what do you want he’s yelling at me again he’s like a child yeah I was going to put the mushrooms in there cuz I don’t know this chest can have mushrooms in it [Music] it makes sense to my brain hey fruit holiday [Music] okay so got that I can throw this away I can’t wait I’m so excited what’s in here we got some eggs oh yeah it’s looking good okay let’s just go to bed yeah I do that okay don’t look at the cat don’t look at the cat he’s looking at me oh man we did a thing big house moving on up yeah I forgot the tree fertilizer see my house looks so unbalanced so awkward let’s put the chest in here cook the crabs can’t move that that’s fine hi Reena how you doing looks a little better it was it was feeling a little a little awkward so definitely looks better now Grandberry day how you doing [Music] [Music] Reena [Music] okay oh my gosh look at all that mushrooms what else do I put in here I have five anything I don’t have five in anything ah is that expensive let’s see can I put corn in there I want to put corn in there guess that’s a fruit but no I didn’t want to eat the corn no fine has to be a fruit fine okay put melon in there that’s a vegetable veggies veggies oh did they put all the vegetables first oh they did okay Blackberry don’t don’t ruin my dreams of having dehydrated corn that sounds delicious okay [Music] yummy sounds wonderful hey do any of you go in there hey broccoli wasabi peas see corn so is this like a pure profit thing or do you need these uh cranberries and mushrooms cuz if you need them I will save them if not they’re going in the bin profit okay profit you know what I’m going to do I’m going to go melt those damn cows eventually as soon as I put oh we got grape jelly yes in there dehydrated grapes oh you want me to dehydrate some grapes I can do that those are raisins right wrong tree fertilizer hey cuckoo I got the bubbly cows they’re so adorable you just need one yeah I kind of uh we need to make sure we have all our grapes we don’t have enough grapes so we’ll have to make sure we get some grapes cuz I make grape jelly anyways fertilizer a fiber and stone well that’s an easy one to [Music] do I don’t know how many of these I need sorry I’m late it’s okay don’t let it happen again I’m kidding I don’t know what you are but you’re fertilized what are you you’re fertilized I need more fiber [Music] fiber yeah we’re like uh fishing Quest yeah I don’t want to do that I don’t want to do that either so we can’t okay so we can’t do that for these that’s fine we will put the extras in here it’s okay we did the Quest for the mines was easier that way I’m going to go to town I keep wanting to go to the desert but I find so many other things that I do and need to do and then I don’t go to the desert H nothing wait that’s not what I want to do 15 ore for Clint okay that’s an easy one to do I don’t even want to go there to like go into the cave I just want to go there oh hold on I just want to go there yes I just want to go to the desert I just want look I forgot about that guy yay hi I want [Music] that we need to get all these geod the warp Mega bombs a warp yeah the magic cowboy hats the dark piano holy crap is that creepy it’s that’s a lot of coal [Music] coconut yay we got the thingy for the museum woo I didn’t want to talk to you okay beet seeds six days dang it I should have been here like a long time [Music] ago wait we can get speed grow let’s do this I need 10 of [Music] these B tie mannequin Cod stand and a scon okay I don’t think I can do it in time but I bought them cuz uh Greenhouse can be done here real quickly um I think I just need to turn in a pumpkin and then we need to get some goats or chickens or something I don’t know not chickens but something okay I think I need to bring it something too I got coconuts let’s go back home why is there a radiant bar just sitting here and a gold one what happened here wait what why is there a trail of things what what is going on fish tank is done oh piece of candy [Music] [Music] that’s not the speed grow okay we’ll have to wait until we get the greenhouse for the Beats had a good trip in the mines apparently which I actually think we need the coconut I think it’s the coconut no the coconut was already done then I don’t think we need these in here [Music] anymore so these can go into here we can probably sell some of them I will put the coconut there and let’s see what else we got in here going there’s a couple Farm warp totems there in here Liz if you need them at any time they’re in the red chests so they come in handy we’ve been getting them for from the the question I know you like to fish to the last second like every chance I can get okay so that’s looking good so when winter hit I don’t know if you were in the chat I think what we’re going to do uh is we’re going to move move your guys’ housing over to where the chickens are and then the chickens are going to move into the the little island over there next to Grandpa since we’ll have a little extra time on our hands and things will be cleared out because winter cool You’re Building Animal Crossing Lego set oo hey it’s the one we we don’t want wait meatballs and gravy mashed potatoes and roasted I want that I made a really good chicken quesadilla last week so much that I got more supplies for more chick in Cas it is I’m probably going to eat a bunch of chicken quesadillas this week that’ll probably be my my my meal of the week going to slow cook a bunch of chicken [Music] yay cat Okay so this will probably be our final day um yeah hey great great upgrade tools and skills dried blackberries [Music] okay nice helmet it’s George’s birthday do you think he’ll like a pepper that really helps clear out some inventory she’s the one that’s the Hat that’s great [Music] leaks leaks oh man my nose is all super itchy it’s kind of like wanting to like sneeze I don’t want to sneeze so I’m just going to ignore it I don’t know how well that’s going to work but we’re just going to ignore it okay chores are done now what there’s a bear Army statue in town statue Army so I guess he likes leaks then I don’t know hardwood oh yeah the robin project I forgot whoopsie Jody wants quartz I forgot the day after like literally the next day I was like what are you talking about you want this yay uhoh trash new friend we have seven days to do this it’ll be fine o we I just wish I knew of another location where there were there was wood stupid the island and the mines yeah oh well 12 more 12 a day right what fine and then next week when I stream and totally forget about it again right got to go a whole week and not remember oh yay more stuff I got mahogany trees planted and they have fertilizer on them I just don’t get a lot of the seeds I only randomly find them put my tree for I put a couple in here in the in the seed chest we got some [Music] wine what kind of wine is that cranberry wine woo we’re getting fancy here [Music] wrong chest okay um grab you let’s see what can I be doing place two on the farm to warp between them so weird tea sapling wild seed fiber and wood makes tea sapling okay just check in all the stuff that I’m able to create and then I want to my skills I almost am yeah that’d be great for the big farm mods yes definitely oh what are these I don’t know what those are but I’m almost complete with farming Mining and forging are at level seven fishing is a level one yeah combat’s level six [Music] hey Pam hey man did I feed the pet no I did not I don’t think I don’t remember bomb steel bombs deal less damage to you why would I need that I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t need a safety manual that’s just crazy I want the weathered floor Community Center we need that one I don’t want a copper pan hate that [Music] one so Wiggly Worms yeah powder melon seeds what’s that grows in Winter oo frogy wait what I can wear as a hat oh my God yes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] love it [Music] hey man I remember when I was so rich I could just buy lava katanas like they were nothing [Music] now I have to like scrape by like oh I lost my lava canana in the mines I’ll just go get another Wiggly Worms I’m on a worm hunt today apparently oh more it’s cool mushroom floor yes yeah I’ve been ignoring the uh the tree je that’s an accident hey they just get to beat so many spice berries the whole town is covered in Moss now I was so curious I just kept going okay I should go back home now that I can have bombs I should just start blowing up the ground there’s so much more hidden in the ground it’s worth it you know versus before you could get occasional random thing and just a lot of uh clay but I found powder melon seeds I can’t wait to plant those all right crashing o got of stretch again oh man going to bed once the Mayo’s done you’re like come on Mayo hurry up for I wonder if it’s comfortable to sleep with a uh copper pan on your head I’m not quite sure but she looks [Music] content yay getting that cash back we spent a lot of money hey book sellers today but we’ll have to check that out next time because amp is in why are you in your [Music] underwear change some clothes all righty I don’t have anything fun I only have coal hey looks like I have a little pom pom on my head anyways [Music] uh he just rolled out of bed and your underwear anyways uh I think I’m going to leave it here it’s been 3 hours going to go relax and psych myself up for work tomorrow fun stuff um I’m going to try to see about hopefully we’ll get to a Groove to where I can do some streaming during the week oh hey thank you Steve so much for the $4.99 see you later yep see you later I appreciate that so much uh but yeah hopefully I can get something going during the week something else uh oh my gosh amps again oh no it’s going to go crazy here in a second [Music] oh my gosh the sound effects I love it anyways yes I will see you guys later hopefully PT will help me work my oh my oh my my my all right have a good one [Music] everyone oh my oh my oh my my my

Today is the best day! We are getting started in a new Stardew Valley run! Best part is the new update!

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About the Game: You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home?

1 Comment

  1. Welp, once again I missed the live stream! At least it was for a good reason, family get-together, but I thought I'd be home soon enough to see it. Nope. Anyway, gonna dive in now, I love watching these so much! This is the only stream I'm watching religiously on youtube, so I really appreciate you doing this, Kira! ♥🥰

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