Stardew Valley and Pokemon in ONE GAME | Ova Magica DEMO

hello everyone vanilla vanilla here today we are checking out this super cute game that was recommended to me by the developer of the game it’s called OA Magicka apparently it’s similar to stardew Valley and Pokémon and I like stardew Valley I just don’t play it that much and I do really like Pokémon I have liked Pokemon for a long long time just a heads up if it feels like there’s any weird pauses or anything like that I’m also currently playing a Roblox game in the background and interacting with viewers so if I kind of like look like I’m not paying attention fully or I sound like I’m not it could be that I’m not I am very excited for this game but I am multitasking a lot right no I have a lot to do okay for real though let’s get into this I’m very excited I did see there might be a pink bunny very excited I’ve already wishlisted this on Steam it is just a demo but we’re going to try to play at least a good chunk of the demo today I don’t know how long will be though okay you can play one ing game week in the demo a festival awaits you on the last Sunday short note before you start OA Magicka is not created by a big Studio but a small passionate Indie team you like the game please spread the word and share it with your friends community and family it helps us immensely to gain some visibility among the bigger Studios we also warmly welcome content creators no matter how big or small you are feel free to re reach out to us if you have feedback or questions this is a super cute game if you guys want to try yourself I definitely recommend it I’ve seen lots of cute little like trailers and stuff for it I’m very excited to do this for myself okay choose a profile color is pink an option Dar okay we’ll see with default then I do like you can desaturate the color though that’s nice welcome to the world world of OA Maga must be excited to start playing let me show you a little something before we start I am excited you’re right on your adventures you unlock numerous events that consist among other things of animations and dialogues like this one don’t worry if you are the more hasty type you can speed up most events or skip them completely good because I’m very impatient at the beginning of an event the available actions are displayed for a few seconds you can display the actions Again by pressing any button okay let’s try it how about double speed press the button now to go full speed okay so shift great job always remember that you can skip or speed up most events if needed love that I’m glad they thought of the impatient people e that train is quite fast on on the way I think the passengers are about to feel sick let me quickly bring it back to normal speed there everything is back to the old now that you know the basics of skipping and speeding up events you are all set let’s start your great adventure a phone I have an email okay this is from Mom to my dearest child you’re reading this and you’re already on your way to Clover Town feels like just yesterday I was changing your diapers and clean after your messes someone tells me this mom is the kind to embarrass her child now you’re all grown up and inheriting our family farm while I start my new job overseas if Clover town is anything like it was during my childhood you’ll have no problem settling down and making friends I have a feeling you’ll transform our humble little farm into a beautiful place it was meant to be may you find joy and adventure in Clover Town love Mom he yes your train ticket took a big bite out of our savings so make that money back as soon as you can I got it don’t you worry Mom he choose your character Hannah or Finn I’m going to pick Finn I’m I’m very manly I got to have that very manly character my God they’re so cute though I love the little art style it’s so precious I wonder if I can make them look like Jackson okay that’s I supp leave that the normal one oh you can even put the guys in a little outfit like a little dress that’s cute pink is an option okay we’re going to use this one look at the hair there’s lots of cute hairstyles in here I’m probably going to keep it the default one you’re going to get pink hair of course you can also do facial hair but I’m not going to do facial hair okay I’m going to do these eyes I can actually have orange eyes too oh my gosh let me see um you can have the fluffy eyebrows glasses I don’t need glasses okay this is our little guy he doesn’t have bunny ears but it looks close enough to Jackson I think which for reference Jackson is a little pink bunny guy in the corner all right please enter her name we got to go Jackson You Know It please enter your birthday I’m guessing this is like fall and this is like spring so winter spring or fall all um was going to pick spring my birthday is in summer I we do that and then 7th continue please check your data and appearance of your character One Last Time looks right to me okay here we are see look there is a pink bunny hello there are you Jackson yes that is me welcome to Clover town I’m the mayor an old friend of your mothers I was thrilled when she told me you were inheriting your family farm we’ve been waiting excitedly for you ever since nice to meet you on okay bam I had to figure out what button I had to press we’re happy to have you the excitement in your eyes reminds me a lot of your mother when she was your age Jackson these are your neighbors they live on the farm next to yours go on you two introduce yourselves to our newcomer hello hi there I’m Jade it’s very nice to meet you oh my gosh your Art’s so cute hold on hold on okay I disabled Jackson for a second so you can see her look how adorable she is and then what is your name you have the pink bunny I like you already and I’m Ruby pleased to meet you oh my gosh she’s also so cute J are twins in case you haven’t noticed we’re Double the Trouble oh yeah they do look almost identical okay I didn’t notice that actually these cuties standing next to us are our blobs they’re called blobs this is my blob claraa she’s a sweet girl with a sensitive heart the cow oh my gosh my blob’s name is Daisy and she’s super full of energy isn’t she the cutest yes she is the cutest fun fact I love cows and bunnies so this is like a dream come true right now my good friend over here is AR he and I have been together for many many years he looks a little silly nice to meet you all following tradition every resident of clover toown has a blob companion our close bonds with our blobs is what makes Clover town so special I want one too one thing at a time Jackson you’ll find yourself in the company of a blob soon enough first and foremost you’ll need a tour of clover town as your neighbors Ruby and Jade have offered to show you around I do it myself but I’m getting old I can see that I wouldn’t want to fall and break a hipbone while showing you around town please don’t joke about something so frightening let the old man joke if he wants to joke about breaking his hip let him yeah just than you at the hospital bill for an injury like that gives me the chills that’s why this Oldtimer is letting you youngans handle the formalities from here on out take good care of Jackson for me all right leave it to us old man Ruby please mind your manners but he’s old he said so himself exactly I’m with Ruby on this one still as you can see Jackson Clover town is a fun place to live it seems very fun with neighbors like Jaden Ruby you’ll never be bored well have fun exploring Clover Town Jackson now if you excuse me arml and I are going to get some rest now thank you bye-bye I’ll be off then there’s still some preparations I have to do at your farm so Ruby’s going to be leading you to your next destination it’s okay I like her better anyways our next stop is the blob League which just so happens to be my absolute favorite place ever enjoy yourself Jackson I’ll see you later we are going to be besties they run a little silly but it’s funny okay I did skip a little little bit of it this is Pearl welcome to the blob League you’re Jackson correct yes nice to finally meet you Jackson well come on over is that my rival or something I’m Pearl and I’m blob league president this is my blob Kiko they’re so cute this is Flint hey there I’m flint and I’m a blob breeder this is my buddy spiky wow how creative lint and I were given the honor of giving you your very first blob courtesy of the mayor and your mother excited aren’t you I’d be too I am I’m very excited do you care to tell Jackson about the eggs you brought sure thing these are blob eggs each egg carries a different type of blob go ahead and take a closer look at them follow your heart and pick the egg you feel most connected to I definitely will okay so the movement’s a little I can see myself getting motion sick a little but the egg pulsates with warmth that ignites the fire deep in your heart pick this egg can I want to learn more magma type blob in this egg mag magma types are known for their strong personalities and fierce loyalty they’re great matches for trainers who are adventurous and charismatic okay mysteriousness of a single storm cloud I want to learn more storm type storm type blobs are great when paired with trainers with a strong sense of discipline Independence and wit well I’m not smart so that’s not a good opt probably eggor is common suing soothing like eggs blowing in the breeze learn more home to a forest type Forest type lobs make great teams with people who are down to earth and enjoy spending time with others I’m tempted to go for storm or Forest think I’m going to go storm awesome choice you picked a storm type blob wow voice crack they’re known to be smart in quick witted blobs storm types tend to be popular people who are clever problem solvers does it sound like you no of course these are all generalizations every blob and trainer is different every team has its own unique Dynamic I couldn’t have said it better myself well without further Ado let’s hatch this egg I’m excited what the heck okay I’m laying on top of the egg and I’m hugging it to Hatchet apparently or something okay let’s see what I get oh my gosh it’s so cute I love it Dam uh I’m also not going to include every bit of dialogue and stuff like that as I want you guys to be able to experience this yourself as well so you guys want to get the full experience it is available a demo on Steam I’m going to keep playing till I at least get to the main game play so I can mess around with that a little bit and I will see you guys once we get to the main gameplay you guys can check out the dialogue yourself if you’d like okay so we’re in lessons now action bar is located at the bottom right corner of the screen all blobs currently in battle are displayed as icons on the bar with enemies at the top and allies at the bottom okay your blob is currently in the Idle Zone you can choose to interact you can choose an action for your blob when it reaches the command point at the end of The Zone watch how your blob icon moves towards it your blob has reached the command Point quickly select a skill and attack the enemy each skill has a casting time your selected skill is executed when your blob reaches the end of the casting Zone but be careful because blob’s casting a skill take critical damage during this time by the way have you noticed that your blob glows while casting a spell kind of neat get them okay so they get moved down the action bar then he’s got to recover it’s going to shoot carrots at me oh my gosh M carrots eat up okay we got to kick this guy’s butt I’m going to speed it up a little bit so we can get through this we won what the heck who okay we are on to the farming tutorial now I’m excited about this do we need plant beds I will keep that in mind I think you have a few right here make them visible you have to remove all these dead plants first you could do that using this shovel all right thank you go ahead give it a shot I can do that seems simple enough oh I can turn my camera too so I to feed myself and my blob okay I got to get 10 pieces of soil from the mud piles okay bam that wasn’t too hard oh I got some free stuff use my workbench right here bam I’m going to put one there and one there okay now I got to actually plant stuff I think so let’s do this okay we can go three tomatoes and three carrots all right now we water it oh okay the river where’s the river oh over here I am not the brightest as you can see okay so that is it is kind of like stardew Valley I like this though this is fun okay eat apple pie to restore my Stam yummy okay hold the apple pie and approach your blob while holding the blob interaction button bam oh I can feed them stuff too okay okay I got a new home okay I got to do this task talk to the mayor okay and I can save at my tent no no no I don’t want to sleep to the next day I just save my game okay the camera I can see myself getting a little disoriented I might need to see if I can change the settings possibly okay so let’s see there’s a fast travel thing oh there’s a bunch of blobs in there I think I saw a sheep one too they’re like so cute I love them let me grab fast travel things here what is this open Okay so so there’s a magical storage I’m going put those in there I’m put the worm in there too okay though I’m probably going to end this video here I’ve been recording for a while already I just wanted to kind of see the basic idea of the game and if you guys want to try it yourself I’ll leave a link to the demo in the description as well as a link to the full game so you guys can wish list it if you want it when it comes out if you guys want to see me do a full playthrough on this game definitely leave a like And subscribe let me know that you guys want to see this and I will do a playthrough on it but I hope you guys have a good day or night I will see see you all later bye everyone

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