What Happens If The Moon Crashes Into Villagers?

what happens if the moon crashes into the villagers over the next 10 days the moon is going to get closer and closer to the Overworld causing more and more chaos will the villagers be able to outsmart the literal Moon let’s find out day one and hey it’s beautiful Earth the moon everything in perfect harmony let’s change that type in some code right here and moon disaster the Moon is changing its orbit but uh doesn’t seem like anything’s happening right now so let’s go check on Earth huh look at this place infested with villagers there’s an ocean nearby a business district a poor District an observatory outside the city all the villagers are just living like nothing’s happening what about the beach wow Beach day am I right all these villagers just chilling out the waves look a little bit bigger than usual but I’m sure they think it’s nothing what about the observatory check it out some scientists walking around this guy’s got a huge telescope he looks a little puzzled safe to say that these villagers literally don’t see it coming huh where’s that guy going it looks like he’s got some documents with him let’s follow him he’s going into the town hall looks like they’re going to have an important meeting that guy looks like the leader he put the documents on the table we notice strange things changing in the moon’s size if the water level increases too much then we can conclude that the Moon is coming here jeez what a nerd but he’s right though question is what is the leader going to do nothing day two and yeah those ties are looking higher than ever they’re covering like half the beach these villagers getting washed o those kids it just got them right into the ocean oh no the villagers is trying to save them oh that is tragic I mean it wasn’t me it was the moon I know I caused the moon but let’s just skip past this huh on the streets there’s some kind of protest going on look at all those villagers marching through the city no way those coffins those tiny coffins o I don’t even want to think about what that is this must be some kind of Citywide Funeral Service A Dark Day for the villagers all caused by that Moon and definitely not the purple demon well that was sad and looks like everybody it’s time to go home and move on what’s this what’s up with this guy he’s just sticking around let’s call him John look he’s just staring at the grave what are you going to do eat it uh come on John it’s time to go home finally I don’t know about that guy let’s let’s follow him I got a weird feeling about him he’s going into the poor District that must be his house he’s sitting on the couch he’s looking at some kind of picture oh is that his son I kind of feel bad for John now uh let’s watch some TV here I’ll turn it on for you boop huh that’s the scientist he’s with the other scientists in the observatory they’re saying that it’s caused by the moon and that the government’s ignoring them about the situation oh looks like John got triggered by that wa he’s joining a huge protest they’re marching towards the town hall looks like people are not happy with the government for not listening to the scientists and the beach is empty cuz the tidle waves are getting higher and higher I mean what beach day three and yo look at the moon it’s like at least 25% bigger than before and look the water is about to reach the city and that protest has not gotten any smaller but now there’s a bunch of villager police they’re trying to keep their protesters in check and look at all their gear jeez helmets Shields and pistols they even have a huge bus with a water cannon look look look look one villager he’s walking out with a megaphone what’s he going to say all the protesters need to go home it’s demanded by law I don’t think they’re going to like that oh they’re throwing rocks yikes ouch this got to hurt look it’s John he’s with the protesters wa looks like he’s in charge he must be the leader of the protesters uh-oh it’s about to be an allout War here oh that water cannon looks like it hurts look at that knock back protesters aren’t going to be able to get any closer with that water cannon W looks like they’re building some sort of cover oh they’re not going home they’re bringing home to the protest they’re setting up tents and campfires they’re not going to leave until the government does something you know what I admire them even though I cause this whole thing I respect it w the water’s reaching the city it’s still not much right now but that’s going to be a problem really soon I mean speaking of the leader in the governments what are they doing let’s go check huh they’re having some kind of of meeting the council’s terrified and they’re asking the leader what to do he’s saying he’s got this he picked up the phone he’s calling someone huh the villagers are building something but these aren’t protesters they’re building a stone Dam all around the city damn this thing is massive no pun intended but it’s not enough look the water’s going to reach the top I mean it would be a Pity if someone blew this Dam upop boop boop now just light this up and boom look at all that water going into the city all the protesters and police are getting washed away look everyone’s trying to swim around but Where Do We Go From Here day four and where’ the city go no way the entire city is underwater we can only see the tops of the high buildings and skyscrapers what’s going on inside this Rich villagers and the Villager leader are all hanging out in their penthouses are you serious these guys still seem relaxed look like everything’s okay the world is literally underwater bro what’s going on in that other skyscraper all the protesters are there with John the waters is getting higher and higher these protesters are panicked wait where’ the rich villagers go um wait I’m an admin I can just teleport to him typeed that it’s in the chat and huh some sort of underwater base it’s made all of glass no wonder they weren’t worried of course they just build something to protect themselves and now the builders are building underwater houses for the rich villagers now I get it the Villager leader spent a bunch of emeralds to hire Builders they built an entire underwater city air tanks and dive masks and that explains why they were so relaxed when the city was flooding what about JN and his boys they’re trying their best they’re building primitive wooden structures from one skyscraper to another they’re creating like a net of bridges I get it I respected they’re just trying to survive out here huh the water stopped Rising John he’s about to give some sort of speech splitting everybody up into groups there’s one group of fishermen one group that is creating stores with food and tools and a third group they’re crafting some sort of Forge it’s crazy this guy is setting up his own society and yo the Moon is like 50% bigger than it was before day five and yo John’s boys did good this place is looking not bad it’s like those primitive building YouTube videos let’s go see the underwater city wow the builders are doing everything and these rich V lizards are just chilling look they’re just feasting on some cooked fish looking through their glasses at the Sharks and the fish the whales it’s like one big aquarium what are those tiny tables for huh they’re shaking they’re falling okay now people look scared what’s going on The Skys scrapers are starting to fall because of an earthquake uh-oh this is bad for John’s people there goes another one the villagers are jumping in the water to avoid being smashed by the buildings oh they’re all trying to swim away uh-oh sharks they’re coming for the villagers looks like these villagers are about to be dinner a the sharks are eating those villagers the other ones are trying to swim away while they still can huh what is that it’s some sort of Fortress ship when did they build that there’s John and the scientist they’re talking to each other so after Tom was ignored by the Villager leader he went back to the observatory they weren’t just going to wait around while the world ended so they gathered their crew and they built this Fortress ship and now the scientist and John have teamed up day six and let’s go check those rich villagers out okay there’s nobody here huh a crack along the bottom of the ocean oh the entire underwater base just fell through but still where did all the rich villagers go huh it’s another ship this one’s smaller than the protesters but it looks way more advanced and it has cannons no the rich villagers are telling the builders to aim cannons at the poor villagers ship well well well it’s Captain John Sparrow and he sees it coming oh they got hit oh that’s got of hurt the scientist is taking command he’s telling everybody to get to their stations they’ve got their own cannons and they’re aiming back oh it is all out War at Sea I kind of feel bad though I want to help them a little bit um what can we do I know my favorite TNT what happens if I just stick this into the barrel of a cannon I think I know what’s going to happen oh that was even better than I thought a few hours later both of these ships are damaged but still functional the villagers have stopped shooting at each other and they’re just focused on repairing their ships but before they could get back to fighting look at that what is that some sort of smog wao everybody’s like suffocated what’s going on look there a volcano it’s erupting that must be where the smog is coming from okay let’s go see this Moon yeah the Moon is getting really close to Earth Day seven and yo the ocean is completely Frozen it’s probably cuz the sunlight’s all blocked and there’s snow falling from the sky all the villagers are dressed up been warm clothes and they got snowboard goggles the ships are completely covered with snow the rich villagers are telling their Builders to go to war they’re running towards the poor villagers with swords and Jon’s telling his troops to attack the builders oh this war is not over but the scientist doesn’t seem happy about it he’s telling Jon to stop the war but Jon’s ignoring him and yo he just jumped off into the battle it looks like a lot of villagers are dying from both sides huh the scientist is taking a megaphone he’s saying something he calling for a truce everybody’s just looking at him talk and uh nope I don’t think that worked no truce today it’s night time but I don’t even think you can tell cuz there’s no sunlight at all the entire day and the Moon is like 70% bigger than it was before and is it me where the shape kind of looks like it’s off right because of Earth’s gravity it’s now pulling the moon and distorting its shape looks like the battle’s done for today but there’s one guy what’s he doing he’s jumping off the rich villager ship and he’s running towards the poor villagers he’s climbing up on a ladder and put a note on the door and then he left what kind of fishy business is going on here day Aiden the scientist is headed towards the captain’s bridge look he saw the note he’s reading it some of the poor villagers now have ice fishing drills and they’re jumping off the ship they’re drilling through the ice and they’re trying to fish makes sense they probably run out of food a while ago wait what’s going on they’re in pain oh they’re melting that’s got to be acid rain yeah legs scientists is trying to get away but all those blocks are melting he’s running down into the cabins let’s follow him wao the cabins are reinforced with iron and obsidian blocks cuz the rest of the ship is definitely melting under that acid rain how about the rich villagers did they see this coming their ship is also half destroyed and they’re hiding at the bottom of their ship in some sort of Bunker looks like the rain is finally chilling out the rich villagers ship is entirely melted except for the bunker room they were hiding in and the poor villagers ship is entirely melted except for the reinforced cabins John and the scientists are headed towards where the fishermen were fishing they’re looking through the holes now they’re headed back towards the ship what were they looking at huh there’s acid water looks like the acid rain has filled the ocean with acid through those holes ooh that is bad so their entire food supply has been poisoned it looks like everybody’s starving now oh look a poor villager he has a cookie in his pocket uh-oh he just got spotted now they’re fighting over the cookie yeah I have a feeling that tomorrow it’s going to be all out chaos day nine and yo the Moon is completely egg shaped and it’s so close to Earth and on the moon’s surface look there’s a massive earthquake and back in Space the Moon is breaking up into chunks look and the chunks are forming a ring around earth oh this is definitely got to be bad news on Earth well at least the sky is clear once again and the sun is shining through where’ all the villagers go look it’s the city or well what once was the city it’s all covered with Greenery and Dead Fish now and’ be ashamed if the villagers from either side didn’t survive wait look it’s a scientist and there’s a rich villager they’re walking on the street that’s the same villager who put the note on the captain’s Bridge’s door oh yeah what was on that note anyways after the scientist read the note he gathered his scientist’s crew and he met up with that rich villager they escaped from the ship towards an unknown Direction with food crates so basically that note was a proposal to steal steal the food and escape from the war that Jon and the rich villagers were fighting instead of fighting each other their only goal was to survive and live in peace wow day 10 and yo look the Moon is turned into this ring of chunks around the earth and there’s more villagers than ever before they’re building a dam around the city a new city and they’re reinforcing all the foundation of the houses with obsidian and iron to prevent them from getting destroyed by earthquakes this is like a villager Utopia what is that some sort of space estate agency looks like the grand opening and the rich villager he’s about to cut it with scissors title says live on the moon ring no way so this agency sells chunks of the moon for people to go and live on you got to be kidding me and there’s a whole line of villagers who are now going to go live on the moon chunks I just can’t I can’t with these villagers I wonder how this is going to pan out in 100 days from now let’s see wo there’s the moon r and there’s a house but it’s made entirely from sort of special glass with an ecosystem inside there’s trees modern homes families of villagers they don’t even have astronaut suits they must have oxygen inside those glass domes this is bogus I liked it better when the villagers were fighting each other what should we crash into them next let me know in the comments [Music]

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Over The Next 10 Days The Moon Crashes Into The Villagers In Minecraft… Will They Survive?!


  1. Isn’t the moon crashing into the villagers just the moon crashing into the Earth? Like dude, I understand that you want to remake old videos, but you should not name the remakes absolutely ridiculous titles, please name them something like the “moon crashing into the earth number” two thank you for your time

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