Series finale in Minecraft Create Mod! Everything’s fine.

last episode I built an Italian restaurant a bed and breakfast and a giant clothes shop and then I asked you what we should do with the fourth building and as you can see behind me I’ve since turned it into a fish and chip shop by which I mean I’ve turned it into a fish shop because we can’t actually make chips in this mod it’s just not an option sadly so I’ve tried to turn it into a pokey little fish and chip shop I think this has turned out quite well I’ve got a different kind of till in here instead of using stairs all the time and I probably should have been doing that all along I mean it doesn’t really look like a till but it definitely looks better than stairs so out the front here we of course have a serving area and I had a bit of a happy accident over here I wanted to have some chip fat in here and I couldn’t really decide whether white chocolate or dark chocolate would be better and uh yeah when I tried to change the dark to the white chocolate they mixed and it’s created this weird sort of bubbling effect which I think is absolutely perfect I love it when stuff like that happens through the back here we’ve got a couple of chefs that are cooking up the whole fish and upstairs it’s a little bit messy I I didn’t really know what to do with the rest of this space cuz I needed quite a large area to actually sort out this which is essentially chopping the fish fish we’re getting the fish slices and then they’re getting cooked and sent downstairs as well and of course the bone meal’s just getting destroyed again but yeah we’ll just slowly back away from the upstairs and enjoy the downstairs which I think definitely looks a whole lot better and I even managed to find a nice sign to stick on the outside for this one but today well today is a big day because what we’re going to be doing today is getting this town finished Yes you heard me right we’re going to be getting all of this finished up which is going to involve a couple more buildings and a bit of a park which should be very cool and of course we’re going to need to sort out something around the back of those buildings too but with any luck by the end of the episode this entire District should be finished we’ve got our work cut out for us today and I did say that between episodes I was going to do some planning and I was going to get some buildings down but well I’ve just not had the time so I guess the first thing we need to do is uhhuh that was weird yep okay so the first thing we need to do is actually to get these two extra buildings down and I’ve had lots of requests in the comments for an apartment block I’ve had requests for police stations fire stations and lots of things like that and I feel like we probably do have enough restaurants here now we’ve certainly got enough food to keep us going and I don’t want to keep just rinsing and repeating and putting more and more restaurants down because well I’m not going to lie I’m getting a little bit bored of building restaurants and I’m sure you’re probably getting a bit bored of watching them so with that in mind let’s stick down a building here we can use as an apartment block and then next door we’re going to be building something very special which is going to be a fire station but not just any fire station I mean chances are you’ve already seen it in the thumbnail but let’s just pretend you haven’t right so uh blocks what do we want to build this out of I think the bottom side we’re probably going to do with some Limestone but I’m going to get these buildings marked out I’m just going to stick down a couple of squares and then we’re going to work out how we’re going to tie in a park over in this area which means I may actually end up putting another Street here just to connect up to that back side but who knows and we’re going to have a nice pokey little Alleyway here as well I think and I think something around this size should work well so I’m going to crack on and get the rest of this apartment building in and then we’ll sort out the interior I think before we move on to the fire station which I’m very much looking forward to I mean I’m not looking forward to trying to work it out but it should look good hopefully once it’s done well I think that’s come out quite well we have our apartment Block in and not only that I’ve sorted out a very small bit of the Interior I’ve essentially just put in the corridors so we can go and build our apartments inside although currently the ceilings and the floors are left blank cuz I don’t know what they’re going to look like yet but we also have a stairwell here that loops around we have an apartment on each floor so there’s also one at the top here but I do still need to figure out what we’re going to be doing on the inside and if I just close this door and then open it we should have a completed interior I love how that works so in this first apartment you enter into the lounge we’ve got some wonderful paintings hanging up I do like these immersive paintings in the fact you can put the frames around them I think they just really add something instead of just having a picture stuck to the wall that really works well I’ve used another cooko clock because since discovering them last episode I think I’ve fallen in love with them I cannot believe it’s taking me 8 months to actually discover there a thing in this game I’ve used oxidized stairs for the sofa just so we haven’t got create seats anywhere the only downside is we can’t actually sit on it but it’s nice to have something that looks a little bit different through this door at the back here we have a bedroom with a lovely wardrobe a shelf some lighting and nothing too fancy going on but I do like it and then on this side we have a good sized kitchen we’ve got a her racket the top we’ve got the oven we’ve got all the essentials you’d need even a fridge but of course up here we’ve had to do different layouts so on this floor here we’ve got a sort of bit more of an open plan apartment so we’ve got a great big kitchen we’ve got a seating dining area book shelves and once again we have a bedroom through here we’ve also got a fire exit out the back here which apparently I’ve forgotten to put the door on so we’ll have to sort that out in a moment and then if we go up to the top floor once again we’ve got a different layout and this time I’ve done another open plan one but I’ll put it on this side so that the bedrooms themselves have got windows and this one actually has two bedrooms but I think that works quite well and you may have noticed we once again don’t have any toilets in this building but there’s no toilets in the entire town so if anyone needs to go they’re going to have to go see Bruno look I just don’t have the space these apartments for toilets okay so if some room’s going to drop it’s going to be the toilet I’ve also added an Alleyway in down the side here because we can’t have all these buildings and no Alleyways and you may have noticed there’s also a fence up on the other side of the street and that’s because I’m not putting any buildings over that side I just don’t think the town’s going to need it and once we got this last building in that will actually be the very last building in this little Street we’ve got but it does look cool with the moon setting behind it look at that so the next thing I’m going to be working on is of course going to be this fire station and what I actually want to do is around here somewhere is have another connecting road that sort of connects up to the back bit over there and the reason for that will become clear shortly but I do have a plan for this area behind the buildings and for that we’re going to need a bit of an access road here so let’s just quickly get all that sorted something like that should do the trick nicely I think we’ve got a nice little road going down here I’ve also sectioned off this bit here we are going to be putting a sort of public park in this kind of area and around the back here we’re going to be putting a public car park so anyone visiting the sound actually has somewhere to Park so they can go to all these lovely fancy restaurants but we’ll worry about that later for now I want to focus on this fire station and I’m going to be basing this Loosely on of course the Ghostbusters Firehouse this one right here and about 3 years ago on truly Bedrock season 2 I did actually build the Ghostbusters Firehouse before and turn it into a slime shop but we’ve got a lot more blocks a lot more options and a lot more choices these days so hopefully we can pull something off that looks a little bit better as long as it doesn’t look worse I’ll be happy I won’t be putting the Ghostbusters logo or anything on it though because of course the Ghostbusters is from the 80s and this is a 50s town but the building was built way before the ‘ 50s so we’re good we can get away with this and I think the best thing for me to do is probably going to be to carve out where this sort of road entrance bit is going to be build up some basic walls and try and get this lower section looking good before we actually crack on with the upper section because this building is probably actually going to end up being the biggest building in town it’s probably going to have to go a little bit higher than some of these in order to get all the detail in although it might end up about that size I reckon but at this stage I don’t really know there something I do know is that this building has a bit that kind of sticks out lower down so I’m hoping we can make use of these stairs here and if we were to do I have any more Stone on me no I don’t let’s just grab a little bit of that we’ve only got 21 we’re going to have to go back and get some more but if we were to do that and maybe use some polished Stu down the bottom here and I guess we need to make that a little bit taller maybe with some of those on top okay that could work let’s just get that all the way around the build here yeah I think that looks about right next up we’re going to put a Ledge in across the top bit here and we need to put a second Ledge in but I think I want to get some half slabs in like this oh jeez not quite like that but like that and then this bit here is where it’s going to turn to red brick that means we can stick another Ledge in all across here that looks about right now for the doorway it’s got this kind of black lip that runs around the inside and I think if we’re clever with our framed blocks we could get that looking quite good we’ll use a couple of these angled ones there then we’ll use some of these double slope ones in here which means we should be able to do that to get a bit of an arch looking good maybe a slope in the middle and then I just need to find something that’s going to fit there and I think that should just about do it yeah that looks wonderful but this wall down the bottom here is looking a little bit plain so maybe I should get a bit of texture in just the occasional one of these offset bricks should work quite nicely for that yeah that should do the trick but now we got the general scale of the building in I think it’s just about time for a time lapse don’t you [Music] [Music] [Music] well I think that came out better than I expected I absolutely love it and just the small detail of the engraved text on the front there really adds a lot but we have a massive building here now that currently doesn’t have an interior absolutely nothing going on inside so I guess that’s going to be the next step but as a whole the street has all of its buildings in now I’ve just got to do all of the finer details which as I say includes the interior of the firehouse but not only that I want to get the park in here and a car park around the back here and then hopefully once we’ve got all that done I can call the town finished actually know tell a lie I also need to get a bus stop in but that should be fairly easy Well that took a whole lot longer than I had expected it’s actually the next day in real life now but I had a wonderful afternoon yesterday just pottering around putting in lots of little details and most importantly getting the interior of this Firehouse done we also had a visitor while I was doing that but we’ll get to that in just a moment but we’ll do a quick tour of the outside first so I have managed to get a bus stop I also found a very cool old school advert which I think just sits really nicely in there in this area here I’ve just added a small Park we’ got a couple of benches and so on so the people when they’re on the lunch breaks from the restaurants and whatnot they can come out here they can relax we’ve got these sort of floating Lantern things going on as well the paper Soul lanterns which I think adds a nice splash of color to the trees and it’s really good to see the bus going around as well actually if I’m honest out the back here I’ve just added a small car park and a couple of vehicles ones that I don’t actually know if we’ve had anywhere else I think we might have built one of these ones down by the dock and this is just a different color version of the one that actually does the farm deliveries for us as you can see I’ve also sorted out the back of these buildings we’ve got the fire exits on but let’s take a little look at the inside of our Firehouse here so the first thing you may notice is that there’s not actually a fire engine and that’s because I didn’t actually have enough space left in here once i’ done the interior and I have based the interior at least the downstairs on the sort of Ghostbusters thing where they had this wooden paneled area at the back they had a big desk and there’s just some storage behind there but we can actually get through as well and then I’ll put in a few fire suits which are actually the sort of back tanks that we’ve got in here the copper back tanks I think they look quite good they’re all fully charged ready to go and then I’ve just got a shelving area with some random stuff dumped on it because why not we’ve also got a firebell and most importantly we have the pole which actually goes all the way up through the three floors and if we come up to the next floor we can see we’ve got a nice kitchen and sort of living area for the fireman somewhere to chill out and relax and I’ve gone with that painting again that looks a little bit like the Ghostbusters thing I mean it’s missing the guy in front but I think it does work well once again we’ve got a bell on this level as well so the fireman can hear the alarm no matter where they are in the building and lastly on the top floor much simpler we’ve just got a few bedrooms we’ve got sort of bunk beds in here I’ve kept these very basic just because well they’re only ever used for the fireman when they’re having a nap assuming that they’re on night duty but with that the fire station is considered done ow not the safest pole in the world but at least I can get down nice and quickly and while I was doing the interior I did have a visit from Bruno let’s take a look beard Stone Mr Beer Stone Bruno Bruno Bruno turn around I’ve been chasing you down the High Street right behind me when you L expect you turn around B is there D yeah I mean I can’t miss you you’ve got a giant Sombrero yes yes yes I yeah it’s quite hard to miss beer Stone I come to you um once again Ask requesting something I I have a need and I think you had you get the answer I need a lot of wool because I’m some power sources and I need wool for windmills well lucky for you we have a brand new clothes shop over here the explore an adventure shop oh I have a hole in my ground no no no I don’t I don’t need clothes bstone I need no no look look look look look wool oh very nice okay I can just I can just yeah yeah yeah yeah just just help yourself I mean if you do want to try on some clothes we do have a changing room over here as well so you know feel free to per peruse the rest of the uh the clothes but um yeah will help yourself and if you need more there’s loads more probably not in The Farmhouse there’s probably loads more at veridium shores as well if you need it okay okay beer Stone do you have I I don’t know if you notice but I I am a big fan of sombreros do you sell some over here uh I I don’t know it’s not a hat shop I’m afraid um I don’t have any hats for sale no hats it’s it’s just it’s just clothes and even the clothes technically aren’t sale just W it’s not a clothes hats so so hats are not clothes okay no well hats are accessories I’ll say they’re accessories mhm okay okay be son you’re quite you know a lot about fashion so I’m going to trust you yeah I don’t think anyone’s ever said that in my entire life oh actually while I’ve got you here um did you wish to accompany myself and Stam on a lovely uh what I was going to say is uh would you like to join me in Stam for a lovely candle lit dinner send off that’s that’s are you asking me I don’t dat beer okay yes it’s it’s more of a like a three-way date there’s there there stand’s going to be there as well but I was thinking you know we could we could maybe maybe go to the Italian have have a nice pasta meal oh or Burgers if you prefer Burgers we can go to the diner it’s entirely up to you okay I I think it’s okay I’ll write it down on my schedule beer Stone I think I will be free h on that day whatever that always I haven’t actually I haven’t actually told you the day yet but I’ll uh I I’ll I’ll send you a message we we’ll get something in the diary Bruno but I think it’ll be nicely you know sit sit down have a nice meal reminisce about our time here um and and just have a nice little send off remin oh a send off wait what what oh I got a beer stone I have to finish my build like now if there’s going to be a send off oh yeah yeah yeah yeah there’s going to be a send off I’ve just got to finish the firehouse I’ve got to do the park and a couple of other little bits and Bobs and then uh and then it’s dinner time all right beer thank you so much dude no worri take care dudes and I know it looks like I’m following you I’m just going back into here cuz that’s what I was building enjoy the wall bye goodbye and I guess that’s how you find out this is actually the final episode of this particular create series I know I know it’s been wonderful but the world’s getting a little bit big now it’s getting a bit hard to play on it sometimes things are lagging and overall I think I’m just ready for a brand new challenge but don’t panic you won’t have to wait too long in a few weeks there will be a brand new series Perfect World season 2 with a brand new mod pack it’s going to have lots of different changes and things like that in it and we’re going to be taking on as I say a whole new challenge but as you can probably tell by the episode length we’re not done just yet we’ve still got a few things we need to do one of which is to go find out how stam’s doing we did obviously bring him in as a contractor to repair a village for us a village he didn’t find and decided just to build his own but we should really go and have a look and see how he’s getting on I also need to invite him to dinner as well so let’s go find him right so I’ve made it here to somewhere station and as far as I recall he has a ferry and oh look at that he’s even got a little seat we can wait on so we’ll just sit here and wait for his boats and then when it gets here hopefully we can go find stamp he’s still got that floating train jeez well I’ve been here for about 5 minutes and no boat has shown up so I’ve crafted my own I think we’re going to have to take our own way there this is not a good start classic contractors though aha well there’s the boats and I think I can see why it’s not running he’s got an empty Lake I’m working on it Bey I’m working on it this is just it’s it’s this isn’t finished Sam what’s what’s going on come on now it’s almost finished I mean the bits you have done do look amazing uh I was actually over here the other day stealing things from your uh andite age Factory which uh has been very helpful so I appreciate that oh yeah exactly you see you see I’ve had other priorities than the uh the uh the waterways fa but I did I did have to navigate my own way here on a boat though which um yeah bit little bit sad about that but you know you’re a contractor it’s to be expected that things uh things aren’t finished in time you do realize you’re running out of time right I’m I’m running out of time oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is this is this is the end of the server the end of the season St end Oh I thought I had I had I thought I had a little more time at least I mean I knew it was closing in but like I I’ve got so many plans boy I was partly here to check on your progress fully knowing that as a contractor it wouldn’t be finished and it’s going to run over it’s probably over budget as well and to be fair you’ve not even built it in the right place you didn’t repair a village at all you just built your own one a very beautiful one admittedly y a very beautiful Village definitely over budget definitely definitely over budget yeah okay to be honest this place looks absolutely incredible though Stam I love it I love it it’s very very cool um but I I’m actually here to invite you uh to a a very special sendoff dinner a very special sendoff dinner ooh yes yeah yeah Bruno is going to join us as well we’re going to have a lovely Italian meal uh over in the newly completed Valleydale or Dale Valley I can never remember which way around those two words are but the new town don’t even know what they’re called shush you but uh yeah but but basically dinner time um would you care to join us for a meal and we can we can reminisce over the memories and the fun times we’ve had and um probably berate you a bit more for for still working on things contractor for being a contractor basically yeah I mean I’m alone in this business now my my associate retired this morning so what you mean you’re associate oh um have you been bringing people on the serice St that that that that was a dream anyways I’d love to meet for dinner um tonight uh yes yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ll we’ll meet for dinner later today um I’m I’m about to uh do a lovely cinematic tour of the world so uh I’ll get some cinematic shots of your little bit of town as well and I’ll just avoid the lake be fine y thank you y i I’ll avoid the lake but um but it’ll all be finished for the well download though I’m sure won’t it Stam yeah yeah yeah yeah I I I mean I’ve got to finish it today then uh oh boy but you you better get going cuz I I’ve got work to do I can’t be chatting all day here okay cool I’ll I I’ll leave you to it up you do realize if you use the construction ones this will be a lot quicker [Music] [Music] Bey ah Stam let me take off my jacket here oh can’t take off the pants they have cural binding I put that on since last time yeah that’s that sounds fair that sounds fair well thanks thanks for coming I just I just thought it’ be nice to have a nice little send off although Bruno’s late where’s Bruno guys sorry I’m late hey the traffic is terrible at this time of year and everything always always with the hat always with the hat Bruno the some is a little close I’m going to I’m going to move over here I just wanted to basically bring you here just say thanks you know I thought i’ treat you to a nice meal and uh yeah just just say thanks for joining me on the world it’s been it’s been a lot of fun I I I feel so thankful of having played on this server that I actually got a present for you both I think you both I only think beer but Sam you also been amazing dud super fun I got I got something for you guys right here I’m excited you and you no way oh he’s stole he stole mine oh no stole stole it oh yes pick it up oh yes Tomo buddies oh this is incredible amazing I I I didn’t even try I it’s so we ate pastor and chatted until the early hours of the morning until finally it came time for me to go anyway I I’ll see you both in future thank you very much for the Hat Bruno I’ve got a flight to catch so I’ll I’ll catch you later bye oh bye well that was a lovely meal and I finally got a sombrero and I guess that pretty much brings us to the end of the series it’s been absolutely awesome to have you all here thanks for joining me on the journey wait a minute what what in the world was that who’s that have I missed it I’m here for the tour the tour I mean I’m here for the tour I I can give you a tour I mean you’re heading to the airport so it’s probably not a bad place to startop yeah I mean I can show you around you have a plane here yeah we got a plane here here oh my gosh so just around here where’s the plane there it is my pokey little plane my little sea plane doing his little sea plane thing did you want to take it for a flight oh I would love to take it on a flight oh there you go I’ll give you give you some steps to get up up on top uh there should be a trap door in the roof yep oh I’ll jump in the back here oh my goodness look at that and uh wow yeah I mean wait so how do I how do I act turn on the engines yeah just these puppies start spinning play around with just pretend that they start spinning yeah oh oh they’ve started spinning this is miraculous Full Speed Ahead I guess and in theory we should have a nice smooth take P that’s it that’s it okay oh nice nice oh okay you have flown a plane before right no never oh this is actually a lot harder to control than I thought it would be was actually playing nicely Tabo where you going oh oh wait I need to pull up I need to pull up how do I pull up how do I put up how do I put up I’ve not done this before I’ve not done this before [Music]

The final episode of the season is here! I build an apartment block and a firestation to finish up my town of Valley Dale, then invite @BrunoDanUy & @Stam1o for a send off, before a minor incident involving @Tubbo occurs…

Get the pack on Curseforge – – and come join us on the community server via discord!

A playlist of music used in all my videos over the years!

🥳🥳🥳Merch now available! 🥳🥳🥳




#minecraft #createmod #create #letsplay #episode60 #survival #1000days


  1. Early episode, blame timezones! 😂 But it's the big finale, new series starts on 23rd June!🎉 Thanks for joining me on this epic journey, and hope to see you on the next!

  2. I have absolutely loved this series! The stunned look on the creeper (at the end) was perfect too. So thank you for all the entertainment and creativity, I'm going to miss this world.

  3. Been here since the start. You've done so much in this world, it's hard to imagine how you can keep innovating. Excited for the next season 🙂

  4. never been a fan of tubbo! IMO i think he ruins alot of the the videos he is in with his screaming and just having to have things done his way. but that was actually quite funny and well done

  5. Can't wait for the next adventure! Loved how this series evolved from a single player adventure to a multilayer one. Curious to see what the future brings!

  6. …Why has no one made a chips/fries addon for Farmers Delight? It'd give you a great use for all those potatoes you get besides baking them, this feels like a missed opportunity.

  7. I really liked the series!!❤
    You and foxy turned me to a create mod lover! I cant wait for the new series.
    I just wanted to ask if you can make a video on how to create a moded server like yours..i will really appriciate it

  8. In my opinion this was the best create mod server and now i realy want to try the create mod and build my own hanky contraptions, thanks mr.b for all the work and look forward for future uploads.

  9. Well… what an amazing adventure I’ve witnessed. Thank you so much for providing such an amazing series for us to on enjoy in our spare time. I have been inspired to create my own channel and series after seeing how effortless you’ve made it seem. What I have learned so far is that it is in fact extremely difficult and it takes a real one to continue one as long as you have. I am very excited for season 2 of this series and I have no doubt in my mind that you will continue to create amazing content that will inspire and entertain the rest of us.

    Ps, your #1 fan

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