Can you beat Terraria without Immunity Frames?

is it possible to beat Terraria without any invulnerability frames welcome back guys to another bang and cogy video today I’m presenting to you is it possible to beat Terraria that invulnerability frames now this applies for everyone as well not just me I’m trying out a new star with this video so if you like it let me know in the comments below also leave a like on the video just a normal Terraria playr nothing’s going to go wrong actually I do I do want to test out if this mod actually works so I’m going to go try find like a slime or something and see if it can you know completely obliterate my health aha a vulture you know what that that will do that’ll do instead of a slime okay all right let’s see how bad this this mod really is attack me oh my God yeah we we are this this is going to be a challenge oh God okay I’m looking forward to this this this is going to be fun this is going to be fun I was in fact very wrong This was um as you you’ll see later this was not not very fun at all keep in mind though that the um the the no invincibility frames that also acts for bosses and enemies as well so it could be difficult but again that being said I might have just a easy time but only time will tell I was going to go down this hole but exhibit a this slime right here watch this see it it kind of works but the way that the this weapon works yeah it didn’t it didn’t really work oh please don’t kill me yeah have it as I was making my way through the desert I found something that would help me throughout the majority of prehard mode in this run oo a pyramid let’s go into the pyramid we go guys okay we got a sandstorm that’s not too bad when I found the sandstorm I thought it’d be useless I would be proven wrong however this thing is going to completely destroy me in it yeah I’m not I’m not doing that bye hello vulture hold that hold that oh my God yeah come on and you you’re getting it ah it further on though I’d realized that I was on the completely wrong side of the world to where the corruption is because I need that for the musket and also the Eater of Worlds to get myself a better pickaxe bro where is the corruption I swear to it’s it’s on the left it’s on the right side isn’t it oh my God after an extremely timec consuming hike I finally made it yay we made to the corruption and we’ve got Eater of souls already spawn camping me oh [ __ ] ah who yeah the corruption would prove to be a massive challenge in preh hard [Music] mode I need to devise a strategy and I think the best option is these throwing knives because they do not stop like the W sparking does and they still get more hits in so I think that’s probably my best bet I need to stock up on those that scared me bro I thought that I thought that was an enemy I don’t know why after that slight scare I got up the rest of the wood I needed to make some houses for the NPCs cuz I was looking to get a demolitionist for bombs for easy access to the shadow orbs instead of you know playing the game like it’s intended to because who wants to do that that’s why I’ve got 8,000 Quality of Life mods installed to make the game perfect bro this house is so uneven what what is that guy doing bro holy get out of here bro anyway as I was saying yeah we are this house is very very uneven uh and you know what I’m going to keep it like that because it adds character right it’s um it’s a design Choice by the architect me as you can see by this footage here I need lessons from Bob the Builder or something man because what the hell is this monstrosity on your screen I’m sorry you need to go bleach your eyes after this because this housing is horrible anyway after my beautiful housing was completed I had to do every Terraria player’s worst nightmare actually playing the game however this would prove to be beneficial because I found an item that I thought was completely gamebreaking oh my God wait this this could actually go crazy here we go oh wait let me get the gold chest let me get the gold chest and we can kill herpes boots let’s fck [ __ ] go boys oh my God I’m throwing knives at Anvil I didn’t want to do that I’m scared I’m actually scared of slimes like I don’t think I’d ever play Terraria and say that is this Among Us yeah play about impostor oh my God here we go hello Mama hello uh oh I’m not even worried like look at this I’m so the demo I mean no harm I come in peace I lied holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’m going to drown demolitionist I need you to buy bombs thank you after obtaining more bombs it was time for me to go back to the corruption and try and blow a hold in the ground to get myself a musket o wrecked all right we need to find a hole that we can jump down that’s going to allow us to go Kaboom no stay away from me stay away from me I’m armed with a spear ah a bit all right let’s do this Kaboom that’s what we wanted let’s go let’s go W’s W’s W oh it’s rapid as well all right for the next game theory uh how does this do like more damage or is it still poo a yeah that’s right after spending all that time trying to get bombs for the musket the musket is still terrible not all hope is L though because my amazing 5,000 IQ brain came up with a perfect strategy actually if I can get my hands on some like G Jester Jester arrows then I should actually like that should be pretty good for a while I hope what where was the Slime nah nah what I’m back for my revenge after you murdered Me In Cold Blood watch this I got jet knives I got J knives oh my God oh my God [ __ ] on I love milk stay away from me yeah get in there Mony way after that it was time for some intense locking in and I needed to get some Life Crystals all right I’ve got the necessary amount of Life Crystals now so I should be able to easily deal with Eater of Worlds hopefully because I don’t think I’ll need a bow or anything like that so I think I can just go over to the corruption One Tap him with the knives and whatnot and we should be fine right well there’s two Jesus Christ oh my God right I don’t think that could have possibly gone worse Oh My Sweet Summer child it’s only going to get harder from here so after that uh I decided to play the game some more unfortunately and do some mining let’s make one of these and then let’s make a bunch of these right that should be enough that we that we should be able to do it now if we don’t do it with these jest arrows in this bow I I’ll be impressed all right let’s do this let’s see if how good these are okay they’re put in the wall work though I’m going to die I’ve been wormed I’m dead Okay this oh Jesus how how am I going to do this this going be so this is going to be difficult all right I’ve now built this massive platform so hopefully we shouldn’t be bummed by the eer of Worlds and the eer of souls now all I have to do is just Farm These Guys enough to make worm food because cuz I think we’ve ran out of the balls down there so I’m going to be here for a while and so after an intense grinding session I don’t think this is optimal conditions whatsoever night time but let’s try it let’s see if it works it should be relatively fun and easy right I don’t have a cook or anything man a that’s what I need I need hooking to kill the I culu because then then I’ll be able to do this maybe oh yeah take it [ __ ] take my bullets oh yes oh oh no never mind wasn’t even worried after getting my shield of cthulu and my grappling hook it was time for the rematch against eer of Worlds all right it’s now daytime I have myself a hook as well as The Shield as you obviously as we know so now using the worm food we should be able to just easily deal with this guy uh as I was saying for I was really interrupted by that um beer of Worlds out of nowhere this should be why is there so many projectiles bro holy oh my God after those miserable attempts I decided what was needed was another platform for my fourth attempt this boss fight was going pretty well until I ran into one huge issue that I did not account for oh you’re joking you’re joking aren’t you yep that’s right I ran out of arrows Haroon let’s go oh bro if I had more Jester arrows oh my all right if 848 Jester arrows is not enough to beat this guy then I I don’t know what will I I genuinely have no idea like how what else I can do to beat this guy because I have tried like three times each time obviously being better than the last but if I didn’t run out of arrows I would have done it man put this if I get hit by one of these those screen things it’s over like just because of how slow they go and how much damage they do to begin with anyway it’s ridiculous and he’s just flying now cuz he feels like it like more buff I guess okay yeah no like Worm by the way this guy’s a worm oh what is that bro what is that Holy okay the onslaught of worms is just coming who at me W hello hi Jesus man you’re so it’s far too close with Comfort one more he’s 19 Health come on yay YY let’s go that didn’t take long at all after that huge victory for me I then realized something that would have saved me about 20 minutes of my life wait I’d even have to kill him cuz I was doing this to get a bit a better pickaxe oh I’m so dumb I could have just I didn’t even need to do him again oh my God I mean I have Shadow Armor now that’s right Brad you’ve now got protection in case if anyone wants to enter you uncons with my newly acquired Shadow Armor it was time to make a small hole down to Hell after I was partway done making my massive hole I decided to speak to the demolitions to get some more bombs and the Goblin Tinker arrived so I made a necessary upgrade to my Arsenal boom Spector boosts now I can fly look at that oh [ __ ] and then also came up with a massive brain idea okay I have thought of an idea my idea is we go to the meteor well if one’s land I don’t know if one’s landed we go we go find it and we try and make ourselves a star at because I think that would be insane Against the Wall of Flesh all right so after my few deaths uh which is why it’s becoming morning in I should yeah here it is all right cool so we got to mine all this bad boy up and we can make ourselves a star cannon oh after had the meteorite I was wondering why can’t I create dark Canon then I open the recipe browser and I realized why no no I need a mini shark with this revolutionary Discovery in my mind I created myself some space armor and a space gun and I was ready to fight the a culu a lot of times for some bread Bash one God knows how many two [Music] oh my God I mean he was low he was low I guess [Music] [Music] oh oh my God surely I can afford it surely surely surely surely surely surely surely right right right right but don’t misclick the potion right oh I need to do once more and give me my mini shark baby and give me my star cannon let’s go all right I have a few fallen stars now uh after a couple in-game nights of grinding so it it might be enough but if not then again we can just grind more after obtaining the star cannon and making my hole even ER I finally made it to hell all right ladies and gents we’ve made it to hell this is where things get interesting now because I need to make some giant ass platform to fight the Wall of Flesh and so after an excruciating hour I have uh I’ve cared out a nice straight line where the platform is going to be built next up is building the platform let’s go I was really not looking forward to building a thousand block long platform however I did find something thanks to the Louis AFK mod see I didn’t actually have to worry about building the platform it didn’t take as long as I thought because we love lfk so we have the arena platform Builder which I just used to build this very very very large platform but with that being said now we got to grind for Voodoo demons and get myself a voodoo doll so we can kill the ball of Flesh oh wait that’s a good sign oh FY demon my Pooky you’ve come at such a good time wait why am I using that this oh my God all right voodo demon of pain I’d say it’s about time we begin this stand here so if we can kill this first time then hard mode and whatnot but you know we might run out of stars here which is which is what I’m worried about oh my God no no we’re fine we’re fine oh my God yep after spending about an hour and a half carving out an area for this platform the Wall of Flesh died in about 20 seconds so I’m I’m quite distraught at that but now now we’re at rounded hard mode it was time to kill the mech bosses also what I’m down here I need to get Souls of light as well so I can actually make the summons for these guys what was that noise that was so loud and last Soul of Light okay so that Mak six cool there’s also one up there as well I didn’t realize about yeah that makes six so now I just have to get Souls of Knight before I get the souls of Knight though I was running low on ammo for my star cannon so I came up with another brilliant idea I actually just come up with a genius idea for my full of the star method uh we need my platform back I’m going to make a giant platform in the sky that will catch fallen stars and I can just run across it and and I can just get a bunch of them and that is my giant platform and after an intense night of running across the platform I haveed myself 274 fallen stars 297 I only have 274 which means I have to wait again and now I should be yep there we go unlimited fallen stars after grinding in the corruption for about 20 minutes I was ready to make all the spawners so now we just got to craft ourselves these summons uh we’re missing the Skeletron one but that’s fine sussy skull sussy skull Susy skull oh we need both of them damn it more grind what am I doing here I need to kill Skeletron Prime to get Skeletron to get the bones I’m actually such an idiot all right [ __ ] let’s go oh wait H edging I got to kill his hands first that that’s a good idea right now he should just die like instantly oh my God yeah bye-bye all right after fighting in the dungeon I had enough bones to make the Skeletron Prime sper and it was now time to fight the mech [Music] bosses I just got to remember that just because I can kill them quick they can also kill me quick somehow beat the first try oh my God I will die yeah cuz I’m the goat right I need to get health potions oh never mind they dropped health [Music] potions next oh my [Music] [Music] god oh yo [Music] yes no no the the zombie man come on why is [ __ ] [Music] spawning there we go Jesus so we’ve arrived at the jungle to fight planta uh because well that’s the next day progression so yeah we need to go kill her and reap the rewards and then kill golum and then kill moonl Lord and then we’re done and then had to find the plan terrible when carve out a massive area for the Boss Arena this didn’t actually take too long as there was one pretty close to the entrance the only hard part was carving out an area but that didn’t take too long either so it was time to fight planta [Music] Dage is good now she’s taking some good [Music] damage a pink all those those are going to be that’s doable that’s doable though that is easy yeah no I can do that I can do that be scared I’m scared oh why is she stuck oh I’m bed I’m actually bmed he’s Bing me help help oh after Plantera came the hardest part of the run for me Golem I don’t know why but whoever decided that to make the Golem Arena so small needs to be fired because that was the only reason I was doing bad in this fight you’ll see I’ll only show a couple of the attempts because I had many many attempts but you’ll see why like the arena is so small and I don’t know why all right okay all right let’s go I’m going to kill myself right let’s not get the Golem this time yet this area is so small I can’t do anything there’s not enough room like at all oh oh oh oh oh my bad my bad my bad my bad come here come to my hole whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there’s a skeleton archer how just face through the ceiling what a unit [Music] oh I think it’ be a really cool game mechanic if we had enemies spawn when there a boss fight I think that’s so cool in vanilla by the way not not not Calamity the better version of the game cuz this game [ __ ] sucks in vanilla right I have my ways but I’ve made the arena bigger because whoever decided to make the Golem Arena like 2 by two at Rel logic fire because this is absurd now watch me able to beat it like first try with with the bigger Arena wow I actually have do attack what the hell wait I’m not F like a tiny face oh my God I beat golum wow it’s almost like the arena is far too small those were only a fraction the attempts by the way I have about 40 minutes of Golem footage but yeah after that it was time to move on to the lunatic cultist surely it’s going to be easy right okay they’re here cool bye hello what’s up [ __ ] oh my God wa oh oh no oh dear okay right we need an arena oh I hit the wrong one well time to die to the dragon I actually hate this boss I hate everything including myself like that and then tried getting the D stormbow because I felt like that was the best weapon I had available to me at the time bro well I didn’t get it so time to do it again with my new arsenal of weapons it was time for round two oky doie with my new arsenal of weapons he’s taking like no damage he’s he’s just yeah he’s he’s not taking any damage bro I need I need different weapons I decided to fight Duke fishron as I felt his tsunami would probably be better than the datus because it would actually land attacks and it shoots more than one Arrow so I made my way over to the ocean and tried my luck [Music] I don’t know how I didn’t die there but I lived with my newly found weapons surely I could take down the lunatic CEST [Music] fine whatever he’s dead so OBS decided it wanted to kill itself so I didn’t actually get me killing all the pillars but that’s besid the point now it’s the moon Lord I’m actually very interested to see how Moon Lord’s going to go cuz after try Harding on Luna ctist I don’t yeah we’ll see how it goes I don’t I didn’t make any of the weapons cuz I’m an idiot but no invid frames [Music] [Music] well oh this laser I lived wait what what how did I live huh I’m dead now this is M gaming at its finest running away from him oh [ __ ] the moon Lord hand is down soon to be the second one [ __ ] and there it is just got to get the the Eye now oh what the [ __ ] am I bouncing off I’m out of it I’m out of the range I’m too quick I’m gone I’ve like it I’m gone mate Moon Lord’s no no m the pace Meister look at me go and 3 2 1 bye-bye ah too free too free why is this game so easy chat boom Moon Lord is dead oh so yes it is actually possible to beat Terraria with no invincibility frames if you guys like this kind of content make sure to like And subscribe and if you have any suggestions for any more Terraria Challenge videos leave them down below in the comments and I’m going to see you in the next one [Music]

I removed immunity frames from Terraria, let’s just say this made the game insane to play

For those unfamiliar with this mechanic, after taking damage in Terraria the player/enemy will be granted a brief window of time where they’re immune to all damage sources.


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