so how do we even play this game ooh this is so good it’s the best game ever I saw a commercial and all the kids that were playing it were smiling ooh I want to smile well Gooby how do we play okay we just need to read the rules and then we can start okay let’s see Rule books o rules okay five players or more what does that mean what it says five players or more in the rule book yeah well Gooby you dummy there’s only three of us we need five oh no uh uh maybe we can find like a squirrel to play with us squirrel get over here not playing with a dang squirrel what are we supposed to do o ooh guys I got an idea I can invite my daddy to play he’s like the size of like 20 people combined so I think that’ be good enough right that might work yeah all right let me go get him daddy daddy we need you to come outside and play a board game with us a board game really you guys are actually playing a board game yes daddy and it requires five people so we need you okay but where’s the fifth person um we were just thinking like you’re like big enough to count as like two people hey is that is that a fat joke uh maybe but come on Daddy it’s going to be super fun what even is the board game um I don’t know Gooby is about to explain it come outside all right this better be good guys I got my daddy yes M you got to play this game with us okay but what what what game is it it’s called The Masks of mystery The Masks of mystery daddy okay he and and what what happens in it you just play the game and everybody Smiles um that doesn’t explain the game Gooby that just explains the emotions we’ll have as we play it we’re still reading the rule book but you have to play as two people guys you need five people I’m not two people I’m one I’m not fat okay even if I was fat it doesn’t count can we just cut you in half no you can’t cut me in half you cyle bath well Daddy where on Earth are we going to find another person to play this game with us we know no one out I don’t know maybe call another friend do you have friends hey I heard you guys need an extra player for your game what no no no no no Becky what are you doing at our house get away shoo Sho yay Becky’s here then we can play the game five people no we do not want to play with Becky yeah I would rather not play this game why not she she completes the five we need this person oh yeah I love playing games especially with Johnny oh my goodness but she’s obsessed with me so we need to get her to leave the house no no no okay Becky you come stand over here next to me I think I’ll just stand right here next to Johnny but this is my spot this is way too weird I’m going next to Gooby you could be next to Daisy then no that ruined it what what is going on hey hey get away there you go buy now you’re send that see me and Johnny at the same time okay let me read the rules yeah continue reading the rules Gooby we don’t even know how to play yet okay five players yep we got that the goal of the game is to collect as many tweezers the heck is going on over there tweezers as possible I’m collecting tweezers yeah what kind what kind of game is this they got to fight uh and beat other players at the end with tweezers I’m supposed to tweeze you whoever wins gets there with grand grand grounded ground granted it’s a wish being granted my wrist is getting thrown into the ground yes uh with magic a magic wrist this is the worst game I’ve ever heard in my life well somebody else we the woles I don’t even I’m not that good yeah Gooby I can tell because we’re playing with tweezers and we’re smack our Wrist all over the place Daisy how about you just read the rules fine I’ll do it okay five players or more the goal of the game is to collect as many Treasures as possible to fight and beat the other players at the end whoever wins gets their wish granted by Magic see that made lot more sets Gooby oh that makes sense yeah I get that now wa so you get a wish if you win yes you get a wish I know what I would wish for oh gosh wait Becky what would you wish for o I would probably wish for us to get married and have lots of babies no no please don’t wish that please guys we need to make sure that Becky does not win this game cuz she can not have that wish uh-uh okay but um uh before we start uh Johnny can I talk to you uh on the basketball court a little bit um uh I mean I guess we could we could talk alone um don’t worry guys we’ll be right back okay make it quick on to play this game up what do you want you have to let me win this game so I can impress Becky okay okay I guess I can let you win the game but we cannot let Becky win cuz I don’t want her to have that wish yes if I win then I can make her fall in love with me and then we’ll be together forever yes yes and then she won’t be in love with me okay perfect Gooby okay so you guys just try to lose as much as possible okay h fine Gooby even though uh I don’t like to lose and like to win but I’ll do it for you all right okay yes okay guys I think we’re ready all right can we play the game now who wants to go first wait wait wait everybody needs to put on one of these massive Mysteries that’s what the game’s called so here go it’s one for you this is so weird and one for me but now I just look scary oh my goodness I look actually terrifying wa this Mas are really cool Becky kind of looks like her how do I look Johnny I can’t even tell you’re wearing a mask you look like normal that was such a good joke oh gosh you look so scary okay I think we’ll win the start all right guys well how do we start playing this game we’re all ready to go well in the commercial uh they win the battle like this so we got to just put the Bell like that okay then we just wing it and that’s how the game starts all right Gooby you need to ring the bell in 3 2 1 oh my gosh guys where are we I don’t know what happened wao well high up in the sky oh my goodness Gooby right when you ring that Bell we just teleported up here wait a minute are these pictures of Becky on these Lucky Blocks what the heck Becky you’re on the lucky blocks surprise everybody what surprise this is the worst surprise ever why is your face on these Lucky Blocks because I’m the one that created masks of mystery you created this game yes I created it so that we can all play it and get our wish I’m not wearing this stupid mask anymore yeah me neither yeah Becky want see I think about your stupid game your stupid mask take that well you don’t even really need the masks oh my goodness so now we need to open up a bunch of fan girl Lucky Blocks yep you got to open up these blocks and then whoever wins at the end gets to their wish granted all right well I hope that I win so I could wish to never see you again that would be the best wish ever right guys yeah and if I win I’m wishing that we can all get out of here well if I win I’m wishing for hair good luck getting that Daddy not even a wish is strong enough to get that hair back no it’s going to be strong enough trust me well if I win then I’m going to make uhy my girlfriend oh my goodness Gooby she doesn’t like you well if I win I’m just going to get married with Johnny e e ow e that’s so gross uh Daisy do you want to like switch so I can go further from Becky you want to break the pink ones anything to get me away from her anything Daisy anything fine no Johnny no you have to stay next to me you can go over there hey what’s going on hey put daisy down hey no Becky no no no no no no Daddy switch daddy switch why just get on your lines the quicker we get to this game the quicker we can see who’s going to get the wish oh my goodness but I don’t want to be next to her Johnny you go first okay fine Daddy I’ll go first I’ll go first is that all right Becky yes I really wanted you to go first okay well now I don’t want to go first but you go first okay we go from left to right I got something really good so I can win go Gooby go Oh no I got Endo portal flame e all right Becky you go let’s see what I get what’s that I got some water for my love what the water yeah I think it might be a love potion all right well Becky keep that very far away from me okay my turn yeah ew I got a poop I literally got a big poop it just no it fell oh there goes your dinosaur egg it’s a dragon egg even worse I could have spawned in a dragon with that it’s okay Johnny well it’s my turn sure you’ll get something good later I got lava lava that’s actually pretty good that could save you nice we can burn Becky in it hey oh oh Daisy thank you I have two of them oh man Becky let’s just say if you come anywhere near near me that’s what’s going to happen to you right on your face are you calling me hot that’s such a nice compliment no I did not call you hot I called the lava hot thank you so much no oh my oh my goodness okay Daddy can you just hurry up and go all right here we go what what I get W gold I can’t even mine it it’s worthless well guys that was our first round of Lucky Blocks now Gooby goes back to you yeah I want to get something really really good cows no no no no I don’t want cows that’s terrible Becky let’s see what you get hopefully it’s something bad oh it’s a killer bunny it’s a killer bunny kill bunny get her that’s gross just jumped off lucky could have killed you Becky my turn hero villager I have no Diamonds though I can’t even trade with them keep them alive keep them alive we can get some um hero villager you need to stay far away from Johnny cuz he’s my man hey hey hey hey St alive didn’t like how he was looking at you I don’t care okay my daddy looked at me and you don’t you like him so that’s cuz he’s just so old and bald and fat that he would never be on anything to you all right well just keep this guy alive we am I supposed to just ignore that yeah she called you bald and fat but you hear that every day your four eyes yeah nice glasses dummy yeah you got windows on your face you guys are such kids okay okay she she doesn’t get the joke all right d you’re up okay what’s that I got another star oh poop all right yeah it’s pretty bad Daisy oh my god oh my god daddy you turned into night time and there’s a bunch of zombies what do I do I can’t see anything I’m F kill them kill the zombies kill the Zombies ah they’re making a lot of sounds oh no Johnny I’ll protect you go Becky go nice good job Becky that was actually good good job oh my God Johnny just complimented me Becky I just said good job to not anything special you think I did a good job oh my God all right um Gooby you’re back up on your lucky block please don’t get anything bad like my daddy uh Becky I’m going to impress you with this one look at this W it’s how am I supposed to impress relax Gooby relax your time will come oh Gooby that was really good uh I’m going to open mine now enchantment t wow think it got Enchanted by your good looks Johnny what the heck what does that even mean yeah that literally made no sense your looks are very enchanting to me whoa Becky over there look it’s a giant where yeah that’s what she gets maybe she won’t respond Johny what was that you can’t just poor Becky off well guess what I just did because she was making fun of me so huh oh my God da Daisy why did you push me off like that I was over here stop fighting yeah Daisy yeah that’s what you get Becky that’s what she gets for trying to attack me hey Becky it was me that pushed you off right here Johnny I know you’re just like a really good guy and you’re protecting Daisy but I know she pushed me off Becky it was me all right you know what I’m going to get something right now Becky that’s probably going to kill you so oh oh yeah iron chest plate see that that’s really good wow going to be so protected it looks so good on you oh my goodness Daisy please get a weapon or something so we can kill Becky with it okay I really need a sword no oh you got to kill her py oh you just smacked the poop out of that rabbit that was really scary but I’m okay that was a scary raccoon who wants a sword Oh Daddy I want the sword all right hold on let me wait until after this lucky block and if I get a really good sword I’ll keep that and give you this okay Daddy oh I got Hero’s Bow I got Hero’s Bow lucky that was lucky daddy who that’s like the best B in the game oh my gosh it has every enchantment ever on it do you have any arrows though no I need one though if I get one I can shoot Becky all day long with it guys come on we got to get arrows for my daddy hey you’re not supposed to shoot me you’re supposed to just shoot Daisy no I’m not going to shoot Daisy ooh I think Becky’s jealous of Daisy what no I would never why would I be jealous of her I don’t know I think you’re afraid of the competition oh I would be if there was competition but it’s no contest between me and Daisy ooh this is getting heated all right let’s just continue opening up Lucky Block guys we still have like a 100 to go break next up break two two do two in a row what do you get shot no I need to get something good every won’t hide wait this can be really good or really bad it’s going to be really good it’s me no oh God Gooby that was the worst Lucky Block you could have possibly gotten no no no this is so I just want to get something Gooby you’re embarrassing yourself in front of Becky please get better blocks over there I’m trying I’m actually trying I’m so mad he looks like he’s going to pop a blood vessel or something no Becky um don’t look I’ll just tell you when to look at me okay uh okay whatever I’m just going to open my lucky block whoa oh god oh byy you just killed Gooby oh ow you killing me you’re killing me kill it oh H oh no that big mean slime just hurt Johnny oh we killed me too it’s Unstoppable I knocked it down Becky say you’re sorry right now you literally just killed me I’m so sorry Johnny I didn’t mean to I don’t I just don’t have any weapons all right Becky you know what that means that means I need to get your next lucky block no yes it does daddy of course that’s cheating of course Johnny Marty you let it happen oh fine no let me have that one what no Gooby it’s only fair because Becky killed me no no but you’re supposed to let me win all right fine Gooby all right Becky I changed my mind actually Gooby is going to get your next Lucky Block what why because uh he’s my best friend and I just want him to have better loot but I want you to have better loot cuz you’re my love no Becky let Gooby have your next lucky black or I will never love you don’t worry Becky I’m going to get something really good and it’ll be really awesome okay that is painings pains oh my gosh that’s actually so bad I think goopy is having a bad day today yeah your luck will change eventually maybe I I don’t know you have a really bad streak going right now yeah don’t get his hopes up all right well it’s time for me to open up my two Lucky Blocks now ooh I got a hero’s crossbow that’s really good now you just need arrows W and oh I got a wait what I got a love gun uhoh a love gun it’s like really overpowered stuff a love gun no why do I have this Becky don’t get any weird thoughts that’s a perfect weapon for you why did I get a love gun it looks like I need arrows as well for it um Johnny Johnny what Gooby come over here Gooby what do you want why are you getting a love gun and I’m getting nothing this is not how the plant supposed to go Gooby it’s lucky blocks you can either get something really good or really bad it’s all based on luck so I don’t even know s me that love gun for the CCH but Gooby I want the love gun me that love gun for the CCH okay okay okay um I guess here’s the love gun for the carrots that I’m not even collecting cuz you’re stealing them oh thank you for that great SED Dy that was a fail swage yes Gooby very fair trade freaking cheater look Becky now I have the love gun e to you love it um I don’t know why you have that love gun it was supposed to be for Johnny to shoot his love well now I have it so I can shoot my love to you I need to find some arrows yeah Gooby you can’t shoot it yet unless you have some ammo so we’re going to have to wait to get you some arrows to shoot at Becky all right well that’s my mission I will get love arrows this is really not fair because was supposed to be Johnny’s but whatever all right Daisy you’re up and then Daddy you’re up well hopefully I get a sword cuz I need to be to defend myself uhoh this could be really good or really bad let’s see okay I’m kind of scared just do it just got oh diamond oh oh give me some give me some no I fell I got five emeralds and two lapis La poopies wow good job Johnny you really did a good job getting all that stuff yay I did good thanks Daisy for the free emeralds you’re welcome all right now you got to open up this Lucky Block oh what the daisy I slipped oh my gosh Daisy hey Becky laugh one more time and I’m going to show you what it really feels like to laugh what does that even mean Daisy you’re not even making sense you don’t make sense I got a gold sword wait that’s actually pretty good why I good all right Daddy come on it’s your turn open up some Fang girl Lucky Blocks got another star another star wa and an emerald great yeah it’s pretty terrible whole lot of nothing guys watch out for the parkour don’t slip oh this is going to be hard come on Becky Johnny I’m scared could you catch me catch me yeah let me catch you I did a good job catching her wow Johnny you’re such a butter fingers all right Gooby you’re back up so let’s see if you get some love arrows yeah we hope I get something hey hey it’s for horses hey for horses hey it’s for horses hey it’s for horses ah what the heck Gooby okay guys Gooby just jumped off and fell to his death yeah he is not okay today his luck is just really really really bad it’s actually horrible all right come on Becky open up your lucky block oh another Hero’s villager ew who is this guy he looks creepy hey what are you doing with him do not let Do not drop him hey no no I tried catching him no that guy was trying to creep on me he’s just a villager he trades he’s not a creepy creep creeper okay I think if I would want to trade it would be with you Johnny oh my goodness you’re so weird okay come on please give me a Lucky Sword please please please iron leggings that’s not bad I have almost full armor on this is actually pretty good wow those that armor look makes your legs look so good what the Becky shut up oh oops did I say that out loud yes Becky you did and now everyone in the world knows that you said that yeah keep your thoughts to yourself so embarrassed I would be too all right d you’re off okay that’s stupid mine’s going to be a lot better hi ooh chicken it’s like the same thing no it’s not I got good food guys both just got some raw food that’s disgusting hey you Zipp it Zippy Gooby R come on get some good this time it better be good it really really better be good yes yes I got the her sword I got a hero sword oh yeah yeah yeah hey Becky look what I got hero sword wow Gooby that’s so cool can I can I see that hero sword oh yeah by look at it it’s so good it’s really really good I’m going to win this competition okay thanks Gooby um hey Johnny look what I got for you a hero sword what is going on here hey hey hey hey hey this is koby’s hero sword up uh Becky uh that was that was supposed to be my hero sword yeah this is not my sword yeah but uh Johnny deserves it look at him he’s got the armor he just needs a sword no no no no no Gooby is the hero here there you go Gooby there’s your sword back uh nope nope Becky gave it to you so you must want need you need the swords no no Gooby oh my goody wants Becky gets what is going on here what am I watching this game is being controlled by this psychopath you’re ruining the game Becky say you’re sorry no I just wanted you to be happy Johnny you know what make me happy if you open your stupid Lucky Block Becky open it all right fine not again not again one of those guys take it out with your Lucky Sword she deserves it I’ll kill it I’ll kill it I’ll kill it oh my God that’s a strong sword wow Johnny my hero oh gosh yes I did save you from that big giant slime I was supposed to be the one that saved you and this Gooby oh my goodness what is going on now he’s down there with all the other slimes Daisy your brother just jumped off don’t you have to go get him or something no Becky but I have an idea how about you go get him oh yeah wow wow Daisy that you had a lot of power in that punch yeah Becky’s getting on my nerves but I’m okay all right uh Daisy maybe you want to open up like Lucky Blocks together it would be really cool okay let’s do it um Johnny why are you opening up Lucky Blocks with Daisy you’re supposed to open them with me but Becky it’s only like a me and Daisy thing we only open up Lucky Blocks together so sorry all right Daisy here we go go 3 2 1 oh I got llamas wait I think I did twoo no you got bunnies wait that was actually so cool we both got animals at the same time what are the chances of that it was really cool bet open all Lu BL together next um no I think I want to open my next one with Johnny oh my goodness okay well Daddy you got to open up yours by yourself ooh I’m going to get the best thing in the game arrows oh no run I’m running I’m running I don’t trust that this going to be diamonds this could to be diamonds or TNT yes diamonds wow you got lucky Daddy no I fell hey you tried get my stuff daddy Becky got a bunch of your loot come here Becky Johnny I got you some diamonds Johnny sorry Johnny it was a joke why’ you hit me wait you actually don’t have diamonds no I got this poopy iron oh thank you I’ll take it got it for you Johnny you’re my love wow Becky that was super nice here you go I’ll set you on fire see you were super nice to me waa hi Becky Johnny your burning passion was a little too hot well Becky I think for this next Lucky Block you and Gooby should share a really special moment together and you should open them up together it’ be like super cute you know no what no I don’t think I will no no well uh uh Gooby you got Gooby chime in do something to make her like you ah uh look at this Becky whoa I can’t watch anymore I actually can’t watch this is so embarrassing hey Becky you didn’t need to hit him off like that come on it’s just weirding me out hey uh Becky I think you just uh waved Your Hand by accident and hit me really uh big accident yeah that’s definitely what happened Gooby Now open up your lucky block come on yes that is what happens more stew what stew not again all right Becky it’s time for you to open up your lucky block now shall hurry up and do it um I think I just want to wait until you open yours wait you want me to open up mine first yeah yeah you open yours and then I’ll open mine at the same time hey no we’re not opening up at the same time why not it’s only a me and Daisy thing okay you’re going to have to get over it okay well uh you open yours first then okay fine I’ll open mine first hey hey I knew you were going to do that it’s a scary wish Becky you can’t do that that’s why you have bad karma I can’t believe I S Becky’s mom Becky she’s a really scary woman haha what you saw my mom where you just knocked her off you just hit her off that was that was your mom the witch oh no I think that was Daisy’s mom wait no it wasn’t that i’ seen Daisy’s mom hey my mom’s not a witch Becky obviously Gooby is my brother yeah they’re related oh that makes a lot of sense that’s why your guys’ faces are the same what is that supposed to mean no they’re not well guys I didn’t even open up my chest this could be really good in here ooh I got a bunch of of nothing okay is it just poop yeah I got a stone pickaxe and some bread oh you have food yeah I guess so but it’s my turn so I hope I get a really good sword XP ooh XP I’ll take some of that thank you Yum Yum Yum doesn’t really do anything for me though I eat that for breakfast all right goob you’re back up this B will be the best Lucky Block ever that got diamond hat nice Gooby now you can’t see oh gosh this is embarrassing hey Becky how do you think my diamond hat Gooby you’re not even looking at her look behind you behind you gooby hey Becky no left a little bit more your left there you go no no no you’re going to walk off the edgey no gooy oh god oh gosh he really should get him some glasses he just needs to wear a helmet that actually fits his head Gooby can you be careful walking around with that thing you’re going to hurt yourself yes I’m very careful what do you mean I’m I’m the best no no oh gosh not again take the helmet off no it’s the only thing I got from Lucky Blocks I got to keep it on oh my goodness to jump in the do nice Gooby just stay there all right Becky please go Becky please break the lucky block all right I hope I get a helmet for Johnny oh you got a Nether Star what is this it does absolutely nothing it’s very sparkly it looks beautiful like Johnny’s eyes sparkling in the night what the heck I don’t want this here you go Daisy from Becky she wanted to give it to you well if it’s from Becky I don’t want it ooh burn Becky that was burn oh Daisy that was so rude that’s okay all right all right guys it’s my turn to open up a Lucky Block here we go here we go please give me something good please ponies no I got llamas horses kill him kill them you got every animal underneath the sun yeah I got a lot of animals I’m an animal lover I like ponies hey Gooby get off that horse what are you doing up there uh I just want him he’s my seeing ey horse wow Becky isn’t that really cool that Gooby knows how to ride a horse yes don’t that cool Becky don’t you know horses carry a bunch of diseases what no they don’t not this horse ooh this is going down this is not going the right way Gooby get off the horse Gooby get off the horse know uh okay yeah oh I hate horses oh just killed a horse I did oh my God just killed a horse that’s so mean whaty buty just said that you don’t like have CH no doesn’t mean I want you to kill him they’re just innocent animals I can’t believe you would do that that was a little messed up Gooby I’m not going to lie well when johy open this Lucky Block made a bunch of horses fall jet too oh yeah I did do that those were all fake horses you killed the one real one can I just open my lucky block now yeah me too all right hurry up guys oh no no no no no no please not TNT please not TNT please not TNT not again it’s D ow Daisy it wasn’t my fault Daisy did you just kill Johnny maybe I did she just killed me again that is the last straw Daisy I’m coming over there whoa whoa whoa hey you just killed Daisy I just Avenged your death Johnny Becky come on go back to your side have to protect your honor stop defending our lucky blocks come on go back to your side come on go go all right only if you want me to Johnny hey uh guys can I open my lucky block yes daddy you can open up your stupid Lucky Block are you even here anymore all right and he just died wait guys look in front of all these lucky blocks is that an arena over there I think it is wait Becky why is there an arena at the end of the lucky blocks cuz at the end we’re all going to fight each other to the death and whoever wins gets their wish oh my goodness you guys are going down I have the best loot here let’s go at least Becky’s not going to win yeah I’m going to kill you first Becky don’t worry cuz I know if Johnny wins he’ll wish for us to live happily ever after oh yeah that’s definitely what I’m going to do uhhuh that’s what’s going to happen that’s what you think loser well guys come on let’s hurry up Gooby break your lucky blocks well if I win I’m going to wish for me and Becky to live half forever after you got gold that’s terrible no all right come on Becky break your lucky block here I go ew pumpkins I got pump pumpkins they’re orange just like me wow that’s uh that’s really cool Becky um all right my turn ooh I got more armor I wish I had armor here you go Daisy I’ll give you this chest plate oh thank you wait so you just gave Daisy that chest plate instead of me um uh yes she said she needed armor duh what about me I need armor too why would he give it to you because we’re lovers that’s onesided we’re not lovers we’re actually not lovers Becky but we love each other no no I I don’t love you so but we both dream about kissing each other every night oh my goodness okay really Daisy can you hurry up and break your lucky block I need to kill I need to kill Becky in this Arena we still need some arrows Bob it’s Bob ow hi Bob I think he just fell to his death I want that armor no daddy where are you going is that how you treat your boyfriend Daisy jeez my boyfriend yeah your boyfriend Bob I don’t have a boyfriend oh you don’t have a boyfriend that makes sense cuz nobody wants to date you that’s not true hey stop being mean really all right um daddy you have the last lucky buck in this row hiya oo I got buckets I have those two wow I’m going to go again hey Daddy you can’t go twice in a row but he got a bouncy castle I want to go twice in a row o I got Saddles I want to get something no Ango poles what is that wait Gooby that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s good yes Specky go what did I even get what is that you got a sign that says well there’s your problem you literally got nothing oh no I really need to get some good things so I could win that lucky block you just opened kind of like resembles you Becky just nothing yeah I’m full of nothing nothing but love for you that’s so you’re going make throw up I love you so much I’m throwing up in my mouth really all right guys for this next lucky blocks what if we just all break this row all together let’s do it let’s do it besides Becky okay everyone besides Becky break them in three two one yeah yeah I got a golden cheeseburger kitties but they died I got a hero sword uhoh no you actually did not oh my God it’s so great I wish I had a hero sword here da you want this sword wait really yeah you can take that one I have two oh my goodness everyone’s getting so much loot can I open my lucky block now um no all right guys come on everyone break the next lucky block in three two one oh yeah oh oh I got a bunch of Lucky Blocks in here I just got more buckets oh my God I’m in a pyramid of Lucky Blocks this is so awesome Johnny you spawned in a bom I’m going to kill it and get his armor no I’m going to kill it and get its armor I’m going to kill it and get its armor for Johnny shut up Becky take this come on yes oh oh I got his boots oh come on I killed it I got his boots boies let’s go can I open my lucky block now um let me think no all right guys come on next round of Lucky Blocks everyone break them in three two one I got a giant zombie oh my goodness Ione run hey Daddy just killed us all Mar broke my lucky block I didn’t even get to open it really daddy Becky wait can I if Johnny says that she can’t open it you can open it okay it’s a obsidian ew oh I got potatoes Johnny um can I open my lucky blocks now all right fine you could open up one of those two Lucky Blocks oh goody let’s see what you get Becky I got poop oh you got an egg that’s a dragon egg actually you could spawn a dragon with that how do I do that oh God I just poisoned Myself by eating raw eggs can I open this Lucky Block too um no I got to open up a Lucky Block next all right here we go guys everyone break the lucky blocks in three two one ooh pumpkins oh God creepers what happened creepers I’m blind oh God there’s creepers everywhere this is really not good oh no they’re creeping on me kind of like what you do to Johnny Johnny protect me I already killed them all don’t worry wow my hero I’m going to open this Lucky Block so that I can protect you what the heck Becky ah monster kill it oh my gosh take that off right now Becky I got a scary mask oh my goodness all right well looks like you have one more to to get close to us so Becky just break your next Lucky Block okay Johnny doggies oh you’re an animal killer you just killed them all oh no I wanted to have a puppy with you oh my goodness all right guys come on next round of Lucky Blocks we’re almost at the arena then we can fight everyone including Becky this time could break your lucky block in 3 2 1 go ew oo I got a Wither Skull I got hay I got books Becky you got diamonds yeah just for you Johnny here you go I don’t have a pickaxe to break it Becky looks like those diamonds will just stay there forever maybe I’ll get a pickaxe in my next Lucky Block oh yeah we’re about to get a pickaxe right now all right guys I’m going to break mine first no oh wait no I don’t have any diamonds dang it I do nope daddy you’re not getting this trade wait no sorry Daddy I can’t allow you to have good stuff why would you do that D Mary I have a vill over here if you want to eat it oh I want don’t even think about it uh guys what Daisy not only did I get a bouncy castle but I got your photo framed what what the what are you talking about let me see that Daisy give me that look at this oh no Daisy got the legendary hero sword what framed Johnny photo oh my goodness wait is this a sword you maybe it is that’s the Lucky Sword I made it just for you Johnny you’re supposed to have it oh my goodness let me see if it works oh oh it’s just shooting arrows oh wa o I got arrows I need need that thank you wait this thing’s actually overpowered can I have it back wao that’s overpowered wait do you actually want it back Daisy yeah I’ll give you these arrows all right yep sounds like a deal wait I need arrows how many do you need Gooby um 100 million jillion I’ll give you one arrow and also Gooby what you should do with this arrow is shoot the love gun at Becky yeah Becky uh Gooby has a little surprise for you Becky you comes love oh oh God go love it’s supposed to be love no that was nothing lovely what was that Gooby sry why did you show me to do that it was the love gun I thought it shot love I saw shot love too that’s why he said it well Gooby clearly the gun thought that you and Becky were not going to be in love so it spawned all those zombies e Gooby why did you just kill me like that I hate that and I hate you no no no no Becky no I didn’t mean you it was an accident no oh my goodness well looks like his plan’s been failing and failing over and over again and he’ll never love Becky poor yeah all right guys we have three more lucky blocks to get to the end so I say we do all three of them go go go just Speed Run and oh I got nothing good oh TNT I got TNT run help me oops sorry guys we did it we made it to the end now it’s time to fight but first we could do some trades and we could also use these crafting benches to craft anything that you you can um does anybody have a sword cuz I don’t have anything Gooby here you go I got something for you there’s a golden sword Becky do you need a weapon yes I have nothing all I have is this golden outfit all right well here you go now you have a diamond hoe it does like negative damage wow Johnny you just gave me a weapon of love that’s so thoughtful okay back up before I kill you okay I knew you were in love with me back up all right daddy Daisy are you guys ready to fight what Daddy you have full diamond armor yeah I know well can I have some diamonds I actually used them all Daddy this is not fair oh my goodness my Daddy’s going got a hero’s Trident oh my goodness from her and a hero b from where my daddy’s cheating no from that last Lucky Block I swear you’re cheating daddy it gave me two for the price of one all right well you guys ready to fight yeah I just have these three diamonds but I don’t know what to do with them um yeah you can’t really do anything Oh Daddy me give me a helmet give you a helmet Gooby I’ll make you legs and Boots Gooby take this yes yes you don’t need that stuff you need that give me a helmet daddy oh thank you hey Gooby yes I got Aro now I’m going to win sure you are Gooby I’m going to hit this right in your face um Johnny here’s a helmet for you I got it just for you oh thank you Becky thank you you’re welcome now we can be together forever no back away from me cuz it’s the fighting time on my countdown everyone is going to be by themselves and there’s no teaming up all right okay I’m waiting to win last person standing gets the wish are you guys ready to fight yeah I’m ready all right everyone start fighting in three 2 1 take this Becky ah yeah fire hour to your face oh she’s gone waa what are you doing no I killed her I killed her you’re next Daisy why me Johny how could you do that all take this don’t hit me da don’t hit me don’t hit me don’t hit me oh come here got fight this is the most important fight of my life oh looks like you’re stuck in some cobwebs yeah hey hey hey back up Daisy back up yeah I’m unstoppable I’m unstoppable oh gosh I need food I’m going to die daddy where are you there’s one left standing Oh Daddy I see you it’s Johnny or me hey Daddy stop it he daddy you just one shot me what no I did not we got to redo that Daddy your stuff’s too overpowered that was the only person I I hit you once you’re the only person I touched and then boom you die this so stupid daddy well guys I guess it looks like my daddy won the fight fair and square so Daddy what are you going to wish for I wish uh I wish for us all to go back home and for me to grow hair wa guys we made it back home and oh my goodness daddy you have a big mustache and a stupid hat on what that’s all a change you made my mustache bigger you didn’t say where you wanted hair oh damn well we got to play again all right everybody wear the masks nuh-uh no no no we’re not playing this game again especially not with Becky oh come on please please please please yeah let’s play again Johnny I want to get my wish no no please back up for me Becky please Johnny come back here we need to be together forever no get away get away Johnny you need to run help me help me I’m locking myself in my room and I’m never going outside again come back well if you made it to the end of this video and want to watch another one then click one on your screen right now also make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe bye everyone

Today, Johnny and his friends get stuck playing in a lucky block race with a CRAZY FAN GIRL! The only way to turn back to normal is to complete the Lucky Block race and win the final battle for a WISH! Watch to find out what happens!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. Becky is really a crazy fan girl she will not leave you alone at all what if she stalks you next next she should be banned from going near you Johnny cause she is evil!

  2. Johnny you got ultra Sigma luck. I know you hate Becky but like her the band her work for the CEO of Minecraft sign up for the CEO Minecraft do it so you can band Becky and never see her again Johnny.

  3. I think ur screaming is getting even louder and louder and everyone’s screaming and then you’ll be a glitch monster and ur scream will be louder and I think gobby and everyone will get evil

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