I Played Every Minecraft Minigame…

yo how’s it going guys welcome back to another video in today’s video I am playing every Min game with bad boy Halo all right bad good luck I don’t need luck Sky cuz I got skill no trust me on this map in this game mode you might need as much luck as you can get no trust me Sky on every map I don’t need anything you’re already going to minut it you just fell okay that was a good warm-up fudge oh my God okay that was the perfect way to start the video you’re going down nope remember all the bedw wars strategies that you had yes which one are you going to do the hot dog the pancake the pancake that one you’re going to do the pancake strategy mhm okay well I’m just telling you now I’m going to come over and probably rush you cuz we’re right next to each other bring it oh man there’s a slow gen Mount oh that’s good for me yeah I may not win this one I was kind of hoping I would get wait where are you uh nowhere I think I got time oh you do not have time that is the one thing you do not have I think I do you don’t it’s a false sense of security no I’m pretty sure I got time no I’m almost halfway there right now oh my God what type of defense is that it’s the pancake are you kidding me right now you can’t beat the pancakes key okay well I’m pretty much here so we’ll see about that wait you’re really going to attack me I’m actually like super close from getting your bed right now oh get away let’s go pancak get me pancake isn’t a real strategy it does not work no it is a real Strat no it’s not all right mini game number two really you’re going to do that you’re going to do that you’re really going to my win I’m determined ah fudge wait wait wait it’s coming wait oh fudge let’s go that was a good warm up oh no wait this is Sumo I’m good at Sumo not as good as I can be come on Sumo bring I refuse to believe this is the game mode I’ll lose you’re going down no oh come on Fall what the heck yes yes fall off the map no how is this working what the okay there we go let’s go good I let you win that one I figured might as well it’s your favorite game whatever are you just trying to do something to make yourself feel better from the game you lost okay what I do not need to do anything to make myself feel better about that oh I feel like you are okay well if I win this I’ll feel a lot better no oh my God oh my God oh my God wait I’m going to release right now no dang it that was close I was on like three hearts I think I was I was one hit let’s go you keep winning in all these games I don’t even try trying what you’re going to say you’re not trying will you believe it if I say it if you say it enough honestly oh what the oh oh oh I’m not letting you get this let’s go no way no way no okay okay okay whatever whatever luck no no no that’s not going to happen again uhoh ow okay let me think this through what I’m going to do is I’m going to use the Pythagorean THM to do that and then jump over and then yes I scored good job so it’s one to one I still have to I you know what I’m feeling confident you shouldn’t oh oh what yes what why are you celebrating yes I can do it I can do it that’s why I’m a professional sweat when it comes to the bridge I’m a professional sweater don’t go in there yes okay good job you what I’ll give it to you oh oh fudge oh what okay how did you do that look at that is Sky getting nervous no I’m not getting nervous worried no are you worried keppy no okay oh see you think you’re clever cuz you think that works but it okay what yes yes there’s no way now you’re totally nervous no I’m not that’s it no dude oh look at that Sky look at that no I got the first I got the there first i f no no yes this is so dumb this is literally rigged how are you going to win all of them you’re not going to win will this is mine no no no yes yes yes yes okay watch the strategy is to go above and beyond and then you just okay okay okay you know what I’ll give it to you you’re doing pretty good let’s go oh I’m not going to go this way am I going to go that way am I going to go this way am I going to go that way that’s just ridiculous one more more one more now oh okay what how are okay okay okay okay how are you not dead because I’m made of diamonds so I take more damage oh no please please please okay yes no please get me no I’m sorry I need this no you don’t oh my gosh I’m so happy oh going to go around going to go left going to go right you thought I was going to go that way oh my God yes let’s go that was really really close you know what good job if that had been the first game guess what I would have won nah oh you’re going down scy okay all right so we’re going to One V one and we just have to spliff each other off oh okay let’s go that was a warm up there are no warm-ups dang it good luck bad good luck Sky okay the trick for this one is don’t block yourself in the middle got it I’ll remember that you do the best too Sky don’t block yourself in all right don’t plock yourself in the middle bad or at the side dang it no no scabby help SC me no he blocked me in okay I may have blocked you off and taken all of this hopefully this isn’t up the win this dude is like competing with me but I hopefully he got this yeah I think he got this yeah okay just 10 more seconds I have so many more squares than him yes I’ve never got that many before that was like 200 okay I’m not good at this one huh oh I can’t believe you I was ready oh my God going down oh no you got me I need Revenge yes no oh fudge I’m in first I like this come on come on no one get a kill for 2 seconds we get a kill for 2 seconds yes dang it good job how do I have zero Stars I don’t know but I’m not complaining this the one I went at here we go here we go here we go come on oh I know you’re good at this one so I need to try extra hard oh someone hit mine let’s go someone keeps hitting mine okay I’ll take second I’ll take second no okay what is this person’s skin no don’t look don’t look did you know they messed up on this map and if you stand in the corner and just shift it doesn’t hit you there’s no way yeah really wait do it no I’m not going to do it you do it I almost believed they’ll kick you from the game and temp B you if you do it it’s okay well then I probably don’t want to do it do I well no I’m just saying it’s an insta win all right do it for one round no one will notice okay I’ll do it for one round okay do it for this next round all right next round next round next round okay okay okay what’s going on you’re not doing the strategy I’m waiting not yet you’re waiting for PVP to turn on yeah yeah yeah I feel like that’s the best okay it’s on no no no no no no yes okay what just happened there let’s go I got two stars on that I got one star okay let do some Parkour feeling good about things just don’t mess up the jump and everything will work oh oh my God oh my God no way you win this oh my gosh let’s go three star okay I don’t want you catching up I’m going to catch up and win SC oh my God okay it’s the water drop one hey did you know if you go on on the side next to one of your blocks you get double points really I didn’t know that yeah so try going next to one of your blocks and you’ll get double okay no it has to be like right next to it oh right next to it oh I was just blocking off yours to make it more difficult for you oh that’s okay you don’t have to do that or anything I figured you’d want the challenge no I missed one look at that Sky you need a miss one I how the muffins crumble oh it’s okay it’s okay as long as I get second it’s all good no yes yes no I’m actually going to rage dude no oh wait yes okay I’ll take it I’ll take it how are you catching up this is not good I can do it no no no no no you can’t you can’t you cannot do it yes I can I’m going to block you off oh someone’s getting blocked off someone’s getting blocked off oh my God it was me I was getting blocked off dang it are you dead turn back on myself yes do you know you can run into your glass on this and you won’t get out okay what you ran into the wallby I didn’t realize it kill you looks like it’s my win here here we go I’m pretty sure regardless I’m a win do you know you can stand on this line you have so many tricks up your sleeve that you this one actually works you stand right on the edge of the map like this it just won’t kill you yeah it literally Doesn’t Kill You y you pulled out last second in there no I didn’t I’m going back to the spot yeah yeah yeah let’s both go back oh my God I’m telling you it’s safe go back there okay oh my God please tell me I got third please tell me you got fourth come on I think I got third I think you did too yes fudge please tell me that was it did I win yes dang it no GG I’m sick of you winning so you think you can beat me at Tic Tac T toe yes I don’t just think I can beat you Skippy I know I can okay I see you got a little Tic Tac Toe board going on over here I want to go in the middle first all right I want to go here okay I want to go here in the corner you sure about that yeah definitely positive that this is a winning strategy I want to go here okay well I’m going to block you off here oh of course you are all right well I’m going to go here I’ll block you off what so we’re just going to tie every time maybe we will where are you going there’s nowhere else to go I guess I’ll just go right here I’ll go here High game all right I got to go first I will go in the corner here okay I’ll go in the corner here interesting Sky I will go here I’mma block you off I will go here okay what did you just do what do you mean no way you won where are you going scy rematch rematch this one’s a tie no it’s not a rematch where are you going come on my God okay whatever loock you off here and I go here and look at that look at that I win Tic Tac to who are these people yes go away I don’t even know how they got in there all right fine you win Tic Tac Toe all right it’s been a while since we played one of these going down and good luck good luck to you ooh there’s a lot of good stuff in here oh my God yo this is scary is where everything turns around SC that’s where I win no there’s no way why is it not giving me a chest plate oh it’s Sky hey guess who has full diamond armor uh what you spawn that in I didn’t there’s no way you have full diamond armor I do Sky there’s literally no way I haven’t got one piece of diamond or a chest plate oh hi Skippy how are you no there’s no way there’s no way where are you I’m right behind you no you’re not stop messing with my head okay okay I’m actually kind of stacked now so you might not have a chance anymore yo you’re done for oh you shouldn’t have done that I’m stacked I’m stacked let’s go I thought I could knock you off in time go basically the way this works is you place the block down right and then you place the Crystal and then if you break the crystal look what happens yeah you take damage so we hurt each other by placing that down like that got it but there’s one ow wait hold on there’s one more thing make sure you’re holding the totem cuz that’ll make you respawn and then the last thing is if you put a respawn anchor and you put glow stone inside of it then you oh my God that does a lot of damage do you understand the rules yes I understand the rules you’re going down good luck only one 1 V one here we go I’m running away good night okay I’m not going to fall into your trap yo oh my God ow also you can spam it like that oh oh you popped one you popped one you’re low oh y I know that hurt you too bring it bring it bring it I’m low and I don’t have a way to regen yes no no no no no no no no no no no relax relax relax no no no oh FU oh no here SC me oh my God wait I was breaking the farm I was breaking oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God die die oh my gosh oh my gosh oh you might die here I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine yo chill with those ow I used your own thing against you scy oh you popped one oh fudge run run run run oh oh my God if you had exploded that I would have died oh my God I popped one come here scy uh-oh uhoh oh you’re in trouble oh my God oh my God oh my God come on oh you poped yes scy oh oops okay bye that’s crazy I thought that would work no you’re going to die oh my go oh my gosh oh my gosh yo get away never oh my God oh my God oh your helmet’s gone no stop it scare me don’t do it oh no oh oh now it’s end game oh fudge where did you go dang it I keep going in here oh I see you what you doing over there oh uhoh no I so had you oh my gosh can’t believe I survived that going down Sky I’m not falling for that no oh no no no no yeah yeah yeah oh oh fudge almost got me oh no this is it this is it this is it yes no oh my God GG all right the final score you won at Tic Tac Toe well we don’t need to say what the game I won was it was one to however many you had I think I won you know I think we had a good showing that was fun thank you for joining me at every Minecraft mini game would you say that was every Minecraft mini game yeah that was basically the four or less four or less GG good job Sky good job all right thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed subscribe to Bad Boy Halo and bad boy Halo is going to end the video saying a word any word nothing

I Played Every Minecraft Minigame…

Follow My Twitter – @Skeppy
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You’re not going to believe which minigames BadBoyHalo won at.


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