I Pretended to be a NOOB BUILDER in Minecraft, Then I Used //CHEAT

I’m pretending to be a noob in a security house build challenge will my cheats be enough to help me win and what happens when Milo finds out I was lying okay that should be everything all of these cookies are now fully organized could you come outside for a second what Milo that sounded really mischievous are you pulling a prank on me or something uh no I just have something cool to show you okay sure I’m going to come on outside and wait a minute Milo why are there pressure plates out here these are obviously going to cause something terrible to happen CH just come over here okay I’m going to head outside now I think nothing will go wrong ow oh what happened that was so funny I just dropped an anvil on your head that was awesome Milo that hit me on my head pretty hard actually that was a really intense prank yeah yeah I think it was really good now you can go back to building uh Milo I don’t know if I can build that Anvil hit me too hard wait really you don’t know how to build uh yeah I don’t know how to build anymore that Anvil was too strong well I have a good idea I’ll challenge you to a build battle and we’re going to build the safest security houses the loser must pay the winner 100 diamonds and I’ve got a pretty good chance of winning this since you’re you know dumb Dum hey I’m not a dumb Dum I just can’t really build right now oh no this might be the first build battle you actually win oh yeah boy I got a good chance oh no let’s see how this goes oh wait I think I’m working the wrong way uh-oh this is about to go real bad so for this I start on the blue side right what chip you’re so dumb you meant to start on the orange side wow my prank really knocked your head didn’t it yeah it definitely did um which one’s orange oh chip you’re so silly it’s obviously this one but I got to tell you something oh what is it Milo orange is a really bad color oh really I guess you’re smarter than me now so you know these sorts of things yeah exactly and I know that orange is bad and blue is good oh what that’s so sad but wait a minute I’m orange and so is my house and my building Square oh boy I better build a really good um what are we building again safeer security house oh my gosh you’re really silly aren’t you but hey this is actually kind of funny I like you better when you’re dumb hey thanks Milo at least that means there’s something good happening okay now safe is security house hm what can I build okay now that Milo is gone I can be honest that Anvil didn’t actually make me any Dumber I’m still super duper smart I’m just going to trick Milo into thinking I’m super duper newbie now that way he thinks I’m no threat to him then at the last second I will turn my build into a pro one by using a little cheaty remote this is about to go so well now I definitely need to grab a bunch of dirt Milo because dirt is the best block ever yes you finally understand dirt is the best block yeah it totally is all right now Milo I’m about to build the best house you’ve ever seen oh I’m building such a cool entrance I’m using dirt and it’s looking so good wait a minute Milo is dirt stronger or is there some other stronger block you’re so silly of course Dad is stronger everyone knows that oh okay you’re right Milo wow you’re so smart how you know all these things thanks CH that’s really kind I actually am super smart yeah you totally are okay this is looking pretty good but H oh I need way more cool blocks I think I need some wet sponge and I also need some magenta terracotta I think I remember someone building with them in front of me and it was a really cool house I think they won whatever competition we were doing so I should probably use these blocks as well actually that was me and yeah I did use the most best blocks in the game wo H well thanks for sharing your secrets with me Milo because now I know that using magenta terra cotta and also dirt and some wet sponge is the best way to build a super duper Pro house well I’m not worried because ever since I knocked your head you’ve been really dumb so I’m sure I’ll still win hey what I’m not dumb and you barely knocked my head at all that was the anvils that knocked my head silly oh man you are really dumb aren’t you this is the best day ever hey I’m not dumb stop being mean my Milo H you know what I’m so smart I I can even make this out of sponge look I’m making a really big sponge room I think the best way to make a secure house is to make it super duper open and very easy to get into the easier I make this to get into the more I’ll be safe because if everyone can get into my house and rob me then eventually I’ll have no items left then I will have nothing for anybody else to Rob and nobody will ever come into my house that is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever said if normal chip could hear you right now he would be laughing Milo I am normal chip I’m pretty smart right now see I can even do math why don’t you quiz me okay time for the quiz 1 + 2 um 1 + 2 oh that’s a really difficult one hang on let me spill it out one magenta terra cotta plus two of them um I think that makes five normal chip was so good at maths now you’re really bad this is so funny what what’s the real answer then oh CH it’s obviously eight oh sorry Milo you’re really smart I wish I could do math like you can yeah that’s right I bet you do you should start a math teaching school to teach people like me how to do math oh wow that is such a good idea I can’t believe I didn’t come up with it myself I mean you just did Milo you said the idea so it’s basically yours oh W that’s so true actually a I wish you would like this all the time we would get on so loud yeah me too you’re telling me so many smart things right now I’m learning so much wait Milo why is it the sponges the strongest thing to build out of again um well because they’re kind of squishy oh yeah that’s true because if you shoot something like a cannonball at something squishy it’ll just land in the squishy stuff and nothing bad will happen otherwise if you hit it against something really hard like a bunch of gloss the entire thing will shatter that just proves that building Pro things sometimes requires a little bit of squishy blocks like dirt and sponge yeah but chip did you know I learn something wait what you learn something that’s so cool it must be so nice to be able to do that I’m just not smart enough yeah and the thing that I learned is if you put water on the sponge and make it a wet sponge then it’s almost as strong as D which is the strongest Block in the G waa Milo I have really good news I think I’m building out a wet sponge actually let me test I need to use some water hey Milo there’s water buckets but I think there’s another kind of buckets oh wait I think this is lovely this is a lovely bucket oh okay I’ll use the orange one even though orange is a really bad color like you said all right here’s a water bucket and wait a minute what this isn’t water oh no I think that might be lovely Milo do not use the lovely bucket it actually makes really hot stuff man I don’t even know what you’re talking about chip you are so silly right now I can’t believe you actually like this uh yeah I totally am okay this must be water oh yeah it is and wait Milo I think all this sponge was already wet sponge that’s why it’s dripping I thought those were little blue fairies oh chip that is ridiculous oh man I could believe this it’s the best day ever yeah this is the best day ever why is this the best day ever again a okay I think that should have totally convinced Milo this is going so well my house needs to be really big because once I use my little cheat remote to turn it pro I’m going to need a huge area to become Pro I need to trick Milo into coming over here at some some point though and checking out exactly how newbie the house is he is not going to believe it it’s going to totally blow his mind all right we’ll put a bunch of D over here we need to use the ugliest most newbie blocks we possibly can for this house I think I have the perfect candidates I’ve already used magenta and sponge but I think we need to use melons and pumpkins oh this is going to be so funny this can be the pumpkin and melon room oh wow Milo is not going to believe his eyes when he sees I’ve built something so newbie hey Milo I found these really cool blocks they called milans and pumkin a noop chip that’s not how you say D do you want me to teach you yes please Milo you’re so smart so everything you say is the truth that’s right okay so the first one you pronounce meelon oh melon not Meo yeah don’t be silly and the second one you pronounce pumpkin oh pumpkin that makes so much more sense wow and do you know where to get the pumpkins from uh I kind of got them from my inventory but where do you get pumpkins from normally you get them from the snor Golem head oh wow that’s so cool so you just need to find a bunch of snowmen and that’s how you get pumpkins yeahuh that’s exactly right wow that is really cool oh that must be why Halloween comes after Christmas every year because all the Halloween pumpkins come from all the snowmen that’s so funny n chip that is not even true what I thought that’s totally true H I think I’m just getting confused there are so many things I don’t understand now at least my house is looking really good I think it might be the best house I’ve ever made I actually don’t remember I got a little bit of Amnesia from that Anvil yeah not kidding hey I don’t want to be kidding I’m not kidding I promise you Milo all right these melons are looking really good I think I’ll leave a little bit of my roof open so that water can leak through and the sponges can stay wet okay this is looking really good what are some other blocks I can use oh I know I need Cactus and I need to get some sand to make the cactuses able to grow on um what blocks of sand do they grow on I don’t know if they grow on sanded wood or regular sand or oh maybe Soul Sand or suspicious sand all right we’ll test it out here are all the different types of sand Milo I’m testing stuff out I’m really smart it’s like a science experiment oh my gosh I’ve been listening to you and I don’t think you have any clue what’s going on poor little Noob chip hey I’m not a noob I’m so Pro Milo I’m really really really smart look I’m even growing my own cactuses and wait a minute what why are these sand blocks falling oh this is terrible Milo my sand blocks they’re jumping away from me chip everyone knows that the sand falls and I’m actually got something for you oh what is it a present oh this is so cool hey Milo I think I see you oh no that’s your house in the distance never mind and there’s a chest in the wall for you with some advice for me a pro wait a chest I don’t see a chest anywhere um ship it’s in the Bedrock wall Bedrock wait let me check okay Milo what color bed is it in and what kind of rock that’s so silly bed rock is not a bed that’s a rock it’s a stor oh well where do I find it wait stone is around here right oh hey look I have stone too I still don’t see the chest there yep it’s in the Big Wall between us oh okay sure oh yeah I do see the chest all right why can’t I open it oh no this is bad wait a minute I have a solution Milo I can’t open it right now but if I get TNT and a piece of fire I should be able to light this TNT up and open the chest all right here’s the TNT this should totally work a man chip everyone knows you can’t blow up Bedrock no but I’m trying to blow up the chest Milo that way I can get the items inside but I can’t open the chest unless I do this but you’re going to destroy the items oh wow it didn’t destroy hey Milo it’s a book it says Pro Milo yeah that’s what it’s for me Lon for for Noob chipe blue is Beast Milo what does blue is beast mean no it doesn’t say blue is Beast it says blue is best oh okay I guess that makes sense Milo is smartest oh wait Milo does that mean everything you say is basically guaranteed and I should trust everything you tell me yeah that’s really true that’s really true even though we’re in a competition right now and you’re trying to win to get a 100 diamonds from me yeah precisely I’m actually smarter so you should trust every everything I say okay that makes sense what else does this say 1 equals 5 okay that totally makes sense now that I really think about it one does equal five 2 three and four don’t matter at all number four you will lose oh I didn’t know that yeah Milo if I’m going to lose why are we even doing a competition you should have just told me yeah well it’s a bit unfortunate but you’re still going to have to compete bye chip okay uh thanks Milo that’s really smart I totally get it oh my gosh Milo really thinks he’s giving me good advice Milo’s being insane right now and he has no idea this is perfect it’s the perfect opportunity to make him think I really believe in what he’s saying even though I think he’s totally crazy this is just perfect this can only keep getting better Milo I’ve been thinking about your 1 equals 5 thing and I really agree with it for a really long time I haven’t gotten math at least since a couple minutes ago when I bumped my head that feels like a really long time and now I think that one does equal 5 because nothing else really makes sense yeah I know but when I discovered that it was actually amazing yeah how long ago did you realize that well pretty much three years ago wa that’s so epic oh is that why you used to be really good at math um yes really really good at math actually but now you’re even better at math now you’re great at it yeah I’m actually fantastic and that’s why I want to pass my lessons onto you little guy wow thanks Milo oh I didn’t realize I was a little guy and am I little than you um yeah you’re really little because your brain is pretty small now now that you got hit by the Anvil oh true that’s a really bad idea hey maybe I should place a bunch of more anvils around my place ah that could be an idea if you’re lucky another one might hit you in the head and make you smart again oh yeah that’s a good idea I should totally do that o ow that really hurt do not let the envil hit you on the head Milo it really hurts I can’t believe you actually did that just now hey Milo don’t be mean oh my goodness okay well now this is looking really good okay my house is looking so good but Milo I just came up with a great idea what is it well since we’re trying to make it secure and safe there’s nothing more dangerous to keep people away than TNT that’s so secure right if people see my house made out of TNT they will run away screaming yeah that would be so funny okay I’m making my house out of TNT Milo just look at this this looks so epic and wait a minute I think one thing that I need to do to keep the TNT safe is put lava around the more lava I can put to keep this TNT safe the better I’ll put the lava really close to the TNT so that nothing bad happens if I put the lava really close to the TNT then nobody will be able to sneak over and light it on fire oh man this might actually be my big chance to win something cuz Chip is going crazy hey I can hear you Milo and I haven’t gone crazy I’ve gone so smart now I don’t want the lava Catching Fire to the grass so I’m going to build a fence I’ll use Oak fences just like this and I’ll also use some wool because wool keeps things warm and if lava is hot then it can’t be warm being just warm would make it into stone again but being hot is how it gets lava so if it’s only warm then it won’t burn anything that’s why I’ll put a bunch of wool down everywhere and then hm what else can I add oh I know one way that I’ll try and keep people away from my TNT is by adding a bunch of redstone blocks I’ll build a wall out of redstone blocks because redstone blocks look so scary the red colors will strike into the hearts of anybody looking at my base wow this is really looking so good and now I should also probably get some Redstone Dust to make sure that this Redstone wall really Blends into the environment wow this looks so good I’ll make sure the Redstone Dust goes pretty far around I don’t want to miss many spots all right this is looking pretty good and very smart okay wow I’m building so many good defenses against this lava now I need to actually make the TNT house H I’ll build it a little bit higher up and hm I maybe can even make a balcony that goes over near these redstone blocks this is really cool now I can make sure that the TNT goes really high up and I can build this next pot in my house Milo you should come get a tour of my house soon okay I’ll definitely come over and see your newbie house this is going to be so funny oh no it’ll be so good Milo I think you’ll find the TNT very Exquisite yeah Exquisite that’s a pretty big word for a dumb guy like you yeah I used a big worded I need to trick Milo into thinking I’m a dumb noob okay I can’t use big words like that around Milo anymore otherwise he will realize that I’m just faking it and that I actually didn’t even get hurt by the Anvil and I’m still super smart all right it is time to keep faking it from Milo oh Milo did I see Exquisite I actually meant really good yeah yeah that’s more like it thanks Milo yeah I didn’t even know what that other word means actually and I’ve already forgotten what I said yeah I can teach you some new LS as well really why don’t you teach me them over here while I give you a tour of my Noob house oh yeah boy let’s have a look yeah wait I just need to make some seats first oh oh this is bad okay here are some seats I’ll use watermelons as the seats then I think I just need a dirt table okay this looks really good perfect I’ll add table legs We’ll add a dirt fence like that oh yes this is perfect oh Milo come over and look at my house oh my gosh chip this is the nest thing you’ve ever built what hey it’s not newbie this is a great secure base I’m not even done yet toally going to win oh man look at all these explosives as well yeah these explosives are to keep my house safe cuz if they go boom then nobody will steal from me chip you don’t even have a roof over this area I’m even not that good at building and I know that you need a roof oh a roof that’s what I forgot I couldn’t remember if it was a floor or a roof that a building is meant to have it’s not meant to have both of them right well normal chip would never forget anything this is insane hey oh my gosh Milo well I’m not normal chip right now I’m silly chip cuz of that Anvil yeah exactly I can’t believe it I want to drop an anvil on your head every day no don’t do that but Milo look you can at least enjoy the view from this TNT balcony over here it has a really nice view of the redstone block wall you’re so silly for putting Redstone right next to the TNT one block and this whole thing would go confirm wait what Milo why didn’t you tell me that earlier I guess you’re just going to have to figure some things out by yourself chippy oh no well wait a minute Milo maybe I can build a telephone okay I’ll build a telephone here out of melons that looks like a telephone and then I’ll just build a telephone line going over to you I’ll make the line out of TNT so it’s really strong because if tnt is dangerous then maybe having it at the front is good cuz it will be dangerous to anybody that tries to hurt us what no no no no no no no no chip do not put a line of TNT to my house no way what Milo you’re destroying my telephone line how were we meant to call we are not calling okay you can do your newbie stuff by yourself but don’t involve me in it oh okay Milo careful don’t touch the orange on your way out it’s a really bad color you said yeah it is that’s so funny okay thanks Milo oh no I need to get rid of all my TNTs quick now that I’ve totally fooled Milo into thinking I’m an absolute new it is time for me to test out a little bit of my cheating remote I think I can even leave this TNT here actually the remote should totally handle it for me in order to get this remote all I need to do is to grab this potato this potato will act as the remote that will turn my nbish house into a super pro one I think I’m going to use the first part of this potato in that spongy room over there I’m going to open my way in and see that there’s nothing in here but if I use this potato it will turn into an amazing Pro room right now it’s a noob kitchen but watch this become a pro Kitchen in three 2 1 boom wo that totally worked look at this this is such a Pro Kitchen wow this is incredible but H it currently is way too Pro I need to make the entire Noob house before I even think about starting and using the secret remote H I have a perfect place to go and keep this remote I’m going to need a netherite hoe and a bucket of water oh I need to do this quickly all right I’ll need to plant the potato here plant a water bucket here and then bone meal a potato this way anytime I need to use the Ramone I’ll be able to grab a little potato the reason I wanted it to be a potato is cuz potatoes are so newbie Milo wouldn’t suspect a thing all right now I need to use this remote to get rid of this Pro house it’s been nice knowing you but I’m actually going to get rid of this Pro house and turn it back to being newbie in three 2 1 bye-bye wo that was so quick all right now Milo does not realize at all what just happened we can continue making the rest of this newbie house and he will have no idea that we’re about to turn it pro this is so cool I’m so glad the remote works wow Milo building a newbie house like this has really taught me that sometimes being newbie is actually being really really good yeah that’s such a funny thing to say I agree yeah I agree too wow it’s so good that for some reason lately we’ve just been agreeing on everything I know I think it’s awesome you’re finally seeing from my perspective um Milo what does perspective mean a silly chip normal chip would know exactly what it means hey we not Obi normal chip okay I’m a little silly from that Anvil still well perspective pretty much means when you’re up in the clouds and you’re looking at stuff like candy wo that’s cool wait does it also count for regular sugar um yeah it also does count for that wo well Milo I’m having a lot of perspective right now that’s so cool oh yeah boy perspective for everyone yeah but not too much right too much sugar can make you sick I thought um that’s actually a lie oh okay I guess that that’s just a total lie and eating a bunch of sugar is actually really good yeah exactly wow it’s amazing you know all these things Milo you really are so smart yeah I know I actually learned all my smartness from just talking to myself a lot wow so you didn’t even need to learn from anybody that’s like the ultimate smartness I know right it’s actually magical wow that’s amazing wait I have a bunch of melons in this room but H I do want to make a steak AIA I just don’t think it’s the right idea this sand staircase is not what I need I think I need some super cool stuff in this room I’m going to grab some hose and start making a farm and one thing I’m not going to tell Milo is I’ve learned a lot more about sl/ cheating using this potato yeah it’s important to make sure that these builds look exactly like what I’m making the potato turned the sponge room into a kitchen even though it was a kitchen I think it was only because I used melons and pumpkins which are food over here we need to make sure there is lots of plants but I can’t keep planting potatoes if I just plant potatoes it might accidentally make more of my cheating devices then it would be really bad because a Milo might find one and he might realize I am lying about being a noob he might also try and cheat himself which would really be bad only one person can be cheating this time and I’m perfectly happy making sure that that person stays just being me hey this looks really cool I like this Farm area A Lot H I think I’m going to need to add some other plants as well let’s add some Pitch up plants like that and some sweet berries too h H it’s been a while since I’ve spoken to Milo I better say something silly so he thinks I’m a Noob still hey Milo hi CH I saw these berries earlier in the forest and I was trying to read a book but I couldn’t so I asked someone about them and they said they were poison but I don’t remember if poison is good or bad PO is bad oh thanks Milo I was really worried for a second cuz um I ate a bunch of them what oh no I I you’re so nby that you would eat them do you need help yeah I definitely do need help and I also ate this potion by mistake where are you I’m going to come help you I’m inside the giant TNT area oh I’m here chip do you need my help yeah I do and wait Milo keep that away from the TNT remember it might blow up yeah I was just driving my car but I’m here to help you now thanks Milo I accidentally got this potion and oh it makes me feel so sick I don’t like it at all well I’m not going to lie to you I actually don’t really know much about potion okay this potion is called longing potion of H helping Milo helping means helping people when they’re in danger and if I’m drinking a potion of helping that means it’s in danger um yeah that sounds about right oh man what can we do maybe if I just put you in this fence for now that will be good and you can stay here for a little while good idea Milo you’re very smart but is there more we can do now I’m stuck in a fence with the potion sorry okay bye what help Milo you can’t drive away please and wait a minute that pumpkin is orange didn’t you say it was a bad color yeah it’s bad unless I’m driving it it oh okay thanks Milo I I’ll remember that yeah remember it don’t forget it oh this is bad this is bad ah Milo I’m throwing the potion on myself oh chip you’re just going to have to ride this one out yourself buddy okay now that Milo’s gone I can admit that this was actually not a longing potion of helping it’s a lingering potion of healing they’re really good for you and sweet berries are not poisonous only poison berries are now my garden area is looking really really nice for a noob at least now I’m going to make some sort of little staircase but not any regular staircase this staircase is going to be an automatic farm I’m going to put the farm right over here I think now any single time I want to harvest food all I have to do is let the water run through and clear the entire Farm of all of the crops I’ll make sure I add a little trapo in here so that I don’t lose any space to keep my vegetables and we need water to keep all the crops nice and hydrated okay great I’ll also make sure we put water here as well oh no the water is spilling huh normal me would totally plug that up but because I’m a Noob I can totally just leave it wow being a noob is so fun now I’m going to make cobblestone and I need to make a farm that will both work when I make it pro but will still be Noob enough for now that Milo won’t be suspicious oh boy this is going to be a pretty difficult line to tow hm you know what I think I can totally do it I just need to make sure we place a bunch of cobblestone like this then we’ll add some automatic water dispensers now these Farms normally are only meant to activate once every day or two but I’m going to add a little bit of an observer behind this dispenser then I’m going to make another Observer behind that one this way The Observers will infinitely tick then when I place a water bucket inside it will just keep going over and over again this is perfect if Milo sees this he’ll make fun of me because that’s such a newbie thing to do wow this is going so well I just need to do everything I can to keep up the ruse as long as I can keep Milo convinced that I’m a Noob nothing bad can possibly happen to me unless I’m too newbie and I accidentally blow myself up being silly early with that TNT was a big close call luckily I think it really paid off Milo is now so convinced that I am an actual Noob see look the crop Farm is already definitely working W now that this is looking super duper newbie H I feel like there’s something else I need to do to make it newbie otherwise Milo will be very suspicious oh I know I’ll do something that you definitely can’t grow in a crop Farm I’ll add a little bit of snow in here I’ll tell Milo that I really wanted pumpkins so I decided to make some snow golems he’s so silly the more more wrong things he tells me the more newbie I can be without him getting all suspicious this is so perfect and now hm I’ve made a farming area and I’ve made another automatic farming area but there’s still more I need to do oh I know I totally need to make a laundry room now normally I would make a laundry room that looks really nice but right now I just need to be a total Noob about it that is why I’m going to make a laundry room with all just placing wool on the floor maybe I can make the whole room out of dirty laundry that would be so funny Milo would really find that so silly and he’d totally be convinced I was a noob Wow Let’s make the outside walls of this room out of white wo oh yeah this is super duper newbie I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a laundry room made out of dirty laundry before that would be so perfect you know what I think I should totally tell Milo he will definitely laugh about it and it will make him super duper convinced that I am a noob hey Milo hi silly chip hey who’s silly chip is he building with us right now a chip you’re so dumb it’s actually yeah oh thanks for letting me know Milo I’ll try and remember that well I actually it’s something I wanted to say and it’s about what I’m building right now well of course do you need my advice or something uh yes Milo right now I’m building a laundry room and I’m wondering should I build the walls out of dirty laundry or really dirty laundry that’s the nest sentence I’ve ever had in my life what how is that newbie Milo my house is going to be really good cuz it has a laundry room and what how do you even build a laundry room if you don’t make it out of dirty laundry chip you’re not meant to make it out of dirty laundry you’re meant to put dirty laundry in there oh does that mean you’re meant to make it out of clean laundry yeah exactly oh sorry Milo I’m so silly luckily I can clean this laundry all I need is buckets of water all right I’ll also need some lingering water bottles there we go I’ll just splash it around oh Yep this is definitely cleaning it wait a minute the more water I add to this I feel like it’s just making the laundry soggy yeah that sounds about right to me goodness gracious you’re lucky I’m here to help you and that I’m willing to help you even thanks Milo wait a minute oh no I made it too soggy that means it’s going to get dirty over time you know what I need to clean it I’m going to clean it by adding water to it wait a minute that’s just making it more soggy oh no this is so bad and I’m definitely not doing this on purpose oh I’m such a noob Milo you are such a NB this is awesome Milo has no idea that I’m actually such a pro now I’m just going to add some washing machines in here so that it is actually a laundry room perfect maybe I can make a whole wall out of laundry machines hey that looks so crazy and I can even make a whole wall out of open ones wow this is the most newbie laundry room I think I’ve ever seen I’ll also make a floor out of ironing boards just like this oh wow this looks really terrible but because I’m a Noob I have to think it looks really good otherwise Milo will know that I’m really a pro and that I was totally lying about the effects of that Anvil oh wow this looks so crazy I’m a little afraid to think about what this potato cheating remote will turn my house into if I make it too crazy maybe this is even too newbie to be turned into a pro house by the end this cheat command is strong but I don’t know if it’s strong enough to handle this I really hope it is though otherwise I could be in some serious trouble now that I’ve made that laundry room I definitely need to make some sort of bedroom no which color is orange again oh no this is bad I think this is it or this or this you know what I’m just going to add every single bed then if we get enough of them eventually one of them has to be orange that’s right isn’t it Milo yeah that’s exactly it except we don’t want to put orange anywhere wait what I don’t want to put orange when did you say that well I said it earlier oh man your memory must be really bad since you’re a nerb now you’re right it is you know what I’m going to add a bunch of bookshelves wo these are regular bookshelves but these say some other word before them I think this says chiseled bookshelves oh chiseled like when people have chiseled chins that means when your chins really sharp and really handsome looking all right this means I just need to add chiseled bookshelves these are way better than normal books hey look the books are so thick they’re really thick and they’re brown as well wow it’s crazy that every single book in this bookshelf is really thick and really Brown and wow I really like these books they’re also on their side as well I’m sure this is totally what a normal book looks like am I getting this right Milo yeah you’re going to what ha you’re so dumb hey I’m not dumb okay this is looking really good and I’m even going to add more wow this is so epic and wait a minute I can totally add an enchanting table let me grab one of these and pop these right over here wao that book’s crazy the book’s flying H maybe if I add a bunch more of these the whole house will fly that will be very very good wo this is looking so great this bedroom is amazing I also like that the whole thing is orange as well it makes it look really good H what else can I add here oh since there’s a bunch of water run off I bet I can dig a hole hey maybe we can make an entire pool here wow that would be so fun hey Milo my house is so Pro it even has its own pool oh yeah I got that ages ago what you got a pool ages ago how well because I built it with my big brain you built it with your brain wow doesn’t that hurt your brain to place things with it no chip I built it with my arms but I thought of it with my brain wow that must be amazing Milo I haven’t thought of things with my brain in a while what does it feel like it feels really awesome chip I don’t want to talk to you if you’re going to be silly like this what what do you mean Milo I’m being as smart as I can yeah I guess that’s true oh man that Anvil really did a number on you oh not a big number I hope I can’t count that high same hey Milo since we’re the only people here and neither of us can really count maybe we should make a rule that says no more math hey that’s a great idea actually hate math yeah me too yeah this is so good I have a feeling this will be so fun all right my pool is looking really good but oh no there’s no floydy devices I don’t think I can swim Milo I’m about to build floaty devices in my pool H this is bad I don’t know how to make them oh I think I do actually this will only take me a minute I’m going to grab some bone meal I need to grab bone blocks H I can’t get them naturally though so I need to get a crafting table I’m going to craft these bone blocks myself first I’ll test that the bone meal works and yeah this works really well wow this is so nice now I’ll also need to place down a crafting table I’ll put it in the pool because that’s a really safe place to keep it then I need to craft up some bone blocks like this wo that’s perfect now that I have the bone blocks I can turn these bone blocks into bone meal and I can use the bone meal to grow seagrass inside the pool this will help fill it with water there is no other way to fill a bunch of space with water at all this is the only way to do it wow I’m so smart right now I thought I was a noob but I’m actually really Pro this is so epic wow I can’t wait to see what a some other great ideas I come up with all right this pool is looking perfect it’s very important to have lots of plants inside your pool otherwise there’s nothing for the evil creatures to hide inside oh what what Milo your pool doesn’t have evil creatures chip do I seriously have to teach you that evil creatures are bad uh yeah I thought they were fine why are they evil oh man I didn’t know you were this newbie pretty much there’s good animals and bad animals and the bad animals are bad oh okay that makes a lot of sense wow Milo you’re really smart how did you know that it’s just another day in the life wow your life must get pretty crazy it’s really epic and hey my pool is looking so good I wonder what else I can build Milo do you want to come take a look at it yeah I guess cuz I’m going to tell you something but you can’t judge me okay I totally won’t you can tell me anything I’ll probably forget in a couple seconds anyway well I’m pretty much not even trying because I know I’m smart enough to win even without trying wait Milo where are you I don’t see you well I’m coming around to your side now oh hey Milo I see a really cool car yeah that’s really cool hey yeah uh make sure you don’t drive in into the pool I haven’t built a parking lot at the bottom yet all right where did that thanks Milo waa Milo you’re on fire yeah that’s right because I’m zooming so fast I think it might have something to do with that orange water over there what orange water that sounds like lava oh yes it’s the lovely I remember that yeah it’s the stuff I placed down earlier no chip it’s not called lovely it’s called lava oh lava thanks smer that’s really helpful I would not have known that otherwise well it’s no worries I’m always here to be helpful wao what are you holding some sort of thing oh yeah it’s just a chair you probably wouldn’t know about it wo can you place it down so I can see it well yes but you can’t copy me with it okay okay wao that looks so cool hey thanks for this chair Milo and I’m not even copying you since you put it in here that is true you know what you can have it because I feel like doing charity for the dumb people today wow thanks Milo that’s really nice of you I really appreciate it hey chip I can show you a way to grow your plants faster if you want oh sure yeah how do you grow them faster well you just do this wao Milo when you do that the seeds jump off they’re growing so quickly they destroy the dirt and transform back into baby seeds oh no isn’t it the funniest thing wow that’s really really cool they must be ready to harvest because when you jump on them why else would they pop off yeah exactly and it’s so good for growing the food and I love eating the seeds yeah it’s also really hygienic because it’s really safe to harvest things with your feet rather than hands with gloves what size play wow you’re teaching me so many really smart things Milo wow I love teaching you things wow this is so epic hey Milo you should probably go back over to your side I really need to get building so why don’t you go I think your side’s over here somewhere yeah I agree and Chip you’re so dumb side’s not over that side it’s over here even I know that oh on the Bedrock wall that’s a really good point oh I think I blew up that area earlier I don’t remember doing it but I’m sure someone will fix it yeah someone will fix it probably but I never have to worry about it yeah that’s so nice it must be really cool and wait a minute I need to build multiple stories oh this is bad I made a laundry room that you can’t even get to you know what I need to build a giant hallway with a staircase this staircase is going to be a very secure one my staircase will actually not let anybody inside okay every case needs to be very well locked my case is also made out of iron bars and on the inside I will put a stair this way nobody will be able to take my stair away from the staircase it makes my house way more secure than yours Milo well I don’t know about that I’m not even having to try and my house already looks better what no way my house is definitely the best I just need to build the stair inside the staircase like this and wao look at that this now actually looks like stairs I do need to close off the staircase though otherwise people can steal them yeah that’s exactly what I had wow it’s good to know that my thoughts are at the same level as someone really smart wait a minute I also need torches oh boy let me grab Soul torches because they look really cool I really like the blue light I think it’ll make my base look way more warm colored all right this is perfect I’ll place a bunch more of these blue lights around like this I don’t want to have too many so I’ll only fill the entire floor with them okay this is looking really good wow Milo I used to think I was a good Builder but now I think I’m a really okay Builder yeah whatever you say buddy well Milo that’s a lot of responsibility whatever I say does that mean whatever I say comes true no CH but just a saying obviously oh yeah obviously that’s right I should have known but hm now that I have made this staircase I need to build something for the staircase to actually lead up to that is why up here I’m going to need to build a big Vault now my do you know the rarest blocks cuz I do not yeah I do know the rarest blocks do you want me to list them for you yep I really do okay I know that the rarest blocks are diamond and netherite and even gold Milo might not know that though I’m really scared to find out what blocks he’s planning on telling me to put in my Vault because I’ll have to put them inside I really hope that this cheat potato remote command will actually be able to turn what if new blocks I put into really Pro ones like these well do you want to know or not oh yeah Milo sorry I was just whispering to my imaginary friend you have an imaginary friend too yeah his name is blip blip a that’s awesome say hi to him for me hi blip blip Milo I just said hi to blip blip oh that’s so funny see you’re way more interesting since you hit your head yeah I guess I am but wait a minute Milo what are the Red Blocks oh yeah I nearly forgot okay so first of all we have dirt of course oh dirt of course wait Milo you’re going too fast I’m a little slow now so I need you to slow down for me okay there’s dirt and what other blocks are you saying we the Cobblestone oh Cobblestone yes that’s a really good one okay so there’s dirt Cobblestone and are there any more rare ones yeah there’s three more three more wow wait what number is fre um threee comes after two oh okay so one two three and then is it the regular three um yeah but also doesn’t 1 equal five so isn’t it 5 2 three three sure but we’re not doing Ms anymore remember oh yeah you’re right good point Milo uh what are the other free rare blocks s got the snow oh snow wait let me grab snow that’s a really cool one wow yeah and then you got the gravel oh gravel gravel’s so red because it’s affected by gravity that must be how it got its name gravity gravel and then last but not least you got the pumpkin wait a minute Milo pumpkins um I have really good news I have a lot of pumpkins and wait a minute I accidentally placed down gravel mines these were about to explode if anybody walked on them that would have been really crazy Milo pumpkins that means I’m rich I have some of the rarest blocks and I just use them to make a roof and a flaw congratulations when you’re really rich you can put all the things in the floor well Milo now I’m going to make a super crazy Vault and in My Vault I’m going to store all of these rare items that You’ just told me about that is a great idea I would do the exact same thing I’m going to build the Vault out of something really worthless though something that is so nonv valuable that it doesn’t even matter if it gets destroyed everyone trying to get to my really valuable items will be trying to go through my Vault so I need to make sure the vault is made out of the most worthless material ever and I think I’ve come up with a really good one what is it what is it well I’m going to make the Vault out of diamonds since they’re really ugly and they’re not even that strong that way if anybody tries to rob me they’ll see the diamonds and they’ll think I’m really really poor and they’ll try to run away oh yeah diamonds actually annoy me quite a lot a lot of the time yeah me too hey I might even Place little arrows at the front directing everyone towards my diamonds but before I do that I need to place down my valuables wow this is so crazy Milo I’m placing down so much dirt right now wow I look so rich already but now I’m going to place Cobblestone wow just seeing this much cobblestone in person is absolutely magical it looks so fancy and hey I can even add gravel here and wait a minute I do not want to confuse the gravel with the Cobblestone because they’re so valuable and rare it’s important that I place them a little a little bit further apart so nobody gets confused now I’ll place down a bunch of snow wow this is so cool H I don’t have much space left to put pumpkins down because there’s so much snow I need to keep you know what I think I’ll just keep the pumpkins on top of the snow and Milo my snow is coming to life yeah let’s go Milo what you don’t seem that crazy about it is this normal yeah I do it all the time oh wow you’re so smart because you can bring snow to life that’s crazy I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who can anything like that well here he is and he is a genius wow he totally is good job being a genius Milo maybe I’ll be as smart as you someday yeah maybe if you keep trying but probably not cuz you’re actually 10 times dumber than me to be honest wao 10 times you know multiplication Tim taes that’s so much math yeah I know I’m actually so smart yeah you really are Milo it’s really impressive how smart you are what other things have I always said you’re wrong about that you’re actually right about and I’d only get it now that I’m a little bit Dumber well let me think about them okay I think you’ll come up with some really good ones because you’re so much smarter than me I’ve also built a really worthless Diamond fence because diamond is so worthless I’ve just used it to make a fence around all of my valuables and my valuable snows H I’ve been calling them snows cuz I don’t know what else to call them they’re the snow that comes to life now I’ll just put netherite on the corners because it’s so worthless as well I want to make sure that the netherite snaps the second anybody tries to rub me if it snaps maybe it’ll scare them oh yep this will be great then I can just give it a little gold crown because crowns mean no rich person lives here the more crowns you see the less likely it is that somebody is Rich that’s a pretty cool trick I learned a while ago Milo well you were just saying the dumbest things right now hey there’s nothing dumb about that I think I’m being really smart right now yeah I meant dumb as than good oh what dumb means good I didn’t know that yeah I’m going to make it mean good things now wow that is so epic Milo you’re so power and cool wow this is epic now I need to add a lot more stairs to the staircase room and I also need to make a big arrow pointing over here this way in case I ever get lost I will know that there are valuables inside my house I’m also going to make sure I build it out of diamonds wow this is really cool I know I have my door here but I’m going to make a second door just in case I forget now I will also need to make sure that all of my magenta terracottas are pointing directly towards the door this way if I ever get lost I will know exactly where to go oh Yep this is perfect these ones can point to and oh no I broke a cactus you know what that’s okay I’m sure the cactus will grow back even though there’s no sand blocks there this is perfect all right now that these blocks are pointing towards the entrance I can make another Diamond arrow pointing because diamonds are still not worth anything this way if I ever get lost I can walk into my house that has no defenses and has all of my valuables inside I will also make a bridge over The Lava but I’ll make it out of something really not rare at all like netherite maybe Yep this is perfect H it could get pretty hot so instead of just having a random open area I’m also going to make a little water garden yep having a bunch of water around here will really help cool me off especially on a really hot summer day hey this looks so cool already I like this a lot wow my house is looking so Pro right now yeah but it’s probably not as good as mine because you know one thing about me chip what I don’t know many things about anyone well I’m the coolest guy ever what you’re the coolest guy ever Milo that’s insane I can’t believe I’m building next to the coolest guy ever yeah and pretty much they invented the word cool when they looked at me what you inspired the word cool how did people even talk about the temperature a they said something like cold or something ridiculous oh that’s ridiculous I would never say the word cold exactly that’s what I’m saying chip disagreed with me but I think it’s really smart what isn’t chip my name yeah but other chip you know a smart chip oh yeah that is so true wow Milo I’m talking to the most cool person ever I feel like I’m near a celebrity oh yeah but I’m pretty much am a celebrity wait Milo can I get an autograph yeah if you want one oh yes please can you come over and sign my base yeah I guess so but you have to give me 3 seconds okay I totally will this is perfect now that Milo is coming over to sign my base he will see exactly how newbie it is this will trick him into thinking I really am a noob then once he least suspects it I will be really smart again all right here I am for My Autograph W this this is so cool Milo can you write your name on that really big wall yeah of course okay well we’re just going to start with the m wow you’re really good at spelling if you know the first letter of your own name wait chip do you not even know how to spell your name let me think I’m going to think long and hard about it okay I think my first letter is p yes oh yes that’s amazing well here we go I’m nearly finished writing my name wo m i l wow you’re so good at spelling this is amazing oh my God just going to do the all of course oh yes of course this is the Lost letter right um no wait what Milo you have more letters in your name I only counted less than five which equals one um yeah exactly because there’s only one letter in my name because there’s only five oh yeah that makes sense wa this is how you spell your name yeah that’s how I think I spell my name but I kind of really forget every time yep it looks very much exactly how you spell your name that’s very impressive and I’m just going to underline it for you so that you know it’s my signature oh yeah it is your signature wow that is so cool I’ll delete the first letter of my name because I don’t want my own sign wall wow this is so cool my look my house is looking really epic right now isn’t it yeah epic is one word for it what one word yeah and another word is awesome I’m sure yeah definitely wow Milo I’m glad that you definitely think my house is awesome all right now that Milo thinks my my house is terrible because he was definitely lying about thinking it’s awesome I can totally start using my Pro potato to make it look epic again all right let’s go over here and grab it and now it is time to start transforming my house into the most epic base ever we’ll start with each little room that way we can go really slowly and make sure it goes perfect first I just need to build a little Library room here I’ll finish up these bookshelves this is about to become the perfect Library wow I can’t believe how amazing this library is going to be and I’m also going to get even smarter once I can read now I actually am still really smart and not a noob at all and having a library is exactly the sort of thing I need wow these bookshelves are great but I should probably use real bookshelves these ones are so silly I just don’t want Milo to see me you know what I will not use real bookshelves for my library not a single book can be in this room because otherwise Milo will know that I’m lying okay this looks pretty good it seems a lot like a library I’ll just add a couple golden wool lanterns and then I can trans form this officially into a super pro Library using my cheat command all right it is now time all right this is so exciting I’m going to use my cheat command in three 2 1 go wait a minute what my library is still totally the same there’s no books in it this is so newbie hang on a minute what is that I did not put this down oh no wait a minute for some reason the cheat command pasted in my library here what did I even have here oh I know this is where I had all those enchanting tables oh no this is really bad that’s so embarrassing there’s lots of books in here and hey it’s like a maze uh-oh I guess I can’t just be super duper silly I thought I could to try and make sure Milo thought I was really dumb and such a noob but uh it didn’t work at all all right I need to make sure I transform every single room into something that this potato will definitely know how to make smart all right I better get rid of this Library it is so bad I’m going to get rid of this thing using the potato in 3 2 1 bye-bye library that was a close one all right now hm how do I turn this into a real Library oh I know I need to add enchanting tables and bookshelves that will make it seem really smart by adding real books inside the bookshelves I help turn this into a properl looking Library wow this already looks so much smarter Yep this is absolutely genius H I think also going room by room was also a pretty bad idea if I just paste in the library then the cheat command may get confused I think I need to fix every single room that could possibly go wrong and then upgrade the entire house all at once I think that is the only way to guarantee that my house upgrades all at the same time besides if Milo comes over and sees me slowly upgrading things he will know exactly what’s happening and he might stop me before I can officially make my house super duper Pro and reveal to Milo that I actually was not the noob he thought I was now I’m going to add in some enchanting tables to some of these bookshelves just like this wo this looks so fancy right now this looks like a super duper cool library now I got to make sure every single room looks super smart for this room I need to remove all these snow blocks on the farm and oh goodness I need to grab a ho again and transform these back into really cool farming blocks perfect now I’ll place down these seeds yep I think this will work and I can’t keep using a silly dispenser like this that’s ridiculous I need to use a lever that I can sometimes activate whenever I’d like and oh my goodness this farming area is a mess Let Me Clear a whole bunch of it and I think I really do want an orange bedroom I can’t believe I fooled Milo for so long thinking I don’t know the color orange this is definitely my favorite color and I also need to add in some bookshelves of course not too many because I still need the library to be the only place with a bunch of books I’ll add a little bit of orange carpet Yep this will definitely look a lot like a bedroom perfect now we know the kitchen is fine because it automatically pasted in here that must have been because of all these really cool blocks that we did oh wow those diamonds scared me because I thought they were Milo I’m going to get rid of them that way the SL SL Che command will not actually try and place any Vault over here I’ll also get rid of this netherite and I definitely will have to get rid of this weird telephone that I made I don’t even know what it does it’s so crazy and hm we was still meant to make a secure base I have not made anything very secure because I spent the whole time pretending to be a noob that’s why I’m going to add some dispensers and a bunch of pressure plates in the dispenses I’m going to fill them with arrows just like this this way if anybody steps on the pressure pressure plates they will get a barrage of arrows now I also need to make sure that this L terra cotta is a little bit smarter hopefully it can transform these weird looking blocks into really smart ones and oh no this vault is so silly oh no you know what I think I need to let all these snowmen go or I need to add a bunch of diamonds inside oh boy I really hope this is enough to help I’m really running out of time so I need to make sure I do this quickly I’m so silly I should not have spent so much time trying to trick Milo into thinking I was really dumb oh that was so silly of me you know what I need to make up for it by making sure everything is perfect I need to build real stairs first of all oh my goodness I can’t believe I made a staircase joke that’s so silly and the worst part about it is Milo didn’t even realize I was being stupid Milo thought me talking about my staircase was really smart he totally was convinced that I actually thought that staircases would go inside there and he even agreed that’s because Milo is a little bit insane sometimes that’s why I think by making a real stti just like this we can totally make sure that the cheat commander knows exactly where to put the stairs oh Yep this is looking really good and oh no my pool it’s such a mess I’m not really sure what I can do right now but one thing I know I definitely can do is make sure that it’s a very comfortable pool area I’m going to get rid of all these beds around here but hey I think I can keep a caret or two because around here I’m going to make some little Beachside chairs that’s because pools kind of remind me of the beach I’m going to add a bunch of little cozy things to lay in while I use this pool hopefully that will make it look a lot more like a real pool and the cheat command will not get confused I’m also just going to close off this Fountain out here I’ll make it into a really cool shape H I think this super cool yin and yang symbol could be perfect although H I haven’t done this right it kind of looks a little bit like a moon you know what that’s totally fine the Moon is so cool all right I’ll also get rid of this fence that Milo tried to keep me and to keep me from being poisoned I’m not sure how he thought that would help but at least I didn’t correct him so I’m kind of to blame as well all right this house is looking a lot less bad right now actually oh wait I need to get rid of this example room I don’t know what I put here you know what I just need to put in some windows because we’re running out of time oh boy this command is going to have to work really well otherwise I could be in some serious trouble all right I’ll add a bunch of wool and I’ll add a bunch of Windows okay it is time I’m going to use this cheat command to turn my new house into a really Pro one I just really hope this works it all comes down to this it is now time to test this cheating potato once and for all in 3 2 1 wo that totally works look how big this house is wow this is the most Pro house I have ever seen this is incredible look I need to check the inside to make sure everything’s there but hey the dispens is full of arrows that I placed have turned into crazy crossbows wow look it’s a multi crossbow that is so cool and over here there are some poolside chairs wait a minute the Moon shaped fountain it turned into an outside pool and the lava it turned into a protective moat that is crazy and look over here there’s campfires and wo there’s even lasers that is insane I guess when I left that part of the staircase it made the house really secure who and placing those windows at the last second came in real handy because look I can see everything and wait a minute is this a painting room I didn’t even make this wow look at this Library this library is exactly how I remember it except it looks so cool here wait let me dig my way through I don’t even know my way around this house if Milo needed a tour of this house right now I would be totally stumped because I wouldn’t know where anything is although wait a minute I think I recognize this room over here this is the laer room wow it made it look very Pro and very professional wait a minute how do I get downstairs oh I think I need to go over to the staircase here we are Yep this definitely looks like it and it leads me down into the pool area wao oh look at that this pool area is so cool and wait a minute it even made a bedroom for Milo and why do I hear a car engine uh this is bad oh no okay I don’t know where Milo is he could be right around the corner riding that car engine I need to check the rest of the house very quickly all right here’s my room wow it made it so cool and orange and here’s the Garden area it even gave me animals that’s so nice wow the Sweet Berry bushes are here except wait a minute these aren’t Sweet Berry bushes these are tomatoes wow that progressed very quickly this is so cool oh I still he Milo’s engine he must be getting really close and ready to see my build wow this must be the farm and look there’s a bunch of materials in this chest that’s epic over here I can see a bunch of defenses as well and wao this library is huge although wait a minute where is my Vault this can’t be all the Priceless artifacts in here whoo there’s even traps inside this house that is pretty crazy up here must definitely be where I need to go in wait a minute this must be some secret area what’s the POS code oh my goodness wait a minute I think I know I am smart chip I don’t think that worked except oh wait yes it definitely did hey look I can go up here and wait a minute this area isn’t very rich and fancy none of my blocks are here oh no oh no I really hope nothing bad happened although wait a minute this is a painting can I go through and wait a minute yes I can look there are dispenses here and a bunch of gold emerald and diamond blocks wow that is amazing this is so epic I’m so happy right now this entire house is the most Pro thing I think I’ve ever seen it is so epic and Milo will definitely be amazed when he realizes just how awesome my house is speaking of Milo I think it is time to let him know that he can come and see my super duper Pro base and we’ll see whose house is better oh Milo I don’t remember what we were doing but I think I need to come over here for some reason yeah chip come over to my build now it’s time to give you a t wa Milo there are things flying through the air yeah that’s right that’s just part of my security system now listen buddy there’s going to be some stuff over here that you don’t really understand but just don’t ask any questions oh okay sorry Milo uh yeah I forgot I’m really really newbie and why can’t I ask any questions because you just simply won’t understand because you’re too newbie and this is actually a pro build why would I understand and can’t ask any questions because you’re NB okay so this is my getaway classy who oh that’s really cool hey it’s orange but it’s okay because you’re the one driving it that’s right and it’s the one that I was visiting you in if you remember uh myo you left your car in my house ear I mean what yeah totally I don’t remember anything okay good because this is my little defenses because we’ve got two Ms we’ve got water and lava wao yeah that’s right water and lava and wait how do I swim oh no chip come up here quickly okay and then we’ve got the cactus wo these are so cool hey I had these in my house before but something happened to my house you know you’ll see in a second well it’s probably something newbie but have a look in here we’ve got a pool wao this is crazy Milo and hey look a couch yeah remember the couch I B over to your side I do but Milo the couch has gotten bigger how did it do that H that’s something that you wouldn’t understand yeah probably not you must have just been watering it a lot so it grew exactly that’s just what I did ha you’re such a noob yeah I’m totally a noob Milo yeah that’s right and look at my kitchen there’s so much space to do all the activities all the activities wow you even have a fridge in a freezer that’s really cool and if you just follow me upstairs of course I’ll happily follow you upstairs wow these stairs are very steep yeah I actually decided to start calling lettuce stairs because chip used to get angry at me but he can’t anymore what Milo I’m still me I’m still chip yeah but you’re Sil a nice chip not smart rude chip oh yeah I guess being smart is rude and whoa Milo is this a seat or a bed it’s a bed and this is my cool dude painting it reminds me that I want to destroy my enemies wa that’s really scary Milo um do you have any enemies no well not right now oh okay but if you did have any you’d want to destroy them yeah exactly and check it out this is where all me and my friends hang out wow Milo this is cool and these are my snowman friends what we pretty much do is zoom around and shoot the snow snowballs wow snowballs must be the best defense ever they are they actually do so much damage yeah wow I’m sure other people are really newbie yeah just like you but it’s okay because I’m here to teach you everything wow yeah and Milo you also told me about math so using that I think I know how to score your build really oh my gosh I’m really really excited to hear what you think well I’ve had a really long think about it but I think I’m ready to say do you want to hear my score I’m ready I’m ready I score your build a four out of five wow a four out of five that’s actually pretty good and you know what what Milo I actually know I’m definitely going to win with a four out of five because there is no way you built anything better than that huh well Milo now that I’ve rid your build there’s a little something I should probably tell you okay newbie boy Milo remember that Anvil you hit me with earlier yeah I remember well it hit me on the head and I said it made me all newbie yeah it did make you newbie but I was actually wearing a netherite helmet it broke at the last second so we didn’t see it on the Anvil but the Anvil actually never hit my head what do you mean what do you mean well Milo all this time you have thought I was a noob but actually I was a pro the whole time and I was just pretending to be bad what the f chip this is no what you built what is going on on yeah this is totally what I built Milo look everything I made is here remember the lava mode out the front yes and remember that giant pool that I had oh man ship these are really Pro how did you do this well I just built it myself and over here you can see we have a wonderful Farm filled with a bunch of not sweet berry bushes but tomato plants what this did not look like this when I was over here I thought you were nby the whole time no I wasn’t I was only pretending to be and look I made one bedroom for me and one bedroom for you a you got me my own bedroom but you were being nby and I was even lying to you a little bit yeah I know Milo I knew every single lie and look my pool isn’t just a hole in the ground anymore it’s a real pool and my farm actually works oh man chip this is all really crazy how did you even have the time to build this well I just built all of it myself by hand and nothing we had helped me what is this well this is a security area you’re going to need to try and get through it but don’t worry Milo whoa that teleported you through an into a little thing that I put hey why am I in here see it really worked yeah it really did yeah but Milo look I even have a library room and there’s something over here I think you’re going to want to see oh man what is it remember how you were lying to me earlier about what items are the most rare to put in a vault yeah yeah well over here you said it was dirt gravel Cobblestone snow and pumpkin but I actually know it’s diamonds gold and emeralds what champ you are so rich this is crazy yeah I am so rich every single thing in my house is super duper Pro and I was being smart the whole time and just pretending to be a noob oh my gosh this is crazy oh I guess I have to write it now yeah you do Milo I wonder what you’ll rate my super duper Pro build which by the way has dispenses full of really valuable blocks well I guess I’m going to rate it here go wao Milo a five out of five that’s insane yeah because it actually is the best build I’ve ever seen I can’t believe you were drinking me the whole time this means that I win that’s amazing I knew lying about being a noob was a good idea and Milo since you thought I was going to be a noob you wanted me to lose so here I built you a little cage no why am I in a cage because you can only get out if you pay me the 100 diamonds you owe me but surely you already have enough if you don’t want to pay the diamonds Milo then I guess there’s one way I can get the truth out of you oh no hope you like anvils Milo no

Chip is Pretending to be a NOOB Builder in Minecraft! But what happens when he uses //CHEAT!

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


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