hello everybody waffle time here recently I had the pleasure of playing the thorium mod and I made the ultimate wise gamer move of playing as a Bard and let me be the first to tell you it went fantastic no F God damn it no but one thing I noticed Through The Bard music Master experience was the immeasurable amount of throwing class items that jumped into my inventory to stroke my curiosity silly Time After Time boss after boss we got sick looking throwing gear that we didn’t try because we were so focused on blowing our enemies eardrums out with the raw power of music looking more into throwing I thought it’d only be right to flex our gamer prowess and Go full throwing chucking bricks into the foreheads of any poor soul who dare cross our path so today ladies and gentlemen Pro Gamers all around I proudly present to you all a full thorium thrower class experience the movie we’re going to get right into it now we don’t have a lot of time all right throwers don’t fck around when it comes to their time that’s one thing I’ve learned starting out as a thrower okay so we’re going to build some NPC housing right away nip that in the bud maybe build us a shoten little base and see how that goes so I’m thinking maybe base over here right base over here and then some sh NPC housing over here yeah yeah we’re feeling it beautiful Simply Stunning move your ass now move move move Jesus a radar that’s cool no modifier or anything that’s just joyous fantastic even it appears as if we can make Stone throwing Spears and oh Crimson we got Crimson so we’re going to need any stone block and some wood so we’re just going to jump in and get that right quick dude really what is this hell dude come on oh I am thinking we maybe jump down here and see what’s what now how do we become a throwing master in order to throw javelins at the heads of our enemies as hard as we possibly can there’s certain precautions we’re going to have to take right oh can work our way over there hell yeah brother it’s hey what the [ __ ] whoa oh no oh yeah you can’t get me down there you coward I wasn’t even scared truly and honestly I wasn’t oh my God I could I could bust the most unimaginable nut oh my God no no no no no no no no don’t don’t don’t there’s a life Crystal stop stop stop it you [ __ ] bastard Life Crystal joyous eat it Vore it now I cannot believe how fast we got Hermes boots isn’t that a goddamn thing of beauty going to deal with you once and for all oh look at that you’re smaller than me and look funny I’m going to hurt you God damn son we are getting [ __ ] properly stacked quick two gold must be used with a baseball bat to [ __ ] gold man ouch are you kidding me what kind of [ __ ] is this this sucks dude oh my God we blew so much Goddamn money on it kind of just need a place to put our stuff Stellar Rod I’ll show you a stellar Rod let’s finish up our dog [ __ ] little housing unit real quick and then we could maybe go Adventure some more lead Tomahawk let’s give those a try whoa those are interesting they like stay in place look at that so according to this our first set of armor is going to be Sandstone armor and we need 24 Sandstone ingots so we desperately do need to find a desert in fact oh my God look at that desert is this the best start best start of all all [ __ ] time maybe look at this oh yeah a rash step stool let’s go throwing has begun baby nice and early got an early set of Hermes ones it feels good Everything feels good currently now one problem I have is I don’t really know how to get the armor we need Sandstone ingots I’ve never heard of that [ __ ] it says they dropped from the grand Thunderbird but I don’t recall them dropping from the grand Thunderbird don’t tell me we got a [ __ ] I don’t I don’t like the grand Thunderbird man I don’t I truly truly and honestly don’t so I think we’re overd do some exploring which is tough cuz I have no bombs and I don’t want to dig with a copper pickaxe and in Copper pickaxe at least we don’t have to go to the underground desert to get the Sandstone ingots that’s truly what I was fearing look at that another beautiful wooden chest with another rash step stool that’s wonderful and more Crimson that’s great that’s wonderful oh [ __ ] me not this guy again not the living hemorrhoid oh oh oh Jesus Christ ah the demolitionist is here now oh no okay let’s just run and see what we could do real quick ah oh Jesus we are so dead oh oh my God oh my God this is Fu horrible my god dude o I need that need that sloppy uh e ew e no oh I don’t like this nice nice oh the gobler gobblers here oh my God the cobbler gobler wabbler showed up let’s [ __ ] go feels good having a little bit of a better grasp on what we were doing last time I’ll admit it you may have not been able to recognize because of my expertise for fantastic gameplay where I didn’t die a single time but I had no clue what I was doing last run but now now I do brother now I do oh yes how could I forget we have very important business to attend to what the [ __ ] is this man get out of the [ __ ] way oh okay we didn’t need her to move cool all right [ __ ] seven really see if we can find some cobweb somewhere lots of PL lots of platinum down here I was saying mushroom biome you know what that means Life Crystals baby hopefully I hope there was just one I believe oh [ __ ] time is of the essence oh great a [ __ ] salad Mander oh my god oh no I’m poisoned I’m about to drown is not looking good for me it’s Grim it’s very Grim o I see more life course down here as well [ __ ] is looking quite sketchy down here unfortunately and our inventories are full beyond measure and I’m blind as a bat for some reason what happened pretty decent Cave System we got going here I say is it ends instantly that I’m going to die oh wait nurse can’t he do it how close was I we’ll sort some stuff away and I’ll show you guys my epic hidden technique to get fat stacks of [ __ ] money in any of your modded worlds we’re turning this crack house into a crack home baby [ __ ] Count Me In oh it’s beautiful watch this hey Fredo can I check out your Advanced Furniture please ah ice machine for two gold 24 cents eh that’s kind of kind of rough but I don’t know maybe I can swing it oh I can sell it back to you for 11 Gold and 20 silver you stupid [ __ ] idiot oh wow look at that a platinum already that’s fantastic so now with that we can make an instant elevator now we have a elevator which is just beautiful looks like we’ve already been to this neck of the woods but let’s see what else there is that we haven’t seen we haven’t touched no man has ever seen like this Platinum here thorium orium it’s been a while old friend hello okay just to be clear we’re after platinum silver any ores and we desperately need to upgrade our life as well I know things are quite limited because we’re PR oh God scared the [ __ ] out of me well there is a little something something right here I don’t see any bombs though there is a [ __ ] Army coming towards me right now let’s grab this sh quick no okay all right he’s out he’s oh my God get out of here quick God a grapple would be so hot right now I do unspeakable things for a goddamn grapple let’s keep the hunt going see what we can find we really really really need some armor and maybe some better weapons I’m I’m not really too sure what else we can make at this stage of the game we need something half decent for the grand Thunderbird she tuned me up horribly as a b music Master Another Life Crystal Another Life Crystal and some thorium orium very nice what are we in life Crystal Heaven is this what Life Crystal Heaven is oh boy we’re breaking into the underground desert oh God yep [ __ ] out of here see you later bastards can’t really make an opal hook now can we oh me to tears yes we can okay yeah let’s make an opal hook wow ask and you shall receive we’re making Fant like astounding [ __ ] progress actually we’re doing really good we may as well make some more NPC housing while we’re at it and right back down we go oh wow we look at that look who decides to show up oh [ __ ] me look who decides to show up and he’s overpowered as [ __ ] look at him can you imagine a [ __ ] being this strong dude oh my god oh [ __ ] okay it was not the best start but you know it’s all right what do we have here huh that’s cool got a little eyeball that’s not too bad I can’t be mad at that what do we have a flare gun I could be pissed at that okay ooh all right we got to get to the bottom of this let’s see what we got H oh magma charm okay transforms you into a molten tardigrade when transformed you’re smaller and are immune to intense heat what the [ __ ] is that so can I swim in lava when I’m this bastard let’s put that [ __ ] to the test no way oh wow that’s so cool maybe we can just launch up and see if we find anything oh my God we’re at the top come on there’s got to be something nothing oh we’re [ __ ] ready for this ready for this clutch Steamboat Willie don’t know why I said that okay now we can maybe make some armor I hope would be nice let’s make the chain mail make some pantaloons not bad at all what else can we make we might be ready for battle real goddamn soon we are we are looking very good let’s go for some more platinum and try and finish out the set we got the two hardest hardest pieces so might as well let’s take a look see what we find another beautiful little Scarlet chest down here let’s check it out this is the best seed in the [ __ ] world uh-oh uh-oh wait tardigrade ah spring hook oh I mean we got some spelunkers that’s cool [ __ ] great attack there we are and so began our ultimate journey of becoming a universally renowned thrower we got ourselves some intriguing starting weapons granting us the ability to not only throw tomahawks at our enemies but also to throw cacti at their foreheads at full force but there was much more to uncover it seemed as if every material or block we get our putrid gamer Hands-On would allow us to craft another interesting thrower component and if we were to become a strong enough thrower to throw sand at the moonl Lord’s eyes hard enough for him to burst into eldri flames we had our godamn work cut out for us and it all started with getting decent enough starting gear to take on our first boss oh Jesus go past them quick I don’t care about the chest yeah everybody come over here actually it’s a great idea come on everybody l line up come on fellas yep nice try sh ass where are you trying to Lead Me Bro leave me leave me alone oh [ __ ] me oh Jesus Christ oh Jesus all right well let’s see if that’s enough let’s see here platinum bars baby um it doesn’t really look like we could do much else with it or it’s a shot but I don’t think we’re getting [ __ ] thorium daggers huh however let’s make the Platinum helmet finish our finish our set real quick and then maybe make the Platinum egis I think that’d be real good I’m curious who we should maybe take on first I remember having an easier time with the eye of cthulu oddly enough rather than G Thunderbird let’s see what other weapons we can make real quick Harpy’s barrage what the a herpy barrage Arcane armor fabricator how do we get that thing again I think we have to buy it from an NPC after beating some bosses so we might might just be working with the best best we have unfortunately we are geared up to the [ __ ] teeth though so I’m not I’m not too mad about that at all I reckon we can probably go for the I cthulu we have the summon might as well right okay well let’s get our shoes shined and let’s give it a [ __ ] shoe try goddamn throw master baby let’s do it so I I reckon we try this first and see how it goes it’s not work oh [ __ ] I thought it was just bouncing off of him I got so goddamn scared this might be bad I mean we have the we have the health for it but just not doing a goddamn lick of damage it’s health is is slowly being shipped away like 20 at a Time come on buddy I’m just scared for that last phase I think we might be in for it [ __ ] me might just have to rely on our our tankiness in the end come on accuracy Waffle Time accuracy pinpoint accuracy baby okay okay okay okay he’s he’s we got him oh beautiful slap that down there hell yeah brother can I get a hell yeah brother in chat please let’s see let’s check the check the old boss log we kind of skipped two bosses I guess can’t get anything throwing from him how about from King Slime ooh ooh ooh what the [ __ ] hidden blade set your active technique on use deal throwing damage to build points cost one technique Point press the throwing technique key release a damaging hidden blade towards your cursor that sounds awesome we got Shinobi slicers and a gel glove so that a ball of gel that bounces against surfaces can be charged to increase in damage bounce amount inside H overuse of this weapon exhausts you massively reducing it damage what the huh so we got some new mechanics to worry about I’m seeing a crazy weapon called EMB balment it costs 500 crimtane tomahawks one niad shiv 500 pod bombs and 500 molten knives so I I I reckon we probably use that near the Wall of Flesh it seems pretty end of preh hard mode and see how it goes no potions no potion run nothing we just do it let’s just [ __ ] try it out what was that block smooth wood I’ll show you smooth wood I don’t think it’ll be be too mad if we if we leave the desert okay so he dashes I mean this is not horrible so far this is actually not so bad this is a little anticlimactic I’m not even going to lie to you I think we’re just a little op right now and I you know what I like it I think we deserve it I think we were meant to fight him [ __ ] probably with way less equipment stoping having babies dude stop giving birth on the battlefield idiots had no idea what I was capable of nice Miss got him couple more hits down goodbye bastard yeah cry some more cry some more go Fly Away idiot you don’t know me well we got the grand Thunderbird Relic it’s fantastic let’s throw that up that fight was a little a little too easy I sound cocky I’m going to get my ass whooped later let’s kill him once more and make that damn armor oh yes Siri goodbye Bastard Jesus I’m getting jumped so we can make the armor now one defense are you kidding me oh God man let’s actually let’s let’s hang on to this platinum armor we might [ __ ] need it cuz this is this is not looking good for us sold by the desert acolyte desert acolyte I remember what he looks like he looks like a mummy oh my God he already moved in I didn’t even realize it look it he’s right there baky [ __ ] there’s no [ __ ] way I guess I I kind of want to kill King Slime next is the Jeweler here we need more housing this is [ __ ] horrible why don’t we buy some gel and then make the King Slime summon what about pod bombs they seem really cool releases a burst of poison on collision if they have any type of good like area of effect damage it’s going to do really good against the creepers for the brain of cthulu it’s daytime enough for me pal Jesus Jesus no okay let’s keep our distance why is he [ __ ] swo what’s the deal kind of got to be close for this one don’t we a little rough where the is he oh hello as long as we can just keep going in a straight line I think we have this one in the bag oh horrible [ __ ] Jesus man come on let get him right here again come on bring it on okay we’re almost at the point where this is more efficient cuz it’s not hitting him as many times cuz he’s not as big and fat nice so nice uh let’s throw this guy up earned it hell yeah brother feel free to drop several heliad Brothers in chat the brain of cthulu is technically next I’m not really sure what weapon we could get for him maybe the Pod bombs but there’s also herpy armor that was very interesting so what can we make here we need feathers right let’s get to a sky island just try and grind out feathers I guess it’s kind of the first time I’ve ever grinded out feathers on on purpose I’d like to be on a sky island please here we go where’s the harpies man where’s the Goddamn harpies I have a battle potion on let’s get this party started man oh here we go so we have nine of them there’s these which look fantastic Harpy’s barrage so we need what six 14 20 of them they’re so [ __ ] strong come on God damn it that kind of want to get that herpy armor I don’t know man I’m stuck I’m stuck and I don’t know what to do let’s at least get the armor then I think things will come a lot easier to us okay we’re at 11 nine more maybe probably more than that these things brains haven’t fully developed yet so it’s it’s not too bad to try and squish their soft spot with a thorium dagger if I run back and forth act like I’m doing something like oh you know what I really need to go to this island and get this work done over here this door needs to be opened and closed yep look at that it knew we were doing some [ __ ] do we have them 19 come on man great and Fantasia showed up stinking up my town wonderful can I just trap one of these things in a cage and pluck it well let’s make the boots make the chest plate and make that helmet Bam Bam Bam little upgrade you can now briefly fly what oh that is so nice oh my God that’s fantastic oh I guess we go to the underground jungle now let’s actually make more housing this way so we can get a forest pylon got that [ __ ] okay so we need spores and Vines to make these which is kind of a pain in the [ __ ] but keep a lookout for the grippers see what we find hello found one whoa can I make thr what whoa let’s [ __ ] keep an eye out for pedals around here hell yeah get all the pedals you can before you pass away quick I’m going to die no no I’m feeling a little more comfortable to try out the eye of I mean the brain of cthulu I guess we get some potions and Just Bounce over see how it goes with all five of our weapons I say we do it I’m thinking we go for the uh go for the brain of cthulu see how it goes I’m hoping we just get it even if it’s a difficult battle for try that would be [ __ ] beautiful what is going on down here dude oh me to tears oh my God yo can I get a [ __ ] break down here let’s get to blowing these suckers up this is unbearable give me a break oh my God oh my God what the is this I’m being driven out of my own Arena oh dear God there’s so much are we cool are we good Jesus Christ man all right well let’s give her a whirl oh me oh that’s working pretty solid so far kind of good at keeping them at Bay you know I’d like this slime to not exist any longer working pretty good so far let’s try these very nice okay well we’re about to tap into the next phase okay this might we might be in really good shape if we if we [ __ ] play this right let’s just throw everything we [ __ ] got at him this is these things are really nice though okay not horrible this a little scary we don’t have a lot of breathing room around here we’re squeaking like two hits in every Fell Swoop please don’t do this I’m not watching my health so this is really [ __ ] scary right now almost got him 49 Health come on oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah baby God damn cut me a piece of that get out of my face you’re not taking this from me okay we could calm down now I think if we get an Obsidian Skin Potion and jump into hell we should be able to make some flame Co eyes or something well let’s throw this up first and godamn foremost beautiful beautiful earned Victory let’s go to hell baby time for an epic gamer mowing session baby let’s get it started so let’s make some hellstone real quick excellent now let’s see what we can make with it we can make the technique so let’s make this awesome technique real quick sticky explosives huh [ __ ] it why not o molten knives let’s make an ungodly amount of molten knives real quick that should be enough to last us for a little while so now this is a material to the embell I believe we could get 500 of these oh man that’s going to be rough we need this niad shiv and I think we get that from the dungeon is our whole [ __ ] world Crimson again what what happened what in the world happened we just spawned in and we’re doomed to fail immediately that’s great wonderful my whole world has [ __ ] cancer and it’s not cool there we are uh-oh the L is here that guy gave me a lot of goddamn trouble during The Bard experience I am not looking forward to getting tickled by that guy again I think this will be good big suck potion makes you suck everything I’m gonna give that [ __ ] to my worst enemy oh me oh Jesus all right it’s showtime and we got the maneuverability for it from our beautiful Harpy harpy wings they will be missed though we can we can get wings from the Gladiator boss kind of forgot what his name was the hero or some [ __ ] I kind of forgot though these weapons are working [ __ ] fantastic oh my God bad it’s not that they’re bad it’s just that I’m bad with them it’s a crippling realization I’ve come to sometimes weapons aren’t just bad sometimes I’m the bad one though this playr is going swimmingly I say as I get headbutted into dust put your goddamn hands up our jumping is not fantastic right now might have to depend on the grapple a little bit no no come on bring it on sucker we almost got his ass not too shabby shabby we’re close oh my God by far scariest boss we’ve encountered thus far come on baby let’s go the pockets of granite and marble in your world tremble H interesting very interesting let’s up let’s hit the dungeon real quick shall we let’s try and get us that that cool weapon we’re going to be able to get the bronze alloy fragments which I’m really excited that’s like our ultimate armor I guess for preh hard mode at least the [ __ ] is with the oh my God what is going on down there the [ __ ] is this okay everyone calm the [ __ ] stop touching me man oh Valor can’t use it I’ll throw that away oh my God I’m I get the [ __ ] out of here I don’t I don’t know what the deal is with this place but it’s horrible oh my god oh the god Dam Minotaur is here and he’s raging no stop it what the [ __ ] is this hell holy [ __ ] whoa stream sting too bad too bad we can’t use it unfortunately we’re out of key oh look at that did we get the treasure in which we desire no we [ __ ] didn’t of course not I have to look for more keys man a key junkie holy [ __ ] oh my god oh get me out please oh dear God get me out please please torches I mean Keys No thick mil slimes it’s unfortunate very unfortunate oh my god oh great now big bones here [ __ ] awesome oh my God damn it why I saw one mil slime earlier but it was surrounded by minotaurs getting ravaged assumingly I hate the dungeon I hate the dungeon more than anything in the world right now what the [ __ ] was that oh oh yes stop running stop it where did it go Jesus Christ God damn oh my God I hate the dungeon I hate the dungeon I hate the dungeon I hate the dungeon so much I hate it so much I’m not mad stop you [ __ ] oh my god oh Jesus Christ great now fuing big bone is here Jesus Christ empty it empty it run [ __ ] I don’t know why these things don’t stop spawning oh L just not a shred of luck so far f is this what the [ __ ] this just give me the weapon I need please this is so bad this is so cripplingly bad what the is this the big bone get out of my goddamn way now oh my God there is not much a brother can do besides suffer I must find joy in the suffering oh my Lord man oh my Lord I am [ __ ] running out of golden chests please dude come on this is unbearable this is actually unbearable God damn it [ __ ] please [ __ ] please what is this I don’t have time for this I’m a very busy man you know did we open every gold chest in here that’s that’s my question right now did we open every single one and not get it stop following me you odd [ __ ] Craton please please you can’t just do that finally check this out we have the molten knives I’m pretty sure we can make the Crimson tomahawks there we go we got them now and we just need these pod bombs so we’re going to need to go to the underground jungle unfortunately doing decent on the jungle Spore front not doing too well on the vine front do it for the vine oh I simply couldn’t do it for the Vine I I shouldn’t do it for the Vine I guess just this one time I oh my God oh my God what what I don’t want this i s I simply come for Vines and for spores that’s it oh [ __ ] oh f he’s up there now looks like we have all the spores we need we just need the Vines Now five Vines that’s all we can you get away from me God damn man [ __ ] corpse husband spawns in this thing needs to stop spawning before I freak out let’s make 500 pod bombs excellent and with those we should be able to make the emment true and what the [ __ ] a demon Al oh wait I think I could craft one of those right now please help me sorry that dungeon [ __ ] does things to you embowelment yes yes yes indeed Godly all right so was that a vicious dagger which heals you when it impacts an enemy this does not look that special but hopefully the healing is very nice so here’s what I’m thinking all right maybe we make some saw blades make some regular normal ass saw blades I can’t [ __ ] use them oh they’re ranged oh all right well I guess we’re stuck with this guy this is kind of mid oh yes sir indeed oh [ __ ] they are here let’s do it cowards how is this supposed to against go against a wall of flesh that’s what I’m dominantly worried about here this is [ __ ] horrible man who am I kidding God we’re screwed we’re halfway there ladies and gents we’re halfway goddamn there then we find a goblin stinker and our accessory game is going up son got their asses no having goblins garia see you okay well now that Skeletron is defeated we need to find a marble biome [ __ ] desperately I hope this isn’t going to be another another grind sesh like last time I’m assuming it is but you know what can you do I normally find these damn things in the jungle but as of the late I’ve been having no [ __ ] luck oh just oh God damn it just great if we can’t find one I think all we have to do is go to the Shimmer and make unsafe marble walls and I think we’ll be okay oh hey look at that oh my God wouldn’t that have been nice let’s do one up down right here see if we can’t find the goblin stinker just chilling ah look at that the goblin stinker are just chilling left by his wife cork grease I would say you could [ __ ] grease my cork but I don’t think you uh I think he actually will then we can make the Obsidian Shield oh warding very sick actually matter of fact if we talk to our architect yeah then we have to make the walls we could just make that here I’m pretty sure we could just go in our Cavern layer and [ __ ] make one okay then if I’m not mistaken what we should do is put down marble blocks are you going to move ever oh thank you slime thanks Terraria slime why is this so slow is my question what the happened oh my God look at that look at that sh what is that is that a boss oh [ __ ] oh yes it is oh no this isn’t good this is not good holy God oh Jesus Christ we’re screwed oh no Jesus Christ man okay well don’t break bizarre rock formations and you’ll be okay ooh we’re getting this stuff we need the armor I guess let’s go down here and abuse these guys some more we’re going to have to to get all the bronze alloy fragments we alsoo desperately desire look at this [ __ ] hunk what are you I don’t know how well equipped we are to do this but this is really cool I’m glad we’re going to be able to fight him down here kind of a pain in the ass we have to deal with these oh oh he’s gone that’s a bummer he’s play slow as [ __ ] by the way drives me insane a little bit oh sh there he is let’s kill him on guard bastard [ __ ] oh my God I never know what to do about that this is is bad this is real bad okay he just did something what the man I don’t need slimes in here right now this is going to be a long [ __ ] fight why did I do that am I really a throwing class when I’m not Landing a single goddamn hit great this is not the Run oh F hey hey hey hey Jesus okay I feel like this phas isn’t as bad as the last one I don’t know if I’m tripping probably cuz we have a lot of vertical room oh [ __ ] oh Jesus he’s geeking we got him just about halfway we do virtually no damage to the guy apparently I like this cuz we don’t have to stay so close to him no oh my God clutch save clutch brain cthulu crimson’s the best crimson’s the best why do I keep doing that Christ almighty okay we need 48 then some I’m wondering if we should make some type of lava trap in there that might be might be beneficial for us man I’m not going to lie to you why don’t we just make a bucket real quick grab a little scoop of that love not again let’s despawn him I don’t want him here makes me sick oh he’s still [ __ ] there all right okay I guess we just put some lava in here I have an idea let’s make a battle horn then we make a battlecry go back down there with our unsafe walls sit in the coward pyramid jack off just a little bit a small amount not enough to blow but just enough to make things interesting ready break Bring It On suck us bring it on oh you [ __ ] buffoon I like how he jumps out like ouch beautiful yes yes yes and we just bask in it simply the [ __ ] is this Olympic torch throwing damage increases your movement speed by 1% up to 25% throwing damage increases your throwing speed ah I like that a lot actually let’s put that on let’s cheat some money in real quick let’s do our super money hack nice so we want to make this the bronze armor cool we got the chest plate got the Greaves and the helmet and this stuff looks like it Stacks us up real nice I mean look at that’s already like an extra 30% throw or 20% damage 10% throwing speed and 10% crit strike chance and 10% throwing velocity which is pretty awesome 20% chance to unleash a piercing lightning strike what the [ __ ] are you talking about that sounds insane what the [ __ ] is this oh my god dude it throws one foot in front of us that’s horrible all right creature now’s your time to shine please dude and I’m out of money all right I can’t even oh no our method it’s broken well fun while it lasted thanks for watching everyone I’m out actually you know what let me check something real quick let me check something out buried Champion what do you draw for okay so obviously we get the Champions Wings which is super hot um wow I would like that personally speaking I guess we can try him out I am so [ __ ] low on money right now let’s do something about that I’m going to make sure we never run out of money ever again after this we’ve accumulated about 281 Platinum simply from grinding so hard give this a try let’s potion up and try it hopefully it goes good this time that guy was kicking our goddamn teeth in for a minute let’s see how this goes yeah let’s summon this guy up did I make the [ __ ] blade or what oh yeah I did I can’t use it that’s fine cuz look at this look at this thing the damage is way more noticeable at this point just beautiful in my opinion come on oh [ __ ] me oh my God no here we go got here a lot quicker than last time though good Christ leave me alone this might be bad what the [ __ ] are we supposed to oh oh no my thirster this is bad dude oh my God they’re chasing me around what the [ __ ] is this oh no oh no okay we got to heal off but lost it immediately okay here we go almost got him oh no no no no no no no no no oh my God this is so [ __ ] hard yes Li my dick and my balls let’s go baby oh we got exactly what we needed too oh you know what I was thinking about that little hand cuz it does way more damage so let’s try it we got him ladies and gentlemen we got him look at that [ __ ] and look at this beautiful baby we got these wings look at that oh my God that’s fantastic look at us dude we’re all bronzed out let’s go take on some other bosses shall we torch god let’s try it let’s do it we’re going to completely ruin our little Arena downstairs just for this has it been 100 yet much oh oh oh oh oh oh Jesus Christ we didn’t really think this through did we there’s [ __ ] torches everywhere there was no safe spot for us have to use a healing during torch Cod so goddamn embarrassing oh Jesus chill chill out with that and torch God done baby destroyed okay now that that’s done about blood moon and patchwor you know I’m really learning something about throwing here I’m finding that you know much like having your balls stomped on by a goth dryad it’s good while it’s good but man doesn’t hurt all the time so what can you do besides lay down grit your teeth spread your man legs and get those nards stomped out a lot of people were saying they were very upset because I was saying Viscount instead of VC count like I’m supposed to know French like I would know that oh my God he’s [ __ ] here goodbye [ __ ] ass okay okay let’s turn okay all right [ __ ] turn it down a little bit let’s calm down Jesus Christ this is so sick this is so [ __ ] sick well we earned this so let’s go ah and throw it up beautiful suspicious moisturizer bottle let’s go ahead and put that up right above the bed guess while we wait we can see what else to do I mean there’s queen bee which we could probably go do just making Arena right next to Queen PE okay now it’s showtime I don’t quite know where the larva is oh my God look at is we’re going to kill the Little Bees our hydration is going to keep going down how beautiful is that let we switch to this a little bit hell yeah brother Miss every shot let’s go Jesus cool we got her awesome feels good feels great Boss Rush of the [ __ ] century let’s do it let’s go we earned it give us that yum yum sorry had to let that [ __ ] out for real we’re kind of waiting for a zombie to move in so we can challenge VC count I not you are get that thing away from me now all right Rick toffen has moved in hey Bubba all right now we just run our happy asses over to where it’s pointing straight down and we blow our way down there this is totally an epic gamer first try throwing dub so eh not even going to worry about setting a home sure I’m going to goddamn regret that later making my way downtown walking fast Paces fast and I’m homebound oh [ __ ] there it is all right I think last time what I did was just make a small Arena I think I just think I just made one row of platforms with a goddamn campfire on it granted we died about a thousand times to this boss the hype right now is disgustingly real I’d say let’s put down our campfire and let’s uh buff up let’s try it come on V count Bring It On sucker really good damage against him you love to see nice soon enough he’s going to transform us into a bat I believe oh F me Jesus Christ he does a lot of damage he just going to keep doing that forever going to switch up the attacks oh okay ah sucker holy [ __ ] oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no he’s making us pay oh thank Christ good God that was a close one wasn’t it we got him V count is down for the VC count should I say VC counts down for the Viscount you guys like that [ __ ] all right Queen jelly fish show me your worst pretty good size Beach you love to see it for that Duke fisherman fight need need need a good Siz Beach recently I’ve been loving seeing the fuckups from Google AI because it’s pulling [ __ ] from Reddit someone Googled how long can you stay in the air the AI overview says you can stay in the air as long as you keep running and don’t look down someone Googled how did Socrates die the answer from the AI says Socrates was killed for saying how come it’s called ancient Greece if it’s today right now wow someone Googled I’m feeling depressed the AI just jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge all right well looks like it’s daytime that was fun let’s go kill us a Gil shall we we buff we use that [ __ ] let’s get it the damage is insane get those goddamn things away from me you freak e e e e don’t touch me e what the [ __ ] dude I’m not getting R34 today not on this video goodbye bastard Queen jelly is down for the goddamn count earned it now who’s next on our list e we’re not doing the old ones Army just yet corpse husband oh I’m getting [ __ ] pieced up right now oh my God I’m getting a knuckle sandwich holy sh oh there he is come on get the healing get the healing quick this is probably the worst idea we could have ever thought up oh we’re so [ __ ] God damn it why did I do that all right nurse show me your worst can I request a prostate exam please how much do I have to pay you for one prostate exam oh there he is get his ass I’m getting bullied oh [ __ ] get him get him this is not good I don’t have any healing okay me oh my my God that was so [ __ ] close oh my God that was horrifying okay corpse husband is down baby earned it ha sucker wasn’t even scared oh my God not The Illusionist anything but that at least I think we’ll have an easier time finding it this time cuz we’re we’re not a post planta dungeon you know there’s less that could spawn maybe maybe let’s go on over to the dungeon we’re on the lookout for a mirror The Illusionist spawns by speaking to a mirror you have to find it just a pain in the fu ass oh there’s the mirror look at that for you sit a rather strange mirror something seems to be calling out from it touch here it goes here it goes baby take his ass quick will he teleport up here at all yes perfect and he’s transforming all right here we go God damn he hits hard as [ __ ] I like the noise it makes when it deflects one of our projectiles I couldn’t imagine not having an arena for this oh me all right Boss Rush holy mooy let’s grab some blank technique Scrolls real quick from The Mummy hello baky [ __ ] how’s it going buddy throwing weapons will take 40% longer to exhaust you wow that sounds fantastic let’s make that technique real quick and use it instead Soul pulse technique eh and we got deerclops guess we have to go to the snow deerclops is one of those bosses I just can’t [ __ ] get down for the life of me I don’t know if it’s a pure skill issue probably is since we were now officially stacked to the godamn Bone we were crunching out bosses quickly by pure means of throwing various objects at the backs of their heads as hard as we possibly could the petrifying thing at this point is if you haven’t noticed in any and all of my playthroughs when things are going smoothly traditionally speaking things are soon to be degrading beyond measure you know what they say Terraria playthroughs are like a roller coaster but our roller coaster is in the shape and form of the euth in Asia coaster with not many bosses left in our prehard mode experience we simply enjoy the ride ball at lasts and see what type of gear we could potentially hoard in preparation for our final prehard mode battle against none other than the balls of Flesh all right buddy show me your worst I don’t need Buffs holy God I might need Buffs holy [ __ ] I need Buffs all right oh [ __ ] me Jesus oh God no don’t do this holy got the system down I think we do not have the system down [ __ ] no God damn it he’s not despawning you know we’re just going to run over there punch him in the back of the head as hard as we can there you are you son of a I got something for you there you go pal keep the change no no we’re not doing this again uh [ __ ] earned that one who’s next all right who’s next Granite energy storm huh this guy has nothing on us I think I already heard a granite Golem somewhere they’re Mak an ugly ass very distinct noise yeah I do hear him wow look at that oh is that it oh my God yes it is Jesus Jesus oh come on hit it hit it with everything you got what the [ __ ] oh dear God this little dash of Doom is insane let’s get some healing action going in there come on baby we’re getting our health back slowly but surely holy [ __ ] he’s going into Maximum Overdrive oh this is not good quick switch back to this holy [ __ ] oh we did it all right we hit him with a stray on accident perfect this is very very refreshing from the barard playthrough I’ll tell you that much that’s cool that’s a Bard thing can’t quite use that can we however what we can do is put this down and say earned it for the 37th time this guy is very very stressful oh I’m scared okay here he comes okay we’re doing really good damage so far he is too [ __ ] me oh my God no God damn he is [ __ ] rough holy [ __ ] oh no what are we going to have to do for another star Coler I don’t think we have the components for another one we don’t oh no oh no man if I was a meteorite where would I be you know all right cool that means we get to run all the way to the right now now 100 damage is insane for attack he spews out every 5 seconds I thought Another One landed Am I Wrong Am I completely [ __ ] wrong no no I was right thank god oh we got seven and then let’s try and take them on one more time who am I kidding we’re going to take them on till we kill him okay sugar mama let’s run it once more we summon him up here we go down already much more manageable we run the other way for that switch out a little bit nice not a bad look so far holy sh horrible look oh [ __ ] here he goes oh he’s pissed oh me okay come on come on come on one at a time one at a time take him out all right got that one and got that one that was [ __ ] close come on come on yes sir goodbye bastard thanks for the trophy I’ll be gooning on it that’s why it’s going underneath my bed you’re in the drip Zone sucker see who’s next oh the wall of flesh is next baby oh yes indeed let’s head on down to Hell God I’m excited for Hard Mode I feel like there’s so many cool things we could do like just looking at it the amount of weapons we could get compared to pre- Hard Mode is insane absolutely insane same thing with armor there were really only three sets we could go for pre hard mode there’s like a hefty goddamn handful for hard mode all right oh wow oh [ __ ] wow wow we’re taking a lot of damage holy half of our health is gone let’s try and be a little smarter about this now at least my God that was [ __ ] quick oh my God that was quick oh yes we’re in hard mode and brother so am I the Shimmer would be [ __ ] awesome if we knew where it was we’re in a medium world we could just try and gun for it see how it goes yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep I’m the best let’s go confirm now there was something very interesting I saw we might be able to buff our damage insanely it’s this thing the guide to expert throwing this thing ever going to change into the right one oh oh my God Jesus Christ the [ __ ] bone brigade’s coming and they’re invisible we go in silly mode right now what what the [ __ ] is happening okay all right what am I thinking we just open more wall of flush bags what the am I doing but yeah yeah here here’s what I saw I saw we could combine this which already does 15% of our throwing damage is duplicated it says we could do this with one of these at a tinkerer’s workshop so let’s make this I forgot what it was called I forgot what it was called oh Panic guide to expert throwing [ __ ] fantastic dubs everyone great work great work all around so I’m seeing plague doctor’s armor as one of the one of the choices for us it doesn’t look that hard to make either so I’m thinking we bounce down here looks like we got a little bit of hollowfication over here ah yes yes yes indeed crystals beautiful we’re going to need a lot of them we could do the old dupe technique so nitrogen looks like it does the most damage [ __ ] but this would be nice though I guess we could just do like kind of whatever’s easiest let’s not do nitrogen let’s try try the plague gas oh it’s called a gas container wow okay how about the Vault Hatchet dropped by Vault eels in the Aquatic depths guess we could go over there and give it a world so we’ll take a look around see what we can find what if I turn up the spawn rates real high I see a chest over here let’s open it first before we [ __ ] send ourselves to our deaths a giga clam holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that a crown of thorns wow that’s amazing hope no thick ass volt eels come and shake ass over here oh No I gave away my one and only weakness the hell is this [ __ ] flying Vault eel head that was odd okay yeah let’s crank the spawn rates up in here and see what happens oh Jesus Christ this is bad that was probably the worst idea I’ve ever had in my life okay okay what the [ __ ] is going on right now holy oh my spawn rates are still up a little awkward that one was on me okay 300 holy [ __ ] man it was all my damn fault too Vault eel let’s go son of a oh wait wait wait oh nope not son of a b let’s go let’s go we got it throw up to three paralyzing hatchets at enemies overuse this weap oh my God I like it I like it I’m saying since we have a pretty decent weapon right now I’m thinking we get that armor plague doctor we’re going to need Souls of Knight Souls of light for that wait a minute I learned this from last time where’s the wish doctor hey baby boy now we just go into our shitty little Arena down here oh hey it’s Hollow aied over here try and grind out some Souls while we’re here you stupid if I get your head oh it’s so over for you then maybe turn the spawn rates up see what happens oh [ __ ] a mimic how many Souls have I gotten one not a good look not a good look so far I’ll admit it I will be the first to godamn admit it I [ __ ] got like two I keep getting Frozen by uh medusas in there I got the medus staring me in the eyes and I [ __ ] freeze we need 10 total of each do we have 10 12 Jesus not bad all right now we turn it to Crimson stop it get me out get me out now but I mean it we need six more six more souls a night we should be good I hate to say it but just looking at our accessories right now I think we’re overdue for potentially an upgrade yeah I think we need some mimic loot like you know cross necklace maybe charma myths action would be nice okay we have 10 exactly should be good to go make our armor plague doctor’s mask cool leggings awesome hold the [ __ ] phone plus 14 damage plus 14 damage plus 12 damage that’s [ __ ] insane like an extra 40% damage what is the set bonus like your plague gas will linger in the air twice as long and your plague reactions will deal 20% more damage so this is kind of goting us to use this a bit bit more it’s the next easiest one to make I would assume maybe combustion vials let’s make them combusts so we should be able to throw an ungodly amount of these oh [ __ ] wow okay I think we have a pretty nifty setup right now however we should get some mimic Loot and maybe some better Wings let’s go to hell and try to get a mimic to spawn we’re looking for them mimics okay borean Strider this little bastard drop anything oh hello maybe we should go for the borean Strider instead see how it goes uh snow biome during blizzard let’s head over to the snow now and see how this goes you know what maybe we could do a warmth potion as well that would actually be pretty fcking epic wi away I need to stop [ __ ] doing that I can’t stop it’s addicting ladies and gents it appears as if we’ve reached our snow biome I guess let’s see how this goes okay yeah it’s definitely aing blizzard if I’ve ever seen one oh Jesus Christ I’m getting my ass beat help me what the [ __ ] is going on right now Jesus okay I need to trap myself in some type of box this is not working out spawn rates deactivate oh an ice feather actually you know what I’m a little little Keen to get some frozen Wings what do you say huh so we need them Souls of Flight which apparently are not real and are instead just the Friends we made along the way oh what the [ __ ] is that oh my God look at that thing oh that’s so [ __ ] up and now it’s following us around oh my God I I actually cannot believe this it Smiles it Smiles I hate to say it that looks more like my cat well let’s make some frozen wings while we still can oh [ __ ] A mythal Anvil let’s rock and Boogie let’s do this epic gamer mowing session right the [ __ ] away see what we get excellent padium mythal and titanium blister sack ah no not a chance give me my [ __ ] up looking cat hat back love that thing way more God I still absolutely cannot believe the state of this thing son of a b this goddamn blister sack out of my sight you won’t catch me [ __ ] dead playing with a blister sack time for an epic gamer mowing session of the ages I think we finally have enough titanium to finish out what the [ __ ] we were doing a godamn hope perfect and now we can make the chicken wangs baby let’s go beautiful Simply godamn Beautiful we also need mimic Loot and I keep forgetting that we need mimic loot it’s kind of breaking my heart a little bit let’s go find us some mimic shall we not the mimic we oh my God a mimic a star cloak beautiful we needed that awesome that was a good run [ __ ] dual hook really God damn Jesus oh my God am I losing my mind please suck of [ __ ] give me my Goddamn cross necklace that’s what the [ __ ] I’m talking about let’s reforge wherever the F the goblin is Goblin these nuts buddy how you like that try that for size [ __ ] please dude holy [ __ ] let’s hope this works out man let’s hope this works out my fingers are goddamn crossed you can’t see it but they are all right trust big trust good damage good damage have to kill up the good work watch out for the spider babes doing really [ __ ] solid damage actually and our thirst meter isn’t going up at all which is fantastic okay she’s getting real [ __ ] pissed off right now are we op is that what’s happening are we op right now cuz I’m not mad about that oh God damn first hard mode fat [ __ ] dub let’s go earned it yes sir indeed make this [ __ ] unreal [ __ ] give me it now oh my God who’s next let’s try to fall and behold her where’s that bastard at huh oh he’s not good at changing directions is he holy [ __ ] okay we’re doing a fing crippling amount of damage on him and I you absolutely love to see it okay laser beams that’s not oh my God that’s not good that’s not good oh he is so goddamn P right now okay lots of circles lots of big circles this is good almost got his ass yes sir yes sir indeed beautiful [ __ ] dub wow that’s fantastic we’re doing really good Queen slime eh all right we could do queen slime [ __ ] it why not we just click this on and then Summoner which will be cool but we have to worry about getting that Crystal right now so let’s get that [ __ ] and we’ll be a okay look at that asking you shall receive there’s [ __ ] two of them let’s turn this [ __ ] on and Summoner let’s do it let’s start gassing her out a little bit kind of hard to keep distance where is she oh my god oh dear God sting do have great distance they have fantastic distance even but I need to stay far away from her but whenever we shoot far away from her they’re slow as balls which is really rough we might have to clutch and nurse heal it in a sec I was going to say let’s do it before the second phase but hey that’s all right you win some you lose some let’s go in circles around her big voluptuous ass oh this is not looking good I don’t like this I don’t like this holy I don’t like this I jumped I actually jumped like a in real life like like I was really getting slammed by 500 tons of gelatinous mass sure wish I was oh Jesus Christ don’t do this you don’t have to do this nice okay I think we got her nice nice nice nice nice nice I wasn’t even scared you guys w’t I wasn’t nothing bad ever happens to Waffle time all right we got the mechs I think we could really [ __ ] do any of them at this point if I’m being totally real we might have the best luck with like the twins we could try it and see how it goes this is not off to a [ __ ] great start at all my God this is off to a [ __ ] horrendous start isn’t it okay we just got to get spazmatism out of the equation and and we’ll be okay it’s looking a little rough because it’s slower than usual all right I’ll have you all know don’t do this okay big Bastard Big bastard is bastard in as we speak oh no Jesus Christ that was a close one we got to we got to play it safe man we got to be careful okay we almost have spazmatism it’s a [ __ ] slow grueling goddamn process but hey we are we’re almost there please don’t do this how much health does he have left like okay about 3,000 oh [ __ ] oh my God that was moments from disaster we got raser hopefully this goes well Race Against Time okay oh my God I wasn’t even [ __ ] scared let’s go baby um now we got to make I guess this cool let’s try it well it’s clear this thing is [ __ ] horrible for it just throw a million of these see how it goes I guess this is not going super well I I’ll be the first to admit it Jesus Christ run run as fast as your small terrarian legs will take you pal holy [ __ ] oh dear God there goes all the NPCs they’re all [ __ ] dead I feel like we somehow take way more damage cuz we’re not focusing we got to focus up we got to lock the [ __ ] in oh God this is not looking good for us right now lock in lock in where’s my weapons where’s my weapons where’s my weapons have to keep throwing these goddamn things hope for the best dude oh God no no no God damn it God that was a tough one man that was a very tough one maybe we could try this see how it goes why not wee ball things damage is not half bad why why did I do that I got to wait for it to cool down a little bit okay okay we’re not doing half bad in this fight the Destroyer is rough man I don’t know maybe there’s other flasks or something we could get that would help us a lot more come on sucker don’t be a hero Skeletron Prime awesome awesome awesome awesome and now if I’m not mistaken we can make something now that we have the souls of fright and The Souls of Sight I think we can make something cool with them we need a soul forward so we can’t make it God damn it that did [ __ ] nothing that did nothing but piss him off Jesus Christ oh good God do we have to just hope we don’t get our [ __ ] rocked is that what this is and to make matters even worse we have this wyvern following us and it makes me sick I don’t know these little little Hollow daggers are working fantastic if I’m being honest slow steady wins the race guy takes one pro being in our way to kill our momentum entirely it hurts it also hurts having to wait for this goddamn cool down like how I aim the axes of Doom right at a goddamn probe and they just fly away they just go to do their own thing respect I guess better than the last run I think but things could change in an instant come on man come on come on come on come on come on come on come on lock in come on lock in yes yes yes indeed oh thank [ __ ] God God damn that was horrifying so we can make a soul thing there we go I believe I can make me something from here the hron collider let’s try that perfect it’s shoddy that’s awesome oh no we have the Lich next that’s not good what can he he dropped for us the soul Cleaver what the [ __ ] is that a piercing Cleaver that lowers enemy defense that sounds fantastic and soul bombs I think we’ll be fine truly and honestly I think we’ll be okay God damn he is faster than I remember whoa that’s [ __ ] crazy not too bad so far I think the hard part is just waiting for our juice to refill oh [ __ ] 123 oh my God it’s zombie are you kidding me what is this the Cranberries what is this the gosh darn cranberries we just did a [ __ ] stupid amount of damage to him he’s got of get a little too close for comfort holy Fu he’s fuing healing he’s healing fast dude I don’t know what to do about this he’s healing fast and I don’t know what to do about it what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do about that a i wanton his cool weapons and I want them now damn man we were close it’s like really good damage during this first phase I think we have to just keep our distance so we get as many stray projectiles heat seeking him I would argue the world is our [ __ ] Arena right now have to out can do is healing that is what I’m talking about that is godamn what I’m talking about earned that [ __ ] now what can we do with cursed cloth [Music] ooh what is this Lich helmet Lich chest plate l legs so you can Lich these nuts if this isn’t a waffle time Underdog Story that brings a tear to the audience eye I don’t know what is we’ve officially beaten all three of the mechanical bosses and used their gear to bring the Lich back from the dead only to toss his salad in a way he hasn’t seen since the Medieval Era with the Lich being resized by our throwing prowess we got his delectable gear including his Saucy Lich armor and his swag maxing Soul Cleaver one question is begging to be answered however and that question is is this sexy New Gear enough to get to the end game we’ve been progressing steadily but there’s still planta Gollum the asess moon squid and the endgame meatball looking primordials there’s many bosses in between to 10 two of course but how far will this gear truly take us what comes next with that being said we prep for our favorite beloved mil planta and try to find out for ourselves who is next now planta a oh yes I can upgrade this yes yes indeed and now we can make the guide to expert throwing volume three so we get an extra 10% increased throwing damage and velocity and 25% of our throwing damage is duplicated I don’t quite know what that means so it’s like if if that’s a lot of damage though if I’m doing a you know 100 damage that mean I get an extra 25 because that’s pretty crazy that that amount of damage goes a long long way we’re going to need life fruits and I am not looking forward to trying to collect them at all oh hey there’s one wow let’s just do it I’m so [ __ ] scared right now here she comes ow [ __ ] all right not bad not a bad start not bad at all not bad at all but it’s this the second phase which is really what’s going to make her break us right now I believe here we go holy [ __ ] she is on us like icing on cake Jesus Christ holy [ __ ] we up and down up and down up and down no no no no no no no holy [ __ ] oh that was so [ __ ] close oh my God that was so godamn close that was horrifying God I love her I want her so bad put this up here right above the gooning station see it was all planned so I’m going to be laying down I’m going to angle upwards Bam Bam Bam it’s going to be in the drip drop zone right down to here I think it’s going to be a beautiful thing we got to wait for more bastards to spawn in the Destroyer [ __ ] had its way with all of them I knew it I knew it after defeating planta we could just buy Life fruits yeah that is what the [ __ ] I am talking about fill her up fill her up don’t care well apparently there’s a new set of armor we could get now that we beat pla called shade Master’s armor and it’s a bitching set of throwing armor but we need dark matter which means we got to go to the dungeon which I don’t like at all but it appears as if we’re just going to have to bite the goddamn bullet and go not going to boost spawn rates like crazy well maybe we’ll turn it up for just a second this is the worst idea this is a horrible idea why’d you guys let me do this you guys what the [ __ ] nurse nurse well we got two so far and we need 36 total what enemies drop this [ __ ] by the way oh it’s just a ass Jesus Christ that was one [ __ ] hit what the hell happened right now who are you I got a demon don’t don’t exactly know what he does but just sealed a contract with the demon cool that’s wonderful just what I needed why did I do this again what are we in no Dark Matter city is that where we’re at right now the [ __ ] did that say what did I get what did I get wild grave Goods huh we still have three [ __ ] matter we need 36 30 goddamn six can you believe that [ __ ] can you believe it I know I can’t oh there’s one on the floor oh yeah we just got six more holy [ __ ] okay we got a whole bunch I can’t even be mad I’m not mad I’m not mad God these [ __ ] giant cursed skulls I want to rip them open with my bare hands summon the skeleton Mages oh hey look at that who whoa whoa whoa holy [ __ ] okay cool I guess we could do that I tried to do it a bunch of times I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared not so ganger now that you’re in an open space eh yes you are yes you are I am not doubting your gangster my apologies sir 34 we’re almost there but we’re looking to make the shade Master stuff o we can make Shadow dance teleport yourself to the cursor’s position that’s [ __ ] huge oh my God okay yes yes indeed we can make a lot of stuff how cool is this [ __ ] then we want to make this too throw like a plunging sidethe that stuns the enemies on on return 215 [ __ ] damage that’s so insane actually let’s make the shadow Master armor real quick or shade Master my apologies my God 20% increased damage 15% increased damage speed or 10% increased speed 30% increased velocity 20% increased damage again [ __ ] 55% that’s crazy wow we all right I guess next we go straight for Golem this is the worst Temple I have ever seen in my entire life what is this what the is this what is this well we’ll see see how this battle goes hopefully it goes good this arena is so so [ __ ] this weapon’s [ __ ] horrible for this battle get out of my sight this is scary dude this is scary because the arena is really really bad wow Jesus Christ that [ __ ] melts dude shade kunai goat I think we’ve got it in the bag Maybe yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes indeed goodness me that scared the [ __ ] out of me we have options and it’s scary how many we have I’m so I’m caught somewhere between Duke Fishin and the Empress of light I’m kind of caught somewhere between the two I think manhandling dick fiss would be phenomenal but then again if we’re able to take out the cultist we’re able to get white dwarf fragments and I didn’t experiment with them at all during the bar play through cuz we got some special Bard fragments we used should we try it should we just try it for shits and giggies I’ll never say that again I’m so sorry please don’t please please don’t unsub I’m so sorry let’s just try it see what happens if we lose we lose we can get some Fisher and wings or something see what happens is it not looking good so far I don’t know how the [ __ ] the pillars the pillars are going to be so goddamn horrible might just go for Stardust and full cheese it see how it goes if we get lucky enough to beat this it’s not looking good for us so far what do you guys think he’s saying I think he’s saying how do you know cuz it’s like how do you know which one which one which duplicate I am huh oh [ __ ] those do a lot of damage got to be careful oh that was horrifying well that did half my health and damage that’s cool I never knew if you were up close during that fireball attack he would just completely miss you oh my God we actually did it holy [ __ ] all right hear me out hear me out we rush we rush the Stardust pillar it’s right next to our house we rush it we get it it’s going to be yummy and delicious Jesus Christ we’ll get there we’ll get there oh here we go the cheese the cheese is here the cheese has arrive ladies and gents are we talking Bree cheese classic craft American well personally I’ll take just about any cheese not a big fan of blue cheese however that [ __ ] tastes nasty I never understood the folks that would get that on their chicken wings feel like it ruins the the flavor it’s like you know how you get a a a fruit basket or a fruit case fruit bundle you know know there’s delicious stuff like watermelon [ __ ] strawberries pineapple there’s always some [ __ ] ass cantaloupe in there spreading it dog F flavor onto all the other fruits you know so you can taste it even if you’re just eating a watermelon you know which is not cool I wonder if these things feel stupid while we’re doing this I hope they do cheese is taking a while but hey it’s still cheese the cheese is no longer taking a while oh no this is bad we’ve let the cheese get out of hand we’ve let the [ __ ] ass blue cheese flavor spread onto all the other good flavored Wings just when I think I have it under control I do not Jesus Christ hopefully they just they just despawn that would be nice that would be fantastic I’d like that personally oh they did not [ __ ] despawn what if I Fly Away real far what the [ __ ] happened to my NPCs they’re gone they passed on what the [ __ ] happened do not tell me they’re coming after me right now do not tell me they’re coming after me oh Jesus Christ I can feel him breathing down my neck oh no here we go it’s showtime only got 10 Star Eater huh and the other ones are white dwarf Cutters Star Eater that sounds [ __ ] nuts already every Star Eater stuck into an enemy increases the damage the next one deals by 25% what the [ __ ] it’s going to be great single Target damage and we want to make white dwarf Cutters as well there was a volley of celestially charged daggers hey bro it’s been five Platinum can you [ __ ] give me a break let’s go to the solar pillar okay all right those might be op as [ __ ] if there anything like the caliber of the [ __ ] Bard the the the endgame Bard weapons it’s it’s so incredibly oh my God chat chat is that insane chat literally chat is this real cuz if we’re fighting something like the moon Lord we stick 100 of these things into his top [ __ ] eye we’re going to have it out in no time at all if we’re killing copeds that fast holy [ __ ] holy all right well worth a shot is actually nuts we’ll get there we’ll get there maybe crank spawn R up over there see what happens holy [ __ ] I may have made a mistake nurse nurse I think the real way to test out the Star Eater would be on the pillar itself it’s a Moment of Truth holy okay dude Jesus Christ holy [ __ ] try the nebul matter of fact I like doing this fun little thing where I go like this holy [ __ ] where are they at oh here they come oh Jesus Christ here they come oh [ __ ] look at them they want me so bad as embarrassing they can’t have me though so I’m thinking we’re going to die first time going against uh going against y old moonl Lord and that’s okay I wanted to get an OP weapon so we could have some fun Godly get these nasty ass bugs away from me now one cerade and it’s [ __ ] over they have no idea I’ve played Hollow night I know exactly how to deal with their kind what aing mess my freak ass wyvern’s [ __ ] trying to catch up dude he’s freaking me out 30 more until our inevitable Moon Lord fantasmal Death Ray urethra stuffing sesh all right let’s give this goddamn thing a whirl I just got shot in the face point blank with a gun please allow me to collect my belongings and just get out of your hair there is one more vortex fragment over there and it’s going to drive me [ __ ] insane I don’t like this please oh my God time to die man we’ll see how this goes God damn that damage is insane actually dud we almost have his [ __ ] we almost have his top high out holy [ __ ] oh Jesus yeah we’re toast hey good flying Mount we got that [ __ ] in the bag we got it in the bag I say we try and get some fishering wings or a witch’s broom let’s crank those spawn rates up baby holy [ __ ] already at wave n ain’t it a thing of beauty oh my God that ends up doing such a [ __ ] insane amount of damage he about 2 hours left in the event I haven’t gotten [ __ ] we’re off to a good start ah yes indeed witches broom fantastic we’re not going to cancel the event I think we’re going to wait look at that [ __ ] oh that’s insane any a please Jesus Christ man [ __ ] grow up now we’re doing a staggering amount of damage and I love it what do you say we go kill us at Duke fishering huh I say there’s no better time than now one worm all a brother needs is one worm where the the worms at oh there’s one right there I’m hoping we do enough damage to not have to worry about his horrible horrible awful amount of damage he does it’s kind of scary little spooky okay got him perfect fantastic even first and foremost bam bam then we have to go to our surface Hollow and [ __ ] hope for the best let’s go try and take down us a beautiful Empress shall we okay cool okay we’re not in the best of shape we’re still taking a lot of damage for some odd reason all right second phase is imminent why the [ __ ] is what the hell was that there was a star cell what the [ __ ] is this if I die because of some [ __ ] ass star cell I’m going to freak it why is there star cells right now they just come from space they just showed up was that about all right where’s my loot oh God that was stressful we’ll make a little nurse box for healing all right nurse is here we have all of our damaging accessories on let’s make a Celestial sigil and hope for the [ __ ] best why are we why are we why are we why are we what the was that about what kind of sick stunt was that oh my God our damage is [ __ ] actually insane we’re going to TP home in just a sec for a courtesy heel I can’t see I can’t see anything think we got this in the bag think we certainly got it in the bag now that was in Saye how much damage we just did that was [ __ ] incredibly fast let’s let’s go let’s godamn go oh my God yes yes yes indeed God I could not be more enthralled right now oh oh man moon Lord down Moon Lord down yet again quirked up white boy with a sauce seen dancing above his goddamn grave what’s the Ultimate Weapon for us is my question I’m seeing there’s um white dwarf armor we can make matter of fact let’s see first what moon Lord has to offer us is there any throwing thing we could Angels end stick four Cosmic lances into an enemy to cause a large burst of damage sounds pretty cool I’ll I’ll indulge sure why not all right just going for the Angels end now baby Angels End come on any second any minute oh we got it cool all right broken Angels end that’s [ __ ] great don’t care I got the funds go ahead cry about it it says 829 throwing damage that that can’t be right but let’s uh let’s look at this thing let’s look at this I think we’ve earned it and we’ve earned some goddamn white dwarf armor as well white dwarf armor okay we need to make the luminite bars kind of forgot about that let’s make some white dwarf [ __ ] shall we white dwarf mask guard and Greaves so total we get 60% throwing damage 20% crit strike chance 15% throwing speed 30% throwing velocity as well need [ __ ] need need that so there’s tide Turner’s armor which seems to be extra final [ __ ] you know like post primordials but we still have some other bosses to get through before we do that we need to do the old ones Army we need to do the eclipse Pirate Invasion Frost Moon Martian Madness event and then oh we have the [ __ ] forgotten one I forgot about this guy that’s why they call him the Forgotten one I get it now yeah I mean let’s go fight him let’s see what happens all right we crank the spawn rates up as high as we possibly can collect three evil specters and I think we’ll be good oh God the whale is here Peter the whale is here oh [ __ ] he’s here oh boy okay kind of kicking our ass right now that damage is [ __ ] insane oh sh God damn it the Kraken got me son of a this octopus needs to stop doing what he’s doing it’s freaking me the hell out right back we go to go collect our spoils what are you okay I went out I went out of this hell hole immediately so we got that little bastard that felt good let’s see what we get from them we got Superior mantis shrimp punch wa mantis shrimp are so [ __ ] strong for some reason they’re just buffed they’re buffed for no reason all right and that goes right on the goddamn earned it pile beautiful we’re going to do these bosses first before we do the primordial so let’s do the Pirate Invasion next why not Let’s Make It Rain real quick so we’re nice and fast Beautiful Goodbye NPCs it was nice knowing all of you the Pirates have arrived baby Jesus Christ he still does a lot of damage to us I don’t like that much at all I’m I’m a little hum iated right now we’re still getting our asses kicked am I going to [ __ ] die why do they still do so much damage Jesus Christ are you [ __ ] serious hello baby iing hate you oh yes here we go the big boss we got him we won baby and we did not even die once earned it pile so I kind of like going through these and seeing how much cool [ __ ] we missed out on I guess we could do guess we could do the Old One’s Army next why not all right here we go I think it’s going good so far nowhere near as good as the bar class I’ll tell you that much wave three activated oh [ __ ] 198 [ __ ] damage are you out of your mind all right looks like we’re getting a dark Mage this time around cool got his ass wave five now looks like we got a Broger he’s going to be over here somewhere got his ass cool this is way more scary than playing as a Bard during this I don’t know what the deal is was Bard just goated b o p we go Bardo mode I’m trying to be the Jaelin thrower of the [ __ ] Century but I don’t know if we have that dog in us like that but we got an ogre so that’s good it’s one more boss off the list we’re officially on Wave Six uh-oh the boger’s here that damage is [ __ ] crazy however these goddamn etherion lightning bugs are driving me mad another bastard off the list holy [ __ ] come on get him quick her excuse me [ __ ] get it okay [ __ ] thank God get off my goddamn Crystal I don’t even know me close call Jesus don’t know why we are endgame what the was that a close call for earned it pile dark Mage gonar Ria Boger gone to the Ria Betsy earned it has a 100% chance to become retrievable after use my ass yeah [ __ ] right no it doesn’t it actually doesn’t what are you talking about who’s next on our beautiful Boss Rush list now we have a frost Moon everscream Santa nk1 and Ice Queen we make a naughty present I reckon we sleep for a while so we’re not doing this event eternally and hopefully just [ __ ] ride right through it Coast through it just do it like right now [ __ ] it we ball Let’s Make It Rain then let’s crank the spawn rat up and see what happens ever scream down Sant nk1 down holy [ __ ] where did you come from oh dear God I have the spawn rat up oh no who holy [ __ ] oh we’ve gotten all the big baddies we wanted to kill uh-oh goodbye bastard what the oh no all right it’s done throw them there on the earned it pile beautiful what is next for us Martian Madness eh oh [ __ ] here we go okay we got everything we needed everything’s done thank God earned it pile whoa whistles in decreas and an erratic and uncontrollable energy beam homes in on nearby enemies prioritizes enemies that haven’t recently been hit by oh [ __ ] looks like we have 100% left side have everything done right side it looks like the primordials are the last ones to go so to summon the primordials we need a doomsayers coin might as well make a handful of those cuz we’re [ __ ] probably going to need them might as well just give it a spin see how this goes with the nurse [ __ ] smack da matter of fact let’s move her let’s move her she’s in the goddamn way she’s probably going to pass on during this battle but hey that’s okay it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make trying to think what would be best for this battle either the Star Eater or the Angel’s end and I’m kind of leaning towards the Angel’s end see how that goes so let’s make it night summon them up see who’s first see who’s first the damage is there oh [ __ ] we got to watch this guy [ __ ] me that’s a lot of damage okay this guy is is a trip this guy’s a godamn trip we got to be careful he goes fast as godamn Lightning okay I think we’ll be able to take this guy out in this swoop almost got him almost got him who oh my God no almost had him okay Big Dog’s coming out oh God here he comes oh [ __ ] me oh no not this attack oh no okay got him got him we just got to get this guy and we’re good which we got here we go I really wish we had a heal right now but we don’t we just got to get ballsy and go I’m not getting any hits just got to keep chucking [ __ ] hope for the best oh my God we’re barely doing damage oh God damn it why oh and we fly fly away the damage is certainly there I think this guy has higher defense than the than the fire guy if I’m not mistaken maybe maybe I’m tweaking and geeking for sure just way we can see those Spears dude just barely off the edge of our screen we almost got firan oh [ __ ] oh no [ __ ] okay omnicide Edge Lord he’s about to switch up yep yep yep nice good find thanks waffle time no problem waffle time you look fantastic today waffle time thanks waffle time are we cooked are we cooked chat are we cooked oh God we’re so [ __ ] look at our health okay we’re doing damage but he’s off our screen we just have to stay away from him oh no oh what the [ __ ] God damn it God damn it that’s cool I’ll just St here forever it’s fine holy [ __ ] so fing mad all right let’s make it night again let’s try it once more once more my ass I’m going to keep trying trying to get this little bastard [ __ ] please do as much damage as we can to this guy I feel like he’s the biggest threat out of all of them all right we use our consumables against this idiot oh Jesus Christ we’re doing real good damage dude it’s our defenses that’s what’s really really suffering come on are you [ __ ] serious we’re going to have to go swoop in and collect the hearts right the away that barely helped us at all oh god there he is that was so [ __ ] scary it wasn’t even funny oh oh fly the other way okay we’re going to have to switch we almost got him okay nice nice nice we got him on the other path now great oh no where is he oh [ __ ] oh come on oh come on please don’t do the hyper tornado attack oh did we get him we got him blow up blow up God oh no can’t have one simple victory in here oh oh my God yes yes yes indeed hardcore earned that [ __ ] let’s see what we get increases his movement speed Beyond Comprehension we know what that does but I’ll I’ll show you just in case it’s like too fast for our own [ __ ] good which I love personally let’s look into making some stuff with this Essence now I think the ocean Essence is the is the fun one we want to [ __ ] with I think we need to make like our final two things are the tidal wave in the deity’s treay fork tital wave boom beautiful look at that [ __ ] a massive aquatic shuriken that releases miniature waves M and then there’s the de treay Fork rapidly throws an aquatic Trident that releases a burst of water on hit interesting let’s reforge him then try them out real fast yeah let’s make the armor first let’s make the armor what am I thinking what am I thinking okay let’s make the armor what’s the difference 40% increased throwing damage and that’s 42 defense that’s insane life regen increased by five produces a floating Global every 5 Seconds increases your defense by 5% each Global throwing damage briefly increases the damage the enemy takes by 10% each globule with this helmet makes our next attack a mini crit if it doesn’t crit what the hell reality breaker there’s got to be a reality breaker throwing right where’s the reality breaker where’s the reality breaker throwing the gauntlet what the [ __ ] is this what the hell is this how do I get all this I can make a Infinity Gauntlet how do we gather the stones on the wiki it says this shit’s unobtainable great so I can’t make the [ __ ] Infinity Gauntlet I’m so upset right now guess we should make the armor tide Turner’s armor boom then let’s make the crown I think the crown is going to be doing way more damage of course throw that sh on real quick whoa our globules are here throwing damage has a 20% chance to unleash aquatic homing daggers all around me this looks absolutely insane let’s reforge now that we have the cool armor I don’t know what this [ __ ] is above me what is that what is that thing [ __ ] I’m begging you let’s give it a whirl let’s give it a whirl baby Jesus Christ that’s insane what the [ __ ] up go ahead and heal up and just do that some I kind of [ __ ] up right there God damn this weapon is so sick though see how it that [ __ ] damage is insane dude oh dear God that [ __ ] damage is nuts oh my God that’s insane wow well endgame throwing is [ __ ] insane first of all is that fing Minecraft Steve and the lur what a lot of people have been requesting me to play healer and I I don’t know how I’m GNA [ __ ] do healer by myself but yeah we’ll see about healer I would honestly love to go through thorium with you know melee range Mage Summoner ladies and gents thatout does it for our throwing playthrough we’ve thrown Spears through our enemies foreheads the IRS cowers at our unreal Title Wave as usual a huge special thank you to the thorium team for making such a goddamn spanking mod thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed be sure to drop a like And subscribe for more content like this and leave a comment to let me know your thoughts on this video also for video stream updates make sure to follow the socials Down Below in the description and I’ll be seeing all of you absolute throwing freaks in the next series

Today, in our MASTER MODE Thorium experience, we decide to branch out and use only Throwing class weapons! Our main goal is to become strong enough to throw bricks at anyone’s forehead with no repercussion whatsoever. The Empress of Light must be defeated simply by throwing, The Moon Lord must be dealt with, even the final boss of this mod, the Primordials, must have various objects thrown at their craniums until they succumb to our epic gamer throwing power. Will we be able to get far at all with only throwing? Will we be woo Plantera by throwing something sort of far? How OP can we possibly become?
Thank you all so much for watching the FULL MOVIE! If you enjoyed, drop a like and subscribe, as well as leave a comment to let me know your thoughts on this video! Also if you’d like, follow the Instagram and Twitter for future stream and video updates!

EDITED by EMMET BRAMLEY: https://twitter.com/emmetbramley

#terraria #mod #rage

AlchemistNPC Lite
Fargo’s Mutant Mod
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
Thorium Mod
Magic Storage
Ore Excavator

Credits for Absolute BANGER Thorium Tunes: smxfoxtrot

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