NEW FAMILY MEMBER! – Stardew Valley 1.6 Full Playthrough [Ep.21]

I want to get to your close going to get it now good I want to P the limit you right now so what’s your feelings the city is dreaming we’re not coming home tonight we’re living quick in this world going to get it right now people talk and tell what you want to hear now but they all disappear they will let you down so we better stick together let’s come whatever we’re not coming home tonight we’re living quick in this world going to get it right now we only need the two us together we only need the two of us together cuz we got love cuz we got you want to get to me close why don’t you do it right now you know we met for a reason but you trying to deny that we should be together it’s heavy weather we’re heading for tonight you better take what you can cuz the time is right now we only need the two of us together we only need the two of us together two of us together we only need the two of us together together we only need the two of us together two of us together cuz we got love cuz we got love we only need the two of us together I need only you in this CRA world we got hello everyone welcome back to another episode of the 1.6 playthrough yes another episode finally where have you been shy oh my goodness I’m sorry guys okay I had quite a few other videos that I needed to finish first because I already had those recorded and I needed to do the editing and they actually took quite a long time to edit as well and I’ve also been working on a few sponsors and obviously I have I have deadlines and time frames that I have to do those in so the priority kind of shifted towards those a little bit but here we are with another episode it is a cozy rainy day for the 24th in my favorite season Autumn now in this episode we will get to Winter well we’ll wake up on the 28th which is the last day of fall basically winter so that’s going to be pretty exciting so in the next episode it will be winter I don’t know if I’m ready for that I have I hope so it’s going to be a tough uh a tough season but of course look at our good doggo Winston here I put a party hat on him I thought why not let him uh have a little hat on he’s staying inside today and it’s how good old buddy old pal George’s birthday so I’m not sure if I’ve got any leaks for him because I know he loves them I kind of want to give him a gift we do have a leak he’s not very good quality but we know he loves it so let’s give him that today for his birthday I think he’s going to appreciate that now I actually have no snacks left or treats should I say for the dog so we can’t learn him any further we need 15 treats to start the progress of the hunt command or to carry on our progress with the Search Command we’re at 25% we need another 20 treats so I’m going to go purchase some of these today we’ve currently got three so I’m going to need a lot more than that but one good thing is of course he can follow us but it’s raining it’s wet I’m not sure now you know what I don’t think he mines let’s have him follow us come on good old boy love this mod he’s not shy about the rain look at him with his you know what it’s going to keep the party at on it’s going to be a little bit of cover why not we’re going to take a trip out today buddy we’re going to go over to the pet shop and buy some more treats and who knows we might get a new pet today we’ll see we’ll see so we have got some aged tiger trout row and some cranberry jelly that we can sell I also need to put something else on in there and get that production started we’ve got to get that money rolling in Winter’s going to be tough so yeah we can’t do any farming any crops or anything like that I think we can go and pick our axe up today I’m sure the axe is ready it better be feel like that’s been ages do we have any crops today at least any that’s ready oh we got a few up here I think these are some of the Beats yeah nice now I can sell these or keep them for processing sugar in the mill which I would love to get eventually have we ever shipped one of these before yeah we’ve already shipped some so we’ll sell the gold quality I guess keep the rest for sugar right let’s put some cranberries into the jelly I think I’m also going to make some dried cranber is I’ve got quite a lot I’m going to put some into the dehydrator of course we only need five so that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to dry some of those today I kind of want to craft another dehydrator but I never purchased the recipe maybe we’ll do that today was it about 20K though it’s quite a lot of money but I’d love more of those through winter to dry lots of fruit and vegetables and mushrooms that’ll be so good a good source of money for the winter season so maybe we’ll invest in that today right come on boy right in fact you wait outside right you can’t come in here cuz the animals are inside today so you wait outside please we do not want you coming in here but look how ducks are all grown up they’re all looking amazing they’re all happy we’ve got lots of eggs oh are we oh yeah we’ve done the mayor shorts okay nice right Gus’s omelets we need 24 eggs we’ve got 12 right now so I need to keep hold of them did do these count as well the duck eggs they must do right I guess we’ll keep right what are you asking for sturgeon oh yeah the pickle was we not making one of those I thought I already put some in right I’m going to make another jar and get this pickle started let’s pickle a summer squash I must have already sold it so we’ll give that to the fishy wishies once we’ve got them I still told the dog to wait but he’s all right we’ll go and get him in a second right there’s all the cheese we can sell this we don’t need to collect all this for any tasks so that’s good we got the milka okay completely forget that we don’t need the milk anymore I need to put this away we’ve got the uh the auto Grabber of course so I always forget about that I can’t believe we bought it so early on so I’m actually going to put the milker away we never need it that’s just a waste of inventory space so let me go and sort this out come on boy it looks so cute with his hat on now we’ve got a book here the stardy valley farming book now we already maxed out our farming skill so we actually don’t need this so we can trade it at the book seller or there’s someone in town who loves it as a gift and that is man now I don’t usually like man but I did say I’ll give her a chance in this uh playr and because we’re going down there anyway I might just give it her as a gift why not right come on boy I know it’s cold and wet but we’re all good we’re having fun oh look at this some Honey’s done we’re not going to get much more of this oh what happened then because Winter’s coming of course and that means the bees are going to go to sleep okay come with me can you come inside the cave this will be crazy oh my God he can literally go everywhere that is so cool right let’s dry some cranberries that might be some great money right there guys I accidentally harvested a sunflower so that might make a good gift for somebody why not right come on boy right and here we are so let’s get the book let’s give this to man thanks Walter I always like to have a copy of this book it’s pretty accurate oh and look who’s here as well the mayor of course he is what perfect time in this is huh Louis what are you doing here are you collecting taxes of course you are okay so supply shop we need need quite a lot of dog treats now these are quite pricey but we need them I’m actually going to get 100 it is what it is now we’ve got 63k to work with guys and yes we are adopting a new pet today now I got some awesome suggestions in the comments on the last episode because I did say what kind of dog to get and names now I saw a lot of this dog here I think it’s called the cocka the cocka spaniel 40K but the names for these I saw a lot of this it wasn’t even just one I saw loads of comments saying this lady so we got lady and chief great I’ll send a little lady over to your home right away but we do have to go to Robin because she needs a pet Bowl we’ve got to get lady a pet Bowl to make her happy otherwise she’ll never be happy she needs to have a a place to drink of course now also we will get her this dogghouse now this is a lot of money but Chief’s got one we’ve got to have a dog house as well for lady now I know this is just visual they don’t actually need this but I just feel like you’ve got to give it the quality of life it’s only fair so we’re going to be we quite skin right now 13,000 but we can also learn tricks and stuff with Lady our new dog a part of the family a new family member I love it Chief is going to be so happy he’s going to he’s going to have a new girlfriend who knows we’ll have babies imagine that but right now whilst it’s 3 p.m. before we meet our new dogs I think they’re going to be inside let me go and get the Pet Bowl but we’ve got plenty of treat we’ll give some to lady and Chief and yeah they can learn tricks too we need lady to follow us as well but with this mod you can only have one dog follow you at a time so you have to pick and choose who you want to come out on your adventure you know right okay so let’s construct where’s the pet ball oh my goodness I didn’t realize it was 25 hardwood no damn I’ve got to go back but I don’t think I’m going to make it if she closes at 5:00 p.m. I might be able to but I’ve got to be super quick now Robin doesn’t sell hardwood so I can’t purchase it and I don’t even know if I’ve got 25 if we don’t have this I’m going to have to do it tomorrow oh no we’ve only got three okay we need hardwood guys I’m going to give this leak to George for as a birthday gift anyway and Evelyn can have a sunflower too yeah we’ll just do the hardwood tomorrow and get the dog ball one day should be okay we should be fine hopefully I’m so excited I mean we’ got no money we’re skinn and we got to spend 5K tomorrow on the Pet Bowl so we’ve got to seriously start pumping out some money but Walter will get there right there we go got a little cut scene with Evelyn oh my God going back look at these two oh Walter you’re wondering what that good smell is why that’s nice of you to say I’m actually baking my famous cookies oh Evelyn she’s going to give us the recipe for cookies hopefully here why don’t you try one okay okay this there’s something about Granny’s you are just the best Bakers ever right what is all that about well what do you think it was delicious thank you I think I’ve come to know you well enough to give you my recipe just make sure to keep it a secret yes we can bake some cookies and a lot of the villagers going to love that right there we go Evelyn in return I’ll give you a gold quality sunflower oh my it looks wonderful that’s very kind of you when I woke up I heard dripping from somewhere I think the roof might be leaking oh no in the old days George would have scampered right up and fixed it oh I love these two so much ah it’s awful cold isn’t it what a Rotten Day right George happy birthday buddy I know it’s raining it’s not a great day but enjoy this achievement oh it’s my birthday today I guess it is thanks this is nice oh I’m so happy Walter if Walter could you’d go and fix the roof you really would now apparently in the update I’ve actually got a video talking about some of the Hidden changes that has like happened in the update that not a lot of people have noticed they kind of went unnoticed and one of them was the roof actually got changed on the house of George nevn now I would never have noticed this before uh I’d love to see an image of what it used to look like but maybe had a few OES in there and that’s why the dialogue is like it is like they’ve got a leak maybe it used to be a bit shabby but it looks really nice now I think it got improved with the update which is very nice oh Willie good old pal how you doing buddy some fish come and go with the seasons others only come out at night oh my god I’m an idiot it’s raining we need the warl we have until 2: a.m. this is amazing we got to go to the mountain and catch it okay let’s go sorry buddy we got to go go I’ll speak to you later we got to go and catch a warl light so I think we can catch them in here right in the river so it’s fall it’s raining and yeah we have till 2: a.m. this is obviously for the CC it’s our last fish for the bundle I’m so glad that this is a late fish and we can have all day or all night to catch it let me just double check this so it is a night fish I don’t know why I’m stressing for we should be able to catch this obviously the catfish is going to be out to play as well and the tiger out so fishing in fall is actually one of my favorite times to fish favorite season and favorite weather so rainy fall is just the best I always fish in the river catfish tiger trout walleye I think there’s salmon as well I think I’m actually going to try and get it in the mountain lake because there’s too many fish varieties in the river and it’s quite hard to get I think in the mountain lake cuz you can get it in there as well it’s going to be a little bit easier because for example you can’t catch the catfish up here or the tiger trout it’s just going to be the bulled the carp and the wary so we should be okay here I might have more chance we got a chest our first one a new artifact would be amazing right now okay we got a topaz and some carp Row the probably the worst Row in the game it’s going to be worth no money or did we just get it in time and there’s the walleye yes the first catch and we got a geode and a jade we did it guys we absolutely did it let’s go and donate that to the CC on the way home let’s finish the fish tank bundle baby let’s go I’m so glad just I just remembered before it got too late about this fish Willie he reminded me what a good old buddy thank God for that but guys here we go a gold quality walleye the fish tank is finished oh my God and we got the glow ring which I don’t think we need but there we go oh yeah all the junos have changed they’ve got like masks on I don’t if I like that I might have to change that but I think it’s part of the um the Critter bundle so you can see the m here the little rat in the um in the CC because it’s run down you see a lot of wildlife in the area now so there’s different animals and things around town in the valley um I think that is it but another change which is going to be in the video that I’ve got planned is the fish tank as you can see it actually gets turned into an official fish tank so you can actually put fish in here have them on display whatever you want in there look this a snail which is pretty cool but that is our fourth bundle complete there’s only two left and of course one of them is the bulletin board which yeah we we still got a lot of work to do still got a lot of work to do but we are getting there and the last one of course is the craft room we just need the winter foraging which next season we should get we’re doing so well all right let’s head home it’s getting late it’s getting super dark as well let’s go and meet lady she should be asleep inside the house I’m also going to put down her dog house now where are we going to put her pet ball I think we’ve got to get this tree I didn’t get the axe today oh no we need to chop these trees down I don’t know where we’re going to put these right there’s a little walkway to get up there that’s kind of nice pet balls might have to go here but I’ve going to get rid of these two trees okay we got things to sell I’ve got um some fish got the honey dried mushrooms yeah we’ve already got the glow ring so I didn’t need that one so I couldn’t get the oddwood today because we didn’t have the axe so that’s what we’re going to do tomorrow we’re going to go and collect that axe go to the secret Woods get some hardwood we need 25 pieces so we should be able to have enough right now we are going to go ahead and meet our oh look lady is sleeping she’s it’s hard to see her face because she’s tued away in the corner we’ll see her in the morning she’s having a good sleep uh take your hat off Winston you’re a good boy oh my goodness guys look Winston has gone over to lady and they sleeping together it’s so adorable he went straight over to her he’s looking after her she’s probably a bit nervous for the first night I love that there’s the junimos they’re working they’ve got rid of the glistening Boulder so that means we can start panning we should get the cut scene with Willie and we can start collecting ore and panning for good items I think they’ve had a little bit of a a Nerf now so it’s even better and you can upgrade the pan of course so but look at this 13k back so we’ve spent a lot of money but we got a lot of money back which is good the 25th of fall though so close to Winter Le she is look at her oh she’s beautiful should we give her a snack let’s give her a treat I don’t think we can we’ve got to give her the pet manual first oh can we not learn of the book look so I don’t think we can give her the treat maybe this mod doesn’t work with the with the the pet manual and book maybe it can only be for the old dogs in the game the the the vanilla one should I say but that’s nice just to have her on the farm she’s going to be our farm dog okay we got rain tomorrow too I was worried in the last episode about getting this fish thinking that we wasn’t going to get any rain but look at this 2 days of rain already in this episode she’s beautiful what a good lady what a good lady the book sell is in town today we could take a look oh we got a battery is this our first battery that we’ve ever produced we might need that as well so I’m going to keep hold of that for sure that’s going to be used for crafting I’m going to flog these Rings today they’re taking up a lot of room and I don’t like it let’s get some gold smelted too we’ve got a lot of this to work through the fish that we smoked is done we got a new diamond today we’ve got three so far once we start getting some more crystarium we should be good okay we’ll give Chief the drink of course we’re going to have to sort out lady later on but they’re both together there I love that once we chop the tree down it’s going to look a lot better you can actually see what’s going on okay we got one more broccoli here pumpkins aren’t quite done yet hopefully we get one more big Harvest of all of these I didn’t check the greenhouse but I think things are still growing but look at this as well I completely forgot the shed is now done oh guys this is this is amazing right we can start putting our jaws and kegs in there soon i’ I’d love another one oh don’t we need to move this back as well yeah cuz the torch was in the way so I’m going to get rid of this torch get rid of that tree I want to go and get the the axe look at all the oak resin that’s done we can even get more kegs to fill out that shed now this shed is going to be dedicated for kegs the one we’ve currently got I will get another shed eventually which is going to be for jars so that is what we’re going to do right more eggs and we’ve still got 11 days 16 out of 24 I’ve got a because they had all the food yesterday did I accidentally put one in here damn it I put one inside there that’s annoying right to Clint we go let’s move straight out of here let’s get things done maybe we’ll check the book seller as well see if we can find anything look at the geese in the river so cute okay oh we can run a bit faster for 15K oh no 15K is so pricey that’s going to be 20K spent with the pet ball that’s not going to give us a lot of money kind of feel like that might be handy though to around town a little bit faster I’d love to eventually learn all the books I think I’m going to do it guys I’m going to learn it let’s let’s run faster wal this going to be handy for Walter it’s going to put a little bit of spring in his step oh yeah this is good I already feel more Nimble I think there’s two more of those is this part two and part three it’s going to allow me to get around the town faster though and do more things so let’s speak to Clint and there we go there’s the gold XX this is perfect I did say I wanted to upgrade this so that is our second tool now that that’s gold so good we need to start working on the hoe there’s one tool that we’ve not even touched yet okay let’s go we need to go and gather some hardwood oh look at the little bunny rabbits hiding up here thought they ran away from me they scared them off right come on let’s get all of this and this should be a lot better now with the gold axe four hits come on much faster quite a lot of mushrooms in here oh my God are they beavers hanging about in the of course the wood forest and the little water Pond here look at them hanging with the junos with the masks on I don’t like how they’ve changed I might have to see if I can revert that I think they look so much cuter before well that’s 15 that we’ve got plus the three it’s not enough we still need to go and get gather some more tomorrow unless there is any stumps or hardwood trees on the farm I’m pretty sure I planted a few so that’s what I need to try and do hopefully we find a little bit more I think we need 25 in total and we’ve got 18 I guess we’ll just clear the farm and get some normal wood now that we’ve got our axe back especially if I want another Shar and barn and stuff like that this is so much faster with a gold axe I love it oh yeah there’s our mushroom Tapper nice oh we got a mystery box from the tree let’s go I’m glad that we’re clearing all this up though oh look there’s a pan spot right there but we still haven’t got the pan yet oh that’s annoying that’ be nice to to gather all that stuff there’s a chance to getting lucky rings as well oh that would be amazing to find one of those oh look there’s a hardwood stump here let’s go one was hiding yes got two more hardwood there I don’t think there’s any more though unless there’s any over on this side that I didn’t quite manage to clear this is such a mess I actually want to clear all this I might do this tonight this is really bad can’t even move and I can’t even see properly and a chocolate cake this is going to keep us going all this wood is going to be super important though so I’m glad we’re doing this now oh there’s another stump hiding away I knew there would have been another one yes and that gave us three pieces oh we’re on 23 no we need two more I’m going to have to go to the secret Woods tomorrow before going to Robin which is fine but look at all this we’ve actually cleared it this is so good I want to use this space for maybe a few more CES some animals can roam over here I was thinking maybe bunnies this could be like a bunny island imagine all those roaming around here I think that would be so cute and good production of uh wool and Rabbit’s foots so I think that’s what I’m going to use this island for I’ll let these trees grow so I can take all the wood down cuz we ain’t going to get um a cpia for a while at least maybe sometime in winter so I’ll let them do their there thing but at least it’s all cleared for now it looks so much better and most importantly we’ve got a lot of wood oh look we can get the midnight car this will be kind of good maybe we can smoke these and we’ve never actually caught one so let’s get it for the collection although there’s just there’s just no fish it is all rubbish and trash oh we got a fish I bet this is not a midnight C I bet it’s a smallmouth bass yep damn it oh this might be the midnight C though is it oh no maybe not oh it is yay the first catch for the collection we got one I just spotted it there I was like yeah we’ve got to get that I think this is the second one we could smoke these yes by the way there we go look this is the uh the pet tab I always forget to look at this we can see all of our animals here with the names I think we have some awesome names and there’s lady and Winston look how cute they look together lady is so adorable okay let’s go to sleep quickly I might just actually find a few soggy newspaper got two so let’s try and put these in the recycle machine and get a cloth that we’re still trying to find right two midnight cop let’s smoke these these might be worth some decent money right here I think might pass out am I going to make this or not oh that was so close wow yeah we didn’t make much money today and there’s our of a rainy day lady is uh she’s still a bit nervous I think that sad face there is because she’s got no drink she’s wanting water and that’s what that face is for or that expression so we’ve really got to go ahead and do that today she’s not going to get any hearts up with us as you can see none of them if we don’t give her the water she’s going to be super unhappy so we don’t want that it’s not it’s not very fair for her but we got the spirits Eve Festival tomorrow I love that that’s going to be exciting and we do have a few crops here that we can Harvest still waiting for cranberries and pumpkins though oh there’s the smoked fish oh wow that is great money right there come on and still no damn cloth oh my God they made that so much harder now I’m waiting for all of this wine to be done cuz I want to pick them up and put them into the shed so we got a few more to wait for we got some coconut wine and some melon wine great money here okay we got some cheese that I forgot to gather yesterday let’s feed these because it’s raining they ain’t going to go outside today and if we take a look at our Auto Grabber we’ve got more milk right eggs as well are we going to be able to finish this quest for Gus I just heard the noise oh we did it we can now put them into the fridge let’s go let’s go and get our dried cranber they should be done and all my goodness look at all the mushrooms these things are so good guys five purple mushroom right there think there was silver quality as well these things are the best and even more from the mushrooms in the cave but there’s that dried cranes 821 gold that’s not bad right there I mean these purple mushrooms are going to be better though right while I’m down this way bottom of the farm I’m going to go ahead and get the last remaining hardwood that we need so we can finally get the pet balll then I think we need to go to the mines and actually gather some um some Stone we’ve got not many at all but the travel ladies here on our way to the secret woods now do you have anything we need no absolutely rubbish what’s the jun’s got on the head this time what are you carrying I don’t know what’s going on I’ve got some of these mahogany seeds I’m wondering if they’ll be able to grow around the edge here it’s a good way to get some hardwood that is all the hardwood that we needed now we’re going to take a trip to to Robin and get this built and there is the cut scene we willing to get the copper Pan the bould has been removed ha hi Walter it’s OD I’m not sure what caused this Boulder to disappear uh it was the junimos this stream is Flowing from deep within the mountain do you see that glistening in the water yes that’s quality ore the flow of water must be carrying out from the mountain you know what this means right uh no it means we can start panning for all here I’ve got an extra pan in my backpack why don’t you take it cheers Willy if you ever see all glistening in the water use that pan and see what you find there we go we can start panning panning with Walter hopefully we can find some good stuff especially the lucky ring that’s what we need right now but let’s construct the the Pet Bowl I believe yeah this is instant so this is okay now we didn’t chop down the damn trees did we I guess for now we’ll just move it behind into the the shipping bin uh we’ll have to move these things later on but I do want to move the uh the shed this is what I said I wanted to do now that we’ve actually cleared out the Torches so that’s perfect so that is that done we’ve now got lady the Pet Bowl which is perfect she’s going to be happy so let’s go to the adventure Guild I think get opened at 2: p.m. we’re going to sell these Rings cuz we don’t need them and I think we’ll go to the mines and work on slaying some more monsters and like I said we do need Stone and I think we need copper and iron as well so let’s just have a few hours down here I know it’s not very long we don’t have super long to do this but let’s just eat these fruits that we’ve got we do have a chocolate cake which is nice and we also have some cave carrots so we have some good stamina to work with so let’s maybe try and kill the dust Sprites while trying to find some iron there we go this is what we need and we still got to get all the slime too I think we still need bats as well and maybe the ghosts just got to slay every monster we see oh I think we just got leveled up our combat skill too well I’ve just tilled over all this soil to try and find maybe some artifacts and we got nothing I wish we had bombs that’d be kind of nice make my job so much easier but I won’t be doing that again what a waste of energy like I said I do want to break the Rocks because I need some Stone and geod is always a bonus so oh no I’ve forgot we’ve not got all the dwarf Scrolls yet have we no we still need the one more I think oh that’s annoying which one is it we need is it blue NOP we need the yellow ah okay well that makes even more worthy of coming down to the mines to try a look and slay these monsters oh look the new powder melons we are getting them now because uh it’s too late in the season to get broccoli that’s right so we can already start putting powder melons in the green else if we wanted to these are the rocks that we want the big massive Boulders you get quite a lot of Stone from these always good to try and get seems like you get around 10 to 12 stone per massive Rock which is quite good we’ got another few on here let’s take them and the slimies and D Sprites right we got to get out of here I’ll take this big boulder and we’ll go how much Stone did I manage to gather 130 that’s not too bad we got three frozen geod we’ve got 10 pieces of coal only 45 iron I wasn’t really hunting for it turned out to get the stone and the Monsters instead but it’s better than nothing so let’s get out of here any little progress helps you know I completely forgot I kept a few bombs in here from the the previous times they had fre normal and 14 Cherry oh we could have used those maybe I’ll do that tomorrow oh the pickles done yes so let’s give this straight away to our sturgeon here yay and they can now populate to five which is really good it looks like all of our Jelly’s done too so a good tip that a lot of you guys mentioned is these large chests we can actually just place them on top of our normal one and it’ll replace it and change all of the items look at that that’s so cool so now this chest that we had in the corner is now a large one and this is all of our resources so good we put the eggs back in there which we do actually need to use these eggs tomorrow for to finish up that quest which I still think we’ve got enough time so should be all right yeah we’ve still got 10 days right let’s sleep we’re going to play through one more day the last day of the episode there’s the level seven combat we got the Thor ring and the Ring of Yoba and look at that money shoot back up 18K the last few days of fall oh my goodness and it is the festival today so that is what we’re going to do the spirits Eve which is always a good fun Festival to attend it’s definitely up there with one of my favorites Evelyn gave us a bread cheers Evelyn now we’ve got two water ballls that we got to fill every day and there is Lady here sleeping behind yeah I don’t like that we’re going to have to move all this around so we won’t be able to do that today because Robin will be closed but let’s get rid of these trees let’s make some space there we go we can actually see things now we’ll get rid of these ones as well if I get of this we might be able to move these around a little bit oh look at them both they’re so adorable together I love them right that looks much better for them I love that I’m still going to move this bowl over to this side though but we’ll do that later on it looks like we got a big Harvest of pumpkins which is good we got them just in time look at that that’s amazing so I’m actually going to use these for all of the kegs to make pumpkin juice which it looks like we’ve got some wine now so all of the kegs are finished they’re going to be empty and we can move them into the shed today and hopefully craft a lot more looks like maybe the Cranberries are going to be done tomorrow then on the very very last day but that’s it it looks like all of this veg patch is going to be out of use until spring now especially after tomorrow of course it’s going to be sad no farming for a full season but we’ve got other ways to make money and that’s why it’s important to get these kegs so we can make four kegs what are we out of copper bars so copper is the issue and we’ve got no copper all okay so guess we go up to the mines we can’t buy any from Clint and I want a lot more kegs we’ll see let’s just let’s at least start getting things into the shed for now let’s take all of this and this is going to give us the space for our new fish pond which we’re going to put lava eel in there so that is super exciting we’ll get these apples cuz we will make apple wine let’s let the cows out we’ll get the cheese got more milk that we can make into cheese today as well I also want to check the greenhouse I feel like we didn’t do it in the last couple of days so I want to keep an eye on things make sure it’s all good yeah they are getting watered so that’s fine everything looks good there ancient fruit production will be up and running very soon got some more mushrooms that’s probably going to be the last one now until spring have we got any honey today just one I’ll leave that maybe it will sink up tomorrow we should get one last Harvest of Honey looks like we got some maple syrup down here as well we won’t even get any of that any tree tap of stuff in winter it’s so tough and there’s a dry purple mushroom 2.6k wowers and then let’s get some more mushrooms on should we put some pumpkins in there or should we do the Apple yeah let’s do the Apple we got six dried Apple ooh that might be some good money right there but here we go there is our beautiful shed so first of all I like to put the chest in the front because this is where I put all the produce that we’re going to be turning into wine and juice so let’s do that we’ve got 20 to work with it’s not a lot is it it’s not a lot I’ll just do one side for now I’d love to upgrade this as well to be honest but there we go let’s put some of these cauliflower in let’s at least use this and then we’ll use the melons got some line around from spring and summer there we go we’re actually not going to have enough produce here for winter we got 23 blueberries a few Pumpkins The Cranberries tomorrow we might have to keep them and make some cranberry wine over winter that might be our way of making money to be honest cuz we didn’t get enough pumpkins we should have got more but I want to go to the mines and get a ton of copper I want loads more in there we’ve got some eggplants that we can make we got some broccoli we can make some broccoli juice we can make some Crystal fruit wine that might be quite good got loads of cranberries here which I’ll take all of them because I’ll use other things for the jars such as uh the forage and even all the row that we get from the sturgeon we’ve got a ton of blackberries we could maybe even use just to get a little bit of extra money we got a few things but it’s not a lot oh yeah we’re going to do the eggs today we got to put them into the fridge we will we’ll be able to do that Spirit SE is not till tonight right let’s just go and put all of our produce and this the chest here ready for production got a few more things that we can use here let’s go and sort the eggs out I’m hoping we can pop into the saloon even though it is Festival day if we can just get in there we only need to go to the fridge we might be all right we’ve got to be quick cuz I don’t know what time the festival starts I wanted to go to the mines but maybe that’ll have to be tomorrow the last day of the Season cuz I don’t know if we’re going to be able to have enough time to do all of this today so first of all can I actually leave the area and go in there even though it’s Festival looks like everyone’s still doing the thing I think it’s because it’s so late no we can’t even go in there oh no okay I guess we just do copper we’ll go straight to the mines and get copper today until the festival begins as soon as I get the notification maybe we’ll go an hour from there and attend the festival but right now let’s just try and get as much copper as we can for a few hours it’s probably not going to be a lot but anything’s better than nothing oh there’s quite a lot of copper on this floor yes this is what we needed it’s been quite steady up until now there’s quite a lot on this one the festival should be starting soon I can’t remember what time is is it 7 or 8 but because it’s a nighttime thing I’m pretty sure it’s quite late so far we’ve got 59 copper it’s not the best it must be not very good look there cuz I’ve not found many to be honest not much all it’s been very steady right okay I see a few on here though to the left oh I thought that might have been the dwarf scroll that we needed I saw something is that the ancient sword as well I’ve already got some rubber boots I get the sap oh no it’s not the ancient sword it’s the wind Spire what a rubbish weapon oh the dwarf SC red oh it keeps tricking me it must be 9:00 p.m. it’s got to be 9:00 p.m. if it if I get to 9:00 p.m. and nothing pops up I’m just going to go down no notification okay maybe it’s cuz I’m in the mines here have I missed this oh no it’s being set up okay okay so if we’re in the mines we can just mine cart right there as soon as it starts we’ll just wait for the notification I have not entered this Festival in quite some time as you can proberbly tell cuz I don’t even know when it starts is that the same weapon we got two inspires get rid of those they’re rubbish I guess we can sell probably get one 200 gold and there’s the spirit e Festival beginning let’s go so I just got nearly 100 copper o that’s kind of good I’ll take that but let’s get straight to the festival and using the mine cart look how good that is now we’ve got the rarecrow here the Jackal lantom recipe a rug now I would like to eventually collect all of the rare crows but it’s 5K rather than wait till next year should we just do it why not we’re only here once I’ll get the crafting recipe as well of course we need all the crafting recipes that we can get so there’s the spooky season I have no idea how these skeletons are walking creepy you never been to the mines buddy one of my idium infused maces would make quick work of these things why didn’t you sell that then I’d buy that off you if you actually sold it he Caroline I get scared very easily I’ll leave the haunted ma to the younger people I’ll come to any event with free grub he won’t see me in the haunted maze though she’s just here for the food and drink say Harvey here here there’s Maru but let’s go and get the golden pumpkin the thing that we’re here for the main reason there’s Penny as well the vapor from this cauldron it’s making my head spin but I can’t seem to leave so I think after the first time you get the golden pumpkin um the next time will actually be the priz tickets there’s Abigail the pro right so there’s the question mark That’s obviously the uh the little secret to cut through here then behind the tree up here like this you come inside here walk all the way across to come down to the other side there’s the golden pumpkin yay and here is the shortcut as well to get straight back to the mine cart here this is obviously brand new to the update so you don’t have to come all the way back down which again is so so handy I love that it’s so perfect but that is it we got the golden pumpkin we can sell that for 2,500 or you can give it as a gift it’s a universal loved gift so everyone in the does actually love this but you know what it’s just good to get that extra cash bit of money and um yeah that is it I think we’ll leave there’s nothing else from the shop that we need nothing else we can do right so how much copper 107 let’s start smelting this we only got 27 coal which is not very good but let’s start smelting through this before I sleep see how many bars we can get so it looks like we’ve got 20 iron bars and 25 Oak resin so if we can try and get five more iron that’s 25 kegs in total that we can make so we’ just got to get 25 copper bars now good night lady and chief so adorable lady just seems to love sleeping she’s such a lazy dog we made 11k good old golden pumpkin there just sold some random crops as well of our cheese the Wine’s always good not bad at all soon we’re going to be pumping so much stuff out in the kegs we’ve got ancient fruit on the way as well which is going to be very very good for us but guys that is it it’s going to be the last day of autumn in the next episode and we’re going to be going into winter which is incredible can’t believe how fast this has gone we’re already nearly for a full year in the game if you enjoyed it please smash the like button there’ll be another episode coming out in a few days because it takes me quite a long time to edit the intros to these cuz I like to do a little intro at the start of every episode sometimes can take me a good couple of days just to get the intro idea and filmed and edited so yeah I expect to see one of these every maybe 3 or 4 days an episode it can’t be every day or every other day that’s kind of too much pressure for me to get that out and I don’t want to just put something pushed out for you guys just for the sake of it I’m kind of going with quality over quantity I hope you appreciate that um I know there’s a lot of you who do appreciate the quality of this and you don’t mind waiting a couple of days for an episode so thank you all please subscribe stick around for the next one and I’ll see you then guys stay safe stay cozy

🐔 Welcome to new beginnings. A brand new Stardew Valley playthrough for the 1.6 update. Join me and Walter on this new adventure as we go back in time to re-live the cozy farmers life, all while exploring the new content!

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