JJ And Mikey Found SECRET PIT in The FORM of MOBS ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN in Minecraft Maizen

huh they’re calling for the most massive eruption in history tonight and they expect the volcano to be active for a month what a gigantic volcanic eruption starting tonight and it’ll last a whole month let’s go check it out for ourselves okay wo they weren’t kidding it’s smoking up here oh this is getting out of hand we can’t stay Mikey we have to find cover as quick as possible but but there aren’t any shelters in our village you’re right buddy so I guess it’s up to us huh since there’s no safe place to hide nearby we’ll have to hurry up and build a shelter ourselves let’s get moving yeah and fast to the Village quick Sprint come on we don’t have much time that’s right right ah we are in for a world of trouble okay now uh let not dilly-dally the volcano’s going to explode come in here Mikey check it out I need you to put on a helmet and take a pickaxe done and done good now let’s get cracking on a shelter under our house got it we’ll start here all right get digging I’m on [Music] it step one uh-huh keep tunneling down we have to hurry though the eruption could go off at any time do you think this is deep enough M mhm we’ll clear some space in that case and begin working on a room yes sir let’s do it yay shelter making yay indeed Mikey well we have to make this space magma ready then let’s get [Music] building okay we want to make sure that lava can’t get in totally that’s the last thing we want in our Hideout I think we’re almost done with our first space how’s this nice maybe a bedroom over here sure I’d also like to have a living room woo this ought to be big enough for now mhm and oh finished is it really check it out oh wait not quite actually we can’t forget the ladder true that wo there I added a hatch and now it’s done not bad huh it’s great H Ah that’s right right this stuff up here what let’s make this part out of stone cuz the lava could burn Through the Wood how does that look really good okay that should do it uhhuh so next up since this eruption is supposed to last for an entire month we have to be able to spend all that time down here that’s right let’s set up the space with everything we need to survive for 30 days sounds great I say we start with the bedroom sure we’ll definitely want beds I know I will the villagers will be staying here too you know right right right let’s set up bunk beds this is what you have to do to make them take these out there stunning adding a ladder in the middle and of course the bottom bunks very nice [Music] that about does it we’re done well let’s build another Lair there are going to be a lot of us after all true this might not be enough for everyone how’s this looks good Triple Decker bunk beds coming right up awesome put this here fix this yay is this better yeah yes it’s great now we have room for six people to sleep amazing what we need now is a toilet and a shower for sure it would be embarrassing to have them out in the open drew that so we’ll make a dedicated bathroom for them great thinking something like this H okay the toilet can go here uhhuh we’ll wash our hands in this corner ooh yeah great idea we’ll put the bathtub over on this side and the only thing left is the shower there it’s a tight squeeze but everything we need fits so it’s finished then yay fantastic we’ll place a door here and that’s the bathroom the bedroom’s done too aha so the next thing on our list is the living room oh what will we need for that well it’s also going to serve as a kitchen so we’re going to want to store a month’s worth of food or else we’ll starve good point so let’s make a kitchen area sure here we go so for the kitchen corner let’s make something along these lines okay how’s this very nice it looks great then it’s done M we even have a fridge so we’re going to spend a month in here yep but I almost forgot we’re going to need some food right let’s get some there should be some in the supply shed oh let’s have a look see wow there’s so much these are our reserves potatoes carrots some of the meat and potatoes are rotten unfortunately but whatever let’s grab it all all right that’s a ton of grub we also have a large wheat Supply let’s take some with us it keeps well and we can use it to make bread wow it’s just wheat buddy and it’s all coming with us come here there all right done not quite there’s still some growing over on the farm let’s Harvest it okay grab everything you can sure thing woo well done wo bers we gathered up so much food now huh let’s put it all away before the volcano erupts good idea huh let’s put the carrots and the fresh meat in the fridge go for it pack them in there the potatoes too why not there now H yes we’ll store the rest of the food as well as the wheat in this chest excellent idea that should be enough to get us through the month h we forgot something super important what is it hang on a second what else do we need hang on I’ll show you plop plop plop huh okay one of these oh a TV and of course we got to have a couple of these Mount this here and then yay uh what are the those they’re computers for gaming oh now we can take it easy I see if we didn’t have our gadgets we couldn’t spend a month down here in this shelter it would be way too boring this stuff will definitely help us pass the time mm we’re ready now we have everything we need right we can just kick back and relax not quite Mikey you’re forgetting the most important thing huh what could I possibly have overlooked for ordinary circumstances this would be more than enough but the whole region is about to be covered in lava so well the inside of our shelter is going to heat up like a sauna what that’s no good are you saying it’s going to get boiling hot in here cuz we can’t survive that are you positive about all this don’t worry Mikey huh I have an idea we’ll build an AC system let let’s head to the Village we’ve got some shopping to do okay this is the place are you sure this guy only sells ice I’m positive that’s what we want to stock up on I brought my savings 100 diamonds woo I’m going to use these shiny things to buy as much ice as we can [Applause] H all right we bought a huge supply from the market wow we have more than enough to make an AC system okay okay this is the bedroom let’s carve out another space on this side sure this is where we’ll set up our system let’s do it got to make some room first of course so now Mikey uh-huh we’re going to place some ice on the ground okay now on the wall even just this will have an impact on the temperature I’m cooling down already but it is isn’t enough though oh I’ll Place some iron blocks in the back H okay oh the lever’s going to go here and the fan will go here wow wee amazing watch if I flip the switch mhm like so whoosh wo great huh fantastic it’s so much cooler now the fan blows the air off the ice and into the rest of the shelter That’s How we’ll counter the heat from the lava yay we won’t have to boil down here that’s right now let’s go round up the villagers I’m on it is the volcano really going to blow tonight do you want to go above ground and take a peek okay even if it does how big of an eruption could it be anyway [Music] okay hm H well how does it look do you see anything no no way it really is a massive eruption yeah the lava’s pouring out so quickly run Mikey get back into the shelter I’m going I’m going wao hurry this is bad okay we’re sealed in oh I’m scared JJ really scared Mikey we’ll be safe in here I think all right no use panicking I need to keep myself busy I know what we should do let’s stuff our faces and play computer games yay I guess we could might as well this is so much fun you said it come on come on almost there just a little further yes I did it I won computer games Rock and shelter life is the best time for another round let’s go Mikey you’ve been playing for a while you should sleep oh hm I guess you’re right I can pick up where I left off tomorrow let’s call it a night sure ah it’s nice and cool and the villagers are already asleep let’s join them sleep eat game repeat thanks to our computers spending a month down here is easy h Huh huh uh what was that sound I think I heard an explosion in the living room seriously yikes no it’s it’s lava and it’s flooding in how’d that happen seriously oh it burnt a hole in the ceiling and now it’s seeping through we have to plug it before it gets any worse I have some dirt blocks but will they do the trick will they stop the the lava flow oh Mikey I think it’s working let’s see will we be okay we might be able to use dirt to seal the hole well it worked the leak it’s stopping look look look wellow pH I thought we were done for is the lava level still coming down yes I think we’re safe wonderful we managed to survive yippe now everything in the shelter is back to normal I’m just glad we were able to protect the food yeah fortunately it’s a okay H uh Mikey yeah what’s the matter JJ everything’s all right isn’t it no look the shelter is back to normal it isn’t the computers and TV they melted oh no they’re gone H you look bored Mikey you have ever since you lost your games you know what what I think it’s been about a month so the eruption should be over by now oh so we did it we outlasted it that means we can go outside yiy Yahoo I’ve been bored out of my mind since the games went up in smoke follow me let’s head outside and breathe some fresh air woohoo I wonder what it’s like out there hopefully everything’s fine let’s find out H well [Music] how terrible The Village wao it got totally wrecked but look on the bright side at least we survived that’s true all right let’s get started here we are huh where are we Mikey we’ve been locked up in an underwater prison to put it simply this prison appears to be below the sea no kidding everything around us is light blue they must like light blue this must be a prison cell I’m not sure why we’re here but we’re definitely locked in this jail let’s break out how did this happen well let’s look around Mikey there’s a chest here careful H be careful in prison it’s empty why do we need to be careful in prison oh you’re right it’s empty there’s something under the water tank oh right what huh look by the head of the bed h Huh huh what wo can you jump higher from the bed yeah seriously that’s a thing look over here H the ceiling what is it oh a switch look Mikey wow push it something might change I’ll keep watch ready ouch h oh the lid opened we can enter here to go down there huh I don’t fit you don’t oh I’m in huh how’s it work how did you get in there Mikey seriously I don’t know here can I try we’re supposed to go down there aren’t we waa I’m through Mikey I made it inside but how oh hang on there’s a chest I’m opening it okay 3 2 1 wow I found a stone button but how am I supposed to get back up I don’t think I can how I just went down to the center of the cauldron it’s a tight fit so maybe you shouldn’t come down here I don’t want to I found this button now I need to get out pass it h get it or maybe we should Escape together that’s right Mikey don’t leave me here maybe I have to put this somewhere hang on a second it says here it can be placed on the cauldron let’s try it it worked you put it on The Cauldron I’m not sure why though 3 2 1 push oh huh this stuff just appeared when you came out it says it’s a reset button a reset button stone pickaxe and glass what’s with the button I wonder what the stone pickaxe is for H oh it looks like we can break through the floor the other rooms look a lot like ours is the glass different huh this side hang on this side is huh The Cauldron is different hm how maybe we should put the glass in the same place as the neighbors really let’s give it a try right here I’ll just put this in what now H we can break one piece of the floor with a pickaxe just one floor block and two glass what do we do with all this stuff I’m looking at the other rooms but they aren’t the same what about the chest it’s different we can’t move it what now huh if the cauldron is there then how do we change where the chest goes H weird over here oh huh what huh can I try that again I just put the glass here and I broke this oh it disappeared I know you can’t see under the chest but maybe there’s glass under these two spots oh I think you’re right that corner over there and this corner over here are both glass I see all right Mikey let’s bust out I was on the right track there’s a dining room check it out sure what’s this it’s a cafeteria Chef what’s he for I got his Apple another room his head came off scary put it back he gave me an Apple nice there’s a chest over here but I can’t look inside at least I got an apple from the cafeteria I wonder what I’ll use this for there’s a lot of prison cells here this is the mining room check it out this guy looks weird don’t you think actually see his face he looks like you that’s what I look like yep what’s this uh he has a stone pickaxe we could use that wow how’d you get it I just did wow there’s an iron pickaxe here you can mine for diamonds now I know so much about Minecraft oh you’re right why don’t we just stay here in mine huh the stone pickaxe isn’t working is it just for show then I’ll be respons responsible for mining nice we got coal there wo more digging huh what’s this wait what weird I wonder what all these blocks we found are for this is difficult what’s with the numbers let’s look at all of them in order there’s room 309 to 312 then 305 to 308 is it out of order 6 7 8 9 10 11 oh never mind okay let’s look through them one at a time maybe one of the cells has something in a chest oh hold up look what huh hang on Mikey I think we should follow the arrows and then dig let’s head into the mining room I’m pretty sure I figured it out we’re supposed to go straight for three blocks check this out 1 2 2 3 then left by three so 1 2 three then back by one so here yeah now we dig three times huh 1 2 wo wo I would never have figured that out interesting we found a diamond did that do it we figured out the puzzle what’s this diamond for let’s check out the dining room they must sell something in here and I think we’re supposed to buy something from him I guess I’ll give him back his Apple huh what now room 312 doesn’t open you’re right 312 doesn’t open let’s take stock of our situation first we escaped from our cell then we found a diamond in the mining area but now we’re not sure how to use the diamond yeah I wonder if we need to use the diamond to buy something in the cafeteria there’s nothing else in the other chest also room 312 won’t open H what look here oh let’s take a look inside good idea 3 2 1 oh a map what’s that it’s telling us to combine a golden apple and a diamond well we already have the diamond which means the golden apple must be hang on I’m going to take back the Apple we probably need to find a way to turn the Apple into a golden apple how does this work he might know you have his head maybe I can put something in his other hand an apple in the right and in the left one huh what how did you get over I wore his head oh you need to wear it like a hat to cross wow wo hang on I thought we we saw something we weren’t supposed to we weren’t supposed to turn his Apple golden we just needed to steal the golden apple wearing his head it’s kind of like face ID I’ll give him his head yeah I don’t usually steal but we need to break out of here we have a golden apple and a diamond but what do we do with them pass the Apple here thanks and the diamond wao huh what did you do JJ I tossed them to you and they combined what is it huh jailbreakers oh hang on if these are jailbreakers then maybe we can break the iron bars let’s head to a cell yeah we can’t get in from here so let’s try this side let’s break through those iron bars to get in all right they break iron bars huh cool wow there one down one to go yay we broke through now we can get into room 312 through room 311 let’s go the only room we couldn’t get into come on I’m heading in from 311 it doesn’t look that different from all the other cells the only difference is that the trap doors in the floor have water under them how do we escape do we go through the water what about our new Cutters right let’s look for another place to try them there may be another spot we can break through the iron bars so let’s look around the corner seem suspicious what did we look in 308 is there something there there’s a lever in the chest huh yeah sweet we can open it with this I can’t believe we missed it trust my turtle instincts now where do we put this maybe just leave it anywhere there okay I’ll put it here open good job another successful breakout ouch come back up Mikey hurry what’s wrong I don’t know Mikey there’s a room [Music] okay wao that’s hot this prison is an underwater prison so that’s why this part is completely filled with water it also seems we can breathe underwater here swimming is fun interesting you’re good at swimming Mikey let’s figure out this puzzle oh do these change colors when you touch them H I figured it out they change color when you touch them so let’s touch all of them oh it changed color touch the green blocks to turn them blue come on that’s all of them they changed they did but nothing happened hm I’ll look around I can find something it must be around here but where it’s fun watching you swim around thanks I can’t find anything did you see any other paths H I didn’t look there might maybe something in this room oh hold up Mikey what’s over there ouch let’s go there was another hallway on this side oh it’s Soul Sand if we stand there it should rocket us up to the top w w do you hear ticking check it out the blocks keep appearing and disappearing I think it’s parkour Mikey I know wow go all the way around the room then out through there probably good luck we have to time it really well go it vanished that’s hard it really is do I have the timing right oh there we go I fell wao yes quick learner okay ready your turn Mikey Focus this could take a while yes yes wa you ran too far okay I’ll keep moving oh I fell off this is rough go for it I’ll wait here keep it up wow good job a close we have to keep our momentum okay I made it this far [Music] um huh Mikey what an invisible wall you can’t run through it I’ll give it a try I’m going to dash through it sorry there’s definitely an invisible wall right here huh I’ll cross oh now I can’t jump here so what do I do no I fell so far so good up until this point a this is hard Sprint right through don’t forget to [Music] hop here I go yes yay nice now do this one this is hard oh no so close okay I won’t miss this time oh not again good luck Mikey oh Mikey you can finish come on I was almost there yes yes I made it good luck Mikey you can do it if I beat it I’ll really prove myself ow the wall ate my head one more try come on oh you can make it this time Mikey don’t dash for that part okay go yum no again okay jump you can do it that was easy who nice job Mikey yay all right Mikey we’ve passed the super difficult parkour course so let’s keep going into the darkness what’s in here did we break out already is this the way out I don’t think so let’s go huh what’s that what is it there are arrows on the floor like a crane game what for oh if I move to the right then the green block moves right if I go left then it goes left oh oh huh it turned orange H change them all I can change their colors what if I touch the green block to that one oh it reset yellow turns orange when it touches green oh maybe I should turn them all orange I’m not sure is this right you should make all the colors the same on this level oh it turned pink pink then there’s only pink green and orange it’s like an escape room you have to make all the colors the same I wonder if that’s right pink and green probably make orange that’s time to find out 3 2 1 there uh it started over let’s try that again maybe something changed huh huh that looks like something the wall broke oh this way come on what’s this hang on there are blocks lying here let’s toss these huh what huh hang on Mikey we’ve warped to where check it out it’s a maze look at this run for it Mikey the water what hurry we have to escape before the water gets us we almost failed why do I have seven iron doors the water’s coming this isn’t good Mikey run for it what’s this do we avoid the red right follow the blue to the other side should we climb the tree somehow I made it out oh there’s a chest we made it a chest a diamond a we blew it this way oh oh no um okay Mikey get the diamond then we probably put it here oh it says to find five diamonds we only have one I found one there’s a mystery chest here we found two places that hold Diamonds the chest and the secret chest where are the rest well let’s try this again there are probably more diamonds somewhere in the Maze I don’t know where a chest got it found one one Diamond down that’s two okay bring it with you here’s another another one good job nice let’s go I’ll leave the diamond by the ladder to you okay I’ll get this one I have two I found a third one that’s three over here toss them onto this block JJ okay we’re out what’s this open me [Music] H what’s this is this a door huhuh huh look what wao what is that is that the goal we escaped successful prison break we made it out we’re back on the surface doesn’t that one look like Mikey what a weird face well I guess that means the two of us successfully broke out of the underwater prison mission accomplished mhm if you enjoyed today’s video make sure to like And subscribe anyway thanks for watching see you later thanks bye bye

JJ And Mikey Found SECRET PIT in The FORM of MOBS ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN in Minecraft Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Original Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial


  1. Mikey is the funniest boy ever because when the computer melted he he just lied and said oh my God my computer is not a big deal bro I love Mikey because I’m a girl and I’m gonna kiss me and JJ

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