I Hosted a 100 Player One Block Competition!

yo how’s it going guys welcome back to another video so in today’s video I am hosting a 100 player one block competition basically everyone has their own block and if you fall you are eliminated so pretty much don’t fall off and you’ll be good for his d a penguin all right so the first thing I’m going to go ahead and do is tell them that build is on so if they decide to break their own block they will fall and die I don’t know why they would decide to break their own block block yo how are there two people here what why are so many of them breaking their own block okay I’m going to give everyone one piece of glass and if they want they can place it down but it’s extremely dangerous cuz now they could potentially get spiffed off oh my God like that guy over there yo oh wait that’s smart what the heck oh my God okay I’m giving everyone one more piece of glass so they could oh my God they could do this they could do that they could do so many different things with their glass we’re losing so many players right off the bat oh okay okay these guys are teamed how do you have so many parents oh yo someone’s going to get sleeped oh my God okay we’ve got this dude right here and he’s literally cooking let’s give everyone an oak sapling and let’s see if they decide to plant it okay they are planting it so now if any of the trees just grow that could honestly be a huge game changer the amount of trust you’d have to have for each other here this dude can’t even plant his tree oh goodbye that guy here plant your tree there you go and oh my God I just gave this dude a free tree meanwhile people are just dying in the back yo this guy’s Rich the chef is the richest player in the event so far yo oh goodbye that villager is gone I’m going plant that tree right there just cuz no one is here so anyone who gets there can have a free tree I mean most of them are going to be stuck on their Island if you can even call this an island what the heck is that bro what are you doing DJ puppy that is never growing buddy mine your glass mine your glass DJ puppy oh my God they did it oh my God wait are they going to die bro what have I done oh wait they’re good they’re actually good okay I think it’s time I give everyone their next block everyone can have a light blue stains glass not exactly sure what they’re going to be able to do with it but there you go oh oh my gosh that was tragic wait did someone’s tree actually grow naturally that’s a free dub for you all right PVP is turning on PVP is now on so if they wanted to they could betray their teammates ohop oh my God it’s my popcorn wait what are your guys’ skins I can’t root for you guys okay okay take a free tree there you guys go no one is dying from PvP cuz the only people who could PVP are just together and they’re not going to betray each other surely wait you know what I could do though I could give everyone one ender pearl and I have no oh my God I was going to say I have no idea what they’re going to do with it but I do know it’s just a risky game they’re playing if they throw it oh my gosh this guy threw it and now they’re fighting these two are literally beefing was it worth throwing the Pearl was it worth it it really was not oh my gosh I can’t believe they’re just willing to risk it okay someone’s going to die here they’re still fighting oh my God that guy won the fight there’s too many people dying for PVP okay PVP is off now there’s too much happening we just need the world to be peaceful wait how do you guys have so many oh wait it was the tree I was confused how you guys have your own Island going on but it all makes perfect sense DJ puppy is going strong okay for everyone’s next block they will get a free Cobblestone not sure what they want to do with it they could place it down just like that probably best to actually craft a sword or something with it yo I remember this guy this guy won an event when I was being like super nice so I’m going to be super nice to you again take a free tree okay looks like border and this guy are just chilling up here which is pretty safe bro that is not safe you are going to get sleeped oh my gosh every few seconds someone just falls in the distance oh my gosh yo that guy was safe but but they got scared and then they just walked off ooh I know I could give everyone an oak fence and that’s not really the safest block ever here you guys can have a lot of fences there you go okay burrito Champion I know you’re a chef and you’re meant to cook but what is this what is this bro actually they’re kind of on the highest Place burrito Chef I’m giving you special treatment they got so many logs from that this guy’s tree grew okay you’re getting a free tree cuz you’re skin I almost knocked them off oh wait I just thought that parent was a person what how does this guy actually have so many parents what is happening oh what okay goodbye let’s give everyone a free iron ore and a free furnace I’ve just given everyone a free Iron Ingot so that’s probably going to be helpful and I just gave everyone the most blocks they’ve gotten so far everyone now has five more dirt so they can actually start making moves oh my God they are yo this dude is actually cooking what the heck look at this event so far wait this is a good strategy too ly I’m I’m sure you’re going to win this I have complete faith in you take a free cow all right PVP is turning on once again right now oh okay is anyone going to attack each other clearly yes oh my God my popcorn no no oh my god dude okay senior combo just got a kill there and he’s going in again and that guy’s gone I don’t think he even had a sword oh my God yo the steeve the Steve is goated no the Steve was goated there for a second these guys are all friendly these guys are all friendly oh my God these two are plotting how to kill burrito Champion it kind of looks like that I don’t think they’re going to have enough blocks they are they are plotting okay with PVP on now there’s a lot more at stake what the heck that tree just grew on me yo that’s a free tree I would take advantage of that there’s a lot of trees now okay what if I gave everyone one TNT wait that’s good for this guy there you go buddy I want to see this use your TNT TNT them bro is not cooking okay everyone can have free golden boots guys I feel like this is not a safe spot to be in especially considering everything going on around you let me just help you guys out I’ll give you a little cheat code and you can uh get away from them potentially there you go I hope that helped oh they got a free treat potentially oh goodbye yo nowhere is safe literally if you get sped or if you get hit off somehow you’re just done for any trees that are now growing in well they’re pretty much getting destroyed immediately look at these guys what you want me to grow this for you I can’t just grow trees cuz you want me to okay fine just one dude wait this guy’s actually op and he got another sapling to grow up here there’s no way oh my gosh bro there you go take a tree this dude threw his iron sword and TT on the floor what what what why was that no oh no no no no no no no no what were you doing buddy what was the point of that what were you doing huh I need to know okay I guess you get one more try there’s two people underneath your tower look bro there’s literally two people right down there wait are they going to form a team what what how is this guy so high up okay I know I helped him with like a tree he’s got like the tree luck or something what the heck there’s no way okay I’m going to give everyone a bow with one Arrow if you use your shot wisely you could potentially get a kill DJ puppy you’ve come really far oh my God DJ puppy almost got shot at all right I’m going to replace all the leaves into air oh oh my gosh did I kill someone with that okay well this is what things look like with no leaves yo oh my God that could have been really dangerous bro they’re shooting him okay I just said whoever gets the next kill we’ll get a free Iron helmet bro okay well step waffle is getting an iron helmet there you go and SK 77 just got a kill you know what I’ll give you a leather helmet for that there you go wait why is this a good strategy no one even knows that dude’s there replacing all leaves wood and glass to air that’s right bro there we go oh my God we lost the cow that dude’s on one Cobblestone I think he’s just stuck oh no no no he’s got some blocks and he’s got a dirt they have nothing in their inventory all right all right I’ll help you out there’s a little base for you thanks you’re welcome okay hopefully that’s good enough okay whoever gets the next kill is getting Iron Pants seems like we have a lot of campers oh that dude got shot and ran and now he’s good but yes a lot of campers in various places I know someone wants the Iron Pants yo explicity just got to kill somehow and there’s your pants okay I just gave everyone some really op haste and the next kill is getting a diamond chest plate that is really worth it going in for a kill right here makes sense who wants the diamond chest plate dude there’s no way this dude is shooting them why would that guy just ender pearl oh my God what okay I’m giving everyone a bunch of TNT and a flame bow whatever happens happens oh my gosh okay if you get shot at now it’s a lot more dangerous okay this dude was the first guy to get a kill so you know what there’s your chest plate okay I’ve just replaced all the wood and leaves to air okay people are going to definitely die now oh my God burrito Champion the legend actually got to kill and he’s shooting those guys no way oh my God they’re done for they are actually done for now oh that is so sad is this a safe spot to be in I don’t know yo he just fell in front of me and now he’s dead okay well everyone can have 10 free dirt okay what is this are you kidding me going to camp in here everyone has a good amount of blocks now and there are not that many players left oh my God okay I’m replacing all the dirt and wood into air right now oh my God is anyone safe okay they are rebuilding really quick oh my gosh bro they rebuilt that fast oh my God this dude is being shot at from every angle this dude is still here just waiting for a tree to grow okay I’m replacing like all the blocks into air we got another kill like that I’m going to give everyone one obsidian not sure what they’d use it for best but I’m sure it’ll help you okay yeah okay I can’t take you serious there you go you know what you can have your own dog there you go bro has his own dog you better not let him die all right okay no one is moving so everyone needs to get to bedrock which means this guy right here here items needed dirt and arrows needs to also go to the Bedrock so I’ll teleport him down right there and let’s get rid of all the surrounding blocks okay so we have everyone on their own bedrock and I’m just going to say that build is on now not entirely sure what they’re going to do okay some of them are stacking up immediately some of them are pearling away and PVP is on in 10 seconds okay they should probably you know ender pearl away or you know they can just chill there pretty much oh my God yo that guy got betrayed and he’s killing burrito champion no burrito Champion he made it so far this is the end now this dude just got pearled on and died these right here are our top five players and what I’m going to do is just mess with them a little bit oh they’re not sleeping each other off when they could be oh my God that’s definitely going to get someone bro be on the Bedrock or die I’m going to expand the blocks out a little bit more and just save PVP on in 3 2 1 go oh my God bro just got shot off immediately all right good luck everyone oh my God yo they’re placing blocks wait that’s smart all right PVP is on whatever happens happens oh my God Little Fork jumps got hit off and Jus is being attacked yo he’s dead they both died and this dude just won the entire vent by doing nothing they literally just stood here was a spectator and won the event Yaky bear wins GG I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did I’m sure you like this one and don’t forget to subscribe click it okay bye

I Hosted a 100 Player One Block Competition!

Follow My Twitter – @Skeppy
Follow My Instagram – @Skeppy

My Server IP: Invadedlands.net


  1. It was pretty interesting to see how things would play out given different circumstances. All in all it was a pretty good video, good job dood. :]

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