Terraria | Freaky Thursday 2: The Hunt For Freaky World

quite work at the first time that’s the major issue that is a major m i put my phone on the charger The Face Place they could at least be here dude that D Wind Trace is going off though people just love it that’s crazy uh yeah actually already fin you everything uh glyer although the name is blurred at of the victim ow our boy Mr Valentine in chat he’s here oh really I didn’t even [ __ ] invite him bad streamer like bad live streer you’re know better than that [ __ ] ah fan booy that that Chinese fan booy that turned out to be a woman I see you yeah I can hear that you had to get the replay it was so absurd of me to bring that up you had to you had to give it another go no one will know we’re talking about yeah notifications are on that’s what I’m talking about let me see let me turn down you yeah are you going to get in this world I’m coming oh cuz this is remember I put in the the funky seed Freaky World yeah you remember yeah you remember how we start off with uh with a guide yeah yeah we got this lady to St a woman actually even better is it mic shuffle the playl Shuffle the playl no milk collab uh milk is kind of cringe also this isn’t on PC yeah I already added you can’t [ __ ] and in I mean Discord do you want this [ __ ] do you want this shark dude I hate this though I already had my own yeah you get two oh here you go okay yay wait why is it still on me you’re now stuck like that game no no up I gave you the thing didn’t I yeah you did what the [ __ ] but now you you’re a fool you’ve been be fooled yeah with’ milk it I don’t know she insane I bet she I bet you 10 bucks she’s like pass the hell out that’s kind of funny it that would be pretty funny let me turn down the music just a bit [Music] stream pretty badly right now B it’s probably fine is it is it fine I don’t know the answer is [Music] no milk need for old person snaps naps not snaps like the come on wake up wake up mil I find it depressing that we mention instead of her name be fair we’re we are in the Stream right now I don’t know how milk would feel about his dug thing oh yeah forgot I forget you’re not all like me I want my information to be exposed I want to be doxed I mean I don’t care either way but uh for other people mod mention ra ra funny Mo we should really stop talking that the pedophile it was funny the first like like she’s getting like she’s [ __ ] calling milk by a real name just doesn’t feel right you know like calling Splurge William yeah I feel that you feel that too you again I would pay money for you to just call me by my name you maniac how much we talking here I oh [ __ ] know I bought you crunchy roll you dick oh oh yeah I forgot about that have you not been watching attack on I have not been watching stay out there tonight okay you [ __ ] stop you’re going to blow up the [ __ ] NPC you should sh said 50 v-buck why is confetti what’s going on he is the one who throws the confetti I’ll let you build a house cuzz you have let Builder the Builder but cooler I’m F here you’re not getting out of watching attack on tip by calling me cool now Chris you know what I’m saying here game you are what you’re still at episode seven right yeah you’re literally at the cusp of when it starts to get like more militarized like like I specifically suggested it in the thought that oh he’s going to like it you know it’s not that I don’t like it it’s just I can never fully sit down and watch something just do it before bed in fact I’ve I’ve rewatched the entire but then I do character that Christopher just do them both at the same time you bastard you can do that yes really yeah you [ __ ] you not the [Music] um [ __ ] what’s it called goed what D don’t look at me again I didn’t say that who said that who said that who said and this guy CH this guy’s ban CH it’s so sad because I I I like specifically was like man I’m really I’m really hyped to talk to him this Thursday so I can talk to him about all the cool bits and Attack on Titan yeah right buddy I don’t I yeah I still consider you like I don’t know to YouTube anymore I don’t like I doubt people even watch my videos cuz I I can’t even fit that and watching I I don’t even know why I make YouTube videos at this point maybe you should just quit you [ __ ] basty yeah okay guys so this is where the stream ends right here thank you for coming along thank you for coming really appreciate it can you text me on Discord like server uh I don’t think I have a server with all the old members of like our role plays gross don’t call role plays well it’s what Star Wars role play that’s what it is I I know but gross I’m ashamed that I like even was a part of that for a little bit you’re the one that introduced me to it too you’re like hey this looks pretty cool game I I was like hey this yeah this looks cool let’s go here and then you spend the rest of the [ __ ] year playing Star Wars virtual reality role play you make me disappointed to be your friend I I think I do that to a lot of people think people ha me didn’t We join that [ __ ] thing in like thought of hey this is Discord anymore man yeah he got to college I don’t know if we really had the time for Discord Shenanigans and also I just [ __ ] hate Discord I lost all my I have no money so I couldn’t exactly buy any of the stuff I used to have that’s how I used to do the little goet live streams to you yeah I get to pretend I’m not me that’s real also um Filman watch romance animes for girls what Valentine Valentine I’m going to leak your name out to the public for just for saying that I I dude I I like men and you’re a [ __ ] for that damn that’s crazy you’re gayer than me you going you going to take that or you going to kill him no he’s going to take it cuz he’s a little [ __ ] kill him his name [Music] Jeff he docked himself gamer you can’t do anything man oh [ __ ] my power been taken from me I’m still I’m still so peeved you haven’t watched Attack on Titan I’m I’m getting to it out you specifically haven’t watched any bit of it um you know I’ve been pretty Buffy like you’ve been playing genin impact yeah I had to get cland and my Army of thas so I could you with it that’s bad I don’t even [ __ ] care I would I’m more upset that you spent time doing that than I am that you I don’t even [ __ ] care about Toma genin’s new archon Quest came out and I I played it yesterday all right and then today I uhuh freaky freaky Thursday of course it was 9 until we started it well we were here until a while though you know what I’m saying you g no watch it when you go to bed tonight you bastard you are literally right where it gets good I thought it was no that was the bad in fact it’s anime moto game still popular assuming you me get an impact with that statement it’s cuz it’s it’s a good game what what else can I say it’s it’s an don’t say anything gamer I killed that L because of your incompetence you took so you took out your rage on an innocent animal a squirrel I see I’m glad I made a new character for this [ __ ] yeah I’m glad I [Music] didn’t I would switch if I [ __ ] could but no you’re like oh I want to be I want to stay as my stinky character instead of making a new one for the stream dude this is like 2our old character I’m sure he’ll be fine no it’s that so I’m sure I’m sure he’ll be fine still no fine of milk I’m kind of confed is she dead I should text it I didn’t I actually forgot to where’s my phone at no racial but hell old beef spaghet I us like two or something yeah I’m to how’s it going not not like years anything he’s just two yeah I I am the number two too bad he’ll never be number one oh no [ __ ] that one stings man where is my phone at hold on you know what I’m realizing that I left my phone at the washer to not T2 not to yeah that’s that’s what I said too when you no you actually I came along time ago Buton are you just [ __ ] building [ __ ] again God you suck at this oh gam there’s some good stuff in here I’m taking it all there’s a herb bag uh and a clean spear and some other things I don’t know what they are here but I’m sure I’ll find out one day Chris will you come here and help me I don’t have any [ __ ] wood I am busy at the moment ouch nice death marker do you die no I place it down okay uh where we where do you want to go now okay and we’ll do like this and then place down like a torch here maybe there let me up and then uh something I’ll f i do we got to thin out the water don’t you start thinning the water again this is the worst bit you’ve ever done what do you mean bit and this isn’t this is we got the water I hate you it’s very important for uh Chris you’re [ __ ] getting rid of all of my torches as I plac them down hang on I got to thin out the water I’m leaving you I got to thin out the water G at least pick them up once you’re done you [ __ ] bastard that’s right the water is thining at pretty nicely I hate you so bad Chad we’re thinning the water what do you think good good or bad how’s the life boss or spaghet or both uh I work at shic I think I so he doing terrible want to cry yeah okay pinching a little yeah that’s me don’t say that you don’t know what that means I do be pinching stop that could mean like [ __ ] killing children or something I do be pin stop no more bad gamer bad gamer there’s a worm down here can you take care of this goddamn worm I to build some wood platforms yeah thinning the water see he gets it why don’t you oh you make my headache you make my head break you know what I think of you electric Bo no hold on to the I think I think well oh well there that I hope the worm comes and kills us both hope the worm eats no going grass uhuh good one what do I get rid of da blue seeds those are probably worthless right probably I got four emeralds meet any head bab recently yeah I’ve seen some on genin uh none of them are real though so it’s quite unfortunate you need to get out more man what makees you you can’t even sit down and watch Attack on Titan I think the last thing I watched in in TIY with the FNAF movie gross that’s oh no with every word you say I contemplate never speaking good oh come on G you need someone that’s in the water out for you oh oh I’m going to thin your brain out across a wall with a shotgun you that fny K the hottest babes that’s I don’t think that’s how that works not even Chris is going to agree with that one dude that’s can you ban him from chat just for saying that [ __ ] [ __ ] one for Ban two for uh dance party punishment I have fallen into a pit of water Chris dying Chris I need your help don’t worry I’m coming I did not fall into the pit don’t Bo G me I’m coming I’m coming G I’m coming I’m at three health I think it’s time for us to to run why you what how’d you do that I’m magic that’s not fair Chad is this Fair yes or no stop referring to Chad for Everything Chad quick press one if you wish to reach a uh it’s like three people right right guys right Chad no Chad kill this guy I Valentine said one for [Laughter] himself but he’s just ready he’s ready to get banned he doesn’t want to be anymore I don’t want I’m I’m contemplating like just like um what it’s like a weird looking floating thing I got 13 silver from it quite a bit cool cuz I have no would you talking about me neither it dropped something I think it dropped something at least I found the big tree o Granite take gr for granted ah okay so you are next to my kill list oh I was wondering what I was doing wrong it’s cuz I wasn’t thinning out the water what is that thing why is it approaching me at a rapid Pace kill him kill him whatever you are thing kill him you got to thin out the water first come on come on there we go the water is thinning out it’s quite a impressive run by wait wait wait get him get him thinning out the water see he gets it yeah I’m I I’m not doing much to this guy what did he like Invincible frame me get back you freak all right that was scary I think he came out cuz I didn’t thin out the water enough uh what’s Tung what what’s tungsten or oh it’s uh yeah it’s it’s just another metal you know have you never heard of tungston before it’s like the highest or the metal with the highest melting temperature like it’s the one that takes the most heat to melt I didn’t pay attention in metal C metal CL and metal you you’re telling me you didn’t pay attention in Metal Gear class yeah I’m sorry guys I I know I feel too well oh that’s like like um [ __ ] I even learned that from chemistry and I took I took AP Chemistry ien done chemistry yet and I I don’t think I will be doing chemistry actually wise stay out of Gotham the milkshakes or whatever just ain’t hitting what yeah I I think that too uh yeah yeah what are you guys even saying I don’t know all right thinning out the water again this feels pretty good thinning it is it looks much better now ouch quit that Thief immediately oh I found a heart had Crystal yeah that life in the palm of my hand what life plus 20 okay all right uh so we’re going to thin out this water source here that that was pretty good I got a wormhole potion let’s it uh you can teleport to you want to yeah I got a lot of stuff I have no idea what half of these do though what Ro do I Sav Sonic I’m a cook I uh I make a the burger you cook a the pasta I make make a no we don’t we don’t ser that makes me real Angry Chris I’m going to have to go I’m to go Frank mode on once again another inside joke that no one else is going to understand but of all of our three viewers won’t understand it what is Trav yeah they won’t they won’t get the lore um if you guys want the lore you have to say stay subscribed and uh maybe and watch Attack on Titan no don’t do that that’s is that a [ __ ] gnome what all it was just a gnome and he dropped down on me and he just started [ __ ] he did not like you in his business game ow stupid I’m still I’m still no don’t pinch watch your ATT on Titan pinch the loaf I I’m I’m like guessing that means master baate or something horrendous how long have I been playing area uh like how long have we been streaming uh 30 nice nice ringtone thank you who [ __ ] texted me at this it’s the best one maybe it’s milk finally responding I bet she’s like I’m underwater right now no she’s she’s asleep right now she’s got as hell where are you right now I’m in the mines told you it’s like my place I feel at home place place I kind of want to get out of here though yeah I don’t know how to oh what I have those recall potions whatever yeah yeah see I’m landing you are good bu I have 14 of those I that minut hey gamer it’s me oh we got quite a bit of people since I’ve last been here one other people I got us a couple things a living L I got oh uh oh can I just sent you anything like any friend that what do you mean I don’t follow s I’m a bit [ __ ] stupid yeah what what do you said can I plop down this chest somewhere so I can actually free up space in my inventory put it put it like right like right there all right I also need to I have to wait for you to close it oh uh where’s the do ah I’m getting to those don’t worry about it I got to get the shooting sty SK hang on I’ll solve this problem real fast no no no don’t [Music] so that was not an enemy uh you just kill someone kill the bunny I did oh uh oh this is a bad guy here though with my friends I I said I really don’t have any servers that I me I kind of left most of them he’s really not giving up on the server thing thank five to [Music] sh yeah I’m sorry gy uhoh what When Faith Reve uh probably never yeah I was going to say this dude’s known me for like half his life and he doesn’t even know what I look like other than like a bid and a VR headset on my face well again I have seen you as a little one so I can for what we’ve been over this i s I’ve found your Facebook freak you sent it to me no yeah oh freak all right gamer do you have a girlfriend uh no I do not I play ginch and ined yeah uh Splurge wi face reveal from cyber I’ve given you pictures of my me before I’ve literally [ __ ] sent everyone pictures of me flexing in fact because I’m a cocky bastard yeah what do he said nice follow up Chris freaky yeah we’re still looking for freaky W that’s why we yeah that’s what this is for we’re developing an establishment for the search of fre people game please face reveal please send on Discord I uh buddy buddy I I I don’t do Faith reveal I do uh uh do the freaky pick on Insta to a face reveal why you can’t face so bad give him the face reveal I’m not giving up the face reveal I think you’s asking you for it me for your face reveal like I don’t know I’m scared you’re scaring him come come on come on faith reveal when I hit 300 maybe at 1 million so I can never face reveal game give me you won’t even find anything on Insta E I don’t have my face on me I find this Facebook I’m killing you you will end you didn’t watch a tech on Titan this is your own F I’m about to attack you with full frontal Force no it’s not it’s not I’m oh snow he still wants it sge does freaky epics of his K9 thff oh not man I should really delete that one cuz it it doesn’t look as creepy as I thought it did when I posted it I’ve been working on a bunch of other skin walker pictures he said I feel gay a 64 six packs with headless people in Roblox hair so bald is is that what you saying you think I’m bald I’ll have you know all right I uh actually switch poo lately I’ve been using that on my hair and it is oh like Curly puffy hair yeah that you know not eye covering I don’t cover my eyes very uncomfortable however I do have the curly puffy here uh but I I I do not have a sixpack I do h no not doing a body reveal imagine not having not doing toe pic either I’m not doing any pck where show uh people what they want team or whatever you got to give them you got to give them what they want and then giving the people anything the people can starve we already have pasty hand reveal wasn’t there like a point in time where you tried to like piece together all the pieces like you had like a one eye uh you have the beard from my VR picture you have the hand from whenever I held it towards like a copy ofad 3 he was assembling that [ __ ] like Truman in the [ __ ] Truman Show have you ever watched that even yeah I I’ve watched that okay good I Sol no again if it was from like 20 years ago I probably watched it okay show isn’t that all I don’t know I feel like it’s been around a while it has but like I didn’t think he was 20 years old please game he’s begging he’s on his knees begging me for the face reveal I don’t know how I feel about this game beg harder [ __ ] I will do fent if you do a facei reveal why would we want that oh yeah why would we want that I uh I don’t want to give someone life altering uh addictions that are bad for the heal oh well this music’s a Bop dude that’s crazy yeah switched up on yeah Party Girl music is always [ __ ] red CH knows had a boogie unlike the [Music] guide what do I do in this game [ __ ] what do you not do we’re looking for Freaky World first of all I’ll continue the search of Freaky World man just keep going left until you find it okay just keep going left got it I probably shouldn’t have killed that thing probably can you at least give us your race what do you think should I give him my race game should be like [ __ ] Al you’re actually a green man you’re from the Blue Man Group that’s your B blue man I like the Blue Man Group it’s always funny watching the like Instagram post oh yeah I’ve actually never seen them before I’ve just I’ve just been like ah funky blue guys nice I believe the the green guys are in hockey who fit by like The Penalty Box [Music] and harass the other team that’s fun to watch wait oh I’m alive what happened fell fed up I I don’t think I look like that but you’re getting close they still trying to guess that what I look like I’m the only one who kind of knows I was granted the half of granted knowledge uh White game look like a mountain man who got toxified yeah that’s me he looks like a big [ __ ] you eat I should probably count that down cuz like YouTube isn’t going to understand that I’m a homosexual yeah it’s just going to ban YouTube’s going to ban you it’s going to ban me and then it’s going to ban you bit game lives in the mountains it feels like it sometimes how bad my internet is I literally live in the middle of nowhere like and you got fiber in it I can’t and I’ve got fiber optics it still makes me angry cuz they have that in my town but they just haven’t gotten it to us yet they’re waiting have I ever told you you can’t find my house on Google M that’s that’s how in the middle and I’m not revealing anything so you guys can find [Music] me where you he not messing around with the questions SC he wants to know he asked me where do I live jus def you’re better get a stalker if you don’t like if you don’t disengage disengage disengage Retreat [Music] Retreat all right we got to thin out the water very important part of the game mechanic is it though yeah thinning out the water is probably more important than uh finding Steve Jobs I thought we were finding Freaky World well that’s like the the primary goal but a secondary stretch goal is finding Steve Jobs I see if I hit a th000 Subs would I do a face reveal uh probably not no cuz that I mean like in the distant maybe like I don’t know 10 some of my videos be popping off and like one of those it all it takes one of those to get some people to go haha this guy’s funny let me subscribe no I kind of stupid a little bit yeah you are pretty [ __ ] dumb doesn’t watch Attack on Titan even though I bought him a [ __ ] subscription to watch Attack on Titan how long do those things last as long as yeah I’m just going to I’m going to have it going forever until you watch I’m going to feel really bad okay so I see what you’re doing now I see yeah you see the St yeah I do now watch the [ __ ] show Christopher maybe depends on how I’m feeling you it’s literally going to be your favorite show by the time you you’re going to be like this is amazing what if I’m like this is it has every [Music] element um are you still [ __ ] going left I’m trying to find Freaky World I thought it might have been in the ground but as it turns out it’s not that simple wey world is the entrance is above Grand I can tell you that that’s what the ancient Scrolls told me okay yeah that’s what we found out whenever we we went to that one weird place left a crankie Sensei no I’m making a n b have with it you contact that’s a terrible bit you thinning the water isn’t any better you douchebag the bits will improve when you watch that’s a terrible bit no way it’s that’s kind of mean I feel bad my bad G no [ __ ] you maybe I’m never I’m it has like women all right maybe maybe tonight we’ll see I’m going to cry if like the next time we hang out you aren’t on at least season two when do you plan on hanging out with me next I don’t [ __ ] know I probably won’t be on season too by then I mean I’m honestly I’ve started rewatching it cuz I was like I really I really want to talk about Chris with this because it’s such you want to talk about me with it oh okay I’m [Music] on I’m on like season two episode so I I like had so many bits I was going to like talk to you about it it makes me so mad my bad I will literally never forgive you until you watch Attack on Titan my bad oh water get it thin this it your brain has thinned out water on it what does that mean cam I don’t know you have water on the brain you have Down syndrome you’re stupid just cuz I’m thinning out some water jeez yes I didn’t realize it was de serious it’s so serious [ __ ] you don’t want to know why it’s so serious no no you want it it’s cuz you didn’t watch it attack on TI Chad am I forgiven no Chad I know I’m like the number one I’ve I we say Chad and it’s just Valentine I’m just going to start calling him Valentine Valentine I know I’m like the number one [ __ ] to disagree with but I’m using my my one no hold on I’m using my One Trust big bing and deception what is that loud ringing noise that’s me using play Big bingus coupon I’m summoning it Chad has to agree with me dude that’s I fell G in fear what have you done to me it’s cuz you didn’t watch Attack on Titan Chris you can only blame yourself for what happens next wrong button I’m just mad cuz I th out the water that’s that’s really it isn’t it mhm [Music] all right got to thin out this water source here all right excellent excellent and let kill what is this Fu why don’t you know G can you see this I don’t know I don’t know what you’re looking at lead I found lead good job buddy thank you GMA you know I’m oh water got to th this awesome I think I’m doing I think I’m close to finding freaky world at this point no you’re not yeah yeah I am nope yeah B ding ding she The Bu it it took a while for it to come around but there it is Freaky World mentioned that’s what I’m back in a bit we we are on the cusp of finding it we’re cusping yeah not to be confused with the lping like I usually do whenever I say cusp well that some good orse down there whoa that guy is freaky is it hot over there 100% I am dying every day of the year he’s cooking alive it’s worth when of be in Sonic and uh oh they used to be that’s why I quit early the last time I W there [ __ ] up and then the day I left uh it started working again so yeah yeah I think I wanted to die to cry myself to sleep something like that I would really are you wearing a dress yeah I’m I’m a pr princess it gets pretty hot over there for Canadian land huh oh I was talking with cyber oh Cy is Canadian yeah you didn’t know me no I did not I knew it because of the I [ __ ] Canadian for hockey [ __ ] gross the Canadian and the tech gathered together by the love of hockey GR yeah know is gross Canadians good one good job buddy great work you’ll get it one of these times next one uh-huh whoa first try whoa that’s a [ __ ] worm the worm wormed me just swing keep swinging like 20 to 30 Celsius don’t know what that translate to an America uh all right it’s time for [ __ ] up little creature look at my little bird on my head you wearing a dress no it’s a pink floaty oh it’s like the same thing right yeah wish I one those that’s what I um I’m at a [ __ ] I’m just going to start throwing glow sticks because I can’t see [ __ ] do they stay there forever once you throw them uh I think so I don’t know watch out there’s a trap here there a trap I see it trap is eradicated nice one Minecraft can we even M this or yes we can was going to say I I think you should be able to thanks for taking the light away you prick you’re my own source of Illumination ooh there’s a chain a d oh what chain and allows the control of gravity for some time interesting all right and I don’t think I can say that on stream what whatever whatever Valen timee just put in there whatever trity he just read I’m scared game make him stab Valentine got cool get some scissors and oh [ __ ] Chris look at this look at this look at this look at this yeah what is that said how you it’s a St we have a stool that I can summon what if they do I don’t [ __ ] know but I have a stool we got to thin out the water got to thin out the water hopefully you didn’t want to go down to the bottom floor it’s kind of full look Chris look at my floaty the power of my floaty I can do swim oh [ __ ] you I can’t make it up there what is this thing we’re going deeper teal mushroom then the Weber what the Weber the what I he’s he’s talking but I have not understanding why’d you turn Indian when you said that did I yeah how do you mean that chis for once we actually do have to thin out the water come on man th remember to breathe you don’t do that you’re going to die again like you did that one time like last time you put that floaty on he just instantly R to the top yeah I am the one who floats all right now I need to climb to the top before i r platform not platform you know what now that I think about it I should have put this world on the expert what’s what what’s expert mode uh it gives us better like resources if we defeat bosses I’m pretty sure oh wouldn’t they make the game harder I can barely play the game as it yeah but you get stronger oh wait we need to thin it out sideways too don’t worry I got it why we got to thin it out sideways why not no straight down sideways sideways down Squad is where it’s at Chad SL it down SL it down take your pick well I guess it’s down cuz can’t do anymore I was right I was how about you in your bloodline Jesus I’m not very happy with the fact you turned out to be right ain’t it crazy that on 911 they had to call the number 911 to call the police just scared to think about you know yeah what what are you are you talking about get out of the [ __ ] chat go home now stage you’re the only one here we don’t want you don’t he’s a hater I’m a truther though okay Mr solid [Music] remember Theo no the way that that’s that’s valon shut the [ __ ] up yeah you f accent I’m sure it’s okay if we just FL this thing right yeah in the chest I have my Flo again what do I not need here [Music] [Music] I’m coming for you no he’s the he’s the big fan to Suess fan himself this just how we find free if how we find the freaky world this is how we find Freaky World yeah awesome this is the freaky World fing what’s this thing Jes I don’t know can you even m nope no you need a better pickaxe just like Minecraft A little bit did you get down here and help what the what is that why is what camera oh oh yeah I forgot about bombs away bombs away I can’t even get up there bomb Chris you’re throwing them down here Chris Chris Chris you killed yourself with your that’s a big [ __ ] spider oh [ __ ] I I man I hate you so [Music] bad hey buddy good hul good good good [Music] work something wrong man we all have our L’s boss years is just like a lot greater than something that [Music] happened yeah it’s not that big of a de it happens it’s kind of a big deal it’s kind of kind ofad that’s enough that’s enough speaking just a mean thing man that’s enough that’s [Music] enough um hello Gabriel welcome to to this thing freaky freaky face Freaky World what you just give me you should probably you should leave while you have a chance gabri it’s it’s probably fine Gabriel is a cool [Music] man let just make like a shittier sword no okay you gave me a bad one I don’t yeah no I made a a better one and then I gave you the bad one okay I see so I was just your chest person I suppose yeah I mean you were taking up the the chest so it’s not my fault it’s a little B your fault got your nice decor for the oh [ __ ] for the half oh nice Banner man yeah got two of [Music] them um actually made like [ __ ] 10 AES the dirt bomb is worth it it yeah you want me to try it out no no [Music] that I’m got to get more wood [Music] platforms and then uh now keep going and then and then got this Spiderman 32 oh am I a Mana do I have the max amount you want this game oh sure how do I give you stuff again there you go thank [Music] you good night welcome silver Broad Sword that seems like good yeah that’s the one I have agile broad okay I got [Music] jealous having a last name that rhymes with lawn is actually is awesome okay I’s see how this is yeah lawn how’s it going [Music] lawn need to get rid of more [Music] [ __ ] I think we’re doing pretty good we’re like close to freaky wood yeah more oh hey Merchant man I can sell [ __ ] to you instead of just like throwing it in my inventory yeah [Music] whoa nice see you also have a flare I don’t know about the name fed rhyme with billi that’s why my [ __ ] family called me billi come on Chris do you like my get up dude I’m so red looking there’s a really cool pet in Calamity you can get gamer can you what is calamity I thought that was a [Music] mod yeah sh this is like my second time playing this game ever I’m not I honestly yeah and I’ve never beaten the um whatam Ms Calamity is an expansive mod for vanilla yeah no yeah only Ste version ah that shouldn’t we on Playstation like my PC blows up whenever I try and load Workshop so I can’t can’t use it on there not good bro I I I need to invest a little bit maybe yeah it’s tons of new weapon armor tools bosses and biomes it sounds pretty thick though it is it’s like I think it’s the number one mod or something but unless we are but e few I could get it but like I don’t feel like it my hard earn money I I don’t I don’t think that’s a good idea I got [Music] like bills and stuff oh [ __ ] ah it’s only Ste version is mod dang a consle gaming very look at my big glun where’d you get that from when didd you get that a flare gun I don’t know I just found in one of these chests I want a flare gun builder potion yeah that’s like a flare gun flare gun yeah oh that’s a lot of [Music] ore got to thin out the water we do hold on we do actually have to sit out the water excellent job G dead wish I had the flare gun yeah it’s pretty cool I think the the merchant might sell it does it just have unlimited ammo no no no I just bought a [ __ ] bit hang on I want you it this is why you don’t know play there you go you happy now close to close to I am the one who has every liting no Chris we don’t have that’s sand that way we don’t have to go that way all thinning out the water we can just go over here towards the not sand what if we went towards the theing of the Water Area this isn’t how you get a flare gun I’m I’m just gonna let you know I’m getting right now and you’re not buddy wait hold on I’m getting 10 or so that’s like equally as good I’m I’m I’m mining I’m getting the mining yeah uh ah you’re dead I am I found a trap chest perhaps especially cuz the blood moon is rising all right how do I pull out my super special how do you pull out you know what I mean um with’s the call back call back I guess milk needs her rest for work since she’s a busy woman and all that no yeah she does have like an actual job just sometimes I I can’t believe it cuz it’s just oh I see why you put it on the second floor smart smart man [Music] smart I remember that was my Strat back in the day I remember just braving through it and just I mean it works I guess do any B have come doing the blood Mo uh not that I’m aware do you want to fight the boss uh I don’t know are we prepared to fight AB no I we should probably at least get a little bit more then just knickknacks and [ __ ] but knickknacks and stuff are pretty funny though right they are but they’re not enough to fight God yeah probably [Music] excuse me I need to get materials to start fighting if you want to fight you can’t go in there I did end up buying the B filment from the the mer but you telling yeah did I tell you not to yeah yeah like you can find another play yeah which you can I mean you can find the flare guy you also have [ __ ] that I don’t have like you have um the double jump and no I also have that oh okay you have the double jump though whoa I have death I [ __ ] using this thing yeah it doesn’t have a lot of knockback on it so I try not to rely on it boom got him have materials to make better sword yet no I do not think that’s quite unfortunate I’m just not that I’m just not I’m not like that dude I’m not cool enough am stinky it’s a tragedy all right I’m bored that was fast where did my [ __ ] Finch go come back here Bird yeah bird I’m losing my mind are you okay I don’t know [ __ ] b b are you still wearing a wooden helmet no I’m Waring a minor helmet I put that one in the vanity thing or what that’s so sad cuz that’s like the ugliest one in the game I think it looks pretty cool have you seen my cool ass helmet ignore the bird but have you seen my helmet I can get the Flaming ma oh I don’t know what that is but I I’ll get it Jesus Christ there’s so many people on the left that’s probably fine you got him um T oh damn that sounds get the armor okay hey you’re moving up in the [ __ ] I think I ran out of or [ __ ] up do you want more NPCs why is iroise pisin and salad snake share the same voice actor are they lazy I think that I think the budget was sort of getting a little bit low whenever they made Metal get Sal to so you know sometimes you just got to Reser to using the same voice AC day uh I wish they put in more more effort though I just a it’s a little critique from me idio kajima if you’re listening he’s our number one fan what are you talking about yeah he’s here he’s here right now hey how’s it do Bud all my money he was

We are hot on the trail gamers

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