30 Things You NEED TO KNOW For Minecraft 1.21!

how you doing beautiful besties it’s me watles so Minecraft 1.21 is The Game’s next big update with a lot of big things here are 30 things you need to know for the trky trials H the Pillager Patrol an unruly gang of villagers Bound By no rules other than the guarantee to always show up at the least convenient time possible let’s go ahead and kick our list off today with these guys because actually inside of this update one of the best changes of these things of all time has been made so unfortunately because of how things work they’re probably still going to show up just as soon as you get to the top of your build however now the banner head is going to be slightly less problematic than ever before because you notice what didn’t happen the bad Omen when you take out a banner head you no longer get the bad Omen instead you get the banner and a new item called the ominous bottle now the ominous bottle is pretty useful so maybe this makes patrols pretty great with number one check down out of the way I’d like to establish a little game today down below in the comments right now drop one thing you think everyone needs to know for 1.21 if I see it enough maybe I’ll make a part two and you’ll make it into the video you’d have to be living under a rock to not know and even then you probably still would know that 1.21 adds a whole lot of cool new copper blocks of the game however the next time you’re thinking about crafting these things don’t go to the crafting table you see in the crafting table it’s a one: one recipe four blocks four grates however inside of the stone cutter for a lot of these new copper blocks one block equals four Gres one block equals four chiseled copper this is just like aut copper copper bulb this this is maybe Minecraft’s most advanced light source in the entire game we place it down power and it turns on remove the power and it stays on power it again lights off Redstone stuff is pretty cool but fully unoxidized copper bulb and oh boy that buddy is bright specifically a light level of 15 and maybe we go ahead and age it a little bit weather it we get a light level of 12 it’s getting slowly a little bit more dim oxidized the Buddy a little bit more and now we’re looking real real dim with a light level of eight and then finally last but not least or maybe least least amount of light haha heck why not while we’re talking about copper things let’s go ahead and talk about one of the greatest no pun intended copper things of all time the copper grate did you know that the copper grate is actually not a spawnable block that’ll mean maybe the next time you’re trying to build a build where you don’t want mob spawn say your nether Hub consider using copper grates as the floor because a mob will never ever ever ever let’s spawn on that one’s pretty cool you know what else would be pretty cool you tapping like on this video all right all right next up I know it’s not part of 1.21 it’s been out for a minute now 1.2.5 but it’s like brand new so oh but it’s like brand new and I’m kind of obsessed with this is so we’re going to talk about it all right so the armadilla you find this thing in the Badland Avent walk up to it with your brush you get the scoot but what happens if I forgot my brush well patience you know how Minecraft ducks will lay an egg and it’s been like that for a long time well the armadillo is kind of just like it every once in a while on about the same timer as a chicken that lays an egg the armadillo will actually drop a scoop and all right all right fine clearly the dog wanted to have a bit of its own moment if you will so let’s go ahead and drop a new dog and go ahead and tame the Buddy put dog armor on the dog and then oh no really fall height the dog falls however the dog felt not a single thing in the world take a look at that boy’s tail it’s still straight up dog Garber will consume almost all damage from almost anything in the game before your dog feels one single inch of pain all right now Minecraft 1.21 the tricky trials update it’s all about the trial chamber so you’re probably going to want to like find this thing right it’s all a little Pro tip for you next time you’re hunting for the trial Chambers every single chamber will have a room that is considered an entrance room really doesn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of the structure however the entrance room will almost always pop into your world right around y z so head under the ground go to y z and start digging hallways all right or alternatively a little bit more efficient to go and find your local Village drop a cartography table down wait for one of these handsome Lads to go ahead and take the job not you small child and then armed with two stacks of paper one compass and two stacks of glass panes it’s all up to luck so a cartographer villager armed with those supplies you’re guaranteed to be able to make it all the way to Journey M the level we need however and this is one thing even I was getting wrong for a long time up until the release of this update ah not every single time you’re going to get a map ah I got it this time but if you get a map it will always be at the journeyman level this map is the fast and easiest way to locate the trial chamber structure now the trial chamber structure once you find this thing I want you to take a close look at what’s going on here clearly I mean we have a lot of light here but in a theoretical world if this thing was even pitch black we would have zero mobs spawning inside of it until I let them spawn inside of it in the trial Chambers at least on Minecraft Java that isn’t bugged no outside mob so like nothing like a creeper or anything will ever spawn inside of this structure now this is actually kind of perfect because this room right here is called The Atrium and then leading off of The Atrium pretty commonly we end up with a hallway with decorated pots in them don’t sleep on them the decorated pots every single one of them inside of the structure I mean some of them not only are going to be decorated with unique shirts only spot you can get them in the entire game but every single pot is always guaranteed to have something inside of it sometimes the loot inside of these pots can actually get pretty good too so absolutely going to want to take a second and break all of them music disc music disc music disc arrows okay now every single trial chamber structure will have trial spawners and those trial spawners have bad mobs there’s one mob that is consistent to every one of them the breeze the other ones are going to be different every single time you see the trial spawners when generating pull from different categories of mobs you have melee mobs you’ve got small melee mobs and then you’ve got ranged mobs you will only have one of each mob type inside of every single structure so this random trial chamber that I found right here with the bone block the spawner that’s a skeleton spawner and the skeleton is a ranged M that means practically I lucked out here I’m not going to find any stray or any bog inside of the entire structure let’s take a closer look at the trial spawner and once I get close enough to this thing it’s going to activate and mobs are going to begin to spawn usually it seems like most spawners in a non ominous trial will spawn up to three mobs at a time with a little bit of time Precision patience and grinding we take all the mobs out then the trial actually finishes we’ll get a little bit of loot from The Trial spawner that usually isn’t really the best thing in the world and then this spawner instantly goes into a cool down that cooldown is going to be 30 minutes after 30 minutes I can come back and play it again for potentially a different reward or on the other hand you remember that ominous bottle we found earlier if I go ahead and drink this thing right away and walk up to the spawner it actually resets the cool down immediately the trial is going to be a whole lot more difficult now spawning more bobs at a time and the mobs are going to have gear and effects are going to be dropped on you too no please don’t do it please don’t please don’t so the challenge gets a whole lot more difficult but by upgrading our trial from a Plane by upgrading our Challenge from a plane old one to an ominous one we can bypass that 30-minute cooldown for a second Challenge and a chance at loot from an entirely different loot tape one of the best things you can get from an ominous trial is probably this ominous key now across the room right here we’ve got what we call an ominous Vault when it comes to the good loot inside of the trial chamber the ominous vault is really to be honest where it’s all at you find some pretty cool other things in the plain old vaults but with a little bit of luck and an ominous key and an ominous Vault we could actually actually get a tridus in perfect condition from an ominous Vault it’s pretty rare but it’s still cool that you can get one another thing you can do with the vault is mining with a pickaxe we go ahead and mine this Vault and we’re going to find that it mines really really slow with our hand we’re going to find that it also mines really really slow and you don’t get anything when you mine it so maybe just don’t all over the trial chamber but usually more so in rooms with challenges kind of like this one right here you’re going to find dispensers all over the place now usually these dispensers are kind of like bad things or maybe potentially annoying things but not always sometimes and it seems like this is definitely not most times but sometimes you’ll find something that is either completely random or a potion that actually is the two pad the trial chamber structure itself is a pretty large structure they’re also going to generate completely randomly and end up being different every single time you find them the cool thing about the trial chamber because it’s random every time you kind of don’t really always know what to expect and there’s a whole lot involved with the trial ch including secret rooms with occasional loot inside of it so definitely take your time inside of the trial chamber and look around you never know where you’re going to find in a couple of years from now I think that we’re going to look back on the Vault and say yeah that was one of the greatest additions of all time to Minecraft The Vault is super cool because if I use a key on the Vault then I’m going to go ahead and get loot but the loot From the Vault isn’t necessarily over I mean it’s done for me but if I was somebody else I could walk up to the Vault use a key and actually still get loot from the same Vault but for the super super determined there actually is a way to make the Vault more than a single use item you see if I was the first person to use this Vault then 20 people after me walked up to the Vault and used the Vault then I walked up to the Vault again it would actually let me open the vault like as a brand new one this is due to the Vault having a limitation on how much it can actually remember a vault will only remember 20 people who interact with the VA 20 different people after that the next ver the 20 verse one will reset and go right over the first one you know what next up let’s talk about the crafter because I feel bad we’ve been sleeping on this buddy for so long haven’t even talked about it it’s a really beautiful looking block and it’s very functional too check this out that can interact with the crafter maybe put two back to back make like a a little side table or something but more importantly items will stay inside of the crafter exactly how you place those items now only having nine slots total it’s not really the biggest storage option in the game definitely not but with the help of a couple creative build tricks maybe filing cabinet or carpet on top to make a side table it could be a great way to spice up your builds but of course probably the best use for the crafter inside of this update is farm compacting with a crafter slapped on the bottom of an automatic farm say a bamboo Farm I’ll go ahead and set up a circuit a clock or something to power this thing once in a while and I’m going to go ahead and condense everything in this Farm straight down into blocks by falling from a simple five blocks or more with an unenchanted mace you’re going to deal a lot of damage in fact specifically 33 damage that’s more than enough to take out most mobs in Minecraft and speaking of damage the breeze this buddy actually doesn’t deal very much damage at all if you take a look at what happens when the breeze hits me it deals like a heart of damage a half heart instead with the breeze the real challenge is when you’re shot up into the air or shot off of something because of a wind B the breeze is also not immune to fire so keep that in mind one thing that the breeze is immune to though is attacks from other mobs as in like these other mobs say a Huskers something it’s never going to actually attack the breeze and the breeze is also immune to almost every projectile in the entire game as well in fact a lot of these ones will just bounce right off of them it’s kind of cool potions instead of Minecraft like 1.2.2 or something one of the updates of all time they updated the colors and made it much more vibrant and unique and another change that was technically added before 1.21 but might help big time in this update potion particles are now going to actually be associated with the potion that you Dr so like check this out all around me I have blue that’s because of slowness if I drink strength which is yellow then I’m going to have blue and yellow particles around me finally let’s have a drunk night vision as well that’s going to be lime green then give it a second and we’ll see lime green particles as well this is a great mechanic to know about if you like to do PvP with potions the wind burst is one of the coolest things of all time you hit something in the right way and you can go ahead and send that thing real far including yourself you could use the wind burst to actually jump a little bit higher to get the best height at a wind burst jump you need to time your jump and the burst at the right time jump up and use the burst at the same moment and you’ll get a real tall jump once you perfect this method it’ll work every single time jumping is Fun making other mobs jump is pretty fun too but that’s not the only use with the wind burst go ahead and use the wind burst and oh well well well how is that happening well that’s because of the wind burst if you hit it just right it’ll actually be able to activate a redstone Source clean through a block this makes for a great secret door key the bog is a brand new hosle mod inside of Minecraft 1.21 they’re not really good you’ll find them in the chambers you’ll find them in the swamp biomes the bogged is a poison skeleton is not very nice but did you know that you can walk up with the bog and Shear the Buddy and turn it into a kind of a mushroom farm in a way at least for two consider becoming a channel member today for some cool perks and benefits tap join for more info and you know what speaking of potions I almost always forget Minecraft 1.21 has four brand new rable potions first up we’ve got oozing if a mob has the oozing effect and I take it out well when I take this’s guy out who has oozing with the Slime particles is actually going to spawn two mediumsized slimes next up we’ve got wind charging if a mob has wind charging then it’s going to have this little wind thing around it it’s pretty cool looking and then when I take it out a small wind burst pops up this one is called weaving weaving is dangerous so when a mob has weaving it’ll actually move through cobwebs a little bit quicker but when you take that mob out it’ll drop cobwebs on the ground where it went away I li but not Le for our new potions we’ve got infestation oh it’s disgusting with infestation a mob has a 10% chance to spawn silverfish where it is when it takes damage and of course when it takes damage is not just when you take it out and so we’ve done it last but not least to the final thing you need to know for Minecraft 1.21 if you haven’t yet throw one more down below and tap like I’d love to make it part two subscribe for more videos just like this one too I’ve got a lot of big stuff coming with 1.21 anyways here we are inside of a village po CC moment the ominous bottle again if I’m outside of the village and I drink the ominous bottle I get the bad Omen effect just like normal as soon as I move close enough to any villager in the game the bad Omen turns into a raid Omen and I’ve got 30 seconds to decide yeah that’s right the villagers don’t know what’s about to happen to them for 30 seconds they see the particles maybe but yeah don’t know anything if I’m quick enough I can drink a bucket of milk before 30 seconds and flat out cancel the raid all together those are 30 things you need to know from Minecraft 1.21 thank thank you all so much for watching on the end card is going to be a video in a playlist that I think you’ll love check them out and it’s been be wles out see you all tomorrow goodbye [Music]

Minecraft 1.21 is coming up soon with tons of new features like the trial chambers, the breeze, new copper blocks, the crafter, and more!

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if you read this comment “beans”


  1. I still wonder if we're going to be able to get the different levels of the bad omen bottles in bedrock. The reason I ask is because bad omen didn't stack back in bedrock When it was added so i'm hoping that's the case.

  2. The changes to how a you start a Raid is much appreciated. I didn't like accidentally destroying a banner bearer and now I basically can't go back to my village without triggering a raid. Having some control if you want the boss fight to happen is more akin to other boss fights in minecraft.

  3. There is something that Ive been wondering. With the new potion effects I can see the usages of them and I assume they will also have splash versions, lingering versions and tipped arrows. I see the use for every single possible one , except for infesting. I mean oozing great way of farming slime balls And weaving you can actually use that to Farm string and more webs. It's a self-referential potion ingredient Meaning you use the potion to then get more of the same ingredient. And I suppose the wind bursting would be helpful if you just want to fly into the air without having to have the wind charge But silver fish don't drop anything so why would you need infesting?

  4. I will say it again. I still wonder where the breeze really comes from. Because at least with the bogged you can say oh the skeletons kind of adapted to the swamp's poisonous environment. But the breeze we don't know where it came from. My thoughts are sky dimension Because that just makes the most sense given the blaze and it Being the Cousin Of the blaze, so naturally there should be a dimension that follows it.And the only thing I can think of is an air dimension , so a sky dimension

  5. Leadable Boats are Revolutionary and nobody is talking about it.
    They allow you to move chest boats, and boats with entities quickly, even on Land. The pain of moving villagers has been eased and nobody (at least to my knowledge) has said Thank you.

  6. Omg is anyone having problems with Iron Farms…..Whent to my Iron farm and the dang thing was missing (the entire thing was gone) and my villagers were swiming in the ocean!

  7. I think using armadillos to make armored dogs will help a lot in the trial chambers, especially after you make them ominous, maybe build a dog farm and have an armadillo handy at your base for getting lots of good scute!

  8. Hello Mr. Wattles! Can you make a video after the upcoming update on June 13, 2024. A video About how we update our existing world in Minecraft PE?? Please..!

  9. + raid farms got improved a lot. Now you can just make a trident killer at pillager outposts and the captains are actualy gona drop omen bottle.all you need to do is just sit there and drink up๐Ÿ˜‚. – now you need to wait 30 more secconds to start a raid. -0.25% efficiency

  10. what i would like to know is if the villager update (making trades like mending only available in swamp biomes) is part of 1.21 or not. i'm yet to hear an update on this.

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