FAT HEATHER vs STRONG OMZ Build Battle in Minecraft!

today we’re doing a skinny versus fat Bill challenge in this dispensers we have pieces of paper that says fat OHS fat Heather skinny Luke skinny Alexa and whatever piece of paper you get you have to build and at the end we’re going to raate it and see who has the best build ever yes sir I want to get fat Luke cuz I like them junky oh no Luke you’re SAU okay hit the button and let’s see what paper you get all right kachowski whoa o what did you get what did you get I got fat Alexa oh oh no Alexa excuse me my waist is snatched Alexa you’re about to be built fatly oh n it’s just a game it’s just a game it’s just a game don’t get mad at me now don’t get mad at me now I’m going get revenge for this all right well let’s see what you get let’s see if you get a fat or a skinny oh oh what did you get what did you get I got skinny ohms skinny OHS I am not skinny I am muscular what do you mean skinny I’m going to make your arms just like little sticks all right Heather your turn let’s see who you get it better not be fat OHS just do it who’ you got who’d you got who you got some oh fat Alexa two fat alexas what the what are you serious right now this has to be a troll it’s not a but it’s my turn let’s see what I get bow and I got really bro fat OHS oh you tubby boy I am not tubby but all right guys now we have to build what we got and we will see you as the best one we all have 5 minutes go go go go go and I cannot believe I have fat hes I better get started on this I need a bunch of light blue since that is what I look like and I could start off with my feet and I’m going to make myself have some wide ank yes sir you got to make it look really chunky I know right bro look at my ankles bro it’s going over my feet with it yeah and I’m going to make myself look lowkey like a balloon yep that’s going to look Fire Sauce check it out dude this is one of my legs hey yo bro I look mad goofy ioki look like Kung Fu OHS but like the panda version yes it’s true you’re a little fat boy I am all right really Alexa someone Banner from the I am not a fat boy and you don’t even have anything built yet so you’re not one to talk Alexa so stop your Yapp actually you’re a little skinny no muscles boy cuz I got skinny arms hey okay at least give me like a six-pack since I’m so skinny so that means I’m lean so show my muscles off please no way no six-pack no tubby no muscles no nothing are you cereal beans right now well what about you Heather who did you get again was it fat Alexa yeah I’m making Alexa look chunky oh no your best friend doing it to you Alexa how you feel about that drunk that is ultra disrespectful girly oh no but let me build up over here like that then up over here and waa bro I look like I got water balloons for legs now I got to make my stomach bro and I’m about to make my waist skinny but then I’m about to make the fat rolls go super duper out with it so let’s go all around over here just like that and then I got to make it go oh yeah oh yeah I’m looking what is that Alexa what what is that that is not me that’s a stick figure yes it’s my masterpiece of skinny ohms are you cereal beans right now that is not at all what I look like I’m way more muscular and awesome than that you look like string cheese I do not look like string trees and you know that I’m actually very very athletic I’m an athletic physique and a lot of girls like me at school no cap that’s weird cuz I’ve never seen any girl talking about you that’s not true Alexa you’re big yapping right now but Luke look at look at my my width bro look at my width now I got to build up with it like that bro yes sir you could be chunky and muscular yes sir ski bro I’m like on a bulk right now and wait check it out I’m going do SL slash walls and then I’m about to do into some LightCore blue and then underscore wool boom no bro luk look at this I look so silly right now oh my gosh bro that chunky is chunking I know right and wait I got to do the same design I did at the bottom I made it go two layers up and it goes in one layer each time so I will go like this bop all the way down make it go up over here and then go B all the way around like that and then this side and then make it go down here then all the way down like that who bro this is amazing now we have the chunkiness and I’m about to do my arms next and I want to have some pudgy arms oh what in the world are you building what is that what me what do you mean where am I building those are my two legs and that’s my stomach bro is that a dumbbell what that is not a dumbbell well I do actually do dumbbells that’s why my biceps are so big but I’m just a little chunky just for today normally I’m very jacked and we all know that right Alexa talk about it talk about it um not according to my build hey hey oh my gosh Alexa that build is literally cap bro I do not look like that whatsoever no Pap so nope it’s very accurate I’m going even add your white hand hey yeah oh my gosh but I’m about to make it so like I’m doing a little wave like that yeah all the way up like this then I can make it go up over here and oh gosh I got to make sure that I match the build I do not want to make it uneven that would make it very very cooked bro so let me go around over here and then make it go up one block it like that my friend and bow dude look I’m waving at you bro what’s good that boy looking very nice thank you I appreciate it I thought you about to call me tubby but I appreciate you not doing that that’s very nice of you tubby and nice really dude I am not tubby bro I’m just a nice guy n you’re a chunky dude oh my gosh are you cereal but wait let me go up over here then down over here and then boom now we must fill it in from the top oh yeah then let’s go here up and then here and then up and then here and then up like that then let’s fill up this arm and I am officially waving with my arm this is awesome sauce now I got to do this over here and I could just make this arm just being down below so I’ll just make it go down like that popop and I need to make it thick as well so it matches the other side so let me go all the way over here just like that then over here like this now let’s just fill it all up with some blocking what is that ly what the what is that what it’s Alexa’s legs I got to make them chunk hey yo her legs is looking gigantic bro Alexa yo Alexa what do you fit in your shoes bro you look bad goofy right now oh my gosh well it is fat Alexa so I guess it’s right what the why what is my face Alexa I don’t look like that I’m very handsome what is what is that bro you’re not even trying wait let me just give it a little smile cuz you’re always happy a thank no not thank you what is that I do not look like that at all bro don’t let the girls see that you going to scare away the gals my boy don’t do that don’t do that you already did that by yourself I do not do that lowy I attract the gals bro I’m the rler and wait let me finish up the bottom of the hand and let me make that joh chunky and let me go around over here place the blocks and this looks sick but wait I think there should be some separation between my hand and my body so what I’m going to do is I’m just going to go inside like that and Shred the middle then I’m about to place some blocks and oh yeah definitely came in clutch by doing this so now it doesn’t look like it is one part of the body if I just do it like that oh yeah Ms is a g and I came up with a genius idea guys yeah what’s up uh at first I need like a skin color block I’m going use some cut scene sstone check out what I’m about to do I’m about to make it so my bellies out oh no oh no just like Barry from Barry’s prison oh gosh that’s going to look so goofy ew bro my belly out and I’m about to have a belly button a today yo oh no SS has not been doing his abs workouts I normally do leg raises at the gym ly leg raises that’s how I’m so ripped yeah they’re really good for your flabs what what do you mean ABS right you said ABS no I said flabs cuz you a chunky boy o ooh hey chunky monkey boy ooh ooh I am not a monkey and I am not chunky and I am a boy so you only got one of the three things you call me right but wait I’m going all around and I’m putting the cut scand stone just like that and then there and then oh I got to put some light blue over here then let’s go now below and let’s throw the cuts and stone all below Luke did I hit that yes sir but I’m better mat you that was fire and wait I’m about to make it to like matami is lowkey like it like extruding like you see how it’s extruding right now luky it’s like coming out of my shirt now I need a little belly button so right over here I need get like a o Oak plank bow oh my gosh Luke peep it peep it that’s tell me going bushing yeah sir brother’s looking what the what e Alexa bald excuse me what is wrong with you Heather oh no Alexa look I’m gr on your scalp right now I didn’t finish your scalp oh no leave it like that no no leave it like that that not look bad goofy Alexa this is so you girly pop what is that shorty is crosseyed Alexa this is you girl this is you stop playing with the girl it’s going to get serious no no oh my gosh look what is that let me just make it a little bit bigger bro making your head oh my gosh Alexa you got a big ass head bro hey make it smaller oh my gosh wait I got to work on my face now guys and I’m about to make my face super chunky so first I got to make the outlining so I could use a magical one why are you screaming like this sorry I’m just getting into the character of being chunky and wait I need to make it go up and around one block like this so it shows my cheeks bro cuz your boy got some nice juicy cheeks not my butt cheeks Don’t Make It Weird Al Alex I know you’re about they’re pretty juicy they kind of Juicy I’m not going to lie you should make them super juicy cuz you’re chunk all right ly okay holy macaroni bro what is that ly that is not Alexa bro that is not Alexa what you mean look it has the orange hair bro that has zero Aura my boy that has zero Aura but wait I’m going around right now and I’m making the cheek super duper wide so let me Shut it like this and now I shall place it up from each blocking s so first let me go around like that Boop and then finalize it over here just like that and okay perfect now I just need to build up on all the sides so I just make it go all the way up like that then I’ll use a magic wand to set the two positions and then do SL set cutor Sandstone then I’ll go over here set the blocks all the way up set the first position there second position here then set it to cut sandstone and then we want to do the same right over here first pause second pause third pause and then first pause and then second pause and then boom yo ly check out my head bro she I’m going to give that boy a slap really bro but I need to do my little classic OHS uh I was about to say pajamas but this is actually my skin everybody if you didn’t know I’m a rip it off of you hey hey hey what is wrong with you Heather are you trying to be a funny Baka right now bro wait I like how you changed Alexa’s eyes she’s looking at the fat one yeah she’s looking like d you tubby girl oh my God whoa Luke you’re actually making the eyes pop off girly pop queen yes sir ski I’m a girly pop slay boss okay all right all right chill chill chill chill chill I said one sus thing one time and bro was trying to like run with it we’re not doing sus activities ly what I thought we were giving okay stop saying girl words ly we’re not giving anything and wo you’re giving her what’s that black stuff girls put in their eye it’s called the mascara oh what you know about that what you know about that I know literally nothing about it I was just about to say Alexa your mascara is slaying girl yes I know I always give okay yeah you are giving but wait let me set the back over here to some light blue and then what like that b cuz we have to make sure the ohy mask is looking omy masking bro we can’t have that John looking trash I don’t want people to know that I’m not that guy sometimes yes you are not that guy T Alexa not funny at all not funny at all especially that little T you did no one is finding that amusing H that’s hilarious that is not hilarious but wait let me throw it down over here like look at Al this build real quick what is that Alexa did you just make me pop a deuce my boy e yes I’m going to make the pooper bigger than you no how is that possible no how is that possible no no no let’s think about it how does like a thing poop more than the size they are where does the poop even store inside your body bro did you think about that it’s simple cuz you’re a poopy boy are you serial right now you’re made of poop I am not made of poop I’m made of muscles and testosterone that’s how you know I have muscles bro you know you Capp you haven’t went to the gym in years hey actually I’ll have you know that I box every day you can tell with my abs yes wait are you you give me Alexa glasses yeah I thought they looked goofy oh no bro is making you a nerd Alexa what the what bro changing it from fat Alexa to Fat ner likes a Nara I kind of like it it’s kind of cute oh well mine is actually coming out of maze balls look I’m doing the top my head and I’m making my head round yes sir very circular yes sir ski let me go all the around over here and let me set the blocking STS over here and then let me go down over here and then let me spin the block over here and then let me fill it all up over here here yes up bro I’m looking like a swag boy and wait I need to make the light blue go closer to the front of my head cuz it actually reaches all the way to my sides so I just set it down just like that b and then B and then let me go all the way over here and then perfect now I got to do my face ly so I got some pink and then I got some black white and brown so first is I need the pink for my cutie cheeks then I’m going to need the brown of course for my e Alexa nose oh no bro Luke what is that she already got a piggington nose yes sir I gave her a schneer oh no Alexa could smell thoughts wow Alexa you’re so talented well at least I’m not a little skinny boy hey I’m not a skinny boy I’m it’s just I’m lean it’s cuz I’m on a cut right now du but wait first I got to put my hair coming down over here and then I can make it like reaching all the way back here cuz I have a full headed hair baby let me throw it all down like that and then I just need to make sure it’s even and to make sure it’s even Steph I could just go over here and I could look at where I plac the blocks like this and then Boop and then I could just easily fill it all in like that bow oh yeah yeah ohy got the hair and I’m looking super cool in my underwear now I got to do my eyeballs so it all right Luke what are you doing to Alexa right now bro dude isn’t she looking cute short got the biggest all right Alexa what e waa why is the poop coming out of my booty bro oh my gosh why Alexa explain yourself it’s because you were trying to eat to gain weight but it all came pooping out Oh I thought you about to say I was trying to eat my own poop that would have been an insanely sus sentence but luckily you changed the sustance thank you oo you just gave me a good idea all right really but wait look I’m doing my cheeks over here guys anyway I’m about to make it go all the way out so I’m super duper wild with it yeah and actually I think I should make my eyes a lot bigger so I could be oo so let me go over here let me put the brown like that brown like that white like that white like that am I looking oooo had their look am I looking oooo oh my God you’re so cute wait I’m going to give myself a little oo woo mouth so it’s like a oooo just just wait like wait you lowy have to me though what do you mean I have to Mew oh my oh my gosh right here ew what is this yo I got the mute bro wait wait I’m about to give myself a little muing simulator yo look at my I’m protruding my jawline by doing Mee this looks nice yes sir mewing actually works yeah and wait then I need to make the bottom layer a lot thicker cuz I can’t be caught lacking with no jawline right yeah you can’t get caught by the girls yeah seriously that would be bad so let me go over here and wait is this more efficient or should I make it go even no that looks cursed that looks so cursed wait let me just boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop and Boop all right now I look way better oh my gosh I can’t believe I left it like that okay wait wait this looks goofy now yo I’m oooing look look at me oo woing bro do I look adorb Z dude you look a little confused I do not look confused wait I need to do my little blue dog hat thingy not hat I mean um um um um head it’s just my head yeah head okay got it yeah it’s just my head and then wait look I’m about to do my little o eye over here cuz I could actually see from the side of my heads and then let me go over here then let me put the oooo right over here and then I’m going to put the pink cuz I have oooo underneath it it’s like right here and then back and then let me go all the way around then let me go here and then back and then what am I oh I’m missing my nose bro I cannot believe this let me put my nose up here just like that and then we’re going to need my little teeth that I have one and two and yo junk OHS is looking awesome yeah I’m looking so chunky yeah look at my boots what is that Alexa what did you do to my head I had to make your forehead accurate hey that is what that’s not what my forehead looks like at all my forehead is like a good size it’s a forehead not like a 15 head we no under that hat you’re bald dang that is not true no one believed that that is complete C but everyone are we all completed with our builds wait I didn’t to put her arms oh oh shorty has no arms wait I’m lowkey going to put like an interior wait am I able to go yo there’s room for an interior over here everyone check this out Heather check this out if you’re done look I can add some ghost blocks and then I could put like a little door over here if I just do a pow pow and then welcome to the omy chunky Dy chunky monkey I am not a chunky monkey I’m just chunky and then I can make it go all the way up over here wa look we in his head we in it for real for real wait I need to put some ladders to get up over here so let me grab some lanners and let me put it down and wait are we able to go all the way to the top of my head bro yeah it seems so ooh this is fire wait it’s going to need some Parkour luckily we’re all parkour professionals except for Alexa I’ll just carry her cuz she’s trash but we can all make it just like this we go up over here then slap your butt what did you just what did you just slap my butt Heather what should we build in your head we should build a TR did you just distract whatever we should build the trampoline so let’s put some blue so we can go all the way to the top my head so let’s put it all like this and then over hereo we got to get the whole Squad Colors oh yeah yeah yeah smart thinking but wait let me see if I have enough L boost to go up oh oh no we’re going to need some more trampolines how they attach the whole Squad I’m on it you have to connect them what are you you have to connect what are you doing it’s hard help me how is it hard Boop and then Boop and then Boop and then Boop cuz when they’re connected it makes them have overpowered jumping abilities but wait hey hey make sure you leave a block for people to come out over here needs to be no just that all right hea what what are you aing for just that one section bro all right all right you got it you got it I know I got it bro I’m a professional that boom what do you I don’t know what’s happening I just hear you making sounds are you okay Heather yeah I’m up here come up here with me all right one second let me just Boop and then Boop okay now it’s all good so now if we jump yeah yeah yeah I catch you I catch you okay I’m I’m getting some here I’m going I hi and whoa we’re on top of the oh no luk you violated Alexa’s arms bro what is that my brother main Lucas what you mean bro it looks perfect to me oh no shorty got no arms all right everyone to the middle it’s time for raing we’re going to see who has the best build we’re going to rate them out of 10 and whoever has the highest score wins who wants to go first off oh I like mine the most let’s check out mine all right give us a tour L and bro oh my I need some screenshots with this oh my Gosh n no no no no I’m taking the whole photo shoot right now she not tubby bro this is going to go in my camera roll ly this is fire bro hey tell me at least it looks kind of cute uh I mean Loki does look like you like this is actually weirdly accurate Loki I like it a lot yes sir ski and check it out we can start with the low legs they’re little plumpy dumpy nice plumpy dumpy that’s exactly what you were supposed to build and Loki looks like aexa in real life very plumpy don’t say that out loud and uh we got the dress over here oh yeah yeah with the black socks and the black dress W matching wait that’s exactly what Alexa wears W fit Alexa I’m not going to cap it doesn’t look like me though uh okay yeah yeah anyways what else L next up we got her body I made it nice and chunky W and what about her arms does she do a lot of bicep curls so there’s no fat over here yeah uh the all the fat goes to her face oh wow well give us a tour of the face then oh yeah well we have our amazing smile Giant schneer and we got her glasses nice tee oh I like her schneer the most it looks like a phone charger Outlet you know the thing that you plug into the wall yeah but it does the job and then we have her awesome hair wow shorty got a gigantic Chrome I give this a N9 out of 10 ly this is your best build ever my brother M best build ever let’s go I tried so hard on it all right what about you Heather what are you going to give it we have to average out our entire scores this is a cool 8.5 out of 10 oh gosh so that means if we average hours it’s 8.75 and then Alexa what do you give it at of 10 I’m giving it a five oh my gosh now I have to to do math uh 5 8.75 that’s like a a 6.9 all right you got a 6.9 good job I’ll take it all right who wants to go up next o o let’s check out mine all right let’s Che zero you got a zero zero out of 10 Alexa what you mean what do you mean what this what is this supposed to be this was this is a gummy bear with a long forehead this is literally a gummy bear Alexa and I am not a gummy bear whatever I’ll take the one okay Lou what do you give this I’m going give it a eight it looks very original it’s literally me as a gummy bear with poo coming out of my butt bro what do you mean original this not this is trash and I like the poop okay all right what about you Heather what do you give it this is a uh this 10 out of 10 what okay wait wait 10 Luke what did you give it I gave it a four wait no I give it eight what up okay 18 and then I gave it a I gave it a zero so 18 that means that you got a 6 out of 10 Alexa after we average it out so somehow you’re still close in second place I don’t know how let’s go all right Alexa we’re about to check out the next junk Alexa build Heather run down with it bro and look at the chunk a lot of Chunk here oh no that’s mad chunk bro Alexa you’ve been eating good my boy W you wble you oh my gosh you guys are crazy yes she’s been Phantom taxing What You Phantom tax Alexa that’s what I’m just trying to do my videos and then you come in you steal my food bro and then you munch on it you don’t know what I do in my free time yes I do your Phantom tax in and why is her arms coming out of her face she got big shoulders leave look cursed Shorty’s overhead pressing in the gym W Alexa and E Luke don’t look back don’t look back bro oh my gosh my eyes are bleeding what did I just look at Luke do not go back there bro I’m telling you she pooped no bro her booty just like is just ew br oh my gosh why do you build it like that Heather because he’s been eating a lot of Meatballs lately and these dirt blocks look like meatball ew and oh it says Alexa’s name up there and I got to like it looks mad Derpy s out of 10 luk with you give it out of 10 my brother main lcas I give it a six okay so that’s a 6.5 and then Alexa what do you give it what do you give it I’m giving it a 10 cuz my girlly made it that means her average is like an eight how is this in the lead right now oh yeah shorty doing the flapper but now it’s my turn guys welcome to junk o OHS as you can see I’m looking mad at dorbs bro oh boy look like a cutie patootie yes sir I got my two legging stins they super duper chunk and then I got my T all around and look at my belly button ly look at the belly button smell it oh it smells gross ew and then I got my two trunk arms one of them is waving saying hello and then we got my why’ you put a button on my belly button oh so you can squish your belly button I thought it’s cuz it’s belly buted and then this is my cutie patootie face I’m doing the oooo and then I got my Giant Eyes my rosy red cheeks and then I got my hat that’s actually a part of my head if you didn’t know my nose my teeth up over here and guys it’s also enterable come over here ly come over here look follow me inside my body bro sheesh this place actually a crib yes sir dude we got my belly in here lots of space cuz you know I’m super chunk it and then we have some Parkour we got y y y and then we got some trampolines so we have to go over here and then we can go to the top of my head this is actually the best place far yo yo and then yo made it up now can I get some ratings friend what do you give it out of 10 ly I’m giving it a nine let’s go Heather what about you what do you give it out of 10 oh this is a 10 out of 10 oh okay what about you Alexa what about you I give it a seven oh that that averages out to like like up to 8.7 out of 10 let’s go that means I win but guys do you want to go on another adventure and even more fun r one of course I do all right let’s go today we’re doing a statue Build Challenge there’s a bunch of different areas all in different colors and you’re going to be randomly put in a color and you have to build a statue of whoever’s color that is so if I get teleported to Red then I’ll have to build a Roxy statue and Roxy you’re going to judge it oh I get it so if I get blue I have to build you and then you judge it exactly so let’s hit the button and get teleported boom wao I got scian so that means I’m building a statue of Crystal and ly what did you get nope I got purple that means I’m building Heathers ooh Crystal what did you get I got green which means I’m building L ooh nice said wait light blue who got light blue and oh my gosh Roxy got light blue you better not troll me bro you better not troll me I’m going to build you really really really good what oh my gosh what does that mean you’re going to have the fatest butd ever oh my gosh well let’s see who got you Roxy Alexa got Roxy oh my gosh I got the try hard Roxy yeah and O Lily you got Alexa yes sersi Alexa you’re going to turn out super well o and wait Heather you got Lily I’m going to make lily look so cute well I’m going to make all of you guys lose because my statue is going to be awesome and one more thing guys you’re not able to look at who your building it has to all be from memory W yes s I’m not going to lie I just made that up that’s going to make it so much harder but uh I think Crystal you have sad shoes right no looking at me oh my gosh I have no idea this is going to be crazy okay okay okay so wait let me see how big feet are and it looks like feet are five blocks wide so let me make sure to make it even like that 1 2 3 4 5 and then make it back over here like this five blocks by four blocks is the size of a foot so Crystal I got your first foot over here and wait now that I’m thinking about it is your foot C I’m not giving you any hint what oh no wait Roxy do you know what color my feet are my entire outfit’s very complicated is it PE yellow or poopy Brown okay really Roxy that is not funny no one’s laughing a great one Roxy oh my gosh and the more I’m building Crystal your toes it’s making me feel like it’s not cyan wait I think it’s black you have shoes on right yes but that’s the last H I’m giving you oh okay okay thank you this would have came out really really bad okay okay okay so let me make your first shoe over there and then the second one 1 2 3 4 and five like that boom Perfect all right I got your two shoes on now let me go around and guys we’re raing it based on how good it looks so uh ly try your best my boy cuz I know you is not going to beat me L HS I’m actually the building Genie yeah yeah yeah that’s what they all say but hm I feel like Crystal has some socks on so I’m going to give her some socks like this and oh yeah why are you laughing Crystal I can’t tell if she’s laughing because I’m minus a few points What minus a few points so you definitely have socks on crystal you’re not getting me with this and ly how’s yours going I need some motivation right now my boy I’m a little nervous it’s going super good Heather’s foot is all purple and her legs are all purple right wait let me take a look at yours at uh what in the what is bro building what she look look like a robot yeah what are you doing ly oh Dar what the what is that I think B is actually accurate and I remember Crystal has like long socks I’m going to build it up over here all the way around don’t do that I mean yeah yeah I’m doing it I know you’re trying I know she’s just trying to mess with me and Crystal I’m going to use what should I use for skin tone o I’m going to use some Sandstone all right this is perfect and Crystal you wear a skirt I know that 100% for sure bab you’re memorizing me perfectly off the top of your brain yes sir ski and wait Roxy you’re memorizing me perfectly because after my feet it gets very complicated on how my build is is it more blue what well well yeah but well you’re not going to guess what color my my body is like my chest area more blue okay well you’re not going to guess what the top of my head is it’s it’s hard to more and more and more and more blue are you serious right now oh my gosh Luke I Roxy’s trying to say that I’m easy to remember oh no blood has a simple face I don’t have a simple face my face is very complicated but I’m going around I’m making crystal with her little dress that goes up all the way over here so let’s do her legs just like that boom perfect then we want to make her dress San and O since the stage is already S I could just grab this and oh my gosh this is literally you Crystal this is literally you I’m literally looking at you right now good job B but my statue of Luke is coming along awesome wait are you serious right now can I take a peek of it yes but a really quick one I’m going to be hiding all yeah yeah hi I want to see what luky looks like Luke let me look at your face right quick this is not Heather bro this is not Heather though what you mean she got the white and purple dress what oh my gosh stop moving ly let me see okay all right I remember what you look like now let’s see how accurate crystal is move away Crystal I can’t look okay she’s cheating how what she’s cheating oh no I have to take don’t peek hey don’t peek I have hey no way oh my gosh wait let me see how oh my gosh no way this is crazy Crystal can you CH please how are you doing so good right now I’m talking now you’re going down little BR that’s not happening Roxy you’re not him I’m already working on Crystal’s dress and I’m adding the pattern to it cuz it has a pattern right crystal yeah a little bit of pattern exactly so let me do that and it goes out the way around just like that bow oh my gosh ly I’m actually popping off right now if I was you I would just give up and I would just admit that SS is him and you’re not him you’re not him I’m him yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but after the dress Crystal has a shirt and I remember it’s like kind of a bluish it’s a very very very very light blue hm let’s see oh my gosh I literally got the color I literally got the color oh my gosh Crystal I found you bro I found you what you did where am I well not literally you I just found like your shirt I I found your T-shirt oh yeah I thought you bet you actually bow me no silly I’m doing you perfect right now let me go all the way up over here and oh yeah yeah yeah that’s coming out fantabulous and I think to make it the correct height it should be about H yeah that all seems good so let me build up all the way over here just like that and around then build up here and fill it all up on this side and holy guacamole and cheese this is looking so so good right now Crystal your t-shirt is t-shir but now I got to make you doing like a wave yes make me super wavy yeah yeah sure I’ll make you wavy but I bet like your hand waving not like drip oh Ain no way ain’t no way but Alexa how is yours coming along you’ve been really silent are you locked in or something yes I’m actually cooking right now wait how cooking are you like how good is your statue 1 to 10 10 being the best zero being your build 10 plus 10 plus 10 that’s so many T are you serious who are you building I’m building Roxie oh my gosh you do know Roxy is going to go crazy if you mess this one up right you better not mess this up Alexa oh no the pressure is on you how’s it looking for real for real cuz I’m about to take do not look arms do not look arms just yet I’m coming right now I’m coming right now I’m getting an ender pearl so I can skip over Crystal side I don’t want to cheat let me throw that John all the way down no no turn around I’m looking at the floor I’m looking at the floor let me just throw it okay Alexa I’m here I’m going to just take a little I’m going to cover your eyes stay away what what is this bro has the four redstone blocks I’m trying my best oh my gosh Alexa are you serious ain’t no way what are you doing girl I hear how laugh my makeup wait let’s see if Heathers is any better I’m going to go take a little stay away stay okay no you guys are cheating how are you building this so accurately wait does it look good bro it looks like crazy accurate you got all the complicated colors is right like the pink and the white that’s about it on Lily she’s pretty simple so okay I I see how you did that yeah Lily’s pretty basic so this should be easy D why did I get the hardest person here I literally think Crystal you have the most complicated skin oh my gosh but I don’t want to yes I slay what is she talking about Luke what is she talking about I’m literally sister I think she’s just a sleigh Queen bro luky my boy you’re my friend so I need to tell you this this is the best Heather St at you ever dude I just looked at her it’s so accurate thank you so much SS this is exactly what I see when I look at her wait Heather pop out a crystal go away what the I almost just looked at you oh my God it looks like a clown what is L doing to me oh my go wait Heather pop out for a quick second let me just take a look at you I’m zoomed in and yeah oh Luke um uh I don’t know how to tell you this uh I yeah what’s up I think her shoes I think you made them a little too wide that makes it perfect now all right you should be good all right thank you my boy yeah that looks way better and now let me go to my crystal and I got to make her waving so let’s go up over here just like that and I need to do the outside of it like this and okay I got the perfect Dimensions that means the outside is perfect so let’s go over here and now fill it all up let’s build up like that turn it inside over here every time it goes one block in then we got to make it go up just like this and perfect wow oh my gosh you’re literally waving right now Crystal hi hey babes this is lit wait okay let me break those so your hand looks a little bit more good and then we got to go back over here and fill it all up just like this boop boop boop boop and okay the hand is now completed ly I’m going off crazy yes s ski you’re that good yep and boop boop boop and Boop oh my gosh Crystal I am so proud of this you’re waving yay and wait I’m going to make it so that your hands are up over here let me fill it all up just like this boom perfect and yeah that looks amazing now I need to put your other hand and I’m going to put it down on your side oh my gosh babes yes but I just added something super silly what what did you add to yours I added a big butt pooping what okay are you serious right now I’m hiding you can go check it out oh my gosh ain’t no no what the hey yo bro left a dump Ain’t No Way Ms that’s a good idea I’m going to put poop all over you El are you serious you better not put poop all over me Roxy that is totally gross my boy it’s totally funny oh my gosh are you serious right now a no wait but I’m locked in right now guys nothing’s going to break my focus I know you guys are trying to distract me to beat me but it’s what was that sound was that you l yeah I just pooped what I thought that was just like a statue of you was that actually you pooping yeah I had a lot of food today oh my n Ain’t No Way Ain’t No Way ain’t no way but I’m locked in right now let me throw these around for Cho and Crystal when you see this you’re going to be very very proud of me and you’re going to say that I’m that guy pal so let’s fill up the arm over here fill up this side just like that and this is looking awesome oh my gosh I’m so excited for the face but we have a really really really really big problem the whole back of my build is literally nothing I have to fill it up right now don’t make me look silly fix it right now don’t worry I got you I got you I’m going to use the magical one to help me out so let me set the two positions and this is called a blue arrow Cloud so let me set it with blue then underscore Arrow cloud and boom perfect I set that side now let me do the same right over here and set it all down and boom wow okay the back is now all filled now we just got to attach it to the arm just like this and oh my goodness gracious yes this is looking awesome but wa wait wait I need to make it so her face is like starting right over here that’s going to be Crystal’s neck now we need to make her face and faces in Minecraft are 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 and oh gosh I want to make this even oh no uh Luke I have a major problem there’s no way to make my face even bro SS you got to do something about that what am I supposed to do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and then maybe eight and then let me shavee these blocks would this look right and hold up hold up I think I fixed it yeah I fixed it and then I’m going to move it one two blocks forward like this oh my gosh oh yeah yeah I W clutch guys so now it needs to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and eight to the back so we could perfectly fill it up now I’m just going to make it a blank face so I could do your actual head Crystal and uh you have eyeballs right of course I do what do you mean okay okay okay okay I’m just kidding Crystal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight blocks and then if I go over here go back over here I could set it all with some smooth Sandstone like that all right perfect now uh okay uh what does crystal look like H Crystal has blonde hair you have blonde hair so I need to grab something that would be good for some blonde hair hair hm let’s look down and around everything doesn’t look like hair at all what do I use and oh Sher boxes they’re literally perfect for the job and let me just play around with this to see if I could figure anything out I know that your hair goes down onto your shirt like that oh who hold up I’m on to something right now I’m on to something wait wait ly come over here tell me if this looking right just off your memory does this remind you of Crystal let me take a good look uh bro I think it actually does Peep it peep it yeah it actually kind of gives me that Crystal Vibe seriously and wait wait if I replace these all with the yellow shers just like that BR that’s Lally Crystal right dude you actually did the hair perfectly I know right oh my gosh and wait now I need to fill it up on the back cuz Crystal has a full head of hair just like me cuz my but actually you can’t even see my hair but just know I have a full head of hair LS are you bald boy I am not bald there’s no reason why I don’t show my hair I totally have a full set of hair and I’m not hiding it from the world for a reason come over here I’m going pull that thing off hey hey it’s not pullable it’s a part of my body I’m blue bro hey stop Flying like a bug move move I just dipped and wait I got to fill up this little side over here as well and do the same on this side over here and holy guacabo and cheese I’m loving it I’m loving it I’m loving it let thicker hair a little bit thicker cuz I know it’s super long like this then let’s go over here and do the same like that oh my gosh dude this is sick wait let me make sure that the back is good and oh Crystal’s Hair goes down her back as well so we have to replace the back just like that nice and make it go down over here and oh Crystal also has those cyan Flowers in her hair yes you remembered yep of course I did so let me first fill up all of over here with the shulkers and I could use a magical one to help me out and do it super fast just like that let’s go then let me put here and here now I need to do the little oh gosh I messed up big time I messed up big time oh babes what’s happened nothing big nothing big I just made it uneven but I faked it and now I got to give you your little flowers you have a bunch all around let’s put one over here one over here like that one back over here put another one here and wait oh oh oh you have one in your front of your head I think it’s no no no it’s on this side wait Luke is on the right or left side I don’t know you tell me uh I think it’s on this side yes it’s literally on this side I have memories of it okay okay if I do it like that Luke come here right now dude this is literally Crystal this is literally Crystal this is literally Crystal peep it peep it I’m let me take a look bro peep this John dude I am so proud right now I’m so proud no bro even did the Blue Ribbon yes sir it’s actually a flower Loki it’s a flower but wait I need to shave this part cuz I think it’s a little bit uneven I want this to come out perfect so I could destroy all of you guys especially Roxy cuz you’re not that guy buddy well when you see my build you’re going to have to give me a perfect score no is it actually that good dude yeah it’s definitely way better than yours oh my gosh ain’t no way but I have to readjust the dress I might have made everything super duper uneven this is not good wait let me fix this up fix this up then Boop and Boop now oh no um her legs are really uneven oh gosh no one look no one look babes fix me up right now I’m fixing you up don’t worry don’t worry just just stay away just stay away just stay away oh no shorty looks lopsided Luke I said don’t look oh my gosh wait I got to fix her shoes up just like this then make it go around like that then throw the white socks and then her legs over here and oh my gosh yes this is so good and wait maybe make this a little bit smaller so it makes more sense cuz right now it’s not really proportional cuz some parts are a little bigger than others and oh my gosh yes that is so much better her body is now good but now it’s time for the hardest part her face okay okay I think her eyes are here and then her eyebrows are like that and there’s white over oh oh oh oh my gosh the eyes are right ly look at the eyes look at the eyes my boy look at the eyes SS you better be getting this part right Crystal’s going to get really mad I’m just trying to remember does crystal have black eyebrows or blonde uh I think it’s definitely black black looks way rer okay okay yeah I’m going to go with black this does look right at all what oh my gosh wait maybe I need to lower it by one let me go down just like the wait hold up hold up does she have two eyeballs or am I tripping right now now H wait wait I’m cooking hold up I’m cooking is that right uh gosh it’s looking worse okay wait wait what about what about that is that right maybe the hair needs to go down a little lower oh yeah yeah her forehead mad big yo let me lower it by one leg say I said your forehead’s lovely and wait Luke is that Crystal bro I think her eyes are two not one are you sure about that let me see how wait oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s crystal that’s literally Crystal holy guacamole and cheese but for some reason I feel like this is Crystal in a school girl’s outfit right this doesn’t feel like her for some reason it’s because her sleeves match her dress and that’s what you’re missing oh my gosh wait ly you’re actually on to something hold up hold up hold up let me just see how this would look if I made all the sleeves sayen just like that and dude that’s crystal that’s Crystal oh my gosh L you’re a genius for think about that W Luke W Luke how did you remember it’s because I’m artistic my boy oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you got the vision let me see how it looks now and yes and wait her dress is a little bit higher just like that y y y then let me make the checkerboard pattern go up a little bit higher just like this and now ly take a little peek of it shees let me take a looking yeah OHS you are cooking now seriously cooking my boy seriously cooking oh my gosh this is so much more accurate before it felt like Crystal like in an outfit or something but now it feels like Crystal normal I’m totally going to take the cheese and win this competition no way I’m putting so much poop that’s not going to make you win Roxy that’s probably going to make you lose no way you’re going to love it I am not going to love SS with poop but wait did you make sure to get my complicated outfit correct it’s very very hard to make this yeah how can I mess it up dude what do you mean it’s super hard to remember I’m so complicated bro you literally already stole my outfit I literally just built myself no you stole my outfit and I’m still very hard to make so just know that it’s not going to work and oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s coming out heat it’s coming out heat let me throw on the arm over here just like that boom and then go down this side throw it up on the back and make sure that it’s completely even and finally fill it in on this side boom now let me see if it’s looking spaz yet oh my gosh that just made it so much better oh Nar now let’s go over here and we have to throw it on just like that boom perfect then let’s go on this side throw it on just like this and oh I went too low I went too low I just did oopsie oh gosh wait let me fix that go over here make sure that it’s right okay back on track now we can just fill all of this in over here just like this connect the two sides and oh this is literally Crystal Lily I’m building a flower garden inside of you so I can get extra points what are you serious I’m going to give you extra points just for that Heather what she’s cheting that’s sh the system lo you guys are you what is that my boy L I think you’re going to have to build an inside for the extra points I’m not going to lie OHS my John looking dumpy I’m not going to say anything L I don’t want to be mean I don’t want to be it’s looking beautiful ly it’s looking beautiful I love it no problem my boy but Heather’s making an inside and that means that I have to too just so I can smoke her cuz Heather is not that guy you hear me Heather and why is there cockroaches inside of my crystal shoo Sho get out of here what the what why do I feel cockroaches inside of me what Crystal you feel the Cockroaches oh gosh I’m getting them out I’m getting them out don’t worry don’t worry they’re gone but oh my gosh there is so much room on the inside and ooh wait wait on the arms I can make even more room okay this this is about to be lit Crystal okay so let’s go back inside over here and Crystal what’s your favorite thing babes you done are you serious what how am I supposed to build myself inside you wait I know exactly what something that has me in it that’s based on a true story everyone say it on three 1 2 3 Kung Fu yep yep everybody knows about it ready it’s fake really bro I heard that Crystal it’s real and I’m putting it inside you it’s not oh I have it I have it and I’m about to put some seats so we can watch it all together and then you guys are all going to say that it’s real and that is the best show ever so let me grab some seats and O but wait I’m not going to make it light blue crystal since this is your like self so I’m going to make it C and Crystal themed and I’m going to grab some tables put one side went over here and on top I’m going to grab a pot and put it right over here and I’m going to put a flower inside oh no bro trying to rise her up but I’m not trying to rise anyone up Luke what are you talking about this is just a friendly kind friend gesture keep capping to yourself I’m not capping Crystal we’re just friends right can you tell Luke I don’t think he believes yes we’re just friends oh thank you see psych really you got psyched by Crystal what the crystal you’re not Ro you’re not allowed to do that double that’s stop you’re steing is just like me bro she’s stealing your lines that’s are you serious right now double all right guys relax Tri py what is going on all right Luke I know you’re going to try and join it on this don’t even try it bro bro I would never do it all right thank you cuz it was very very annoying when I’m going to stop talking wow yeah I can’t believe this I’m making toilets in you you got owned bro I did not get owned but wait I need to make the toilets Crystal themed and ooh I could use these for the toilet seats they’re and blue oh yeah that’s fire Crystal yes it’s actually litty awesome sauce yes sir now I need to grab some cyan sinks put two of them over here just like that boom and oh that’s super slight and I’m going to grab some carpet and of course I’m keeping it cyan themed since this is for you and you need a little mirror and oh gosh it’s really really tight uh uh wait I could put a mirror right over here I’m going to make a little wardrobe section and I’m going to use some of these cyan blocks grab the glass and ooh perfect I made a little mirror right over here so you can see yourself ooh perfect then up over here oh I’m going to make your bedroom since we’re so high up right now so let’s go over here and your bedroom is going to be right along here so let’s fill these blocks in like this then we got to fill up all around over here just like this and for your bed Crystal you want cyan beds of course so let’s put two of them over here just like this and I’m going to make you have a double bunk bed triple bug bed quadruple bug bed there’s four bugs yes s Queen Crystal I’m not a queen that I’m not SL I don’t know what that means no bab you’re slaying and you better slay what the Alexa you change people I hope you know that you change people it’s the sister sleigh effect what does that you wouldn’t know about it know about you’re not sister slay are you serious right now I am I’m okay I’m not sister SL I don’t want to be sister SL I’m not going to say like I am but wait I’m going to put a little wardrobe over here so you can have stuff like clothes in your cabinets so yes you’re getting me a whole bunch of clothes yeah wait let me grab you the coolest fit I could find right now let’s see let’s see what would Crystal like and H N that’s not really light blue ooh ooh this Frost Walker helmet this is literally cyan perfect for you and it looks like a unicorn okay let’s see what else is Crystal themed around here huh nothing really on those what about these artifacts let’s see ooh flippers Crystal I found you flippers what’s so funny so silly night vision goggles and also a shock pendant I’m just grabbing you anything that’s cyan now let’s see how these extra things would look at okay you look very goofy but I think it’s like a cute goofy so I’m going to leave them inside yes bab make me look super cute don’t worry I got you love throw on the full set of drip and you’re also going to need a weapon so o I’m going to get you these digging claws hold up oh my gosh you equipped these on her hands ooh these look awesome sauce it looks like you could strike someone so let me grab these and throw them inside the cabinet awesome SAS yes great job yes sir and wait now let me make the ladders go up even more and oh gosh we’re getting so close to your face and oh gosh wait I can’t place ladders on these Cloud blocks which is fine I can just go right over here and make it go up like this and okay I still made it work don’t worry guys I still made it work now I’m going to switch it up a little bit I’m going to use the yellow blocks from your hair to make the floor yes that’s such a good idea thank you so let’s go around and let’s set this down just like this awesome and hold up hold up wow I just got launched up but I have a really good idea I’m going to hollow out this arm over here if it was stop eating me chill and oh my gosh wait this is perfect if I go over here just like this I can walk through your arm Crystal whoa this is lit but it keeps eating me stop eating me stop eating me stop eating my babes yeah seriously these blocks are double you trolling but wait wait I have an idea I’m going to put Carpets on top so they stop eating me and oh it works it works the carpets are such a life hacking I just got so much more room boom OMG BS and wait let me do the same on this arm right over here I could just get a little bit more space but more space is better than no space and this is lit I got room everywhere and here is going to be the fun room oh my gosh you’re adding a fun room for me of course I am I’m going to get you a teddy bear over here so we could play with him his name is going to be Jonathan and what else should be in a playroom ly give me some ideas I need Inspirations a trampoline dude bro that is the greatest idea ever ly nice thinking wait I’m going to put the trampoline oh I’m going to do it right over here and wait I’m going to take advantage of how these jumps G me up wa dude I just made the craziest trampoline Luke pull up look at this bro I’m jumping so high right now there ain’t no way you fit that in there dude check it out yeah I’m leaping yeah I’m leaping yeah I’m leing dude is lit it’s cuz these blocks give you a super L boost stuff this is actually fire yeah and wait we can make it so the only way to get up over here is by using the blocks to let boost yourself but we have to make it Hollow on the inside cuz right now her head is super duper thick so let’s go back all the way just like that then let’s set it all into air oh yeah and make sure to fill it back up over here and fill it back up over here so when we want to come to the top of Crystal’s head we hit that and then boom we’re inside and wait I’m going to make it so that you could see through her face huh how are you going to do that really Luke super easy we’re going to use oneway glass duh dude how did you think of that it’s just light work for a pro like me ly it’s just light work my boy let me go down over here and let me set the oneway glass like this and Boop flip it over to the other side let’s do the same for the Sandstone go all around over here then flip it around so we can see do it right over here for the eyes flip it around same with the white part of the eyes over here flip it around and boop boop oh my gosh ly can you go in front of Crystal’s face I want to see if I could see you I’m coming let me see if it works oh I see you ly but wait do you see me yeah SS I do you’re literally yapping how do you see me how do you see me homs it’s glass on both sides are you serious wa oh my gosh what the what okay wait let me fix let me fix it okay okay wait wait okay now do you see me nope no I don’t see you at all let’s go bro what the what was that glitch imagine if I didn’t know that would be so silly I would just be mad confused the whole time but now it should work boom perfectly is the face perfect yeah dude come check it out all right let me fly around and oh my gosh I literally think I have the coolest statue ever you walk inside Crystal’s leg like that and then boom first you have the little Kung Fu ons with the pot then over here you have the Lars and we have a little bathroom area and sinks and a mirror then up over here we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight beds one for all of us and cabinets with a super drippy outfit then up over here we have the play area with the tripoline that lodges you up all the way to Crystal’s head now this is the biggest room I have to make this special what do I put up over here you should put a love letter to Crystal oh my gosh yes that’s going to give me extra points but I’m not going to make it sus like what you’re thinking lcy nope OHS you better I’m not oh you have a crush on her it’s okay so admit your feelings you have a crush on Roxy you have a crush on Roxy what since one yeah no you do Roxy said ew but he has a crush on you too I said it I said it no I don’t you’re being sussy I’m not being Susy but I put a heart over here and I’m going to say with a sign and I’m going to make it in light blue I’m going to make it say from ohy poo yeah oh yeah this is swag and I’m going to grab some glow ink sacks Boop light it up like this and I’m going to dye it with some San D that looks so good oh my gosh perfect and now I’m going to put some seats so we can show all together up here guys with all of our colors it’s going to be the chilling spot oh that’s a great idea yes sersi so let me GR grab the sofas like this and then let’s put over here Roxy Lily and then SS Crystal then Luke Alexa and Heather you’re going to just sit in the corner over here so it fits you all right perfect why it works trust me and wait now we need way to get out of here and oh oh I know we could use we could use a trampoline on the inside and make it super duper big so it can LOD us out of air so let’s go all the way over here and make sure that the trampoline is wide enough cuz the bigger the trampoline is the more air we come on get I’m so close I’m so close I need a little bit more trampolines wait there’s some blocks right over here all right let’s see if this is enough now come on come on give it to me trampolines give it to me trampolines yeah yeah oh my gosh yes I barely made it out of the trampoline baby oh my gosh guys I don’t want to say that I have the best but I think I might have the best but we’re going to be right here out of 10 are you guys ready yeah all right perfect everyone we’re going to judge all the way on Lily’s side first and work our way down and Heather you’re the one that built Lily right yes this is Lily oh what is this what is that hey Luke be nice be nice Heather you put a lot of work into this right uh yes don’t you see that it took a really long time to make this um M I like the garden in the back uh is there something wrong with her eyes uh I mean her head is like flaty I like it l wait do you actually like it Lily or I just say that cuz you’re sweet no but it’s it’s super it’s it’s super cute wait lill stand right over here I want to see you side by side with a oh no Luke take a peek of this what what the what Heather are you serious right now my boy why did you put her eyes on her head uh that’s her hat eyes her hat eyes are on the side of her head cuz she pretends to be a pink cat silly what what’s up Lily are you okay I do not pretend what do you mean pretend you’re not a real blue dog well I am a real blue dog that is hey are you have not ever seen me in a different outfit I always have the blue dog fit not outfit it’s not outfit it’s a I always have oh my gosh Heather this is my true self and this is what I’m always going to be um I can literally see the tag in the back come here let me take it off get away sho shoe I no that’s not true wait Lily are you doing a PE sign this actually pretty cool Heather how you did this yeah she looks so peaceful yeah bro and wait did you make it so we could go inside her what’s the reason that you broke this block down over here uh that’s the separate her legs silly bro in way but let me see the back what is this bro what the what why is her hair like poop this is the dookie Garden the what ain’t no way Garden me what’s so funny guys you said the dookie Garden why is it actually so beautiful you spent more time on this Garden than on Lily and you’re getting judged on Lily but Lily it’s not in time to give you ratings try and be nice to Heather because she’s still new at building so what do you give it easy score 10 out of 10 what Lily I know you’re like sweet and stuff but like what do you actually give it uh um I really think it’s a six but 10 she said six no your score is a six either your score is a six uh I’ll take a six honestly oh my gosh yeah I think this is deserving of a sakes but next up who had the Alexa build that’s me o and oh no bro excuse me oh no Luke your girlfriend got violated my boy your girlfriend bro keep it low keep it low bro looks like an elf Alexa you’re an elf my boy you’re an alpha where did this hook shape come from I Didn’t fin why did you make the hair like that Lily what does she have a booger she oh my gosh Al let me look up your her nose is just her nose he I worked hard on that oh my oh my gosh oh wait Alexa it’s now time that you give her a score but you have to be fair it was actually pretty good and I like the way it looks I need to take the rest of away zero out of 10 can’t do that 10 out of 10 cuz Lily made oh no Luke sing the song sing it sing it hes and roxies why stop talking stop are you serious now sorry oh my gosh who was that bro Alexa you have to give it a real score I did not think that it was a zero seriously what do you give her I’ll give it a two just to give it a little something all right Lily congratulations you’re in second place so far and Heather you’re in first place yay I’m somehow winning there’s no way Heather wins though and next up is red and wait who is in charge of making red for Roxy that was my bill slay o Roxy are you ready to see what Alexa did to you she either violated or made you look super awesome I can’t wait to see I can’t wait to see it’s probably going to look mad silly and what the W how is it so good gosh I love it it’s so accurate this is perfect yes I put so much time into this one wow Alexa it’s actually really really good I see why you got upset about your build Ms extra point what extra points oh oh it’s cuz you got your skills in the back right uh no it’s because of the booty cheeks hey okay Alexa why did you make the booty cheeks bad gigantic my boy what the what is this I Roy would love them oh my goodness gracious bro God they on him my boy bro God it on him that looks so silly what the I know it’s Mt Z yes okay well Roxy this is really really good dude oh gosh what do you give it out its 10 this is going to do so good nine out of 10 okay okay Roxy why are you roaring you do know that you’re not a real dinosaur my boy you’re just in pajamas yes I am come here slap to the butt are you serious Crystal that is not stop laughing oh my God big booty oh my gosh but next up wait wait wait wait guys this is SS take a good look at me why are you laughing Crystal wait wait who did SS who did OHS I forgot me come pull up oh no Roxy did me let’s see how he okay what is this bro hey why am I so short why am I shorter than you I am taller than you bro what no you’re not you’re shorty boy I’m literally taller than you in real life come here we have to stand back to back right now let’s see who’s taller it’s totally me bro I’ll measure I’ll measure all right Roxy let’s but you’re F you’re Fly okay okay Roxy get down wait he’s not down yet Crystal don’t measure her okay okay let me measure Roxy taller than you by 2 in what oh my God but first of all what the what is this why are my eyes broken oh what you mean that’s what you look like that is not what I look like my eyes are completely straight what are you talking about why do I have a unibrow bro I have two individual eyebrows Crystal stop laughing you’re encouraging this eraser up your nose what I shoved an eraser are you serious and what the what is this green stuff on my shirt oh no bro boogers fell out of his nose serious right now this can’t get any worse well at least this is it right Roxy just come pull up to the back what’s on the bro you got that s on BR it’s going a tree off of it he stop looking Luke are you guys genuinely being serious right now why why did bro put put a tree in my butt is that how big it is a tree could grow on in yes sir that’s fire oh my gosh why is there parkour here I had to spice it up oh oh my gosh dude are actually the parkour is kind of hard wait let me I just had BT of myself wait wait wait okay okay let me y okay am I a noob or something how am I feeling every time trash no I’m blocked it locked it bow made it to the top but wait let me take a side by are you serious right now I don’t look like this at all yes you oh my gosh Ain’t No Way Roxy does anybody here even like me are you guys serious right now really oh my gosh Roxy I’ll give you a seven I think it’s kind of funny oh you serious give me a 10 Roxy you don’t scare me little brothers nothing you can do to scare me are you are you mooing what are you doing what was that Roxy was that supposed to be Aurora it’s super cute you’re like adorable though bro I’m walking to the next side wait wait wait the next side is green who did Green me I made him super sister slay oh my God I’m so excited to see myself wow everything except for the face looks good which is like the main part why is bro’s face so scrunched up ly stay next St real quick I need to see a side by side it looks so silly goofy scrunched up it is scrunched up Luke I think it’s just that you have a big head I think it has to be like this Crystal filed F fed this isn’t I’m pretending like this isn’t here wait wait this is literally you bro this is looks silly wait okay wait let’s remove it let’s keep it how it was let’s keep it how it was it was just like this ly stand next to it so we can see what you look like in comparison and wow your face is very scrunched up luky what the what is wrong with you thank you oh my gosh wait wait wait look behind him a ly there’s like a sun and some clouds and a rainbow bro you’re mad happy my boy W Luke W Luke rainbow and sunshin is my favorites ooh nice I spent bad time on that I spent more time on the rainbow sunshine and clouds than I did on actual Luke what oh not exposed luky now you got to change up the score my boy what do you think about giving her H it looks like this is going to get a solid 5.5 out of 10 oh no about to go crazy oh I noticed the gold I noticed the gold so I’ll give you a six not even wearing gold ly Heather I think yelling at people makes your score higher oh yeah you’re right OHS well Lily you should have gave me a better score what gave you a 10 out of 10 oh yeah did give you wait Heather’s in first place right now right oh yeah how you going to beat that score oh hey I’m going to don’t worry but wait purple who made purple who did purple I did it I did it Heather you’re going to love this build o wait oh gosh L is it what I remembered it to be did you do any upgrades I did huge upgrades oh all right then it should be good come on Heather let’s take up oh my gosh what is that oh no what oh no is that Feast your eyes on Heather oh my yep Heather you can stand next to it oh my gosh my Heather turned around I need to see what you look like next to it I look nothing like this wait actually your hair your hair matches I literally look like a microwave actually yeah I kind of do see it you do look like a microwave Heather congratulations yes does that mean I get a good score Heather no you get a zero what I like the legs Heather look at your legs they look super s slay right I look like a robot oh yeah she kind of does look like a robot I blow up what she’s never going to say yeah to that Roxy it’s not that bad what oh my gosh Luke they’re about to blow your build up they’re about to blow your I know how to make you go boom boom Roxy hey hey what are you doing Roxy oh that’s too much CH chill he look I’ll protect your side yeah protect my side we have to put Bedrock bro wait I’m doing it before you cuz I’m faster than you little bro don’t worry Bedrock that was me that was me that was me I did it first I literally said the chat all right let rip byebye don’t don’t do it no no oh my Roxy you did that wrong that was am why isn’t the Redstone working oh my go here I’ll help you out Roxy sh don’t worry don’t worry don’t wor here you go I got you buddy I got you I did it for you oh my gosh no no oh my build that’s my favorite build oh wow that’s what you get anyways who’s ready to see my build me everyone pull up to CST my gosh 10 out of 10 already I don’t even care I don’t even care 10 wait are you serious oh I got 10 out 10 oh yeah squ what you didn’t even reveal it bro wait Crystal stand next to it cuz I literally did this legit I didn’t even peek let me see and okay I got the shoes wrong but you do have shoes on and okay you don’t have socks on but your dress I got the pattern right and I got your shirt right and I got your hair right and I got your eyes right and I got the right side where your flower is and wait turn your head around please all right there you go and yes I knew it there’s sad flowers on the back of your hair and then check it out Crystal look on the inside it puts some sad seats with a sad flower with Kung Fu oh so we can watch it together Boop sit next to me sit next to me is bro singing the theme song Here bab you want to play the video game o That’s lit y bow bow bow cook F to your wait you actually have the what you have the video game for real I was just going to pretend yeah take it oh my gosh this is like CST so wait I’m going to put on the right over here so we can play whenever we want but come over here guys come upstairs look there’s a bathroom over here with double toilet action ly hop in with me my boy yeah we out here taking a shower yeah uh luk this is called a toilet actually it’s it’s not a shower oh I was scrubbing my butt in there I’m out of here I’m out of here I’m out of here I’m out of here and this is the bedroom I have a bunch of beds and then over here is a wardrobe with some drip inside then up over here is the playroom we have some stuffed animals and then the trampoline where it sends us to the top of Y head and everybody come over here there’s our heart and I made it just for you Crystal oh my gosh cuz you love me what no cuz I think you’re a cool friend just and Crystal are officially official what are you talking about Crystal bro was talking to herself about herself sing the song no one’s going to sing it and Crystal singing in the Tre k i s s i i n g first love then comes marriage then comes the baby and the baby carriage my watch luk Bell I’m not letting that I like that song no that song was whack but wait everyone pull up to the seats I spent a lot of time on these you will all sit on them and enjoy them sit boys sit oh yeah oh yeah this is Vib sit in your color though sit in your color I’m like there’s so many Roxy move bro is in my seat Alexa please move you sit over there next to LY Roxy you sit over there next to Lily and then we can all Vibe and take our selfies yes oh yeah I’m spaming it up yep yep yep this is super lit serious Squad fck serious Squad flick oh my gosh guys this is literally okay who messed up the I’m going pretend like no messed up the face but yeah what do you rate out of 10 Crystal seriously I already said a thousand out of 10 so that means I am victorious too bad I’mma blow it up hey stop Luke you better St breaking the TNT I’m stopping it hey don’t do it l don’t do it you can’t stop all this TNT on the floor ly no no oh my gosh everyone R this going go boom my gosh it’s all G did anything survive wait her head is still alive Crystal you’re there’s there’s there a few blocks left uh uh wait there’s still three block one block one one more wait the last BL okay yeah wow uh no Roxy no more TNT oh my gosh ah it’s literally raining we are the ultimate dire wolf family oh yeah babes the other families are dookie yeah you heard that you’re a dooky direwolf family LCA what are you talking about my son is going to be way cooler than yours what Luke your son would not be cooler than mine oh yeah well he’s going to live in a sick nasty giant cave oh oh no that is dirty Crystal Luke’s kid is going to live in a cave our kid’s going to live in an amazing dogghouse yes bab he’s going to be super clean and amazing oh yeah well me and Lily’s wolf kid is going to live inside another wolf ow Ro is going to build a giant wolf statue babes what is that what die your kid is touching my B oh my hey hey hey pick your kid away he’s crazy good boy good boy bite the blue boy’s butt he stop biting me yo stop it I’m putting your son back inside the chest oh my son is so sweet dude your son is crazy keep him in that chest oh my goodness gracious Crystal he literally bit my butt babes I hope our kid isn’t like that what no way it’s because Luke is raising his kid and in literally a cave you’re a bad parent Luke me and Crystal are the best parents wait bab that means we’re married give me a Samoa he no oh my gosh Crystal we’re not married we’re just friends and we just happen to be raising a kid together but we need this dog house to be lit and Crystal we’re going to make the outside out of light blue concrete and we’re going to need a little bit help from the magic wand so let’s start out over here and I don’t want our son living in a super duper tiny house he needs to live in a dog house man OMG babes this looks awesome sauce I know right so this is going to be the giant entrance we have because we’re super duper awesome then we can make it go down and around over here and now Crystal fill it all up with light blue blocks please all right on it thank you very much and I’m going to make the outlining of our doggy house oh yeah BL boy you’re place sucks it’s not even awesome like our cave hey Alexa be quiet our dog house is way better than yours mes Alexa spit in facts o no she’s spitting a whole lot of cap dog house is a way better place to raise a baby doggy yep to make him into a baby boy what no my dog is going to be very very strong and he’s going to destroy your dog literally in your wildest dreams what oh my gosh babes our baby wolf won’t be doing any bad wolf stuff like the neighbors what Crystal come on he’s a dog he get into like one or two scuffles with other dogs you know to prove that he’s the top dog what babes no he needs to be nice what oh my gosh Luke I think you might be right I think my dog is going to be a o soft puppy yep and then when ly junor rolls around he’s going to be like o o hey oh no no no no no that is not happening my dog going to bite your dog he’s going to go dude that sounds like a baby wolf are you serious right now Crystal do I sound like a baby wolf a little bit bab but that’s just who you are what oh my gosh but wait everyone knows that dog houses have staircase roofs so we have to make a staircase roof and it needs to be white and we could use smooth quartz blocks for it check this out Crystal we can make it go down over here then one layer on top you can start on that side and we can meet up in the middle all right on it yay nice job Crystal you hear that Luke me and my wife my friend not my wife I said my you almost said it I didn’t I didn’t say anything I said me and my friend that we happen to have a kid with are making a roof and we’re using team mhm so you sure you didn’t mean to say wife what e oh my gosh Luke I don’t have a wife me and Crystal are just friends right crystal nope we’re a couple what oh my gosh Roxy can you tell Luke that me and Crystal aren’t together yo Luke keep on going what oh my goodness gracious really bro babes it’s okay to have feelings for me what I don’t have feelings towards anyone other than my super awesome muscles is that a baby wolf again what are you serious Luke I am not a baby wolf oh my goodness gracious but wait I got a really good idea Crystal instead of doing all of this by hand we could use the magical wand OMG babes that’s such a good idea so let’s set it all with some sooth quartz like that and oh yeah that is going by way faster I’m going insanely quick Crystal are you impressed yes I’m super impressed oh yes my wife is impressed with me oh yeah oh you really said it sitting in a dog are serious The Dog House you can’t just change the lyrics it’s tree we’re kissing in a tree no we’re not kissing oh my God I made you say it oh my gosh Roxy just pranked Me by making me say we kiss Roxy I don’t kiss anything other than my sweet biceps and what the what is that don’t look at it right now it’s not done yet oh no that better not be what I think it is ooh is that poop let me take a bite Luke I want be doing that if I was you actually you look at oh no are you actually eating it oh no Crystal do you even know what Luke is eating right now no BBS what is that you don’t want to know Roxy is going to tell you once he finishes oh no Crystal let me take a look at how this is looking so far in oh my gosh this dog house looks so good all right all right finish up your side over there all right I’m almost done thank you so much let’s go now we could set it with some smooth quartz boom wa bab I finished my side what the oh no well I’m going to finish before you Crystal you’re not that guy I’m that guy oh no oh no I got to be quick I got to be quick ain’t no way no are you serious did you finish before me oh yeah I did babes oh my gosh br oh my gosh this looks so good and wait a minute NOP Crystal I literally have the best idea ever so you know how our little puppy doggy boy is going to live in here yes what about it well we could write the word d o OG right here and glass so it could be like a giant window OMG and now it’s going to say dog yeah that’s what dog spells and we could use light blue stained glass so let’s go right over here and we’re going to make the D start like that and wait Crystal does that look like a d hold up wait a minute wait wait okay wait wait hold your horses babes what is that wait wait wait wait it’s work in progress wait just trust me on this and boom a d right over there do you see it uh yeah now I do yes let’s go now over here we’re going to have a ginormous oh and did you know that o is my favorite letter can you guess why because it’s the first letter of your name what how did you guess that oh my gosh you’re a genius but d o and wait we have to fill it all in just like that now we have to do GOP g g is a very hard letter what babes are you serious yeah g is so difficult it’s like a big spinny thingy around like that and then you have to go go this way and oh my gosh hold up hold up hold up let’s make it even now let me react like this oh my gosh that looks so good bab yes I love it thank you and wait I know what you’re thinking you think it’s too much light blue don’t think I forgot about you Crystal we’re going to put some cyan thank you babes no problem B I mean no problem Crystal oh no I hope no one heard that did I get that right are you serious what the hell are you spying on me already I got to catch you lacking boy I am not lagging I just called Crystal Crystal I didn’t say anything else other than Crystal nuh we started an investigation of you saying babes why I don’t say babes ever and no one’s even with that oh my goodness I’m totally with it I have so much evidence on you what Lally you two oh my gosh you’re supposed to be like the non crazy one HS you’ve said babes to Crystal four times already today what that is not true Crystal is that true actually babes it’s five well I have not called you babes babes you just did oh go I just said it the fifth time oh no hopefully Luke didn’t hear that what’s up dude CH Ching that’s another one baby oh my gosh Luke you’re a weirdo me and Crystal are just friends that happen to have a kid nothing is weird about that and we have a whole family and a family house we’re we’re not together just just get away from me Ms you could love crystala why I don’t love anybody body other than my awesome teeth over what um do you even have a mouth what I totally do Luke just move out of the way I know you’re just jealous of me in my babies’s house oh no bro did it again are you serious right now no oh my gosh but this house looks so good Crystal and wait wait we should make down over here out of sign as well so we can really see the dog o great idea thank you very much so let’s go over here and set it all down just like like that and whoa dog house dog house but wait we should totally add some windows over here and Crystal I literally just had the best idea ever what is it so you know how there’s light blue glass and light blue blocks but there’s no San glass yeah bab it sucks well I just thought of a way that we could add San glass for you so it could be a shh don’t tell anyone I said this real couple hey don’t tell anyone everyone El just said we’re a real couple oh no what the dudes Roxy you too you just got caught in 4k oh my no I didn’t Luke stop it I’m put in cameras Roxy you better not I’m recording you right now what do you have to say um Ro dude get that camera out of here oh my gosh Roxy get away oh my goodness gracious but Crystal check it out I’m going to make right over here an O window made out of cyan glass OMG awesome and I know what you was just thinking oh stands for Ms Right and do you know what stands for Crystal it’s a CA in case you didn’t know I’m going to make a sea window right over here so it’s our don’t say this loud couple’s name are you serious you didn’t even say and Roxy heard you too ew you have a crush on me oh my goodness gracious let me just put the SE down and W oh see that looks so good oh my goodness gracious it says dog then OC but we need to make the outside look more nice cuz this looks super flat and kind of whack right bab they need some texture oh yeah you’re totally right and wait we should totally use some prismarine blocks check it out Crystal it’s going to make it look so much more thick OMG babes it already looks better I know right so what we can do is we can put it on every corner of the house as well so it has more depth and we could do it over every single letter ooh great idea thank you very much so let’s go up over here do it like that then we got to do it for the O and dog awesome sauce let’s do the bottom part as well then finally let’s do the G down over here just like this oh my goodness gracious Crystal oh wait wa wait we have to do up over here too don’t forget don’t forget babes don’t forget the SE oh no wait let me put down the SE over here just like that b Bop then B Po and Bop wow that’s so much depth and it’s like the letters are popping out at us right now and we should make a super duper nice path to our house yes bab use path blocks ooh yes yes yes they look so good so we can make the path start out super thick over here but then get thinner as it goes on over here just like that a maze ball so wao this is the entrance to our awesome house but Crystal we have a major problem look at the floor in our house it’s literally grass babes then our baby wolf is going to be so dirty that’s what I’m saying we do not want our wolf to be dirty we want it to be very clean and pretty so let’s make the floor o out of diamond blocks babes yes we’re stacking that bread what that that’s something Luke would say oh no let’s set the first position here then go all the way over and set it all with Diamonds oh yeah my son Liv on the dirt Luke what are you doing why are you throwing dirt in my nice yo oh my gosh Luke stop being gross why is there dirt in my house this is a very clean Diamond only house sorry that’s just a wolf way to be dirty yo what Luke why do you want woles to be dirty I think that they should be clean and very pretty and they should go Ru Ru not no cuz when you’re in the nature the little boys get eaten what the oh no Crystal we are never digging our kid outside the house no way those wolves are crazy stay out of my house yo get out L get out shoe Sho Sho oh ly junor what the uh where did he just come from yes Daddy what um what is going on right now Crystal I don’t like this one bit neither do I what are you doing Luke bite the blue boy’s butt what the what I’m coming for those sh oh my gosh oh my goodness ious that boy is crazy a crystal I don’t like this one bit ly Junior you’re done you’re good go back wait what what’s happening and y’all got caught in 4k wait what hey Crystal what get out of here hold no did you just take a photo of that yep I’m showing it to everybody oh my gosh Crystal he just took a photo of us in like a super tiny room it looked like we were kissing yay no that’s not a yay situation oh did you just smed Crystal I just saw the photo W Lily I did not smooch Crystal just just get out and oh my gosh my theory was right o that was not food oh no I’m getting away I’m getting away babes how are we going to make our son live in a safe area well our son can’t actually live in a cave that is dirty so what we could do is make him a luxury cave let’s grab some gold blocks OMG I love your thinking babes thank you very much we’re we’re going to make an indoor cave right over here oh yeah so let’s put the wall of entrance over here so the only way to get it is from here but we need to make the cave curve inside Crystal so help me out please all right on it thank you very much so we can make a go two blocks up on all sides like this then go forward one block like that oh nice job thank you now we can make it go inwards another block like that all that way around over here here Crystal I’m going faster than you right now sorry it’s kind of confusing oh my goodness gracious it’s all good it’s all good now let me do this one up over here and connect it all the way down just like that awesome sauce now let’s do the roof yes race you babes what no way you’re going to be me babes I mean oh gosh oh no one heard that F babes we’re clear on that one oh yeah that was close oh no are you serious right now how I literally whispered it HS if you’re so comfortable calling her your babes then just date her I didn’t call her my babes and I I no no that’s not happening any time soon ever never ever even in December October or November Ms what is it are you embarrassed to have Crystal as your girlfriend no I would never she’s really pretty a no I didn’t say that I didn’t say that guys ‘s just called Crystal pretty a oh my gosh are you serious right now thanks babes you’re the best to go golden safe cave where our son won’t get destroyed by the outside oh yeah and we can make him be like kind of outside we can make a fake outdoors in here yeah so then he won’t feel bad exactly so let’s use some dirt no we’re not using dirt we’re going to use green concrete cuz it kind of looks like dirt yep it’s cleaner yes sir ski so let’s make him like a little Hill over here so we can howl at the top like a true wolf just like father omy poo babes I don’t think you ever done that like ever what oh my gosh Crystal I totally do but let’s make the rest of this nice Hill like this and he could sit over here and he could stare off into the world which is just like a a blue area but this gives me an idea let’s grab some white wool ask me why Crystal ask me why why because it’s clouds oh my gosh he’s literally staring off into the real life Outdoors yes babe that looks so real I know right and oh my gosh another amazing idea let’s grab some yellow wool so we can make the sun oh my gosh that sun is so bright W babes it kind of Blends in with everything yeah you’re right how about we use some ooh orange oh yeah that will definitely stand out or wait wait even better we could use orange and yellow I know I know that’s very smart OMG that looks so good good I know right the sun is shining on this beautiful cloudy day so babes where’s the TV oh my gosh you’re right in the outdoors there’s always a TV so let’s grab some blocks and please please Crystal do you know what show I want com yes sir ski come on give me K Fu really bro e what is that oh my God yo give me kung kung fu my son is going to be so proud of his dad to know that that was actually me fighting an enemy bab that wasn’t a real show what that was real crystal that was real it actually happened but I know how we can make this look even realer you know what’s in the outdoors uh no what is it water crystal water we can make a mini beach omg’s so let’s make the water go out until over here like this and we can even grab some sand and throw it down just like that it literally feels like red the beach right now oh my gosh Crystal this is our Sunset vacation and I know what you’re thinking we need a fence to go over here to be an umbrella yes babes that looks so good I know right this is awesome oh no what the what is this room OHS all right how come Luke thinks he could just come into our house anytime he wants what do you want neighbor hey hey hey hey I thought we was bros luk we’re not bros you’re like an outdoor wolf I’m I’m an indoor puppy what dude what even is this room this is a cave but safe because my son will not be outside in the O real caves oh no that’s crazy what kind of baby stuff is this what do you mean dude you’re literally standing on water right now how are you doing that HS this is lapis blocks well well yeah but this is our mini beach and we even have clouds and the sun wow I guess this place is pretty cool really you think so if I was a little bit baby oh my gosh Crystal the neighbors are mean can I kick them out yes bab do it all right BL you’re getting GED out and never come back what was that I was going to leave you with the farewell present oh no Crystal I’m going to prank him um Luke remember that delicious food you had earlier well it’s complete oh my gosh it smells so good oh no he’s sniffing at Crystal do you know what that actually is Bab is that the wolf’s butt yeah that’s the wolf’s butt that’s poop oh no don’t say he’s about to do it I can’t I can’t look oh my gosh all right catch you later OHS oh my God she just ate a full mouth of poop is it done is it done yeah it’s done Crystal you could look now oh my goodness gracious I am so sorry you had to see that but wait a minute we don’t even have food for our kid and Luke just ate a whole lot of CH he ate poop but we need food for our kid what do dogs eat Crystal be oh yes my favorite oh let’s grab all of that raw beef baby and we could have like an automatic beef feeder babes how are we going to do that check it out I’m going to put a bajillion dispensers right over here you’re never going to have to cook ever again it’s going to be automatic so let’s grab some pressure plates put them down like that all along the dispensers and Crystal can you please start filling them all up with some raw beef yep on it thank you so much and I’m going to grab some repeaters to connect it to the dispensers just like that oh yeah babes I’m filling it up oh nice job you ready for me to test this out so now when we step on the pressure plates boom it drops out a whole lot of food Crystal this is literally the coolest machine ever bab’s instant food yes sir ski and hold up I knows what uses stinking we needs a place to eat at and since we are wolves we be eating on the floor oh yeah we need dog bowls exactly so to make dog bowls we’re going to need some slabs and whenever our neighbors come over they have to do what we do hold up what I’m not eating off the floor Roxy you have to I don’t make the rules okay Crystal check it out I have the dog bowls like this and boom this is Luke’s dog bowl guys I’m going to put some grass in it o really good thinking Crystal put grass in Luke’s dog bowl now I’m going to make my dog bowl in the middle and we can share it like that Boop then finally Roxy’s dog bowl and what’s a food that Roxy and Lily like is it cake yeah exactly so let’s grab some cake and throw it right over here and for us of course we’re going to put some raw beef but we also need a little area for water yes babes where’s our water bowls oh gach you’re totally right we can do it right over here let’s make this our water bowl then we can make this one Luke and Alexa’s then over here Roxy and Lily awesome sauce now let me put the water in it yes bab I’m going to drink it oh nice SI oh Crystal I might have made a leak off there we go it’s going to go away now what Crystal that did the opposite of Mak it go away Crystal oh no we just made it worse wait wait hold up hold up W pow okay we should be good now this water is delicious is it actually that good let me take a sip in oh you’re right oh my gosh the doggy bus and the doggy water is so awesome BS this toilet you made is amazing wait what what what do you mean to what the B this isn’t a toilet oh my gosh are you serious L get out he oh I’m trying to peain in your toilet dude it’s not a dude oh my gosh dude Luke it’s not a toilet I’m missing dude how are you missing oh my gosh wait is this one for pooping dude that’s our food that’s our food oh my gosh Luke are you serious right now get out oh my goodness gracious that was actually nasty dude don’t yell at me I’m your neighbor what did you just pooped and peed oh my gosh Crystal can you kick him out please get out give me a second wait what what is Crystal doing oh no she’s writing you a sign boom she said n no Luke’s allowed oh no oh man it’s in the sign that actually worked Luke is going away yay babes awesome hey y’all I’m here to use your toilet wait what Alexa what toilet are you talking about hey no oh my God are you serious oh my crystal you have to get rid of I’m not touching a girl while she’s peeing give me a second quickly WR the sign Alexa turn around look there’s a sign ly told me that I should pee over here no this is our water Bol oh my gosh now you’re just peeing on the floor are you serious right now hey let go of me you butt face I am not but face read the sign read the sign Crystal you wrot right read it read it oh my gosh I can’t go to my little sister’s house yeah you’re kicked out Alexa sorry this is just drama just get out just get out oh my gosh I’ll show you oh thank God we fixed a problem with Luke’s family those people are crazy yes B but go if they’re crazy like that their kids going to be even more crazier yeah we need a way to teach our kid to defend himself like meow Kung Fu’s in the building babe that didn’t happen but how do we teach himself defend what oh my gosh that totally happened but come over here we could put a ladder just like this going all the way up and Crystal what is a dog’s worst enemy cat duck exactly so help me build this platform over here and be careful I don’t want it to break my golden cave that John is beautiful babes use the magic wand oh yeah great thinking we could go all the way over here on this part and I’ll set it all with some San concrete y awesome and then wait it messed up the ladders let me fix that W po now we have to do this side over here so let’s set the first position like this go all the way over then Boop set it over there then finally we could do this side over here just like that y y now we just got to fill it up all right let’s do it y yeah perfect and here is where our son will learn self-defense like his big pops o w babes please don’t call yourself that what are you serious oh my goodness gracious but a dog’s worst enemy is a cat and since we’re blue dogs I’m going to make this cat a rare type of cat a red one ah my eyes I know right that boy is not that guy pal what red is a great color Roxy red is not a good color it is the opposite of oh blue and um Crystal does this look like a cat uh no way what yes it does wait wait spawn in a cat so I can see what a real life one looks like all right on it thank you very much and wait this should be the back legs over here like that and uh that that looks like like a cat kind of wait wait let me make the back of his head over here like this wait wait Chris I’m actually on to something spawn in that boy and hold him in your hand so I can see his face all right on it thank you and okay okay let me see it and okay he has five blocks going around his face and oh no we only have four he make it more thick oh okay I’m on it right now I’m making that bad boy super thick oh yeah so let’s go over here like this y then we’re going to need his eye color and Crystal I’m going to make it after your don’t let anyone hear I said this really nice looking eyes hold up what the why does Luke have Rockets what what are you doing here SS you just told Crystal that she has pretty eyes and that you wanted to smooch her that is literally not what happened I said I like her eyes I didn’t say why are you doing that it’s cuz everyone has to know no one needs to know it oh my are you serious right now oh I heard the news is it true that you two actually smoothed how do people hear about this so fast well at least Lily and Alexa aren’t being weird I just heard I’m so happy for your guys’ marriage what marriage Luke what are you telling people hes I just told the whole neighborhood that you guys are getting married and you’re going to have like 20 kids what the oh my all right dude get away that is never ever ever even happening but hold up we have to make the eyes look cute like that and I’m going to make the Eyes Green Oh n babes yes sir you heard that right check it out boop boop and boop boop it’s a Luke cat it looks so silly that does not look silly he looks very very real and oh no that boy does not look like him it’s cuz he’s missing a cute nose yeah sure what what do you mean yeah sure that looks just like the real Cat and wait a minute he needs like the cat mouth cat mouths are like one block forward wait a minute babes you might be on to something yes sir and wait wait boom oh yeah there is the cat and this is what we’re going to train on wait what do you mean train on well check this out Crystal we’re going to put some fences back over here and this is the line that you can’t go forward on now we need to grab some buttons and we’re going to put it all around the cat’s face like this with a sign saying how many points they’re worth so since this one is easy it’s one point ooh we could put one over here this is going to be worth two points cuz it’s a little harder to reach how about one on top of its ear you can barely even see that what bab that’s nearly impossible I know right so let’s make this one worth n seven points oh no then how about we put on H oh all the way back over here this could be worth six cuz it’s also pretty hard to hit and what if we made a tail like this and then it could be right over here and this one could be five yes bab that looks like so much fun I know right so let’s grab a chest and put a bow and arrow in here yes this is going to make our sun so good with accuracy I know right and we can use light blue arrows oh yeah so let’s put it in the chest like that babes I want to play let’s do it all right let me make duplicates of the bow and arrow and boom I’m in survival mode Crystal let’s see who can get more points I’m going first and I’m going to go for that five right over there Y and wait did I hit it oh my gosh I did nice job babes you have five points but watch that and oh my gosh you barely missed and what was that sorry wait I want to try again oh my goodness gracious and Crystal what are you do crystal are you serious right now this is embarrassing stop it stop it oh my gosh come on you got this I believe in you do it there’s a sign cow W oh my gosh but Crystal I’m about to go for the one underneath his leg like that boom hit it I got two points and ooh that one back over there looks crazy it’s worth six points come on let me hit it oh my gosh that one was crazy and I’m going to try and go for the 7.1 how is that even possible you have to like aim it up and softly oh my gosh wait I think I’m getting it it has to be like that way a little bit more wait Crystal do you see oh I’m getting close I’m getting close Crystal how close am I right now you’re so close oh man wait what if I made it super fast and then jumped wait wait I think that actually might be smarter come on y okay Crystal I literally think that this one is impossible wait I think I just hit it let’s check let’s go and oh my sash that John barely hit let’s go this is so good for training I know right our aim is amazing now oh yeah now our son’s aim is going to be amazing yeah yeah your son’s accuracy is okay but does he know anything about speed like my son what your son know speed wait how fast is he he’s the fastest wolf in town oh no nope Crystal Luke’s wolf is the fastest wolf in town W Luke your son is going to be nice to my son no way he’s going to bark at him like this we actually have a serious major problem our sun is going to be super slow the slowest in the playground oh no babies our sun can’t be slow I know right come over here right now we need that boy’s legs to be super fast like his dad oh yeah oh yeah check out the that speed okay wait I need a little rest I need a little rest you need a train too what oh my goodness gracious but we should start off with easy jumps like this Crystal try it out please bab this is too easy go for it oh what the you didn’t even jump all right we’ll try that out it’s one high and nice job all right well if that’s so easy what about boom three blocks try that out for size and W nice well what about a o four block jump the hardest ever made all right watch this we so close W oh that was so close the four block jumps are are super duper crazy but wa you just did a nice job but you know what else is crazy three blocks plus one up try that one out oh no this looks just as hard as a four block jump I know and oh nice job Crystal well what about 1 2 3 4 blocks then one block up Babes that’s literally not possible well it is possible if we grab a ladder like this it’s a ladder jump oh no and you did it wait let me give it a shot come on y hi Crystal we made it that was easy make the ladder jumps harder all right well what about this Oh no you’re not going to be able to do this Crystal I know it it’s a side ladder jump you have to jump around into the ladder oh no this is way too hard I know and what the oh my gosh you’re crazy I need to give this a shot right now let’s see if I have what it takes I feel myself becoming a real wolf that was really hard right I know but oh you know what else is harder for a ladder jump check this out we can make it go over here with a little bit of an easy jump to this ladder but then we can build up a post and you have to do a spiral ladder parkour jump oh no I’m really bad at these yeah me too let me give it a shot right behind you yeah y go Crystal go you got this okay oh nice oh made mine then oh made mine hi Crystal babes this is so hard I know oh don’t slip don’t slip be careful oh my gosh you’re crazy oh yeah yes let’s go and we made it oh my gosh easy pickings OHS you call this parkour where’s the danger I don’t see any lava what lava are you crazy why would we put lava because SS if you fall you could just get right back up they need to take the training seriously what how is lava going to make them take it serious cuz if they fall they going to burn their booties what’s up oh my gosh Crystal uh should we actually make it with lava or is that mean guys I think we have to make her on top oh go all right fine you’re totally right so once you get up over here it’s going to get real serious out here so let me build up like that and we F to make aop lava platform so let’s build all around the outside like that all the way just like this and connect it over now we need to make the base of it so let’s go underneath and connect it then grab a magical one then y eat it now we must set it some glass o oh no Crystal now it’s time for the lava oh no babes I’m kind of scared me too help me put down the lava all over all right on it let’s go oh my goodness gracious this lava is hot are we sure we want to do this don’t you think this a little mean homes if you don’t do it you’re a baby what okay now we have to do it never mind never mind just fill it all up with lava Luke I’m about to do the Parkour in front of your face and I’m going to make it extra hard with a side of hard sauce dude there’s no way you could make hard parkour are you serious all right well watch this I’m going to make the first jump up button piston jump oh gosh Crystal was that a bad idea to say are you crazy those are impossible oh gosh I already said I was going to do it no I have to okay okay so Luke I need to put a button right over here and then once I land there I have to instantly jump away to this block is this even possible oh for me this is a little warm up are you sure about that all right go for it try and make it all the way to that block oh yeah you want to see me do it TR no Luke just landed in the lava you have to hit the button mid jump and then boom oh my g gou how did I just do that D you just got lucky what well I’m going to make it even harder I’m going to make it a spamming sticky piston jumper bro are you trolling I’m not trolling I’m being for reals for reals right now okay okay I’m going to set it right over here with this sticky piston hogwash then we have to break all these lock so no cheating is allowed then right over here let’s set up a wall so there’s no way I could do this other than the right way oh no no I’m getting scared for you what don’t be afraid for me Luke cuz I’m going to do it and you’re going to be super impressed all we got to do is grab some Redstone like that put it at maximum delay yeah eat it with some dust get the torch and then boom flick it on then off and oh no it’s a spamming block and we have to make it so once you land you can jump over here well Luke go for it if you really think you’re that guy pal I actually the go what oh my gosh you almost did it wait if Luke’s not able to do it how am I going to do it babes you got this oh goodness all right let me go for it Luke are you ready to see a real wolf I’m ready to see a wolf fall in the lava oh my gosh what the world um you got lucky again no no no that was actual sauce and I think I’m now ready for it the hardest jumps ever made we’re going to need a n Rod for this and a slime block no ahuh I’m doing it Luka dude you best chill out now I’m not chilling out Luke is going to get real serious out here check it out I’m going to put a slime block over here and then I need to connect some Redstone to it cuz it’s going to be a delayed Activation so the only way you can activate it is from that block so let’s set all the Redstone down here just like that then grab a repeater and then boom set it with some delay now we need to get a button put it on top like that so when we hit it oh we have1 seconds to jump over oh no that is so fast NOS that’s impossible I made it all the way up over here and no Luke I know you might think that’s the end of it but it’s not you have to to land on the skinniest block ever an n Rod dude you are actually bugging I know right and you have to do all of these at the same time Luke you can go first attempt it yes sir SKS this going to be easy pickings what you did the first one well you won’t do the second one oh oh my gosh if Luke does this then he’s the alpha dire wolfs I am the guy that guy g a CH go oh Luke I don’t think you’re that guy pal I missed the button bab yes you still have a chance oh my gosh I have to do this my wife is my my friend crystal is watching you see how I didn’t react cuz we all know that’s your girlfriend oh my gosh well watch this oh made the first one then yes made the second one then oh my go OHS is legitimately literally that guy pal and Luke I’m feeling like the alpha wolf now it’s time for me to get my speed one bajillion hold up what are you doing dude I’m going to do parkour that you don’t even need to jump for what how is that even possible you’re about to see right now check this out it looks like it’s one block jumps right up yeah cuz it is no it’s not if you have enough speed like me that alpha wolf you could go do it without jumping watch and learn ly and you know what you think this is crazy right well guess what I’m about to do what are you going to do boom two blocks I’m going to run over this I repeat I’m going to run over this nuh-uh impossible yeah yeah Luke that’s what you think you’re going to see right now Crystal help me out with these I’m going to set where they should be and then you place them okay all right it oh no Luke is really thinking that I’m not going to be able to do this I’m going to do this in front of your face and every everybody can watch hes I’m going to call my wife to see this one wait what um well well don’t call Roxy and um Lily oh goodness are you sure you want everyone to know about this what what do you mean you don’t think I can do it no I do I do said what is it Crystal it’s just that two blocks is crazy what it is not crazy Crystal don’t worry I’m going to do it we can make the ending right over here so let’s finish it off all like this and this is going to be the Finish Line platform and don’t forget to that side please all right no problem thank you very much and boom the outlining is made now we need to grab white and black blocks and make a Finish Line over here so everyone can know I finished oh my gosh Crystal help out on the flag too please all right on it and you can do all of the black I’ll do the white okay all right doing it yes sir our teamwork is going brazy right now oh yeah wao we’re actually going so fast yes Siri and Y white white and then white up over here and you know what Crystal I’m just going to do the black too boop boop oh yeah I’m going super fast hey oh yeah super speed now boop boop boop okay Crystal I might have messed up the pattern oh goodness wait wait it’s not that bad actually no no it’s completely fine I just messed up one block and then Boop did boop boop boop and now we got to make a giant wall cuz when I’m coming in super duper hot I need to stop right yes space I don’t want you falling over thank you so let’s go all the way around like this and I know what you’re thinking Crystal how am I supposed to run over these one block jumps then two block jumps yes how are you well if I give myself a command block then underneath here I put it like this I can make a slash effect give then the nearest player speed boost for 100 seconds and oh speed boost level five now if we grab the pressure plate and throw it right over here are you ready for this yes show me boom Oh My Gosh Crystal I’m going up Super Speed but once the two block Gap happened I totally failed how are you going to do the two blocks then oh no and wait a minute I just got a good idea what if we made the speed a little bit higher oh nah babes are you crazy yes I’m super crazy I’m going to make a do SL effective ohms speed for 10 seconds speed NOP 50 50 yeah you heard that right I’m going to test it out right now you ready for this yes let me see you do it all right boom and no oh my gu gouache God did you see that at Crystal oh oh now I’m here now I’m there oh my gosh I am so fast I can’t control this that was crazy I know right this speed is super duper High I’m going to go for it again you ready yes do it all right W oh my gosh that was crazy try it out Crystal all right babies watch this oh my God no crystal is it that that hard yes that’s going to be really hard to do in front of everyone oh my gosh and I have to do it in front of everyone what’s good everyone’s going to watch us race wait what you got everyone here oh no yes and my hubby’s going to beat you in the race the like something no he’s not wait what race are we racing Luke yep it’s a competition to be the big dog oh no I have to prove every he I’m the alpha wolf oh all right if you really think you’re that guy let’s go Lily counts us down oh gosh all right let’s do this go I already fell okay to restart W Luke there that leads to nothing yes Luke thinks cheating is going to make him win and yes okay wait wait new rule new rule if you fall you can go to the block that you fell off yes sir checkpoints yes sir oh made it easy pickings and then boom you’re not going to do that and I was here I was here no you were not oh my goodness gracious and ladder jump oh yeah yeah Luke you’re getting smoked right now little dude in your dreams buddy what no way let’s see you fail this and well you’re not going to make the next one and UHS this parkour is getting too easy boy oh no oh yes you fell come on go go go f and then up around and yes I made it and oh no this is a crazy part B remember your training you got this a thank you Crystal Blue Boy you don’t got this you’re a butt face what the day I like said don’t you dare talk trash Luke you’re not that guy pal hey I tried to get ahead oh yeah what’s up Luke you ain’t going to do that you’re not that guy what big dog’s got to eat you’re not a big dog and oh no yes he failed come on no I feel to Luke chill chill chill perfect timings I’m not even running a wait let me go and perfect timing oh my gosh Luke yes you’re not going to make it oops that was a lucky run no it wasn’t and then no I failed this one oh gosh this is too intense go thank you Roxy and Luke you’re not that guy dude just give up this is embarrassing everyone watch him everyone watch him what the oh no and Luke you feel the slime block jumping wait a minute uh did I just boost you thanks my boy oh no I have to come back right now let me hit the button then come on oh my gosh go wait I fell no no no no no I got to go back oh no I slipped see you later look BL oh my gosh did I ju ju ju ju ju ju Just win it won’t give me speed yes and oh wait did I win because oh I’m not going to say anything nothing happened Luke yay Ms tell me how did you get so fast because of my training let’s go Crystal did you see that that was amazing your speed was so good thank you oh yeah get out of my house Luke you’re not that guy pal my son is going to be raised to be the top dog quickly Alexa we have to train our strength ability before Ms do wait what hey hey don’t leave don’t leave see you later you’re not that guy pal you butt boy what oh my gosh are you serious that Crystal Roxy literally copied our parkour no I built that first you copied me what no way dude no way but oh Crystal did you hear that Luke and Alexa are going to make a strength area oh no your kid is going to be so much stronger than ours I know right but wait a minute I know exactly how to make our kids strong I’ve always wanted a punching bag in my bedroom bab yes he can train his strength in his awesome bedroom yes that’s exactly what I’m thinking so let’s make his bedroom an extension of the house right over here yes great idea babe so let’s expand out this way over here and make sure not to mess with the speed training and let’s make this room gigantic he’s going to be the coolest kid around oh yeah yeah Crystal we’re the best parents ever oh yeah babe let Mo what no no that that no what no no no no just help me build out like this now we got to do the flooring and we can do that with the magic wand let’s set the first position there second position here then set it all with some light blue concrete the best ever OMG it looks awesome I know right and since he is also technically your kid we have to add Canan for the walls yay oh my gosh you’re so excited about that let’s set it like that then throw down the cyan concrete and make sure to go around here like this then B poop the wall around now let’s set it on all sides quickly babes go I’m going Crystal I’m going oh my goodness let me set it over here then let’s set it over here like this and now we just have to set it going from here all the way up to here like that yeah yay awesome the room has walls now Crystal and we should make the top of the roof out of light blue blocks right yeah it makes sense since the floor is light blue exactly so let’s set the two positions here set it with light blue concrete and oh my gosh the layout is so weird so we have to go around like that then make sure to fill up these blocks over here all the the way around and y y let’s go but babe is he going to sleep on the floor no he’s going to sleep in his awesome wolf bed oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s actually going to be awesome so first we have to make the layout all just like that y now Crystal what does a wolf look like let me Spawn one in and hold him in your hands please all right got you Bab boom hold him hold him hold him before he runs it oh my gosh this boy has a complicated face yo why are you so comp because I’m an animal what’s up Crystal that was totally you but okay first we need some gray blocks and then like some brownish blocks like that I’ll use some Spruce okay okay that should be good so first of all that boy got some serious lips it goes all the way out like that three blocks so let’s make the bed out one more by one just like this then he has some white over here then black for the middle of his nose like that now we have to do the gray and brown part around his face just like this and oh no Crystal this not real dog is actually looking M I wouldn’t have been it hey hey it’s not real crystal oh my goodness gracious but let’s grab some black and let’s make his eyes out of it and wait this one’s a little bit complicated Crystal but don’t worry I am a trained professional and oh he’s actually too adorbs now let’s just make his face like this then let’s make his ears like that oh my gosh dog bed but babes where is he going to sleep babe Crystal it’s a work in progress hold up wait a minute I know what you’re thinking that boy needs that light blue bed sauce oh my gosh babes where’s s you think I already have it I was going to put it right after oh yeah Wombo Combo oh oh I just sang at that cuz I didn’t know what to say but isn’t this amazing oh this is so com W I know right our son is going to love it he literally has the coolest bed ever it’s literally a wolf but here we need some awesomeness in his room so let’s grab some iron bars and we could put it down like that and now we’re going to need some red wool because this is his boxing bag bab check this out oh my go tired what was that bab I tried let me try again wo wo I’m tired really 2 seconds oh my wash Crystal but I feel like his room is empty he’s not going to be the coolest kid in the block what is something that a Dire Wolf kid would want to be the coolest kid ever bab’s a giant bone oh my go Krystal Crystal you are actually a genius a giant bone he’d be the coolest in the world okay okay okay let’s grab some bone blocks and then y then y then let’s make the bone oh my God this literally has to be a world record for the biggest bone ever bab this is just crazy I know Ray’s going to be so cool what This Isn’t that cool what I have is way cooler all right prove it then Luke I’m pulling up let’s see what you got Li bro you’re not that guy Luke I’m already saying that in advance dude you’re going to take it back when you see this oh my gosh what the what is that what the day oh my gosh L why is your baby what about to leave hey de doesn’t need a leash he’s chill W oh my gosh I’ll go inside your cave if you promise you’ll behave Mr baby wolf ly but face I will behave what the oh my gosh Luke your son is crazy yep check out his house though oh my gosh wao your cave is actually super lit I thought living in a cave would be whack B I know look at all these ores wa Crystal they have diamonds in here oh my gosh actually stacking that bread I hate diamonds what the blue control him he’s breaking everything this is what he’s supposed to do he’s learning what this is not learn D oh my okay wow uh there’s no more diamonds oh my gosh but wait Crystal there’s one more Diamond don’t let him know yay byebye what well oh there’s one really there anym okay we’re good there’s no more diamonds oh my gosh Luke I don’t like your son he’s a little bit uh crazy dude D not cool oh my gosh but whoa what’s that here he jumping what’s up did he just jump that Chris are you serious you Luke really Alex you’re not going to go right watch out Blue Boy dump a baby okay what the what is this Luke it says flick if Ms has a poopy butt what no one’s going to flick that blue boy has poopy butt what the what how did you do that Luka instant parkour boy oh my go well your son’s not going to what the what the what the what how did he just poop mid parkour he so chill oh my gosh help help help B Bo dying oh my gosh thank you Crystal dude are you serious that is not fighting baby wolfy Luke be nice okay I’ll be nice bye what’s up D Crystal oh my gosh what the St dude stop blue boy so poopy I am not poopy Luke tell your son to chill out I’m not going anywhere near him until he promises to chill okay I got this baby wolf ly chill be nice to MSY okay I be nice my gosh oh my gosh are you serious right now just I want to see what’s in the chest said a boat what the what is this for ton accuracy du Buffet oh my gosh Crystal they have accuracy in here B he’s a baby no way he’s going to do it yeah word you’re not that guy baby wolfy Luke let’s see what you got the Luke your son just fell lava awesome what oh my gosh and wait Crystal’s going to go Crystal trade with me today so she’s going to do this easily chryst I’m going in to save you I can’t swim babes I already caught myself oh my goodness gracious oh that was crazy and you know what I’m just going to do with my feet oh yeah baby ly I’m that guy easy HS you have to use the boat yeah I’m going to use the boat in your dreams what’s good baby help are you serious poopy boy poopy not poopy wait baby Luke we just did it together hey poopy boy on my boat hey oh my gosh but who what’s in this chest that Rob really bro are you serious Luke he just stole the entire prize that’s what he’s supposed to do he won oh my gosh I’m going to go destroy red boy’s house wait what red boy um who do we know that’s red wait a minute Roxy yes I have to see this no no no I have to war him Roxy Roxy Roxy oh G oh the crazy ly baby is coming Roxy where are you oh hi what’s up but where is baby Luke oh my gosh he’s going to blow up your house and uh wait why do I see him at oh no not the dog oh my gosh break it break it going to go boom boom no no no oh my gosh this kid is crazy Luke seriously B is your kid right now all right fine I’m put putting him back in his chest oh my gosh he literally has a flied steel dude this baby is straw ball put him away oh my gosh F enough with babies right crystal he has finally babies what the heck B boy Roxy junor Roxy why you name your son what up day let go of me Poopy boy poopy boy really Roxy what is what is he doing I’m going to play you what the Crystal tell me to stop tell stop I’m scar is he literally trying all right but okay Roxy please tell your son to chill isn’t he so cute what this is not cute I’m going to let you down but boy Roxy but you have to promise to be nice what up do okay no you’re staying on my hands and um B boy Roxy wow um this is a really nice dog you made and is he licking the water what Roxy he’s out bab what is he doing I don’t know and oh wait maybe he’s just looking around at uh is that TNT no Roxy stop him oh my gosh did he just go inside the butt oh no I don’t know if I want to go in here and it’s so nicely decorated don’t do a bub boy Roxy junor e the cake F wait what he’s eating the cake oh wait wait yeah cake break cake break cake break okay good now it’s done no oh my go break it before he oh no run this is oh my Roxy are you not upset about this that was so awesome what that was not awesome oh my gosh wait a minute is this o parkour yeah going make no you’re not you’re not that guy pal and oh yeah what TNT I’m beating the TNT little boyy hey no no he’s placing TNT as I go oh oh oh wait actually that one helped me thank you Ed oh yeah what’s up you’re not that guy hold up you’re actually being a w man’s right now get break the no no hey you can’t do that you can’t do oh my hey chill okay okay go okay are you serious right now oh my gosh I’m just going I’m just going in oh oh gosh I’m just going dude chill Roxy your baby’s crazy you’re not going to pass this what and what the heck is this John and wait there’s a button over here and this is the thing Roxy copied no I didn’t yes you did wait wait hold up this is baby Roxy Junior can we do this then we can argue yeah this is awesome oh no Ryan wait I didn’t even get the speed Hold Up Hold upit oh gosh sh that’s not funny total new I’m not a total new but and what the what is this Roxy this is the final battle Areno where you’re going to battle my son wait what uh I don’t want to go up against him he’s definitely way more powerful than me yeah that’s why we wanted to do it oh my gosh I’m getting the armor first Oh no you’re crazy and okay sword bow and what uh TNT are we sure we’re supposed to have TNT Roxy yeah I put flame on the bow so you can combo them up oh that’s actually lit yo look little boy you going to get Sauced up I hope you know no I’m going to beat you all right if you really think so I’m putting myself in survival go in survival too y myy going down what’s up D he’s already blicking me oh my gosh Roxy why is he actually going to fighting oh TT oh yeah I’m dipping I’m dipping hi Alexa watch this little kid get S why are you beating up the little bo what what do you mean cuz he’s dangerous he’s dangerous hey back up back up watch your jet watch your jet T Roxy I don’t think this is going to end up good for your kid uh turn around uh but boy Roxy Jr was doomed to fall oh my gosh SS you’re a terrible person what no I’m not he was crazy well SS at least all the babies are gone right yeah pH that was too crazy for one day I got our son oh no and uh is his namey farty dude are you serious oh no please don’t be crazy please don’t be crazy why hello there father my name is omy FY what it’s funny what the hey wa wait wait Roxy now that’s the farty part the fact that he talks like that speak again my father I’ve been waiting so long to see you may you please show me your home What U Luke why is he talking like that dude why does he sound like that I don’t know but okay sure I worked really hard on this super duper awesome house um oh I hope you enjoy my father this is fantabulous exactly what I had pictured in my mind thank you very much mother as well babes our son is literally amazing I know right oh my gosh wait a minute father is this a g golden cave with all the essentials I need for survival yes this is exactly what it is you have a little ocean over here and even a TV and that’s really me why father I am so proud of you that movie is real you know you heard that you heard that he said the movie is real it’s not real what it’s real yeah you heard my smart son say and wait ohy farted I’m not going to call you that I’m going to call you Mr OHS cuz you’re literally that guy come up over here you’re going to love this it’s your training course my father this is truly marvelous wait can you do me a favor and uh look over at roxxy’s tree please wait what Roxy’s tree uh okay is there anything over there oh no omy 4y you’re hilarious oh yeah he has no idea wait what why did omy F’s voice just change and what the what dad I tricked you oh no Crystal Run okay are you serious right now you just got pranked boy your son is not nice no this house oh my gosh are you serious this one’s all mine no babes that’s Lucas wow what do you mean that’s liie it’s grain for luk you cannot build hair hes you could build if you want to see I could build look said I can no bab not allowed oh my gosh well oh look at this one it’s so big this one is all mine I’m building right here babes that’s pink it’s for L Crystal it’s fine if it built here yes let’s go Lily said I could build here so I’m building in pink no you are not it’s not your color oh my gosh well oh there’s one right over here this is basically light blue I’m building right over here babes no you’re building right here W are you serious right now how am I going to build a roller coaster in this little spot it’s going to be a little roller coaster that goes like this wow oh my gosh that is terrible I’m building with Lily what oh my gosh that’s not fair they partnered up and now they have a really big area you know babes you can partner up with me W oh my gosh all right fine yeah I’ll partner up with you but not because I want to it’s only because you have such a big area yes we’re going to SM what oh my gosh all right but how do we even start our roller coaster you guys are going down wa oh my gosh Crystal they already started with netherite blocks for a roller coaster great job Roxy we’re going to destroy them oh my gosh oh my gosh Crystal what’s cooler than netherite use diamonds babes oh yeah diamonds are way better than netherite we’re going to destroy them but Krystal how are we going to make our roller coaster cool is it just going to be like a basic one no babes we have to make it go around the whole amusement park oh my gosh you are a genius Crystal wait come over here with me we can make an amusement park entrance right over here and it could be way cooler than theirs let’s make a giant sign that says fun oh my gosh yes so when people come in they’re going to have to have fun so what should we make the sign out of make it out of iron and go because we’re red oh my gosh yes let’s make a ginormous sign so let’s make the first post on this side then make it go down the middle all the way over here then we can make that post reach down here and let’s build up and connect it oh my gosh Crystal we are going to have the biggest sign ever yes bab you’re so good at building thank you Crystal oh my gosh wait why is our teamwork actually really really good because we’re dating w what does dating mean you’re my boyfriend D what oh my gosh Crystal no we’re not dating and I’m not your boyfriend don’t be weird Crystal just be a little bit normal okay fine sorry and boom check it out I just made the sign out of iron blocks now we have to spell fun um how do we spell fun f y n all right F so let’s make it go down like that and does that look like an F yes babes it looks gray then next is you I know that for sure so let’s make a f few and then the last letter is n so let’s build up on this side then we got to make it go down over here like this and it says fun yes babe that looks great I know right we have the fun sign this is awesome so now this is going to be our entrance but wait we need to make it so it costs money to get inside oh yeah there needs to be a ticket booth right here exactly so let’s grab some wood and we can make some line Lanes to get inside so we can make the first one on this side so let’s build it like that and then we can make another one over here so in the middle of these two is going to be the first line then we could do another one right over here like this so there’s another one in the middle and then one last one on this side over here yes the line is going to go so quick because there’s three exactly now help me build up a wall on each one of these all right babes you can use the magic one for this oh yeah this is actually perfect so let’s set it all with some Oak planks Boom the First wall is set Bab finished oh my gosh what crystal that’s actually very impressive how do you do this this quick the magic wand oh yeah that’s actually very smart now we got to make the little ticket booth area so let’s break some blocks like that then we got to grab some glass so let’s put it right over here so we could talk to the people inside now we have to hire an employee how do we hire people super easy crystal first we got to make their working area so let’s build a little room back over here and let’s make a roof and should we add a door or should we lock them up in here lock them up oh yeah really smart so then we can have work forever so let’s build a top like this then let’s grab a villager and boom here you go Mr Ser you now work for us what’s his name his name is John the worker all right Mr John um give us the ticket let’s name him poop head what we’re not naming our work or poop head poop head one ticket please what oh my gosh no what are you doing Crystal I’m nameing get poop head oh my gosh done what oh okay fine whatever this guy’s name is Poop head now we have to make another one right over here so let’s break some glass and we need to name him something good now okay how about Mr peee what Crystal that is not a good name at all that’s very rude why would he name him Mr peee I’m naming him Mr peeee oh my gosh you know Roxy would find that really funny Mr PB is awesome wait what Roxy’s listening oh my gosh oh my gosh I agree Mr PE is hilarious W oh my gosh guys stop listening in our conversation oh gosh but check it out St boom Mr peee is alive yeah now we need one more Ticket Master so let’s make it right over here and we need a good name for him something like normal like John or Phillip how about Mr farad W Mr farhead Crystal we cannot name our employees these names that’s very rude too bad W no did you actually already do it yeah come read it oh my gosh let me see this are you serious right now Mr Fad well at least he’s a Mis I have to name it mrss what what why are we naming it Mrs that’s a girl yeah you can tell by its nose what oh my gosh well then missions area for our theme park is complete so we have to enter from here what’s the entrance going to look like well it has to look very cool so we can make it all out of iron blocks so on that side do this exact same design Crystal exact same please don’t mess it up okay I’ll try my best thank you and we can make it go all around like this so no one could just sneak in cuz they have to pay to get inside our theme park we don’t want people getting in for free oh yeah good job we need to make the Moola exactly and we can make it go all around here and then we can make the bottom part just like this all the way until we reach to the other side like that and then we can add a little turn like this the same as we did over there then we can just reach each other hi Crystal can we connect please yes let’s connect why why do you make it sound weird and oh my gosh chryst we made it uneven no one will notice babes oh my gosh all right fine just put the walls in make the second this is going to look awesome and boom I’m done with my side and bab I finished my side what how do you do it so quick Crystal are you like hacking or something no I use the magic wand oh oh yeah that is a very easy way to do it but right over here is the entrance of the park and what do Park entrances always have babes we need the first ride to be super awesome oh yeah you’re right we have to capture the people’s attention with something amazing and I know just what we could do we should make a couple’s roller coaster I was about to say something with deadly dangerous drops not a couple’s roller coaster that is gross no we should make the roller coaster super peaceful for the couples W or we could make it super deadly dangerous what about this we name it deadly dangerous roller coaster for couples oh my gosh yes yes yes so we can have the best of my side and the best of your side yes perfect oh I see you flirting with Crystal what we are not flirting oh my gosh we are flirting Roxy thank you for noticing what no Roxy we’re not not flirting we’re just deciding on what to build oh my gosh but Crystal how do we make a couple’s roller coaster it needs to have two lanes oh yeah so the Riders could right next to each other okay but now what color block should we use light blue and cyan wait a minute is there any like particular reason we’re using light blue my color and C your color because we’re the couples du what oh my gosh Crystal we are not a couple but yeah sure I’ll go with it so let’s do the San side right here and I’ll do the blue side and we do it together okay all right I’ll follow with you build all right first we got to make it start off going super duper ooper pooper high and hm how high should we go in what Roxy what is that uh the highest roller coaster in the world oh my gosh look what is that the most awesomeness epic roller coaster oh my gosh it’s your face yes sir oh my gosh that is trash lot come on crystal we got to make it even higher than Roxy his is like to the clouds bab Let’s Do It Go build up oh my gosh this is going to be super super crazy and Crystal should we make it have a deadly dangerous drop yes above lava oh my gosh yes let’s do it and wait I have a really good idea we’re going to make the roller coaster go over to Roxy side just to show that we’re the better roller coaster what did you just say um nothing and oh my gosh Roxy are you making it go higher yeah I’m making it go to the Sun what the sun oh my gosh Crystal hurry up put some pep in your step please sorry this is really hard what this is not hard at all Luke why is your roller coaster so low it’s a theme park ohms what does that even mean it’s supposed to be scary is supposed to be fun what oh my gosh the scary is the fun part come on crystal we got to make our super duper super scary so everyone cries and poops their pants babes I’m starting to get scared I’m scared of heights W you’re scared of heights you know who’s not scared of heights Lily isn’t and wait Roxy where is Lily Lily’s working downstairs oh my gosh wait that’s actually really smart so you guys are working on different things and wa we just crossed pads babes is this high enough oh my gosh yeah I don’t know cuz Roxy doesn’t seem like he’s going to stop I’m never stopping oh my gosh well you know what I have an idea instead of us working on one drop Crystal let’s just make our roller coaster better so let’s make it turn right over here get thinking babes thank you now let’s make it go down over here like this and we have to make it go back to our side of the amusement park babes turn it and then make it go back down all right I’m turning I’m turning I’m building and are we back above our side no not yet let’s keep going down over here like this and okay good good good we made it off all the way back to our side so we can make the drop right over here babes let’s do it but first we have to test out how far we go so let’s put down some rails then grab a mine cart and let’s see do we go super duper flying off for just a little bit and Crystal can you power them yep I’m grabbing a Lev now all right put it down and let me know when I can go all right go now oh thank you and I’m going we and I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going and I land all the way right over here so we can make the roller coaster continues so let’s make it go up like this and then we could put the rails right above so Crystal come down over here and then continue yours down here okay bab on thank you and we can make the ride go all around this way and then where should we make a go we should add a slime jump oh yeah like we’re riding this way and then it boosts up over here yeah yeah that’s really smart so let’s break these blocks down over here then let’s grab a sticky piston and put it down and we okay grab some slime blocks and let’s connect it on top so once we ride over it’s going to boost us but you have to activate the sticky pistons oh yeah yeah yeah wait wait it would be smarter if we moved it one down yeah so then it can launch us higher exactly so we fall on it and now hm how do we do this Redstone Crystal babes you’re the Redstone guy not me oh gosh oh gosh wait what the Roxy what are you doing here oh hi no no no no no no we’re not doing this you can’t just build your roller coaster on my side oh look up yeah I’m looking up it’s on our side no it’s not it literally is yeah it is it’s directly on our side no it’s above your side wait a minute what oh I guess yeah that is true you don’t own the arrows oh my gosh yeah whatever just get out of here see oh my gosh whatever Roxy I don’t care but Krystal how do we make this work babes I don’t know thanks all right let me think I guess we could use a detector rail so like once it detects us coming near it can make it activate right yeah nice thinking all right so let me set a detector rail right over here then we could add some powered rails after it and some before it and then underneath we’re going to need to make redstone so once a mine cart rides over the detector rail it Powers it and then we can make it lead into the Pistons like that wow awesome babes it pull the blocks down though oh yeah you’re right it did the sticky pistons stuck onto it but if we switch those blocks out for some obsidian that won’t happen because obsidian is unmovable so let’s test it out again and yes it works yay baby it works let’s go but wait a minute let’s test it out in motion so let’s grab a lever and we can power it over here and over here and let’s open the Minecart launch me up and wait w it activated so early you have to add some delay babes oh yeah we have to add delay really good thinking and chry how do you literally know everything about Redstone because I Stu you duh W oh my gosh that is weird but Boom the delay is set now let me hop on and come on wao did you see that it just boosted me up was that awesome or was that awesome I didn’t really have a choice so that was awesome let’s go so now we can cover up all of the evidence over here underneath and wa wait we need to make sure that these blocks aren’t touching so let’s fill it all up with obsidian and boom we have a functional booster babes don’t forget to add a detector on the other side oh yeah really smart let me add it and I just got to hook it up with some Redstone and all we need is one piece like that so now no matter what side it’s on it’s going to work awesome oh I know right but um Crystal I just realized we need to add rails all over so connect the rails all right babes on it add it quickly and oh my gosh we got to fly back up and wait wait let’s just start from the bottom and oh my gosh Roxy’s roller coaster is so annoying M I can’t hear you what do you say nothing Roxy I didn’t say that your roller coaster is really annoying because it’s going through my roller coaster the better one I’m making it go through luks now what what are you doing that because it’s silly no it’s not silly bro move oh my gosh and wait uh Crystal I just got a good idea how about we make our roller coaster go above Luke’s too that would be hilarious babes oh know right no don’t do that guys why you want us to do that Luke all right just because you act so politely we’ll do it I said quite the opposite what oh my gosh luk is so upset but let’s make it go all the way up over here and then we have to turn it so let’s grab a normal rail turn it up here and then make it go down this way all the way until we hit the turn like that and then boom turn again and then make it go down over here like this how’s it going Krystal bab this is getting really scary why why are you scared we’re not even that high up babes I told you I’m scared of heights oh yeah you did say that but wait wait we just reached the reels let’s go now all we have to do is just grab some levers and we just got to power them all Yay good job babes thank you Crystal let’s go all the way to this side then over here then to the other side and we could do this one over here and I got to make sure not to miss a single one cuz that would be terrible and wait almost all of them are activated on the light blue side what about the San side Crystal I’m still working on the rails oh my gosh all right fine Crystal I’ll do the levers while you do the rails so we can work together as a team yes babe we’re a team like dating what no we’re not dating wait you guys are dating what no we’re not dating I don’t know why crystal said that yeah we are red boy what no we’re not wait you guys are dating no Lily no we’re not dating oh my gosh stop spreading rumors guys wait did I just hear you guys are dating no no that’s literally a rumor you just heard me say that that’s a rumor oh my gosh I’m so happy for you w whatever Luke but whoa it’s complete Crystal should we try out the couple’s roller coaster yes babe let try that means we’re couples what we’re not a couple we’re just trying it for like the customers who actually are a couple like us what oh my gosh just hop in the mine cart Crystal ready Let’s Do It Go oh my gosh wait you’re so much ahead of me all right this is actually good cuz like the couples are supposed to be next to each other oh no we’re not going to be next to each other and wao we are so high up right now and wait I’m going to see if the drop works for you come on work work work and hopefully we land on the rails and wao we’re going over the rails let’s go I landed me too babes didn’t launch me sorry I ran into you oh my gosh you messed up my momentum wait wait let me try that again but this time with the right momentum some and we I get launched all the way up over here bab here should be the theme park oh my gosh yes Crystal because we’re going up against Luke so let’s make it continue on right over here like that and what theme should we make it we should make it love what no not love we already made like a couple’s roller coaster for no reason babes I want it to be love now oh my gosh relax why are you making a girl cry why I’m not making a girl cry what are you talking about I’m crying W you’re clearly not crying you just faked it that’s so rude W she’s not even crying fake crying fake crying what what no one’s going to believe that Crystal wait are you okay Crystal wait what are you serious Luke what do you mean are you okay Crystal you’re making a girl cry not cools what she literally said fake cry she’s not even really crying fake cry fake cry what she’s not even making like the WW sounds how does anybody believe this not cool stop making a girl cry I cannot believe this all right fine yeah Crystal make it like a heart or whatever love yeah sure yeah oh my gosh I can’t believe this my job here is done I saved her what you didn’t even do anything get out of here Luke Crystal call me what oh my gosh get out of here I can’t believe this I think Luke has a crush on me oh my gosh don’t say that that’s weird that’s that’s really really weird but over here we got to make it like love and heart and stuff so grab some red wool I already did oh my gosh of course you’re ready for this and then we can make it both sides like that so when we boat jump on we’re going to land over here let’s make a Tunnel of Love what oh my gosh Crystal stop being weird and wait wait wait we should make one side redstone blocks and one side normal red walls so we know which one’s which good thinking I know right and I’m just replace your side okay and I’m going to make it lead this way and then it could go down over here like this and then turn this way and then here’s going to be the Tunnel of Love even though that’s super duper gross bab it’s okay to have feelings for me w stop saying those words that’s really weird but okay here’s going to be the tunnel so what should the Tunnel of Love be made out of let’s make it a pen oh yeah smart that is what a Tunnel of Love would be made out of so let’s start it off right over here like this and then we got to make it go down this way and I want it to be like super duper deep so we can make it go all the way down over here should be good right yeah use the magic wand oh yeah great thinking Crystal and oh my gosh roxxy’s build is so in the why that’s so annoying we have to make it all the way up to this height so we don’t mess his up then let’s set it with some pink wool and boom I finished my side now Crystal for your side you could start it off right over here like this then make it go all the way down to the same level all right okay bab I got it thank you andway let me just fix up this corner over here for you and just use the magic wand to fill in the big part of it all righty gotch you thank you and boom I’m done babes I finished wow that was actually really fast now we got to make a roof on top so oh gosh roxies is so annoying we have to make the roof down over here instead of one block higher so let me set the first position there then the second position up here and boom set it all with pink W then we got to finish off this wall and let’s just place it all down like this and boom it’s complete now Crystal here’s the question do we want the tunnel of love to be a really slow roller coaster ride or do we want it to be a boat ride boats that would be so romantic W oh my gosh no it wouldn’t but all right sure but to make it both we have to make the entire bom out of some water oh yeah good idea so let’s go down a couple of blocks and then boom set it all with water wow awesome but wait Crystal how are we going to make a boat automatically spawn in use a detector Rail and make it spawn in a boat with a commandblock wait well oh gosh that’s right we just need to put a detector rail right here and then we need to put another one next to it and then make a lead this way and then underneath we just need to put a command block yes in the command block not in the creative menu oh gosh wait I knew that I totally didn’t forget I need to type it myself you me to tell you the command no no I know the command I already got it it’s in my inventory now all I need to do is just place them underneath like this and we have to get rid of this one Redstone Block over here so it doesn’t automatically activate the command block and then we can just fill it up with some red wool then we could just make it summon in a boat right over here so the command for that would be slash summon then we can make it a boat and we can make it spawn in with these coordinates now let’s copy it and paste it into this one then let’s fly over here and grab the command to be up here and the command will be slightly different it would be this and then we can make that on this command block over here and now once we activate it with the detector rail it should spawn in a bow that’s sinking make the bow go up higher babes oh yeah wait wait that’s a very easy change all we have to do is make it spawn two blocks Higher by changing the middle coordinate to 67 instead of 65 now let’s test them out this one spawns in and that one spawns in perfect we have a Tunnel of Love Boat babe shouldn’t it just be one boat so we can ride together oh yeah wait I didn’t even think about that couples are going to ride in one boat oh my gosh yeah you’re right all right let me just get rid of this one over here so now it’s only going to spawn in one boat so we can ride together yeah we can ride together what what do you mean we what does that mean mean you what no oh my gosh you’re making it weird again no I’m not babes yeah you totally are but check it out when we use the rails to build now since you did make yours out of redstone it automatically Powers them not the Wallside though oh whoops that that’s um that’s a you problem sorry oh my gosh sorry sorry sorry just go down and then we have to make a turn over here then make what Crystal what are you doing sorry I messed up oh my gosh we have to make the rails point this way by using a powered rail then make it into a detector rail then we got to make it stop right over here yes we can hop into the boat exactly so let’s just put two blocks over here and wait Crystal you didn’t even power yours you’re supposed to do that not me oh my gosh all right fine I’m powering them uh and yeah now it works so once we land right over here it spawns in the boat and we can go to The Tunnel of Love I’m right behind you babes oh my go stop being weird but this isn’t really lovely it’s just pink we need hearts on the walls now what don’t say me and do you even know how to make a heart yeah I’m a girl all right yeah I know how to make one too it’s like kind of like this and then we want to make it swoop down in the middle and boom my heart’s done bab that is terrible W well let me see yours and wait what looks like a perfect car yeah cuz I’m good at this stuff oh my gosh wait wait wait how’ you do that wait I’m copying Your Design so it’s like one red down at the bottom then three for the second layer then five up over here and then break the corners and the middle in wo I did it yes babes good job thank you now wait what should we add we just want it to be only Hearts we should make it say kiss oh my gosh gross all right how do I spell Kiss k i s s oh yeah all right let me just spell a k okay and then I like this and then s like this is this right oh gosh is this an S bab not really no it’s close enough it’s close enough I spelled Kiss Boom perfectly I have a kiss here wait what you guys are kissing what no Roxy we’re not kissing we’re just we’re we’re we’re building right crystal no we’re kissing oh my gosh no we’re not I need to see this where is it what no bluke no we’re not kissing oh my gosh why is Luke’s name tag moving Luke where are you I’m coming to see that smooch what no Luke there is no smooch going on oh my gosh what do you want did you guys smooch no we didn’t SM dude get out of here no smooching is happening hey don’t touch me he come here I have you you’re going back to your wao this place is actually really cool but you’re going back to your theme park go over here hey stop touching me oh my gosh and wait a minute wa does your roller coaster literally go to the ocean yeah it’s underwater Oh My Gosh Crystal emergency meeting come with me come with me now what’s up bab we don’t have an underwater roller coaster we just have like a little boat Tunnel of Love yes we need to make our than his I know right Luke can’t have the best roller coaster so right over here once the couple’s tunnel is done we can make it lead this way so let’s make it lead down this way and wait Crystal should we make it go up or should we make it go through the walls through the walls babes oh yeah good idea and wait wait since we are copying Luke let’s at least make it out of emerald blocks I’ll make my side out of lime green W oh yeah really really smart so let’s make it go up over here then we could turn the corner and go through the wall yeah I’m breaking through in what is this Roxy why is there a ginormous Iron oh that’s my water slide what oh my gosh oh my gosh all right one thing at a time Crystal one thing at a time we can’t just oh my gosh make an awesome water slide wao this is so cool what are you doing St nothing nothing n n what’s n none of your business get out of my face Roxy I’m totally not building something awesome oh why is it made out of emerald block none of your business Roxy leave me alone and wo this place looks awesome all right see you oh my gosh Crystal come on hurry up build it next to mine okay okay I am all right and we can make you go over and wo the front entrance is gold so cool and wait what oh my gosh Crystal we have a big problem what’s the problem babes Rox SE literally goes to the water as well oh gosh oh gosh we have to make ours even cooler in the water than his yes let’s do it babes all right let’s make it go all the way down over here and we made it to the beach nice just a little bit more and we should be above the water Yes we made it make it have an awesome drop babe oh yeah that’ actually be really really cool if there was a drop into the water so let’s test out how far we go by activating it with the lever and let’s make it go a little bit back like that and then we can put the mine cart down and let’s go come on and we land right over here so we need to make the underwater roller coaster start right there so let’s set the emerald blocks and the rails above it and wao the rails work underwater that is awesome babes I know right and now that we’re underwater we can enjoy the natural sea life so romantic W now it’s not romantic it’s awesome litness amazingness and then we can make it go slightly above the water so we can enjoy the ocean view we should kiss while on the roller coaster what no Crystal we should not do that just build your side of the lime wool and let’s make it right above the water wow so cool then we can make it turn around this way like that and then we can make a turn around again coming back to our amusement park so let’s make it go up over here like this and then down all the way and oh my gosh we have to place like a trillion blocks to get all the way back to our side bab hurry up place it fast I’m placing it as fast as I can what do you mean place it fast it’s like the fastest speed we could go quicker all right what you’re all the way back there what do you mean quicker I said quicker oh all right I’m I’m building it quicker stop being rude to me crystal you’re supposed to be nice oh yeah yeah sorry quicker please thank you Crystal I really appreciate that and thank you for not calling me babes anymore that was really annoying quicker please babes what I I just said no whatever whatever I’m not even going to complain I’m not going to complain I don’t care but we can make it go down underneath this tree then we got to make it go up over here and down even more all the way around Roxy and wo Roxy look so cool hi W hi Roxy where are you I can’t even see your place is so crazy I’m on your side W you’re on my side oh my gosh wait I’m coming over right now Roxy let me see what are you doing on my side oh I already passed your side what oh my gosh you’re adding more yeah it’s going to get 10 times bigger what whatever Roxy but now that we end up over here we need to have a cool water park right crystal yes let’s make a water slide and wait a minute W Roxy made a water tube going up to the water slide so let’s do the same thing we can make our roller coaster end up right over here like this then let’s grab some glass and since this is a roller coaster ride for two people we need to make the glass big enough to fit two people so let’s place it like this boom so let’s build it up on this side and this should be a good height to get launched up then we got to do all the side of the tubes and Crystal where are you right now I’m finishing the roller coaster oh my gosh wait you made it go around Roxy too oh my gosh that’s so funny yeah that’s so annoying oh my gosh but let’s make it go all the way up over here and then Crystal do that side please okay on it bab thank you and then we can make it end up right over here now I got to break a little entrance like that and then finally do this last side of glass kaboob complete now all we have to do is make the bottom out of Soul Sand and then you have to place water what oh my gosh yeah that is true let me grab the water and put the Soul Sand down now for the front we need to grab some fences and wait what you already have it yep I got it thank you Crystal now put four of them like that and then open it up so that the water doesn’t overflow then we just got to place a bunch of water so it launches us up bab go I’m going I’m placing so much water and it’s boosting us let’s go and Cal just do your side I’ll do my side okay okay fine thank you and I think this should be good let me just make sure we got every single block like that perfect now let’s test it out if we go inside we get wee launched up to the top awesome let’s make diving boards yeah really good idea and what color should we make our diving boards s and light blue oh yeah our colors all right right so this is going to be the cyan side and this is going to be the light blue side so let’s make it go down over here like that and since the light blue is my side I need make it more awesome so I’m going to grab a pressure plate and set it right over here and this pressure plate is going to make us jump super duper high so let me grab the command block and underneath I’m going to make it give the nearest player jump boost for 10 seconds and jump boost 100 that’s crazy I know right and check this out oh my gosh we are so high I can see the whole city from here and we would land right over here into out the floor we need a pool bab make the pool all right all right but what should the pool be made out of quartz blocks D oh yeah yeah yeah you’re right all right let me mine down over here then let me set it all with some quartz blocks just like this and boom it’s all set oh gosh Crystal I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck make the inside air fast all right all right I’m coming out oh that was really painful and then I’ll make the outside over here the second position then boom set it all with air wo now fill it up with water all right let me set the first position there then the second position right over here that set it all with some water Kaboom wa ginormous pool let’s try it out let’s hop in I also copied your command block thing W are you serious oh my gosh well guess what I’m going to make myself get jump boost 200 well me too let’s see how high we go oh my gosh this is awesome and wait I got to land in the pool right over there man I landed let’s go that was awesome wait babe that was so much fun fun oh my gosh awesome babes right here should be a lazy river oh my gosh wait that’s actually so so smart we can make it like lazily lazy into this way right yes do it it can be like exactly that’s what I was thinking like it could be like wee so let’s set the quartz on this side over here like this and then boom set it with quartz oh gosh I can’t breathe I can’t breathe I’m locked in here I’m coming to save you w no no no crystals all good I’m good I’m good I’m good first I need to set the position right over here then let’s go outside and really you blocked me off oop sorry oh my gosh not finding Crystal then we can set the second position up here and then boom set it all with air awesome so the lazy river is going to lead this way and since I want the Lazy River to be like a correctly made Lazy River we have to do a little strategy so Crystal copy this pattern of building on your side okay what is this going to do just trust me copy this just build this exact thing on your side all right all right babes thank you and yes you’re doing it perfectly now on each de side I’m going to set it with some water what why just trust me it’s going to make it awesome like a real Lazy River just just watch just watch cuz it’s going to make us actually float oh yeah I get it now mhm and boom we’re doing it really well let’s set it all down like that and then over here like this and then finally these three like that and wo check it out it actually works are you like lazily falling in it is so lazy oh my gosh awesome it’s so lazy I love it but um we have to make it so we get back up how do we do that a water tube done oh yeah yeah yeah we can make the Lazy River make it so we end up over here very lazily though very lazily wait did we just enter some water oh gosh wait let me fix this up and okay good we’re still going lazy and then right over here is where the laziness stops and this is where we’re going to make the water booster start so let’s make a hole all the way to the surface over here like this then we just got to put some soul sand on the bot now let’s grab a fence gate and put it right over here so the water doesn’t touch each other and then all we have to do is just fill it up with water wee yay babes it’s working let’s go I’m doing my too oh nice and wait what are you doing I’m making it out of quartz oh wait that’s actually really smart so it does look pretty did you do these walls out of quartz and wao you did really smart Crystal yeah thank you no problem and wait wait let’s make these quartz too so we don’t hit our head and let me just replace them all like that boom perfect and these up here then this final wall and boom it’s super lazy and then we end up right over here and then we get launched up we yeah it works perfectly I know right awesome we should make it so that once we land here we can fly babes what how are we going to fly what do you not know what wings are crystal oh yeah we can use elyas exactly so let’s grab a chest and we can put it right over here then we need a lra so let me grab one and we duplicated a billion times in the double chest oh my gosh there is so many don’t forget the fireworks babes oh wait wait yeah you’re ready right let me clear out some space and let me grab a stack of fireworks then fill it up halfway just like this thank you kryst you’re welcome it filled my inventory up oh my gosh but we need to make it so we have to fly through some crazy challenging Rings where should the first one be the first one should be all the way up over here like this and then we got to turn it into a enormous ring like that and up and around Kaboom and the ring is now complete awesome sa and the next one should be made out of cyan oh yeah yeah I got you let me grab some cyan concrete and we can make it all the way up and over here is this good yeah that looks awesome thank you now just break all the s and I’ll do the ring all right gotch you thank you Crystal then we can make it go up over here and then we got to make it go up and around like that Boom the ring is set next is green oh yeah yeah we can’t forget Luke’s color so let’s make it go up and over this way this time all the way to the top over here like that I’m breaking the blocks thank you and then I’mma make the ring right over here super duper oop smoper pooper big like that and boom it’s set now let’s do Lily oh yeah yeah Lily is pink so let’s grab some pink and we have to make it go up and over here like this and this should be high enough perfect and Crystal you got breaking duties right yep I’m almost done oh thank you and we can make the ring right over here com boom and finally whose color is next Roxy oh yeah it’s Roxy so let’s grab some red wool and we can make the final ring all the way up and over up there like this and then let’s do it like that and we can make this the ending ring so we have to make it like a Finish Line oh yeah bab thank you and come boom it’s now set the ring is complete and then over here we got to grab some black wool and then make a really really big platform like this and then down over here and around like that and yep Crystal do that side thank you and now we have to fill it up with black uh-huh so we could just use our magical oneand so let me set the first position there then the second one there then set it with some black wo like that boom wo awesome now with white w we have to do the pattern for a Finish Line so Crystal Follow My Lead do it just like this okay okay babes on it thank you do that side over there and I’ll make it go down this way over here it’s kind of like a checkered pattern yep I got it thanks and wa it’s really looking good our teamwork is amazing Crystal we’re like the best team ever what you have a chry me what I did not say that sentence wow where did you get that from you just said it what no I didn’t what wait um you have a crush on crystal what where did you just hear that from no that is not the words that came out of my mouth yes everybody he has a crush on me what no I don’t wait you guys are dating what are you serious right now no where are you guys getting these words from no one said that yes yes I know it’s exciting what no no it’s not exciting congratulations zes what be quiet guys oh my gosh Crystal stop spreading lies but we need to make over here a room so we don’t go flying out so let’s grab some cyan concrete and Crystal use the magic W to set the walls I’ll set the outlining for it okay than you thank you and this is the last outlining over here and then wait we should make it one on this side like that and then we can go over here and do the same and while you do that side I’ll do this side over here so let me set the two positions then set it with some cyan concrete just like that and then do this side over here then we could do this side over here and oh hi Crystal hi babes and boom it’s done wait wait let me just make this look a little bit prettier and boom it’s complete bab’s done wow nice the finish line is complete and wait what what is Roxy building over there oh this is my parkour course what you did mineart parkour why does that look awesome because I made it duh oh my gosh wait Crystal um do we copy Roxy yes he always copies us okay Roxy we’re totally not about to steal your idea hey what are you doing um Na we’re doing na wait what’s na um Na business Roxy we’re not doing anything I’m just um copying your thing what you’re copying mine no no no oh gosh oh gosh um nothing and Crystal we got to put some doors here so we don’t go flying through on accident oh yeah smart so the doors are going to stop us right over here now we have to make a ginormous pool of lava like roxies so we got to make the outlining out of light blue concrete thank you and we can make it go outside over here like this and wait the positioning is going to be all the way down over here like that then I’ll set the first position here then fly over and o thank you Crystal you got the second position right welcome that I’m going to set it all with some light blue concrete and Kaboom it set nice job babes thank you now on the inside we have to set it with a bajillion pieces of lava so let’s go to the other side then boom set it with Lava Bow wo awesome so we have to do lava parkour bab do you think somebody would live if they fell in here um no it’s literally burning hot lava Crystal oh that’s dangerous yeah very dangerous and let’s see what did Roxy do that makes this so cool and oh yeah it’s the mine car part that’s cool we have to use mine car parkour wait are you coping me what no we’re we’re no we’re just looking yeah we’re coping you exactly what oh my gosh Crystal stop talking please but right over here we need to make the mine cart parkour so let’s set the first jump over here like this and then we have to put some powered rails inside like that and then two blocks to block us from falling over then we got to put a lever right over here with a mine cart on top and then boom it’s working now look at that wo try and do it all right I made the jump awesome and now we can make the next jump right over here and we’re going to make a turn so it’s even more challenging check this out Crystal wow that’s hard all know right and boom I set it and I powered it now let me block it off and oh my gosh wait ignore that I did not make a mistake B I saw that no no you didn’t see that oh gosh and let me put the mine car and waa check that out so first we have to jump over here then we got a parkour and make it over here oh gosh I totally didn’t fall bab you fell W oh my gosh yeah I did and then we can make the next jum all the way down and over here like this so let’s set the blocks up then the rails on the inside like that and then boom some blocks on each corner like this and then B power it with the lever and boom it’s working yes it’s going so well I know right then the next one we can make it wait we can make like a non-moving mine card so we can move it all the way down over here and just make the Mine Card standing alone bab this looks so hard what no it’s not hard we just got to go up here and then jump into it f that was a close one and we got to put two blocks on the side so the mine cart doesn’t fall into the lava so let’s set one there and then another one there boom so then we land here then we could go over and we could set another one right over here like that and then break all the blocks in the middle and wait actually let’s make it so it’s facing this way over here then put a rail inside and another Min car is this possible Crystal okay bab all right let me jump and oh my gosh it is possible but just barely wow nice job thank you CH I’ll appreciate it and then we can make another final jump right over here at the very end like that set the rail and then a block on each side just like this and boom it’s complete isn’t this awesome yeah I’m going to try to do it and I made it too let’s go and then right over here it could be the ending and now for sure ours is better than roxxy’s M my amusement park is definitely better than yours what no way Jose I’m coming over right now and where is even the entrance is it this gold part over here yeah yeah yeah all right I’m coming over right now on parkour inia I made it hello guys and what who are all of these villagers you have to pay them $100,000 to get in what $100,000 I’m not paying nobody that much money that’s the rules you have to nope I’m sneaking it I’m Lily distract them hey you have to pay NOP sorry Lily excuse me and I snuck in I snuck in nobody saw that and whoa what’s the first ride I need to go the red one over here follow me oh my gosh this looks insane how did you guys build all of this I don’t know I’m just to try hard what oh my gosh zo what did you build I built the floor oh my gosh I can tell what Crystal did you already go bye bab oh my gosh Crystal wait up L you too oh gosh why why am I last hey guys wait up oh my gosh wa I have to do the minecart technique and wait no I’m falling oh gosh guys I’m way behind I’m going to give myself an boost what no I’m going in front of Lily see you Lily oh man ah let’s go and wao this roller coaster is crazy it gets crazier W it gets crazier how is that even POS wo it goes up so high oh my gosh this is insane and wait we’re up above my side right now this is crazy I know I did that remember when you saw me yeah I do remember Roxy how could I forget and wait right now I’m spamming mine cart so we could do the Little Submarine glitch thing wait what remember we always do this it’s about to like break it and oh gosh wait LLY sorry hey what do you do sorry I sent you back oh gosh um sorry oh the mine carts are stuck yes let’s go that means it’s about to do the glitch I’m coming over right now wait I’m about to be there and oh gosh um this is not what I meant to do Goodbye Oh My Gosh wait let me try and hop in one oh hi roxia Crystal you’re messing it up Crystal sorry babe oh my God I can’t move okay guys I think we might have put too many mine carts wait what Rox you can still go yeah goodbye hey come here no come here stop putting Minecarts you’re making it so I can’t go oh we’re about to go in the water oh my gosh wa I want to go in the water and wa we’re making it so far oh hi Roxy excuse me and what’s going on there’s so many mine cards going down I know and oh gosh I think more is coming oh gosh oh gosh Roxy fight the mine cards and wait what oh gosh we couldn’t fight it hi I’m behind you kiss my booty B wow I’m not kissing your booty B I’m going through see you and wait I almost made it and wa made it and wait what Roxy what is this it literally just goes into the water this aome wait what it just adds up with us in the sea what if there’s a shark down here I’m the only shark here oh my gosh Roxy but that was so much fun I want to go on the water slide next okay follow me and wait a minute Roxy what the heck is this all the Minecarts landed in here what that is so silly I know it oh my gosh there is so many we got to break them and they’re still moving oh my gosh this is crazy destroy all of them this is like a tower of my car I know right but wait where does the water side start it starts all the way over here oh yeah I remember we built around this all right I’m going right now we and it worked perfectly well and what’s this just press the button all right I pressed it and wow I have speed oh my gosh this is awesome but Roxy you do know that speed doesn’t affect you in water right yes it do I just went zooming wait what how did you go zooming what did you do um the special technique what what’s the special technique what’s the special technique at wait is it just running on the side oh my gosh it is it’s so fun right I know we’re going so fast I love speed this was awesome really fun and there’s some more too wait what there’s some more where are you Roxy where’d you go Ms come my way wo it’s the parkour we C I mean not copi um D we saw and took inspiration from it oh my gosh Roxy it’s the glitch it’s the glitch look it’s about to do the thing oh gosh byy mine carts M it’s laggy oh my gosh wait let me just set them ball free so it stops lagging go mine carts be free and oh wow this is crazy they’re running byebye oh my gosh but let’s do the parkour and since I’m a pro I could speed running hi Crystal I fell oh my gosh don’t be a noob Crystal we have to be a pro and did you just open the trap door bab that was rockar oh my gosh you have to open it to get past oh so you got to do one of these right yeah and now comes the minecart parkour all right I’m going and oh gosh it burns it burns let me in oh gosh okay F I made it that was so silly you missed that no I didn’t I would never miss that’s only a noob thing to do OHS it gets hard what it gets hard okay wait let me continue you going and I got a BL in this one wo that was a close one wait w i spot in the lava I made it so you could die W oh my gosh but wait let me get on this one then let me hop off then this one over here wa that was crazy then let me hop off and then this’s one oh gosh oh gosh I’m burning it burns it burns oh come on let me get in yay I made it m there’s two more all right let me hop over and oh Crystal wait what I just jumped over without the mine cart let’s go first try great job thank you and is that it for your amusement park yeah that’s pretty much it what’ you rate oh my gosh it was so much fun good job Lily and Roxy I give it a 9.14 1 15 62 13 out of 10 yay that’s so good but next is Luke’s side and I know Luke try harded so much on his so let’s go over hey Luke oh my gosh this is awesome hi Luke what that does not look like Luke yeah it does bro what why do you have ginormous eyes you look nothing like this what are you talking about this is the perfect build oh my gosh well I’ll be the judge that and wao what is this why is there ladders where am I climbing up to it’s because my entrance is kind of Epic w Wait there’s a bow an arrow in here what do we do with this go in game mode survival you can’t cheat all right I’m going in game mode survival right now and wait can I keep all the items I have nope I’m clearing your inventory wait what you can’t just oh my gosh are you serious I removed all my items now I need to grab a bow and arrow and wait am I supposed to hit this target block yep hit it all right and wa that’s so cool now I got to parkour over and yeah I made it OHS you’re supposed to use a slime over here yeah well I’m a pro and I don’t need to and ah oh my gosh wo it’s a underground roller coaster that was lit and wait there’s another chest over here with firework rockets and special Wings wa what’s this to get out you have to shoot one of the targets H that’s light work boom first try you actually have to shoot the right target what what do you mean the right target oh I get it we needed to spawn and wow who just did that Roxy did it right yep good job Roxy thank you Roxy now we can fly out of here and w w wow wow wow wow wow wow we landed let’s go yeah that was awesome oh my gosh Roxy you’re flying out of control but Luke there’s no mine car here yes there is well oh my gosh you just put that down but I’m going over we and wa this is what you were building before we’re going super high up and Roxy are you just flying around I’m racing you what oh my gosh and wait a minute look am I going to survive oh gosh wait I’m not going to land I’m not going to land but did you see that I just popped out wao that was clutch oh yeah it wasn’t wait a minute what is this it’s boat parkour what you just put the boat down but check it out I’m so good I could do it first trying wait a minute Luke it’s water I can just swim over no you’re not supposed to do it like that hey I’m doing it let’s go new world record time I made it like in like 2 seconds yeah let’s go that was so easy hey you cheated nope I did it and I’m a break your boat with my bow come here let’s go wait Roxy what are you doing no oh gosh oh gosh I’m not dying to Roxy die let’s go what Luke why are you beating me up I’m helping Roxy roxxy’s already dead oh my gosh let me go let me go stop it I’m escaping let’s go and Luke I give your build a 9141 56215 out of 10 so that means you’re in second place let’s go nice job and now everyone it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for SS’s side and also Crystal I don’t don’t forget about her okay oh yeah cuz you have a crush on her what no I don’t everyone come over here though welcome wao this looks lit I know right and here um you guys have to pay to Mr Pee and wait what where did Mr peeee go he must have escaped cuz you Nam him Mr peee W I did not name him Mr peee that was Crystal’s idea yep it was my idea oh my gosh I guess yeah you guys could just sneak inside and wait this is not even the right entrance wait over here guys over here and Welcome to our amusement park this is the entrance and it’s a couple’s amusement park ew gross I’m going alone yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking no couples around no baby I’m with you no no I’m going allow bye and I’m first let’s go and wait this is the first time I’m riding it like actually for real like the whole thing so let’s see if it actually works so first we do the awesome turn and wait what oh gosh I slipped out oh I just fell what you fell on crystal no we’re not next to each other I’m going to wait until we can be next to each other no I’m going I’m going I’m going and I’m landing down we are you serious right now Crystal yeah right here bab don’t worry oh my gosh move it oh gosh guys there’s too many people right here okay we were supposed to jump just ignore the fact that it didn’t work oh I’m going to try wow and wow oh gosh Luke hit you guys just move this isn’t funny stop it this is very funny wait what is going on oh my gosh I’m in the tunnel of love and wait did it spawn in a boow yeah there’s a bow down here oh perfect and wait Luke move no no I’m controlling it and someone other than Crystal hop in who’s in it with me and are you serious what Crystal no not he he I’m taking another boat Roxy hop in Roxy hop in okay F go go go go go Crystal no she broke it get on Roxy get with me no I said Roxy I don’t want to be with Crystal Roxy get in go oh my gosh go Roxy get in get in get in get in hop out hop out go go go bab you’re coming with me what no unhand me unhand me oh my gosh this is so annoying hi Luke oh get on the M car quick thank you and I’m off Roxy let’s go yes we’re the boys and wait Roxy wait why are we on the couples’s roller coaster next to each other a give me a smell oh my gosh I’m not giving you guys a smooth everyone is so weird I’m get here what are you doing stop spamming mine carts and see you later Roxy let’s go I’m in the lead oh my gosh hi Crystal hi bab and wow we’re underwater Boop and wow we’re about the ocean now awesome why is the rest over here oh because we’re powering it die oh hi Roxy hey did you just break my mine cart bye bye no I’m going to get ahead of Roxxy Crystal move and see you later Roxy let’s go hey stop bringing all the mine carts dude Roxy stop this is not funny I’m putting mine carts to block you oh gosh it just blocked me oh my gosh what is going on I’m going over the TR they I just went over see you later Alig really not funny Roxy come here and Crystal leave me alone no it’s a to roller coaster oh my go no get get away Crystal get away oh gosh oh gosh this did not work at all but we’re on the water parks part yay let’s do it hop it and way and guys check it out we have an amazing diving board whoa and I got to land right down the middle into the pool and not break my ankles and yay I did it now guys look there’s a lazy river wao so lazy I know right I’m so relaxed right now I could sleep I can poo W poop oh my gosh that is not funny good one Roxy W oh my gosh but then we end up all the way over here and then it El boost is up to the top really dude what not funny Crystal help oh my gosh Roxy why are you blocking me off because it’s silly what it’s not silly no one thinks it’s funny bab it’s kind of funny no it’s not and everyone now grab an elytra and a firework rocket because we have to go through those wings and since I’m a pro I’m going do a first try no wait I messed up oh I messed up too oh my gosh guys no y just like that go like that and go oh my gosh I’m really bad at this I made it wait what you made it no wait let me just fly oh my gosh why am I not flying oh my gosh wait I need to be in game mode survival you’re being a noob right now no I’m not I’m just not accelerating with my wings oh my gosh ow okay okay wait wait I’m getting some speed now I’m getting some momentum and yes it’s doing really oh gosh I missed ow you’re being Duty right now why I am not being Duty watch and learn first ring I made that I don’t care second ring I made that okay now I need to go around to the green ring and a big one oh gosh what Roxy why did you do this because it’s so silly this is not silly it’s dangerous but look check it out now we’re on the minecart parkour wait you copied us what no this is completely my idea oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh my gosh I think I’m about to die Roxy I think you fell inside the L you’re not supposed to do that M your bow is in the way what that is not true Roxy don’t blame me that you’re not as good as me and you’re not a pro like this I’m zooming right now I’m about to make every single one oh my gosh and I did it let’s go that was easy peasy lemon squeezy if there was lemons I would squeeze it right in the out and I made it too wao nice job Lily and Luke you literally just flew into lava Roxy shoved me oh my go not funny guys look just fly over and yay we all did it now give me a rating I give you a one out of 10 what you can’t just give me a one out of 10 oh my gosh you know what Rox you’re going in the lava and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are doing a FAT HEATHER vs STRONG OMZ Build Battle in Minecraft!


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