I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft 1.21 Hardcore…

I survived 100 days in Minecraft 1.21 the brand new tricky trials update this update adds tons of amazing new features such as new dogs and dog armor trial Chambers with new Mobs a brand new weapon and more this was an absolutely insane 100 days so I hope you enjoy all right well here we are in a brand new world and a brand new update and man I’m so excited to explore all of the brand new features because I I haven’t even really looked at the snapshots or anything and uh I haven’t tested out anything but it looks like we have a really good spawn here we’ve got a cave right here with all the starting resources we need and hopefully some Axel maybe some more biomes around here the unfortunate thing about our spawn is it is a birch forest and uh Birch is the worst type of wood but besides that at least we have a lot of resources in that cave what I want to do is get to the top of these mountains and uh see what’s around here but before we do that let’s just get set with some basic starter resources I’ll collect some stone tools maybe some wooden tools just to get what we need to get settled here gu I don’t really need to make all these stone tools considering we’ve got iron right there but uh you know what what I want to do before we get the iron and before we go into a potentially dangerous cave is make sure I have a little bit of food wow these caves are uh kind of big but at least the resources are up top so they’re sort of like visible so I can see what what I’m going for it should be pretty easy to get all the iron I need to get a nice set of early iron armor and tools yeah I’m super excited for this because I have so many fun plans for this latest update it adds so many cool things honestly even though it’s sort of a small change one of the things I’m most excited for is all the new dog varieties and I think it’d be really cool to get one of each type of new Dog of course we have the trial Chambers which might be a little dangerous for us to explore in hardcore but I want to try to take it on once we get some better armor and weapons and then I have done some testing with the mace it’s pretty much the only 1.21 feature I’ve messed around with and I’ve found some pretty gamechanging PVP tips or at least tips that you can use to uh deal tons of damage really easily it’s it’s pretty cool so I’ll share those later on so many other cool things in this update and I’m excited to try out each and every one of them let’s go to the top of the mountain and see what there is for us all right well with the render distance all the way up looking around there’s not much except I do notice over there is a village so I think what we’ll do is first explore that Village just to see if they have any good uh Food Supplies we can take or anything like that I think that could be a good Advantage for us plus if it’s a pretty enough Village maybe I’ll decide to uh setup shop but only if it’s a NIC looking Village I don’t like the ugly Villages no offense to ugly Villages I just want my base to uh look look nice and then eventually we’ll go back to that spawn point and check out some of those caves not only for the resources so we can get some iron armor tools and weapons but also because uh hopefully there’s some Axel I can take aelott are tied for my favorite mob in Minecraft but I don’t know we’ll have to see how I feel about the armadillo it is pretty cute and I have to see how useful dog armor is what do you guys think about it so far have you guys explored any of the 1.21 features specifically armadillos and dog armor and what do you guys think about it I’ve heard some people really praise this update and they love it but I’ve also heard some people talk about how the update feels a bit lacking like it should have more to it in that it’s a bit too small overall I mean I think it’s a good update but I definitely agree that some of these updates lately do feel a bit lacking however I understand that Mojang doesn’t want to add too much between updates because uh when people leave the game and come back they don’t want them to feel overwhelmed oh and here’s one of the new ones wish I had a bone what are you so you’re one of these we’re in the old growth Spruce tiger and oh these dogs oh I love these ones look at them look how cute he is okay uh I’ll be back to tame you I promise okay okay he’s spe real real he’s speechless so once we get some bones we’ll be back here because that’s that’s a nice looking dog all right what do we have here uh we got one hay bale okay I’ll take that excuse me okay well not too much in these chests but hey at least at least we got a few things all right well with all of the village explored and looted we’re on to the next step so let’s head all the way back to the spawn area and do a little Mont Tage of us quickly getting all of the iron armor weapons and tools that we need for a full set of iron while also maybe collecting a little bit of extra iron so that I can have some water buckets to uh get myself some axolotes I don’t know what I’m going to do with them I don’t even have a house but you know what I’ll just I’ll just keep them on me in my inventory just for uh safekeeping plus we may get some bones and then we can check out some of the new dogs with the new dog armor having an army of dogs is actually a really feasable option to uh keep you protected because the dog armor protects from a lot of damage I mean a creeper can blow up on your dog and the dog will be fine so uh yeah this dog armor is pretty great stuff all right well with the full iron armor tools and whatnot let’s go down back here really quick and see if we can get ourselves a couple Axel I’ve pretty much got all the iron I need I have a lot of these caves lit up so we should be pretty safe from uh enemies and let’s see I did see one ex L down here earlier oh there’s one right there but I don’t know if there’s going to be anymore there is one down there but down here is pretty dangerous there’s a lot of mobs uh not too happy to see me down there guy foso come here no there we go we got one the cutest predator of course he is second one that way I can just start breeding them if I have a little Axel Pond but I don’t know it’s so dangerous down there my water to get down there and we can just quickly grab them and then get out of there let’s see if I can maybe do that yeah I should just be able to rush them right there’s a few axotal down there actually should I do it am I being dumb probably but I’m going to do it boom we got him okay get up no no no no no oh okay start swimming start swimming start swimming oh we did it we got him okay oh now now one spawns up here look at that I see I see how you are oh oh there’s so many okay you know what that’s okay we don’t we don’t need them right now but I don’t know maybe this is a good luck sign maybe this is going to be the first let’s play I get a blue Axel lottle any who with our axotal in hand now let’s use the bones we got from taking out tons of skeletons and try to grab a dog or two this is just our time to get all the pets we need the same two dogs I saw before okay we got one one we got one of them can I get two please fingers crossed yes okay we got two uh and uh H let’s make one blue there you go okay we’ve got these two doggies and uh yeah well I don’t have a name for them just yet maybe I will come up with the name but I don’t know in the meantime if you have any good name suggestions for these two dogs let me know down in the comments below I often ask you guys for names for my pets and even if I don’t make 200 days in the world I still go back and name them because I like to save all my worlds and just kind of I don’t know visit them from time to time thinking of the memories I made in the world and it’s nice to remember those things so yeah if you have any good name suggestions uh let me know down below because since this is a brand new update I might continue this to 200 days only if the video does good so uh while you’re down there leave a like subscribe and all that good stuff is I really do appreciate it well now that we have pets we probably want a house so I need to figure out if I’m going to set a base maybe in this Village or what I’m going to do basically my plan now for the next few days or maybe more than the next few days is just to basically Rush the best armor and weapons I can maybe even defeat the Ender Dragon and get loot from n cities that way or just you know figure out some way to get really good loot so that then I can start exploring some more of the new features we already got new dogs so maybe I’ll head to a Savannah and get some dog armor from an armadillo but we also have to get the mace and I want to defeat the Wither with the mace to see if I can One-Shot the Wither like many people are doing online plus try out the new trial Chambers as well as a few other things there’s also some new armor trims that are really cool from trial Chambers so hopefully we get the chance to explore a few of those oh now they’re going to make a baby uhoh well uh I’ve got three of them now well now we’ve got three dogs so give me another new name suggestion well I don’t know where would be the best place to set up but maybe at least for the start here the best place to set up is this Village just because uh villagers are nice to have you know we can get mending books from them uh and we could also maybe get some trades for some other valuable items I know that if you level up a cartographer enough that’s where you can then get the maps to the trial Chambers because trial Chambers are fairly rare and also fairly difficult to find I don’t think they’re as rare as let’s say a haunted mansion but they’re still more rare than like a dungeon so still pretty difficult to find now should I take up one of these houses down here just so it’s easy yeah okay let’s do this this house is going to be mine just for now but it won’t be my permanent house what I’m going to do is clear out some of these trees just so that I can actually see what’s going on in this area um but also we’ll use the wood we get to make myself a house so that I actually have somewhere to uh to live I think that’s a good idea we can make the exot pond but for now where are all my dogs they’re just going to chill around my house just because I don’t want them on you’re so cute what is that is that a cat getting hurt oh we have cats we can tame too but yeah the dogs are adorable and I want them with me on this journey but for now they’re going to have to uh sit here I just can’t get enough of this look how cute they are oh I love them but yeah let’s uh do some cleanup work around this Village maybe get rid of some of these ugly Stables get rid of lots of trees and uh my ax might break by the time we’re done but we’ll see what we can all right well I’ve got a good section of this Village cleared out but now now I want to work on a starter house for me there’s not many houses in this Village but I think we can make room for a nice house for us I’ll probably put some extra beds inside if I have access to the to enough wool that way we can also get some more villagers in this Village all right before we talk about the house do you have anything good for us no okay that means I’m going to take your leads I’m sorry buddy come here oh don’t you dare hurt my dogs no no no uh-oh I’m sorry llamas you’re not going to last much longer these dogs are going to get you go get him oh thank you doggy uh anyway anyways uh let’s have you sit real quick we’ve got our house finished just for now this is just our starter house I wanted it to sort of blend in with a similar build style to the other houses in the village but make it a little better it’s not too pretty but that’s just because I don’t have access to many resources right now so for now it’s our house it’ll just serve as a nice little home base as we go forward here to get ourselves A Little Bit Stronger so before we move on what we need to do now is head back down into some mines and get my s some diamonds I don’t necessarily need enough diamonds for like a full set of armor weapons and tools right now but at least a good amount so that we can get some armor some tools some weapons and potentially an enchantment table going that way I can at least get some decent armor before we head to the nether like I said I’m not worried about getting perfect diamond armor now because that will most likely come from raiding n city chests that’s that’s the way I like to do it I’m just going to rush the End Dragon here so that we can get to some of the fun new update features we still have yet to make an axel a pond and de decorate this Village too after each little project we’ll come back here and do some decorating before the next one so don’t worry I want I want my house to look pretty it’s not all just going to be about rushing to the End Dragon and completing everything okay we’ll get a water bucket some wood and then I think I should be good to head out I’m a little bit low on food so actually I’m going to I’m going to bring those raw potatoes with me just in case I need a little extra something actually let me just smelt them I’ll just do that but anyways we’ll get these potatoes and then we can head to the mins oh wow I made my way down in the cave and uh looks like we’re in a m shaft uh there’s a chest is there anything good here let’s light up this running area I don’t want I don’t want any mobs spawning and sneaking up on me ooh okay okay I’ll take the golden apple yeah that’s that’s nice we’ll keep that just in case uh well I guess let’s uh explore this and see if there’s any chests and we are at a potential y level four diamonds so there could be some good ores around here too I guess we’ll just explore around here a bit and see what there is for us hopefully something good but I have no idea well there’s quite the interesting uh features right next to this m because right here in this direction I’m uh I’m a little scared that there might be an ancient city and I have to avoid that however uh if we go a little bit over here this is uh this is the new uh what what is it called I don’t know the uh the trial chamber that’s what it’s called Uh and we’re not going to EXP explor it now so I guess this is just a little tease but uh we’ll definitely come back here once I have better armor and weapons and also I’m not going to lie I haven’t researched these things so I have no idea what what even is there I mean I know that there’s a new mob and like some items in the chest but uh that’s that’s too scary so welcome back here that’s good that uh this is close to our house I have no idea if these things are are rare or if they’re common or I haven’t even really looked through one I know we’ve got some new blocks to explore so I don’t really know but uh what is this yeah I don’t want to die but this is also this is pretty cool to explore I don’t like that oh hey hey well I guess they can’t get come to us okay well maybe they’re not too hard to defeat these but uh yeah oh oh I can collect oh look at that can I make it across yeah well okay let’s we’ll collect this but then then I’m going back up for real I’m not I’m not taking any risks I don’t want to die there’s some more loot that I need okay okay we’re going back we’re going back that was that was fun but we’re done we’ll definitely definitely raid that soon just not oh diamonds uh just not yet this time we have a dungeon uh I’m not going to keep the spider spawner sorry I don’t need it and uh o music disc okay take that I guess we can get more dogs I’ll take the horse armor uh and then what else what’s in here oh we got another oh we have an enchanted golden apple hey okay uh huh what should I what should I do with this I don’t really know what I should do with it right now but I uh I definitely think I want to keep this I’m going to keep it but I don’t know if I should keep it my hot bar like use it in emergencies or if I should save it just because it looks cool um wow okay that’s that’s pretty nice this m shaft’s really providing for us besides the enemies okay okay we got another one and H it’s just food but hey the name tags are kind of nice I like that all right well since we’re doing so good with our diamonds let’s just make a diamond pickaxe now and collect some obsidian so that I can make an enchantment table and then also we’ll use the obsidian for our future nether portal let’s get some more there we go yeah well we’re back in the village and I think we’ve got everything we need for a while because towards the end there I got a little bit more lucky with diamonds and we’ve got a good amount of materials here well I need to make another portal but uh I don’t have any Flint so where’s gravel I totally forgot about it is there gravel I’m sure we can find some pretty easily right there’s got to be some in these caves but uh yeah we’re in a pretty good place because we’ve got all the diamonds we need for a while uh plus we have enough obsidian for a nether portal and an enchantment table meaning that it should be pretty easy to uh go forward from here oh no no no no no okay we’re good but yeah we’ll make some diamond armor weapons tools all that good stuff make an enchantment table get some basic enchantments and then we’ll head to the Nether and then it’s just the regular progression until we defeat the Ender Dragon I can’t wait to test out the trial chamber though I really want to explore some of the new mobs and also see some of the different loot we can find like the wind charges which will allow us to like fly in the air it’s super fun to do mace combat with the wind charges it’s it’s just so good oh and of course we’ve got we’ve got this I can’t forget about that I know enchanted golden apples aren’t as rare as they used to be but you know what I still get super happy when I find one now I can’t make any books yet I don’t have any leather but I do spot this cow over here so we’ll take him out maybe I’ll have to hunt down some cows I don’t need a lot of bookshelves right now all I need is one book uh but maybe maybe some of these V village houses have bookshelves in them I don’t remember oh we got the leather yeah I don’t I don’t see any bookshelves but who knows maybe maybe there’s some there’s that okay we got full prop one and we got Unbreaking on the tools that’s honestly all I could ask for that’s that’s what I wanted I did want efficiency on the pickaxe though just to make it Go by a little faster I can make another diamond pickaxe if I need one also make an extra shield because mine is currently a little broken besides that I’m doing good the only thing I’m a little worried about is I don’t have much food can I get some salmon from this River all right we’ve got our salmon so uh let’s let’s head to the nether okay our spawn is a little bit dangerous on this side I’m just going to block off the portal like this so I don’t oh hello guest uh so I don’t accidentally fall over here all right well let’s explore let’s see are there any uh hey piglins are there any piglin bastions or uh for fortresses nearby let’s see 2,000 years later well it’s been a really long time but uh here we have it uh which direction do I go I think this one’s just in Dead ending right yeah it’s a dead end let’s go this way I’ve just been searching and digging and making bridges for so long but we’re finally here really all I need is a few blaze rods I guess Wither Skeleton skulls would be cool too and then of course maybe some potion supplies if I want to make slow falling potions for the dragon fight but I most likely will end up not bothering as I usually just use water buckets to break my fall in the end but I mean hey if we get some Phantom spawning it it could be worth it to uh try it out where are all the blazes is the question here oh there’s a blaze I don’t know where he spawned from [Music] uh-huh oh there it is okay let’s just be careful here I don’t want to die okay well we’ve got enough blaze rods or blaze powder but uh I am running a little bit low on food so I’m going to start heading back to my portal and hopefully along the way we can find some Enderman so that I can start getting some ender pearls um but if not then we’ll head back to the mainland the Overworld we’ll collect some food somehow from some some source and then we’ll come back here and hopefully find a warped forest biome and take out some Enderman but uh I don’t have tons of food left and I just want to be safe because I know when I’m getting hurt by Enderman or other mobs I encounter on my Adventures that uh I’m going to go through food really really quickly so yeah let’s just head back and try to be quick oh but some of the loots good okay okay so I don’t know where I can find food I guess we can look for more fish in the rivers and I don’t know maybe a plains biome with some animal to take out let’s just explore around for a bit and hopefully I can uh hopefully I can find something [Music] good okay we’ve got lots of food maybe little little bit too much for now but uh let’s go try to hunt down some Enderman hopefully it’s uh doesn’t take too long come on come get me zombes I have no idea where to go I guess I guess we’ll just hop around I mean we we don’t need to find a warped Forest to find Enderman in the nether but it seems like they are most common in Warped forests at least for me I don’t know if there’s any truth to that but there probably is oh there we have one let’s go back and get him woo that was a close one I knew I was taking a risk all right that should be enough anyways all right well it’s been a while but we’ve got everything we need so let’s make These Eyes of Ender and uh what’s going on we’ll take Le we’ll uh you guys are just distracting me we’ll make These Eyes of Ender and we’ll quickly take out the Ender Dragon okay hopefully 16 eyes should be enough but if I need more I can make more what direction are we going in okay we’re going this way but before we go let’s make sure we’re prepared want to make sure I have water buckets and some building blocks but let’s see if I can also find some animals to take out real quick because I also want to make sure I have food what always happens is I go through the ender dragon fight and I use so much food from getting hurt all the time and uh I never have enough food to explore the end as much as I want then I’m stuck to eating Co fruit and that kind of stinks so we have that little bit of pork smelting but while that happens let’s see if I can maybe find a few other animals just to top off our food reserves all right well we’ve got our food and uh I’ll bring a furnace just in case I need a little more on the way there but we should be good for now I’m just excited to take this Dragon down so that I can play with more of the new features I’m I’m so excited I also cannot wait wait to find some armor dillos and deck my dogs out with the new armor that’s going to be one of the first things I do when I get back oh I’m so excited o I also should bring some wood this way I can make some chests and a crafting table in case I want to make some Sher boxes because most likely uh if I’m exploring more than one nend city my inventory is going to fill up pretty quickly it always happens little worried that my armor isn’t quite good enough and I also don’t have a bow which is going to make this fight a little Annoying It’s not necessarily going to be a hard fight it’s just that without a bow you know you kind of got to wait for the dragon to come down and it’s hard to even get a few hits on the dragon because it’s so sensitive to where you hit the dragon and then you have to get behind it and not get hit by the wings or else you know I uh will lose this world so I’ll definitely just have to be very patient and very careful with this fight but I have faith at this point I’ve fought the Ender Dragon hundreds of times so if I lose it it would be pretty embarrassing for me but honestly I’m pretty proud of the progress I’ve made if you watch some of my really old live streams from years ago when I first started with hardcore oh hello yeah it was uh it was pretty difficult I would lose my hardcore worlds always within the first few days skeletons and mostly mostly creepers they’d get me and I was defenseless against them but now I feel like I’ve gotten pretty good I don’t know what’s changed but I think just through experience I can pretty much turn my brain off play Hardcore Minecraft and I don’t die pretty easy easy to maintain my world I think one of the key important things is just rushing armor as soon as you can like first thing as soon as you get some food Rush iron armor but then after you get the iron armor next thing is Rush diamond armor just within the first few days if you can get it you’re pretty much set because for me sometimes when I start these 100 Days videos I will often lose my world within the first few days partially because there’s not a lot of pressure on me so I’m a little reckless but once I get to the point where I at least have iron armor I’m pretty safe because if a creeper does blow up somewhat near me or I get in a battle with skeletons and I’ve got a bow I’m usually pretty safe if you’re too scared to go in the caves though and you don’t want to die one thing I do recommend is just finding villagers like Fletchers for example or anyone that allow you to trade an easy item for emeralds maybe a farmer that lets you trade wheat or like someone that lets you trade sticks for emeralds and then from there use those emeralds with an armorer or a weapon Smith and just trade for all your weapons armor and tools I’ve gotten full diamond armor weapons and tools with enchantments without even leaving a village before all right I’m at the point where our eyes vender are going down underground so uh I don’t see a stronghold in the water so we’re just going to dig down with my favorite method of digging down which is digging straight down because you know what it never kills me caves oh I hear zombies trying to break down doors and there we have it okay um I can’t see any anything but you know what that’s okay oh boy they’re trying to break down the doors I’m confused is this supposed to be a dungeon was this the spawner here we go is there a new sound effect for breaking cobwebs I think there is sounds different any who here we are all righty let’s do it oh gosh this is going to stink without a bow I have to do it all by hand H it’s okay first things first though we have to fill this island up with water this is just so like when the Ender Dragon throws you into the air oh I don’t want it that close to the portal uh when the Ender Dragon throws you into the air you have a place to land this has saved me many times I don’t need to cover the whole island but at least give myself a a few places to land just to be safe oh no I was so close woo I better land in the water oh this Dragon he doesn’t want to let me get him okay maybe a golden apple this time just to be safe oh come here yeah woo okay we did it okay let’s just get our XP grab the egg we’ll be quick oh I didn’t mean to do that no I just wanted to take the torch oh no now I have to walk all the way back oh boy I’m stupid I’m stupid well it’s okay we’ll take our bed with us H at least I at least I saved the coordinates of where I need to be here I’ll reset the spawn point and uh I don’t need the guy I was going to take it with me but uh oh I was just trying to take the torch so that I could grab the dragon egg easily but oh it’s fine at least at least we’re not too far away from the portal it’s like a th000 blocks away I think travel was honestly pretty manageable but let’s go back we’ll grab the egg and then hopefully find some n city here we go and there’s the portal okay with the render distance cranked up do we see anything definitely not that direction okay I don’t see anything yet um we’ll float around a couple of these islands close by and see if our enhanced render distance shows anything H now that’s what I’m talking about we’re not even that far we’re just right over here heck yeah and we’ve got a ship oh I should have brought some firework rockets that one chest that one chest had a bunch of gunpowder in it I should have taken it I’m that’s always my mistake because once even if I bring a few firework Rockets once I get one elytra it’s easy to fly around find more n cities but I totally didn’t even consider to bring them that was a flop on my part I messed up but it’s okay I don’t need a lot of nend cities I’m just hope thing that uh I can use n cities as a way to uh get all of the armor weapons and tools I need it doesn’t all need to be perfect enchantments but if I can at least combine some things to get pretty dang decent armor and weapons then I’ll be content better land what am I glitching right now what am I standing on oh I am so lucky right nowo okay I didn’t even want to open my inventory because I was stuck squatting I thought I thought it was going to mess it up oh my gosh okay I almost just lost this world well actually I could have just thrown another ender pearl and I would have been fine but that’s still scary okay I don’t know how that happened nothing like that has happened to me before I’ll be a little more sure of myself before uh throwing an into Pearl [Music] again all this loot kind of stinks okay that’s all right but curs of binding I’m not going to use it for fire protection but maybe can combine it with a protection chest plate uh this is also kind of boo boo but I guess better than what I got even though I don’t like knockback oh well actually the iron is pro is Pro 4 iron better than Pro one Diamond I feel like it probably is I’m going to use it I don’t know doesn’t matter to me I can’t be a huge difference direction did I come from okay I came from over there so uh let’s uh let’s head this way see if I can at least float that island or one of these over here okay we’ve got another one but it’s one of these small end cities that I don’t think actually have any loot if I don’t get good enough loot I guess I can always go back try to find some diamonds and just use my XP to enchant some armor yeah nope there’s nothing in here it’s okay keep moving on okay well here we got another and uh this one has a ship thankfully and hopefully there’s some good loot cuz my luck hasn’t been too good so far and we’ve done a lot of traveling bro what oh okay at least we got perfect boots that’s a good start let’s equip those now oh they’re protection three not protection four but feather falling that is that is what I like that’s what I like to see It’ll come in handy when we’re missing run with the uh the mace dang that was it for the loot and we’re just not having good luck like we’re finding end cities but they just don’t they don’t have anything in them huh did I maybe miss something no because those are empty that one’s empty that is empty this level yeah no wow okay uh which direction did I come from the ship was to my right so I think we came from that direction so we have to keep going that way render distance turned up can we see any more n cities or do we have to keep traveling I at least want to get a little bit better loot than we’ve got right now well I’m just going to keep going hopefully we’ll get an end City with some good loot soon when you turn up your render distance all the way it’s not hard to find in cities i’ I’ve struggled in the past but with the render distance high it’s it’s a lot easier it’s just uh not easy finding an n city that has good loot I guess I wonder if this has changed at all with the newest update I know that dungeon drops for example are slightly different in the newest update I wonder if n city drops or you know what you’ll find in an n city if those are different as well I doubt it but yeah oh here we go this is what I need oh there’s two okay perfect hopefully between these two end cities we uh we get enough decent loot that uh we can finally finally head out of here also I’m I’m starting to run low on food I’m trying to be as sparing as possible but uh I don’t know how long these food reserves are going to last oh wait we don’t have two to raid we’ve got three oh maybe I hit the jackpot maybe I’m finally lucky wow it took me a while to find these this this next end City but looks like there were two more close by if there’s more than these three I might not raid them I think I only need these three I have a good feeling we’re going to find some good loot but if we need to keep raiding more then we’ll do it [Music] okay I’m done uh I don’t think we got quite as much good stuff as I wanted but I need to get a portal and get out of here cuz I’m out of food I can eat chorus fruit but I don’t like getting Coors fruit cuzz I don’t like teleporting around where the heck is a portal is my question I’m sure I can find one I can eat a little bit of cor all right we’re back at the house and uh here’s what we got from the n city chest now first I need to make an anvil and then I’m just going to take everything we got and we’ll take a look through it try to combine everything I can to see what we can get and then if our armor still isn’t quite up to par with what I’d like then we can do some enchanting I don’t have any bookshelves but uh we do have a lot of XP so look we got the efficiency for Unbreaking three pickaxe oh that’s about it we don’t have mending or anything so we can use that mending shovel but no enchantments for that prop four leggings oh I didn’t even see this we already got some perfect leggings Pro Form breaking 3 mending that’s all I need that’s that’s what I’m talking about and then we have these which are prop three we can combine them with the other protection 3 boot yeah there we go now we got perfect boots this chest plate is pretty good but it has curs of binding yeah I can’t really do any combining so I’m not going to equip it just yet cuz I don’t want to bind it to me I’d rather have protection four um and then a helmet also curs of binding but it’s Pro three so it’s not bad and then the sword we have has curse of Vanishing but that’s fine because if we die it doesn’t matter if it vanishes because the world’s over anyways now can I get sweeping Edge instead of knockback is that is that possible no oh I can no that is knock back well I’ll do it it’s a pretty good sword we’ll keep it how many books can I make now okay I’m going to take an elytra and I don’t really have much gunpowder but what we’re going to do is this before we go on to explore some of the new features I do want to do oh I’m out of XP so I can’t do enchanting anyways well Scrat SC scratch that I guess our armor is good enough for now and it’ll have to do but what I will do is try to collect some sugar cane and maybe some Gunpowder if I find some creepers as well as just collect a little bit of food because I’ve really got nothing to eat here so we’ll get some food some sugar canane and then hopefully that’ll give us some firework Rockets I guess our armor is good enough for now I’ll continue to try to find sugar cane and cows throughout the land and we can eventually make books bookshelves and then as we’re doing our exploring we’ll naturally get some more XP and then from there we can enchant some more armor weapons and tools and whatnot cuz really I’m fine with all of this I mean Pro for Unbreaking three even though this isn’t Diamond it is iron and it’s still a good chest plate just the helmet needs some upgrades uh and so it’d be nice to get an enchanted helmet as well as maybe a little bit better tools our sword isn’t half bad either I mean it’s not perfect but it’s pretty good I’m not a huge fan of knockback just because I like to hit my enemies multiple times in a row and when they get knocked back that kind of ruins my groove but it’s it’s not the end of the world it’s we’re okay okay so what we have to do out here in the woods is I’m not only taking down creepers for gunpowder for my firor Rockets but also taking down spiders so that we can get some spider eyes for breeding our millos to get their scoes we need their skuts so that we can make wolf armor yeah the dog armor we need the little armadillo shells which we can get by breeding them and we can also get from uh using a brush on them so I’ll also have to collect a piece of copper cuz I don’t think I’ve been collecting any of them I think I’ve just kind of been neglecting it when I see it in caves so I’ll see if this Knight provides us with hopefully a few spider eyes okay we got one and also some Gunpowder I don’t know if we’ll get a lot but we’ll try our best there’s lots of other things we have to take down while we’re out here anyways plus the Bones from skeletons will uh maybe allow us to get more dogs which would be really cool okay well this is kind of working all right well we did pretty good we got some nice food we got some spider eyes we got some other materials so uh yeah it’s all right I was hoping for a bit more gunpowder so that we could more easily find ourselves a savannah I don’t remember if we passed a savannah at all on our adventure to this town but I don’t think we did I remember when we were on top of that mountain near spawn I didn’t see a savannah so it might be hard to try to find one but once we’re in a savannah armadillos aren’t super rare so we should be able to fairly easily find one and hopefully get our dog armor but before we head there we need to make this brush and for that I need at least one piece of copper and I’ll use this helmet just cuz it’s not about to break all right cool let’s find a savannah let’s get up here on this mountain and see if we can maybe see anything from here well I know from exploring this area behind me on the way to the stronghold I don’t think I saw any savanas I don’t think so so maybe we should go like these directions no no yeah maybe like I don’t know should I go the towards spawn spawn was this dark oak forest yeah we can just head in like this general direction savannas aren’t too rare savannas seem to be to me one of the most common biomes I run into so I don’t think we’re going to have an issue uh trying to find one oh and there’s one right here okay armadillos where you at oh well this Savannah’s pretty underwhelming I don’t even know if we’re going to be able to find what we need it’s really tiny well I don’t know I guess I know they spawn in savanas and then I think bad lands so even though the Savannah Biome is small we’ll hang out here for a while I’ll just take out some of the animals so that I can build up my food reserves and uh if we don’t get an armadillo after a while we’ll start searching other places oh there’s one right here okay so he doesn’t have a mate you don’t have to be scared oh that broke the brush fast well I still have copper with me and I have feathers and I can make sticks to make more brushes wow I didn’t realize it would break it that fast almost have enough for one piece of wolf armor yeah here we go oh so can I I think I can get unlimited skuts off this guy just the brushes break really quick well I can make two wool Farmers that’s nice well are there any armadillos around to breed or is there just the one guy they’re really cute I don’t know why he’s so shy though like I’m not going to hurt you dude look he just hides I mean I have a lot of feathers from these chickens I can just get more copper and uh we can just make a ton of brushes I don’t know if there’s a limit to how many scuts I can get off one armadillo but it doesn’t seem like there’s a limit right I don’t know it seems pretty easy we’ve got a lot of chickens on this island though so I can just keep taking those down and uh use their feathers okay yeah this this is okay this Island’s working out for us it’s got like everything we need okay where’s that armadillo let’s try this yeah he’s so shy he just sits there oh yeah wow they’re they’re really just unlimited okay buddy thank you for all of this kind of weird that it’s unlimited but hey whatever works okay I’ve only got four more feathers so we’ll use four more brushes and then we’re done here I’m going back home this armadillo can stay though all right thank you for your service perfect that we we got dog armor in multiples of six or the skuts I should say since it takes six to make dog armor and we can head back wow that was great that was that was easy that was better than I thought it would be we can die this right yeah all right let’s try this out so on the blue dog we’ll use the blue ar oh you looking nice dude come here oh yeah he looks good you look good man all right let’s try a yellow woohoo I like this they look nice okay dog armor successfully completed and uh we’ll test out the strength of dog armor but not quite yet we’re not quite there I’m not ready to uh potentially lose these dogs but it’s nice because these dogs don’t take any damage until the armor breaks and the armor has a pretty strong durability it’s not Invincible but it’s pretty tanky okay well dogs are pretty much set um the dog armor will come in useful for our next step because uh I think I’m going to use them but I want to head to that trial chamber now to my knowledge I believe how this works is when you enter the trial chamber the spawners start to spawn mobs in waves and you just have to defeat them after you beat each wave the spawners then drop Loot and you have a chance to get a trial key which you can use to unlock vaults which have more good loot now as for getting a mace that’s going to be a little more difficult because if I want a mace I’m going to need to get the bad Omen effect first and then go back in the trial Chambers and complete it at like a harder difficulty entering a trial chamber with the bad Omen effect makes everything like 10 times harder but then once you complete it you have a small small chance to get a heavy core and then you can use that for a mace so maces are incredibly rare which makes sense because they’re super powerful but uh I still want to try to maybe get one it’s just going to be a while before we potentially do that before I do that though since I don’t have any experience um since I don’t have any experience with the trial Chambers I just want to try to beat it on my own without the harder difficulty because I really don’t know what to expect hopefully my dogs can help me but the reason I’ve collected all my gold here is because I want to mess around with it basically what I want to do is head to where there’s a lot of oak trees and cut them down and from the oak trees hopefully fingers crossed be able to get some apples I want to use my gold and these apples to make some golden apples so that I just have them just in case I uh you know face a hard challenge in these trial Chambers I really don’t know how hard they are so they might be pretty easy and I won’t need any golden apples or they’re going to be incredibly hard and I’m going to really struggle I have fairly good armor so I assume it won’t be too hard but then again I am in hardcore mode and I don’t even have a bow so it’s all going to be with my sword but I at least want to try I have faith that it hopefully won’t be too bad while out in the Wilds though I also want to take out some animals because uh I need to be able to heal my dogs now my dogs won’t take damage until their dog armor breaks and I can use the skuts to heal their dog armor but just in case their armor does break and my dogs take any damage I want to be able to heal them up right then and there just to be safe I’m wondering if the dogs are actually going to be useful or if they’re just going to maybe end up uh needing to be buried after this I don’t know but I have faith in them like I know I shouldn’t be putting my dogs at risk but I kind of do just want to try out like how this new dog armor works and to do that I need to put my dogs in danger I want to really test the limits of it and see how strong it is but I guess for now let’s just cut down a ton of trees maybe take down some animals and and we’ll meet back at the house all right so I think that we should be good to go I’ve got a lot of different food sources here I think they all work for dogs so uh I should be okay I have more golden apples we’ve got our armadillo cutes I’ll keep the enchanted golden apple on me just in case I need it I won’t need the firework rocket it’s okay maybe I’ll uh I’ll enchant a bow any feathers I think I used all them yeah well let’s see if I happen to get lucky in getting Infinity then uh I’ll make an arrow but if not then oh I don’t even have bookshelf I’m dumb doesn’t matter I don’t need it well actually you know what no I’m not dumb I will bring a bow with me cuz uh I’ll probably get a lot of arrows from fighting some skeleton so at least at least having a bow nice all right well I I don’t know if I need anything else to be prepared but uh let’s do it we just got to do it I will maybe take some Tores with me just to light up the area but I think we should be okay okay I think I’m fine I’m just a little nervous because I’ve never done this before but you know I just have to bite the bullet do we have all the dogs there we go we have our army another one a color here we go can’t take off your dog armor well it’s okay I was going to die it I could make more dog armor but I want to keep the skuts in my inventory just in case I uh I need to repair their armor okay the only thing I’m a little iffy about is I’m hoping that these dogs are actually useful and not just like a nuisance I hope they’re not in my way I’m not accidentally hitting them and I also hope that uh they can actually hold their own and that I don’t have to constantly worry about them dying because if they’re if they’re just going to be in my way no offense dogs then uh I might just have them sit down and I’ll take them back to my house later cuz I don’t need them complicating my life all right well let’s uh let’s try it let’s see so are there any spawners in this room I guess we just have to wait for the waves there are okay let’s go take him down come on dogs how do I do this okay well we have a little pathway here there’s a chest here oh look a cake so this this is one of the vaults right we can’t use this until we get a key correct okay we need a key and we might get a key from the spawner when we defeat all the waves of these zombies oh I hope I didn’t hit you did I accidentally hit you oh okay are you all repaired we’re good yeah I am accidentally hitting these dogs this isn’t good oh it’s the sweeping Edge on my sword I’m hurting them okay you know what hold on this isn’t going to work I’m sorry dogs you know what I tested them that’s what matters you’re going to sit you’re going to sit and you’re going to sit I’m sorry doggies I just I don’t want you to get hurt see if even if I wasn’t using a sword swords still have the sweeping Edge effect even without the sweeping Edge enchantment and uh I would still risk hurting my dog so I think I’ve got to use an axe that would be my only uh potential solution to this problem but it’s okay I mean you know whatever this knockback actually does come in useful here I’m not a fan of knockback but here it’s kind of nice but yeah axes wouldn’t have that sort of sweeping effect so H maybe if I ever use an army of dogs I’ll go for an axe that’s it is that my loot bread is that all I got are we done here is the spawner done is is that all I got are there more waves of mobs or is that it that might be it are you done is that a spawner up there too let’s try this one this is a spawner okay well we’ll try these wow this is not hard at all oh never mind oh well they’re not doing much damage to me it’s just uh more annoying than anything how do I hurt you oh oh you don’t have much health oh wow these are not uh not as hard as I thought honestly and I’m in hardcore I mean I guess Minecraft is more of a children’s game so maybe it’s meant to be a little on the easier side but uh this is just a lot easier than I thought not that it’s like super easy but I just thought there’ be a little more of a challenge the only real challenge I have is I don’t want these zombies to hit me because they’re just catching me on fire oh he got me oh okay this is a little much there’s another Vault why are there chicken eggs okay are we done with this level oh we are what’ we get a swiftness potion and what is this another swiftness that’s it is that all does the loot always is it always bad okay more eggs water water what’s going on here so there’s all these vaults but no keys okay I just looked it up and there’s a 30% drop chance for a key so about one in three we haven’t gotten one yet hopefully soon now these spawners do reset after half an hour so if we don’t get anything lucky we can just wait like a day or two come back and try our luck again um I just don’t know where the next rooms are we’ll have to jump around here what is nice is there’s a lot of copper and I mean like a lot so if I ever want to build with copper I might come here I actually don’t totally hate this design with these bricks next to the Copper I think it looks pretty nice let’s just try to explore more of this here’s another spawner oh there’s a few more here yeah let’s do it let’s take them on come on now when the brid comes in here he does make it a little more challenging I will admit oh I should have stayed to one side of the room uh-oh well too late now bite the bullet what does this do nothing oh except there’s way more spawners up here okay that was a mistake whoops well let’s put my shield on that would probably help a little bit okay I’m going to eat a golden apple just because I’m nervous oh they have slowness great okay wow this is amazing um oh the skeletons are actually fighting the breeze cuz the breeze is hurting them that’s nice thanks skeletons well we’ll just try to do this one at a time we’ll be okay it doesn’t seem like the breeze uh is too hard to kill okay we’re managing oh there’s a key there’s a key up there hold on we’ll get it we’ll get it oh come here oh yes okay how do I get it um let’s grab the key there we go okay actually this isn’t too bad I mean when we were overwhelmed for a second there it was kind of nerve-wracking but not too bad anything above the what’ you drop nothing a bow I don’t know you dropped bread sweet you dropped oh a key okay we have two now these skeletons we still have to take them on okay we’ll let those two do get out oh this is actually nice up here they uh they don’t want to get me and they’re hurting themselves when they try to get to me so what’s with the magma is it the skeletons are just taking their own life okay this has potatoes yum okay so even though the spawners take half an hour to reset I think the vaults are one and done like I think after you use them once no more so let’s uh let’s use this one just because it looks fun what are you going to give me anything wait we have two keys I thought we only had one why isn’t working unlock a vault okay I did I still have the keys did it drop anything wait let me try this one and stand wait really far away okay oh you see this one’s spitting out stuff why won’t you work what am I doing wrong well I don’t know what’s going on but also this uh this Vault it has like a bluish color when this one was less blue I don’t get it is it just a different type of Vault are there different types of keys I don’t think so I just tried to read up on them and I couldn’t find anything see the mouth is open is it cuz you’re surrounded by blocks do you need some room here no I don’t get it well whatever we’ll go to some other vaults maybe we’ll come back to that one and see if it improves attitude in the future okay that one worked yeah wind charges oh those are fun poison arrows and an Unbreaking one iron chest plate yeah not I don’t need that please allow me to like jump high right oh yeah woo so yeah that’ll be cool when we have the mace whenever that is if we even get one they’re pretty rare but that’ll be fun because we can just jump up in the air and then Smash down on our enemies well I know these trial Chambers are pretty big so let’s try to find another room that we can raid let’s just break all oh this had keys in it more than one three what oh wow okay I wonder if that one vault only works after we’ve opened the other ones or we defeated all the other rooms I don’t know that’s a spawner oh gosh not cave spiders okay okay let’s let’s work this out okay so some of these just give bad loot that’s that’s that’s it o bamboo signs oh this one has keys though that’s not bad okay see this is another vault is this going to give good stuff or not let’s see no see these these blue ones aren’t opening like how do I how do I open you do you want something I don’t know maybe those ones only open from the more difficult version I don’t know I don’t know if I’ll figure it out so if you guys know the answer let me know down in the comments below but maybe maybe we’ll figure it out before the video ends I don’t know though I’m not going to have hope some of this loot is just absolutely horrible though okay you’re a vault oh yeah some of this loots just disappointing I I you know I mean we’re still in a beta of this update right something like that the the update is not released yet but uh I don’t know I was just expecting more I think like I thought these would be a little harder and I thought the loot would be a little better but I guess that’s when you do the more difficult version I just don’t know how to open those blue vaults though I need to figure that out well let’s just keep looking around for a bit and maybe I’ll find my answer somehow oh okay hey oh boy okay oh another key thank you see here’s another one of the blue vaults how do I open you oh and the the armor trim oh oh sharpness five okay that’s good okay I tried to read up a bit and it does seem like these vaults do only open with a different kind of key which you only get from the harder version of The Vault so uh we’re not getting it this time but if I do manage to get bad Omen effect we’ll come back and try the hard version what is this is this where we started oh it is eventually these skeletons are just going to hit each other and don’t make my life easy oh gosh not the snow oh it breaks when I hit them that’s cool to Duke it out I’ll keep shoveling I wonder if I break the snow because my sword has fire aspect is that why might be oh Fire charges oh look at that oh that one’s just arrows is that it are we done here where where are the other skeletons you going to spawn more come on we’re not done here ah potatoes again yeah this is a little too easy I kind of want to try the hard version but I might be speaking too soon I wonder if it’s going to be really difficult also I have to get the bad Omen effect which isn’t super easy to find oh never mind well is that it are we done here I think we might oh we got more come on let’s get these other spawners started it’s too much oh that was easy oh look at this bad Omen but it’s bad Omen 2 I wonder if the level of bad Omen determines uh just how difficult the trial spawners can be cuz it does matter for a raid so then I guess we can use the bat Omen potion and just come back and do it all again okay yeah the breeze is kind of obnoxious but not too strong to really do much damage okay cool okay we done with them all you’re ominous man cut it out with these speed potions okay well it seems like we’ve exhausted all the normal vaults I don’t know if those also reset after half an hour I think but I think once you use them once it’s you’re just done forever I don’t know well I think we did oh the best we could so uh and head back oh you guys just had babies whoops I didn’t mean to do that now we get another one all right you guys ready where’s your yellow friend where’d he go there he is well I feel like that was pretty successful I mean we got some pretty good loot not anything too great The sharpness five that that that that is great but besides that nothing too crazy we have a lot of tril keys that can’t really do anything with but we do have this bad Omen potion which is awesome and of course our new Army of dogs so with the bat Omen potion I can actually drink this and then we can go back down into the trial Chambers and redo them except this time it’s like 10 times harder or so I’ve heard I have no idea how difficult The increased difficulty really is but I want to try it to see if we can get the mace I really I really want I really want a mace man except I don’t think we’re in the place to go just yet just because we’re low on food and we did struggle a few times but it wasn’t too bad of a struggle what I want to do before going back though is get a level 30 enchanted chest plate and helmet I think or at least one of those because these are about to break and the enchant are too good uh-huh there we go all right so what I’m going to try keyword try to do is uh go out into the Wilderness and get myself more leather more sugar cane and more food so pretty much just hunt down a bunch of cows we’ll get food that way we’ll get leather that way also sugar cane try to get myself enough for all the bookshelves I need for a level 30 enchantment table and and then also if I find a biome again with a lot of oak trees I’m going to cut some down and maybe try to get a couple more apples and we can try to get a little bit more gold for at least a few more golden apples just in case I need them but that’s not really a requirement that’s just going to be if it you know if it works out that way o I can also take down horses for leather sorry horse yeah so anyways I don’t think this will take too long hopefully it won’t be too bad but I really feel like I need that little bit of an extra power boost of an enchanted helmet or chest plate or both so that I can take on the harder trial chamber I don’t really know what to expect but I’d rather be overprepared than underprepared like I was definitely overprepared for this first trial chamber because it it just wasn’t hard at all but if the harder version is as hard as people say it is then I really want to be careful because uh it’s it’s pretty hard [Music] all right I just want to see how we’re doing so far okay not too bad we’re we’re close we’re not too far off what we need we did get lots of apples from the village chests though that’s that’s nice still need a bit more leather and a bit more sugar cane the leather’s pretty easy these well I’m not in the village anymore but those two Villages were back to back and uh there were tons of cows around them the sugar canan’s a little more difficult but not too bad okay we’re almost there we’re close we’re close okay well good news we have all the enchanting stuff uh bad news I don’t have enough XP so we got to get a little bit more XP did I put did I do this right yeah we’re good we have level 30 okay uh I need a little more XP just a little bit let’s go to the Nether and while in there we can just take down a bunch of mobs for XP I can just have the uh pigm come to me and try to take me down but while they’re doing that we can also get gold for our new collection of apples cuz we have a ton of apples so we can use the nether gold to make golden [Music] apples all right let’s see what we can do okay not too bad and then I could use a grind Stone but I’m just going to I’m just going to do this for now I’ve got the diamonds for it I don’t care insiration Thorns what are the odds that this has protection on it oh not fire protection oh no oh those hurt those hurt okay we’re GNA use a grindstone I’ll make a grindstone for the rest I I need it well okay you know what the fire protection one isn’t that bad because often times my fire aspect sword is catching mobs on fire and then the mobs catch me on fire so this isn’t too bad but the helmet that’s rough that’s pretty rough they I really like the new dog braids I got to find more of different breeds though we’ll we’ll do that we’ll explore that eventually here we go go boom okay I guess if I need to do more enchantments I can just go back to the Nether and mine quartz I forgot about that at first and then once I started mining quarts I was like oh yeah this can give me a ton of XP so I can do that to get XP if I need to that’s what I used to do instead of make XP Farms okay protection three yeah oh we could combine it with this and get Pro four but it has cursor binding I don’t know if I want to risk that yet what if I disenchant everything how much xp does this give me just disenchant all the stuff I don’t use oh shoot I meant to put this chest plate on and I put this chest plate on uh and it’s stuck forever so uh whoops uh I guess we’re stuck with uh fire prote section and you know what this chest plate is not going to break I could try to just break the chest plate that’d be one way to solve this problem but uh with bending I don’t think it would break the only way I could potentially break this is if I stood next to a cactus for like an hour and just ate food to regenerate my health and let the armor break so if I really want to get rid of the chest plate I can but uh I think I’m stuck with it at least it’s not too bad whoops that’s uh that’s my mistake I messed up a little bit so I guess I don’t need this Enchanted well we’re almost at level 30 we may as well just go ahead and you know enchant one more uh one more helmet and just see if we can get another protection three I mean if I can get protection four on everything except my chest plate that’s still pretty dang good like that’s a lot of protection so if I can get one more Pro three helmet that’d be that’d be okay I’ll I’ll be good with that I won’t be too mad myself for accidentally equipping The Binding chest plate all right well we’re going to be out of lapis after this one so let’s try oh aqua affinity and respiration both really good helmet enchantments lovely it doesn’t have Unbreaking three or mending but we can get that through books later so you know what this is pretty good our boots leggings and almost helmet are perfect this is pretty good I mean fire protection Unbreaking three mending that’s it’s not bad I would just prefer normal protection and now we’ve got sharpness five on the sword of course this doesn’t have Unbreaking three or knockback but the durability is still pretty good on it or well it does have knockback sorry it doesn’t have Unbreaking three or mending but the durability is still pretty good so I think it’ll last us a while what else could I need with me what would I potentially want a bow I guess how many arrows do I have I could just put all the arrows in my inventory okay I’ve got a good amount yeah I’ll keep the arrows in case I want to uh start a fight I won’t bring this this is going to just take up inventory room the the elytra and the fireworks torches I guess I’ll bring them they might come in handy I think I’ve pretty much got everything I need though besides taking the bad Omen effect wherever that where’s that potion where’s that battman potion uh oh I have more lapis if I need what did I do oh here it is the ominous bottle oh okay well all we got to do is drink this and then I guess we uh we can start the fight I’m a little nervous but I think we’re good I mean we have 17 golden apples surely we won’t need more than that but maybe that’s my famous last words we have good food our sword is good it’s not perfect but that’s just with the Unbreaking we could use bow is pretty poopy but at least we’ve got one boots okay I feel pretty good um let’s also bring one extra shield just in case those skeletons might be crazy and I might need an extra shield that that could come in handy I just want to make sure again I’m extra prepared I want to be over prepared not underprepared I was a boy scat it’s my model I’ve got to do it so there we go okay now I think we’re pretty much all good to uh go down there and try this again I’m I’m a little nervous should I drink this bottle I think I should drink this bottle before right yeah probably we just have to go down there I’m I’m actually really nervous but I think we can do it I’ll try to uh make myself Escape routs if I need to like if I need to escape I’ll just start chugging the golden apples and run away we should be okay um I may have been a little not thinking and I just drank the potion without remembering that uh I’m indeed in a village and bat Omen in a village is not a good idea um whoops I wanted to drink it before I got in there because I didn’t want to I didn’t want to oh yeah I didn’t want to be in the trial chamber before I drank the potion because I was like oh that might mess it up and I won’t get the harder version but uh well I messed up that was not smart I uh I wish I could go back but too late now it’s okay I can always get bat Omen again we can we can try oh boy this was a bad idea this was a bad idea hopefully it’s not hard raid well now I know to be a little more careful whoops we can we can still get bat Omen if I need though I I’ll try my best I don’t know I don’t know now I’ll have to come up with a new BL The Raid is going down fast is there an iron golem is he helping me out maybe oh yeah keep it going boy I should give him some Iron Man I am I’m disappointed in myself where’s this guy at oh okay here we go thank you Iron Golem oh that was a close one okay let’s uh let’s be a little careful here I hope that all my villagers don’t die why’ you go on my house okay we’re going to have the totem instead of The Shield just in case I know The Shield’s valuable but uh I don’t like the way this is going oh boy no no no oh I was going to use some grass to prop myself up but the vexes can get to me either way did one of my dogs just die all right you know what I’m recruiting you all come on let’s go help me out dogs come on I don’t want to hurt you but uh I’ll just leave it up to you yeah get him get him dogs get him all right where are my scoots where are they oh boy okay let’s get them boys the dogs get xes oh I’m sorry dog you did walk in front of me maybe I shouldn’t use the ones without dog armor well here where are the ones without dog armor you guys sit down we’ll take it from here oh good they’re all stuck on the cliff wonderful how do I get up there use my elytra maybe I’ll do that oh I have curs of binding I can’t use it elytra anymore no oh oh gosh I messed up so hard oh boy I really messed up with that one I didn’t even consider that I can’t use an elytra now oh boy that was a mistake well can I just pick you guys off with my bows I can do that right maybe I can do that can I reach you all thank you okay hopefully this is the last wave no vexes yo since when our Witch Is So tanky I swear all of these witches they have so much health okay we got two more totems we’re doing good oh they’re in there in the village let’s see if there’s any more enemies up here really fast I don’t think there’s any more up here I think they’re all just in the village right dang I really can’t believe I messed up potentially my only chance to get the mace with the harder trial chamber because you know I can get I can get bat Omen again but it’s often hard to find those raid parties it’s it’s not easy okay where are the rest of you guys wow I really wish I had an elytra right now oh I can’t help but left I was so dumb hey at least the dog armor works well the dogs are helpful when I don’t want to go straight up to something and things don’t seem to like to attack my dogs but it is kind of annoying feeling like I always have to be there to uh repair the armor I know I don’t need to be so perfect about repairing the armor but I just worry CU I don’t want my dogs to die oh there they are there’s the big boys okay dogs you get that one yeah these guys can’t hurt my dogs right I don’t think so yeah get him get him yeah he doesn’t even hurt the dogs that’s good okay we done we have more oh we’re done woo Well if I knew a raid was coming I would have gotten villagers I could trade mending books with but uh oh hey you underground oh you’re right there hey buddy are you good he’s happy okay well hopefully we at least have more than one oh no no no I didn’t I was trading with him why are you hurting him hold on sit down why are we hurting this nice man can you go in the village dude like all the way down there I’ll come get these dogs later well okay at least we beat a raid I mean that’s an achievement it might not be the trial chamber I wanted but uh you know what it’s it’s okay we uh we still did something good oh well I figured that might happen I think we’ve still got one or two villagers left even if we don’t have any it’s fine I mean I don’t need them I don’t need mending I’m not going to add mending to my armor I can’t add it to my chest plate even if I wanted to we’ve already got mending and I can’t take it off but uh well you know what it wasn’t a complete loss at least we now have uh how do I get my dogs back down at least we now have totems of undying that’s uh that’s pretty useful I guess we don’t have a mace but that’s okay okay well here’s the thing even though I messed up we we have a solution I’ve got all these totems and I really want to try out the harder trial chamber so uh you know what it’s my video I can do what I want so here’s what I’m going to do okay using chunk base and turning off everything except for Pillager outposts I do see that here’s the closest one and there’s one not far from it so uh let’s go there I’ll bring my bed just to skip the nights if we need but yeah this is the direction we’re going to go is this cheating well I don’t think so I do use chunk base sometimes I try not to use it if I don’t have to however this is a different situation I really need the bad Omen effect for this trial chamber but finding raid caps in naturally spawning raid parties is super hard but the raid captains do have like I think it’s a 6% chance of spawning in Pillager outposts so if we go to a Pillager Outpost we should be able to find one without too much of a challeng but you know what using chunk base is worth it because I really want to test out this new trial chamber so I think it’s worth it to me but I don’t know I’m honestly curious what do you guys think in your own Survival or hardcore worlds do you use things like chunk base to help you find stuff for example other times I’ve used it is when I need to find a slime chunk cuz it can be really hard to figure out which chunk is exactly a slime chunk so using that is good for making slime Farms especially because sometimes you can find slime chunks right next to each other and it can really help you out with that so I don’t know I try to limit my use of it but it’s such a valuable tool I have to use it sometimes okay here we are coming up on it now we just need to find a raid Captain when I’ve done this before for my RAID Farms you know sometimes you get bad Omen really easily sometimes it uh takes quite a while so uh we’ll see how long this takes I’m not seeing many pillagers are we in peaceful mode or something cuz where’s all the where’s all the pillagers oh there’s one when I first was coming up on it I’m pretty sure I saw a guy with a banner but I’m wondering if he despawned you know part of it might be this poorly shaped ground some of them might have trouble spawning but I’m not going to reform this whole place just for better spawning I’ll just wait it out uh-huh and a goat [Music] horn go horns are so fun wow I really chose the worst Outpost maybe I’ll go to some of the other ones nearby because no one is spawning here well I guess I’ll just keep hanging out and jumping around until we find a Pillager that’s going to give us what we need like a 6% spawn chance isn’t too bad but it’s still fairly rare so uh this could be a while especially because they don’t want to spawn all right I think spawn rates for this one might be better but this is also not great terrain oh hey buddy I’m going to leave him trapped I don’t want him to accidentally take out a captain if it spawns well neither of these outposts are all that great actually for uh having a nice spawning platform so yeah I guess we’re going to have to just wait it out it does kind of stink that I can’t use my elytra that is a regret oh here we go wait a minute what oh that’s interesting I thought I messed something up but I guess you don’t get the bat Omen effect anymore even from killing raid Captain you just get a potion that’s nice I like that because then you can control when you’re going to use it I was going to say if I just get the bat Omen Effect one challenge I’m going to have to face is to make sure not to go inside of any Villages before I get to the trial chamber including the one right next to it next to my house but uh this is nice because now I can just sort of control when to use it it so I think what I’ll try to do though just to be safe is I don’t want to be in the trial chamber uh before I drink the potion hopefully this being level five is not going to make this super duper difficult I’m just afraid that if I get near the trial chamber without this potion activated that uh it’s just going to spawn the normal trial chamber not the difficult one but I don’t know maybe I have some leeway maybe if oh dang I don’t have any bones but you’re a cute one don’t hurt him but uh yeah I don’t think it’ll be too hard to coordinate this I just really don’t want to start a raid again oh sorry all right let’s try this please don’t start a raid oh oh trial Omen here we go we have 15 minutes it looks like how hard do you guys hit I don’t want to find out oh they have armor they have weapons they even they even oh my gosh they even have the uh armor trims wow okay well the zombies are pretty easy but zombies are always easy they walk too slow oh that was easy that was it maybe I spoke too soon I’ll be careful wow we got potatoes what a gift okay I’m going to try to do one of these spawners at a time I don’t want them all to go at once what is that oh okay okay well now we got a few spawners going oh that’s a lot of damage well we can just come back here if I need to be safe this fire protection is useful what is this I don’t like the Fireballs that’s kind of cool it’s a cool Minecraft effect but man oh gosh not these guys I hate silverfish so I don’t think the mobs are inherently more difficult I’m pretty sure they just have armor and weapons and that’s what the difference is okay well we finish that off those two skeletons are going to Duke it out oh these knockback arrows go crazy woo they don’t do much damage though and all these skeletons just want to kill each other infested okay I didn’t know silverfish gave you an effect now okay come here oh okay now this is becoming a bit much let’s take a break they’re just all going to kill each I don’t even have to do the fighting they just take care of it okay this is a bit much but it’s not too difficult okay I’m going to need a golden apple this slowness is kind of getting to me I got to just let them fight each other okay I beat those oh I beat the breeze okay is that it are we done are we safe I think we’re good I mean the loots kind of dooo but uh besides that we’re doing okay oh I keep forgetting that I do have I do have these bad boys so uh I can throw them on if I need to I’ll take the strength potion well no keys let uh no keys yet but it’s not too bad well the spiders can be one shot that’s not really scaring me this was level five bad Omen I thought this was supposed to be difficult I’m going to end up dying I already know it I’m getting too confident oh here’s a key there we go there spiders down there where’s the loot no I don’t see spiders down here so where’s the loot from the uh the second one or did I already collect it no you still seem active I just don’t know where the other spider is I must be missing one can I break you no I don’t think you break weird okay well let’s try one of these ominous keys and what do you give oh oh enchanted golden apples wind charges okay that’s pretty good well I don’t know what’s going on with that second spawner because uh it’s not completed I never got loot from it it’s still activated but I don’t see any spiders okay so that lingering potion effect the gray one is the infestation I see must be one of the new potion effects it’s not really infested it spawns like one or two silverfish all these mobs just want to fight each other they’re going to have to change the AI for these to work better it’s almost too easy are we done no okay I’ve only got four minutes left we got to hurry this up okay where are the other enemies are they down here here they are I think there’s still a breeze around here I haven’t taken out right or did I do it all is that it I collected something from you from you from you have not collected oh cuz you’re done okay I guess that’s it this just is uh a little too easy see where’s the missing spider I keep getting I wonder if some of the spiders are spawning um cuz like there’s no other spiders in this room but this isn’t done yet so I’m wondering if some of the spiders are spawning outside of the trial chamber that that’s probably what’s happening o okay I’m going to leave enchanted golden apples here this is great to farm them I could just wait here and let all these skeletons duke it out honestly okay I’ll go down and fight them okay eat one of these just because I have them o my helmet’s about to break uhoh well that’s it our last key hopefully it’s good oh you’re a spawner too right yeah okay and a normal key which I can’t use on anything because I open all these chests okay well if this doesn’t give us uh what we need for a mace then uh I’m going to need to find a new trial chamber or I can get the bat Omen effect again and just come back I guess well that stinks but yeah the mace is supposed to be fairly rare it’s not easy to get especially because it is so uh strong I won’t say overpowered because it requires some skill but it is very powerful if you know how to use it but yeah that’s a little disappointing we pretty much opened all the ominous chests I mean maybe there’s one more in here that I missed but uh I think we’ve got pretty much all the chests for both key types so I need to find a new trial chamber if I want the mace but I don’t know if that’s going to happen all right well we didn’t get a ton of loot but we did get some emeralds which is fun I guess but we have to repair this helmet there we go well I’m a little disappointed by the lack of loot but what are you going to do at least we did get some enchanted golden apples that’s fun okay well here’s my plan I’ve done some things after talking to some of my other Minecrafter friends it seems like everyone has to go through at least a few of the ominous trial Chambers in order to actually get the required materials for a mace so we’re going to do just that I’m not going to take my time because I know that these trial Chambers are pretty easy we’re just going to quickly go through it so here’s what we’re going to do um I think I have everything I need I am going to bring my bed but we’re just going to head back to the Pillager Outpost get the bat Omen effect and we’ll find the closest Tri trial chamber I think I’m just going to rush it with chunk base unless I can find them on my own they’re actually not too rare I thought trial Chambers were rare but they spawn everywhere so I probably won’t even need chunk base but we’re coming up close I mean we’re already on Day 70 something I think so uh we got to we got to be quick here oh you know what I think I will bring I will bring shulker box that way I can just stay away from my base for a while I don’t need to come back and restock so yeah anyways we go to the pillow drop post we get the bat effect we do a trial chamber if we get a heavy core to make a mace cool if not we do it all again we go back to the Pillager Outpost we get bad Omen we find a new or we go to the same trial if I didn’t complete it and we keep repeating the cycle until I can get a heavy core for a mace and along the way we should get some other good gear like diamonds emeralds and maybe some more enchanted golden apples which would be really nice oh you know what one more thing I I think let’s bring my diamonds and my Anvil with me I don’t have Unbreaking three on some of my armor and I also uh I don’t have mending so just in case our armor takes a lot of durability or our sword you know it’s not doing so hot right now let’s make sure we at least have the ability to repair everything I think that’s the last thing I need okay I’ll just do that and we’ll bring you with me there we go okay now we have everything now we should be good so I’m I’m just going to rush this not rush but you know what I mean I’m I’m just going to go through the trial Chambers I’m not going to worry about exploring every nook and cranon collecting every pot and chest because there doesn’t seem to be much good loot in there anyways we’re just going to take down the mobs one by one see what the loot is and hope we get a heavy core a this was easy [Music] [Music] this a glitch why I want these arrows oh they can go together wait what and I can put them like that but I can’t get more than 57 but I can what oh the arrows secretly have this green effect whereas the other ones do not huh I don’t know what these are you know I’m not even wasting my energy on fighting these mobs honestly what I’m doing is just getting these keys and then seeing if there’s vaults for them I’m pretty much just going through all of this and finding the vaults and I’m pretty sure this is the last Vault here so even though I didn’t defeat all of the trials it doesn’t matter because I only need the vaults so I’ve got a plan there dang I got three keys just from those three spawners so uh I might just be able to go through here and unlocked all the chests without fighting anything per I’ve ever seen hisory well here’s the issue I just spent hours inside trial Chambers or at least what feels like it and no mace um maces just seem to be like so incredibly rare because to get a heavy core the drop chance is so low so I really don’t want to waste the rest of my 100 days trying to get a mace so maybe that’ll be something I save for 200 days and I don’t want to end this world without having at least done some fun work so I’ve got a couple projects before we end here a couple really good ones but the first thing I want to do is make this Village a little better I think step one is to cut down some more of these trees as well as some oak trees for materials but cutting down these trees just so we can get a view of the surrounding area from there we can make brand new houses for the villagers or any remaining villagers I really don’t know there’s one there uh there’s a cat up there I don’t know hopefully we at least have two when we can make them Breed by giving them food and then around the village I also want to create a series of small dog houses I know that might sound weird but we have so many dogs now and like you know I want to I want to do something with them they need somewhere to live so I think making little doghouses could be nice especially because now it’s going to be so easy to get more dogs and hopefully I can also find more dog breeds when we’re out in the wild can you sit down so let’s bring my bones with me but yeah I think that’s a good Next Step since it was a bit of a flop uh trying to get a mace oh also my helmet broke which was nice so uh before we go mining let’s actually make sure sure we’re well protected by getting level 30 enchantments and I’m going to just get my XP for mining courts oh well here’s the rest of the raid yeah take him down all right anyways oh no I don’t want fire protection again okay I’m going to do a quick like level one enchantment to reset my enchantments and then I’ll get a little bit more XP and see if I can get a better one that’s how that works right yeah oh protection four okay um get me One XP level quick disenchant all the armor I got oh we’re so close all right what what can I take down for XP any mobs around here it is night time aha there we go that’s good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty well here we have our village for now I went with some pretty basic you know small house designs that kind of have this Viking looking roof to fit the spruce biome and we have custom trees some dog houses Pathways a little pond with our little axotal uh and of course I did my typical trick that I always do which is cover the perimeter of your village in a bunch of trees and it helps it feel like one small enclosed space without adding a bunch of fences and whatnot it feels more natural and I like it it’s got a small feel to it uh it doesn’t work as well with this weird Cliff here but you know what it’s uh I’m making it work also it’s nice because this cliff I guess did help protect some villagers from The Raid we’ve got like three villagers up here there’s one or two down here so we do have a good villager population there’s still one goal that I didn’t accomplish that I set for myself and since this is kind of the dog update I think we should get ourselves some more dogs I’ve got a lot of the dogs from this biome and then I do have one dog over here where it’s the uh the OG the OG dog come here how you doing but uh besides that you know when I was on chunk base earlier there were some fun biomes to the South there was a good diversity of biomes and from there we should be able to get a good diversity of dogs so let’s gather all our bones hopefully a little more food if I have it or if not I’ll collect some on the way and go get ourself some dogs yeah well it’s pretty much a no-o on the food however we do have just so many bones because uh most of all my guests came from the skeletons I fought in the trial Chambers but yeah I’d like to do more with the village I think I will continue to do 200 days in this world just because since it’s a normal Minecraft update it’s a lot easier to do 200 days than some of my previous worlds where it’s a little more difficult cuz we run out of things to do plus besides expanding The Village I would also really love to finally get myself a mace and that could honestly maybe even take a 100 days on its own maybe I’ll have to make a whole video entirely dedicated to just the mace I don’t know maybe I’ll do that I don’t know I could just do like even though this isn’t really a series world this world is just on its own and I haven’t been doing a series on it maybe I could do a standalone video just like getting the mace in Hardcore Minecraft or I don’t know something like that I don’t really I don’t know I don’t have it planned out but you know I I feel like I could easily do that well uh no dogs yet but we’ve got not just one Panda but two I’ve never found two pandas just next to each other that’s uh it’s pretty rare now with this update what I don’t know and I should have maybe looked this up but I guess I’ll figure out is if dogs are spawning naturally in pretty much all biomes now or if they still only spawn in some biomes and you can simply breed them in other biomes to get the new dog types or if you breed two dog types does it just spawn in the same dog type but I don’t know I have a feeling more likely we can just find dogs spawning because there is a new really cool my some of my favorites are the new Jungle dog and also the new Savannah dog they just look so cool but I don’t often really find dogs spawning in jungles or savanas really ever now that could just be because I don’t really spend much time in jungles or savanas but maybe it’s not until this update that they spawn more frequently or they’ve always spawned and I just have kind of missed it I I don’t know but I’m just going to hop around this jungle for a while and hopefully uh we find a dog I need to get out of probably the bamboo forest and get in the jungle proper here we go and another Panda they’re just everywhere the one time I actually don’t need a panda and I just I just want a dog okay well no uh no Savannah or jungle dogs yet but we did get these two guys there you go in these other biomes I’m trying my best hopefully they can keep up well I’ve been going over this big lake to get back uh I hope the dogs can teleport or maybe they’re going to get stuck but uh you know I can find pandas on accident which are super rare apparently I can also find a woodland Mansion which is super rare but I can’t find a dog which are not supposed to be rare but I I don’t know I think it might just depend on the biome because in the entire massive Savannah Biome I just went through there wasn’t a single dog whereas some of the Tiga in the spruce Villages right near my house are just fit like there’s just dogs everywhere you know they just don’t stop so I wonder if there’s different spawn chances for different biomes or if it’s just luck or I don’t know maybe some of these biomes don’t have dogs I did answer my own question and I found out that it does not matter what biome you breed the dogs in it matters what type of dogs the parents were so I imagine dogs do spawn in all the new biomes that you’re supposed to be able to find them I just can’t find them so I’m wondering if some of the new dog variants are just very rare cuz that Savannah I mean it was working properly all the mobs were there there were pigs and sheep and cows everywhere there were cats everywhere near the villages but not a single dog I’m a little sad but not everything works out that’s okay okay I’ve been trying to check out some of these biomes close to my house and finally we got another one what’s up dude yes now I’m going to try to take this dude back to our house unfortunately the uh is he sitting down oh no you’re good the the two brown dogs we got from the forest biome I think they’re stuck over there what always seems to happen to me is if I go too far from my dogs and they don’t have a place to teleport they just don’t teleport but they’re still my dogs so I can bring them back eventually I’ll just probably need a lead or I’ll need to build a bridge over the ocean because after traveling across that ocean they didn’t want to teleport to me so I think I lost them but anyways I’m glad we got this dog because I was starting to lose hope honestly I was looking at some people’s posts on Reddit and whatnot and it seems like a lot of other people are having problems finding the newer dogs in the biomes I mean I’ve been looking around for so long and I’ve only found a couple for whatever reason it seems like a lot of the newer wolv Wes have much much lower spawn rates than the old ones but yeah I don’t know if it’s impossible because it seemed like a lot of people were complaining that they just literally could not find some of the new wolves no matter how hard they looked especially like the jungle and Savannah ones but I don’t know let me know what you guys you know your experience down below I’m not in the official update right now though I’m recording this before the official update is released but I’ve been updating this world as they release new snapshots and pre-releases currently I believe I’m on the first pre-release so maybe there’s still some wolf SL dog spawning issues or they’re just extremely rare I’m going to bet that they’re probably just really rare but who knows maybe it’s not working and I just wasted all my time I don’t know oh that was a lucky find come here well we didn’t quite get the diversity of dogs that I was looking for but I’m still pretty happy we’ve got a lot of really cool dogs and I really like like the way the new dog armor looks and these new dogs are just uh I’m a huge fan but anyways there we are we reached day 100 and you know what I would really like to maybe do 200 days in this world but I don’t know if you guys really want 200 days show this video some love and let me know down below but yeah this was a really fun new update and I’m excited for the full update to come out and for me to try some more of the new features like seeing if it is possible to get some of the dogs and trying my best to get a mace even though it’s ridiculously hard hard but that’s all for this video I really hope you guys enjoyed if you did please leave a like comment and all that good stuff but my name is Jay Wisp and I will see you guys all in the next video

Hey guys JWhisp here and welcome to 100 days of Hardcore Minecraft in the new 1.21 Tricky Trials update! Will we survive?
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📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jwhispyt/

📸Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jwhisp_

⚫Discord: https://discord.gg/cG7aFsb

This hardcore series is inspired by Wadzee , acookiegod , FWhip, notnotbrock, suev, paindomination, wunba and Farzy, maybe sandiction and ezy with their Hardcore Minecraft Series, as well as Grian and Mumbo Jumbo on Hermitcraft. Acookiegod is also cool. I like to make Giant Mega Builds , Automatic Farms , and Mining Videos. This is an Epic Minecraft Legend of JWhisp in a Hardcore Let’s Play!

Comment: Your favorite new 1.21 feature if you see this!

#minecraft #minecraftsurvival #100days


  1. The dog variants dont have lower spawn rates, they're just in specific biomes. Like the rusty wolf will only be found in sparse jungles, not jungles. The savanna dog, the spotted one, will only be found in a savanna plateau, not a savanna. The striped dog, who looks a little like a hyena, is only be found in wooded badlands. The rarest and really hard to find dog is the white one, because it only spawns in grove biomes, which alone are rare, and then those dogs are lone wolves and only spawn as single ones. The black dog you've found is actually one of the rares too. The default wolf, the forest wolf, chestnut and ashen wolves are not rare at all, you just need to enter the biomes they spawn in, which are not so specific. Like the ashen wolf loves to spawn in all snowy areas

  2. If anyone reading my comment, last night I was playing minecraft and I noticed 1 hit with my axe killing every animal and also I noticed my stone axe makes 9 damage! I made after that iron axe and it was the same damage! so I got confused and decited to make an Iron sword and its damage was only 6! the stone axe is stronger than an Iron sword and While I watching this video it's relly weird watching you using the sword cause I throwed my Iron sword and start using stone axe 😂😂🤣🤣 I got used to it

  3. To be honest, I think it should work off of the hero buff rather than the bad omen. Bad omen already serves a function of triggering raids but the hero of the village is a bit underwhelming. Villagers will give you gifts and you get a discount on trades for 40 min. You can already get a more permanent trade discount by having zombies convert your traders and then curing them and the gifts are meh. So it would've been better to have the trials react to hero buff.

  4. when the update comes out will you have to create a new world to get a trials chamber or will it just be added into the world you already have?

  5. I will say that dog armor is op in damage protection, but its durability is horrible lol. I’ve already learned to bring spare dog armors if I’m going caving

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