How to Get Souls of Flight in Terraria

here’s how to get Souls of Flight in Terraria so you want to make sure you’re in hard mode and that you have defeated the Wall of Flesh so that Wyn can spawn up in the space biome now to get up there I would recommend building a massive rope pillar like this and just building it straight up now if you have the depth meter you’ll be able to tell how high you are and you want to make sure that you are in the space bi so it will say space anywhere in the space biome and Wyn will spawn um I recom building a platform like this so you can actually fight them up here and probably placing a campfire to heal up a little bit quicker as you’ll have haries and wvn coming at you um then you can also place a water candle um just to increase the chances and the rate at which a Wyn will spawn then once a Wy spawns in you simply have to kill it to get Souls of Flight um now wvn are fairly challenging to actually kill um they can be quite hard so I recommend that you um have good sets of weapon and armor before you attempt to try and get Souls of Flight all righty so as you can see we’ve had a w spawn and now I’ll simply have to kill it to get The Souls of Flight from him so again they can be quite challenging to kill they’ve got a lot of health and they do quite a bit of damage once you kill them they will drop Souls of fly at the head so that is how you get Souls of Flight in Terraria if this video was helpful please do leave a like a comment for the algorithm and don’t subscribe

Learn the best method to obtain Souls of Flight in Terraria by venturing into hard mode and defeating the Wall of Flesh first. Follow these expert tips to build a rope pillar straight up into the space biome and prepare for the challenging Wyvern encounters. Don’t forget to equip yourself with powerful weapons and armor before attempting to collect the valuable Souls of Flight.
#guide #tips #terraria

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