I Cheated with //OMNIPOTENT in a Build Battle

in today’s build battle we’re becoming Invincible using SL slash omnipotent which will give us the most overpowered abilities in all of Minecraft the first build is custom boss go go go go go go why is so excited yo where that banana going all right let’s go go go go go go go oh my gosh okay Izzy’s already spying on my side of the map this idiot this is idiot okay there he goes we’re good now okay so now that no one’s watching us we can use our secret command SL slash Omni po oh oh that’s not right poent Omni potent that’s right guys we’re turning omnipotent editor make make me look cool like lightning and stuff and boom Oh My Gosh okay it looks like we have three boxes one for each round of the build battle we have the unlimited box and wo okay hold on it’s like the Galaxy in a box wait this looks kind of trippy in the way that it’s like moving but then we also have the infinity box which says it has enough power inside to destroy the world wait hold on are these Infinity Stones W and now the last box that we have is the domain box which says you could send anyone to your own own Dimension wait is that like a domain expansion from Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen all right I can’t lie to you guys all of these boxes look extremely Omni dep poent but the unlimited box says that you could control anyone with the all seeing eye and as you guys know we need to make a custom boss um hello hey you don’t you don’t look like an allseeing eye but this block does look kind of crazy wo we’re holding the unlimited block the most powerful building block used to construct the allseeing eye wait so we have to build it okay actually I’m so dumb it’s a build battle of course I do but hold on it says hold shift for more objective create an eye with the unlimited Block in order to summon the allseeing eye okay all right I already got that I I knew that I’m very smart all right well creating an eye wo whoo whoo whoa whoo whoo whoo whoo wo wao this block is trying to pull me yo what the block doing guys I’m getting like sucked in towards the Block it’s almost like it has its own powerful aura or something ew ew it’s like smooshy you guys hear that wait what my legs my I’m getting sucked into the oh my gosh my toes my toes are omnipotent or whatever the word is guys I can’t lie this this block is kind of scaring me it’s literally so powerful that it’s just like latching onto my body okay I don’t really want to know what what happens if I if I just keep standing there oh but yeah guys listen it’s so gooey and wao when I break it just like a ton of crazy particles come out of this block okay all right guys well first things first we’re going to need a diamond and let’s just go ahead and make a brush and the first thing that I’m thinking for this allseeing eye is is yeah we just we just make the ground go goodbye if we have like a void ground we could kind of make this look like the end maybe like this is some sort of foreign custom boss that’s like way past the end City yeah there we go but hold on I don’t really like how the sky is like blue under this so wait what if we made like the entire ground out of this unlimited block and oh oh I I still can’t get over the noise it’s so gooey okay wait I’m a bot we could use the world edit wand and we could literally just do a giant selection replace Air Boom oh my what is happening holy cow guys what have I done I’m looking into a portal into another dimension I’m lagging the server okay SL undo okay we’re oh oh uh hello yo what are you doing bro what do you mean I’m I’m building on my side yo summoning a portal into another dimension or something dude what portal I don’t see any portal are you a psychopath what’s this what’s this over here dude there’s no portal here you’re actually a psychopath go to the Do’s office take your medicine that was a close one guys we were almost caught all right let’s go ahead and just get rid of these little crumbs on the side here and I’m thinking like right in the center of the Void okay we’re I I almost fell but like I was saying right in the center of the Void I’m thinking that we could just make like a giant Island and this is where our eyeball is going to live the allseeing eyeball this is his home all right it literally looks like a pile of poo right now but it’s not going to all right I’m going to make it very nice for the allseeing eyeball and then what we could do is actually yeah we can like texture the top of the island with some like crying obsidian I think that would look really good and now on top of the island yeah I’m thinking that we just do some Soul Sand and some soul soil and wow okay hold on this looks even more like doooo because it’s it’s literally dooo brown but don’t worry guys we we could fix it with world edit we can literally just smooth out this entire thing oh my gosh it’s it’s actually so satisfying and all right there we go this is actually looking pretty good but now I’m thinking we could start on the actual eyeball itself and I’m thinking we make this puppy like pretty big and as you guys could tell I’m also using the nether brick I feel like the red just kind of looks good it kind of makes like the eyeball look like it’s like bloodshot almost oo okay I feel like that’s actually a pretty good base right now I’m just making the outline but once we go to fill in the eye that’s what I’ll use the oh my goodness is trying to kill me again but that’s when I’ll use the unlimited block but for now I’m actually pretty sure that we could just copy this and then flip it and then just paste the other half did that work ooh okay wait yeah that actually kind of worked we just got to fix this top part there we go yeah all right this is actually looking really good but now it’s time to make like the eye ball within the eye like the we need a circle in the middle if like visibility we just Place one right here all right buddy enjoy oh my God are you kidding me yeah all right that’s looking pretty good but now we can go ahead and just fill this in Oh My Gosh guys this looks insane already so now we just got to do this half over here and okay we’re just going to leave a little dot just like untouched cuz I feel like if I finish the build like right here here this thing actually might just come to life and we don’t want that not not yet okay okay so now let’s go ahead and fill in like the pupil here all right there we go the eyeball is like filled in but now we need to make like the center pupil and because this thing is so just like you know it’s very ominous and it’s very powerful it’s the allseeing eye I think we got to make the center of it just like a bright magenta okay there we go I think think oh my gosh this looks crazy but hold on we can make it look even just you know just a little more detailed there we go and then we could put like purple in the middle yes okay this actually kind of looks like an Eye of Ender but wait if I just like grab the Nether Bricks guys I’m thinking like what if we put like creepy little eyelashes just hanging off of it like I don’t think it needs to be perfect like I’m actually thinking that they’re they’re just super like unkempt and creepy looking yeah yeah just like that and with that guys I think we’re ready to just set in the last wait hold on ooh okay wait we forgot to make like the back of the eye okay this is fine I I think we could just Beef It Up with uh some world edit here there we go let’s just give it some more eyeball meat e e I hate that why like why did I even eyeball meat why would I say that okay I think we’re ready let me just double check the instruction manual yep I I think I did everything right here we go 3 2 1 run Sky uh hello wait did I did I do it wrong oh no guys it’s literally just still the huh what okay hold on hold on hold on it it’s it’s sleeping but wait guys we we made it alive yo what is it doing to my Island it’s like sucking up blocks from the island hey wake up you’re destroying this build I made for you it hates it guys it literally hates it’s cuz it looks like doooo I knew it oh my gosh guys what do we do what do we do we wake it up hello all right well there’s still some of my build left over on the side here let’s just get rid of that but yeah guys this is actually crazy it’s literally my build down to the T it has like the big bushy eyelashes and whatnot it’s got the eyeball meat on the back but as we mentioned this guy this guy literally fell asleep on the job but wait guys if you remember the Box literally says that we can control anyone with the allseeing eye so maybe you know we we just let this guy snooze a little bit but then once Izzy and liger yo yo yo what oh oh my gosh what am I even looking at it’s a it’s a liger Army and how come these ones have like pants on if you even want to call that pants but then these ones don’t yo what and wait hold on Yo Izzy’s build looks kind of crazy too but yeah like I was saying I think we leave this guy asleep and then we wake him up once we bring Izzy and liger over to our side yeah we probably just need to hit him a bunch okay wait there’s only 10 minutes left all right I have an idea I have an idea guys we are going to plant treat I know what you’re thinking cherry blossom skidy what are you thinking this does not fit on some sort of like Celestial void Island but just hold on okay let me cook let me cook I’m thinking that we just use these trees as like a foundation and then we do replace oh oh no oh no I messed up so okay all we’re good we’re good all right and boom all right that’s what I meant to do and wait Guys these turned out insane like actually way better than I had imagined in my head but yeah we have like little Crystal trees now bro I swear I just lagged like crazy where is that coming from and wait hold on I’m thinking we could put like a bunch of chorus fruit and that would fit the theme really well are you the reason for that massive lag Spike and what is this what if I said no I I’m not yeah I didn’t it’s not me bro it’s not me okay Liar Liar Liar Liar Liar Liar all right well I’m just going to carry on as usual he’s going to regret not giving the eyeball more respect when we have the voting round and I wake this thing up and then it opens its eye and then it kills them and then it uh yeah so anyways I’m just I’m just going to add in some more uh coar fruit to this to this island here all right the chorus plants are done but now just as like a quick little detail I believe using some world edit we can make like a giant ring yeah around the island now the island literally looks like it has its own like gravitational pole around it like it’s like a planet or something okay we only have 3 minutes let’s see what else okay wait what if we made like a little island for Liger but then we also have a little island for Izzy that way these guys have some where to stand for the Great Awakening cuz I I don’t know I don’t know what this thing’s about to do all right but look at it all right this thing it’s it’s going to deal some damage it’s safe to say we’ll go ahead and make a lime platform for Izzy and then liger gets a yellow one and now yeah we just got to Center this a little bit and then we could also detail it with the crying obsidian and we could also detail it with some of the amethyst cluster thingies and there we go guys we have a completed build and we have our custom boss Eileen yeah I I named it uh Eileen I lean cuz it’s a eyeball you guys get it yeah uh editor you could yeah you could cut that I’m just going to yeah okay so the theme was custom boss right now before I show you guys my build I have to clarify something yo a bunch of bananas isn’t a custom boss oh my God what I was going to say is when you start playing Minecraft which skin do you have um not that one the Steve skin right so any skin you put on his custom and I’m a boss so I made an army of Lio oh oh my goodness and check it out the double-sided too okay I was wondering there’s a face on the back of it yeah so you just made yourself is what I’m hearing yeah but look there’s there’s a story to it it’s like an anime look it’s 3v3 they’re about to go and fight you know hey what are you doing yo yo what’s wrong with this one dude I didn’t know this one was Caked Up like that and yo when was the last time that you washed your your rag bro this is probably white when this brand bro brand new fabric I’m going to change it right now look at me look at me look at me out with the old in with the new I change it every hour right all right Mr lagger I I’m going to I’m going to have to give this a solid 7 7 I’m going to give it a 7.5 out of 10 oh no how much is that like seven together yeah something like that let’s just go to mine all right guys all right Mr Izzy what did you build what is this yo the tree god oh my god dude he’s doing it again look yo it’s getting beat up by liger what wait it’s gone so you have a liger that appears and disappears on your build that’s sick just shut up bro shut up why why does it only have one arm what happened to its arm the boss arm fighting another boss that had a sword so it was me right it was me like the liger boss dude it wasn’t you what’s the boss’s name though uh yo what’s his I mine has a name his name’s uh Jerry Jerry I like that I’ll give this a five that’s it just a five a five yo calm down you’re going to give lagger a seven and me a five had six C no no no no yours listen come down here Sky go in there go in there guys good oh it’s got water on the inside okay that’s good I rate it a six I give it a six I’ll give it a yo chill bro wait for my rating bro I’m listening hold on but before I give you my rating what do you think of my build dude I told you I gave you a 7.5 I thought it was amazing yeah but say that like really really good yo don’t look at me bro don’t look at me tell me that my build was the best build you’ve ever seen in your life it’s not better than mine but yeah it’s really good man I like it good boy I give this a three all right now see you guys later see you guys later this is I like stand back bro stop getting so close y do you guys not care about the pun I made a pun i i what does that mean all right whatever whatever so if you guys just come over here and it’s sleeping why are our colors below us because oh yeah you guys are are going to stand there we’re going to wake the eye up what yeah we’re we’re going to wake it up from its nap I don’t want to wake the eye up sh all right go and and go wake it up and then stand on your platforms you want us to wake it up good luck guys bye now I just went spectator mode what what what oh my gosh you go wake it up bro I’ll stay here bro if I throw a b at it I lean oh oh oh uhoh uhoh I think maybe you got to like hit it with a sword it’ll really like that it’ll really like that I lean I don’t want to do this okay don’t hurt me please oh oh my gosh oh oh chill chill chill chill chill she’s still sleeping she’s not doing anything oh oh no oh my God Li her hold me chill who has awakened me it wasn’t me it wasn’t me it was him it was him it was him him look at him look at him oh my gosh it’s talking the eye is talking I see now oh it looks mad bro why is it looking like that it’s glaring guys it wasn’t me the INF the infamous player laggers why is my name f he woke him up it was lagger I had I had no I had no involvement you went up that you smack him five times with a netherite sword bro how pathetic what yo you guys are toast do as I say and I’ll let you live yo don’t look at me bro I would look at the eye not me but choose to disobey and there will be consequences yo who just gulped we’re not in we’re not in an anime bro nervous guys dance oh I’m going spectator yeah yeah yeah oh my gosh it’s making them dance what am I looking at rolly rolly rly with the dab Ranch okay it looks like you guys passed this first level but what’s it going to say next now tell me your most embarrassing secret starting with lier is cool oh yo yo yo if you lie there will be consequences yo you better not lie tell the truth Li dude it’s going to know if you lie or not bro look at that thing do I do I say it now a liger I think you got to go okay okay um you got to hurry up dude okay okay chill chill chill let me think oh oh yeah there was this one time I I went on holiday with a couple of friends and it’s not really about the holiday it’s what happened on the plane so basically my friend he had a seat behind me like because we couldn’t afford look at me bro I’m sorry and then and then basically yo hurry up bro it’s mad my friend my friend my friend tickled my neck so I put my hand back and I started tickling him but I wasn’t tickling him I tickled to Grandma and then she started screaming what are you doing what and then everyone everyone looked at me like I was a weird though but the thing is that the seat is so tight so I couldn’t really look back why did you tickle grandma because I didn’t know I I thought my friend was behind me yo get away from the grandma Tickler my hand swayed a bit to the back and I touched the grandma and then I had saliva on my hand bro no no that’s it that’s it okay that’s my story continue that’s it oh my gosh wait it’s speaking lier is cool has told me truth truth wait I don’t know if I should be happy yo don’t celebrate ew he’s the grandma tick what do you mean no it was an accident bro oh my gosh wait Izzy Izzy don’t laugh Izzy don’t laugh it’s it’s your turn now you better have a story Izzy clock’s ticking uh uh around 5 years old I pooped I pooped myself and uh my brother my brother laughed at me in front of a lot of people and then they made a circle around me and pointed and laughed you pooped yourself bro oh I’m going on this side near the grandma Tickler I’d rather be a grandma Tickler than pooping myself bro what are you doing I do it problem man oh my gosh wait hold on Izzy has told me lies no no no I was telling the truth I swear I was telling the truth no no no no no no no is he is it turned you into your life your e oh dude that’s what you get for lying about pooped bro okay that was pretty poetic Li Izzy I can reverse it if you say s right now I’m I’m sorry good boy I can’t reverse anything oh my god let’s go lier Army hold on oh wait hold on it’s not over gentlemen now my last test bring me these items in this exact order that’s easy we’re in Creative gold ing Diamond Emerald what what did it say egg what what was the thing you were laughing at I was opening my inventory dude there was like a million words oh my God it spawned a chest oh I’m not getting near that bro I am not getting near that okay it’s fine I I got the order bro don’t worry I got it uh and then what was it diamond oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what was the words bro I couldn’t read it I don’t know dude it went too fast okay I remember I remember it was this this this and then I think the last thing was a turtle egg no it was a normal egg wrong oh my God you idiot what I thought it was a turtle egg bro what’s going on oh wait wa oh oh I died in Creative what do that why is it going for me what did I do it destroyed everything All That Remains is two liger butts am I going to get turned back into a normal person um and the next round is Statue what’s wrong guys e oh oh don’t get near me get away okay I almost got poop on my barber time but guys if we go ahead and run the command we already used the skidy industries unlimited box so now we must choose Infinity box or we have the domain expansion box and since the theme is Statue boys I’m thinking that we make a statue of the infinity Gauntlet oh my gosh we literally have all of the Infinity Stones yo I’m holding every stone right now yo this is so cool can I like place these on the ground I can’t literally like blocks wait what happens if I just like place all of them does it oh when combined together enough power is formed to disintegrate the world oh no guys we turned into Thanos how are we going to disintegrate the world in in Minecraft what what lagger oh okay and then we got literally a pile of poop making who knows what all right what this build battle is so cursed boom okay we now have a platform to put The Infinity Gauntlet on and The Gauntlet itself is like a I feel like it’s a pretty difficult build but this is going to be in Minecraft so I I’m thinking we just make it like really cubby like this is no regular Gauntlet all right this is like Minecraft Thanos Gauntlet there not like yeah it it’s I Pro it is going to look good okay so this will be like the base and then already yeah I think we could just detail this like a lot all right there we go this actually looks pretty good so far I just went ahead and put like a little bit of gold trim on it and I think yeah I could just keep it going cuz yeah like right here there’s just a giant bald spot so I I’m just trying to fill it in I’m just trying to make it look fancy okay I don’t know I’m not I’m not Thanos actually yeah I literally am I’m holding all of the infin Stones I almost forgot we’re we’re disintegrating Minecraft apparently but in style all right there we go this is looking quite decadent this is an utmost luxurious Gauntlet Simply Stunning yo what’s up hey dude I just wanted to ask you a quick question can you follow me uh yeah all right I’m I’m going to follow you I just wanted to ask you if you uh you likeed how my build is going so far oh my it’s skibby izy no I’m thinking up here this is kind of more like the palm of your hand like this part down here is the part that goes over your arm and your wrist so this is actually where it gets a little tricky cuz I need to be able to make like the knuckles and wait hold on before we do the knuckles I think we can actually put our first stone down like right here yeah so I believe the one that goes on the back of his hand is the Mind Stone so let’s just put this down oh all right guys we have our first stone and yo that actually looks so sick oh and if you guys couldn’t tell I also carved out like some of the the hand meat at the bottom here I feel like it just looks a lot better but now like I was saying before we just need to build like each little finger knuckle thing and boom there we go yo wait hold up why why does this look like the infinity foot ew wait I can’t unsee it it literally looks like an Infinity Gauntlet designed for Liar’s left foot oh like that’s like the big toe okay wait I think it’s cuz I forgot the thumb okay much much better so now we just need to make a placeholder for like each Stone so on the pinky here we have the Soul Stone so we’re just going to put that right there there we go and now I believe the next one is red which is what the reality Stone and then on the middle finger here we have blue which is the space Stone and now for the pointer finger we have one of the coolest Stones literally the Power Stone there we go and then if you guys couldn’t tell I I rebuilt the thumb a little bit I made it like a little bit more realistic and this one has the time Stone and I’m not going to place it just yet cuz I’m pretty sure this probably works just like the eyeball where like once we finish putting everything down it’s just going to like activate to life so we can get rid of all of these stones but guys we need to keep the time Stone cuz when the time is right we’re going to activate this thing but now I’m thinking that we just go ahead and add a ton of details to this Gauntlet yeah okay that already looks so much better I just put some like little twirling gold blocks and it’s looking really good except we have uh what one major problem h brother ooh yeah this side uh it still looks like lier foot so I think yeah we just need to go ahead and Spruce this up boom all right I went ahead and just gave him like some more knuckle finger Meat like on on the front like he’s supposed to be holding his like he’s I don’t know guys I don’t know I’m going to keep working on it okay that’s that’s the update hello all right this gaunlet better not wipe us out of existence okay dude I would never bro and was it you you who added poop to my build yeah bro look you think I pooped on your build look there’s literally a pile of poop okay you’re right you’re right okay fair enough fair enough you’re a psychopath if you think I’m going to disintegrate the entire world okay you should be flattered this is your foot are you missing one stone I’m missing one stone right now I’m just yeah this is a shoe it’s for you all right so you better give it a good rating now scram go take your giant poop all right what do you call me I was talking about a different poop not you you’re great yeah I think liger is a little sus that we’re literally going to disintegrate everything he literally saw that we didn’t place the time Stone yet which is not a good sign but you know at the same time there’s uh there’s not really a whole lot that he can do yo what are you doing on my on my toilet dude oh my oh enjoy that brosi wow dude thanks okay there’s only 1 minute left this is actually looking really good the only other detail I’m thinking that we could add is a bunch of purple ground just to p homage to Thanos himself because we have literally become the super villain all right we’re making all of this ground grape flavor there we go oh my goodness Waits we need to add a beacon a beacon would be so cool oh my I’m a genius I am actually a genius that looks so cool you’re orange you get red there we go okay wait hold on this one’s in the center it’s yellow so let’s put yellow yellow there and blue purple and then the last one oh my gosh green all right that looks insane it’s time to disintegrate [Laughter] everything all right I’m going to I’m going to go wait up there for uh for everyone else uh yeah all right let’s do it wait yo where’s where’s liger [Music] what what dude come on yo how are you doing that what’s going on hey hey hey I’ll go first let’s go listen this is my Snorlax uh don’t mind the poop I actually feel like it kind of adds a bit of character I’m pretty sure that was Izzy I think it’s safe to say it was probably ezy but check it out I gave him my own beard look yo it looks kind of cursed from this angle bro I can’t lie why is it looking at me like that dude like I don’t really know how I feel about this liger mouth bro yo why is it smell like peanut butter you know it is what down there yo I’m telling you like sometimes when you’re just like chilling you just have to like oh you know what I’m saying I don’t even know if you built this bro what is like it it’s literally Hollow you pasted this in no bro I did not paste this in bro I had to use like whated and stuff that’s slh sphere no that’s that’s very true that’s very true all right liger I’m going to give this a 5.3 five you’re saying this is less than the liger custom boss statues yo3 dude come on all right I’ll take it bro whatever I’ll give you a 5.5 lagger I think that’s pretty fair whatever bro let’s check out your stupid build what is that like tell me what even is that what is that supposed to be y it’s a statue of me all right all right yo Izzy what happened to the toilet here like how come this is oh my all right poop man I’m going to give you a I’m going to give you a 5.4 yeah oh my God I’m giving you a zero point my can we just all right let’s just move on yeah let’s just go to the next one all right ladies ladies ladies knock it off knock it off come over to my side and liger I made you I made you a present oh this is mine yeah it’s for you bro you’re yellow this thing is yellow it’s uh yeah it’s for you this my glove yeah no it’s it’s all for you dude it’s a present oh no can I can I wipe everyone out of existence now is that possible no bro stop this is not the infinity glove all right it it kind of looks like it I can’t lie but I I made it just uh just for you so actually it has some uh some gems on it you want to put the last one in yeah uh I’ll just be watching from over here guys yo what what’s wrong with this guy he’s been acting up dude I don’t know bro he’s scared for no reason yeah he’s been kind of poopy lately liger over here actually trusts my build so go ahead and uh take this don’t oh oh thank you so much for the present oh don’t don’t even bother reading it yeah just go ahead and place it in over here no no no over here over here yeah no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine so I just put it in and that’s it uh-huh yeah just oh yeah so oh my what is happening to the map bro yo stop the disintegration chill oh no the Izzy poop is going away everything is literally disintegrating my Snorlax too stop no my glove my Infinity Gauntlet I didn’t think it would destroy this as well everything it it’s gone it’s literally taking every block my Snorlax my toilet is gone and the next round is disaster good luck gentlemen go go okay so the last round is disaster and gentlemen we don’t have a choice but to use the domain box send anyone to your own Dom mention it’s safe to say that this is going to be a disaster wo oh oh okay we got two eyes wo whoo wao hold on hold on these eyes are domain eyes Place both eyes to send anything to your own domain yo these look like the eyes from Gojo yo if you guys don’t know who Gojo is he’s this guy right here and when you look him in the eye it it’s not good okay so if we need to use Gojo’s eyes boom this is skidy head head with no hair or anything this is my head yes I have a very wide Noggin but we’re we’re just going to go ahead and put some hair on this yeah all right so this is me with hair and now we just need to go ahead and add my sunglasses yeah there we go and oh no I made my head super thick it’s not that wide in real life right right guys yo listen bro skidy has been messing with us every single round I I suggest we team up all right bro let’s team up let’s do it man so disaster bro like what should we make what if like a volcano maybe rains from the sky oh like a meteor wait yeah that’s genius all right so now we just need to place the eyes ever so carefully don’t hurt me nice kitty bro he still got his head over there wait what is that in his eyes what is go what is that oh what is it doing it’s tracking onto me oh my what oh my gosh what did I do what did I do where am I there’s my build so are liger and Izzy here as well where are we what is happening where the heck are we is this your guys’s disaster yes the meteor bro but where are we well it looks like my disaster one up yours welcome to my domain expansion what do you mean how do we get out of here bro I am the ruler of this universe ruler of what bro we’re stuck in nothingness I am the ruler what i b him bro I banned him I’m banned from my own what no no but wait what do we what do we do we’re stuck yeah

I Cheated with //OMNIPOTENT in a Build Battle

My Editor 🎥
Offstagevitor 👨‍💻

Friends in video 💪
Izzy 💚
Liger 💛

if ur reading this i hope you have an awesome day! thanks for watching 😀


  1. this the goofiest build battles so far 😆😂😂

    enjoy LOL

    oh and

    WE HIT 400K 💥💥💥

    alot of you don't know this but doing youtube full time has been my childhood dream ❤

    without you guys, none of this would have been possible. TY <3

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