NOOB vs PRO: SECRET INSIDE BODY HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!

our friends Mikey and JJ are in big trouble now me and my brother Milo must fix their bodies before it is too late oh no Mikey and JJ are ghost chip something terrible must have happened to them what are we going to do Milo look there are giant versions of Mikey and JJ’s buddies here in the distance and oh no they’re all broken inside we need to fix them and bring Mikey and JJ Back to Life come on we can save them and a man we only have 10 minutes what happens in 10 minutes oh no I don’t want to find out we better get to work quickly Milo so we don’t learn hey look there’s a to-do list here I need to fix JJ’s arm spine and his brain I think I’ll start on his arm because it’s the first item on the list wa JJ’s arms are totally destroyed H I think we not only need to repair the arms but make them even better than they were before to start with I’m going to add a little bit of Bones back but not just bones I also want to grab diamond blocks by reinforcing JJ’s body with diamond blocks we make him way stronger than he ever was this will help make sure nothing bad can ever happen to JJ and Mikey again JJ I can’t believe you’re a ghost now what even happened to you it was probably something really bad and oh no your arm is also broken here let me fix that as well once we add diamond blocks we can also add some defenses to your arms that way there is no chance that you’ll ever get your arms hurt again oh look even down here next to your wrist it’s to totally broken wow this must have really hurt Milo what do you think happened to JJ and Mikey to get them all hurt like this I don’t know maybe a car crash or something or maybe they were messing with the ravager again oh yeah true I think it might have been a car crash Mikey is a really bad driver he always speeds on the roads and it is pretty dangerous I think once we help repair their bodies and bring them back to life we need to get them some driving lessons yeah for sure because I’m a really good driver so I I could teach them what Milo no you’re a terrible driver you’d probably just get them even more hurt but wait a minute look I have now used diamond blocks to repair a really big amount of their arms H now it’s time to add a bunch of defenses first I’m going to get some dispenses as well next we’ll also grab some chests and even some ender chests this way we can give JJ infinite amounts of items to place in his arms all right we’ll add the dispenses here and we’ll even add some in the front and around there as well all right now we’ll need to clear out a little bit of the area to add some more blocks in we’ll add some diamond blocks to help reinforce it and then we’ll grab some Hoppers too oh yeah this is about to be great and hey we can even use reinforced Hoppers instead of regular ones that way it’ll be even stronger and we can make JJ so tough JJ don’t worry we’re going to bring you back to life and make you better than ever you’re about to have an infinite inventory that can put anything down anywhere okay this is pretty good it’s a nice amount of chests but we also need end of chests as well now we also need need to get a bunch more reinforced Hoppers and continue placing these chests all the way up wo JJ you’re about to have so many items it’s about to be insane once you can place down any item you want you’ll be able to build anything you can possibly imagine to defend yourself against any threat that way your arms will never be broken again okay that’s looking pretty good but we need to add some things inside these chests I think blocks of diamond work perfectly wo look at that now you have a full diamond chest and it’s filtering down into the dispenses H we do need to add some leas though this way you can actually use the dispenses to place things I’ll put the leas underneath the dispensers and if the dispenser has blocks in it boom it can place the actual diamonds this is so cool but I think there’s a little more we need to add now it’s not only blocks that I think you should be able to place I also really want you to be able to place Fireballs Fireballs are a really good defense this means that if anybody comes close to you and tries to break your arm like that ravager my of you will be able to Fireball them away just like this wa look at that that’s so crazy I wen’t keep using the fireball machine in here though otherwise you might get your arms a little bit burnt and that’s not something I want yeah that is such a cool item machine I also think we need to give you some ways to heal yourself I think enchanted golden apples are the perfect choice this way in case you run low on health or need some healing you’ll be able to instantly heal up using these golden apples and hm wait a second I also know something else you might need I’m going to give you a brewing station then I’m going to give you a bunch of Splash health potions oh yes this way you will never run out of instant Health okay this is perfect now we’ll also make some more Brewing stance here this way in case anything goes wrong and you low on hit points and might start getting hurt you’ll be able to heal up really quick now I’ll also add some dispensers along these sides so you can quickly deploy all the health potions you need all right I’ll fill this dispenser with a bunch of splash potions of healing and I’ll do the same for this one JJ this is about to work so well but H these dispensers are only going to heal a little part of you let me hook them up to Redstone and see how much area they cover then we’ll see if we need to expand the dispenser Zone at all all right I’ll add some Redstone here and okay that healing potion went over there and this one went over there but hey this is definitely not going to be enough and wait a minute these dispensers are going to run out of healing potions we need to add some more reinforced Hoppers and a bunch of chests full of them all right I’ll add chests above each one of these dispensers okay this is pretty cool I’ll need to add some inside this reinforced Hopper and a bunch more in another chest above this one too oh JJ you not going to have to worry about anything bad happening to you ever again okay this is pretty cool but I don’t know how much time we have we only had 10 minutes until something was about to happen so I better quickly add a bunch more of these I’m going to link them further towards your spine this way we’ll use Redstone repeaters to make sure they never run out of charge oh boy this is about to be so so handy handy and kind of army wow it is so weird being inside your body JJ I think it’s a really good opportunity to make sure we can heal you from the inside out it looks like there’s been a lot of damage here over time you haven’t visited a doctor in a while yeah I can definitely tell don’t worry Dr Chip is here to save you and here to help heal any injuries you may have okay I think this is a pretty good amount of area to cover with our healing potion Splash Zone let’s add a bunch more Redstone before we add the dispensers this is a about to be really good JJ you won’t ever have to worry about taking damage ever again you’ll be so instantly healed every time something goes wrong it’ll be great and I’ll be able to relax once I know you won’t have to worry about getting hurt anymore all right this dispenser is now full of health potions and then if we just add this chest above it should instantly fill as well hey this is really cool it’s kind of like a life hack wow I wish I had this inside of my body but I just have normal healing if I want to heal I have to use the splash potions myself or just eat a golden apple also by myself oh boy JJ I’m kind of getting jealous I wish I was as good as healing as you’re about to be next I’ll just add the final few dispenses this time we’ll only add one around this side cuz I don’t want to put any in your armpit then they might smell really bad and stinky uh I don’t want that instead we’ll just make sure we put them on your shoulders and in your arms okay we’ll just add a couple more Hoppers here this is going so good we need to be very precise with how we place these because it’s inside your body JJ things could go very wrong I do not want to accidentally spill health potions inside you and accidentally get your arms really big or buff imagine if we accidentally put poison potions inside then you’d probably become even more of a ghost and we’d basically lose you forever that’s so terrifying to even think about so I’m going to make sure we do not place any poison potions down instead only health potions wa that chest just broke and a bunch of them came spilling out let me pick up all of them so there’s no random glass bottles left inside your arms that would be pretty terrifying it would also mean that you need to be very careful because imagine if you accidentally fell on your arm and crushed all the glass bottles that would be pretty painful and you’d probably need to come right back here so we can fix you up again luckily I don’t think that’ll happen because I’m going to make sure we do this really really well any glass bottles that spill I’m just going to quickly pick up so they don’t have to stay around anywhere all right I’ll place these hoppers down and boom JJ your healing system is now ready Let’s test it out to see if it can heal you in the event of an emergency all right wao that to works so well JJ I’m really happy with this now we can turn this off to get it ready for the next use now I’m going to check off the first item on our to-do list and that is arms boom okay JJ look when wait a minute JJ you’re fading oh no it’s getting worse this is really bad and wait we only have 7 minutes left oh no I know what the time means when the clock Runs Out you guys will be gone forever unless we fix your bodies in time I need to go tell Milo Milo Milo I just found out something really really bad what is a CH Milo if we don’t build these buddies in time and fix Mikey and JJ they’re going to fade into Milo are you playing chess right now well yes why are you playing chess with Mikey can’t you see he’s fading away well we’re just playing chess to try and make him smarter right now what Milo his brain is Tiny oh my goodness Milo there is no more messing around our friends are relying on us to fix them it’s fine chip ghost Mikey is so bad at chest I keep winning oh my goodness Milo this is bad if you don’t manage to fix ghost Mikey in time he will fade into nothing when the timer runs out it’s fine chip I’m definitely going to save him JJ do not worry I’m going to save you and make sure that you do not fade away come on we’ve got a lot of fixing left to do come on Mary I guess we better get to last yeah come on you guys we got to hurry quick CH do you like the bow I made uh yeah it looks really silly but why did you put a bow on his skeleton Milo it’s inside him nobody will even see well it’s just to make him feel better on the inside oh my goodness okay good luck with that Milo me and JJ have some real fixes to go do the next thing on this to-do list to fix JJ is the spine but uh-oh this is not looking good let me grab these bone blocks and quickly try fixing him but wait we can just use these diamond blocks these are way better for it I think now we’ll be able to reinforce JJ’s spine way stronger than it ever was diamond blocks are such a good idea the fact that we now have diamond blocks in JJ’s spine means whatever did this the first time cannot do it again don’t worry JJ you’ll be able to be safe and happy once you get this best spine ever I don’t think I’ve ever met someone with a diamond spine before it might get a little bit heavy but at least you’ll be basically fireproof diamonds are one of the strongest things ever so you won’t have to worry about taking any damage I’ll be kind of jealous actually I wish I had a diamond spine or maybe a spine made out of orange concrete yeah I’d probably prefer that actually orange is my favorite color and I don’t really like the color blue if my spine was blue I would be so sad about it I would probably never forget it and Miley would never let me forget either could you imagine JJ that would be terrible oh my goodness wait a minute where’s JJ oh no oh there he is thank goodness that was really worrying me the closer we get to JJ and Mikey fading the more worried I’m getting I really don’t want to lose such a good friend hey chip I have something funny to tell you oh what is it Milo well I’m actually filling in like you SPO with a blue concrete what blue concrete hey Milo you’re not using diamonds or anything super strong like that Milo did you over hear me talking about the orange concrete yeah and it’s really funny because I’m using blue for all of mony’s body what but Milo why would you use blue it’s not even his favorite color Mikey loves the color green you do know that right well since I’m trying to fix myy I might actually even make blue his new favorite color what Milo we’re trying to fix fix Mikey and JJ not change them forever well we’ll see what I can do with it oh my goodness Milo you’re crazy okay I think this spine should be working but oh no Milo JJ’s still a ghost he might even be fading more oh no wait there’s still a little part of the spine I need to fix and oh wow there’s a bit under there I definitely need to fix maybe once I place these blocks he’ll come back to life oh wow I really hope this works all right I’ll place even more blocks and oh no I accidentally broke a real bone block oh no I hope that didn’t have anything bad happened to JJ from it I think it should be fine because I did break some other parts of JJ’s bones in order to make the healing section okay JJ you can come back to life now oh no this is not good he’s still a ghost H I’m going to need to think of something even better than just repairing his spine in order to bring JJ back to life I think I’m going to need to upgrade him a little I know exactly what to do we are going to need to make a bone roller coaster right through the middle of JJ’s spine this is about to be the most epic roller coaster ever don’t worry J I’m going to fix you and you’re going to be so happy with it all right let’s make this bone roller coaster curve up and around and it can even go back this way wo it could also go up pretty high this is about to be very epic Milo I don’t think you’ll have ever seen a buddy quite like the inside of JJ after what I’m about to add to it what are you going to do I’m adding a roller coaster made out of Bones it’s what I’m doing to try and fix his spine it sounds pretty crazy but I have a feeling it just might work what the that’s such a cool idea chip I’m pretty much going to copy you what no you can’t copy me from Mikey’s buddy that’s crazy Milo you got to come up with your own ideas nuh I’m going to use that idea because I think it’s so funny yeah it is pretty funny but it’s also a really good idea right not just funny yeah it’s actually a really good idea when wait I might put my own twist on it now that I think about it wait your own twist uh-oh Milo I’m a little worried about what that twist could be normally when you put a Twist on something it just makes it crazy and a a little bit dangerous if I’m being honest well that sounds fun to me what Milo you’re meant to be healing Mikey you can’t make the inside of his body dangerous yeah I guess that’s true oh my goodness Milo you are insane I really hope Mikey survives what you’re about to do JJ on the other hand will definitely survive what I’m about to add here I’m going to make sure that this roller coaster can go all the way around his head the spine is actually a part of the body that connects all the nerves to all the other parts so it’s very important that the spine links up everywhere okay it also needs to go pretty close to his face because wa look you can even see JJ’s eyes from inside here that looks pretty crazy it’s kind of scary actually I’m going to quickly build the rest of this spine roller coaster before I keep seeing crazy things like JJ’s eyes that would be really scary if I keep seeing that now let’s make sure this spine roller coaster goes down just like this we do need it to exit the same little hole that it entered from it JJ do you like it oh yeah I really think this is going to help make you way healthier and really heal you up yeah you totally do thanks JJ oh boy I really can’t wait to see this in action Milo JJ really likes the design choices I’m making yeah well me and Mikey are also hanging out and being really happy about everything what Milo how is Mikey being happy right now isn’t he kind of dying yeah but we’re also doing some really cool things to the body uh Milo what cool things well I just rebuilt his heart and I’m going to put so many goome things in his heart oh his heart that’s a really good point I didn’t even think about that I’ll need to add some organs for JJ because right now he kind of is just a skeleton and a big roller coaster yeah that’s so funny and silly yeah it kind of is I actually need to make sure the roller coaster goes above the checklist if the roller coaster goes through the checklist then I won’t even be able to read it anymore that would be a really big disaster because then how am I going to know what other things to add to JJ to heal him all right I’m going to need to make sure this part of the roller coaster goes up oh boy we don’t have a lot of space over here this could go pretty bad and okay I think this will have to do oh wow this is kind of a tight squeeze I guess building a roller coaster inside your friend is kind of crazy and doesn’t work very well a lot of the time H I’ll need to grab some rails just like this we’ll grab regular rails and powered rails and we also will need to grab some redstone blocks we can also grab Redstone torches and some slabs and stairs too we’ll need to grab smooth quartz slabs and smooth quartz stairs this way it will actually look like it’s made out of Bones oh wow this is about to to really fit everything I wanted for it I think the first step is definitely to place down the powered rails here we’ll need to place a block of redstone this way the powered rails can actually be activated we’re going to need a couple blocks of redstone around this thing otherwise it probably won’t work very well and there’s no point having a roller coaster that can’t actually roll it would just be a coaster and then it would really be bad to have inside of JJ if this roller coaster didn’t even work how on Earth could I expect it to actually be healing that would just be ridiculous of me instead I need to make sure that this roller coaster does everything I want for it okay this is looking pretty good it already goes around quite a bit and it’s looking pretty epic JJ I think you’re going to have one of the coolest insights that anybody has ever had you’re basically going to be like a cyborg oh wow you’re going to be so tough after this no one will ever mess with you and you’ll never get hurt again that’ll be so epic I’ll actually be really jealous nobody will ever want to fight you because the second they try you’ll be able to stump them you’ll be able to use your healing abilities to not let them take any damage on you and then you can use your roller coaster to speed away this might even make you really quick JJ and in case you need to heal up any part of your spine we can put mine carts with chests on the roller coaster that way you’ll be able to deliver healing potions anywhere in your body that’ll be so cool imagine trying to fight the Ender Dragon with a built-in healing system oh wow that would be so cool now I kind of want to get hurt and turn into a ghost so I can have that my myself Milo are you sure you and Mikey are making good choices I haven’t checked over in a while but I’m a little worried to think about what you could be doing well I’m just planning out the works for the water slide the water slide wait a minute Milo are you sure it’s a good idea to have a water slide inside Mikey it’s actually a genius idea it’s going to take lots of yummy food like cake and stuff into his mouth okay I guess giving him food is pretty important but you’re also going to give him healthy food right and healing food too yeah like Cen fries what Milo no that’s not healthy or healing I’m more meant like golden carrots or golden apples um yeah I’m definitely going to do fruit and vegetable as well Milo I don’t like the sound of this you better make sure you add something healthy otherwise Mikey won’t have any nutrients and he’ll get really sick fine I’ll add something healthy if I have to thanks Milo I really do hope you add it all right I’m going to make sure we add even more rails here and then it can go down into the side this part of the roller coaster will be pretty tricky because it’s so close to the other part now I need to make sure we get through this tight corner and okay it’s kind of working so far now we need to make sure we place these redstone blocks without interfering with the healing system if we accidentally permanently turn it on oh boy we won’t be able to flick the lever to keep activating it then it won’t work and the healing system will be totally broken that would be a really big disaster I don’t even want to think about what would happen to JJ if that happened all right now I’ll place down even more powered rails like this and boom all right the rails are on this thing and now fully linked but we need to add slabs on the side this roller coaster needs to be very safe if it’s going to be inside JJ JJ’s a really good friend of mine and I don’t want to add anything dangerous or rickety that could hurt him that’s why I’m making sure this roller coaster is perfectly reinforced now on these sections I’m going to add some quartz stairs just like this this way we’ll be able to make the stairs go upside down and it’ll just look really cool wo this already looks so epic and awesome wow JJ you’re going to be so happy with how this ends up looking I just know it hey now that we’ve added a bunch of slabs here we can add more slabs up the top just like this oh wow this is probably one of the coolest roller coasters I’ve ever seen wow JJ I’m kind of jealous I really wish I had a roller coaster like this as well maybe I can add one sometime maybe once you’re better you can help me invent a really tiny shrinking device then we can shrink down and make an even cooler roller coaster inside me that would be the dream I just wouldn’t let anybody on it I do not want anybody messing up especially if Milo is allowed on the roller coaster maybe I’ll just add a height limit because Milo can be pretty short so then he won’t be able to ride and nothing can go wrong j what is it Milo I can have to do surgery on you to put a water slide in your spine what no Milo a water slide isn’t going to work roller coasters are made out of metal and Redstone they are really strong and they even have gold in the powered rails and iron in the regular ones water slides are made out of weird tubes and water that’s not something you want in your spine unless you want jelly spines yeah buty everybody knows that water slides are way more fun than roller coasters what no they’re not water slides can’t even go as fast as roller coasters can roller coasters are way speedier and more epic water slides cannot do loop-de-loops Milo that’s why they’re so much more lame yeah right buddy wait until you see the water slide I’m building oh no Milo I’m really nervous your water slide doesn’t have loop-de-loops right um not yet not yet Milo I was just using loopd Loops as an example please don’t tell me you’re actually adding Loop Loops inside your friend well I’m going to try if I can no Milo that’ll be really dangerous to Mikey I’m not sure this is a good idea I actually feel like it’s kind of a bad one well I think you have a bad idea what Milo I’m not an idea I’m a person yeah well I’m not looking like it at the moment well Milo it’s not looking like JJ or Mikey are people at the moment they’re just ghosts if we don’t focus on making our builds inside of Mikey and JJ’s buddies really good for them they won’t come back to life and we’ll lose our good friends oh man that’s actually really sad I don’t want to lose monkey he’s such a good friend to me yeah and I don’t want to lose JJ he’s such a nice friend and I also don’t want to lose Mikey either Milo that’s why I’m trying so hard to make sure you’re not adding anything crazy well you don’t need to worry me and Mikey are having a great time over here yeah that’s what worries me Mikey can be kind of a crazy guy Milo that’s probably how Mikey and JJ got into an accident in the first place Mikey was probably doing something really silly and ridiculous and it probably led to a huge amount of disaster well me and miky went to driving school together oh that explains why you’re both so bad at driving Milo you cannot drive and you can’t let Mikey Drive anymore either okay fine we won’t drive anymore but we’re going to ride our epic bik what Milo that’s crazy as well just make sure you don’t ride the bikes on the roads then I guess it’s okay now where else am I going to ride it what Milo at the bicycle park or on a bike path there are so many places to ride the bike no I hate the bicycle Park sometimes I get bullied when I’m there what Milo why would you get bullied I’ve been to the bicycle Park and it’s really nice yeah but sometimes people think I’m way too cool so they try to Humble me what Milo I have a feeling you’re just being crazy are you sure that’s what’s happening yeah I’m really sure A Milo I’m really sorry maybe next time I’ll go to the bike park with you and make sure that nobody bullies you okay yeah that sounds like a good idea to me yeah and maybe JJ and Mikey can join us back when they’re healthy I don’t think ghosts can ride bikes that’s why we need to make sure that they well again then they can keep being our friends and helping us with stuff like that hey yeah that’s a really good point now I extra want to bring monkey back to life so that they can come to the bik park with us yeah exactly now come on Milo you got to make sure you don’t add anything super duper silly are you going to promise me that you’re not going to add anything crazy I promise a thanks Milo oh wow I’m now feeling really confident about this this is going to go so well I can just tell and look I’ve almost finished this huge amount of the roller coaster I just have to add a couple more quart slabs and then it’ll be complete then we’ll just have to add a little bit of a minecart chest and oh boy I can’t wait to test this out but we don’t have a lot of time before we do we’ll need to make sure we finish off the other parts of JJ’s body otherwise we’ll run out of time before I can fix my friend look JJ we’ve almost finished with your bone roller coaster building this will really help make sure your spine can heal properly oh this is so exciting I can’t wait to take this thing for a spin once you’re fully healed this is so epic yeah oh I bet you’re going to be so excited to ride this thing you’re basically going to be captain of your own personal roller coaster it’ll be so cool it’ll probably be one of the fastest most awesome roller coasters ever I just have to place these last few stair blocks and then it’ll be done oh wow I can’t believe this JJ we’re so close yep now we’ll Place some more slabs here boom we’ll just need to connect this thing back up outside we’ll place these ones right like this oh wow JJ once I add these final few God rails we’ll be able to take a look and see exactly what this epic roller coaster looks like oh I can’t wait I can see the Final End bit right there all right we’ll Place more blocks here okay this is so cool Milo how’s you and Mikey’s house going it’s really good we just making a pathway from the mouth to the stomach W that’s so amazing because I just finished the spine roller coaster it is looking so cool right now oh this is so epic now let’s check this off the task list this is so exciting and JJ you’re fading even more I can barely see you this is not good 4 minutes oh no we only have 4 minutes left y I don’t mean to freak you out but I’ve just looked at miky and he is not looking so good I’ve just realized how bad the situation is oh no Milo you’re right Mikey is also getting worse we have less than 4 minutes to fix the rest of their bodies otherwise we will lose Mikey and JJ forever a this is freaking me out me too don’t worry Milo we got this come on JJ we don’t have a lot of time now we need to do your brain JJ your brain is so important it is what makes you you and it’s what makes you unique W your brain’s not looking too good JJ there’s a hole in it oh boy no wonder you’re fading we need to fix this brain as soon as possible let’s grab the three different blocks it’s important to try and put it back exactly how it was before now if I remember correctly I’m pretty sure this is what your brain looked like I didn’t actually get a very close look because your brain was always inside your head I could never find a way to see it but now I should be able to get your brain back pretty accurately all right I’ll just add some more blocks like this and then I’ll add more pink concrete okay this is looking pretty good actually oh boy there are so many parts of your brain that are broken JJ I don’t know how this ever got this bad it’s amazing to me that you’re still here right now and that you haven’t totally fainted all right come on I need to fix this quickly but I also need to be very very careful the brain is one of the most fragile parts of the body and if if I don’t get your brain back completely right you won’t even be the same person you might even get amnesia and not even remember me that would be so sad you’d forget all the memories we’ve made together Milo we need to try very hard to make sure we fix their brains perfectly well I’ve already done a lot of work on Mikey’s brain and I don’t know if there’s any fixing it really what Milo you’re giving up on Mikey’s brain are you saying he’s just too crazy or something yeah something like that but I’m putting a lot of focus into his heart heart because that’s where Mikey gets a lot of his ideas a yeah he does think with his heart and not with his head a lot of the time so that makes sense and hey look the brain is looking a lot better but there’s more we need to add next we need to link up the brain to the eyes We’ll add some little eye stalks from the brain coming off like this okay this is going to be really good JJ this will help you see and maybe that’ll help you be less transparent oh boy I really hope this does something at least all right we’ll link these brain stalks up to the eyes like this and okay now they’re linked perfectly to the middle all right we need to make sure we do the other one as well otherwise it’ll be completely ridiculous and only one of your eyes will work that is not what we want then you’ll be blind in one eye and you’ll be a lot less good at spawning things okay now we just need to make sure we place the last few bits of concrete like this oh boy come on let’s build this slightly over like that and all right now JJ are you better yet oh no this is Bad Milo JJ’s still transparent even though I fixed his brain H I think I need to make sure it is well defended that way nothing can ever get to it again and it might even have some time to heal do you think that would work Milo yeah that could definitely work all right I think so too let me grab some glass I think we need to make a boss field around JJ’s brain all right I think Blue Glass will definitely work we’ll also add some diamonds too Milo normally I do not like the color blue but this is an emergency situation I think I’m willing to give up my favorite color orange and my second favorite color red in order to make the best force field around J brain I can possibly make I’ll do whatever it takes to save my friend this force field needs to be very strong if anything gets past it it could hurt JJ’s brain again whatever it was that hurt it the first time whether it was a ravager or a cart crash it did a lot of damage I need to make sure that nothing can get past this force field nothing will ever hurt JJ again not on my watch and if it does the healing potions will be able to come in handy but I want to make sure that the first line of defense works really well as well okay this for field is really coming along I’ll make it four blocks taller around each side and then I’ll be able to start making the roof of it going over the brain oh yeah this is about to work really well I’ll focus on the front of the brain in front of JJ’s eyes that’s because it’s the part where the spine comes out and there’s a little Gap in JJ’s skull that’s a pretty weak spot in case anything goes wrong there so by making sure we focus on this front bit first we help keep JJ as safe as possible even before we finished building the force field around his brain there are a couple other things in JJ’s skull that I want to add to protect his brain maybe even some turrets or some spinning devices that way they’ll be able to bat away any Intruders that get in here somehow I managed to get in here myself so if I could do it I know other people and evil ravages could as well once I add these defenses it will be way harder for anyone to hurt JJ I might even reinforce his skull with netherite that is one of the strongest items it’s a little heavy but I’m sure if I only add a little bit it won’t be too heavy for JJ all right this Force Field’s coming along pretty good JJ do you feel any smarter or do I need to keep going oh my goodness no he doesn’t all right I’m going to keep going for you JJ that way you’ll be able to be so smart you’ll even be smarter than Albert Einstein you’ll be the smartest guy ever once this force field and all these defenses are done uh-oh I need to make sure none of the force field is actually touching your brain then that would be pretty bad if it did okay now a lot of the force field is complete there’s a lot more we need to add though H I say we start adding the spinning Contraptions as quick as possible I’m going to grab some Bas salt in order to start all right the Bas salt can go up like this and we can even have some spinning devices oh boy We’ll add these spinning poles that will totally whack any Intruder out of the air H actually I don’t know if this will work we’ll need to find something even better oh I know if we make the spinning devices like this then they’ll be like fly swats they’ll spin around and around and if you get hit by one boom it’ll launch you all the way away from the brain I think that’s a really good idea let’s add even more of them the more of these we add JJ the safer you and your brain will be that is so important to me yeah okay you agree it’s a good idea that is so good I was worried that only I thought it would work now that I know you agree with me I’m super confident this is the best idea yet okay we’ll just add a couple more near the front I don’t want to put them near your eyes because it’s really dangerous to wave things around your eyes things could go pretty wrong with that and I do not want to accidentally hurt your eyes all right and now we’ll just place the final one of these spinning devices here okay I’ll make this one a little bit longer just like that Yep this is looking really good before I make them spin there are a couple other things I need to add we need to add Redstone lamps to your brain I think if we digitally enhance your brain you’ll be even smarter this way you’ll be able to predict threats before they even come close to you that means you’ll be a lot safer JJ and you can help keep everything stable inside your head all right I’ll make sure we add some Redstone lamps going this way and even some going this way and oh no I accidentally broke a bit of your brain JJ I really hope you didn’t feel feel that oh boy that could have gone really bad we’ll add some more Redstone lamps here and connect them up to the walls like this hey this is looking really good who JJ you’re about to be so smart probably the smartest guy ever all right we’ll add these more Redstone lamps here hey this is looking so cool Milo you know you have the opportunity to make Mikey really smart right now right yeah but I don’t want Mikey to be smart because then he won’t be funny and silly like me what Milo you don’t want Mikey to be smart that’s that’s a crazy thing to say I don’t want to change Mikey from what he already was oh okay I guess that is kind of sweet you like Mikey the way he is exactly but Milo to be fair the way they are did kind of land them in this situation in the first place and it’s not going well for them they are both in a lot of trouble and something was able to get close enough to them in order to hurt them like this maybe if you made Mikey smarter you could help stop anything from hurting him fine I’ll add a couple more wrinkles to his brain yeah exactly the more wrinkly a brain is the smarter it actually is that’s why some people are a smooth brain kind of like you sometimes Milo that’s R I’m going to sabotage you if you say that again what Milo if you sabotage me that will be sabotaging JJ because I’m just trying to help him right now I gu so you would not want to do that to JJ okay look the brain is now linked up with all sorts of electric wiring it’s looking pretty fancy but H I still think there’s more we can add to this now before I make all of these platform spin I need to reinforce the edges of JJ’s head with these netherite blocks wo they already look so much better Milo JJ’s head is going to be indestructible after I’m done with it wow that’s really cool I’m actually setting some traps over here right now that’s going to protect Mikey so much wait Milo by traps do you mean setting them outside of Mikey’s buddy or traps inside inside his body up why Milo what kind of traps are you putting inside my put bad traps bad traps Milo that’s a horrible idea why would you want to put bad traps inside Mikey just in case any B try to get him Milo I don’t think a bear is going to wander inside Mikey’s arm or something that’s just not how that works are you sure adding bear traps inside is the best idea yes it’s the best idea I can come up with thank you very much oh my goodness Milo I’m adding some spinning things inside JJ’s head but that’s the only thing I’m going to add in here that’s that crazy I’m adding some cool defenses and some reinforcements and even some weights to make JJ smarter and more strong but I’m not adding anything crazy or spiky that would just hurt JJ no it’s not going to hurt Marky trust me I’m a genius oh my goodness okay Milo good luck with that I’m also going to add some paintings I think the more paintings we add the smarter JJ will get it’ll give him an appreciation for the Arts okay this is looking pretty good we’ll add a bunch of paintings on this wall and hm what other things can we make JJ enjoy oh I know we also can grab some Terra and use it to make a diamond sword this is about to be so good now I’ll grab some light blue concrete and oh yeah JJ agrees H I’ll need to grab a Diamond Sword for reference this way I’ll know exactly what it looks like and I can make the perfect most accurate one H I guess I’ll make it on this back wall here I’ll just remove these pieces of redstone lamps to free up some space and oh yeah it is time to get started first I’ll need to make the little Hil of the sword just like this we’ll make it out of diamond blocks and hm then we’ll need to make some brown terra cotta going just like this I think only three of them are necessary Yep this is perfect we’ll add some regular terra cotta and oh I actually put a bone inside that’s not what I meant to do next we’ll add some diamonds just like this hey this is already looking pretty good we’ll add some light blue concrete like that and then we’ll just need to make sure we make the edges of the sword look really really good hey JJ this sword is already looking so epic once I’m done with this you are going to have the most well-defended head in the history of the world H this is looking a little silly I feel like I’ve done something wrong oh I know what I’ve done wrong oh silly me I almost totally messed this up I think that could have gone pretty bad now I’ll place these blocks like this oh wow this is looking exactly like a diamond sword next it is time to make the inside bit wo JJ have you ever seen a diamond sword look this epic just knowing that this diamond sword is helping you learn how to fight is making me so excited let me Place some more blocks up here and oh I don’t want to interfere with the roller coaster but I think I have to hey look at that next on the inside we’ll Place some light blue wool this way it’ll be glowy on the inside too oh boy this is about to look so good we’ll also need to grab some clay as well Clay is not the normal block I’d use here but if we add clay up to the top like this or at least the inside layer of it all here then it’ll look like the diamond sword is shining although hm this is not the shiniest maybe if I add snow instead it’ll look super duper shiny like a real diamond sword oh wow that’s looking so epic JJ do you already feel like a better fighter now waa yeah look you’re punching the air you’re doing so good JJ this just means that whatever we’re doing is working and we need to keep going hey CH what is it Milo I just put explosive all over Mikey’s rip cage what Milo are you serious that’s a terrible idea oh no JJ are you hearing this I’m really worried for Mikey’s Health oh I got to protect his H oh my gosh Milo you can’t protect Mikey’s Heart by blowing it up no it just means that if anyone tries to get it they’ll blow up and so will all of Mikey Milo that sounds like a terrible idea do you want to save Mikey or do you want to keep hurting him well I want to save him but I also really want to protect him oh my goodness Milo this is crazy all right I need to keep building JJ’s head I don’t know how much time we have left I need to make these spin I really think it’s the only thing we can do before we have to hurry up oh yeah these spinning platforms are looking so good they will definitely help JJ Oh No 1 minute left this is so bad and Milo look Mikey and JJ are here and they look so faded we have not done enough to save them it is time to spring into action right now come on chip let’s do it yeah we got this I have not built a heart for JJ even though we have built his spine and his arm and as well as his brain we need to make sure we make a giant hot for him all right I’m going to need to grab magenta concrete and red Concrete in order to make this thing we’ll need to clear a little bit of this wall but it’s okay JJ does not need super long arms as long as he has a really big hot everything will totally work out okay I think this is pretty good JJ do you feel any different or is that fine oh okay yes this is perfect yay now I can add more magenta concrete around here just like this perfect this is so good we’ll make sure the heart is absolutely huge because it won’t be empty JJ you do not have an empty heart your heart is so full and that is why we are going to add some seriously important things inside of it okay this is good now we’ll need to make sure it bends down at this part to make it into real heart shape wo this is already looking great now let’s make sure we mirror this design of the heart on the other side otherwise your heart would not be symmetrical and you might run into a couple of problems I’m not going to let that happen though JJ do not worry you can count on me to make your heart really really full and really big and make it really healthy as well all right these blocks are looking good let’s make sure we add even more concrete on this side then if we place this magenta concrete diagonally hey this is looking so good wow that hot is AB absolutely huge now let’s turn this really flat magenta concrete into some big tough walls oh boy JJ you are going to have some seriously epic things in this heart the things that make a person who they are in their heart and their brain and in your brain we’ve made you really really smart and have super cool technology but in your heart we’re going to add some of the things that you totally love in your brain we also added a sword a target practice area and an art gallery to make you super duper smart and good at fighting and shooting with bows in your heart will give you your hobby and the places that you really like to be maybe even a bedroom and a gaming room so you can chill and play video games which I know you are very good at you are one of the best video game players ever and if I had to play video games with somebody else I’d be so sad that’s part of why we’re such good friends we always have so much fun together playing games and winning it’s really cool actually nobody can even feed us oh boy this is so exciting I know that once I build you a hot I’ll definitely get you back but we do need to hurry we only have 1 minute left and if I don’t get this done in time we will lose you forever JJ and that is not something I want all right let’s add even more concrete to the sides here oh boy it’s almost done come on come on this needs to go way quicker than it has so far okay and perfect now we’ve added these concrete blocks to the sides here I need to add more red concrete underneath just like this okay great I’ll add the red concrete alongside here this can be the floor your heart needs to be pink and red colored because that’s the color of a real heart oh wow this is about to be so good and then once we decorate it JJ we can even add a real hot bead that way you’ll be able to feel the bead of the hot and it might even bring you back to life I just really hope it works all right I’ll add these blocks all the way around here and then I will make sure to put even more concrete okay this is looking so good I don’t know how much time we have left Milo I really hope you’re hurrying as well yeah I’m going as fast as I can and I’m making my final checks on everything oh good idea Milo what sort of things have you built the last I heard was the water water a slide well I’m making sure that my key has toes what toast wait did you say toast or toes toes Milo I still don’t know what you’re saying toast like bread or toes like feet to on his feet oh my goodness okay that’s a good idea but wait a minute Mikey and JJ don’t normally have toes their feet are just squares well they have TOS now and also I’m putting the cream treats everywhere so he’s nice and sweet oh my gosh Milo you’re feeding Mikey a lot of candy are you sure this is a good idea yeah people need candy to be alive what my that is not true JJ actually never eats candy he’s one of the healthiest guys I know look he’s so healthy he’s running around while I build this hot he’s a ghost so he doesn’t even need to exercise and he’s still doing it yeah we can tell that JJ doesn’t eat candy what Milo is that meant to be an insult y why how can you tell cuz he’s boring what Milo just cuz somebody doesn’t eat candy does not make them boring people can be super cool and not eat candy I think I’m super not boring but I do eat cookies every day to be fair exactly you eat the cookies I eat the boil cream treats and monkey e The Boiled cream treats now as well what Milo are you also trying to get Mikey to light the exact same candy as you yeah and then we can hang out and we can go to the cream treat Factory oh my gosh Milo you’re so crazy you’re trying to brainwash him no I’m not I did wash his brain now oh my goodness Milo that’s gross did you use water yeah I us water oh my gosh you’re not meant to wash people’s brains oh Milo I’m really worried I hope you didn’t totally damage Mikey anyway I’m going to add a bone linking right up to the heart once you walk across the bone you can climb up this ladder and you’ll actually enter I’m going to grab some beds I think red beds are perfect they fit the same color as the heart but they’re also JJ’s favorite color I’ll also add books because JJ loves to read this way books will hold a special place in his heart literally he also will have a flower pot where he will be reminded that his favorite flower is a tulip a red tulip to be specific We’ll add one on each side just like this hey this is looking really good we’ll also need to add some carpets because his second favorite color is white he really really likes it and we’ll remind him of that every single day and his heart by making sure we make a white carpet right here then we’ll also need to add some bedside cabinets all right I think some white ones work perfectly here cuz there’s already a lot of red and pink in this place we’ll add some lamps as well and I think a red one works perfectly hey look at that we can even turn it on to make it all bright in here oh wow this is looking good but there’s more we need to add we need to add a bunch of chests over here this way JJ’s heart will have a bunch of storage so there’s lots of room in his heart for lots of different things he’s a pretty cool guy so he can fit as many things in his heart as he wants all right what else can we add oh I think I know over here I’m going to place a bunch of smooth quart stairs that’s because over here we are going to add a gaming room JJ loves gaming it holds a special place in his heart so we need to give it a really special place over here okay this is looking pretty good but we need to add some gaming PCs in here we’ll add a red gaming PC and then we’ll add a bunch of coding laptops we’ll make them white as well because I think it really fits the colors and look he’s watching the news as well okay there are so many cool things we can add here we can even add a bunch of different gaming consoles and a PlayStation 5 oh yeah this is going to be so sick let’s also add a Dreamcast console as well this way the consoles can go over here so he can have a bunch of different games he can play waa look at that then we can add some white laptops over here and a bunch of laptops over in this section as well this is looking pretty good but it’s not much of a gaming room yet let’s add even more things H I definitely think we need to add a giant monitor this way he will be able to play whatever he wants and I think Minecraft is the perfect thing whoo look at that let’s move this news laptop out of the way whoa look Steve is walking around the cave and going down the ladder I just really hope he doesn’t fall into lava I know what making JJ’s Hot but I think that would break his heart now we’ll Place Another gaming monitor over here so wait that’s Minecraft as well we’ll place the chicken Channel because I know JJ loves the chicken Channel it kind of reminds him of you Miler what hey I’m not a chicken no but you are kind of a birdie Miler so it does make sense then we’ll also need to grab a ventilation Grill these computers are going to get very very hot because it’s about to get seriously gy in here next we’ll add the vents up here and look they are blowing air this will keep his heart really well cooled and we’ll also need to add an air conditioning unit unit hey look at that this is perfect JJ I really like this but we’ll also need to add a serious gaming chair for you I think this red sofa is perfect and we’ll put it right over here okay this is great but nobody wants to play alone I’m going to make sure we add sofas for me Milo and Mikey as well that way we’ll all be able to play together with you because we’re your friends JJ by making sure we can all hang out here together we really make this the perfect place oh wow this is looking so good but H there’s something we definitely need to do JJ and I think that is adding some personal photos right now this could be anybody’s room especially anybody who likes the color red instead I’m going to add one last part at the back here this way we will be able to make three different important photos I’ll actually add one more block to this wall so we have a little bit more space to place these down okay this is looking pretty perfect we’ll put one in the middle and then one on the left the first photo is going to be of you and Mikey in a boat and then me and Milo together Milo is holding his bird seeds do you remember this JJ oh yeah it’s one of my favorite memories and the next photo is going to be of you and your best friend Mikey on a really cool Cliff next to a sunset that was so fun I think I was the one that took this picture you guys were so cool that day that was the day you showed me cookies for the first time it was so much fun and I’ve loved them ever since next is me and Milo standing on the same cliff and wait a minute if I place these paintings right next to each other we should be able to form them into one look it’s you Mikey Milo and me all together because we are all best friends y I’m pretty much crying right now oh Milo don’t cry it’s okay this is looking so good I’m so confident we’ll be able to revive JJ but there is one last thing I need to add really quickly before the time runs out I need to grab some note blocks and I need to make sure I also grab some Redstone this is very important Milo I also need to grab a button as well this is because we are about to add a heartbeat f JJ but we’re running out of time this will have to be the last thing that I make otherwise we won’t be able to fit anything else in all right come on come on this has to work it’s the only thing that can save JJ I’ll add a button above it and then I’ll just need to link some Redstone down okay this will have to do all right now I’ll just need to make sure that these are properly calibrated okay now I think we’re ready oh no Milo the time has run out okay luckily I think I got the heartbeat working but we don’t have time to test it we need to show jjn my their new bodies before we run out of time and it’s too late okay chip come on let’s give them the Chilla we got this come on you guys I’m so glad I’ve got you all here because we need to show you JJ’s body quickly over here I’ve fixed a lot of his broken bones by adding diamond blocks to them diamond blocks are way stronger than the normal bones and they’ll really help you stay strong forever JJ I also added a big roller coaster to JJ’s spine do you guys want to check it out W let’s go on the JJ roller coasa all right over here on the need to grab these mine carts it’s very important the entrance way is just here if you stand right on that Railway Milo I’ll be able to place down a mine cart just make sure you get in it quickly okay I’m here all right there you go and now I’ll give you a little push come on here’s one for you Mikey and then I’ll add one for JJ as well here you go JJ lastly I’ll get on this mine cart and we’ll go racing along the roller coaster wow chip this is a really fun follow Coter yeah I really put a lot of thought and time into it hey this really is so epic Mama Mia this is the most fun I’ve had in yeah I really hope it’s enough to kick start JJ back to life but there is some more I plan on adding as well we got a little problem buddy oh no we’re stuck you know what let’s just show you guys the next thing over here we have a really cool system of health potions oh no JJ’s getting stuck on the roller coaster oh no he really is fading away come on you guys it’s just over here oh man I’m getting lost where are you I’m just back outside come on you you guys oh no this is really bad JJ he’s losing it all right over here I have the health potion maybe if I flick this a couple times it should help make things better for now okay that should have made things a little better how do you feel JJ wow that was really cool but CH I don’t think it did anything to help him oh no well over here we have a bunch of infinite storage so JJ can place lots of blocks if he likes but you know what that doesn’t matter right now we need to make sure JJ is really healthy I’ll quickly show you his brain before I I show you the final area I built which is the heart this brain contains all brand new things that I’ve made JJ really good at this is the big diamond sword which will teach JJ how to fight like a pro W that is incredible he’s really going to like that a lot yeah I think so too and over here I’ve added a Target to make him really good at shooting bows and arrows he’ll be so good at that now yeah what are these spinny things these are the swatters these will make sure that anybody that even tries to come close to JJ will be swatted away from his brain and they’re not dangerous like a bear trap hey the bear traps aren’t dangerous they’re cool oh Milo they’re not cool but over here we have some more super cool cyborg enhancements these are digital brain stems to make JJ even smarter wow chip that is so cool JJ’s going to be a genius yeah he will and I’ve also added a force field around his brain and some netherite reinforcements too not to mention the art gallery that will make JJ a super good drawer that definitely is a really nice art gallery yeah I agree but there’s one other Art Gallery I really think we should all see together over here is JJ’s heart oh wow this is really nice now nobody press the button we need to save it for loss because it is the most important thing over here something that’s very important to JJ is the gaming room he will be able to play any game he wants in here and I’ve even added chairs for all of us to join him oh yeah boy JJ loves his gaming that’s for shin a ship look at these pictures yeah they’re of us all together there’s JJ and Mikey and me and you on a boat and here’s all of us next to a sunset this is really nice and because it’s in JJ’s heart it means to wear his friends forever exactly here’s also a bedroom in case JJ needs to rest but there is one part of the heart that is the most important it is the heartbeat we’re going to need to see if this heartbeat can revive JJ before it is too late a please please please all right let’s give this a press wo Milo look JJ is back and he’s totally safe oh yeah boy we B JJ back to Li Milo wait a minute where is Mikey I don’t see him anymore oh man that means Mikey might have faded quickly guys we got to check out my Mikey body build so that you guys can get it back to life okay Milo come on you don’t have a lot of time is this your Mikey build yep so pretty much we’ve got the bed traps everywhere and the landm and also the cream treats and we also have a lot of gods to keep the monkey body safe Milo this is so silly and dangerous but okay what’s this over here well um it’s pretty much all the Snowman obviously they’re also going to keep mkey safe Milo they’re also going to keep Mikey freezing look they’re putting snow everywhere yes but sometimes you need to be cold and sometimes you need to be hot which is why I put the lava here what Milo why did you add the lava inside of Mikey that could not have helped that might might be why he’s fading no it definitely helped chip I know Mikey better than you do okay now over here we’ve got his tmy wo Milo his tummy’s full of plates and cakes are you sure this is normal yeah that’s what Mike’s been eating lately because if you come up here oh my goodness what is this this is the Mikey water slide it’s pretty much like a straw that feeds into his mouth have a look at this oh my goodness Milo it’s spitting out cakes and cookies and wo it’s going all the way down into oh wow it really is going into Mikey’s mouth yep there it is right down there and that takes us over to the brain this is where Mikey thinks about all the stuff and also does some punctuation down below because that’s what they put on their videos yeah they always are confused and excited at the same time but Milo this brain why is there a bridge to the brain why that you could walk down and have a look around inside his head yeah you can see all the green walls oh my goodness Milo this is crazy I don’t know if this is going to help Mikey or make it way more difficult for him I don’t like your negativity and I think I got to show you something really cool chip do you want to see Mikey’s heart yeah I do want to see Mikey’s heart and what is this why are there animals in his heart Milo because these are his favorite friends oh my goodness Milo not JJ I thought JJ was one of his favorite friends yeah and look JJ’s in here now as well but if you have a look there’s the TV with the Netflix which Mikey loves the gaming computer which Mikey loves he’s got his driver’s license oh my goodness Milo Mikey shouldn’t be driving that’s how we got into this mess in the first place he’s got his Fone and over here it says Mony and Flyn okay that’s a really nice sign and I do see some cake and oh my goodness Milo these horses and llamas and this fox is crazy no it’s not it’s just all the stuff that Mikey loves so of course it’s going to be inside is hot and hey look everyone where inside is hot as well I wonder if this is really enough to bring him back maybe we should all heart yeah Milo we need to restart his heart but I don’t see a hotbeat button anywhere um well it’s right here H Milo it’s not working you know what I have another idea I’m going to grab a taser we’re going to restart his hot using electricity okay everyone let’s go to the outside and do it all right everyone sta Clea this could get real bad oh man I really hope this works oh my good all right it’s our last hope all right come on M Mikey oh my goodness Milo look it worked Mikey is back except wait a minute is he shorter than normal yeah he’s looking a little bit wider oh chip I’m a bit worried I think I might have fed him too much G oh no Miler what have you done

Mikey and JJ are in big TROUBLE! Now Chip and Milo must Build SECRET noob vs pro Inside Body Houses to save them!

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


  1. Please. Like😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  2. Who ever your name is, who said, please, like you should like because ugly making JJ are not going, so we need to help them make me feel better.😢❤

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