in this video I tried beating Terraria as the guardian class and here’s what happened intellectual you’re a fakeer a fr [Music] so the guardian class is a new class that’s added by the archid mod and this is the most complex class I’ve ever used in Terraria because the guardian class isn’t just one class but rather three sub classes combined I’ll explain what that means in further detail in the video and also this class is not publicly available right now and it was made by my friend vervine who I commissioned to make this class and verin’s making his own video on how he created it so make sure to check him out in terms of mods I’m going to be using some quality of life mods and also the thorium mod which is a huge mod that adds a lot of items and bosses so I can spice up my playthrough a bit my goal in this video is to beat every single vanilla and thorium boss including the primordials the Final Bosses of thorium if you enjoy the video please know that these types of videos take hundreds of hours to make so a like and a sub would be really appreciated and yeah that’s it for me this video is long to grab a snack and a drink and let’s get right into it I spawned in and instantly chop down trees to get some wood using the wood I made a workbench so I could craft my first Guardian weapon a wooden pavis this is the first of the three weapon types Guardian ads The Shield the backbone of the Guardian class the way it works is that by left clicking you can block and if you successfully block an enemy or a projectile you use up one of your block charges but fill up one of your Shield slam charges and then by right clicking you use those Shield slams your main way of dealing damage it might look basic right now but it’s going to get a lot crazier later on after that I found a cave right next to my base and tried exploring that oh no then at home I once again topped down some trees and used those to make insta houses after that I ran into a slime and realized one of the issues that I was going to face with the guardian class I blocked the Slime and then used up all of my shield slams so you see the problem here I was left with no slams and had to wait for a block to refill before being able to attack again since blocks refill automatic Ally over time but slams don’t there is a solution to this problem though I went exploring and was able to find a living tree and in that a chest which contained a Warhammer the second weapon type for Guardian the way warhammers work is they give you this charge up meter over your head and depending on how much charge you have the further the hammer goes and Deals more damage and when a Warhammer connects with an enemy it gives you a shield block so this is how you deal with running out of blocks however it was quite hard to get used to the Warhammer since if you don’t throw your Hammer as soon as it charges up the charge dissipates and the timing on this is quite unforgiving so it takes some training to get used to it a God damn it oh I survived one HP baby we’re goated I ended up finding this trapped chest and thankfully I was able to spot the traps before I opened it they think they got us but time for me to collect my booty we’re going to we’re going to use our IQ all right boom Herby spot’s first chest is insane oh my God that’s so good that was worth it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we goated we’re up we’re up after that I was able to get insanely lucky once again and found diamonds these diamonds are really important because you can use them to make magic storage the luck is insane this is my luckiest playthrough yet and a magic mirror oh my God I love life right after that I ended up stumbling into a m shaft which is added by the archid mod and the M shaft is a structure that randomly spawns in caverns and contains a lot of enemies but it also contains a lot of loot I was able to find a bunch of Life Crystals and bars before meeting my demise at home using all the ores I got I made an anvil and used that to make the next Shield upgrade the iron pavis which like the wooden pavis was still a basic Shield then I remembered that you can find a weapon in living tree chests so I headed to the living tree we found earlier and in the first chest I was able to get the living Rune now runes are the third and final weapon type and how runes work is they use Shield slams to activate and they typically summon projectiles around you that create a barrier which damages enemies and lasts for a while the living room just created these balls that circled around you after returning home I also created a silver bullwark which is a thorium accessory that lets you generate a 12 life sh Shield after that I went looking for the jungle so I could craft myself my first armor set once I reached the jungle I got a lot of bamboo since that’s what you need to craft the Armor after collecting enough I decided to explore the jungle a bit before I returned home no oh I survived and in the jungle I got extremely lucky again and was able to instantly find an anklet of the wind then once I returned home I was able to make myself the bamboo armor that looked really cool it only gave me seven defense but it increased my block charge Generation by 8% and gave me an extra block charge I I also made a bamboo Warhammer which like the armor I thought looked amazing however it dealt less damage than my current Warhammer so I kept that one I wanted to increase my life more before I fought the first boss so I went mining again blood moon already I ain’t doing that [ __ ] but while down there I realized that this class really really struggled with dealing against multiple enemies for now at least I mined for a bit and died so when I got home I ended up getting jumped help me help help me help I couldn’t attack I kept opening the thing and to make matters worse a thorum mini boss also spawned called the patchwork so let’s just say I had a very painful night but once the blood moon was over and all the enemies left it was just me and the patchwork left and this is where I realized how op this class was against single enemies blocked hit hit it again block hit block hit oh my God oh my God we might just have this block hit Seven health and we’re going to end it off with the hammer time um I I guess my thing killed it but yeah since my houses were full I made more in houses for now then once again went looking for for Life Crystals this time I was able to find a bunch and I was also looking for any gems and silt I can get because I needed them to set up my magic storage after mining for a bit I once again had another Blood Moon happen blood moon again and wouldn’t you know it I ended up dying and had to return home and deal with that using the gold I found I did make a gold Warhammer but that didn’t really help once the blood moon was finally over oh look I’m Kenny from South Park yeah that’s what Kenny sounds like I went to the desert because that’s where you fight the first boss my goal here was to set up an arena and find vultures a I needed vultures because they dropped Talons a new material that I needed to craft a spawner once I had enough talents I made the Grand flare gun and a storm flare but it was night time and you can only use this at daytime so I set up the arena and then decided to explore the underground desert while I waited because you can find a new Warhammer down there however if you somehow haven’t realized it yet I’m extremely [ __ ] how do I have 25 deaths already I didn’t have this many deaths in Inferno so by the time it was morning I hadn’t found the Warhammer so I just decided to fight the grand Thunderbird the Thunderbird is a thorium boss that is meant to be the earliest boss you’re able to fight which is why it has the lowest Health defense and damage out of all the bosses despite that I really struggled against this boss not cuz it’s hard or anything but because the way this boss is designed is not good for the guardian class since the way the grand Thunderbird attacks is by spawning lightning dashing at you and then staying back and having its minions attack you now if you’ve noticed the guardian class doesn’t have much range and like I’ve said before is quite bad against multiple enemies right now so that made this fight very hard but there is still a Saving Grace to all this the Thunderbirds Dash attack and my Warhammer since when the Thunderbird dashes at me I have a small window where I can deal damage to it and using the Warhammer I can sometimes reach it when it’s far away but the problem with that is if the Warhammer encounters anything in its path it returns so the minions really made it hard for me to hit the Thunderbird but after a while I was starting to become more and more efficient with the hammer so with one throw I was able to maneuver in such a way that I could take out all the Minions but still this was an extremely long process there we go just have to hit it once more like one good hit or there we go I’m just I’m I’m I’m I’m ignoring the minions I’m just going for the bird bro come on dash dash dash dash there we go but after 11 minutes of constant fighting I was able to take down the easiest boss what can I say I’m just that guy that’s not all bad since the Thunderbird dropped me the zephyr’s grip which is an amazing hul that lets me fly for a it and if used correctly also allows me to take no fall damage because of how long that boss fight took me I was now determined to get some upgrades I was looking for Life Crystals to max out my health emeralds so I could make the magic storage and gold chests because I can find two new Guardian weapons in there and when I found a gold chest my Insane luck struck again and in my first one I was able to find the Enchanted pavis the enchanted pavis is a shield inspired by the enchanted sword and like that attacking using the shield causes you to release our projectile which accelerates for a bit then dissipates while looking for Life Crystals I ended up stumbling into a mushroom biome oh hell no oh hell no oh hell no there’s so many enemies no please please I got confusion no and in that mushroom biome I was able to max out my life and I also found this accessory called mushroom ring that made slain enemies release healing orbs then I died and I tried a new method of looking for tests called nuking the entire world [Music] and through that I was able to find some chests but the only useful item I got was a magic conch before I died again once I respawned I realized something I had already found two emeralds earlier and I needed three for the storage so my neural pathway started connecting and I took one emerald and turned it into a gem corn then got some Stone and planted it on there but my chat quickly reminded me that it needs to be underground so no biggie right I can just break it and move it to the cavern I lost it I lost it since I was having no luck in my caves I used the magicon to go to the edge of the world and see if I can find any good caves on my way back I found this graveyard biome next to the dungeon where you fight a boss later on but no cave so I decid to suck it up and go back down the same cave but this time I was thankfully able to find some emeralds emeralds emeralds please please yes yes yes yes I rushed home and started working on the magic storage why do I care so much about the magic storage well because this allows me to not only store all my items in one place but I can also craft using all those items which is why this is by far my favorite Quality of Life mod and with this I was able to stay a whole lot more organized and finally have some peace of mind once I was done storing all my items I was once again looking for more gold chests and this is when I had an epiphany I just realized something I have fire GH mutant on I can do this I have the demolition inant I can just do this so yeah boom shurikens added by the Fargo mutant mod using those I was able to quite easily scour through the world and combined with the splunker potion I easily found chests and from those I was able to get a suspicious looking eye and also an enchanted Rune the second weapon that I’ve been looking for the whole time the enchanted Rune was amazing because it created four stars around you that dealt some really good damage with that I was ready to fight the eye so I started working on an arena but by the time I finished that it was morning so I decided to fight King Slime first I headed to the corruption and crafted the Slime crown and then spawned in the boss now King Slime unlike the Thunderbird was a much more balanced fight since even though it spawned a whole bunch of minions King Slime was pretty much breathing on me the whole fight so I was able to easily deal an insane amount of damage using my shield there we go easy easy easy help help help help okay nothing good from here oh we got a slimy saddle that’s good now while I waited for night I demolished my base because I absolutely hated the way it looked and I started laying out the groundworks for a new base then once it was night I made a new hook that offered more range in speed then spawned in the eye now the eye fight was similar to King slimes since the eye has a tendency of charging at you and because you get immunity frames when you block I was easily able to get hits in I was also getting better at using the Warhammer so when I ran out of charges I was able to refill them a whole lot quicker there we go boom boom boom come at me come at me wa come on stupid come on stupid come on stupid one two attack attack attack missed every single attack but we we up we up we up and it’s over baby goated goated with the sauce what can I say with the eye taken down I got me a shield of cthulu and also Demonite Ore and this is when I realized a pretty big issue you you see when I got this mod from vervine he also gave me a dock with all the weapons listed and some instructions and the first instruction was to create a crimson world because there’s no corruption items yet so yeah I kind of messed up well not really because thank God I had Fargo’s mutant mod on because that lets me convert the Demonite into crimtane at an altar so crisis averted baby using the crimpe I made myself a new hammer called heartbeat which was the first Hammer with a special effect hitting enemies with the heartbeat not only grants a shield block but also restores five life since at this point I had made some pretty good progress in a short amount of time I decided to take a break and build for a bit now if you’re a true fan of the beu channel you might recognize this building that’s right my little Bing juw this is in fact inspired by the Bass from my first ever video but something seemed off the base just didn’t feel right oh it’s because I didn’t have the texture pack on so I quickly turned on the Calamity texture pack oh yeah that hits the spa I know a lot of people don’t really like the way this texture pack looks but honestly this is by far my favorite looking texture pack I just love how smooth it looks [Music] once I was done building the two big houses I was planning on making a lot more of those but I realized how long that was going to take because I had both Alchemist NPC and thorium on which combined add like an extra 20 to 30 NPCs so instead of making houses I started making NPC Towers which I definitely learned how to make myself and not from my friend Aris in this video but yeah these allow you to store all your NPCs in a compact and efficient way after I made two of those Towers I next added a basement to the house and another one low spawn for all my utilities and stuff once I finally finished working on my base I decided to get the Stormbreaker Hammer before I fight the next boss but it was so so hard for me to survive in the desert n still after opening so many chests I was able to get the storm breaker and honestly after all that pain I’d say it was worth it because this Hammer gave me both a block and slam when it hit enemies now with this I believed I was ready to take on the next boss the Eater of Worlds so I headed to the corruption and started making space for an arena once I was done with the arena I had another Blood Moon happen Blood Moon Blood this is the fourth one I keep getting blood moons but I didn’t let that stop me I was still determined to fight the eater all right spawned spawned spawned it get away get away get away God damn it bro even though I lost I had gone shadow scales which I could use to make a new Shield so I started heading to the corruption to convert my shadow scales into tissue samples but on the way I got the Goblin Army status message and this was real exciting stuff because you can get some great upgrades from the Army after converting my items into Crimson versions I was able to make the scapula this Shield had an effect that made it so every time you parry you restore 10 life now for the Goblin Army I was mainly targeting Goblin Warriors because they drop a guardian accessory that I [Music] wanted unfortunately I wasn’t able to get it but we could still get upgrades because now we can find the tinkerer after looking for a hot minute I was able to find the piece of [ __ ] I bought rocket boots and a tinkerer’s workshop from him then made spectre boots and turned those into lighning boots and then I talked to this NPC who sells accessories and bought a balloon from him which I used to make a a cloud in a balloon then I bought a gravitation potion from the Brewer and headed to the sky they jumping me they jumping me I was looking for Skyland with a sky chest on them because in the chests I can find a new Shield called Skyward the Skyward was one of my favorite Shields because when you Shield slammed it released two homing stars that actually dealt good damage then I headed to the Jungle so I can get spores stingers and Vines because using those I can craft a new hammer once I had enough I crafted the leaf Warhammer the leaf Warhammer not only dealt really good damage but it also released sharp leaves on impact for the next upgrade I talked to the Abomination so I could buy the Goblin Battle standard wa magical gold what the hell where did that come from oh my God using that I spawned in the Goblin Army once again and this time I was able to get the Goblin Shield Spike oh there we go gold Goblin Spiel Shield Spike this is the thing I wanted he hey stop it the goblin Shield Spike was a really good accessory that made it so when you blocked an enemy you dealt 100% of your defense as damage so in my case I only dealt 18 damage right now but later on this accessory becomes extremely viable then I made a thorium envil which I could use to craft items using thorium ore a new ore added by well take a guess and using that I made a thorium Shield which is pretty much just an upgrade to the silver bullwark and it gave me a 16 life shield now for the final upgrade I bought a lucky horseshoe and combined it with my balloon to craft a blue horseshoe balloon and with this I believed I was ready to take on the eater again I was wrong the arena was way too small so I crafted a warm food and decided to fight the eater on the surface but if you’ve actually played the game for more than 20 minutes you probably know that the eater gets enraged on the surface oh my God oh my God oh my God holy [ __ ] oh it does so much damage it does so much damage God a so I only had one twice at this point expand my underground Arena this was an extremely annoying process but once I ran out of bombs I remembered that I could just craft a post evil pickaxe and use my boom sh to expand the arena and that made the process a lot easier so now with my new Arena there’s no way I can lose right just let me get to the arena please there we go perfect perfect perfect that was amazing all right there we go Parry hit Parry hit Parry hit come on come on come on Hammer from the eater I was able to get the warm scarf an amazing accessory that makes you take 177% less damage which is great for me because I constantly need to be up close to enemies the next boss up is aoran boss and in arguably the easi most pathetic boss in the game I headed to the ocean and set up a pretty awful Arena but honestly that should be enough for this boss then I got some Coral starfish shells and whatnot which I used to craft the jellyfish resonator the spawner for the queen jellyfish now this fight was quite similar to the Thunderbird fight since the jellyfish stays far away from you and mainly attacks using its minions however this time I had a good Shield that shot projectiles so that made this fight a whole lot more bearable what there’s nothing there having lost to the easiest bosss in the game I was now Angry and I vowed my revenge I went to the corruption to break more orbs so that I would have a higher chance of a meteorite spawning then I added more layers to my Arena and started improving it while doing that I saw a meteorite in the background and not soon after got the status message now the meteorite is insane because you can craft a whole lot of stuff using it using the meteorite I made the meteor Warden Armor Set and a meteorite pavis the new meteor Warden Armor gave me a total of 31 defense which compared to the seven defense the bamboo armor gave me was a huge step up well that makes sense because there is an armor set that’s planned to go between these two that hasn’t been made yet also it didn’t just give me insane defense but it gave me an extra slam charge and my paries now had a 50% chance to fill an additional slam charge the meterorite pav not only dealt a lot of damage but it also burned enemies when I hit them and now with this oh boy was I right to take out the jellyfish oh you’re not getting away this time I’m going to kill you that I’m going to kill your children perood perood let’s go let’s go Dodge Dodge Dam I’m doing good oh God damn it I’m stuck oh it’s so low but I might have flown too close to the Sun and just dashed in thinking I could take it out no all going to do the tornado let’s go let’s go blocks are full blocks are full oh my God we’re almost there 200 Health oh hit him with the hammer one more hit one more hit one more hit oh oh 75 14 it’s burning it’s burning 10 Health oh my God that was why was that so hard from the deli fish dropped an NPC called diver man who just sold some cedar related stuff and I also got the status message that meant that I could now explore the Aquatic depths biome that’s below the ocean but since there’s nothing I really wanted from there I just moved on now from here on out it’s going to be pretty much a Boss Rush till the wall since there’s not too many upgrades left in prehard mode at this point I reforged my equipment then went and talked to this new NPC called the confused zombie and from him I bought this item called Grim pointer which when held points me to an underground blood chamber so I followed that pointer and eventually ended up finding the chamber in there I set up an arena then went home to get Unholy shards which you get from enemies during blood moons and as you’ve seen I had like four blood moons happen already so I had plenty anyways I went to the altar in the middle of the chamber and used the shards on there and spawned in the Viscount despite looking absolutely adorable the viscount’s actually a fairly hard boss since it’s got a whole plethora of attacks such as these green Echoes that bounce off walls these red Echoes that go through walls a scream that causes boulders to drop from the ceiling a stomp that stuns you if you’re touching the ground and then finally it shoots a whole bunch of period blood at you man there’s so many projectiles holy [ __ ] I’m I’m low as long as I don’t get hit what wait I can I can block projectiles come on let’s go blocks are full this is this is the attempt I’m calling it I’m calling it then when I got the Viscount down to around 30% Health it created this ring around me which 4 seconds later turned me into a bat oh [ __ ] I forgot about this attack God damn it get blocked buddy bro all right rings around me I’m going to turn into a bat I’m a bat I got hit three times all right blocks are full this is it this is it the only important thing that is kind drop me was this Mount that turns me into a bat which was kind of cool next up we head to the Jungle to look for a queen bee hive because the queen bee drops an amazing run that I want thankfully I already found a hive earlier when I was farming for the jungle Hammer you already know the drill at this point I headed there created space and then started working on an arena however while doing so my run might or might not have broken the larvae and spawned than the queen a [ __ ] oh my God let me try finishing my Arena bro what okay that should be good enough but my health I’m poison poison so before attempt two I made an Abomination then finished my Arena and spawned in the Queen Once Again watch this watch this Hammer I missed okay watch this watch this watch this Hammer dash dash dash blocked wait wait a minute I got immunity frames if I block oh that’s broken wait when it stands like this I can just keep attacking it wait it’s standing still again I can just melt it look at that damage okay now I just got a time it okay block hit block hit feels like I’m a bull fighter oh I killed it by blocking the queen didn’t drop me the Rune so I killed it over and over and over and over and over until I finally got the Queen’s Rune now the Queen’s Rune was interesting since this is the only Rune that doesn’t spawn a projectile around you and rather spawns these stationary hives which release bees that Target enemies for the next upgrade I headed to hell and got [Music] hellstone once I had way more than enough I went home and made myself the gr I really like that name now the gr not only gives two Shield blocks per hit but it also explodes when charged the next boss up is Skeletron so I Scurry on over to the dungeon to quickly set up an arena before night time and once it’s finally night I spawn in this musty ass trash I can just spill up my slams using this and do a lot of damage and for the arms Hammer oh I’ll see that Dodge doing the thing take out The Head Take out the head focus on the head oh that took out the arm and now just one more hit there we go second arm down okay now I got to lock in and be careful there we go back away back away back away one more one more activate the Rune let’s go here we go damage damage damage oh that does so much damage bro holy [ __ ] that do so much damage all I got my block charges up one final push oh God that oh stay away there we go oh that was actually kind of easy that was fun that was the most fun boss you had with Skeletron now taken down we can explore the Dungeon my goal down here is to look for gold chests because I need an accessory from them and also a shadow key and from my first test I was able to get the shadow key and from my second the Tiamat Relic a material that I needed with that I returned home and used the Tiamat Relic to upgrade my Goblin Shield Spike into the spouting Shield Spike which now dealt 150% of my defense as damage to blocked enemies and released a water bolt when blocking a projectile I decided to see just how good this accessory was on deerclops so I went to the ice biome to get the materials and once I had enough flinks fer I crafted the deer thing and using that spawned in the boss wait I don’t take damage as long as I block I’m out of block charges back up back up there we go fill up the [Music] charges all right opening opening there we go oh two slam charges let’s go now we’re going to tactically retreat for a bit let’s go almost at the end just fill up my block charges there we go and I’m going to rush in and end it I killed it with a water bolt that’s cool now for the next boss we head to the Granite biome because after beating Skeletron I got this status message and once I got there I was instantly able to find the unstable energy anomaly so I quickly set up an arena then broke the energy anomaly to spawn in the granite energy storm the granite energy storm mainly attacks by charging at the player which made it an optimal Foe for Guardian it does have some projectile attacks and also some Minions that circle around it every now and then which were quite easy to take care of in all my previous playthroughs this boss has been pretty easy I’m out out of all charges oh it’s so hard to hit it I keep missing once I got it down to half HP it started creating these energy conduits and set up mines around the arena which honestly actually helped me since I could use SE to fill up my slams man the ground is sick the explosion is so good for the minions all right no more shield now I can just focus on damage if it stop shooting at come on dash Block it’s going to put up another Shield but that Shields are going to protect you from me this time buddy that was quite easy as long as you don’t focus on my health now the energy storm did drop me an interesting accessory which made you release Granite energy that damag nearby enemies but I didn’t use it because I didn’t have any extra slots next up we go to the marble biome because like the granite biome after beating Skeletron you’re able to fight a boss here I extended the place a bit and then took out this entity called bizarre rock formation which spawned in the barry Champion the Barry Champion is the opposite of the energy storm since it stayed really far away from me and the way I was dealing with it was mainly by using my Beast to attack and also by throwing my hammer which had like a 20% chance of actually hitting the champion but this fight was still pretty easy since I was just simply dodging the projectiles and chipping away at the champion but when I got the champion held down 30% it switched to a bow and started shooting at me a whole lot more so that made this fight a lot more challenging until I realized that I had the Skyward so I started using that and was actually now able to deal damage consistently but once again when I got it down another like 30% it started attacking with a staff and also spawned in two Fallen Champions to help it when with a sword and one with a bow and that made this fight actually quite [Music] [Music] difficult oh my God that last phase was so hard damn from the champion I was able to acquire some wings which were really good for prehard mode and even for early hard mode and with that it was finally time to make the final upgrades for Guardian I headed to hell again to look for shadow chests and my Insane luck struck again because in my first chest I got the sticks and in my second one I got the serter sigil the stick shot a fireball that slowed down after a bit and then split up and the serter sigil created two Fireballs around me that just moved back and forth then I bought a bunch of accessories from this dude and upgraded my shoes to teras spark boots for maximum efficient movement I also bought battle and comic potions from the Brewer and use those to craft a Battle Cry which is a really convenient item that makes it so if you left click it turns up the spawn rate by 10 times and if you right click it turns it down by 10 times so with this I headed to the meteor we found earlier because I was looking for UFOs that spawn near a meteorite and drop strange alien Tech once I found one I headed home and crafted a star CER then I added a couple more layers to my Arena and made my way to space because that’s where you can use the star CER to summon the star scouter the final thorium boss the star scouter attacks by shooting small lasers big lasers and homing orbs it also tends to stay right above the player which was a good thing since I could easily hit it with my hammer and my sticks his projectiles boss is lowkey easy I can just keep on spamming this it’s hard to hit it with my shield though honestly I think I should just keep throwing my hammer at it then once I got the scouter down to 30% it released three mini UFOs to start attacking me and the scouter became invulnerable until I took out the mini UFOs which was quite easy to be honest God damn it they’re jumping me they’re jumping me this should take out both of them yep and now you die or you survive there we go third one down now it’s just you and me [Music] pal just one more hit and it’s over and there we go so now with this we only have the wall left before hard mode now let me show you a little trick you see if you have Alchemist NPC enabled you can go and talk to this architect dude who sells blocks and from him you can buy a whole bunch of obsidian bricks and then after buying a bunch you can turn those into platforms and if you have Faro mutant on you can combine those platforms with some dynamite and make an obsidian Bridge which creates a platform all across hell now if you get two of those bridges you can combine them and make a double obsidian Bridge the double obsidian Bridge didn’t remove everything and you know what the fix to that is another double obsidian Bridge baby and with this we’re ready to take on the [Music] wall damn I can’t Dodge bro The Shield is melting the hungries our room ran out let fill up the slam there we go wait is that the that’s a jungle oh my God holy [ __ ] I got to end this quick I got to end this quick before I reach the end of the world oh man oh no I almost had it so to counteract that issue I headed to the other corner of the world before fighting it again I’ll go in the lava die oh my God it’s going to knock me finally there we go yeah burn lame ass [Music] oh [ __ ] I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck let me out don’t touch me I’m going to die I’m going to die back off please let me heal please have me heal oh we’re so close so close please please my run my run I’m begging [Applause] you oh oh oh my Rune I killed it I killed it was so close I almost cut my ass be now with this we’re finally in hard mode and the pacing is going to slow down for a bit but then it’s going to pick up a lot from here at this point in the video I usually plug something and this video is no different the plug for today is my channel cuz my channel is so dead Please Subscribe from the wall I got the guardian emblem which increased my damage by 15% then I headed to the corruption to break the altars and get hard mode ore in our world now it’s time to mine I first went and got myself a bunch of padium then I used that padium to make a padium pickaxe then I went and got oricalcum which I used to make a hard mode Anvil and an or Calcom pickaxe then finally I got a bunch of titanium using that titanium I made a titanium pavis which didn’t have any special effects but it did do a lot of damage then I spent a while looking for titanium again because I needed that to craft myself titanium armor which now had a new helmet that you can craft to get Guardian Buffs the titanium armor gave me another block and slam charge and it also made it so when I attack I generate a barrier of titanium shards around me I headed to the cavern layer to look for a rune wizard because it drops a new [Music] Rune oh there’s a rune wizard near me oh I see it I see where did the mimic come from while looking for the Rune wizard I ended up getting a mechanical eye which was neat then after a while I found the wizard and when I killed it I got the Rune fire Rune this Rune is pretty much just an upgrade to the serer sigil Rune since it’s spawned Fireballs that moved in and out except now it spawned four instead of two and also dealt more damage next up we need to fight the Pirates so I headed to the ocean to farm enemies in hopes of getting a pirate map oh my God there’s so many of them there’s so many I’m getting jumped I’m getting jumped after an abysmally long amount of time I got a mechanical warm but no pirate map so I headed to the ocean on the other side of the world because I thought it might have something to do with the Aquatic depths enemies and it could be a coincidence but I did end up getting the pirate map super quick so I headed home and started the Pirate Invasion the enemy I was looking for was the pirate captain since it drops a new Hammer once the Pirates arrived I ended up getting a mechanical skull with that we already have the spawners for all three mechanical bosses and after some pain I got the pirate Warhammer oh I got it which didn’t do anything too crazy but it did Grant one slam and two blocks per hit once I finished taking out the Goblin Army I moved on to the final and quite possibly the most important upgrade in this entire playthrough I kidnapped the merchant because by combining him with 50 gold and a blue dye you can turn him into a traveling Merchant and even though it took a while I kept spawning in traveling Merchants until he sold me the weapon I was looking for the beung wall oh that looks so beautiful the beung wall is a shield that fires a projectile every time you attack crazy right this is quite possibly the best weapon in moded Terraria some might say I’m buy it but I say your mama so fat when she stepped on a scale it set to be continued with that I was ready to fight the mechanical bosses so while I waited for night I decided to build another NPC Tower and when it was finally night I got ready but I had a blood moon happen I was depressed for a whole 10 seconds before I realized I could just cancel the event Quality of Life mods don’t you love him then after buying a whole bunch of Life Force potions I spawned in the twins immunity frames immunity frames immunity frames I love them I love them so much get away all right block the projectiles block the projectiles I didn’t block the projectiles I’m not blocking the projectiles I’m out of blocks no please no not spazmatism no I’m so bad at spazmatism second phase and it’s burning me alive let’s go oh oh oh no I’m so low oh I’m dead I’m dead I’m not I’m out of flight time yeah it’s over since I was really struggling with the flight time I decided to get new wings I first headed to space to farm wyverns for Souls of Flight then I headed to the hello to farm Pixies since I was going to craft fairy wings but I remembered that I had found the queen slime spawner earlier while mining so I first decided to fight Queen [Music] slime oh [ __ ] I do so much damage by blocking I think I just need to get up close and just melt it yeah there we go oh that was a big chunk let’s go that was easy from the queen slime the only part thing I got was the mount which I quite like then I started farming Pixies it was taking a while to farm them until I got a gift from God and I was able to get enough pixie dust to craft fairy wings then once it was night it was time to fight the Destroyer okay I’m assuming this fight is going to be pretty easy oh yeah all my weapons appears let’s [Music] go all right let me go in and deal a lot of damage oh wait I’m out I’m out of charges God damn it I didn’t realize [Music] oh I barely take any damage bro my defense is crazy good look at this [ __ ] oh I’m taking no damage I’m out of all charges let me hit a probe yeah there we go perfect and uh let me just end it all let’s go and it’s over that was quite easy now since I had hell bars I could craft new armor and a shield for now I just made the shield called pridwin which spawned lingering hell Stars when you attacked fun fact the pridwin is actually named after a King Arthur shield and not just this weapon but all the H weapons are named after a weapon King Arthur had and I found out about this fact all by myself I decided to keep using the bong wall over the pridwin since it seemed like it would be better for the bosses then I headed to hell because it was almost morning my goal down here was to farm for Souls of Flight a New Soul added by thorium because I could use it to spawn a ball [Music] B once I had enough Souls I crafted the void lens and use that to spawn in the Fallen Beholder the Fallen Beholder mainly just flies around shooting projectiles and occasionally dashes at the player but when you get it down a bit lower it starts shooting out waves of projectiles then at around 60% Health it starts creating these laser beams when I got the hold her down to 40% it started its second phase where it was now more aggressive and created lava waves by shooting a laser into the lava oh it say dashing at me let me flip my charges and there we go let me just bro got melted stupid ass since it still wasn’t night I had some time to kill so I bought a weather balloon from the bombination to start a blizzard then I started farming enemies until I got the Strider tier which I used to spawn in The borean Strider The Strider has a bunch of attacks such as shooting out shock waves when it jumps shooting icicles at the player teleporting above the player and releasing a crystal wave of ice that freezes you if it hits you then when I got it down to half Health it shell cracked and it summoned minions to help it I was struggling at this face until I realized I’m him and I straight up melted all its minions [Music] now since it was night I crafted a mechanical eye to try my second attempt at the twins this time I was ready for them all right Buckaroo time to say your goodbye cuz this time I know the method and the method is called is running in a straight line spazmatism heal might be getting a bit too low please don’t go in your second phase oh it goes in second phase okay it’s fine this time I’ll just stay away and only use my [Music] hammer oh God damn it I pressed the wrong button I dashed in the wrong direction no I got hit so much please die please die please die just die already please please look at his health die die H I hit him with the hammer let’s go okay now I got to shut up and lock in and we killed it by blocking let’s go I love ending fights while blocking it just makes me feel so so powerful with that I now had enough H bars to craft myself a complete armor set the H armor increased my blocks by two and slams by one it also made me immune after striking an enemy after that I finally headed to the Aquatic depths biome because I wanted an accessory called oceans retaliation I was able to get the sea turtles bullwark from a chest and for the next item called spiny shell I had to kill this enemy called crown of thorns and it had a 4% chance of dropping the spiny shell but like we’ve established before my luck in this play through is insane and I was able to get it extremely quickly and with that I combined both of those accessories to craft the ocean’s bulvark which dealt half of the damage you take to the attacker and also makes you recover 25% of the damage you took and also releases spines that inflict Venom onto enemies I decided to replace my shield of culu with it then once again I sleep before I fought Skeletron I had a new NPC movement called weapons master who I realized I could hire and once I did that he started following me and also attacking with me right there’s a reason I left this boss for last cuz I feel like this one’s going to be the hardest oh the guy’s attacking with me I just realized look at him bro my dashes are not working why aren my dashes working oh [ __ ] it’s it’s cuz I don’t have the shield of culu equipped that’s why I can’t Dash no I can’t take this I can’t take this I I need my shield I need my shield oh God damn it Oho that attack is brutal bro it would have been over for me if I didn’t have blocks you know what go big or go home the arms are so low let me take out at least one arm let’s go all I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck let me out let me out please I healed one arm left I think I got this I think I got this there’s no way I lose right okay I got it I got it I got it it’s over I’m going just let my Rune take care of this there we go now with all the Mex taken down I had access to all the Souls using those I made a pickax ax Subspace Wings which look really cool and an Avenger emblem which I combined with my spouting Shield Spike to upgrade it into the mechanical Shield Spike that now dealt 250% of your defense as damage after that I headed to the Jungle to get chloride for the next set of upgrades and also to look for Life rots [Music] ah even though I was able to get a bunch of chloride I spent a while looking around but was only able to get a couple of Life Roots using the chloride I could make a new armor set a new hammer and a new shield for now I just made the hammer because I haven’t really used the H armor or Shield too much the chlorified hammer grants one slam and two blocks per hit and also does a bit of stinky by leaving lingering farts with that we can move on to the next boss the L I got some pumpkins and then went to the graveyard we found earlier and set up an arena there the way you spawn the Lich is by going to the Altar and offering 30 pumpkins the Lich is a very cool boss that starts off by following the player around trying to kind of ram into them which was great for me since I could just easily block it then it created projectiles around itself that it would shoot out periodically it also ran Fireballs from heaven and finally it teleported around shooting piss at you [Music] I hate this teleportation part so much it’s so hard to block I think it’s about to start its next phase once I got the L down to 25% Health it’s started a new face and took off its Hood revealing its bald ass head in the second pH the L becomes a lot more aggressive and constantly charges at the player and this was actually really Troublesome since I came very close to dying however I ended up pulling through barely holy [ __ ] that potion came in clutch damn that was close before I fought the next boss planta I first crafted a city buster then when I went to the Jungle I used it to create a huge Arena but wait we’re not done yet cuz I got a second one baby let’s go H Arena yeah so the arena might have been too big but you know what they say I in fact do not know what they say but you get the point in thorium you can craft a planta spawner so you don’t have to look for a bulb I crafted a soul Forge which I used to make the aromatic bulb and I use that to spawn in planta all right I got the Strat I’m going to use the pr one to set up a Minefield but first I got to fill up my charges if I position myself right my hammer Farge do a lot of [Music] damage there we go I’m about to charges again time to refill charges and second pH baby let’s go oh God damn it oh it’s so close oh I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck on the tentacles get away run fire activate I got I keep dashing into [Music] it there we go just one more hit I’m going to make it suffocate on my farts now at this point I finally decided to upgrade to chlorified equipment I made chlorified armor which spawned a crystal over my head that shot a laser and also gave me a total of four blocks and five slams I also crafted a chlorified pavis which like the hammer ate a bit too many beans I then went and talked to the jeweler because after be planta he starts selling life roots and using those I maxed out my health I headed to the Dungeon Because enemies were now dropping ectoplasm which I needed to craft a new Shield while down there I was able to get both the Tabby and ninja gear so I also made myself Master ninja [Music] gear then once I had enough ectoplasm I got some more chloride then turned those into Spectre bars which I used to make a spectre pavis the Spectre pavis was my favorite Shield other than my own Shield of course because it spawned two homing projectiles that would hit a couple of times then disappear I then crafted a naughty present and used that to start the frost moon in the frost Moon I was mainly looking for ever screams because they dropped a new Rune and say it with me now my Insane luck struck again and from the first ever scream I was able to get the ornament Rune which is crazy because I didn’t get it again after this even though I killed a bunch of ever screams the ornament runes spawned ornaments around you that expand and contract and I really like this run because it was just very simple and easy to use then once the frost moon was over I started looking for the jungle temple to fight golum after I found it I made my way to Golem for the first time in my 2,000 hours in this game without dying I can pass away happy now holy [ __ ] I just did that these traps I hate them so much mining away I don’t know what to I’ll just m this and that one doesn’t count because because I was removing the traps anyway since I had made it to the temple I bought a temple teleport ation potion to instantly teleport to The Altar and spawned in go Miss Frizzle I forgot I had the texture pack on oh this is going to be so easy with Guardian let me activate my Rune and I think that should melt it because of the radius God damn M godamn hops though arms taken down let’s go just the head left okay there we go Final Phase go bro the head is crazy p holy [ __ ] I it’s so hard to dodge the head oh my god oh it died what the hell just happened after taking down this Frizzle I got the eye of the goem which I used to upgrade my mechanical Shield Spike for the last time and I turned it into the Golem Shield Spike and it now dealt 300% of your defense as damage to blocked enemies then I farmed Golem until I got the temple Warhammer which gave two blocks and two slams per hit bro every I’m telling you this is end game this things are getting serious now and it also released homing Sparks as it traveled or a bunch when it hit an enemy then I farmed for some ectoplasm and made myself Beetle wings because my wings right now were not going to cut it for the next bosses after acquiring some drip I went to the Aquatic death’s biome to create a huge Arena because we fight the last thorium hard mode boss [Music] here once I was done with my Arena I went looking for these new enemies called aquatic hallucination that spawn in after beating planta after I found and took out three of them I spawned in the Forgotten one forgotten one I think that bu be me cuz of how dead my channel is oh now the Forgotten one is a pretty stationary boss since it moves very slow and mly attacks by shooting projectiles and stuff I remember this attack you got to go around in circles now it’s shooting whirlpools at me it’s so easy to deal damage to this guy though but then at around 60% the Forgotten one’s shell started cracking and it became more aggressive but I once again followed the great Strat of just going around in circles then at 30% Health the Forgotten one completely escaped it shell and I didn’t have too much time to see if it gain any new attacks or not because I melted it bro he’s just dashing into me I can just wow the Forgotten one honestly is a pretty meh boss in my opinion since I don’t like how dark the fight is underwater and it attacks are just kind of stale for me I’m going be honest the forgot one dropped me an accessory called Abyssal shell that allows me to buy a key that puts me into a shell and I cannot move in there or use any potions in there however I can regenerate in there slowly but surely and I pretty much take no damage from bosses I decided not to use it because once again seemed a bit too op the next boss up is Duke fishron so I head to the mushroom biome and quickly found a truffle wor which I used to spawn in the Duke look at that my ornament blocks all the bubbles that’s cool this guy’s just killing himself by dashing into me look at that [Music] honestly as long as I just time my blocks this fight should be easy I think we’re at the last phase now yep yep this oh my God I think I just need to keep on blocking and it’ll kill itself I’m out of blocks I’m out of blocks I’m out of blocks oh my God might have overreact a bit but I think we’re good I think we’re goed I think we’re up with this we only have three bosses left in hard mode and then the fin post Moon Lord boss the primordials the Duke drops an insanely broken item called The Soul anchor which I didn’t get and I decided not to try and get it because it might make the playthrough a bit too easy the next boss up was the empress and this one is a really important one for guardian and you’ll see why while I waited for night I added more rooms to the tower because like I said before thorium and Alchemist NPC add a lot of NPCs so I got to accommodate them once it was night I went to the hell to look for prismatic lace Wings when I found one I killed it to spawn in the emperor of light oh my god oh oh [ __ ] I blocked the projectiles I’m going it I’m so bad I’m out of fly time my wigs keep running out of fly time oh oh oh no yeah this fight is quite tough because the empress is a projectile heavy boss and I absolutely suck at dodging projectiles so I struggled quite a bit I got it I got it I’ve achieved Enlightenment this time so when it’s doing that attack I got to use my hammer and then when it’s doing this attack I just got to block the projectiles use my hammer use my hammer where’s my hammer oh I get away stop flying above me I got hit oh my health is looking kind of low please oh I got hit no please I don’t want to die we’re almost there we’re almost there I’m out of blocks there we go my hammer hit it let’s go oh my God oh my God I’m getting hit so much please oh oh right there right there die there one more hit one more hit oh my God I threw it to early I still killed it oh from the empress I got the soaring insignia for That Sweet Infinite Flight and also a new material called Prismatic plating which you can use to make Guardian equipment for now I only had enough to make the constellation Rune the final Rune added by the guardian class and it used four slams to function twice the amount of every other Rune and for good reason too since it spawned four Sparkles around you they rotated in quite a weird pattern but dead a lot of damage then I went and fought the empress again with that I had enough Prismatic platings to craft Empress armor the final armor which looked sick and it not only gave me a total of five slams and blocks but it also made my ruins spawn with a lot more projectiles and made them last longer then I started farming the empress to get her wings because I had to acquire the full drip you know what I’m saying and with my new equipment I was melting the empress so I was able to easily Farm her however after killing her like 20 times times I didn’t get the wings so I went and talked to the operator since I can just buy her treasure bag because I was getting pretty tired of farming in case you’re wondering where I got all the money for those bags well let me tell you a secret that one of the members from my Discord told me you see the Brewer added by The Alchemist NPC mod sells a new potion called ninja potion and well you can buy one for six gold but you can also sell it for 26 gold as long as you don’t exit out of the menu so you can easily abuse this to get filthy rich and through this method I was able to get the emperess wings hey don’t hate the game hate the player and with that we’re ready to enter and game damn that was satisfying as [ __ ] if I block this projectile it just I’m not using my Rune cuz I don’t want to accidentally hit the Clone I still hit the Clone oh my God I’m so [ __ ] holy [ __ ] why am I so [Music] bad oh there we go I didn’t hit it I didn’t hit the wrong one it was my hammer my hammer H the wrong one bro you know who cares let’s just rush in oh my God there we go t fill up my slams let’s go there we go I don’t even care if I hit the wrong one baby let’s go let me just rush in there’s no way I can die right yeah there’s no way I’m dying my R will kill it that was quite difficult we’re almost at the end now though with the cul is taken down and the ancient manipulator acquired I could now make a new material called terrarium core which is crafted by combining pretty much every bar and you can use it for some nice upgrades thankfully the demolition is sold me most of the ores so I was able to easily get enough terrarium cores to craft myself particle sprinters so with that I was ready to take on the pillars now I started off with the vortex pillar and well oh my God I’m about to fly time I’m about to flly time I’m bro I’m still baffled by how much damage I do I do so much damage on single enemies after taking out the pillar I realized that it dropped a new fragment called magnetosphere fragment that is a guardian only fragment I didn’t get enough to be able to craft anything so I headed to the nebula pillar and after getting put in a very uncomfortable situation I took out the nebula pillar I only got enough Magneto spheres to be able to craft one item and I decided to go with the bow shock the shield and what the bow shock did was it not only dealt an insane amount of contact damage but it also released a projectile that pierced and traveled in a straight line for a bit next up was the Stardust pillar melted melted melted let’s go and then the solar pillar ah ah once I had taken out all four pillars I quickly rushed home to craft myself the Magneto sheath which is the last Hammer that you can craft the Magneto sheet gives you three blocks and two slams per hit and it also creates plasma waves then Moon Lord spawned and oh boy was this an experience oh oh I’m out of fly time no I’m not no I’m not I got hit three times by the laser did I block that I don’t know what’s happening I don’t know what’s happening there’s so much [ __ ] on my screen I’m out of blocks I’m out to charge this no I’m stuck and I died oh this is going to be hard before attempt two I added more layers to my Arena but that didn’t help oh my God so I bought an Ultima cake from this NPC which gives me the effect of every station at the same time and that helped a lot since it boosted my regeneration and defense but after dying again I decided to get the terrarium Defender which is a thorium Shield that is the combination of a bunch of accessories and it’s pretty much the ultimate Shield I was able to quite easily craft it since this guy sells everything I needed for it so that was convenient I first made a holy Aegis then an an shield and by combining those with a frost shell and terrarium cores I was able to make the terrarium Defender the terrarium Defender had a bunch of Buffs such as increase life increase in vulnerability after getting hit immunity to a bunch of debuffs and also increased life regen and defense at 25% life so now with this I was feeling extremely confident since there’s not many more upgrades I can [Music] make not going to lie horrible start but we can still bring this [Music] back just fill up my slams real quick thank God I hit the eye oh fill off my slams real quick and this I’m going Russian deal L of damage please please it’s so annoying but he closes the eyes when I’m trying to deal damage oh why did I activate my Rune that sh makes this fight so much more [Music] confusing oh I’m out of charges oh [ __ ] oh my God these wings are so good I love Empress wings so much I love Empress wings I didn’t really do this on purpose but all of the eyes are really low here we go please please please uh take it out take it out all right all right take that one out take that one All Eyes down core left oh oh damage damage damage I can’t block it I can’t block it I can’t get my slams up holy [ __ ] I just wasted all my blocks it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine my health is low but it’s fine it’s fine I just need to keep on running away and dealing chip damage oh my God there we go dashing dashing oh oh my keyboard disconnected my keyboard is there we go there we go I took so much damage please where so close we’re so close there so much’s happening fion oh my health my health oh oh I’m out of charges I’m out of charges it’s so low just one more hit one more headit why almost that was so hard that was so hard why that was so hard why was that so damn hard oh my God now we only have one boss left the primordials and unfortunately Guardian at this point doesn’t have any postm Lord armor or weapons there are plans for some though but not in this version so I have to beat the final bosses by using my pre mooon Lord items the only important thing Moon Lord dropped me was the celestial starboard that gave me some very insane movement speed and when combined with the soaring Insignia this became very viable now since I couldn’t really make any more upgrades I crafted the Dooms coin and once it was night I spawned in the primordials the primordials are a group of three bosses slag Fury the first flame Aqua is the endless tide and omnicide the life defiler the fight starts off with slag Fury attacking You by shooting fireballs and [ __ ] at you then it switches to aquus who attacks using water and then finally it switches to omnicide who just really wants to give you a hug and one thing I quickly realized was that these bosses are extremely tanky I do no damage well I guess it going be worse but still so this boss fight was going to be quite long [Music] bro the celestial starboard is cling right now oh I got hit oh I’m burning it’s over the fight was extremely long and boring since at the beginning the primordials only have one basic attack until I got them down to 60% where they started using some new attacks but once again it was pretty still and boring because my damage was super low [Music] [Music] [Music] God damn it it took me like 10 minutes to get to that point before the next attempt I decided to fight Duke fishon to get the soul anchor oh [ __ ] I got it first try let’s go what the soul anchor allows me to do is set a save basically by left clicking and if I right click I teleport to that save point and regain my health to whatever it was when I originally created the save so this basically gave me a second life and by using this I was able to get the primordials down to 30% where they started their final phase and got a whole lot more aggressive all right now things are getting serious now oh my God I hate this attack so much there we go there we go it’s going to stop it’s going to stop oh DOD it now we’re going to wait for it to cycle to omnicide again I have Tove I just have to survive I’m so low I finally got it down to on side just one hit there we go oh God I hate this attack block hit block hit block hit oh my God just a couple more hits and it’ll be done it’ll be done stop switching please bro come on oh it’s over it’s over take it out let’s go only one left this one’s actually pretty easy honestly I think I got it I think I got it and by some miracle I was able to take down all three of them but that released their true form the Dream Eater the Dream Eater is pretty much the combination of all three primordials since it uses all of their attacks and more and this boss is actually really hard [Music] [Music] [Music] next attempt I was able to figure out a trick to deal with the primordials quicker instead of going around in circles constantly I went around in smaller circles constantly which made it very easy to deal damage to the primordials and this was the most efficient way I found to take care of them but still the Dream Eater was a huge hurdle bro this fight is so crazy if I lose it takes me like 12 minutes to get here holy [ __ ] bro it’s fine I did Mist I can do this too let’s go [Music] [Music] I’m so close I’m so close I think this might be I think never mind I got hit holy [ __ ] it’s melting my health oh come on come on let’s go we got this we got this we got this you guys believe in me [Music] oh oh my God I did it I it’s over it’s so over look at it just one more hit and it’s over 200 health no no no no no [Music] [Music] I did it I did it I did it I did it oh holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God I did it I did it oh oh that was so hard that was so hard that was so hard that was so hard that was so hard that was so hard God damn God damn bro holy [ __ ] oh my God I did it so yeah that was the guardian class and I’ll be the first to admit this class definitely has its issues such as it being really bad against multiple enemies but that’s to be expected because like I said in the intro this class is still being worked on and there’s a lot more changes to be made before it’s ready to be released if you have any ideas on how this class can be improved please let me know in the comments or join the Discord and let us know but still overall this was a very enjoyable and extremely unique experience so I had a lot of fun thanks a lot to vervine for letting me make a video on this mod make sure to check him out and thank you so much for watching have a nice day

In this video I tried beating Terraria’s Thorium Mod, which is one of Terraria’s most popular mods, using the GUARDIAN class, a new classed added by the Orchid Mod and here’s what happened…

Thanks to @VerveineYT for creating the mod, make sure to check him out

Feel free to comment what you thought of the video it really helps me and the channel grow.
Discord: https://discord.gg/dWSNtn8JEm
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bijoungaw
Second Channel: @Bijoonga

Music List(In Order):
Xenoblade Chronicles – You Will Know Our Names
Calamity Mod – Blessing of the Moon
Hytale – Kweebec Village
Zelda Dark World Cover by DK’s Musicbox – https://youtu.be/wwBZdzoWTjY
Sonic Mania – Rogues Gallery
Thorium – Grand Thunder Bird
Candy Crush – Dreamworld Tutorial
Candy Crush New Soundtrack – Game 1
Jetpack Joyride Smash Bros Remix by A_A_RonHD – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf_O_e4KMto&t=61s
Minecraft – Haunt Muski
Celeste – Confronting Myself
Plants Vs Zombies – Graze the Roof
The Messenger – Bamboo Boogaloo II (Future)
Seas of Stars Encounter Elite Remix by DK’s Musicbox – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94TkOtXsfEM
Blue Archive – Endless Carnival
Megaman Starforce 2 – Mu Continent Remastered by Zame – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UQt40k4WmE&t=72s
Another Crab’s Treasure – Magista, Tyrant of Slacktide
Sonic Colors – Aquarium Park Act 1
Super Mario Odyssey – Steam Gardens Remix by Qumu – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5BA0m2F29E
Genshin Impact – Hymns of Eventide
Another Crab’s Treasure – The Sands Between
Another Crab’s Treasure – Nephro, Captain of the Guard
Plants Vs Zombies – Loonboon Jazz Arrangement by Ruscel Torres – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVhEcqUU4TI&t=65s
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion – Harvest Dawn
Sans Monkey
Calamity – Sanctuary
Cult of the Lamb – Narinder
Sonic Mania – Extra Boss (True Final Boss)
Calamity – Servants of the Scourge
Calamity – Universal Collapse
Megaman Zero/ZX Legacy Collection – Trail on Powdery Snow Re-Creation
Hollow Knight – Greenpath
PENUMBRA PHANTASM – Fanmade Deltarune Final Boss Theme by Surreal – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc5oebW96no&t=7s
YOUR FAULT – Fanmade Deltarune Gaster Boss Theme by Surreal –

Plants Vs Zombies OST – Zombies On Your Lawn (Instrumental)

Mods List:
Boss Checklist
Ore Excavator
Fargo’s Mutant Mod
Alchemist NPC
Recipe Browser
Orchid Mod
Realistic Sky
Kirbo Pets
Lights and Shadows
Better Caves
Better Zoo
Thorium Mod
Census Npc
Geoff’s Death Counter
Instant Platform Fallthrough
No more Tombs
Magic Storage
0:00 Intro
0:48 Humble Beginnings
10:15 Sponsorship
11:20 Halfway To Hardmode
42:52 One Last Push
49:31 Outro
#terraria #mods #thorium



    Say, did your PC struggle with everything or just uploading?
    Also, whats next on your list?
    If youre gonna record another indie game like Hollow Knight, you could go with Nine Sols (it released like a few weeks ago)

  2. bro this content is like…. idk i feel like i gotta pay to watch this LMAO its so good. keep up the AMAZING conent bijou. i only hope for success in anything in your life :))

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