Playing as an SCARY PRINCESS in Minecraft!

all right there you go thank you all right guys we got the popcorn oh heck yeah we’re watching a scary one a scary movie what oo are you sure you guys want to see this scary movie scary movie you’ll be fine f I’ll be right here with you okay I’ve already put a horror movie on the server we have to just watch it it’s so good apparently really okay thanks for taking all the seats guys there you go it’s better be good Zane oh trust me it will be waive the first round that’s a weird title that’s that’s on the TV Zane you said you were going to put a movie on the server I thought I did I swear oh hold on that that’s probably pizza guy I’ll get it wait Pier there’s no pizza guy what of course there’s a pizza guy if we have a movie that got pizza guy see nope that’s not a pizza guy I’m going to go sit back all right I’m out of here let me out let me outar watch out go Aaron you how dare you oh my got to no hey what the where am I where’ the thing take me oh what is is this a chest oh it’s a crowd nice can I take it uh oh what happened where did the crowd go why am I tall you are the scary princess oh wow wow I’m scary and cute oh wait a minute button the transform oh H oh look at me I’m so cute and there’s a crown too this is awesome wait where’s the exit at it’s a door uh maybe H all right these trap doors ain’t working all righty but what’s a Gateway oh check it out it’s like Dimensional Doors all right let’s go oh oh it worked okay I’m actually able to get out but it doesn’t transport me straight to the ground so I got to be careful all right let’s see maybe if I can go somewhere else a desert desert all right I got to get back somehow another door let’s go finally all right can it go away Perfect all right let’s see where’ those guys go I can’t believe they just left after to me an erand FMA what search party what oh they’re searching for me that’s so sweet all right let’s see I’m telling you guys she’s got to have her treasure hidden somewhere keep searching oh yeah search party baby for treasure that is looking underneath the stairs they’re searching for my stuff let’s go you idiots don’t get out of here get out here you can’t take anything what the getting rid of him those dirty rats least he cares I should get him a Chun CL next time that way he can hit better all right now that I’m the scary princess maybe I could scare those who are trying to steal from me what is this actually h o wait what happened to the sound wait what is going on oh he can’t hear me why is anything working why can’t I hear anything let’s get a little innocent scare here all right this starting to freak me out oh there we go hello say your stupid movie wait a second why why does it look different than the other thing I just wanted to get a little scared that’s you where have you been oh what happened to you I mean you look good thanks I appreciate it it’s red your favorite color oh yeah no kidding also I got a new thing from this uh from scar you okay so here’s the deal I became the scary princess would you mind helping me a bit with scaring people kind of my job now well wait wait minut you’re not going to change me into anything weird right oh don’t worry um I have a few scary things in mind yeah but none of them are weird right why I make you a night you know that’s not weird but that sounds like a lot of work though it’s going to be easy to scare people I’m kidding I’m kidding just let’s do it night me really okay yeah it just better not be weird oh that’s scary oh this is awesome I mean a little bit weird but still awesome yeah you do check it out guys I’m just going to grab my sheep real quick just uh uh noow I’ll come back later you got to scare them not kill them you know can I do both at least the job is done and we know it can work oh wait what is that hey I got something too scary set let’s try this out what do you say o yeah yeah yeah so we’re just going to go to zay’s house and drop this off and uh you know you don’t need to be like that wait wait are you scared of me like this or no not scared oh look at this wow now that’s nice you know I kind of like this a little bit better but maybe I can use a skeleton for jump scin okay so here’s what we’re going to do we leave this in front of dance house find out what happens because you know he kind of left us for dead a bit so I don’t mind finding out what happens in front of his house O Let’s Get Him to the door and see what his face looks like when he hits it hey Z Zan Zan about your door come here come here Aaron all right let’s see what happens Aaron he do oh oh wow a block in Minecraft oo what kind of block I don’t know what is that doing here what well come on let’s break it I got a pickaxe hang on hang on how do we know we can trust it it’s free what’s not to trust okay all I’m saying is that it might not beide ticket okay you know what I’m in what the look at this place oh my God this place is huge oh what happened to them what’d you put that block no way to get in yeah I don’t know is this the front door or H oh wait I do have something wait what is that go let’s see if this takes us in oh where did you go hey where are the H roof all right yeah well at least there’s a door let’s go all right let’s see let’s go in and find out what’s going on yeah yeah sh we got to scare him though be quiet I’m right behind you all right they’re in here somewhere oh wait there’s an entrance I told you this was a bad idea well me you were the one who couldn’t wait to break the block jeez but I am not even going to humor you with that response we just need to find a way out of this weird tetus Factory oh can we do it now okay I think I have something we can try so let’s see there’s a door there we go and ready the door again oh where where are we huh is it right another room oh I don’t know if I’m ever going to get used to that door yeah it’s a really cool Power okay let’s go through the door all right see what happens oh yeah yeah yeah get him oh wait a minute oh and Zane what is it what that Monster Run oh that was great don’t let him get away I was expecting that I was going to go through the door none of these doors go out this is the oh he died I mean he a little heart attack he it oh that was pretty good that was pretty good I think we did pretty good wait a minute I think it to the power wait what oh Shadow this guys well what does it do H let me see let’s go outside oh not the door again follow me to the door wait does that door take us wa all right wait where are we let’s see nobody’s here we should be able to oh I melted well you turned into a puddle what’s a pudle going to do I want to see how this works I think I got a goodidea yeah okay we’re going to pull the bait and switch I’m going to be the bait and then you need to actually go and uh you know yeah wait wait wait what’s the sign though so I know when it’ll go in oh um ow wait maybe I’m screaming that should be a sign enough right it’s a puddle all right I want to see how this works so let’s go over here they’re scared of the puddle this is going to be hilar okay we got out of there yeah I think we’re just about far enough what do we do hey wait down there guys wait for me what the on the shore the Reon is too easy come on come on all right yeah I’m right here all right no more scary stuff today ke inside what what what is it there’s something spooky going on well yeah no kidding Zayn’s house turned into a whole Hospital what ew zay’s a doctor now what what what no someone placed down a block that I broke and then things just started happening I get it I I know what’s happening it must be apow and Aaron they’re scared people what do they know well I mean don’t even worry about listen seriously I was I was going pick up to pick up my sheep after we having a nice little party they remember the search party was fun uh yeah I went to go pick up my sheep and all of a sudden I saw two really scary things inside aau’s house now first I thought baby scary things we don’t even have to worry about this A’s not even here anymore Pierce you’re clearly the one pranking us yeah leave prank Pierce you’re not even convincing I’m pranking you you have to listen to me come on yeah yeah whatever please guys guys seriously did you hear that what what was that I SED Dominus uh yeah probably nothing seriously one was like a big skeleton guy and like that sounds like sneaking sounds yeah like something could come up to us at any minute can you guys take your shenanigans somewhere else I’m just trying to fish here we’re being serious maybe we should go to hide what’s going on what is that it’s the monster okay it’s super get out of here I’m out of here going home see you not again think my y scared him F you got him veng is better sweet isn’t it you’re telling me those jerks deserve it for trying to take all your stuff it’s like they don’t even care care that you’re not here ooh I wanted to mess around a little more but maybe we should try this one out this has been so fun what do you think well I mean Kim’s house is right there start with her let’s go come on Kim I wonder if she’s home let’s see if she hides a bit don’t let her know where here yet go around back and I’ll see if I can get her to come out oh yeah yeah yeah let’s see how fun this is going to be all right oh that is cool H what the heck is going on out there I better just stay inside where safe all right now time to use my Gateway oh where am I oh oh everything’s fine Cammy is safe monster excuse me please here oh jeez uh hi other scary monster um you wouldn’t h a girl with glasses on now would you I guess you would oh she died in well that’s the whole point of this right don’t you dare tell me I shouldn’t have killed her it’s fine I got a new power so I’m happy well good so am I uh now what though H well we could always recruit Kim what she’s not scary at all though woo I have one more use and I can make another knife plus I think him would enjoy it all right fine she’s better than anyone else actually there she is all right okay hopefully they’re gone so if I just pour it on my windows I should be safe inside time oh no you’re still here we never left oh why does she keep exploding when she sees us okay maybe this time they’re gone oh jeez why are you guys keep tormenting me Kim relax the moment please it’s me AO and Aon of course Aaron and a what are you two doing scaring nice people like me huh off you L up for dead obviously yeah and you tried to steal from her oh yeah oopsie sorry about that look I’m willing to give you Mercy if you become a minion of mine now why would I want to go do that well it’s either that or you keep dying until you say yes I’m in give me give me here you go ready and yeah I dub the butterfly is really pretty oh she looks completely normal wait my Z’s gone on man got a cool face I got to test this baby out uh careful oh so you want to die potion girl never mind I can’t even see you I’m blind thanks wa I can curse you with this too this is awesome oh oh I should totally use this on Ian wait Ian why him I mean he’s the one who threw that search party in the in the first place and took all the stuff that I stole oh that jerk you know what Kim I think we should get in next yay Revenge mama always gets what she wants I’m com and give me a moment and oh now I can follow all right I am going to go and get in you guys need to find Zane got it you got it okay but why is Kim even going she’s not even scary looking at all oh hey I got a mace you know the mace isn’t scary it just blinds people well you already saw what I could do so I think she’ll be fine scare the pants off Zan just don’t get too caught up with Ian Kim maybe pull that monster form out okay Loy baby I don’t know all right so let’s see I think I can use a special power to get a hold of Ian see what the scary phone does maybe he would answer at 3:00 a.m. but we’ll find out all right let’s see look at all this stuff I sto no one’s hey wait hang on what’s that sound hang on is this I don’t remember stealing a phone hang on hello hello who is this who wants to know just an admiring fan of course wait I have a f i have a fan yeah yeah of course I have a fan you know you’re the uh 95th fan to call me today so what you want an autograph pictures no I don’t want a picture I can see you fine yeah well then why are you bothering wait a minute you can you can see me not over there silly oh not that window so well um where are you exactly well I’m kind of close to you well that’s that’s great you know is there any way to make you I don’t know Less close Oh I thought you want your fans around you know wouldn’t that be nice no no no no no no I love my crazy fan the biggest fan so no no picture huh yeah how about uh something else H what could you offer me wait so what do you mean by [Laughter] personal giant creepy fat girl what is it is that a knife what a buggy what I do with this come back here I won’t bite much time to get my Revenge come on Jane let me in there’s no room in here Ian now scram guess what we can make room I’m being chased by Pier’s dumb monsters who apparently are huge fans of me so I’m also flattered but they’re scary guys get in oh thank you thank you than could jumped over hey guys oh supposed to scare in why is he here plus zay’s building a new house I don’t know why he didn’t just go in the hospital but that’s true I mean he could have just dug into the hospital yeah but he’s too much of a chicken you know all right oh true true let’s just break down the shack it doesn’t have a roof two dummies with One MA all right stand back and let a pro do this oh go get it Jim stand back oh yeah I don’t have a cool transformation like you too you all right I want to try oh hello boys the no no no no what do we do we are here to kill you just don’t turn me into moth anything but moth no not Mo come on a some torture for Kim me a give me need turn into a bunch of moths no no no no no no please don’t turn me into a moth anything but a moth they’re furry and they’re just scary and they’re just like extra fuzzy butterflies come on let me St I’ve been waiting all day wait a moment what you have something in mind see what are you doing what are you hell hi Zane as huh what Aaron Zane I’m coming back to help and wait a minute I’s alive dude it’s Minecraft she just respawned you dummy yeah oh right okay you guys all left airon I for dead then you had a search party where you stole my stuff he that’s right oh I’m not involved anymore I mean it was sorry about that it was just so tempting and easy all right look I can’t Knight the both of you but I can Retreat you to the scary side how about that oh don’t Knight them I think it would be fun you know just to get some extra servants huh well we’re going to go get Pierce then right since he’s the ones that destroyed my house and made it into the hospital oh yeah yeah yeah did that yeah it’s totally what happened it’s a true story you’re right um let get going come on let’s go sounds good to me okay have no qualms about this let’s go destruction wait where did Pierce go last his house most good observation yeah of the house yeah let’s go Che all right once we get him everyone who heard us will be under my control yeah but is he even home um and he’s usually ranting about sheep and stuff Pierce Pierce can we just go [Music] inside oh you know that’s you’re not the only scary thing on This Server now he’s even uglier than before beautiful and attack sheep keep your sheep down all right teror right now are oh they’re not even aggressive sheep oh they’re fluffy oh so that wasn’t scary I’ll just have to fight you all myself with my massive new sheep’s powers oh oh that’s round two okay this F I’m taking one goodness oh no no no I’m supposed to be a scary princess not that thing go go do wait run run I don’t know what to do Kim any bright ideas oh je you know this all start when we played that scary movie so the movie that’s a good idea let’s go let’s see um oh no demon it’s your girl leave me alone stay over at my house all right let’s see remote and then scary movie no more and oh hey that was easy should have figured that out before a that was the end I made it back oh wait the you right oh what’s that wait what’s wrong with your house

Don’t get JUMPSCARED by this princess!
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====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Aaron: Jason Bravura
★ Zane: Kestin Howard
★ Ein: Chris Escalante
★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg
★ Pierce: Shado_Temple

NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft.

#Minecraft #Aphmau


  1. Hi aphmau! I am your BIGGEST fan! I have been watching you for a VERY long time! I watch all ur videos I have been watching you ever since I was 5! Or maybe 4 or something? I am 9 years old now! (Wish I could sub but I will when I will get my own account cuz this is my mom’s) Love your videos so much!

    Edit: I hope aphmau see’s this!🩷🩷☺️😃😄😁😀😊

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