BIRTH to DEATH of a PHOENIX in Minecraft!

huh oh honey I’m so glad we finished the temple just in time for the egg yes might be hatching soon we forget the walls it’s cracking you’re doing something oh my goodness she’s beautiful princess hi oh she’s ping do you have any food well I didn’t think she would be hatching so soon I didn’t think to get hi I’m hungry what’s your name I’m your father H and I’m your mother what was that thing over there is it storming hey honey come take a look at this yeah there shouldn’t be a storm what the huh oh what happened um are these Mom Dad oh no I got to get out of here what do I do how do I get oh Storm’s over maybe this is the best time to get out of here come on Mom and Dad I’ll take you somewhere safe um maybe over there all right let’s see how do I uh and uh maybe oh I can fly oh my gosh mom and dad are you proud of me okay this is awesome wait what the huh oh no I got to get out of here let’s see this is not good oh it’s snowing and it’s raining I got to land somewhere I got to land oh ow okay I made it here um this should be good put my parents here there you go you guys stay safe no one will find you in there okay um let’s see can I fly still I don’t know oh uh hi wait hi wait are you’re alone are you an orphan um I’m I’m hungry what’s your name uh hi hungry my my name is Pierce uh were you just playing a trash can no I was um yes I was hiding something there so don’t worry uh not that one oh okay this one over here yeah that one over there what are you what are you doing oo look at this wait you’re hiding your lunch in here kind of a weird thing to grab if you tell tell me what what do you mean that’s yeah that’s not my lunch well if it’s not your lunch then it’s mine H H wait no don’t e that what wait wait wait wait what did I do just chicken nuggies what get back over here crazy kid it’s just a chicken dogy get over here okay I got to hide I got to get to the water place that kids don’t want to go school I don’t know where you’re going but you better get back over here give me the othery back doing hey this is my chicken nugy where is going all got this i got this i got this I got what what happened to me wait why am I bigger it doesn’t matter where’d he go he over here hey what are you kids doing running the hallway get back here who’s that why aren’t you in class teacher teacher teacher teacher this crazy kid with I was playing on the playground and she came up to me and I was eating a chicken nugget and she’s starting to hate me for no reason that’s not true did you take her lunch here if you’re hungry here have a nugget he took my parents you don’t understand they’re right in his hand oh you took her lunch from her give me that what I a kids have such wild imagination wait that’s my par hungry chicken nuggies as parents okay well why don’t you be a big girl and eat up your food now no I I can’t what the why not eat food you know how many kids are Stu fing right now you better eat that nug right now Missy I’m going to turn you into a Nuggie oh kids just have active imagination I need to learn not to waste food I ate it see wasn’t it tasty a maybe we just need some recess time this kid so weird all right I’m crying get back to class what is class where do I go to class Casey can you take the kids to pee please all right come right here what is w this is cool um get out of here dude guys guys guys guys there’s a new kid and she thinks that her parents are chicken nuggies what I don’t wait do you think your parents are chicken nuggets a weird thing to think of my name’s hungry hi hi hungry I’m Aaron hi hungry hi hungry hey teacher are we going to play or what Z doesn’t want to play over here got the start JY now wa all right I want to see some sweat kids let’s go go go go oh not this game again oh come on not this sweat game that game I would hide if I were you I’m making sure you chubby little brats are getting into sh hey I got some Dodge balls Dodge balls I got plenty myself there I don’t think this is safe of course it’s not it’s not I’m sorry are you the teacher he’s are impr impr classes by Cool Teacher people like how long are we going to play this for all right keep that work up going kids okayy let’s coffee for a while I love coffee I might be able to do something what if I were to do there we go take this thing I’ve got this guys why can I find any DOD balls don’t worry I got a few for you why am I on fire is that that girl what is she what you’re a bird chicken nugget oh sorry I’m just trying to help she just turned into a bird right uh no it’s still going it definitely looked like you turned into a bird no I got this it’s pretty weird and you still are a bird with the fire wait oh it’s hey hey all right they should be done by now Casey come on I can’t see me as a bird they my cookie we teacher teacher teacher teacher what the why is the fire alarm going oh wait no that’s just the roof it’s raining can you close the roof already the little girl turned into a bird huh a bird she did she did turn into a bird can’t be in the Raider what happened that’s the roof okay I got it is it broken close close the RO okay well you guys are probably hly let’s go get some lunch everyone come on Chop Chop oh my Lord thank you okay come on I don’t know what’s going on but I better fall over they’re going to eat me like I’m myar cafeteria is over here kids come on yeah I’m just so hungry and I don’t have any parents and I hate them and everyone’s being mean cuz they think I’m a bird and oh man I just hey uh hung are you good over there yeah you sound like a rabbit animal calm down yeah Cal down we’re trying to eat in peace here come on she put me on fire I’ll tell on you I’ll tell on you to the teacher right now tell us what’s going on I’m just I’m hungry I mean we knew that but if you’re actually hungry here yeah we know you’re hungry that’s your name no no no no Aaron don’t do that then you’ll have to feed her forever just if she’s hungry she can eat it yeah but once you take care of her then she’ll expect you to do it forever and you’ll have to take care of her all the time then how you even a about dude eat stuff dumb I didn’t realize I could now I have the brain to think wow a see look what you started now she’s eating all the food in the cafeteria and thought it us for us yeah I’m going to starve to death there’s plenty of food ow that’s it I’m telling on you I’m going to tell Miss cam on you yeah I’d like to see you try she hasn’t even seen me in my bird form so if you’re going to tell on me I just oh did someone say nuggies I hope everyone’s enjoying their lunch she hit me she hit me hard he hit me with the DodgeBall no didn’t happen never happened sh yeah okay K what’s your name huh um um wait it’s hungry right or uh hungry uh yeah that’s what she told me uh yeah uhhuh is that really your name bradina hungry bradina okay I got it well I’ve noticed that her grades are the highest in the class which means you L life kids are going to flug out if you don’t reach to her level what but but she hit me in the face oh you are going to fail lunch if you don’t behave yourself now cut it out already these kids I’m telling you maybe we don’t do that these kids don’t listen to they need to love and discipline that’s how I was RA did you see that no I don’t see what happened what happened what happened can’t believe it um he’s a there’s a cockroach over there what is cockroach fire again fire oh no teacher teacher teacher they’re setting him on fire stop catching yourself on fire get out of the cafeteria Lun of clothes wait wait a minute wait a minute oh no it’s worse than an infestation it’s puberty oh they grow up so fast oh no um what do we do now okay okay change the plans um class is dismissed for now but everybody come here tomorrow bright and early you got it it’s the middle of the I’m not going to ask question we’re going we’re going um okay new girl showed us up new girl keeps liting me on fire girl is kind of cute but I don’t know if she look here I’ll just um follow this guy this way um excuse me wait was that who oh oh you hey new girl hi um so you fed me and are you following me yes you fed me that means that you need to um uh help me because I don’t have the home my ate the Nuggets man I ate my parents and they were nuggets all right all right stop crying all right s stop crying well you’re pretty cute as a Firebird so I guess you could stay in my garage really okay cool where do you live oh yeah yeah this way okay all right one second you should be able to help us out here uh come here come here little man oh you’re a big bird now got you and let’s see I’ll you sure about this come on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah where’s your house it’s the red one it’s the red one okay all right uh here we go and over that way yeah wait a minute so this is your place I can live here yeah if you can put me down please there go all right let’s never do that again oh look at this place you got leaves for me here you’ve got this metal thing I can live under it oh my gosh and you got fresh water no no no don’t drink that yummy oh my gosh and oh look at this I can make a nest out of this this is the best house ever well listen so my mom doesn’t really remember that the garage is here so don’t go to the house okay okay I got it go go all right I’ll see you later all right bye I hope he doesn’t eat his mom like a nugget like I at my parents like a nugget that’d be crazy all right time to get to work got a m it’s all good and everything oh hey hey wait what happened over here well after I had the drinking water I made a lot of a nest here as you can see it looks really good in my opinion it’s a pile of sticks and leaves well listen we’re late for class we got to get going oh oh oh I got this i got this i got this here hop on oh no no no no no no there we go got you you put me down I me no oh I me no don’t drop me right now though no no don’t worry look even if I did drop you let me show you this real quick no no no no no don’t worry I got you up there you go gotcha see please don’t do that again don’t worry don’t worry it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I got you let’s go over here wait um is that a phoenix no no it’s not I knew it just go go oh oh we got to go to class hurry hurry hurry before I get oh my gosh I’ll get you in there don’t worry I’ll fly us into class I’ll fly us into class don’t worry I got this okay okay I’m trying to get through it’s a little difficult here I’ll put us down okay there we go come on we got to get to class hurry hurry hurry hurry before he gets there all these kids are laid out oh hi hi we’re early hi we’re early super early well looks like most of you are here hi how did you get here before me what did you use your bird powers or something B you’re late that’s enough out of you you’re late Mister he’s accusing me of things with no evid attention after school anyway back to the class A K they crazy imagin yeah he’s crazy enough imaginations this is real life now we got to learn the struggles and pain now let’s play a game I love games yay diving where are o at that all right wait what are we what is this this will practice your risk-taking so you guys see the platform there it’s all way down yeah so you land on that you get a lot of points you land the lava you lose points or die or I don’t know wait where’s the lava is this going to kill us or okay um let’s see all right who’s first come on don’t be chicken I volunteer first why don’t you go hey what the heck bear oh how great oh I’m a uh I’m falling fast don’t pay attention please don’t pay attention wait what hey I’m how’d you get up here oh wait we have to keep going fine I’m going to try it guys keep it going oh so don’t land in okay got it don’t land in the lava I mean it’s easy now this is easy all righty I’m going to get all the points and I’m finally going to be better than this new girl dude you’re better than no one oh no oh you lose points got to going down going down going down down the more we succeed the harder it’s going to be stupid lava nice try wait no no a this is easy come on come on come on come on hungry’s doing real well I think I have I think I have an idea wait wait what is happening wait what’s happening hey guys there’s a bird what a bird or what oh wow it’s a oh wow Miss Kim that’s the Phoenix I saw earlier oh I see is a giant bird you guys are exaggerating that it’s a really big bird also what is that bird doing down there I don’t know but it looks like it’s making a lot harder for us jumping so get in there guys have to avoid the lava avoid it yeah we’re trying all right kids wasn’t that fun see you all pass now class dismissed go on now I think it’s right for you to turn to stud wait who Wason talk to you I said you pass didn’t I I need to talk to you hey it’s not about the grades it’s about the journey all right what grade you’re there if you keep back talking me that rain has been haunting me ever since I was born like probably 10 minutes ago okay it killed my parents you were born 10 minutes ago it is there was a beam and I remember something must be going on I need you to help me figure out what it is of course that beam is really weird yeah let’s go check it out um where should we start you if we get some information from someone around here let’s let’s ask the students listen I have no idea about this I was born 10 minutes ago too okay so here’s the plan um I am going to go question those two guys guys over there and you go looking around at the teachers all right I suspect that yeah there was something weird I saw outside earlier I’m going to go check it out perfect all right got to find more information about where that beam came the get in there nerd hey wait what are you you are always yelling to the teachers and no one is paying attention to me I mean look at me I’m so cool what does that have to do with any you didn’t knock it off well oh if it is then Fred hungry what I don’t even know your name anymore you know what I am so so done with this school you and you you’ve been on my list ever since you pecked me on the playground excuse me I was a toddler and you ate my nugget parrots well whatever I’m leaving cuz it’s getting a bit heated in here I help the teachers don’t blame the Phoenix for it oh wait what EXC fire there’s a fire going on out there too bad it’s not me it’s not me if I I boxed myself out ah ah ah I’m on fire no no no no no get me out the door there we go hey get back here teachers I’m set the school on fire what the what the heck is going on a Firebird what oh no wait wait guys Z is still inside oh no I can’t got my precious students get toasted I’ll be fired hurry it’s getting hotter out there we got to save him go Zane don’t worry gotcha okay yeah I could use some help help okay oh how are we going to get out of here come on let’s go uh um okay I think I’ve got an idea hang on tight just please don’t drop me I won’t don’t worry wow she’s so talented there we go oh so brave got him safe I I would have done that too but I’m allergic to fire oh Zane you’re safe thank goodness you know maybe maybe she isn’t so bad oh thanks okay no I think I’m ready to find out more information wait what huh what the grow up wait wait oh wait wait am I taller no don’t whatever hungry I found something weird near the cliff come on we got to go check it out wait what you did Perfect all right Let’s Travel St how about that no no no no not that not that yeah what does that mean how about you come with us uh come on I can use some help why are we going to the side of a cliff don’t worry about it it’s right here here just stay here and look oh huh it’s just water do you think that the thing’s underwater I mean yeah now it’s underwater but watch what happens when I do this yeah I really can’t go there you see this very conspicuous button oh wait what’s that noise yeah uh-huh look look you hear that W look at that where’d you find this the teacher’s room had a map to here but I couldn’t tell who owned it though oh okay um let’s follow it uh you know what why don’t I just stay here and uh keep a lookout Lookout yeah you know in instead of going into the big Temple no you coward okay wait now that I’m older wait I might have some more Powers wait what let’s see come on come on give me let me give you a no not this again no not this again oh look at me I’m still the same but a little bit bigger W I’m huge oh I don’t have to ride in your claws oh I think I like this a little better look at you you’re comfy a little comfy back here okay have fun thanks yeah you too coward all right I am bradina bread bre oh wait what the pier well well well look who it is the guy what are you doing here oh is this your temple I’m so sorry I I watered it here after I was done like with those school stuff I kind of feel bad about something about the fire to the school but now this Temple went into the water and then it came back up and I’m sorry I went in your temple what are you on about wait this isn’t my place okay cuz I didn’t I did actually do it I have no idea what I’m doing it was my temple and I went in the temp wait that a that sounds weird Pierce don’t say that yeah does sorry wait wait wait what do you mean by that well I’ve known that you were the Phoenix this whole time and I’ve been trying to kill you like I did your parents chicken nugget parents my goodness you’re like what 3 days old anyway I am a water n what he what is that enemy water wait what H you look scary I don’t know she looks more weird than scary I’m going to show off the power of not so fast I have fire and I’m going to burn you hey wait wait who got her got her I thought that you were turn to steam or something me too oh this is why we’re mortal enemies oh o a heart Crystal wait what wait what is this for do you need it or can I can I have it or a rebirth Crystal wait a minute uh yeah my parents were phoenixes and I’m a phoenix I thought you said par say you’re chicken nugget parents that means that I could get them away from chicken nugget oh come on let’s go I ate one of your parents yes you did you absolutely did you should feel bad yeah dude chicken ERS are people too you know I got a lot to think about bye let’s go let’s go let’s go hey don’t leave me here sorry I’ve got some parents to not make into nuggets oo this place hasn’t changed well it’s only been like 15 minutes I guess that’s true all right let’s see birth stone has anything maybe I’ll get my parents back and they won’t be nuggets but your parents were eating them should we uh they did die here so maybe if oh wait the volcano’s been out well I would just throw it in you know that’s my guess uh let’s see huh we’re back yes oh my parents look at you I missed you so much oh we missed you too me huh we saw horrible things oh give us oh so good to see you all grown up come here pumpkin the whole TN oh this is my friend Aaron um he gave me some bread and now I love with them yeah boy how’s how’s it going really already but you’re only yeah she’s been living in my garage next to the water and the paint and the toxic mess and my car your garage you’re yep you’re living with your boyfriend that’s not my boyfriend I drank the water who who W we’re not boyfriend a girlfriend okay why are you going to tell us this wait why are you guys worried oh come on I’ll go show you to my garage oh my God water D down what

Can chicken nuggets raise a family?
💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜
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====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Aaron: Jason Bravura
★ Zane: Kestin Howard
★ KC: MegaMoeka
★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg
★ Pierce: Shado_Temple
★ Sylvanna: Michaela A. Laws
★ Zack: Bel Rusape

NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft.

#Minecraft #Aphmau


  1. wtf !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Aphmau you did a dance family what about since the Olympics is going on this year maybe you can do a Olympic family like gymnastics and swimming you know stuff like that like if you love aphmau

  3. How the f*** are you raising children, you're a child your self tan a**, wait, that's sounds
    pedophetic, and King Jason Acne I, is still not in prison.

  4. Wow 😃 amazing video Aphmau I love 💗 it you go girl!!! I just love your videos and I can’t wait to see even more videos and whatever cool 😎 new videos you’ll do with your wonderful husband Aaron and with all your friends they’ll be so great to see!!! Anyways great video you did Aph, your videos are so totally 💯 fun 🤩 and very funny 😅 and I can’t wait for even more you’ll do with Aaron and your friends, good luck 🍀 on making more awesome videos Aphmau and enjoy yourself!!! (I’m a huge fan) 🥰

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