Dash was BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft!

oh man this new Peg cockroach is so awesome I can’t wait to show it to my friends let me just go ahead and put it down real quick I got to open up the door and all right there we go I got him yo guys you want to see something cool what are you holding huh is that a cockroach it’s my new pet look his name is Jerome he’s a cockroach what dude pick that thing up that’s not a pet but yes it is oh oh guys close the doors close the doors we can’t let him Escape his name is Jerome and he’s um I’m pretty sure he’s like one day old he’s a pet cockroach he’s pretty awesome you’re giving me the heie jebi what the no Ruby go just give him a pet just give him a p come on no no no stay away I’m holding lunch literally stay away from me come on just just give him a b fly Pat C make him stop you got a cockroach as a pet dude why couldn’t you’ve got like a cat or a dog or a bird or something birds are boring K give the Cockroach pet give give Jerome a pet I’m okay I’m I’m all right I’m all right give him a quick kiss on the Chek oh no I’m okay there are literally so many better pets to choose from I just got a dog yesterday dude you could have gotten a dog dogs are boring Ruby everyone’s got a dog name one person who has a other than me uh the I don’t no one owns pet cockroaches literally nobody yeah exactly R that’s why you got to be unique and stand out but anyways you guys want to see something cool check it out I taught Jerome a trick earlier today look at him he can dance he’s a dancing cockroach kill it kill it e r don’t you just punch Jerome dude he doesn’t have that much heal what are you doing girl Ruby your dog get your uh Ruby did did your pet dog just kill Jerome um it might have been because I got spooked and I had it I’m sorry but it was so gross oh no Jerome oh man look at him now he’s just a cockroach Wing fragment and a moraca this is so bad um yeah rest in peace I guess flush it down the toilet Ruby I’m not flushing it down the toilet this this is the last remains of Jerome this is all I’m going to remember of him for the rest of my life why did your you know what bring your dog here I need to give him a spanking hey he stop it hey stop it stop it are you crying right now I’m I’m sorry I just I just really like this cockroach guys oh man put that Wing down at least just hold the Maraca I’m going to frame this Maraca on my wall and save it forever oh I can shake it can you just like you know get another cockroach or something I’m insulted you would ever say that no I cannot get another cockroach that was Jerome he was different he was unique yeah yeah I mean you could just go back to the store that you got Jerome from and get another Jerome I didn’t find Jerome in the store cam I found him on the floor but oh man what am I ever going to do without Jerome anymore Das if it makes you feel any better its life expectancy was probably 2 days yeah still but I only lived with him for like 1 hour I didn’t even get to live with him for his whole life that’s probably like uh 10 years in cockroach time right oh my gosh okay well hold on I’ve still got a piece of him we have to bury this somewhere we have to pay respect to Jerome you want to do what now uh yeah I guess we could bury the Cockroach that’s so weird uh this this is a good spot back here what no Kim we’re not burying Jerome in the backyard we can’t just bury him in our backyard over here does this place look like a graveyard to you no there no way you actually want to bury a cockroach in an actual graveyard guys this isn’t just any normal cockroach it was Jerome it was my favorite pet cockroach we have to bury him at a proper graveyard okay we have to pay respect to Jerome are you sure we can’t just go to the dumpster don’t cockroaches usually live in trash Ruby we are not going to the dumpster okay that maybe where they live but it’s not where they die we have to go to the graveyard okay okay what do you want to do now well guys I’m pretty sure I know where the graveyard in our town is we just have to pull up and bury Jerome I’m sure they’ll have some like extra spots where we can bury him I don’t understand why we can’t just bury it in the back yard it’s just a cockroach like I said Cam that is disrespectful to Jerome burying him in our backyard which is not a proper graveyard is a is a big sign of disrespect guys we have to go to the local Town graveyard and ooh hold on we’re probably also going to need to pick up some shovels and like a and a fancy grave for him and one of those boxes that you bury people in yeah and we’re going to have to pick up a bottle of hand sanitizer for you to dump all over your hands one it’s a cockroach two you known it for an hour three you know it for an hour it’s not like you’re you you should be this attached to it me and Jerome had so many good memories did you not see him dancing I taught him like a really cool trick that that was that was one of my favorite memories with him oh man I can’t believe he’s gone you you said you found him somewhere what if he was like really old and about to die before Ruby’s dog attack well I saved him and then Ruby’s dog unsaved him what it’s not my fault that dogs and cockroaches are mortal enemies well Ruby the only reason your dog attacked him is cuz you punched Jerome if you didn’t punch Jerome your dog would have left him just fine doggy see doggy do bro all right finally guys we made it to the shop I’m pretty sure the shop is is going to have equipment for digging a grave hopefully they’ll have like shovels and uh tombstones and that sort of stuff wait how do you know this have you been here before and yeah um I had a few other pets die before once I had a pet fish die and um I had to come to the store but yeah check it out guys they got all the equipment here they got all of the gravestones they got all of the shovels I’m pretty sure they have shovels somewhere here okay this place gives me the creeps and oh gosh yeah look at this gravestone over here this one’s got like a a weird magical spinning ball coming out of it what the heck no no hang on hang on that one has swag is not swag Ruby that’s like this one’s possessed we are not getting that one it’s magenta look it’s magenta wait guys I found something can I have this or what did you find what the heck is that dude you are not Santa Claus I want to keep it why do they even have this at this store but anyways guys we need to pick out some equipment that we need to use for Burying my pet Carro o we should probably just take this gravestone over here I think this one should be good it’s looking pretty simple um we don’t need anything crazy for a drum just a normal regular gravestone bro that looks a little too expensive ruby I don’t care how much it cost okay I need to pay respects to Jerome and cam take that off that’s probably an expensive hat I’ll pay for it Cam that Hat’s probably like meant for dead people and all right there we go guys I got the grave it is called the simple grave this thing is looking pretty nice and hold on we’re also going to probably need to get a shovel from here cuz we need to actually dig a hole for Jerome it looks like they’ve got a few over here ooh let’s get the netherite one over here this is the prime Prestige netherite shovel we’re going to be able to dig so many graves with this oh okay I don’t know if your cockroach needs a netherite shovel for its grave actually it needs a nether shovel it needs the best of the best you’re being so aggressive right now you killed Jerome wait Dash look at this grave it’s got a floating orb above it yeah hold on it looks similar to this one over here me and Ruby already saw one with that oh wait hold on this one over here also has a floating orb these ones are kind of creepy but anyways uh sir we’d like to uh buy these two items please we’d like to buy the gravestone and the shovel and my hat excellent uh that’d be 30 diamonds what the 30 diamonds for for all this but dude it’s just a shovel and a tombstone dude you pick the netherite shovel we should just flush him down the toilet or something we are not flushing jome down the toilet well that’s a prise sunny if you want those items you got to give me the money and oh my gosh fine fine I guess we can give you the money hold on a minute guys I have an idea follow me over here follow me over here what what we’re not going to steal anything are we no cam leave that hat inside of the shop this stealing h no merchandise outside of the store please yes you C you got to put it away but anyways I have an idea hey you watching this right now quick subscribe in the next 3 seconds to give us 30 diamonds and let me keep my hat seriously quick subscribe in three 2 1 and let’s go guys check it out I got 32 Diamonds oh heck yeah we got two extra we can buy like a bubblegum with that later but anyway sir here’s the stuff here is the diamonds let me just uh sort those out and all right thank you very much all right excellent thank you for so much of your money let’s go all right guys we got the gravestone and the shovel now we just got to pull up to the graveyard and then we can bury Jerome cuz the graveyard far from here no Ruby it shouldn’t be too far away it’s just over here this way we got to go over to a spruce Forest wait how do you know know where all this stuff is how many pets have you buried only a few cam I’m a great pet owner okay I’ve only had to bury like 10 pets a few is too many isn’t that like normal pet death counts no you need to get something a little bit more uh long lasting like cats or dogs or uh um a bird Birds last for a very long time n those are boring and okay finally guys we made it to the graveyard W this place is looking um very big I wonder how many people buried their pets here uh I think mostly people go here but I don’t think there’s any bugs buried here yeah and this thing’s terrifying why are we at a graveyard can’t we just like bury this thing in the backyard and just get call it dead day and go get pizza or something well cam you can blame Ruby she’s the one who killed your whatever whatever whatever and you’re the one that wants to bury him in a like a human graveyard oh yeah cim I got to pay respects to my pet Jerome okay he was my beloved pet but anyways guys keep your eyes out we need to look for an open plot where we can dig for Jerome can we just like move one of these Graves to make room for Jerome no dash there’s people there in a anyways hold out your hands what why do I have to hold on my hands hold out your hands hold on your hands now what the Ruby what is that what are you pouring on me ew you were holding a cockroach get back over here are you putting sanitizer on my hands R you realize that I’m still going to hold the Cockroach I need to bury it somewhere everyone just look around for an empty plot I need to find somewhere where I can bury this guy what I’m not done sanitizing you get back over here this plot looks fine ooh okay hold on this one actually looks like a pretty good plot for Jerome all right all right I guess um we can just bury him right over here let’s put down the uh grave like that ooh that’s looking good okay okay okay maybe a little more okay I think that’s fine Ruby stop putting sanitizer on everything I’m telling you your hands are gross and dirty all right well anyways guys I think it’s about time we start digging the hole in yo Ruby get off of your phone right now this is an important moment I’m playing soku what oh my no Ruby this is a big emotional moment can you at least take a video or something if you’re going to be on your phone okay okay I’ll take a video all right well anyways guys I guess it’s time to get to digging I think just a one block hole should be big enough for a drum we’re going to need to dig a two blocks since he technically isn’t a human and H wait what’s going on why is there a big hole underneath that what was that huh what was was that grave like pre- dug or something is there just a hole beneath all of the Grave areas in this graveyard what the heck is happening whoa what the heck that was such a big drop good thing there was water here at the bottom otherwise I probably would have gone Splat is this what Graves normally look like oh gosh wait hold on cam Ruby can you guys hear me hello guys guys are you up there can you did you guys fall down too yeah we were trying to like get to Safe ground and start digging you up and we fell in yeah have the ground fell below us what the heck wait is this what Graves normally look like is this how this is supposed to happen no this looks more like a sinkhole what the heck okay okay well hold on um maybe we can try getting out of here does anyone have any ladders or anything um there’s a really really really big hole no I don’t have any ladders um well I guess if we’re going to be down here let’s at least bury Jerome let’s just uh drop him in the water there yeah he can be in the water with all the fellow uh spirits around here what then we ended up flushing him after all I don’t think you should have thrown him in there I don’t see a way out what if we have to drink this water this is the only water we have what are you talking about guys we’re not going to be stuck in this grave hole okay surely there’s a way out of here come on maybe there’s like a a ladder or something maybe this is just like underneath all of the graves maybe you’re supposed to like go down here bury your um uh pet and then go out I don’t think so these look like something else I’m telling you this looks like a sinkhole bro why would there be a sinkhole underneath the graveyard cam I I don’t know that the the Earth and stuff and whoa what the heck is going on here this doesn’t even look like a sinkhole it just looks like a cave look over here on this part there’s like Netherrack it looks like bones in Netherrack it looks like meat e don’t say that guys I think we should just go back and call 911 I still have my phone on me oh yeah Ruby right you have your phone okay well just call 911 maybe they can help us out of here I don’t think we’re supposed to be down here I’m not going to lie okay let’s see here um mhm uhhuh I’m being put on hold right now oh I think someone’s picking up thank you for calling 911 unfortunately our offices are closed today since it’s national donut day what did they just say their offices are closed since it’s National dut day what that’s not real there’s no such thing as a dut day wello what am I supposed to do if I have an emergency if you have an emergency please leave a voicemail what the heck are you serious dude why is there such thing as national donut day for the police as well the police can’t take a day off I’m so mad wait wait wait wait wait don’t don’t don’t jump on your phone they said leave a voicemail if you have an emergency so at least leave a voicemail uh that’s awkward cuz uh I broke it what the heck Ruby now we don’t even have any way of communicating anyone I’m sorry I’m still working on my anger issues okay luckily I brought my phone wait you did yeah but it’s only on like 3% okay okay well call the cops and leave a voicemail quick quick quick hello 911 we’re currently stuck in a sink Cole in a graveyard cuz my friend wanted to bury a a cockroach and my phone just died and okay okay but did The Voice send I don’t know I think it did oh my gosh probably did let’s just hope for the best but anyways come on there’s got to be a way out of here there’s no way that we’re like the first ones to fall into this grave I’m sure other people have come here before to bury their pets and um maybe they had a similar experience and yo why okay this is weird I don’t want to be standing on these blocks what if this isn’t a sinkhole what if these are like catacombs what catacombs what does that even mean Ruby it’s where you bury bad people and let them wander until they die the heck that is messed up okay okay well I’m sure this isn’t it that that’s probably not a real thing that exists in in our current world we just got to keep going around and I’m sure there’s going to be like a staircase or something out of here I don’t know Dash I think this might be the last place that I ever seen what no Ruby relax this is just a a tiny little s Cole we’ve already called 911 we’ll be out of here in no time this is all Dash’s fault Ruby this is all your fault you killed jum you’re the one that wanted to go to this sketchy graveyard this is not a sketchy graveyard Ruby all my friends bury their pets here too it’s not a sketchy graveyard anymore cuz we’re stuck on the ground oh my gosh okay well let’s go around over here this way is there any stairs or anything and um no I’m not seeing anything should we go this way or this way I think we just done a huge circle um let’s go we’re going this way this way we haven’t checked out yet oh my gosh this is so bad when are we going to get out of here I don’t think we are going to get out of here and oh wait this area over here is a dead end well time to go back this way guys what if there are ghosts what if there are ghosts and they’re going to kill us and they’re going to get us what there’s no goes down here Ruby relax wait wait hold on Ruby might actually be on to something we’re kind of in a graveyard right now what if there’s like um possessed spirits around here and they’re going to like come out of the walls and haunt us forever Dash we’re going to die Dash we’re going to die Dash we’re going to die oh no okay well come on come on we have we really explored this entire area is there no staircase or anything really I don’t know we haven’t explored this part yeah look at all the Soul Sand around here guys wait no I got it I know exactly what happened somebody buried a a a groundhog while it was still alive and it ate through all the grass and it it it made this and oh that could actually make a lot of sense in wait guys look there’s diamonds over here is it light is that the sky it’s oh it’s diamonds but I don’t think any of us have a pickaxe right now and it’s another dead end over here what the heck diamonds are worthless to me right now oh my gosh okay well this is really bad it looks like this cave only goes deeper and deeper I think we should just stay over here we don’t want to get lost in this cave that would be worse I think we should try to get back to the pond that we saw before and set up shelter or something and yeah that seems like a pretty good idea cam your voicemail sent to the cops right maybe they’ll be on their way to rescue us tomorrow after National dut day is over I don’t know I don’t know if I sent the voicemail or not my phone kind of died like as I HD send oh my gosh okay well let’s just hope that it sends all right well let’s just go back set up shelter and we’ll sit and we’ll wait yeah yeah that seems like a good idea let’s just make our way back over here I’m pretty sure this is the way where we came from right um yeah I think so yeah I think if we just head this way we’ll be uh right back to the pond all right all right let’s just keep on going this way I guess I’m pretty sure we came from here and uh wait guys this is a dead end what do you mean that’s a dead end that’s where we came from no no Ru this there’s Lally a dead end this doesn’t go anywhere okay well maybe we have to go back this way okay let’s just go back um oh straight let’s go straight maybe we took like a wrong term maybe we have to go this way and this will lead back to where we came from yeah wait guys what if the sinkle collapsed and like closed off one of the tunnels and now the police can’t get to us if they even if they tried to oh gosh um hold on you might be right guys this area is also a dead end this isn’t where we came from either are you kidding me oh gosh okay well hold on hold on let’s just go look around we got to set up a little shelter for ourselves we got to keep ourselves protected until the cops are back in their office and they hear that voicemail yeah but we have to get back to that place so we can get rescued I I think it’s this way wait no I think it’s this way oh my gosh guys I think we actually got lost did we really just get lost in inside of the cave right now that was the one thing that we had to not do and we just did it oh my gosh well what do we do now should we just stay by the diamond um I guess so I guess we can set up a little shelter around here and uh keep ourselves warm we might have to stay here for a night cuz we got to wait for National dut day to be over I guess we can make a little a tiny little shelter but we’re going to need wood for a fire we’ll just have to huddle up and stay warm that way we don’t have any wood down here yeah okay I’m not seeing any sort of fuel around here we’re just going to have to huddle up and preserve heat yeah I don’t know how cold this place is going to get once it turns dark but guys I’ve still got this shovel we can use this to get a bunch of blocks oh yeah the netherite shovel that we got you should have got a pickaxe instead Ruby they didn’t have pickaxes why would they have a pickaxe at a grave shop I told you this netherite shovel was going to be worth it though if I got a wooden shovel then uh we probably would have been dead down here don’t say that but here guys let’s just start getting a bunch of blocks I’ve already got ooh a stack of Soul soil okay this is going to be good this Soul soil stuff freaks me out wait a minute guys once the cops come down here and rescue us then we can collect all the diamonds for ourselves ooh what if we like uh discovered a new mine we just discovered like a really really valuable Vin of diamonds o maybe actually that could be a good idea oh let’s go see guys we got to look on the bright side once we’re out of this place we’re going to be millionaires um wait hold on what is is that yo what the heck is that thing wait what what’s up there’s a zombie over here how did a zombie get here oh gosh guys um we got to take this thing out we got to take this thing out a zombie where there we go I took it out game it was right here next to our base where did you go I I’m over here I was collecting blocks there was a zombie what hold on guys there’s another one why is there another zombie here wait why why why is there zombies in these caves oh my gosh wait guys do you think these zombies are maybe the spirits of the other people who got buried in this graveyard oh my gosh I can’t hear you stop talking right now what no that’s that’s that that can’t be true right come on guys relax what if this is where all the people in the graveyard go when they get buried and now since we’re here and we’re alive they’re mad at us that’s it this is the end no Ruby relax we’re not at the end this is just the just a sinkhole it’s not a end grave tomb or whatever you said okay guys I think what we have to do is go into our little box over here and uh cam can I borrow that Sansa hat what why I need it to preserve heat what no I wanted it you called it stupid remember you said no you don’t need that hat it’s bad and I was like nuh and you were like well I don’t think it’s stupid anymore because we’re literally inside of a big sinkhole okay guys um we have to make the the dead people happy somehow or else more zombies are going to come after us um what do dead people like o ooh they like uh they like music yeah yeah and um music why would dead people like music wait that must be why churches have like huge organs and stuff oh wait a minute you’re right okay well hold on a minute guys I still got this morocca maybe we can make a song and then the the the zombies are not going to bother us anymore oh yeah yeah I’ll I’ll be like the backup dancer and I’ll be like okay okay I’ll play the Maraca here we go oh yeah I I’ll get the beat going yeah Ruby Ruby you start rapping rap come on okay uh skeletons go away uh you you should go away today yeah I don’t know if it’s working okay you take the second verse um yeah we trapped in a sinkhole Das should have never buried a cockroach why are we here it should have been in the backyard not in the graveyard uh okay here here you take the marer I’ll take the third race all yeah yeah here you go oh yeah oh yeah me and the buddies in the sinkhole we are about to get out of the sinkhole as soon as the cops arrive on the next day when National Doughnut Day will go away yeah oh oh that was pretty good wow you rhyme sinkhole with sinkhole yeah I could have come up with another word that rhymed but hopefully that um gets the dead people to not bother us for a while but anyways how’s the base looking okay I’m putting in some Moss to help us keep um keep warm oh yeah good idea guys maybe we can like crush the Moss and extract the water out of it and drink it yeah and then I’m putting in some dirt for insulation oh yeah that’s a good idea I’m pretty sure dirt is like a great insulator so it should keep us warm in fact we should cover up all of the walls of this place with some sand or dirt dash dash wait what I feel cold I feel faint um um guys guys guys guys why there up here what the heck y there’s so many more zombies what help help help help guys I don’t think the dead liked our song the the the dead people did definitely not like our song go sanitizer go rby hit him with the hand sanitizer I think dead people dislike hand sanitizer it should work okay okay okay here we go here we go here we go get get away from me get away from me away we got to take these things out there’s so many of them just take out these last two over here and okay there we go I think they’re all gone are they all gone wait Ruby put some of that on my hands I just touched a dead person I need a shower now I need a shower okay okay okay okay okay I think we should be good but pH what the heck was that okay guys I think let’s just go ahead and uh let’s just block this area off and we can just uh stay here until until the cops get here yeah the cops are probably going to like enter the sinkle and then they’re going to go like 911 is here what’s your emergency and then we’ll we can reveal ourselves to them once they’re here what are you doing Ruby sanitizing the dirt just touch dead people Ruby you just turned the dirt into mud what the heck I think I’m safe now I’m safe H what what what the heck was that I don’t know but I think I need a new pair of underwear did I miss any spots did I miss any spots uh okay okay guys be quiet be quiet be quiet what the heck was that thing is there like a lion down here or something wait it just happened again did you guys hear that don’t say anything guys Crouch and stay very still hello 911 you can’t use your broken phone to call 911 hold on hold on what the heck was that thing we got to take a look no close it wait what if it’s the cops what if it’s just like a cop dog I don’t think cop dogs sound like that but you go ahead if you want abro when need to see what the heck that thing was okay let’s just sneak our way over here hello um is there any cops out here are you guys going to come with me oh do I have to do I have to someone pull up I don’t want to be alone out here hello anyone out here um guys I’m not seeing anyone okay okay okay I’m here okay just be super quiet what was that noise and it’s happening again it’s happen what the heck is that what the heck is that yo yo what is that a ghost I think that was a ghost what the heck what are you guys see what do you guys say uh uh Kim sh sh slow down quiet down there’s literally a ghost out here oh God go guys do you think that ghost is from someone who has buried here uh he’s back he’s back Who Dares enter my land what did he just say I think he just said Who Dares enter my land oh gosh back in the cave back in the cave let me in let me in Ruby get in get in get in quick we need to cover up the door get in get in I’m trying I’m trying okay we’re in but what the heck was that first we saw zombies and now a whole ghost dude that thing that thing sounded scary that’s it where’re going to be down here forever and it’s going to be horrible and we’re going to die no R we’re not going to be down here forever okay we just got to survive one day until um it’s tomorrow and it’s not going to be national donut day anymore and then the cops are going to come down here and they’re going to beat up The Ghost and they’re going to get us out of here yeah it was a good life it was a good ride and but Ruby it’s still going to be a good life okay we’re not dying here we just got to make our shelter um a little bit more safe how about we go ahead and just like put um two L of blocks here yeah yeah this way the ghost isn’t going to be able to get in it’s it’s very well written you know Ruby we uh we we we we get buried in a grave we we die in here guys stop thinking about dying okay we’re not going to die the only person that died here is Jerome and he’s he’s already dead yeah and we’re next we are not going to be next okay we just got to um defend ourselves with this uh with all this sand here we just got to put all the Soul Sand over here and there we go and all right check it out we got two layers of blocks we should be just fine all right it’s all sanitized okay okay I think we should be good we just got to stay here for um one whole day dash do you really think two layers of Sand’s going to protect us from that giant ghost well um can do do you have any better ideas huh no but still we I’m not I don’t feel safe like this oh my gosh well neither do I okay well hold on a minute maybe if we go and explore the rest of this place we can find some stronger blocks o I’m pretty sure you can mine Netherrack with shovels maybe we can like pick up some Netherrack and use it we could just find a few wood we can make ourselves tools if we need it exactly and then we can start mining the stone and we could put that over hereo is reinforcements isn’t that ghost still you know out there well hold on a minute the ghost was looking for us I think he wasn’t able to to find us um he doesn’t seem to be the best at looking for stuff maybe we can just um sneak our way past him let’s just check it out and okay I’m not seeing the ghost anywhere around here the coast looks clear okay okay just be quiet okay and yeah yeah we just got to be really really what the heck was that dude he just did it again oh my gosh okay okay let’s just sneak our way around the ghost is definitely still around here somewhere as long as he doesn’t see us though we should be good yeah oh just stick to a wall and then if he if he comes here we could just like hide next to the wall yeah yeah yeah I’ll just use Dash as a body Shield Ruby you cannot use me as a body Shield okay that’s that’s not a lot why not what if we throw him the moraca we’re not going to throw him the Maraca I don’t think you really liked our music but here guys let’s pick up a few blocks in case we see him we can just build ourselves like a little box yeah we can just hide in the box and okay this area over here looks pretty good I’m not seeing him anywhere let’s just be super super careful if we turn a corner we got to make sure both sides are clear so that there’s no ghost anywhere and okay I’m not seeing him anywhere over here I’m not seeing him that way let’s go this way I think we already went this way there was nothing here let’s go this way okay let’s just sneak our way over here is there any wood around here o wait guys there’s some trees over here maybe we can pick these up if we can grow these maybe we can turn them into big trees and get some wood out of them maybe they can give us food oh wait what about these ones over here with the pink stuff on them are these berries oh no those are just flowers but come on guys we have to keep exploring and yeah yeah here let’s just keep on sneaking around we got to be really careful when we’re turning corners and oh guys guys there’s more ghost sounds be quiet yeah we can’t let them know we’re here have we tried going this way yet I don’t even know where we are right now wait hold on we better not lose our old base that we built it was like back here somewhere right yeah yeah yeah I I I’m remembering the landmarks here why don’t we place some bushes down so we don’t lose where it is let’s just uh put a bush right over here yeah remember that that’s a landmark and um let’s just keep going this way guess we can just keep walking there’s still nothing are you serious wait guys I recognize that area over there I think we were already here before have we gone this way um I’m not sure I’m dud this cave is huge oh yeah hold on I remember we went this way over here and it was a dead end okay okay well if we already explored these areas then where should we go next hey guys have we gone here already wait what’s over here is there another cave yeah there’s a small cave over here and ooh okay okay maybe we can try going in here maybe there’s going to be like some uh trees and stuff growing in here since there’s a small cave and there’s lots of uh humidity in it yeah wait what’s that that looks like a like a a door and wait a minute hold on that looks new wait wait guys hold on do you think it’s a dungeon or something maybe or um or wait what if it’s like a a place where like the the ghost is at what if it’s the ghost home okay well if it is then we should just run away and if it isn’t then maybe we’re still dead cuz the ghost might still be here it looks like there’s a chest in there and wait a minute a chest hold on hold on let’s make our way in then let’s just sneak our way carefully hang on no this is a bad idea well Ruby there’s really a chest over there what if the chests have stuff that can help us get out of here okay sure let’s just look for a second though and yeah let’s just make our way in over here and wa this place looks creepy what the there’s literally a skull over here behind a cage what is this place I don’t want to be here anymore oh Ruby hold on we haven’t taken a look in the chest yet let’s take a look if there’s anything useful in them and oh wait guys there’s pickaxes over here there’s pickaxes and obsidian and reinforced glass and Cobblestone what is all this stuff take the pickaxes take the pickaxes everyone take all the pickaxes take all the pigs I found some bread and some wood what the heck oh heck yeah there’s so much useful stuff here there’s some reinforced deep slates some bread and uh guys there’s also bones and skeleton skulls let’s not look in that chest anymore wait reinforced deep slate sounds really strong though yeah yeah let’s take all of this stuff over here and there’s TNT and a legendary ink bottle over here what the heck is this can I drink it a you can’t drink it wa it wait there’s something in this chest it’s a book and Quil that’s weird hold on hold on maybe there’s some writing inside of it we should take a look and okay it says mining operations day three wait a minute guys hold on I think this was like a m Shaft or something I bet there was like miners down here and this was their materials that that explains the pickaxes oh wait wait wait is there a way out on the journal hold on let me take a look it says mining operations day three many of the fellow miners have been lost hope is low dot dot dot what does that mean what is that supposed to mean oh come on oh my gosh okay well um I guess we should probably just grab the materials from this room and uh get out of this place I think we should go back to our little box and uh we we can build ourselves in with all this obsidian and then the cops will get here and we be rescued but wait what about this chest here it’s got like a keypad on it and oh wait hold on I didn’t notice this what is this about huh password protected chest wait a minute what if this is where the miners put all their valuable stuff like uh like phones and walkie-talkies we can use that stuff to get out of here oh well we can’t really open it so that’s kind of out of the question guys and oh yeah we need a password oh don’t worry about it I’m an expert password cracker 00001 and what kame are you going to guess all the passcodes do you know how many possible combinations there’s no show you’re going to guess that in time guys I think we should just go back to our little box and then um maybe we can look around for the passcode of this place maybe like one of the miners wait maybe one of the miners had the passcode on them and then they they uh they died in the cave maybe we can find it off that 09 okay let’s just go come on the ghost might come back and yeah cam Ruby’s right we got to go come on let’s get out of this place let’s just sneak our way out over here everyone pickaxes out and we got to get ready in case that ghost comes back okay okay okay I’m ready I’m not ready I’m not ready and oh gosh oh gosh the ghost is around us okay let’s just be really really careful and sneaky let’s just um make our way over here somehow we might be able to find the passcode for that chest I want to go back to the base wait if we’re looking for the passcode for the chest maybe we can go down this way there’s like another area down here o okay okay wait have we gone this way yet I don’t think so let’s try going down here and oh c there’s a dead end never mind guys can we please just go back to the base if we see the password we can get it but let’s just go back and yeah yeah let’s do oh guys the ghost is right there the ghost is right there what is it doing he’s just walking in front of us oh gosh guys wait hold on our base was that way it’s going towards our base are you serious hide hide hide what are we supposed to do well hold on it looks like he’s looking away right now let’s just make our way up over here we just got to follow him oh my gosh what are the chances that the ghost is going directly to our base let’s go the other way let’s just sneak our way over here this way I think the ghost is like way way ahead of us so I think we should be fine to just run over here and go back to our Basin oh oh guys hold on I just saw the ghost head I just saw the ghost head oh no it’s going towards our base oh my gosh okay well hold on we can just like keep following it behind it’ll probably like go past our base and wait what it what’s it doing hold on it’s turning around it’s turning around hold everyone back everyone back we have to hide we have to hide in that cave over there go go go go go okay okay yeah I guess we can try going in there we got to hide here from the ghost oh gosh I think it may have saw me it may have saw me come on let’s R over here and hide oh no this is a dead end oh gosh well let’s just hide over here and wait there’s a chest over here oh wait what’s inside of it I don’t know I guess let’s take a look and it’s a piece of paper it says 1456 wait a minute guys what if this is the code for that chest from earlier wait D it that’s it oh my gosh wait does doesn’t mean we have to go back we can’t go back to our base well Ruby hold on first of all the ghost is kind of in the way of our base he’s kind of in between us and our base right now I think we should just go back to that little dungeon area and see what’s inside of that chest what if there’s like a new phone in there and we can call the cops with it or like um I don’t know the FBI they can come save us or or what if it’s an automatic teleporting device when we go home exactly or what if it like opens up a ladder to the surface I don’t know but let’s just sneak over all the way back and oh gosh oh gosh the ghost is still around here okay I think it went far that way I think we should be good to just run back to that little dungeon room go go go go go go go run hopefully the ghost isn’t inside of this cave over here so far the coast looks clear and okay there’s the room let’s just make our way in over here I don’t think the ghost is around us and okay perfect we made it back now let’s try the code was it again 1456 yeah I’m pretty sure it was 1456 hopefully this actually opens it up and guys the code worked and ah there’s only a wooden axe in here oh come on just a normal wooden axe it it’s not called a normal wooden axe it’s named the building wand what does that mean wait a minute hold on guys I think I might know what this is oh we can use this to build our base much stronger we can use this to make our little shelter down here super super strong and then the ghost will never get us how it’s just an axe yeah I don’t know how that thing works okay well hold on check it out pretty much if I select these positions over here with it and then run the command SL SL set obsidian boom we can get an instant floor of obsidian guys we got to go back to our little shelter area and use this to make our shelter stronger wo yeah yeah all right you’re right come on let’s go okay okay let’s just sneak our way back over to the shelter we got to go all the way back over here hopefully the ghost is far far ahead of us now so we can just get to our shelter quickly I’m ready I’m ready does that magic building wand uh allow us to get back to our shelter faster like can we just like slash home or something no that’s not a thing they can do it’s a building wand not a teleporting wand let’s just sneak our way over here this way wait cam what happened to that Santa Claus hat oh I took it off it um it felt like a bug was in it and I freaked out and I threw it on the ground I don’t know where it’s at fair enough but wait guys hold on was there a little shelter over here this way I don’t remember exactly in oh yeah there it is all right quick let’s make our way in I don’t see the ghost around here so we better hurry up come on come on come on come on come on come on all right let’s get inside of the base and all right quick everyone in we got to cover it up with obsidian This Time Boom there we go obsidian wall all right now now use the magic building wand to make all of it obsidian yeah yeah good idea good idea let me just select this position and also this position here and boom obsidian wall let’s go awesome let’s go I’m feeling a little bit safer yeah but hold on a minute guys can ghosts go through blocks oh um hopefully not I’m pretty sure they can he’s wandering through the tunnels and not through the walls of the tunnels so probably not yeah true that is a good point Ruby okay well um how about just for good measures we put two layers of obsidian here there we go and all right nice now I think our little area here should be uh pretty strong yeah but we’re kind of low on Space it’s very cramped and how are we supposed to get out if we get hungry or thirsty yeah wa you’ve got a point we only have bread oh gosh yeah you’re right oh I’ve got a stack of bread too I think this B should last us for quite a while honestly I think we just got to make this area over here a little bit bigger though let’s leave these diamonds over here alone though we don’t want to mess with them okay okay okay um well since we’re here and we’re going to be here until tomorrow let’s um make a chest so we can put all of our stuff in it and yeah yeah that seems like a good idea we can to have like a little emergency supplies chest and hold on everyone stand by stand by I’m about to clear out some space using the wand I can clear out a bunch of space for us boom there we go wa and oh oh hold on guys watch out watch out watch out I just opened up the our our base to the surface over here cover it up cover it up stop cam you just made the messiest cover ever hold on I got to get rid of this oh gosh I just made a worse I’d rather have messy cover than whatever this is Dash hold let me slash slash I do that let me slash SL and do that hold on I got to select this position and this position over here and uh SL slash set Air Boom there we go and now we can just cover this up with some Soul Sand it has to look natural from the outside of the cave rest else the ghost is going to see it yeah but you literally put a hole in the ceiling it’s going to be fine it’s going to be fine it’s going to be fine okay well here guys let’s start expanding our little survival shelter over here we’re going to need room for all of our emergency supplies and stuff also expanding this way oh all right okay I’m going to start building a room over here uh I’ll put on some carpet so that we can have some insulation better insulation I mean oh yeah good idea we do not want to freeze to death in here and ooh are you putting the reinforced deep plate around here that’s a really good idea here I’ll put that as well we just got to put it all around here boom there we go and then using the wand we can just stack it let me just do slash slash stack two boom there we go big wall for big men we got a big wall for big men that’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard you say since the funeral what the what did I say at the funeral that was weirder than that get off of your phone this is more more important this was more important Ruby you pull out your phone in a funeral do you know how messed up that is it’s for a cockroach named Jerome do you realize how silly that is and what this is supposed to be carpet dude why would we want to set the floor to carpet obsidian is going to be much stronger so we can stay warm and not die and ow okay fine fine fine we can set up the carpet hold on I can do that let me just uh select all this and SL SL set um purple Woolf boom there we go why does it have to be purple because purple’s the best color why can’t it be yellow I don’t want it to be purple give me the W no no guys guys I I get the magical building W okay leave me guys okay I got it first um I kind of uh had the code so I get it seriously but I was the one who tried the code the longest yeah so give it to me okay guys how about we just set it to a little bit of purple wool yellow wool and magenta wool yeah we can set it to everything Ruby are you building me in a box right now hey let me out let me out give me the one Ruby look I set the floor to all of our colors okay this is nice but anyways this bace is looking pretty good but uh I feel like we’re going to need some room for of our survival stuff like uh ooh we should set up a little area for all of our armor did anyone get any armor from the chest um no all I got was blocks and bread and one bed oh I got armor for the chest ooh wait really what type of armor wait I did find some here uh these were the extras wa what the heck Sky bamboo armor and then these too wa okay wait wait hold on this armor actually looks kind of cool yo guys look at this one it’s got a scarecrow on it w look it it makes my head look like a pumpkin wait give me that bamboo armor that looks cool okay okay here you go you can to have the sky B bamboo armor I’mma to put on the Scarecrow armor over here and yo guys look at me I’m like a scarecrow dude look at me I look like a samurai BR am I a wizard or something what the heck yeah wait hold on I also kind of look like a wizard okay well hold on a minute do we have any wood we should set up some armor stands over here so that we can grab our armor really quickly uh yeah I got some wood in here oo okay okay there’s a lot of stuff let’s go ahead and just uh make ourselves a few armor stands I’m pretty sure armor stands are pretty simple to make we just got to make a crafting table real quick there we go and hold on we’re also going to need a furnace I think yeah cuz we need stone slabs smooth stone slabs and also guys let’s go ahead and move all of our stuff over here to the wall why do we have our chest in the middle of the building right now this looks weird I thought the the room would be smaller oh hold on guys we can just pick up our chest and move it put that over there and move the other one on the bright side if we run into the ghost again maybe your ugly armor will scare him away Ry this armor is not ugly okay the pumpkin may be rotting uh a little bit but it’s fine it’s good armor it’s at least stinky okay but here guys what we need to do is start smelting some of this Cobblestone what can we smelt it with should we just use this wood uh oh no no no dead Bush dead bush dead Bush why do we have dead bushes H what I don’t know there was a bunch wait there were also blocks of hole in the chest what the really oh heck yeah all right let’s just use the blocks of coal then let’s put that inside of the furnace and okay now we just got to wait for the stone to start smelting I’m pretty sure to make armor stands we need to smelt the stone twice we need to get smooth Stone smooth Stone why do we need smooth stone make a slab for the armor stand yeah here let me go ahead and just double smelt this Stone real quick there we go and all right this Stone should be turning into smooth Stone as soon as it finishes smelting there we go we’ve got one piece of smooth Stone and okay I think we need three pieces right I think so yeah all right nice let me also go ahead and craft a few sticks cuz we’re also going to need those for armor stands and okay there we go it looks like all the smoothstone finished melting let me make some slabs real quick and boom there we go armor stand what how do you make an armor stand uh it’s smooth stone slab in the bottom middle sticks on the left and right one stick in the middle and then sticks across the top what the heck okay you just do it all right but let’s go this is looking good yo why did you guys set up two beds did you guys not set one up for me no the both of these are mine yeah he needs two spaces otherwise he kick the other person what the heck okay well I’m building myself my own bed as well you know what I’m going to build myself my own bedroom just because we’re stuck in at mft doesn’t mean I’m messing up my sleep schedule I’m like a horse whenever I sleep I just reel back and kick people well I’m going to um have my room over here yeah okay okay but guys hold on while we’re sleeping you guys cannot mess up my sleep schedule okay I’ve been trying to perfect it for the past 7 Days s days why does it take you seven days to sleep right well Ruby it’s a lot of work to sleep properly all right you don’t understand I don’t think I do understand wait why because I need to be sleeping properly I need to put like my cucumber on my eyes and all that well we don’t have any cucumbers down here okay wait we don’t oh no not my sleep schedule streak I had my sleep going so good bro is a diva what does that mean that means that you need to do a lot of stuff before you can go to sleep cuz you’re super fancy and stuff yeah everybody sleep is very important but anyways I just put my armor on the armor stand this armor is looking sick o guys we should move our armor stands to the front of the door over here that way in case the ghost breaks in he’ll see the pumpkin and the scary face on it and then he’ll want to run out yeah he’ll like run out of our base oh yeah and you’ll see my Samurai armor and he’ll be like oh it’s a ghost hunter Samurai cool armor set and then he’ll run away cuz he he he he needs another pair of underwear literally Nobody Does that no all right but anyways I’m going to start building the walls of my room over here H what is the optimal block for a bedroom ooh I know what about a little bit of purple glazed terracotta oh heck yeah that’s looking nice hey that’s into my room that’s your fa you bu your room too close to mine what I just made your room better it’s looking better now I must set the floor of my base over here into a little bit of ooh what about some Sandstone that could look really good there we go same with the ceiling and all right now I just got to move my bed here boom there we go wait I need one more bed I need a double bed all right my room’s done wait really what did you build in it hold on let me take a look and what the this is all your room yeah I mean I don’t have the magic Builder wand so I can’t do anything else except for what we got oh yeah fair enough well I do have the magic building one so you want to see something cool no check it out I’m going to build myself a lava lamp oh heck yeah a lava lamp can you build like a shower cuz you smell no I’m not going to build a shower we’re only here for one day I don’t need a shower in a day yeah dude you need a shower every day not if we’re stuck in a m shaft all right you have a magic Builder’s wand you can make a shower if you want to no I don’t think the magic building wand is that powerful all right but anyways my bedroom is looking pretty sick I got the lava lamps here I got my beds that’s all I’m going to need um I guess the only problem with the lava lamps is I can’t turn them off cuz uh it’s it’s lava it’s going to be on forever yeah that does sound like that would be a problem huh and oh wait Ruby your room’s looking pretty good too you got the the bunk bed except there’s no bed underneath it why why why don’t you just have the bed on the floor because I have I want this part for storage dude dud what the heck Ruby we’re literally here for one night you never know what’s going to happen there might not be any help for days oh my gosh yo what the heck is are you putting beetroots on my walls I’m bringing the bead in huh okay well I don’t actually mind this is food I guess I’ll have all the food in my room food is pretty good but hold on a minute guys I have an idea I’m pretty sure inside of the chest over there there was also a bunch of TNT did anyone grab that um yeah I grabbed some of it but uh I don’t know what to do with it hold on hold on hand it over I have an idea what if we set up a self-destruct button over here that way when the cops come to rescue us and we leave this place we can blow the place to Smither and then the ghost will be destroyed that sounds like a bad idea won’t that just create another sinkhole oh R the sinkhole is already created it’s not like we can make it worse what if the ghost comes in and presses the self-destruct button while we’re sleeping and we die forever the ghost is not going to be smart enough to press the self-destruct button but here guys what I’m thinking we do is let’s just dig underneath our base over here and we can set up a bunch of TNT down here just got to sneak over to this side over here and all right let’s just fill this entire area up with air and here now we just got to fill this place up with the explosives oh oh heck yeah this is looking good I still don’t think that’s a good idea why not Ruby I’m going to light one lots of things could happen that are bad I don’t know what could possibly go wrong with the TNT I don’t understand every time someone says what could possibly go wrong it goes horribly wrong yeah but this time nothing can actually go wrong guys can I cook one of these TNTs I’m hungry no Kim you can’t cook into the TNTs but hold on a minute using the magical building one I’m just going to quickly go ahead and set a little line of red stone hey cam why are you running out Oh I thought you were going to set it on fire I thought it was all gone no I wasn’t going to set it on fire but wait I have an idea hold on on I can just give myself some free Redstone let me just do this a few times oh look at that infinite Redstone generation let’s go oh I got like a stack of redstone now we can just build a little Redstone line going up over here and then we can hook it up to a button okay can you get up oh my gosh hold on I got you there you go my head what you get for being too slow why okay why is the the the self-destruct button right in front of my bedroom because um why not what if I wanted to pressure plate to enter my bedroom like I wanted a door you know well we’re staying here for one night so um that doesn’t matter you don’t get that a it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get a pressure plate you’re going to have a slab here though a man okay what I’m thinking we do is how about we just have the self-destruct button um right over here the self-destruct button is there nobody press it cuz if you do we’re going to get in a lot of trouble in fact you know what I’m going to build a little glass box around it just so that no one presses it by accident there we go little glass box like that looking good there’s no way you’re serious okay I let let me let me let me let me play a little bit of g a game I call uh POV I’m Cam and I want to go to bed la la glass are you serious bro damn it’s fine I can just like uh put you into your room like that there you go all right now now let’s play another game it’s called a povm cam I want to leave my room and dash is no longer here glass well hold on if Dash is no longer there then Ruby can just come bring you out Ruby come out over here can you bring cam out why would I do that he’s in his room you know what fine how about we just move your door we just got to mine this reinforced deep slate it’s going to take forever it’s reinforced deep SL and plus if I move my door it’s going to be off center who cares I do Are you seriously worried about something something being off center right now I’m going to start crying I’m going to start crying really loud Dam we’ve got bigger problems you know I just realized I can just set the this block over here to air there we go and now let me just select your door and move it there we go boom I’m going to let the ghost know exactly where we are I’m going to cry so loud don’t do that and be quiet or else I’ll turn you into air with the building wand stop it stop it oh my gosh this guyy being so loud you know oh my I’m I’m covering him with glass there you go all right well Ruby he’s in a glass box now no more of him okay okay whatever whatever that’s actually kind of fun I kind of want to put more people in a glass BLX Ruby now you’re in a glass box no stop it t my bookshelves undo that right now okay I’m undoing it yo get the heck out of here dude what the heck Ruby you have to build a glass box in your room again let me just do slash slash that glass there we go now you got to deal with that are you kidding me he going to be your morning alarm is he going to be there all night I think so actually hold on I can remove him yeah remove move him cuz I’m going to cook myself dinner I just put him in a box of obsidian I don’t think he can move anymore I don’t hear anything at all yeah wait I should probably remove that there we go oh where did he go he’s gone what the he just disappeared huh that’s weird um I’m going to eat now he was just here like two seconds ago cam are you in your room hello what he’s not in here where did he go that sounds like a you problem Dash what the heck wait is he in my room over here oh how did you get here I’m not even going to question it okay but anyways guys our base is looking pretty good we got the self-destruct over here we got door moved and we’ve got Ruby’s bedroom over here is there going to be any other stuff that we need inside of our ghost survival shelter I don’t know what a ghosts dis like maybe we can have some sort of ghost deterrent and ooh ghost deterrent that’s a good idea okay what is ghost’s biggest weakness wait a minute ghosts don’t like garlic right uh I think it’s vampires who don’t like garlic but maybe ghosts don’t like garlic either um okay well hold on what do ghosts really really not like what’s like their biggest weakness wait a minute actually I have a really good idea guys remember when we um made our music with the earlier I don’t think the ghosts like that why don’t we just um record ourselves making the music and then we can just play it on Loop for the ghosts I think they didn’t like it so they attacked us I don’t think we should have that as a defense oh yeah true that did kind of attract the the bad guys wait wait wait wait I know I know I know wait what is it ghosts hate light wait light why would they hate light cuz it burns their eyes that’s why they stay in caves and stuff cuz it’s dark oh um all right well I have an idea why don’t we make this entire Place lit oh yeah let’s start this party no no no I’m not even joking guys what we got to do is set the ceiling of this place how about we just set it all into some Redstone lamps boom there we go big redstone lamp don’t we have to light them up somehow yeah we do hold on hold on I have an idea let’s go ahead and remove these Redstone lamps actually we got to do a quick modification hold hold on I’ll be the light mechanic let me go up over here real quick actually you guys can come up too if you want to see I’m okay I’ll look at it just got to get up over here and then we can set the floor down here into some Redstone lamps there we go looking good all right now we’ve got the Redstone lamps on the ceiling and now we just got to put a bunch of redstone blocks on top of them so let me say like this position here and then we also got to go in the other Corner wow this is a lot of lamp stash yeah we need this place to be lit up yeah but I didn’t think it’d be this many maybe like one or two nah one or two is lame we need to have a bunch let me just slash slash set this entire Place into some red stone dust there we go boom that’s looking pretty nice and all right now we just need a way to light this all up um I guess we can just use levers right yeah levers should be good let’s go ahead and bring the Redstone signal down over here like this I’m just going to remove these reinforced blocks with the magical building wand there we go and all right now we just need to craft the lever anyone got any stone oh wait I have stone let me just make a lever real quick and Bing Bang Bop we have got light check it out except it’s only on like half the side wa I think this is more than enough light yeah wait what we could do is have another lever over here on this side to light up the other side it’s going to be a bit janky but uh it’ll get the job done there we go look at that we got two levers now ooh wait actually what we could do is just move one lever in the middle of the room I think that should be good enough let’s try this out is this going to work and let there be light check it out we got so much light wow it’s beautiful yeah and we don’t even need this hole in our wall anymore I think it’s time to just uh sleep and and wait until people get here and yeah I think our base should be good for the night and what is this room over here this is my um my SE pickle viewing room what the heck okay well you enjoy that to yourself but anyways I think it’s time to go to bed it’s getting pretty late out I’m heading to my room good night guys good night Dash that’s a lot of soup okay good night FBI open up huh what was that wait was that the cops there’s someone here hello we’re here to get you guys out of here come on go go go go go you got the voicemail let’s go come on let’s get out of here is that everyone inside and um wait hold on actually there’s one more person that we need to get yo cam cam can you can you come dude are you still staring at your seat pickle I was looking at it I’ll be there in a moment oh come on I’m so glad we’re getting out of here all right well anyways come on it’s time to get out of this cave let’s go there’s a giant ghost chasing us wait what the ghost is chasing us you guys need to take it out no it’s a ghost that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

Dash was BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam get BURRIED ALIVE in Minecraft… Will they be able to survive? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


  1. I saw Ruby and creative because I saw her break a block. It was fast it was the roof.
    It was cobblestone

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