I spent 100 Days in Terraria’s ULTIMATE SKYBLOCK

I’m going to get straight to the point cuz I don’t want to waste your time I recently found a new terraria Mod called ultimate Sky Block which makes you start on an island and you have to find many more Islands to progress there are new islands for each biome new ways to progress and even new subw worlds so I spent 100 days in it so let’s begin on day one wait no day Zero I spawned in for some reason the day counter began on Day Zero so whatever I guess we’re starting on Day Zero post editing Skeletron here I realized this was talking about how many days have passed and not what day you’re on so I need to go practice my reading comprehension I guess anyways back to the video there was a Sky Block guide book in my inventory which gave me a ton of tips for how I can progress in Sky Block I then used my custom made Star bag if you don’t know I always have a customade star bag I just use to make my playthroughs a bit easier and it mainly includes my vanity set magic storage units and more nothing too powerful so anyways I started on this cool looking Island I placed my magic storage units I also saw there was an actual cobblestone generator on the island similar to Minecraft Sky Block and I was able to use that to get stone anyways I used the stone I got to venture into the left side of the world hoping to maybe find the other [Music] Islands I found another Island which had a chest in it that gave me some pretty cool items then I fell yeah I found more islands with basic chests in them and I went back I worked on making a tree farm using acorns since I was going to need to have some source of wood I went for some more Stone and I went to expand the bridge further till day one when I was able to find the Jungle Island I found fer Claus in one of the chests that were there I also saw Life Crystals and I mined them but for some reason the Life Crystals didn’t drop anything when I mined them I kept trying to mine the other ones but for some reason they also didn’t drop them so I restarted my game The Tree Farm grew its first tree let’s go now for some reason trees grew extremely fast this is because the ultimate Sky Block Mod actually makes trees grow way faster which is a feature I absolutely love so overall day one just consisted of working on my tree farm and exploring a bit to the right side of the spawn point on day two I kept bridging right eventually I found the snow biome I got flare boots from a chest which was awesome also I got the ice blade from a frozen crate I kept bridging and I found more snow bi Islands this one had a life Crystal and this time I was able to actually mine it so the glitch was fixed after restarting I went back to the left and started bridging there instead I found more jungle Islands which had more Loot and I also found the desert biome Islands I used drope to go up to the skies cuz I was curious on what was up in the skies in this mod I found these Planet looking things which had Stone clay and basic ores like copper and iron I explored these islands until day three at one point I found a jungle plantoid which had a beehive inside cool anyways I went back to exploring the left finding more loot along the way I found this new dark looking Island it had a chest with a mysterious Lantern now I didn’t know what it did but I’ll use it later these dark looking islands are called deepstone islands and they’re kind of just custom made Sky Block Islands from this mod after exploring enough I use a mysterious Lantern it teleported me to the mining subor this subor had things like ores Life Crystals chests and more it was the best way of getting loot at this early stage of the [Music] game I found a new biome at the bottom of this subor called the deepstone biome and it looked dangerous so I didn’t explore it much after getting enough loot I left the subor now I have a magic con from when I was at the desert islands so I used it to see what would happen and I found meteorites cool I was teleported to the very left of the map and I found the Mushroom Island it had so many chests and Life Crystals anyways I Ed silver I got from the mining subor to make a full set of silver armor now that I finished exploring the left I began finishing exploring the right and I found the hallowed yeah in this mod you get the how Bome early on on day four I built a Boss Arena since I was thinking I would start getting ready to fight boss [Music] saes also I saw that in this mod the merchant sold silk so I used that to make a bed also I started setting up pylons then I just kept exploring right and finding more H Islands the H Islands had Shimmer in them which was not only really cool but also really useful since the Shimmer was going to be really good also I finally made it to Max life on day five I kept exploring to right I actually found the Crimson also I went back to a new deepstone biome in the mining subor there was this structure in the middle which had a ton of chests and loot other than that there wasn’t really too much for this day and things started to speed up for a bit on day six I got the jungle pylon ready I also went back to the skies to mine clay from plantoids since I wanted to use clay pots for making my Herb Farm which I needed for potions on day seven I worked on the potion Farm but then I scrap the whole thing cuz I didn’t have enough clay pots I figured I’d just wait for the Dy it after the I of cthulu and use plants are boxes instead then I started to build my first house I wanted to actually build good-looking houses for this playthrough I usually never build in my playthroughs but this is a 100 days video and it’s an [Music] exception eventually I got the bases of it done but I knew I’d improve it later hopefully then I went back to dis SKU to find Crimson ploids they contain Crimson hearts in them which I bombed so hopefully the Goblin Army could spawn later from day 8 to day 10 I slept cuz I was waiting for the I cthulu to spawn now I have no idea why I slept I could have done anything else to progress while I waited but now I just wasted like 3 days great also that I didn’t even spawn cuz my luck is just garbage like that on day 11 I worked on making a fishing pool I was able to use the water duplication glitch to make the fishing pool it took me an insanely long time just to get this fishing pool ready I also wanted to do angler quests with the angler moved in in Ultimate Sky Block the angler actually moves in instead of you having to find him also I farmed enemies in night time cuz I wanted lenses so I could spawn the Eye of cthulu in also known as LeBron James cuz I’m using a texture pack that turns the eye of cthulu into LeBron you will see after gathering enough lenses I went to a crimson biome and I crafted the suspicious looking LeBron at a demon alter then I I accidentally used it awesome amazing I had to recall cuz I legitimately wasn’t prepared but on day 12 I actually felt an evil presence watching me eventually that cthulu spawned actually no LeBron James spawned now with my Silver Bow LeBron James was actually a pretty easy boss even in the second phase the amount of Mobility I had with my flurry boosts and clown in a bottle was able to counter this boss completely [Music] so LeBron James was defeated sorry but you aren’t my sunshine anymore I got the shield of cthulu or actually no The Shield of LeBron which was going to be extremely useful with the dash it provided on day 13 I spent some time working on a fishing pool in the J Le after I finished it I started fishing for the first time in this playthrough fishing and angler quests were going to be extremely useful in this playthrough with the limited resources provided in Sky Block I was going to need to start fishing at some point I also spent a ton of time fishing in the jungle to potentially get jungle crates for a Boomstick however I couldn’t even find a singular jungle crate so I kind of just wasted my [Music] time on day 14 I spent my time on creating a Herb Farm this time with planter boxes since they were way easier to use and [Music] pots eventually I set up all the seeds this was going to be extremely useful since I needed herbs for a lot of useful potions and Buffs were something I needed I also Min some of the desert islands for sand since I wanted to make glass using sand using glass I kind of decorated my potion Farm I was going to make the glass look better later but for now this is okay I guess on day 15 I really didn’t know what to do after just standing still for a bit trying to think of what to do I thought it would be a good idea to fight the King Slime so I went to a mining subor to get Rubes it took me way longer to find rubies than I would like to say but eventually I found rubies so on day 16 I crafted the Slime Crown out of crimson alter and I made sure to make a bridge of dirt at the bottom of my Arena since if there weren’t blocks beneath the King Slime it could fall and despawn so I summoned the kinging Sime With Grenades the king Sime was really easy I was doing some amazing damage and I didn’t find the boss a problem at all with my speed so yeah that’s the King Slime down then after that the leftover slime minions de more damage to me than the boss itself fun day 17 began with a bit of fishing you know some fishing is Chill also I worked on making a house in the desert I’ll make an actually good-look house later for now I just want pylons also I mined a ton of sand since I wanted more glass then I tried using glass to finish up the potion Farm decoration but other than that this day was kind of bland on day 18 a goblin army spawned God damn it’s about time now this Goblin Army took me quite a while I only had grenades so it was kind of hard to deal with some of the Goblins especially the archers but eventually I managed to get it done also I made a tree farm in my jungle just cuz I was going to maybe use Rich mahogany for a jungle house also I used drop to go to the underground why cuz I wanted to build an underground house or Farm or fishing pool I kind of don’t have an idea on day 19 I began my jungle house I had the idea of a treehouse for this build why cuz I’m not original and I suck at building the hogy wood tree farm really came in clutch here also a slime rain happens BR I already beat the King Slime even with how painful the Slime rain was I continued the rest of the day working on the [Music] house on day 20 I decided I was going to fight the B of cthulu now how was I going to fight the bur of cthulu I asked myself I remember the Crimson hearts inside the Crimson plantoids in the guy so I guess we’re fighting the brain of cthulu in space I started on the arena and oh my god there were so many harbees like I hate harpies so I summoned the boss now you would expect me to do good against the brain cthulu since it’s well like 30th time beating it in a playthrough but that’s not what happened and I died why the harpies and the gravity of space trust me I don’t suck trust me please so instead I thought it’d be a good idea to craft the bloody spine instead so I could fight it on the surface but farming vertebrae took ages so on day 21 I just went back to Crimson plantoids and this time I made another platform just so I’d have two layers of platforms to help me instead of one luckily there were more CH Crimson Hearts so I blew them up so the brain of cthulu got summoned again this time it was quite easy and my tendon bow with jester arrows carried me even in the second phase grenades absolutely destroyed this boss [Music] so yeah I guess that’s the Brin defeated after more fishing for the day I went to add more seeds to my Herb Farm which was starting to finally give more seeds and be useful on day 22 I went to Underworld for the first time in this playthrough the underworld had many islands which contain Shadow chests and also more of these plantoid looking things that contain health Stone so I mind hellstone also I spent a long time using the liquid duplication glitch this time with lava to get obsidian eventually I gathered enough hellstone and obsidian to make hellstone bars which I used to make the molten Fury bow then I went back to the rope that I made in the underground I made another fishing pool there because underground fish were going to be really useful for example armored cavefish which I needed for endurance potions it took quite a while and I did this till day 23 after it was finished I started actually fishing the there then I spent some time making a fishing pool in the snow biome at this point I was trying to make fishing pools everywhere just so I could fish for anything I wanted on day 24 I was just thinking about what I should do now I didn’t know I went to go fish more in the underground then I started working on my snowbound build for this house I had the idea of building a snow globe maybe with an actual house inside the snow globe that would go pretty hard I’m not going to lie after a while a Blood Moon occurred I tried to make a tree farm in the snow biome just so I would get Boreal for the snow globe but it was so hard to do that just because of the amount of enemies spawning in the blood moon it was so annoying so I spent the rest of the day farming blood wound enemies I guess there was some good l i could get after all like the shark tooth necklace or the money trough on day 25 I decided I was going to fight the queen bee but how was I going to do that you may ask well under the jungle Islands there was this gigantic Arena that was meant for fighting both the queen bee and planta there was even an alter to some plant in the middle of the Arena I went to the Jungle plantoids in the sky which contained beehives so I could mine Hive blocks and get honey blocks to craft that a bination So eventually I summoned the queen bee the queen bee was not an issue at all my molten Fury kind of just shredded her [Music] so yeah easy money now the best part about this is the fact that I managed to get the bee’s knees which is amazing it replaced my molon Fury after some more fishing I got my snowb Boreal Tree Farm finished and I continue to work on the snow glob house I was [Music] making on Day 26 I finally finished the basics of my snow biam house but I knew I would try to make it better later for now it looks okay though I then fished for the rest of the day on day 27 I made an underground box house but I’ll try to make a better underground house later maybe I know it was just for pylons I also set up a box house at the Mushroom Island and I spent a lot of time setting up a fishing pool in the mushroom biome more water duplication yay so fun on day 28 I thought about trying to fight the next boss Skeletron oh my God I’m going to fight myself let’s go the thing is I didn’t know how I would summon Skeletron maybe there was a dungeon island or something now I still had not fully explored the r of the world so I bridged there in hopes of maybe finding a dungeon island of some sorts now me being the smartest human being on this planet of course I was right there was a dungeon Island side note this build is amazing I love how all of the islands and their builds look it’s amazing anyways I decided to set up an arena there I didn’t want too big of an arena since it’s just Skeletron I’m sure I’m fine so once it was night I grabbed my Buffs and summoned Skeletron yeah I was right this boss was really easy [Music] [Music] [Music] so yeah Skeletron is defeated on day 29 I went inside the dungeon now in Ultimate Sky Block the dungeon is actually a subor containing chests and the other normal dungeon loot I just spent a lot of time there Gathering dungeon Loot and eventually I found a shadow key the only thing I needed was a shadow key so I left the inside and got it also I made a set of necro armor by now it was very clear I was going Ranger for this playthrough anyways I went back to underworld to search for Shadow chests I kid you not it took me the entirety of day 30 just to find what I was looking for the hellwing bow oh my God days 31 to 39 were spent just doing some much needed preparations before I entered hard mode I’ll give a brief description of what I did I completed the pon system with the H pylon being added then I spent a lot of time in the dungeon Gathering books and other Furniture why cuz I wanted to use them for my builds I spent a bit of time making my builds look better then I started working on my desert house using PR for the [Music] build it looks good I guess I even added a spiral staircase cuz I’m just built like that and I am the best builder in Terraria nobody can compete with me trust me now when it comes to my underground build I really did not know what to do I didn’t have any ideas so instead of making an actually good-look build I just made LeBron James for fun I had no idea sorry but just look at this build in all of its amazing Glory then I worked on a tree farm in the Hallow since I was going to need more pear for other builds then I started working on my H biome build this one took me quite a bit to finish oh yeah just cuz why not I made a bridge of stone bricks then I summoned the Old One’s Army on it I didn’t get anything good from the Old One’s Army I just thought I’d do it for fun and since I didn’t have anything else to do [Music] so yeah it was easy also I spent a lot of time making fishing pools in both the H Bome and the Crimson biome I wanted prismite from the h Bome for Life Force potions in hard mode and I wanted hop piranas from the Crimson to make rage potions so now that all my preparations were done on day 40 I made a bridge in the Underworld so I could fight the Wall of Flesh it took me an insanely long time to get the bridge done so I summoned the wall of fishron not the Wall of Flesh the wall of fishron because of a texture pack I’m using it’s linked in the description fortunately the wall of fishon was no issue to me at all [Music] [Music] now we’re in hard mode let’s see how this is going to go on day 41 I did a ton of fishing mainly for Hard Mode ores cuz there really wasn’t a way to get hard mode ores in this playr at least I don’t think so on day 42 I made myself a plaum armor set I thought that plaum armor was fine for now since I couldn’t be bothered to fish for a better armor set also I expanded my H biome so I could start farming Pixies for pixie dust which I was going to need for fairy wings and holy arrows also I tried to go into the jungle Arena to farm enemies since maybe I could have a chance at getting the uzi but the chance was way too low and enemies were way too powerful so the uzi was off the table day 43 began with a lot of nothing since I genuinely did not know what to do I was mainly thinking of what weapon I should get my options were very limited in the Sky Block Mod I tried fishing for more hard mode crates for more hard mode ore to potentially make a repeater but the best one I could make after all that fishing was an or calcum repeater I want something better but for now I gu guess it’s fine so I went back to a h to farm for pixie dust to make fairy wings and holy arrows I also got a blessed Apple from a unicorn neat I ended up farming till day 44 so I went up to the skies to farm wyverns for Souls of Flight and using that I made fairy wings wait no harpy wings cuz I saw a giant feather in my storage and I don’t know when I got it but hey I’m not complaining so then I went back to the Jungle Arena to farm skeleton archers for the magic [Music] quiver after a bit of farming I managed to get it so I just left I also saw that a lot of my items were not reforged for some reason so I spent a lot of time reforging on day 45 i m pearlstone from a lot of the H Islands I used the pearlstone in the underr to make an artificial underground H biome I was planning to farm Souls of Light which I was going to use to craft keys of light so I could Farm H mimics to get the de stormbow God I’m so smart so I spent a lot of time on day 46 doing nothing but farming Souls of light that that’s it yeah but after a lot of mimic farming I finally got the da stormbow nice on day 47 I spent a lot of time farming enemies in the H since I needed materials to resupply my holy arrows also I spent a lot of time making my Arena bigger I was going to need a big arena for the hard mode [Music] bosses so on day 48 after crafting the mechanical worm I finally summoned the Destroyer I didn’t have any issues with the Destroyer the D stormbow did really well against it and although the lasers were a bit annoying they weren’t that bad on day 49 I wanted to craft the mega shark so I fished now why are you fishing if you want to craft the mega shark well you see the mega shark needs shark fins and I legit have no idea how I would get shark fins in this playthrough with no ocean so I thought it would be good if I fished for crates getting Hunter potions from them then I could Shimmer them to decra them into shark fins since Hunter potions need shark fins to be crafted you see my absolute genius here but for the love of God I couldn’t even get a singular Hunter potion from fishing so never mind I scrapped that and I just wasted like an entire day on day 50 I wanted to have access to iore so I mined a ton of crimstone from the crimstone plantoids using crimstone I made an artificial underground Crimson biome where I could Farm enemies for iore I wanted to make a switch from holy arrows to iore arrows since iore arrows were easier to craft and I feel like they are better for any boss that isn’t the Destroyer on day 51 I fought the Twins and and I died yeah amazing awesome so I decided I’d fight the the twins later and instead I fought Skeletron Prime [Music] then I spent the rest of the night in the H farming Fort I I don’t remember I’m looking back at this footage and and now that I look at it I don’t have an idea I was probably farming for the rod of Discord or something I don’t know on day 52 I decided that i’ died to twins because my Arena was too small for the fight so I made the arena bigger then I fought the twins again and yeah it was fine a on day 53 I went back to my jungle Arena and mined out Chlor fight that spawned from it we have a very limited amount of chlori for this playthrough since the only place that chlori was able to spawn in was my jungle Arena after mining enough chlorop FY I made the chlorop FY Choo also I made myself a full set of H armor I did not have enough chlorop FY for chlorop FY armor but this is still fine so then I made an arena in the H by him why cuz no time to talk we’re fighting the queen slime baby Queen slime’s projectile spam was very annoying to deal with but it didn’t deal too much damage to me so it was okay [Music] [Music] on day 54 I actually went to the plantur summoning alter in my jungle Arena and summon planta nothing much to talk about planta was easy [Music] [Music] [Music] you know I finish the fight at full health sometimes I wonder why I’m so good at this game then I spent a lot of time farming for chaos Elementals cuz I wanted another chance at getting the rod of Discord but I didn’t get it I just wanted that Rod of Discord so badly in fact I actually spent the entirety of days 55 in 56 trying to get the rod of Discord but I didn’t get it like huh I hate getting this item so much on day 57 I found a temple which was next to the Jungle Arena now the temple is actually built differently with WHAS room rooms just to get that Sky Block feel you know so I summoned Golem without that much preparation and there were so many enemies spawning like what so then I spent the rest of the day just trying to fight Golem and failing it was genuinely not my fault there were so many enemies for no reason at all on day 58 I’m un glor fight since I decided I was going to upgrade my armor to a set of sh my armor now the issue was the Truffle was going to move in pretty easily with the Mushroom Island already existing but how was I going to get glown mushrooms so first I spent some time making a bigger artificial Glo mushroom biome that’ll be able to grow Glo mushrooms quickly on day 59 while I was at it I actually made an artificial corruption biome I wanted to fish in a corruption biome to get ibon Koy ionco how do I pronounce this since it would be useful for wrath potions anyways back to sh my armor I was trying to get the Truffle did move in and I still didn’t know how I would get glowing mushrooms fast even with the artificial one I made because it was growing way too slow but then my Beast of a brain had a genius idea I used a contaminator to spread Glo mushroom solution into some of the Jungle plantoids that I didn’t need with that strategy I was able to get Glo mushrooms very quickly on day 60 after what felt like ages I finally had a set of Sho my armor so I went back to a Glo fight thinking this would be a cakewalk with my new amazing armor set and oh my God for the rest of the day I worked on expanding my artificial corruption biome on day 61 I did some more water duplicating and this time my new corruption biome so I spent a lot of time fishing for ibank Kai maybe wrath potions were going to help me against Golem now most of the time I was getting killed in the Golem fight because of the other enemy spawning so I had an idea I made a few boxes right next to the temple and moved a few NPCs there you know how spawn rates are heavily reduced with Town NPCs near yeah this could reduce the spawn rates inside the temple so no other enemies will spawn while I’m trying to fight this boss so on day 62 I tried fighting Golem again this went from an insanely hard boss fight to a k quova fight just because there were no more spawn rates [Music] so that’s Golem down and we’re getting close to beating the game then I decided to spend a lot of time in the postplant Tera dungeon just to get ectoplasm since ectoplasm is going to be useful for many things I can craft I crafted the naughty present and tried to fight the frost moon this one extremely bad my chlorified Sho wasn’t good anymore and I was dealing no damage to enemies it was obvious I needed a better weapon so on day 63 I spent a lot of time building an underground glowing mushroom biome my plan was I wanted to get truffle worms so I could fight Duke fishon to get the tsunami but then I realized something how the hell was I even going to summon Duke fishron if there was no ocean well he might say that can just make another fishing pool this time at the end of the world where the ocean lies well you’re technically right but it’s not that simple now you see a fishing pool needs to have over 75 TOS of connected liquid for you to be able to fish in it but that number is changed to over 1,000 in the ocean biome so yeah I’ll have to make my own ocean biome by water duplicating and it’s going to take me a very long time so from the 64 to 68 I just spent the entire time water duplicating also at one point the Martian spawn so I had to deal with that on day 69 I went back to my underground glowing mushroom bomb to catch truffle worms eventually I caught one and left so moment of truth it’s time to see if the strategy works and fishron will get summoned and it worked let’s go now I always find fishron a very easy fight so I really didn’t have any issues with this [Music] [Music] eventually Duke fishron Was Defeated and I had myself a set of fishron wings first try but I didn’t get the tsunami so I fed the boss more a few times till I got the tsunami this was amazing way better than my chlorified Choo on Day 70 I tried the frost Bon again with my new weapon and yeah it was 10 times easier and I managed to defeat the ice queen multiple [Music] times on day 71 I summoned the Pumpkin Moon that was also easy and I managed to kill the pumpkin multiple times from Day 72 to 74 I spent a lot of time in the dungeon I was just trying to farm bone Lees in the dungeon to get the Tabby and the black belt which took me way longer than I would have liked my luck was horrible trying to get these accessories for some reason but I needed them to craft the master ninja gear on day 75 I spent some time making my Arena bigger I was getting going to need a bigger arena for the moonl Lord and Empress of light then I went back to the underground H Bim to farm chaos Elementals again just for maybe one more chance at getting the rod of Discord but unfortunately I still couldn’t get it on day 76 I went to my Surface H bom to try and get Prismatic La Wings however I spent the whole night looking for them and for some reason I did not get a singular one I have no idea why so on day 77 I expanded my H biome maybe it wasn’t big enough for prismatic lace Wings to spawn I don’t know usually Prismatic lace Wings aren’t supposed to be this rare whatever I did was the correct move cuz a lot of Prismatic lace Wings started spawning so apparently my HB was just not big enough at first so on day 78 I summoned the Empress of light my tsunami was doing amazing damage against this boss and although at one point I did get quite low I still managed to snag the win [Music] on day 79 I decided it was finally time to be beat the game so I went to the dungeon and some of the lunatic CEST I don’t have anything much to say about the CEST fight it was extremely easy [Music] so I went for the pillars and the first one up was the vortex pillar and I didn’t have any trouble with it I crafted The Vortex beater so I went for both the stardus pillar and the nebula pillar on day eight I went for the solar pillar I destroyed it and impending doom approaches eventually the moon Lord spawned [Music] from Days 81 to 100 I kind of just did some building I tried making a lot of my existing houses look better than making new houses especially my main house this is actually by far my favorite house in this playthrough I just like the aesthetic of it maybe I am somewhat of a builder I guess I don’t think many of you guys are too interested in building so I won’t say much else so that is it for this playthrough it’s been a very long time since I’ve done a 100 days video actually it’s been like a year so it’s kind of nostalgic making one again if you’ve enjoyed this video please like comment and subscribe cuz I’m very close to 100K Subs again the mod link is in the description anyways thanks for watching and see you [Music]

100 days of fun

Wall of Fishron Texture Pack: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2842887861&searchtext=wall+of+fishron

Ultimate Skyblock Mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3204367087

Music credits:
Terraria Otherworld: Day
Pokemon Black and White: Accumula Town
Terraria: Boss 1
Lobotomy Corp: Neutral 01
Gelatine Throne (By Ennway)
Terraria: Boss 3
Terraria: Ocean Day
Terraria: Queen Bee
Cold Front (By Ennway)
Curse of the Dungeon (By Ennway)
Terraria Otherworld: Unknown
Terraria Otherworld: Sky Guardian
Battle Cats – The Filibuster
Hollow Knight: Greenpath
Playing with Firepower (By Ennway)
Terraria: The Twins
Hollow Knight: Reflection
Pizza tower – Pillar John’s Revenge
Terraria: Plantera
Stardew Valley Summer: Nature’s Crescendo
Terraria: Golem
Terraria: Duke Fishron
Terraria: Empress of Light
Terraria: Lunar Events
Lobotomy Corp: Second Warning
Calamity: Tale of a Cruel World (By DM Dokuro)

Thanks for watching! If you like my videos, make sure to like and subscribe, as I want to get 100k subs.

This isnt me playing terraria’s calamity mod in hardcore mode, or playing terraria’s masochist mode, this is me spending 100 days in terraria’s ultimate skyblock

tags: #terraria #gaming #skyblock


  1. new vid me try doing terraria but all bosses are reversed(eg slime king is moon lord but it has moonlords moveset and appearence jst same dmg as slime king so its bot impossible)

  2. YES!! It's finally out!! So glad you got a chance to play the mod MooMoo and I made and that you enjoyed it!!

    Not gonna lie though…watching you dig through trees, islands and my builds hurt me a little lol!!

  3. Its so nice to see how your channel has grown mr skelly bones, I started watching ur vids after watching ur calamity legendary mode playthrough and that was when you had like 50k subs, hope ya reach 100k soon!

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