JJ Creepy House Head vs Mikey House Head CALLING at 3:00am to JJ and MIKEY ! – in Minecraft Maizen

what a good morning hey Mikey wake up it’s a beautiful day yes that’s right open the windows let’s air out the house that’s a good idea I think it should be quiet today and nothing will happen haha what could possibly happen on a Saturday morning I think nothing yeah it’s sunny too much wao WoW what what’s that over there no Mikey get away from there what’s going on how come it’s a new house oh no no way let’s go outside and deal with whoever did this yeah let’s go this is just the worst thing that could have happened today who can carry a house in a trailer who’s a genius wo hey you come here take that here you go that’s for our house hey knock it off I come to you with an offer and you do this to me look at my car it got scratched by your house what no no it’s all right here here we’ll take it away from you wao hey don’t I’m here to make you an offer I see you need a new house so buy one for me for the price of one hey you wouldn’t happen to be the one selling ordinary animals as unique ones would you what come on guys that’s not me you’re confusing me with someone else all right well we’re going to need new houses that’s right I don’t want any trouble I’ll give you a fair deal I break your house and you buy two new ones from me all right I like that offer we have to go to a place where your houses are okay no problem let’s go I’ll follow you all right it’s a strange place in location but okay I take it these are our houses and we’re here weird well here’s two houses for the price of one plus there’s a promotion today buy two houses and get an extra 10,000 diamonds wo sounds interesting I’ll see if there’s anything inside before I sell it with that out of the way how much is it worth with the discount each one will cost you $1 well we should take it here you go $1 I’ve got two here take it keep the change here are your keys to your homes congratulations on your purchase JJ we got new houses and we all have our own yes it was a very good deal I think you could have given us a little more discount I think it’s fair let’s take a closer look stop and the Diamonds hey stop I think he’s gone already we’ll never catch up with him well it’s not that expensive we can live do you think there’s any furniture in there no there’s nothing here meanwhile I learned how to use a magic wand ouch oh no well what kind of day is today hey what’s going on here wao that’s sad guys oh come on I’ll get a new one well it’s not that simple the magic from the magic wand will find the nearest shape matching object and in inhabit it that’s not true no see what’s happening it’s looking for an owner I hope there’s no one around for it to take over yeah I hope so too I think it’ll be all right it’s Saturday and everyone’s at home so I haven’t seen anything interesting that’s good so the magic has nowhere to go we can relax we couldn’t have found a better offer than this yeah I know hey what’s wrong with you it’s weird well I don’t know it looks like magic hey it’s flying towards you interesting it feels like it took a part of me hey it’s doing something to the houses interesting wao what’s going on all right now we’re in big trouble JJ haha food I’m going to eat you what who are they how is that possible I mean they’re lodges I don’t know but I think we got to get out of here now I’ll get you I will eat you I’ll destroy you all okay they’re not in the mood we can’t escape we have to leave hey look there’s a cab that’s great we’ll take a cab from here that’s the best idea ever genius that’s enough Mikey there’s no way out come on let’s let’s go what was that who did that to them I don’t know Mikey I’m not thrilled myself with what wants to eat us our property yeah that’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen Gru or a scientist can help us let’s go get them hey Gru scientist we’ve got a property issue to settle hey somebody come on all right we’ll take care of it JJ what are you sure I don’t think it’s a good idea it’s okay I know this equipment as well as I know you yeah you’re kidding don’t touch any anything in here I know what I’m doing you’ll see I’ll save everyone the main thing is to look smart it doesn’t matter if it works or not hey what’s that noise upstairs did you set something off hey what what’s that what’s my helicopter doing in the air I don’t get it whoa okay I get it we got to go hey look what’s that thing up there looks like food eat it while it flies yes that’s right looks pretty tasty I didn’t expect it where did it come from from that tall white building I think it’s time to visit this place there’s a lot of food there by the looks of it yeah that’s right let’s go Mikey something’s gone wrong let’s not touch that hey you what are you doing here what did you touch it’s okay I was just standing there resting we’re trying to stop those creatures in the shape of our houses I got it get away from here I got it all right it’s probably for the best but know that I’m good at it too that’s enough Mikey let’s come up with a new plan let’s get out of here first we should check out the situation outside yeah I agree nice and slow hey are you the food I told you it was here all right Mikey we’re in trouble now we’re not getting out of here I’ve got a call yeah I’m listening hey Mikey you can’t hide in there forever come out now or else later it’ll only get worse no we can’t accept your relationship we’ll sell you back to your salesman thanks for the warning bye-bye whoa where did they get their cell phones from they’re calling me too yeah I’m listening hey JJ you can’t hide in there forever get out now or it’ll only get worse later all right hey Mikey I’ve been told the same thing hey where are you going what do we do now scientist well I can’t do anything what do we do now we can’t even get out of here they’re guarding the lab only magic can help us in this situation all right let’s call the wizard I’ll call him myself wait you didn’t have his number before yes it’s just that I’m the reason the houses are like this were you trying to hide that from us oh it’s okay it’s just that my magic wand broke and the magic decided to bring your houses to life I had nothing to do with it all right call him already hello wizard come to my lab I’m in big trouble here yeah I didn’t see that coming me too I think the wizard can help us yeah come on I’m waiting for you so where’s all the trouble is it really going to be that boring I thought it’d be more complicated Hey look it’s the food it’s the second time it’s come to us hey we’re going to eat you so that’s where the magic from the wand went haha strange Choice I’ve never seen anything like this before but okay time to deal with you guys you don’t walk on your feet at home in this world no don’t stop what’s going on I like being alive too much no just bear with me I’m being careful haha that’s it easy that’s it now we have two beautiful houses that’s it wo you did it haha yes they’re normal houses now and nothing will ever go in them again unless the scientist break something have you heard about this yet yeah we already know it’s his fault he broke the magic wand and the magic came back to the houses come on guys I didn’t do it on purpose it could have happened to anyone I was just unlucky you almost got the town destroyed yeah I’m sorry hey you I heard you you’re going to jail for what you did get in the car what are you serious no now you resist a law enforcement officer ha that’s right he’ll think about his behavior next time that’s right we could have been eaten or Worse destroyed the town wait you came here with the fish no of course not are you guys crazy I flew it here all right I’m sorry it’s okay if you flew it here you guys are hilarious no one’s the same haha hey I think is coming today wait what grw yeah there he is look oh no he’s here JJ what are we going to do you broke his helicopter what I broke his helicopter wait shh he’s here hey you I’ve only been gone an hour and I’m getting calls from minions all over town saying there’s going to be nothing left of the city here’s the thing I’m told there’s some big hulks walking around and they want to destroy the lab okay guys I think I’m going to head home wait what what is that you flew here on a fish what’s going on here what’s wrong with this town by the way Gru there’s more Hey where’s my helicopter it was on the roof when I left JJ get out of here what what did you do to it stop right there thanks for watching folks we got to go grw is not in the mood right now good luck everybody and byebye Mikey I’m cold now we shouldn’t have gone swimming so early in the morning the water is still really cold but there were almost no people and we were alone so cool you’re a turtle you wouldn’t understand yeah I never get cold in the water hey look are we opening a zoo I don’t know that’s interesting let’s ask hey mister where are you taking the animals good morning I’m opening an exhibition of unique animals but these are ordinary animals no you don’t understand they’re unique you don’t know anything about them and don’t judge me all right let’s not do that but they’re ordinary animals well if you don’t like them it’s not my fault you don’t have to look at them we’ll come to the show he’s a strange guy but I think we can trust him yeah that’s what I think too we’ve made friends with him wrong let’s apologize and go to his exhibit and buy an animal from him come on look even the people are are coming only today at the best prices you have the opportunity to buy unique animals special animals with their own abilities don’t judge Animals by their appearance okay people think they’re normal too let’s just see who we can get I agree I heard that too so who’s there a horse and a pig not interested let’s look further there’s cows and sheep nothing interesting either why don’t we buy a pig I don’t know I can’t see anything there’s a line okay give him the money and we’ll take the pig hey you hello again we need a pig that’ll be $100 here you go congratulations on your purchase go get it thank you well it’s nothing special but we’ll see she looks pretty normal just a pig let’s wait for the powers look people have bought lots of animals too and they don’t listen to them they’re just ordinary animals he’s cheating everybody isn’t he so it turns out hey he’s leaving look he tricked everybody yeah what are we going to do now what are we going to do I’ve got some ideas let’s run home and get some carrots and go train a pig in town and show him around right she must be wondering where they’ve taken her that’s what I’m talking about maybe she’s special so we found something to do and that guys will get it hey stop right there pull over I said get out of the car you cheatah get out of the car if you want your car to stay in one piece guys I’m a peaceful Family Guy let’s not do this guys grab him wo whoa whoo wo here’s an idea let me buy ice cream for everybody no don’t now tell me where our money and diamonds are we bought half your animals and they turned out to be ordinary and they disappeared the second day you better not spoil our mood you better tell us where our money is or where the animals are okay I’m sick of you if you don’t give us back what you stole in 15 minutes we’ll destroy you and take all your animals out of your filthy place then we’ll see who’s stealing from the customers I’ll complain you can’t keep me here sure you can you’re a wanted man so be thankful you’re not on the police force right now guys why don’t we just call the police let’s make it official and honest JJ why didn’t we get a cat why do we need a pig cats are expensive we don’t have that much money we can see how much fun this Mister is having with a cat our Pig can’t do that play with the cat too whoa whoa what what’s going on who are you no don’t don’t touch me interesting let’s try that with ours yeah hey mister can I have one too hey you turn into something here eat it eat the carrots it’s hopeless go on you pig not interested wo what a pig she’s turned two cool what do we do now I don’t know look I think they’re friends yeah that’s pretty unique we’ll have to train her hey they’re getting away let’s go we paid for it stop right there where are you going you pig we paid $100 for you wo look this guy is a wanted man I wonder what’s he doing did he cheat someone no way yeah whatever we’ve got a lot more to do let’s keep moving I wonder where’s our Pig for a pig it runs too fast all right let’s go maybe it’s a boore what’s the difference they’re around here somewhere wao what I didn’t know anyone lived here quiet Mikey these people are serious that’s it I’ll destroy you for deceiving us no don’t haha they’re not missing here they come for me take that alert alert alert hurry stop them protect the supplies and the base hurry all of you no guys come on take them out already what’s going on here no ouch all of you stand up don’t give so fast they’re just animals oh no no ouch don’t Mikey we’re not involved let’s just sneak past them and run away yeah you’re right we had nothing to do with it here see hey look that’s the guy we bought the pig from wait Mikey he tricked us come on after him we’ve got to get him don’t let him get to the car hey you stop we just want to talk we’re not going to hurt you stop now come on take this here you go what do you want your animals are really unique but they’ve come back to you so give us our money back yeah give it back no I don’t hey he’s leaving wao he’s not a nice guy I can’t breathe wow what a mess what are we going to do I don’t know he’s a liar we’re going to go to the police right why didn’t we do this before because I’m a genius JJ okay we’re here so what do we do let’s find The Man In Charge here and tell them about this new scammer in town I think they’ll be excited about the new business yeah that’s for sure Mikey come on I’ll knock I wonder if we should probably know this guy’s name it’s open come on in all right hello we’re here to complain about a cheater in town yeah he sells animals to people and the animals run back to him are you serious now you’re not the first we know about this didn’t you see the posters all over town saying he’s wanted wao really that’s weird we haven’t noticed come and take a closer look all right let’s go take a look look I think he’s cheating on us yeah there’s nothing here wao hey it’s true how could I have missed it let’s be honest it was hard to notice yeah I agree they hung it too high what’s our plan of action let’s start by figuring out how we can catch him without the police yeah that’s right they won’t be able to catch him for a long time let’s get out of here listen I’ve got an idea yeah what is it tell me look he loves his animals right yeah he takes care of them well don’t try to catch him let’s make a trap make a pig and he’ll think it’s his and try to take it Mikey you’re a genius all right this is it yeah this is where they sell potions just what we need to catch the cheater let’s go hey grw hey how you doing wo guys guys what are you doing here what are we here for I don’t remember oh yeah we need a potion that turns objects into creatures there’s a potion we’ll have to look for it okay just a second there’s so many things here okay here’s the potion here two of them use them all at once no proportions I forgot how much it costs I’ll look up the price I don’t like these charts I’ll be right back just a couple of minutes I cannot find the price tag for this type of potion so this is a potion of rose hip this is a potion of bears if anything all potions start at $60 okay I’ll get it oh that’s great that’ll be $100 wo where are they guys guys guys guys guys is this a joke uh okay okay let’s set the Trap around here somewhere yeah I’m fine there’s a cage hanging from the last mission let’s bait him right under it and drop him on it all right let’s get started I’ll set up the stand you throw the potion let’s see how it works I hope it’s a pig wo it’s beautiful look I didn’t think it would be like this it’s a pig all right okay we have to be ready how much time do we have 15 minutes all right wao oh no you mean about 15 seconds let’s hide hurry up he’s already here all right don’t pull the lever too soon and don’t make any noise hey who’s standing here what are you doing here I’m taking you with me you need a new home haha take that whoa what what’s going on we got you you cheater now you’ve got nowhere to run and the police are here oh no you’re so smart guys yeah that was my idea here come the police you’ve been caught you liar you’re going in the other cage we’ll have a sturdier one you’ll never get your money back and neither will the animals well at least you’re caught and you’ll be in a cage and you won’t be able to fool anyone else raise the cage and you come out hurry up take that ouch no don’t I’m a good farmer I can’t wait to get home haha thanks for watching friends hope it was interesting good luck everyone and bye-bye JJ look it’s a ride let’s go for a ride good idea Mikey I haven’t been on a ride in a long time wo this is more fun than I thought it would be oh yeah that’s some speed haha yeah well well well and some of us are not going to play with toys now but to help Eggman haha they won’t get home today there’ll be food for my new animals haha time to go Mikey we’re going to some house it’s beautiful w Wait why did we take a wrong turn I don’t know there’s no tracks we’re going to fall what no JJ wake up now now what’s going on who are you people Mikey what do they want I don’t know they’re just watching and not doing anything else maybe they’re waiting for someone I don’t think so wa what minions oh no come on Mikey come on come on we have to find a way out but I have an idea and you’re not going to like it hey what are you doing you can’t do that in the cave Mikey it’ll destroy us all then run faster come on come on come on hurry up we might not make it ha that was fun and cool what is this fun we almost got crushed minions thanks for your help but you better go home to Gro I hope they don’t think of digging another tunnel to the surface that’s it it’s them Mikey they figured it out wait they’re waiting for something look they don’t need us yet we have time to come up with a plan we need to take one of the territories for ourselves I didn’t know we could talk stay on the plan we need their zoo and lots of people let’s go who can I call I’m already calling Baldi yeah he used to work at the zoo yeah hi come downtown we need your help all right let’s wait wow he’s already here hi Baldi hey guys I heard you guys are being chased by two creatures that look like cats and are looking for the zoo they eat strange food and will do anything for it cool now we have a plan we can teach them a lesson hey you can we teach you both a lesson for leaving us in the cave and getting us stuck in there you don’t belong here guys we better get out of here yes go away before I give it to you and we would have beaten you but what a Pity you’re leaving Mikey who did you call wait Great Master Shu ha oh yeah the master okay guys what’s all the commotion why are you guys so excited and not calm we need you to calm down that crowd of peoples haha no problem just take it nice and easy haha you’re so small let’s go quick they don’t know quick quick it’s Shu guys you better back off yeah yeah I’m in let’s go haha come on show us what you can do come on all of you on him haha take that calm just Cal wo you guys okay wow this is unbelievable Mikey Mikey Mikey wake up no one’s here that was the most powerful thing I’ve ever seen in my life that was Mega cool and Powerful he taught everyone a lesson yeah we were far away and we even got hit hey Baldi wake up it’s okay it’s calm yeah I’m fine the creatures are gone they knew it was coming so they moved away let’s go with the plan yeah put the food in a lane we got to get them out of here that’s right they’ll smell the delicious food it’s still hot and appetizing they’re going to be surprised by this gift meanwhile while hey you get up come on get up I told you to get away from there come on get up stop lying down you just got thrown what’s wrong what smells so good you’re imagining things we have a problem the zoo is no longer our territory shiu destroyed everything wait it does smell like something let’s follow the smell I can smell it somewhere around here fried chicken and hot dogs wo it’s right in front of us oh I don’t think there’s a catch they’re trying to feed us we’re not going to say no I smell a lot of other food there’s more ha this is the best day of my life this is unbelievable I want more and more I hope it never ends there’s so much of it it’s delicious it’s so good I need more I want more this food is endless I can’t stop it’s too good I need more I can feel it’s just a little bit left and I’m full I want more I can’t stop this food it’s everywhere haaha it’s some kind of celebration today yeah it’s too good we got to keep [Music] eating haha so much food [Music] yummy I think it’s working they fell for the food haha yeah we destroy them get it yeah we’re the coolest let’s go celebrate what a party I think it’s a trap but we love party parties JJ it’s not safe all right never mind let’s have fun haha yeah cool even if it’s a trap I won’t regret it haha cool oh yeah yeah yeah dancing look how cool I’m doing Mikey no look at me oh yeah yeah oh yeah come on haha dancing music wao where’s the music haha never mind the music’s in our heads Let’s Take It Outside look at the moves I can do like this and like this oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah guys this is quite the party hey look what I’m doing oo yeah oh yeah only my math teacher can dance better than me haha come on with me repeat after me oh yeah yeah wo wo it’s rocking come on oh yeah I’m the king of dancing I beat the teacher move your body oh yeah dance yeah hey dance yes just remember to keep your feet moving yeah that’s it yeah cool and now we’re going to have a dream dance oh yeah hi ha no one can out dance me oh yeah good night dancing oh [Music] yeah oh no what a dream I just had what’s up yes very strange things happened in the dream we were dancing with creatures and fell asleep with them haa you think this is your ability again I don’t know but it’s okay let’s go buy you some toys to keep you cool there’s a toy store right over there that’s great let’s go there and pick out something cool and new haha that’s right there’s so much stuff here good afternoon salesman good afternoon wait no I know that voice oh no Mikey let’s get out of here come on hey stop they’ve been working here for a month I’m sorry guys he just didn’t get enough sleep so he’s just saying stuff hey JJ Mikey it’s them they’re creatures and they’re acting weird I know they’re going to do something in the future they’ve been here a long time and they’re just selling toys all right let’s just keep walking I don’t think I need toys anymore what how does this red guy know everything I don’t know this is all very strange we should call Eggman and ask him what to do hey Eggman Mikey and JJ came by and JJ seems to know our plan he’s been acting weird in front of us and he ran away what how is that possible you were born a month ago and you haven’t even done anything it seems JJ has the ability to see the future proceed with Plan B I’ll be right there to help you haha they’re not expecting it and JJ’s Powers won’t stop us hey Mikey why don’t we go to the zoo haha I like this idea let’s go before we all buy tickets yeah we got to hurry we’re here buy the tickets hey mister we got two tickets hey you no yeah thanks here’s the money it’s even JJ look it’s a ride wo he wasn’t here here before let’s go for a ride you want to go come on I haven’t been on a ride in a long time wo cool straight up the hill and it’s a good speed hey how’d you beat me well well well some of us are not going to play with toys but to help Eggman Mikey come on now haha we tricked you Eggman you’re trapped did you think we’d fall for it come here what no how that’s impossible it can’t be how did you figure it out no no don’t let me go please let me go JJ you’ve got cool Powers let me go no I don’t want you oh no oh no no stop don’t not me don’t do me no haha of course how could I not believe in your next cool dream haha that’s awesome all right folks thanks for watching it was awesome bye bye-bye and may you have only good dreams hey Mikey get up quick I think we overslept wa we really overslept we’re going to be late for school we got to get ready soon don’t forget your backpack ready let’s go I hope we can catch the school bus I don’t remember the schedule hurry up he should be here by now I don’t see him where is he here it is we made it yay let’s get on oh no Mikey I think we’re too late what floor is the office on follow me second [Music] floor hey guys did the teacher come no the teacher seems to be running late whoa Mikey we’re lucky we’re not late and no one saw us hello guys I’m your new teacher and today we’re going to have a math lesson what he’s our new teacher that’s weird well today we are going to learn how to add and subtract numbers you can ignore the letters we’ll need them in the future when we start learning equations oh no it’s so boring and uninteresting I can’t wait to go home oh no I think I mixed up the buttons yeah math class is so boring what what is this sound did you hear it oh no what’s that e what’s happening to me guys let’s get out of here stop right there this is my lesson hey Mikey wait oh no look wao what what happening to him he’s gotten big call us right away we need help who do I call anybody as long as we have people to help us hi come to the school right away we need help there’s a math class and a big teacher [Applause] here wow they’ve built a wall I hope it holds oh no wait why did you destroy them let us help you teacher we’ll figure something out so Mikey and JJ you thought you could be late for class and get away with it did you think I wouldn’t notice what about your homework guys let’s go to the city we can hide there hurry he’s gaining on us let’s climb the TV tower hurry up and follow me I think we made it ha we did it let’s find out what happened and how to fix it hey you what do you want from us you can’t walk

JJ Creepy House Head vs Mikey House Head CALLING at 3:00am to JJ and MIKEY ! – in Minecraft Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a nice day!

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg


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