I Survived 100 Days in HAWAII in Hardcore Minecraft!

Hawaii some of the most famous islands in the world with some of the most incredible scenery in the world but in this video I will be attempting to survive a 100 days on these islands through the intense heat wildlife and nature also every 20 days a massive storm will sweep through these islands making it much harder for me to survive now that being said let’s get started now before we get into the video I want to mention that today I’m teaming up with the Maui strong fund one month from today I’ll be donating 100% of this video’s Revenue to the Maui strong Fund in order to help the people of Maui recover from the tragic wildfires that occurred this past August I’ve also attached a fundraiser to the video so by all means feel free to donate to it don’t feel like you have to but it’s there if you want to now that being said let’s get started with day I spawned in and took a look around me only to see that I was on a hill right next to the shore so I decided to start by getting some wood I then made my way down to the beach and saw that it was rather Lively which uh what you up to anyways I crafted a wooden pickaxe and shortly after collected some Stone I then crafted my stone tools and decided on what my first goal should be and that was simple find iron and wool the iron would give me shears which I could then use to craft my leaf armor which protects me from the heat the wool I would simply use to craft a bed and I definitely need a bed for Hardcore Minecraft but as I dug into the side of this mountain I figured that I should probably explore the area a little first as I could always mine at night so I did just that I climbed on top of these trees and took a look around me but all I saw was more Hill either way I was starting to lose some Hunger so I tree jumped my way down to the shore and targeted this octopus I didn’t want to get too close to it but I also had to in order to hit [Music] it eventually I just decided to go for this boar which proved to be a very bad [Music] idea that was closer than it should have been that was that was close that was really close Okay as the sun started to set on the big island I retreated to my mind where I then spent the night doing lots of mining I ended up not only finding a lot of coal but I also found two iron which might not be a lot but it’s the perfect amount for shears and so I ended day one by cooking my iron and pork next morning I took a look at the Sunrise outside before collecting all of my things and leaving my mine and of course this skeleton had something to say about that but I soon got to work as I crafted my shears and started making glass for glass bottles after all I have to watch out for both hunger and thirst oh and temperature which I soon solved by equipping my leaf armor also crafted the glass bottles and after drinking some much needed water I regained some health I then crafted a boat and decided that my best bet for finding wool would be to roll along the shore hoping that some kind of structure with wool would just pop into view but as I rode along the rocky terrain of the Big Island I saw no such structure i instead spotted a vantage points that I thought would be useful but upon walking further Inland I saw that there was also apparently no Vantage Point as the foliage was dense so that left me to go by Treetop again and that’s when I noticed that the ground below me was changing texture but soon enough the sun started to set and as I walked around in this new dry terrain I bured into the ground like the little pixelated groundhog I am and that night I did some more mining not to brag or anything but I ended up finding seven iron and all honestly I don’t know if that’s good or not but it was certainly enough for me to craft tools with as the sun rose on the peaceful morning of day three I was having anything but a peaceful morning as I walked into a creeper and then an Enderman but in all fairness they did point me in the direction of these mobs two of which turned out to be sheep I quickly shared the first one and immediately got three wool I was more cautious of the goat though as it definitely looked like it wanted to attack me like look at it it just has that look on its face anyways both sheep and goats are actually non-native species that were brought to Hawaii in the late 18th century and we’ll talk more on that later but for now I was out of hunger so I crafted a bed a shield and cook some food I then figured that it’ be best to get back to shore so I can assess where in the big I am and so that was my goal for now just to explore and as I parkour at top the trees I ended up reaching the shore with much lower Health than from before the parkouring I wonder how that happened anyways then I got my first jump scare no what what noise was that I don’t think I’ve ever made that noise before jump scares aside as I followed the shore I spoted some big Cliffs and I soon came to realize that these weren’t just any [Music] Cliffs YPO Valley is a massive Scenic Valley on the big island of Hawaii that not only looks Monumental but was home to a rather Monumental historic figure for Hawaii King Kamehameha the first but more on him later see YPO means curved water in Hawaiian this is possibly referring to the curved nature of the valley or perhaps the many waterfalls that line it yet as I navigated my way through the valley I had something on my mind what would this even be this is the northeastern point of the Island that’s what I’m going to go with northeastern part of the island but as the sun started set I found a spot to sleep at before I went to sleep though I couldn’t help but notice how amazing everything looked [Music] next morning I left this Scenic area before looking at the crafting recipe for a ship Helm you see my plan for this video is to sail along all of the islands in my very own ship base in order to control this ship with the helm it looks like I would need gold so that was my new objective find gold and craft my ship I went out into the deeper waters to try to find a shipwreck but had no such luck however Hope was regained when I spoted this Lighthouse only it was quite busy around the structure and the structure itself was a Pillager Tower because of course it was but I needed to regain some health before I even attempted that and so I eat some animal fat and drink some water and then I knew it was time I decided to start in the second floor for whatever reason and this proved to be a bad idea so I climbed another floor up and stole what loot I could from up here I then tried giving a peak below which was another bad idea yeah I was really low here so I climbed up to the top of the tower and saw just how many sharks there were so that’s there are sharks that is that is confirmed um and then I saw another amazing sunset I woke on day five to some rain but this definitely wasn’t the storm that I’d be experiencing every 20 days either way I decid to jump into the water and row away fast from both the Sharks and the pillagers and after a bit of rowing I had healed myself up okay we’re just going to go on Shore anyways this Gloomy weather led me to burrow yet again but this time in search of the gold however as I mined all the rest of the day I only ended up finding coal next morning I had a tough decision to make I knew that the Pillager Tower had a decent chance of carrying gold but that meant backtracking a bit I soon made up my mind and decide that it was worth it and so I headed back over to the Pillager Tower and upon doing so I took a bit of a different strategy and it absolutely paid off the gold raw as it may be was just part of the Great loot that I had found and led me to craft the ship Helm I also caught this seagull right as it stole my food and as I explored more that afternoon I found myself in another dry and rocky area this shouldn’t come as a surprise though as the big island is by far the most volcanic island but as the sun set that night I cooked my food on Day seven I headed back to the shore for some more rowing and once again the scenery was [Music] unreal however my attention was soon stolen by the sudden appearance of a house I entered this house and after stealing this Lantern found that had some pretty decent loot like this food and these sunglasses they don’t even go over my eyes you know what no it’s it’s sty this is stylish as I left the house though I spotted another nearby and upon entering it I found a large collection of bananas all right why why would I want poisonous Essence it just it doesn’t make sense does it it’s not really I then borrowed some bamboo for my ship and collected some of these Palm logs before heading to sleep I woke up next morning and decided that while I wanted to get resources for my ship I also wanted to do some exploring first after all I had time as the first real storm wasn’t due to arrive until day 21 and so I did some more rowing after looking at the relentlessly amazing scenery I came across this dark gash in the terrain now I knew that this was the result of lava flow presumably from a volcano so naturally I followed the dark texture I hiked up higher and higher for honestly most of the day it was a lot of hiking and I ate most of my lemons that I had just gotten but as I got closer I saw a peak and judging by how the peak looked I had a good idea of which volcano I just [Music] found mon aloa meaning Long Mountain is the largest active volcano in the world with this last eruption occurring in November of 2022 but this is nothing compared to its 33 other eruptions since 1843 and get this in the 30s and 40s lava flow from the eruption was headed towards the Hawaiian city of Hilo causing the US military to drop bombs in order to change the lava path britanica lists these efforts as partially successful so take that as you will but there is no denying the sheer power in size of M on aloa on day nine I redirected my attention to my not built ship and decided that finding some wood was my current Focus this is when it decided to start raining again but that didn’t stop me from getting some logs before having some mobs spawn nearby so I then got to the Treetops and crafted some floaters which will help the ship float and with that my new goal was to reach the shore and start working on this ship basee of mine however I didn’t even get to see the shore Before Sunset and the next morning I wasn’t in a great position I was out of water and I now couldn’t Sprint but after a bit of frustratingly slow travel I spotted something odd in the distance so I approached it and yeah it was another volcano but not just any volcano [Music] if Mount aloa is the world’s largest active volcano well kiloa is simply the world’s most active volcano as it has been almost constantly erupting since 1983 kiloa is also the home of the Hawaiian goddess P who is the goddess of volcanoes and Legend has it she moved from the island of kauwaii and settled down here in kiloa thus making it so active now before I continue I do have to give a massive thanks to two channels that helped me capture Hawaii as accurately as I could hello from Hawaii and off- grid Hawaii are both channels that document what it’s like living in Hawaii just in very different ways so go do what this community does best and give their Channel some love they’ll be linked in the description below now due to my basic survival instincts I did not approach kiloa but instead continued my quest to find the shore as I made my way down the island I had to slabs in order to travel as I had no Sprint however I managed to not only make it to the shore but also heal myself up I then did a little bit of rowing before deciding that tomorrow I would be building my ship so I started day 11 by doing just that some ship building also kept in mind that the storm will be arriving in 10 days so I had to build something stable I got a lot of wood and just kept building I was definitely prioritizing style over function as the design I had in mind looked cool but maybe wasn’t the most practical thing for me but here it is anyways I ended up getting about 2/3 of it done by the end of the day and so the next morning I picked right back up with getting more wood now I think it’s important for me to mention that because this is a survival-based video I will not be visiting locations like Honolulu or Pearl Harbor Not only would that defeat the purpose of survival but I also want to focus on Hawaii itself with that being said I kept working well into the afternoon which is when I finished the first iteration of my ship okay okay are we going we’re going that’s right it looks there there’s room for improvement there is room for improvement and while it might have looked subpar it was also lacking in the speed category so I took a look at the recipe for an engine and saw that it needed iron that just meant that I had my new objective I woke on day 13 to try and find some iron this is why I decided to go ahead and leave my ship behind as it was genuinely that slow as I sailed along the coast looking for a structure rep place to mine I suddenly realized that I had forgotten my bed this gave me another excuse to burrow which apparently I’m quite fond of in this video but I started my Mini Mine and that night I ended up finding a total of 13 iron and then cooking it next morning I collected my iron and left weary of this Enderman I wanted one more night for mining so I continued up along the coast that’s why I noticed this little river cutting into the island and upon following it I found myself at an icon of the Big Island a cocka Falls is an incredible waterfall that Cascades down 442 ft that’s about 134 M for my metric viewers this earns it the title of one of the tallest waterfalls in all of Hawaii but that’s not the only reason for its Scenic Fame as this whole area around the Falls was used to film parts of Jurassic Park but that’s not what I was focused on when I approach The Falls instead I decided to swim to the top [Music] I’ll just pick it up on my way down I then got myself way up the river and after spotting this Enderman I started my [Music] rafting yeah this was a bad [Music] idea oh oh that almost went really poorly that was almost really really bad as I rode around some more I decided to head Inland and that night I did some more mining only to break both my pickaxes and not even find a single piece of iron next morning I left my bunker and I figured it would be better for me to go across the island rather than by Shore as I’d have a much better chance of finding iron that way whether it be structure or the ore itself I did lots of tree jumping that is until I SP spotted some mobs I couldn’t tell if it was a sheep or goat but as I approached I was happy to see that it was both and upon shearing the Sheep I got the three wool that I needed to craft another bed and so I did just that only as the Evening Sun set in I couldn’t help but wonder where I was also noticed that I needed water like very soon this continued through day 16 as I now had no Sprint so my new objective was simple get to the coast I really need to start to carry water with me but I also need iron for the engines so you have to pick and choose that afternoon I finally made it to the shore and on day 17 before getting some water I tried to figure out what direction my boat was in after spotting some trees that I had already taken down I knew that it had to be in well that direction so I got some water and healed up before cooking some of this muscle meat and and heading on my way eventually after a bit of rowing I found my boat but there is no time to celebrate as I want to get this engine crafted now so I got some more materials that I would need and then it started to rain see apparently Hawaii has very unpredictable weather it might be sunny one minute and then completely storming the next and think about it these islands are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with no other land really nearby so it makes complete sense anyways weather talk aside I ended up crafting two engines and yeah my ship was a lot faster now next morning I woke and knew that the storm was right around the corner I also knew that there was one more thing on the big islands that I really wanted to explore and that was Mona so my current plan was to find this legendary volcano before the storm arrived I found this bit of dry land and decided to disembark here also gathered some more wood from my ship as I now needed Fuel and charcoal would be the easiest fuel for me to make however as I Advanced up the hillside I spotted a rather ominous looking kiloa but I just decided to get some more wood nearby and keep moving as I Advanced up this mountainous terrain the next morning I found what looked like an old lava path and Min some of this black stone for my ship I then continued up and noticed that I was low on water so I continued even further up and then I noticed that I was now in a bit of a different more sandish area I hadn’t seen this train before so I continued further along it and as the land kept getting higher I knew that I had found [Music] it not only is Mona the highest point in Hawaii but from its subaquatic base to its often snowcapped Peak Mona is the tallest mountain on Earth at over 30,000 ft or 10,000 M but for my Everest fans out there myself included keep in mind that over half of Mount aa’s height is underwater so yes measuring from sea level Everest is still the tallest but that doesn’t stop this dormant volcano from being an incredibly sacred place to the native Hawaiian people and this only became more obvious as I approach this sign Aloha monia is historical culturally and environmental significant please do not hike to the summit but it wasn’t like I’d be able to climb it anyways as it was extremely cold so much so that I had to run down the mountain to get to this campfire but as the sun rose on Mount AA the next morning I knew that the colorful Tranquility would only last for so long as my new objective was to get back to the ship before the storm arrived the next day however I had another issue I needed water so with my expert knowledge of Minecraft I hatched a genius plan I placed this snow block and put as much heat around it as I could I then simply waited for it to melt any minute now just a little bit longer okay yeah I might have done a Google search to see if snow blocks actually melt and no they do not I love wasting time yeah I was in a pretty terrible position I had no Sprint and a storm bringing who knows what would be arriving shortly but as the Evening Sun set in I found this small opening as I approached it I got this iron and also got myself low after fighting some mobs [Music] [Music] [Music] the storm had arrived and I had no idea what this meant for me see as it turns out I was not in a cave but actually a lava tube and whether it be from the storm or me just entering the lava tube I was about to see some lava I collected some iron here and spotted this chest only that’s when I began to hear noises yeah I had to run only I couldn’t I immediately got to the ceiling and started digging with every block I was worried that lava was going to be right behind it but I eventually got to the surface and decided that I needed to try for the shore it was both incredibly stormy and windy as I traversed the dense forests the clouds were also really dark but I made it to the shore that evening and healed up a bit before going to sleep next morning it was still stormy but I went in the direction that my boat was in and eventually the storm cleared up and I found my boat the first storm wasn’t too bad but I just didn’t know that there were worse storms to come later on I smelted some iron and crafted this water bucket before more rain started up but now that I had a water bucket I had a source of water with me wherever I went anyways I decided to finish the day by doing some more boat work on day 23 I want to go along the coast to the Big Island one last time before leaving it I also needed to find a landmark of some sort so I could figure out what direction to set sail in so I continued along the shore in search of a landmark unfortunately I didn’t see any landmarks by Nightfall but I did see another amazing [Music] Sunset next morning I passed what was most likely a cocka Falls that’s when my cat Valentino decided to throw up on the floor next to me okay hold up okay all right give me give me a sec thank you for that lovely gift Tino after that fun moment I found myself back where i’ had spawned in I also swiped up this boar as I continued up the coast with my new boar I eventually spotted the YPO Valley and that’s when I decided to use Google Maps to see what direction to go in from here I followed the maps to the tip of the island which was right here at a familiar Lighthouse and on day 25 before leaving I decided to make one more engine so I went to shore to get some Stone and this seagull stole my cooked muscle don’t you dare don’t do it don’t do it oh my gosh what did it take it took my muscle I took this opportunity to sneak back into the lighthouse and break this spawner there wasn’t any undiscovered loot though so I just went back to my engine building business and that’s when I almost jumped in the water with this shark and you know what let’s go ahead and talk about Hawaii’s Maritime Predator tiger sharks are not only considered to be aggressive Predators but they’ll eat just about anything and in Hawaii that can include entire sea turtles see these guys can also grow up to be about 18 ft or almost 6 m but it’s their signature striped pattern on their sides that gives them their feline adjacent name not their aggressive nature either way tiger sharks are considered to be near threatened due to both illegal population control and fishing so even though they might seem scary it’s always best to be respectful around these sharks and so that’s why I decided to make an entire bridge over the water to uh to be respectful I did end up getting materials for the engine only I fell in the water in between Transit safe safe safe is it safe it’s not it’s not it’s not I got the engine crafted by Sunset though and that meant that Day 26 would be my heading off day last thing I wanted to do was get some food and so upon approaching this boar I got attacked but eventually killed it now I could finally set off all right goodbye Big Island I was out in the open ocean now I felt indifferent to this as I normally don’t love the ocean but I’m also on the coolest ship ever so but my ocean experience soon improved even more as I got to see another cool view that night also stayed up just to see what it was like at night next morning I did some more rowing well until I spotted land but I still had to make sure that this was the right Island so I rode around it and and eventually came to the decision that yes this was Maui Maui is one of the main islands of Hawaii and is one of the most diverse Islands from its dramatic mountains in the West to a desert-like landscape in the East to Tropical picturesque beaches lining the island and believe it or not the world’s largest dormant volcano I docked my boat and organized my inventory before noticing that I was overheating so I collected some leaves and crafted some new armor this idle travel continued into the next morning but when I spot a large and very climbable Mountain I did what I had to do only as I continued up it got more and more mountainous in fact it was really dry and Rocky where I was and as it turns out I had already stumbled upon that dormant volcano that I just mentioned halaka is a massive dormant volcano that has contributed to the desert landscape of the otherworldly Valley around it at its highest point it reaches at over 10,000 ft or over 3,000 M this has contributed to its name as Haka translates to House of the Sun and is known for its incredible sunrises and sunsets as I climbed around the area and explored the terrain I decided to Summit the peak for Sunset and I wasn’t disappointed on day 29 I sacrificed some health for a faster descent before using my water bucket for the first time and as I continued I spotted a structure I made a new iron axe and got some wood from it before seeing that it was yet another Pillager structure I just can’t escape from these things can I but the loot soon made reconsider my fortune as it was the best I’d found yet the pillagers got me really low though and so I got to the side of the building and I swear some of these guys have Aimbot well I I guess technically they do but never mind I had to Tower up the side of the building before then getting to sleep that night and the next morning I went in from the roof I snuck up onto the top floor and saw hordes of mobs and this zombie wearing weird armor and so with other option I headed back down to the first floor where I witnessed a skeleton versus Pillager fight but this was only entertaining for so long as I then had to kill the Victor and was shortly after swarmed so I had no choice but to run now I knew that I had to revisit the structure eventually but for now I needed food on the morning of day 31 I did some boar hunting turn turns out I’m actually decent with a crossbow and after killing two bors I crafted a furnace and cooked the meat I was then able to heal myself up and continue on my way only that’s when I spotted this house this house was nice but the looten side was even nicer as it was the best that I had come across there’s lots of cool food in here and also these digging claws which essentially gave me haste I also found this backpack that apparently removes Nega effects and these red torches after exploring the rest of the house I continued on my way up the beach and saw another cool Sunset next morning I decided to head back to my ship and bring it around to where I was now while I rode over there I couldn’t help but notice the amazing scenery around me but eventually I made it back to the ship and before I moved it anywhere I wanted to make some improve mov ments this is why I discovered just how good the digging claws were yeah this was my new favorite item I mean look at the speed anyways I just did ship work for the rest of the day and that didn’t change on day 33 I extended the legs under the ship but when it started storming I decided to move the ship closer to where I was I then worked on the legs well into the night but next morning I pulled the ship all the way my new objective was now explore some more of Maui and find things for my ship so I crafted a chest and headed out I stopped back by the house so I could collect these shelves only they didn’t drop so I pulled the ship further along the coast into a much more Scenic area something interesting to me about Hawaii is how it’s both ancient and new the big island of Hawaii is only about a half a million years old whereas the mountains you’re seeing here in the West Maui Forest Reserve well they’re estimated to be up to 2 million years old but my fascinating facts soon left my mind as I spotted a row group of pillagers and decided to just keep rowing went back to my ship and saw a nice view that night next morning I continued with my exploring Quest and went alongside the shore I even ended up sailing to the exact opposite side of Maui and that’s where I spotted this strange Island molokini crater is a popular destination for those visiting Maui as not only is it a volcanic crater but underneath the waves is a hot spot for Oceanic activity this makes it the perfect site for both snorkeling and bird watching as it hosts a vibrant Reef within its ring I searched this small boat nearby and found some decent loot like this tentacle food and this scuba gear as well as this water purifier oh and this water bomb whatever that is anyways I decided to test out the scuba gear with a quick dive only it just did not work and to make matters worse I was getting my food stolen again next day I continued exploring Maui I also wanted to find some terra cotta as I would need it for my ship so I pulled the ship around to this rocky area and made my way up it but due to my lack of armor I had to place water every 5 seconds or I’d just simply overheat either way I made it close to the Top by Sunset and on day 37 I went further up the mountain with the same water bucket situation anyways I found a spot to do some Mining and got a full stack however I wasn’t quite done yet as I had a structure to loot oh no I did not forget about the structure so I hi in that direction only realize that I had hiked a little too far I made it to the coast that night which is definitely way too far so I turned around the next morning and hiked back only I was out of food by this point I went towards the structure anyways and eventually gave in and crafted Leaf armor but back to the structure I had finally reached it and so I ran in and broke the spawner immediately and then got got some more purely great loot before heading up to the second floor that’s when I found these torch flower arrows which I thought looked pretty cool but that’s also when this creeper made his way down this ladder anyways I decided to try out the water bomb and upon throwing it it landed on the floor below look I I don’t want to talk about it I’m just going to go to sleep next morning I made it onto the roof and then dug through the ceiling this is why I decided to dig down to the chest itself and try to get behind it but this baby husk fell on me and did some considerable damage so I just kept going and that’s when I reached the chest they has some pretty cool loot however I now had to escape I ran out of the building and it was once again too hot so I crafted my leaf armor for the h 100th time and headed for Shore boom I did decide to craft a golden apple though which helped me with my health a little anyways that evening I found my boat and started on the second floor next day I brought the ship with me to West Maui and yes I know it might look funny right now but I promise I have a plan for the ship ship anyways as I sailed past the crater I saw another island in the distance that’s when I remembered that there was actually another Island nearby well two to be specific see Maui used to be one giant island called Maui Nei however over time it split into four separate ones and don’t worry we’ll get to this top one eventually but these two islands have their own interesting history Kaho alve is the smallest of the Hawaiian main islands and is completely uninhabited due to the United States using it as a target practice both during and after the second world war there is still a risk of undetonated charges but it’s truly a shame as the native Hawaiian people used to use this island for farming and to teach navigation lenai on the other hand was bought by the Dole company in 1922 and then made it into the biggest pineapple plantation in the entire world oh and get this pineapples aren’t even native to Hawaii the do company brought them from South America and introduced them to the islands so yeah I know there’s a lot of information there but the history of these islands is just fascinating if not a little tragic at [Music] times anyways I continued my journey and spotted some sharks and then got more terra cotta finally I made it to West Maui by Sunset only i’ had forgotten about something something very [Music] [Applause] [Music] important the storm was strong and so I decided to move my ship further up the coast however that’s when I spotted this Cyclone I couldn’t tell if it was moving closer to me or not but I ditched my ship anyways as it was way too slow but as I was leaving I realized that the Cyclone might literally sweep up my ship and I wasn’t ready to give that ship up so I went back and continued to move the boat away from the storm and this is when I got the genius idea to try to swim under the cyclone and naturally that didn’t work physics might have something to do with that but either way I soon found myself in a similar position to my Norway video but as the storm shot me out I landed in water only to be swept up again and upon Landing I blocked myself in this time as soon as I got the chance I ran from my boat and it was super laggy but I made it and proceeded to row the boat away next morning I did some more boat work I could still see the storm but it was further away and by the time I collected a decent amount of wood I could no longer see the storm anyways I did tons of it work this day that carried well into the night and that same night when I decided to eat this tentacle this happened on day 43 I woke to a beautiful sight before getting some logs for fuel and stone for another engine I was planning on leaving the next morning but before I did so I wanted to start in the kitchen and that evening I crafted my engine and got ready to set off next few days were just a lot of Ocean Travel I once again used Google Maps to direct me and I also did some boot work here and there but it was mostly open ocean I did decide to collect some sand for my next floor only that’s when I spotted a shadow yeah these tiger sharks are going to be the death of me finally though on day 48 I spotted land I followed along this Coast stand saw that it was very dry and Rocky and then I spotted some blocks there were pineapple crates and a lot of fruits here so I collected them but I also knew that this was not the next Island but instead it was Leni the island I mentioned earlier so back to sailing however after a brief course adjustment I found the island I was looking for the next day [Music] mokai is the fifth largest island in Hawaii and also the one that retains the most traditional culture see a large percentage of the Island’s population is of native Hawaiian descent and that’s an important thing to note about Hawaii it’s a very diverse place with many ethnic backgrounds but population aside mokai is also home to the world’s highest Sea Cliffs and it’s the home of hoola as I sailed along the coast of mokai I found a spot to disembark at I soon noticed that I was overheating again though which confused me cuz I guess my leaf armor just keeps breaking but anyways I decid to hike through this dense forest for what felt like the entire day before eventually crafting myself some Leaf armor yet again my new goal was to explore the island and also find a material for the top floor of my ship but as I made it to the other side of the island this seagull stole my pineapple next morning I woke to see that it was already day 50 and I like to use this day to say thanks for watching this far into the video also the comment that gets the location first was from it’s certainly me and yes it was very much certainly you yeah I know I’m I’m very funny but with that being said before I continue I want to remind you all of the fundraiser attached to this video thanks to the Maui strong fund and I want to give one more thanks to hello from Hawaii and offgrid Hawaii for their help go give them some love if you haven’t already now back to the video where for the rest of day 50 I hiked through this forest and saw some very dramatic terrain by that evening the next morning I found myself looking at more amazing views of the terrain before seeing all of these animals by the shore I found this little structure though and inside this chest there were torch flower arrows which I definitely wanted to try out I continued along the shore and that’s why I spotted this house but before entering I found this wandering Trader that was selling really cool stuff wow that is cool inside the house I took a couple of lanterns and some of the other decorations also tried taking these pots but I just ended up destroying them I felt bad so I just gave the remnants of the pots back to the villagers you can you can have your brick back so problem solved on day 52 I followed this River and found this baby boar I then continued along the island and collected Spruce whenever I could however when I got to the shore again I spotted something pretty cool at around the same time as the Viking era the first Polynesians were arriving in Hawaii now the question comes to mind how did they manage to travel over 2,000 mil from the South Pacific all the way to Hawaii well they did that impossible Voyage on these the wua this is the name for the Hawaiian double hole canoe that they used to Traverse the incredibly difficult and Rough Waters of the Pacific Ocean the ancient Hawaiians were also incredibly skilled voyagers and Navigators as I approached the first ship though I had quite the jump scare no that was awful that was awful that was that was genuinely awful yet upon reaching the shore I developed a plan next morning I got to work on my plan which was literally just to build a giant bridge and no I cannot speed bridge but I did successfully bridge over the Sharks fully knowing that if I fell in the water I would likely die finally upon reaching the first ship I checked this chest and saw that it Had No Loot so I bridged over to the next one and no loot so I headed back to the beach seeing that the Sharks were fully aggressive now and in light of my fail Adventure I decided to just keep exploring the island and the constantly amazing terrain made that pretty easy for me next morning I woke to what seemed like a foggy morning but for now I wanted to get back to my ship and so after a bit of hiking I made it back and got started on my next floor while I did this I remembered that the storm would be here in a few days but that didn’t really bother me as I built this ship up pretty nicely and day 55 was no different I was dedicating some time to my soon to be very cool ship on day 56 I wanted to craft some engines so I got some fuel cooking and got materials for the engines finally on day 57 I decided that this would be the final boat day for a bit but with that being said I looked through the crafting recipes for my kitchen and stumbled across an unexpected item why is he here but I crafted some cabinets and bookshelves and continued on my boat work on the morning of day 58 I moved my newly upgraded ship along the shore to try to find a landmark for my bearings but this thing was is incredibly slow presumably due to how big it is so I went and got some more logs before spotting this fishing Hut now this was a modded structure that I recognized and I remembered that it spawned these weird little fish zombies so after dealing with them I found that the loot was actually pretty helpful this fishing rod had some great enchantments and I got a ton of cod finally on day 59 it was time for me to set off I fueled the engines and found the tip of the island to set off from and with that I only knew that the next Island was to the West so I set off into the open ocean only it wasn’t long before I came across a Minefield full of sharks that’s at least two or three sharks after moving past them I sailed into the afternoon and eventually spotted what looked like a sailboat that evening and then this seagull stole from me again what’ you steal how did you steal next morning I docked my ship near the sailboat and I knew that I had to make this quick as the storm would be arriving tomorrow inside the boat there is some cool loot though I found what looked like the rest of the scuba gear that I needed and upon taking loot I figured it would be a good idea to also take all of the wool from the ship so I did I then went outside to test out this scuba gear and while I was worried about a certain Maritime Predator I actually didn’t see any sharks so I stole this anvil on my way out and continued into the open ocean and that night I named my little stow away you know that’s a good name I’ll call you Gart g a r t Gart [Music] the winds were high and the rain was heavy and I just kept steering my ship I checked on Gart to make sure he was doing okay and yeah he was unfazed also tried to figure out how to replace this stupid ladder that I keep getting stuck on but I couldn’t find a good solution with the storm right outside though I just kept moving I didn’t see any Cyclones this time and yeah I’ll be honest the storm this time around was pretty tame I definitely should not get used to that though next morning I had a bit of a problem the fuel had already run out and so my ship was incredibly slow now the storm had died out though so I was just able to keep going in this direction I did check out the water only to see that I was now in much deeper part of the ocean before check storage for fuel and I found three charcoal so I used what I could and you know what it must have worked cuz shortly after I found land and this time I knew pretty quickly that IID found the right land aahu is known as the heart of Hawaii perhaps cuz it hosts Honolulu or perhaps cuz it holds almost 1 million people compared to its neighbor Maui that holds roughly 160,000 people see Honolulu is the capital of Hawaii but it wasn’t always that way in the late 18th century King Maya the first triumphed over the already inhabited island of aahu thanks to his supply of colonial weapons this eventually led to the capital being moved from Laha and Maui to Honolulu I walked around this island as a Sunset and knew that there had to be some interesting things here here next morning I found myself walking along this beach until I spotted another baby boar hello I then found my first structure for this island now is this friendly or not not with my third Pillager structure of the video I actually found that not all of them were entirely intimidating as there seemed to be a musical Pillager either way I decided that I would simply deal with the structure later I then proceeded to have even more more food stolen you took an are you kidding me are you kidding me it’s not funny before continuing along the shore yeah I wasn’t having a great time yet only that changed as I took a look at the scenery and that night I decided to Trout these torch flower arrows that’s so cool on day 64 I followed along the coast only I didn’t quite realize that the beach I was currently on was a rather famous Beach [Music] Lanai Beach is not only known to be one of the best beaches in America but has also ranked as one of the best beaches in the world this is due to its unparalleled Serenity in vibrant Blue Waters Lanai itself means Heavenly sea and I think that’s pretty accurate I found these Beach supplies that carried some cool Loot and then I EV Ed over to this hammock which I tried to break I made that same mistake in the Amazon didn’t I but as I traveled along the shore I knew that I had to come back that afternoon anyways I decided to do a quick trip over to the Honolulu side even though I’m not supposed to but hey I make the rules here and I just wanted to take a look I spotted the Diamond Head crater and saw the amazing mountains behind it and then I figured that I should go ahead and turn around yeah see it really was just a quick look anyways I made it back to the beach that afternoon [Music] [Music] next morning I took some of this beach decor and had a genius idea for my ship but we’ll get to that later also decided that it was time to loot the pillage Tower so I crafted a new shield and did just that however upon entering on the second floor I was met with not pillagers but an incredible amount of onions do you guys have a problem this many onions is wild and after taking the rest of this loot I camped on the roof that night okay next day I healed up and saw that there were considerably more pillagers now so I figured that drowning them would be the best option but I needed more water for that so I head to the beach where I got shot by this Pillager with piercing o crossbow yet when I returned with more water I wanted to see if that Pillager could try to shoot me while he was submerged in buckets of water anyways the water is working only I was now being attacked from the outside and knew that I had to make a run for it I’m not dream I got back to my ship that afternoon and while I reassessed my kitchen I spotted something in the distance is that something over there next morning I approached these mystery structures and saw that it was actually a village it was a pretty cool Village although it didn’t have much loot I did end up taking this enchanting table though as well as some Spruce trap doors I applied these findings to my ship and then saw that g had escaped so I carefully swiped them back in on day 68 I moved my way up to the coast and saw that g had once again left my ship was also ridiculously slow as I was just now passing the village so I made a little enclosure for GS to keep him in and then finished the kitchen and this thing looked cool but I continued the day with more travel and the next morning I woke to some rain I kept along the coast though as eventually the rain began to clear but this also gave me the opportunity to go further Inland on the island so my new objective was to explore the island and find more food but that’s when I came across this little guy the N also known as the Hawaiian goose is a bird found only on the main islands of Hawaii and is the only living species of goose native to the islands this led to the N being declared as Hawaii state bird in the year 1957 but on top of that it is also an endangered species as the na is the world’s rarest Goose now I do have to point out that this mob was made by my friend Steve locks he is an incredibly talented entity creator for Minecraft and you can go and download this mob for yourself his Planet Minecraft will be linked in the description below after meeting a local Legend I suddenly remembered that I didn’t actually need to find food as I was wearing a backpack that had food in it no I don’t want to talk about it anyways that night I cooked some fish and on Day 70 I collected my fish and just kept exploring and as I traversed this terrain I spotted what looked like a ship in the distance and yeah these seagulls just kept stealing from me and no it is not funny I’ve had so much food stolen from me this episode it’s I I can’t even it is not funny just look at that that’s cool it it just is on day 71 I follow these rivers nearby you’re my favorite you know that I kept exploring Wahu but I knew that I would probably want to return to my ship in a day or so but next morning after collecting some aelia flowers now I found a rather well-known spot [Music] way Mano Falls is a beautiful waterfall cascading down the mountains of aahu that goes right into this pool of water this makes it a popular spot to visit especially in the summer given the tough hike that it takes to get here I suppose you’ll feel like you’ve earned the Falls if you ever visit I myself did some swimming before collecting some bamboo and leaving to head back to my ship I want to climb this mountain on my way out though and upon doing so I got a pretty cool view that [Music] night next morning my priority was getting back to my ship and so I went by river which led me back to the ominous ship and I just followed the coast and naturally as soon as I found an entered my boat this happened no no you have to be joking at this point seagulls aside I made this planter that afternoon and on day 74 I decided that I was going to finish this ship before I left for the next Island and so that’s just what I did cue the music cuz we’re building this ship I stopped back by the Pillager base for some Mangrove wood and then started on my top deck next day I finish the top deck and start on the sails I want to [Music] add after finishing one I think G got crushed somehow so let’s just take a quick moment of silence we’ll stop the music okay now Full Speed [Music] Ahead as I worked I thought about finding a replacement for G and on day 76 I ended up getting four seagulls stuck in my ship as I looked for a new Gart I finally found a new boar but then this happened I did manage to sneak him in the boat though yeah this was kind of a wasted day but the next morning I rode this boat to my ship and got G to the second in before finishing the other sail and now I just had one last thing to do before setting sail and that was getting some more food so I cooked some food and ended up moving my Helm to the top deck and yeah it was finally time on day 78 I waited for my fuel to cook before filling all of my engines and setting off towards the tip of the island I had just one more Island to go but this was also the furthest Island away regardless as I sailed towards the end of aahu I had almost forgotten about the ominous ship lurking nearby so I did a quick stop at the ship I boarded it using my gliding umbrella and then found loads of TNT given that this is a familiar situation for me I knew what to do but before doing so I slept on the sail that night and next morning I unleashed the TNT I also stole some wool off the ship before looking at the underwhelming amount of damage that I had done but this is when I realized that I was literally wasting Fuel and so I knew that i’ would probably just have to leave this ship behind after all I have to get to this last Island so I hopped back on my ship and finally set off and as I did two of my engines went out on day 80 I kept steering Straight Ahead knowing fully that a storm was on its way I was crossing into the deep ocean which made me feel great but that evening I crafted two large lamps embraced myself for the storm to come [Music] The Final Storm was here and almost immediately I spoted a cyclone as I steered away from it though I had a moment of panic when I realized I was actually steering into another Cyclone I used my umbrella to get down onto the deck before healing myself up and it was really laggy here eventually I managed to weave between the two Cyclones before spotting a third and this one almost looked bigger but as my screen became covered in clouds I ended up sailing through the cyclone and yeah it seems like no storm can alter the course of my Voyage I’m just that cool that good at the game but on day 82 I kept moving without Fuel and the storms are still going on they were just distant oh and my new G had already vanished probably a casualty of the storm that just shows no matter what companion I find in these videos they quite literally could die at any moment and so could I I reminded myself as I threw snowballs at this shark I then decided to try and get these blinds up only that was a mistake yeah no more boat work for now I’m just going to keep moving and this went through day 83 only around midday my Pacific Voyage was [Music] complete kaai the last of the main islands Kai is sometimes called the garden island due to its abundance of greenery but Kai is also known to be one of the wetest places on Earth with Mount Le often being covered in clouds but kaai isn’t all Greenery in rain as it has some drier places as well we’ll get to that later all you need to know is that this island is an amazing Pacific anomaly I kept along the shore until I found a spot to disembark at but I didn’t make it far before I had to head to sleep next morning I found myself hiking through this Forest before realizing that I didn’t have any food so I continued hiking with a new objective in mind gets to the coast that way I could use my fishing rod to get some fish but I was now in a pretty cool mountainous part of the island and on day 85 I found this chicken and promptly killed it now Quai is actually known for its large population of chickens and that’s once again due to the colonization of the island as a lot of these animals are not native but I started my fishing while my chicken cooked and I ended up catching a decent amount of fish and that evening I found a river to follow next morning upon following the river I found myself in one of kawaii’s most famous natural [Music] wonders yeha Canyon is simply known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific and it’s not hard to see how it got that name this incredible Canyon is about 14 M long or 22 km and just like with all these wonders Minecraft can only capture so [Music] much I paddled my way around the canyon and climbed to a better vantage point before deciding to explore the rest of the island so I set off to keep exploring and made it to the shore that evening next day I figured that heading back to the ship to then sail around the entirety of the island would probably be my best bet at finding any other structures or wonders so I collected some wood for Fuel and then headed to my ship with a new stow away Gart III yeah that didn’t quite work out you’re kidding next morning I set off to explore Kawaii by Shore and that’s when I spotted this Lighthouse however this wasn’t just another Pillager Lighthouse this time but rather a real and historic one kilaa Point sits on the northwest part of kauwaii and hosts one of the largest seabird populations in all of Hawaii this is not only a great place to bird watch but it’s also a great place to find some history as this Lighthouse was built in 1913 and was essential in the first trans-pacific flight to Hawaii come back okay I entered the lighthouse and walked up these stairs and while there wasn’t any loot it didn’t really matter anyways you know what’s cool about this directly north from here if just keep going for very long time you’ll hit Alaska that that is really cool I decided to keep sailing around the island and on day 89 I got ready for one last trip for those of you unfamiliar with the channel I normally do one final big trip in the last 10 days as a send off and I also normally do this trip with my companion so that was my objective for the day find a companion I tried getting this na nigh in and that didn’t work but I finally was able to get another boar inside and so yeah g the fourth I guess you’re my companion and I better not see any G the four hate in the comments okay now with that being said I finish out the day by getting some fuel the next morning I filled my engines with said Fuel and set off I had some open ocean ahead of me as I was going to sail all the way back to the big island so yeah this will take a while next few days consisted of lots of Ocean Travel but while I move along the islands I might as well rate Hawaii’s difficulty Hawaii is a place that challenged me in ways that I wasn’t expecting whether it be sharks volcanoes the Heat or the bores but with that being said I will have to give Hawaii a modest 6 out of 10 in terms of difficulty as I had quite a nice time building my ship regardless I reached the Big Island on day 96 I wanted to take G the fourth with me but I didn’t have a lead so remembering that slime spawned here I did some slime hunting the next morning I then took some string for my Sals and crafted a lead only to find out that bores don’t attach to leads so I boted him instead however this all became unnecessary as I finally dropped him off the next day all right g i fourth this is um this where I’m going to leave you this place is cool you’ll like it here okay that’s not what I meant to do it just don’t with Gart the fourth now sent off I could row back to my ship and give it a proper send off too so finally on day 99 I DED the boat in a Scenic spot and then looked around for any last minute improvements to make but you know what let’s have a quick base appreciation moment cuz this thing was cool I’ve never been prouder of a kitchen in my entire life like look at this thing it is so cool I then woke up on day 100 and did some swimming while I thought about just how great the last 100 days have been see Hawaii might be one of the 50 states but it has earned an independent nationality in the form of its otherw worldly Landscapes its history and its people and I can only hope that did it justice as there really is nowhere on Earth quite like Hawaii [Music] [Music] I’m afraid it is about that time I hope you all enjoyed this video and I’ll see you all in the next one

I spent 100 Days in Hawai’i in Hardcore Minecraft and here’s what happened… #minecraft #100days #hardcoreminecraft

➡️ Watch my other Minecraft Hardcore videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzFCEhoaiP6vtectjASvAKZvJ3XYHrFiM&si=tKHfd7KPIoy5lDYK

✅ Map Download: https://www.patreon.com/collection/584726

🟪 Modpack Download: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/smittieking-hawaii

Video Includes:
Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days
Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Gameplay
100 Days in Minecraft
Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play
Hardcore Minecraft
100 days in Minecraft modded

Channels Mentioned:
@HelloFromHawaii https://www.youtube.com/@HelloFromHawaii
@OffGridHawaii https://www.youtube.com/@OffGridHawaii
@Stevelocks100 https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/stevelocks100/
Connect with and support me:
Discord ► https://discord.gg/BVZUCypppc
Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/smittieking
E-Mail ► thesmittieking@gmail.com
Instagram ► https://instagram.com/smittieking
Did I get anything wrong?

I currently do all of the research myself and so it is possible that I made a mistake somewhere. If you spot any mistakes, send me an email and I’ll look into it!

Information used in this video was gathered from articles by Britannica, National Geographic, and GoHawaii. Images and videos are all either credited or I own a license to use them through Artlist.


  1. I hope you all enjoy this video!

    The map is 100% FREE as I would rather you spend that money on the fundraiser if you can! Either way, go give some love to the channels I mentioned and let me know what your favorite island was! 🏝

  2. Another banner! I love that you actually talk about the areas you come across! Informative and entertaining lol
    (Also, another marker onto the channel banner map :D)

  3. dude the amount of work and love you put into these videos is insane and genuinely they have become some of my all-time favorites! Keep up the great work 🤍

  4. Hey man! idk if u remember me but on ur last vid i told u i was hospitalized and ur channel was helping me go thru it, now im finally home and mostly recovered! now imma watch this one it looks rly good 🙂

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