Mikey POOR vs JJ RICH Pirate Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

all right let’s get started today Mikey and I will be Pirates we’re going to have a really real battle this is why we made our own ships yes exactly I’m a poor pirate and JJ is a rich pirate this will be a truly legendary battle now we are sailing on our ships to a certain place we must find an island tell your friends how our battle will go because it is really very important and interesting yes friends it will really be unusual Mikey and I came up with a brilliant plan our goal will be very simple indeed we will have to find treasures on the island the villagers told us that there were a lot of jewelry there so we literally went there right away I really hope to find and defeat JJ this treasure could be anywhere we haven’t even arrived at the right place yet but Mikey already wants to capture my dear Diamond ship you can see for yourself how poor my ship is I really want to get some diamonds to improve mine and defeat you again as you can see friends my ship consists entirely of diamonds and diamond blocks we are ready to destroy incredibly quickly and powerfully there are no problems at all anymore hey Mikey leave now you can’t steal and take over my ship this way you will have to win it in battle it’s really not fair that you have such a cool ship from the very start you should have ridden one like mine that would be really really cool one of us definitely had to be with a big and cool ship so I decided that it would be me in any case you simply have no other choice I’ll just take it and destroy it this will really be the right decision JJ look there there really is an island there that’s where our treasure lies somewhere each of us will try to win this battle after all whoever wins will take the enemy’s ship yes this is exactly the place we need this is where the treasure will be and our battle will begin you must understand how serious this is we really want to win and we won’t give in to each other we will show a real fight and one of us will leave with a new ship I just incredibly dream of a ship like the one you have now this is really very cool and I want to say that I want to take it for myself you definitely won’t bother me you will take it if you can solve the Island’s riddle and of course take the treasures there are no other options I will be ready to do anything to win this battle this is the most important battle and I don’t want to give up ahead of time this is really very cool and I hope one of us can do it we are finally on this island and even unloaded our things this is where our camp will be somewhere nearby All That Remains is to understand where we should go and what to do I can’t even imagine that there could be treasure somewhere here this is just a terrible Place Mikey I also think that nothing can happen right here that’s why we’ll have to look better and I hope we can get through this our most difficult test awaits us now we must understand where to go and what to do Mikey doesn’t even have any luggage I don’t need it I can fit everything in my hands and if necessary I can get everything I need therefore there is no need to say anything the island is really very big here you will have to walk for a really long time and look for something I hope we actually find what we need each of us will search for this treasure as efficiently as possible maybe there are some red crosses on the ground here I don’t think everything will be that simple we will have to really search a lot and try to come up with at least something to really find a way out of this situation because there is no one here to even give us any advice it’s really terribly difficult because it is a huge island where there are no villagers or anyone at all that’s just terrible therefore we need to find at least some Clues to try to find this treasure it will really give us an incredible amount of things we can’t leave empty-handed each of us will do our best to find this place I want to defeat Mikey once again and prove to everyone that I am the coolest pirate we’re just wasting time here JJ we need to go somewhere at least to find the way in this treasure we can’t stand here forever but which way will we go I don’t want to abandon my dear ship someone will definitely want to take him it won’t really be funny then let’s go somewhere over there towards the huge volcano most likely this is where the treasure is located this is certainly an interesting assumption but I’d rather stay here I don’t want to go somewhere I still need to build a camp and try to make my base here let’s see how Mikey copes with his task he is so confident of some success JJ I found something get here as quickly as possible this really is the solution to all our problems we can truly win if we ask for help what what have you found there already Mikey show me as quickly as possible wow these are mermaids they often helped pirates in their quests these are indeed very dangerous creatures because they can attack us at any moment but they can help us just as much yes let’s find out what they want for helping us what if we can give them something and they will agree Pirates if you want to find the treasure you will have to give us your diamonds then we can help you find what you are looking for oh that really doesn’t sound very scary I have a lot of diamonds and I can afford to give some away this way I will know where the treasure is Mikey will you pay diamonds to find out where the treasure is or do you have no diamonds I don’t have diamonds and I wouldn’t give them anything anyway these are real monsters and we must decide what to do with them next I understand but the sooner we solve all this the better it will be I want to finish the job and cover all the needs without any problems understand therefore I will personally give them what they want just because I can do it and there won’t be any problems I don’t trust them so I’d better just run away and watch from the sidelines you will receive a hint and I will use it does Mikey really think he can’t be seen oh Mikey will really go to any lengths to defeat me but good I’m completely ready I want to hint where the treasure is this is really very important to me personally if you want to find out where the treasure is hidden then get into the water there will be a map for you that really sounds good I need to pick up this map and study it as soon as possible if I can really do this then I’ll find the treasure faster than Mikey I will definitely win it in this competition with this map it will be really very easy to find the treasure so I’ll just have to follow the marker and I’ll dig up the chest this will be really cool I now remember where this place is and I can get there just need to go when Mikey is sleeping this is really very important because I don’t want him to try to take my prize too hey Mikey what are you doing are you building a house now or what I also need to build my base where I can at least sleep yes that’s exactly what I’m doing because I have absolutely no idea where to go and what to do that’s just terrible anyway did you get the hint will she definitely help you find the chest and treasure yes I received a hint but I’m not 100% sure that it will help me find the treasure I’m going to have to really spend a lot of time figuring out how to use it this is a bad ble Against Time it turns out that I can try to find this treasure myself for a few more days and get ahead of you this is really very very cool I can’t tell Mikey that I have a map and what’s on it he will definitely try to take her away from me I set up a tent a bed a fire and food here Mikey is just building a house out of leaves for now it’s just that I don’t have all this I’m just surviving as best I can it’s really difficult but this is my style and no one can survive on the island better than me that’s why I’m a rich pirate and you’re a poor pirate comfort really matters because I will have much more strength than you you will definitely lose to me in this battle you don’t even need to think because it’s very logical I’ll just take you and destroy you when you don’t expect it we’ll look at it later I am 100% ready for this battle I will find this place sooner or later and no one can stop me by the way we can’t interfere with each other we can’t fight or anything but each of us tries to find the treasure in our own way hey you can immediately see the difference between us because I have everything I need to rest well and gain strength after such a long journey it won’t help you anyway because I’ll just go ahead and find the treasure before you do you’ll remember my words when I dig up this chest Mikey don’t make me laugh you have nothing for you to even try to do this it’s really just unreal you must understand one thing you have no chance of winning because I took all the chances for myself you will never understand how to win this is is really very very difficult pH I finally prepared my place to rest this is how my base will be it’s time to sleep and regain my strength JJ don’t bother me I won’t bother you you’re right now is the time to go to bed and at least get some rest because tomorrow the search awaits us and we will definitely find something so let’s take a little rest here Mikey fell asleep which means I can leave the camp to search I need to leave the camp as quietly as possible so that he doesn’t wake up because Mikey is still sleeping soundly if Mikey doesn’t notice me then we can use the map and go where it’s drawn we will 100% be able to find the treasure and show Mikey that we are just incredibly cool he was definitely wrong and he can’t defeat me this simply cannot be I’m incredibly cooler than him in everything that’s why we will see this matter to the very end and we’ll definitely win this is the most important thing that should be among all this if I’m not mistaken then this path leads me somewhere into the forest this is where my treasures will be I need to open them as quickly as possible and show Mikey take them for yourself this battle is almost over I’m several steps ahead of Mikey he definitely won’t be able to catch up with me that quickly as I understand it there is a huge tree drawn there most likely somewhere under it lies my treasure great here it is most likely there is an entrance somewhere here H here it is this is most likely it I found the place where the treasures lie now I need to somehow go inside and try to find that same chest JJ did you really think about running away from me you brought me where I needed to be Mikey have you been following me all this time this is not fair go to Camp immediately it was a little trick and I was able to defeat you now I also know where the jewelry is you can’t beat me Mikey is right he really outplayed me I cannot destroy him much less hit him with a sword apparently the two of us will have to look for jewelry you and I always work as a couple therefore there will be no problems I just want to claim my prize no Mikey I found this place myself and that means the prize will be mine we really have something here yes there is some kind of underground passage here chances are someone actually went to the trouble of hiding the treasure that far away we simply have to find them after all this JJ oh apparent L there are traps waiting for us I was afraid of this most of all fire traps await us here you will need to go through them all carefully and without any problems it all sounds really very simple but if you try to step into the fire it will be very very painful therefore we need to be careful the second part of the challenge and traps will be parkour we will need to go through this stage very carefully and reach the very end apparently I didn’t go there at all I immediately went to the door but I don’t have the key apparently he is at the very top where you went you make me do all the work for you this is really very bad I hope there won’t be any problems yes I found the lever and I will need to open the room further apparently there will be more traps waiting for us here I really hope that we have enough strength to get through all this so far the first trap was easy but at least you spent a lot of time on all this JJ Mikey it doesn’t really matter how much time I spent the most important thing is that we move on and be able to pass all the tests okay then we move on I’m very interested to see what else will happen will we be able to do everything very quickly and win this race for Treasures it’s really not as easy as I thought I thought we would sail to the island and immediately get this chest apparently there were all those who could not pass this test there really are a lot Mikey look there is some kind of dissent down here we need to be prepared for anything be careful somehow it seems to me that this is a very familiar trap to me it’s an invisible floor we will have have to throw blocks or my diamonds to find out where we can actually stand and where we can’t this is a big trap this sounds very very difficult if we make a mistake with a block we will fall down into the lava it will be really very terrible JJ I’m coming right behind you so please find the right path so that we can get out and take all the diamonds that are there this is really necessary for us this is indeed a very difficult test but we can pass it no problem at all I’ve practiced with it so many times times and it just takes a little time sooner or later we will pass this test and become one step closer to the very end somewhere there is already a chest waiting for us to pick it up JJ is very determined to just get to the very end this looks really cool and I hope we can see it through to the very end and one of us wins the competition I’m focused like never before I have to bring both myself and Mikey to the very end otherwise we will fall into the lava and be destroyed JJ really knows how to do it all I can’t believe I’m competing with him if it weren’t for his skills I wouldn’t even know where to go I’m getting scared to take the test alone I’ll just break blocks so as not to waste diamonds because it comes out very very much there are thorns below there’s only a little time left and we can reach the very end just stay close and we will get there got you JJ I will follow you or even a little ahead I understood how this trap is built nothing complicated here there is one principle here and you just need to go through it like this it will be really very cool and I hope that we can see it through to the very end oh I’m really very tired I hope there won’t be any more challenges and we’ll just take our Treasure Chest yooo we did it with you Mikey we were able to pass such a difficult test I really hope that no one is waiting for us there oh there were some Bandits there possible other Pirates give up as quickly as possible the fact that you came earlier does not give you the right to take all our Treasures I will destroy them all as quickly as possible this is my gold my treasure none of you should be here only I found this place and can have the right to take it all anyone who tries to stop me will be destroyed I am much stronger than you and none of you can defeat me it’s literally impossible to do no matter how hard you try I will just take and destroy each of you you must understand that I am much stronger than all of you combined JJ the door’s jammed I can’t open it anymore more apparently this is a really big problem Oh No apparently the ceiling is coming down you need to get out of there somehow try to find at least something to open the door with I’m very worried about you I will take the gold that is rightfully mine I will only leave with him I need to figure out how to get out of this situation I’ll do something now and help you escape you just have to react immediately and run to me because the ceiling goes down very very quickly I want to earn a lot more gold and take it all away Mikey did you dig around so I could get out of course you are my best friend and I will help you get out of here as quickly as possible this is truly the act of a true friend I need to get out of here because this Spike ceiling could destroy me it will be very very fast YooHoo we did it we were able to get out and were able to pull the treasures out of this cave now you and I are simply incredibly rich friends true friendship won this difficult battle if it weren’t for Mikey I wouldn’t have been able to take so much gold therefore friends take care of your friends we will say goodbye to you see you very soon and bye everyone

Mikey POOR vs JJ RICH Pirate Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

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