Busting Scary Minecraft Lies That Are Actually Real

I have found the most terrifying Minecraft myths but are any of these myths actually true starting with the blood Observer we all know that the Observer is one of the only blocks in Minecraft to have a face however upon testing and activating this Observer the Discord member claimed something very strange started to occur and they left us this screenshot so they’ve surrounded it by dust Redstone torches like all of these rituals seem to do for whatever reason they have activated it I guess by striking it with lightning let’s find the perfect spot to create this ritual though why don’t we let’s look in this direction hey okay I feel good about this spot for some reason so in the screenshot let’s collect all the items they had hey little guy then they surrounded him with the Dust for some reason I hope this thing doesn’t get mad at me I’m simply recreating something that I was shown so we have in the corners the Torches just like so and then the blocks it’s kind of satisfying to make this I won’t lie okay so obviously we have to summon lightning right so let’s go ahead and just set the weather to thunder and hopefully then the blood Observer will come to life lightning is hitting the lightning rod and nothing is happening I felt like I built this one better than ever before let’s think about this together and come back maybe I’m just I’m missing something obviously we’re going to going to figure this out what if somehow it’s it’s got the word blood in the name right so it’s got to be scary let’s Place The Observer like that yeah and then I have a command block that’s going to summon mobs on top of this Observer and kill them basically wait actually I need a buddy to observe this with me hey girl how you doing okay so she’s just going to be my emotional support really quick as we go up okay going to place the command block like right here so once this is activated this command block here should literally just like throw out a ton of zombies they’re just going to all just be flopping around and falling on top of this Observer to their death obviously when I do that the Observer is going to turn into the blood Observer so let’s place the lever watch the magic happen oh my gosh it’s working look I can’t believe I did it I’m so proud of of myself and I don’t care that the zombies are dying to be honest and I guess the Observer doesn’t care either because nothing is happening Betsy wait I have a thought what if I just have to turn the lever off now it got a little too wild all right well I’m not going to give up hope just yet let’s keep going we’re going to figure this out together but I’m so far not fully convinced okay so I’ve tried to recreate the screenshot from our Discord I’ve tried to create my own weird blood ritual maybe this will work what if it’s simply how the Observer is crafted so let’s place an observer here you know lots of red stuff like blood okay blocks of redstone didn’t work ooh all of the rituals I have done in Minecraft for the most part we’ve had to do like sprinkling of redstone dust cuz it kind of looks like blood and it’s kind of scary we haven’t tried it like this so I’m going to do in the corners there and then some of the Dust it still didn’t work yeah I’m getting a little discouraged what the heck what in the baloney sandwich I’m so confused guys I only surrounded this thing with one circle of redstone dust why are there two now but still no blood Observer I have one more thing up my sleep we’re not going to give up hope let’s look at this one more time what I’m a dingle hopper I thought it was storming because the lightning was summoned right but it’s not storming in this screenshot at all we’re just going to make the little Observer guy again I remember how to do this last torch here and then we’re going to place the lightning rod on top and see what happens wait why did I just get put in survival mode oh I have a bad feeling about this wait actually why am I nervous it’s not doing anything this is false this is literally my four fourth time no way did it actually just lightning no I still think it’s false nothing’s happening okay no it is real it is real calm down stop looking at me like that oh my goodness the blood Observer is real look at this pods frame the skinless Warden someone from our Discord claims that on this seed there is a skinless Warden that is so scary it has scared off all other wardens and put into hiding unable to spawn unless the skinless Warden is slain okay so we are on the seed and the first thing we need to do obviously is locate an ancient city since that’s where the wardens spawn there are our coordinates and let’s get going in 3 2 1 wait I thought the game just glitched look at this chat four blocks away we literally spawned on top of an ancient city that is very strange uh I guess we’re just going to dig straight down then right that makes sense is someone messing with me no way should we have spawned like this oh gosh what I’m in the ancient city that’s exciting okay we need to find a warden right let’s see are they actually on this seat or were they scared into hiding forever let’s find a shrier I feel like I see one over there we have to make this thing scream three times we already got one whoa too normally I’d be more scared but I am in creative mode so we should be fine that’s our third scream oh Warden you should be summoned now no well if that didn’t work I have a very very easy solution let’s just get a spawn egg that’s an easy way to summon one right we’ll just do a little bit of oh it flashed before my eyes look at this he just keeps disappearing h hello why won’t you oh wait I have an idea what difficulty am I on Peaceful all right well that makes sense then that the warden’s not spawning so let’s do difficulty hard there we go he still didn’t spawn I change the difficulty this is frustrating maybe I could just summon it with the command let’s just place this command here what it still just flashed look at that what is going on is is this actually real uh okay well I’ve not seen a skinless Warden I will say okay so maybe there’s just some sort of like ritual we need to figure out so I’m going to do some research and I’ll get back with you I am back from my research I found something on Reddit so we’re going to try to do some weird ritual situation as we seem to do so they just kind of placed these objects around this portal thing not really in a specific order yeah I mean you can’t trust everything you see on Reddit but this thing looks pretty legit any minute now I feel like the skinless Warden is going to spawn are you ready I don’t know if I am okay so I think according to Reddit I need to summon some lightning like so I heard a warden did you hear that I definitely know for a fact I heard a warden I don’t see anything but we’re definitely on the right track let me check that Reddit post one more time I’m going to add a few things I think all right so I’m back from research I realized I didn’t have any redstone blocks oops so this should be what we needed I we were just missing one little one little ingredient and now let’s just summon some good old lightning like we did before wao wait I know for a fact I heard a warden this time I don’t see anything thing speaking of not seeing anything what happened to the portal my entire ritual is gone hello that is so weird literally what is going on this is ridiculous obviously somebody’s messing with me I don’t believe in the skinless Warden however this thing is creeping me out I don’t want to be on this seed any longer this is false though I saw no wardens on This Server The piglin Mangrove that sounds so weird rumor has it that there there is a weird Mangrove in this seed at night time piglins appear but they seem to be scared of something okay so we have entered the seed now piglin should not be here right y’all because they’re in the Nether and I don’t like the nether it’s scary and it’s dark so far I don’t see anything what was that did y’all hear that that gave me the chills what oh oh it’s just a bee probably there’s a hive right there that’s I’m just on edge everything is fine let’s keep investigating guys all right I don’t hear any Pig wait I was going to say I don’t hear any pigs I I swear to you I heard something but it may have not been a pigin so far we have discovered nothing too exciting so I’m going to build a house so we wait until it’s night time cuz typically that’s when the mobs come out all right now I will say if I’m going to take a nap I do want to make sure there’s nothing too crazy going on over here literally there’s nothing yeah we definitely keep building this thing and then see what happens at night time and and done what was that noise no we are going in here it is getting close to night time we’re going to place a bed and make sure I got a respawn Point Let’s Take a oh okay that sounded like a piglin again should not be here in the overw world they should be in the nether where they belong but I definitely heard one right outside H I think it came from this way hold your phones y’all rewind I looked at this path before I built my my house and there was nothing here and now there’s these weird fences like what are these fences leading to I feel like we’re supposed to did y’all hear something I feel like I heard a witch and some sort of nether portal whoa what is this randomly doing here this is probably how the piglins are getting into the Overworld I’m going to hide and see what’s going on I was right this is how they’re getting into the Overworld this is so scary I don’t want it to hear me is he dropping something or picking something up guys we got to follow that piglin there’s definitely something going on this way oh pigin oh no that was a scary Noise Okay we have to stay close to the piglin we can’t lose sight of him because we have to figure out where he’s going wait there’s a golden nugget I’ve noticed the piglin has been picking something up along the trail I definitely feel like we’re falling into a trap so definitely keep your eyes peeled he’s thinking did someone die over there I feel like I saw particles like there was death oh witches what did I tell you oh my goodness this is terrifying so the witches are hanging out with the piglin this is very disturbing like seriously what are they talking about this seems very serious the last Golden Nugget was at the top of the stairs and the piglin got it what’s he going in there for he’s so dumbed them they all drank a potion and walked into that house um everything’s fine right okay it’s been long enough I feel like I should go in there and make sure everyone’s okay what was that I think it’s been long enough that I’m able to slowly go into the building to see where they all went off to literally all of the witches in the piglin were what where did they go excuse me hello is there like a secret portal where I don’t see like 20,00 witches and that piglin disappear like where are they going do I need to oh jeez well I died and this scary seed is confirmed the frost thing which doesn’t sound super scary but apparently the lore is that strange mobs are hidden beneath the ice caps we have spawned in the middle of winter the strange things are appearing beneath the ice caps what do we got to do we got to dig straight down oh uh I heard a scary noise and I’m going to take this as x marks the spot so let’s get to digging I hear something scary it’s getting closer I heard it in my left ear I hear a monster and now I see a Frozen skeleton uh things did not end too well for you did they yeah I’ve never been in like an ice cave before and there’s so many skeletons just bro frozen into the wall let’s go up this way maybe I feel like something is wrong this is blood on the floor why is there blood here this is definitely not supposed to be here I’m going to follow the trail I used to be a nurse so maybe I can help whoever did this oh hi baby it’s a baby polar bear hi no that was you right not not a big a big polar bear it’s Mom has arrived and that means one thing you got to run you have to find a place to hide somewhere is there a good hiding spot here hopefully okay guys so I haven’t heard the polar bear in a hot second so I’m going to come out and see what’s going on what a fence does not just spawn Guys somebody put this poor little polar bear in a cage who would do this well this is the mama what about the baby is the baby okay is it still over here buddy I no guys something bad happened to the baby I’m going to find who did this and I’m going to tell them who’s boss we’re going to just follow this Blood Trail over this way and what is there a house down here I hear a bunch of scary noises and I’ve never seen a village inside of an ice cave are those villagers look they’re like caged in snow villagers this is not how Frozen 2 goes guys I don’t know if you’ve seen it but this is not how the plot ends we found a snow village odd but nothing too crazy right I mean guys I don’t know if I can fully say I believe this scary seed is true I mean this probably is a glitch it just spawns beneath the ice but I don’t know I don’t know what do you guys think I I feel like I’m not super scared of this one I could probably have fun on this seed and like Big Chill again wait did I hear something the zomb bunny supposedly on this seed there’s a terrifying bloodthirsty evil rabbit all right well we have gotten to the desert biome cuz as we all know that is the place rabbits most commonly spawn I’m going to make a quick little Hut situation just so we can begin to store items before we look for rabbits all right I’m not going to lie I feel like this Hut is very cute and I’ve placed the fences there so hope hopefully we can find the bunnies bring them back but let’s make our little storage area right here all right let’s look for some rabbits this is where rabbits spawn right but as you can see I see no bunnies anywhere at all okay I’m already having doubts about this sied y’all cuz I don’t even see any bunnies to begin with hold on never mind I’m changing what I was saying there’s like so many they’re so cute I’m at actually not seeing anything strange now the the user who reported this scary seed said that all the rabbits had a disease and they were corrupting each other wait that Bunny looks different oh wait what’s his name tag the killer bunny no way you’re not going to kill me wait we just are having a misunderstanding well thankfully we made a Hut okay I have a wild idea what if I just renamed the rabbit I mean right now it’s named Killer Bunny but if I just name it like Jeff or Jessica or something like it’s not going to be evil anymore Chuckles has a dressup kit and you get a scrunchie that matches go to brewers.com right now I feel like Jeff likes this area I see him Jeff come here I just want to give you a really special present ow it worked hold on Jeff slow down you’re my best friend and there we go you’re going to come home with me Jeff all right Jeff you have joined the Hut we’re going going to be best friends don’t be afraid of me what was that was that the sound of bunnies dying okay I’m going to go investigate I cannot allow this on my Christian Minecraft server all right some of the bunnies are okay maybe I just misheard I just misheard no what is this rabbit hide and then there’s just raw rabbit who would do something like this there’s another killer bunny in the distance I have more Jeff name tags so we’re going to have a Jeff 2.0 come here Jeff I need to get a lead here Jeff 2.0 join me another Jeff Jeff another Jeff has joined you wow that’s what was that it sounded like a zombie or something didn’t it okay y’all stay safe I do think I actually saw another killer bunny over here though so I’m going to cure it here’s one Jeff number four come here Jeff welcome to the family all right I’m pretty sure that I got all the killer rabbits oh no no not that again guys did you hear that um hey guys rewind didn’t I have four rabbits all right this is definitely weird guys I’m not going to lie it’s been weird but I only saw killer bunnies no zom bunnies and also that just sounds silly this seeds busted the crying Enderman the user claims to have heard something crying in the middle of this creepy cave Lagoon but as soon as they got close to the sound it disappeared I have loaded into the seed and we have looked and looked and finally found the cave that I believe we need I’m not feeling confident all a sudden man this one’s creepy hey guys let me know in the comments is it normal for grass blocks to be inside of a cave I mean I’ve never seen that before maybe maybe there’s something up here it’s leading me to like a tree or holy cow what was that well there’s nothing over here but I definitely heard something creepy so let’s follow the dirt blocks to the other side uh-uh that was the sound of an Enderman and I felt it but I don’t see it anywhere y’all we’ve got to investigate I know for a fact that was an Enderman what okay the grass blocks are gone now that’s odd that’s really odd I know for a fact there were grass blocks here before and then the way the water is placed it almost looks like it’s directing me so we’re going to go in this direction and oh all right this isn’t interesting looking waterfall well we’re going to investigate calabanga those are the dirt blocks that were up there before what are they doing down here they’re leading me somewhere H there’s ender pearls I swear to you guys I did hear an Enderman so maybe they just dropped them but there are quite a few going to take that with me just in case you got to escape quickly and there’s also chorus fruit which is very strange I don’t think that typically spawns in the Overworld and especially in a cave oh what is that it sounds sad wait this is what the user was saying to investigate the crying noise I feel like I’m hearing it closer this direction it’s definitely down here I can hear it now I don’t see anything and remember the user who reported the scary seed said when they got closer to the crying noise it stopped and I don’t hear it anymore that’s super weird I mean should I go back up we just had gotten too far away was there a skull here before uh that’s making me uncomfortable oh there’s another one all right well I’m trying to find whatever’s crying so I can make it happy there’s even more as we go down further there are so many skulls what if these are people just like me who investigated the scary scene before I heard a scary noise and there’s like 12,000 skulls right here okay I’m almost to the crying noise I definitely am going to make it happy right [Music] guys this must be that scary Lagoon the user had spoken about I’ve never seen anything like this in Minecraft in my entire life an underground cave Lagoon what was that noise I definitely hear the crying getting even louder we got to investigate so far everything looks normal I mean it’s kind of dark but yeah I don’t see anything do y’all let me know in the comments if you see anything but pretty sure everything’s pretty normal normal although what is that is that the crying Enderman that’s what’s been making the noise this entire time we finally found it let’s swim closer huh guys you saw what I saw right that was a crying Enderman and now it’s just some sort of statue I mean it does kind of have like a similar figure about it so maybe that’s what I saw all along I don’t know what to believe anymore was that what was making the crying Noise Okay well guys obviously a statue can’t cry I have no idea what I was hearing but this scary seed is false no crying Enderman here next is the secret of the Pillager which Preston actually tested out but I want to do it myself because I know for a fact he missed something so I found the Woodland mansion that Preston investigated and we have a few things that we need to investigate here he found that food was stored upside down okay well this is confirmed and then he found a room full of stolen villager items yeah right over here okay wheat seed string emeralds which you know who loves emeralds more than anything else is a villager so there’s definitely stolen villager items in here now we need to see if there is a room of empty cells somewhere in this building also can we just talk about for a second there have been no pillagers in this Mansion I have seen no one we are here alone I believe with empty cells yeah okay that was confirmed so what we need to investigate next is what is that it’s like a Pillager with blood eyes and like a blood wand or something this is terrifying let’s do some investigating like what is inside of this typically what would spawn inside the Statue is lapis so I’m hoping that’s what I will get from this here oh it’s not that’s really strange though now I have one final thing I have to investigate is there really a secret room here I know Preston tested that and this is where Preston saw a Vindicator ENT a secret room but I’m going to jump down here and see if I see the same thing we’re here I found a secret room now I am a little scared what lies Beyond this staircase but we are confronting fears today oh all right I don’t think it was this bloody when Preston came down here in this secret room something has definitely happened since he investigated all right I do remember one thing when Preston was done investigating the seed he didn’t believe in it but something back there appeared there was a scary shadowy figure so maybe I’m going to pretend like yeah no this seed is definitely fake I don’t believe anything’s down here wink wink I’m trying to get the figure to come out are you kidding me that didn’t work all right well here let’s investigate down the hallway here where I know the scary figure came from in the beginning of Preston what is this portal doing here also like the Torches around it are kind of scary and there’s blood but I unfortunately think we need to go in here to investigate what is going on all right 3 2 one no it was a trap well I think we can all agree this seed is true let me know if I missed anything in the comments by by the way the Ender glitch rumor has it that on this sea there is a living glitch in Minecraft Like a Ghost basically so now we have joined the scary seed and the poster claims that she first saw this glitch in the Enderman when she connected some command blocks to some Redstone Contraption so I looked at the picture let’s try to make it okay guys this might take me a second and I might need to refer back to the photo again so I will see you once I build this thing all right guys only a few more things to place but I’m missing something I need a few Redstone torches and I’m missing wood so I’m going to grab some of that really quickly heading towards the trees whoa y’all did you see that rewind rewind this cow Betsy you just glitched and I saw it hardcore we saw you we caught you on camera okay I feel like I’m going crazy but I swear I saw that you guys let me know in the comments but I’m just going to get some wood cuz we got to keep going on okay I finally have have the wood that I need to make these torches I am really curious and excited to see if this actually works all right let’s craft okay we just have to put these down on the four corner redstone blocks like this dang I feel like I am doing a really good job I’m not going to lie I think Preston would be proud of me okay now I need to place these commands blocks really quick like that now all I have to do is light the candles and then the ritual show should begin I’m a little nervous okay let’s get the flint and steel created okay that I have some flint and steel lighting candles this is kind of satisfying I have an addiction to candles like I have an entire actual cabinet in our house of only candles because I love them so much right now we have the center ones and [Music] and there we go nothing is happening at all um no this oh this is not actually a candle right here I got to fix that so we’ll just place it like so light it up oh no wo who whoa wo that scared me there are so many Enderman and they are definitely glitchy what are they doing what sort of ritual is this except they’re all just standing still staring at each other they’re not really doing anything at all I have one final idea let’s go to the end where all of the Enderman typically are and see if any of them are glitched all right almost done with this I love this noise I don’t know if it’s just me but I find it super super satisfying is anything going to be glitched that’s the question all right so I’m now in the end and I’ve gotten creative mode just in case so I can fly around and really see are there any glitch are there any glitched Enderman so far I don’t see anything at all everything looks pretty normal to me yeah I don’t see anything all right let’s keep looking though don’t give up hope I need glitches there’s so many to look at I won’t lie I I hope I don’t miss anything but yeah no I don’t I don’t see anything huh okay guys unfortunately I think that this seed is a busted I didn’t see anything at all happen strangely um I really really hoping that I didn’t activate anything weird on the seed but yeah this one’s busted

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  1. Brianna prestons cheating on u he said "tv women us cute" cringe💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
    Edit: I have proof watch his last vid

  2. What a interesting day when Brianna play Minecraft lies and it was entertaining and have a great day 😊😊😊😊(⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)

  3. heres some facts: there were lots of looks mojang came up with for warden but they were all to creepy so thats why we have this blue guy, skulk shrekers dont summon wardens in bedrock when a creative player makes noise or if they were placed by another player there, is a evil rabbit that was in minecraft it was the killer bunny and it would even attack wolfs and foxes! chunks of grass blocks can spawn in caves but its rare, also you can tell that she is in the same seed that had the killer rabbit in the crying enderman seed in case you did not notice, when you defeat an illager in a manson they dont respawn

  4. ARE YOU BLIND!!!!!???
    AND MENY MORE!!!!!!!

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