Stardew Valley [118]: I Don’t Know, We’re Still Chillin’

I think I read something about using a rain totem on Ginger Island and I might try it out just to see [Music] oh that sounds cool unless it’s already raining there in which case uh just have to see I know it’s raining here but yeah and I think the weather’s like independent between the two I think the two yeah but now oh no it’s only open to dat good thing that’s in like two seconds here one two reckon we’ll see Wrecking course God I did I plant this much corn must have corn corn everywhere corn corn way too much corn I accidentally ate corn oh well sometimes you just got to have an ear full just needed a snack [Music] exactly actually in real life I love corn so yeah me too I don’t eat corn on the cop though it’s like a hold when I had braces I still want oh yeah naturally it has to be cut off very particular someday I’ll stop falling for that okay I’m not sure where the door is here okay just need to keep going yep it’s right there m swi nice getting more of those Cinder shards how spooky this [Music] sound [Music] expelis I don’t remember I me oh yeah um I’m pretty sure you can I’ll just throw it in for now thr my chest of things to age whenever this stuff finishes good God it takes like 3 months yeah it’s crazy it’ll be worth it though it’ll be worth it when it all hits oh yeah okay get away before it explodes thank you now we’re getting somewhere so that is 33 and 14 [Music] jeez such good money for it though well I got some of this I reckon guess I could eat this too but well I guess budny is not that big a deal no I guess not it’s like I the only food I have in here is truffles but they sell for 5K so oh that was the total they sold for my bad okay I was say that say I don’t think they sell for that much yeah that would have been quite ridic try sneak up on S for oh um that’s another 1.6 thing but only if you have the book that gives you that power sometimes a book seller comes into town he hangs out like north of jojola or wherever that is oh yeah it shows on like calendar like when he comes in so but it’s like once every two weeks so not too often I love that and also they’re expensive as hell but not for us yeah that’s okay Sebastian oh wait I go get them I have I’ve been carrying around Frozen tears just in case this happened hi wait no don’t go away don’t go away thank you yeah hi [ __ ] W that’s exit shortcut oh no no definitely not what a perfectly good social interaction that was root splatter yeah I’ll take that I’ll take a few of those oh plus three attack wow okay eat drink and be mared oh that’s so much better okay yes this I can deal with yeah so on to six but we’re going to have to start being more careful I’m going to have to start being more careful is this place is dangerous oh man give me those cinder blocks yes are you okay if I accept this um the prime produce Quest I feel I can do that one sure go for it yeah 25 gold starve vegetables I got those oh hell yeah and I got the prize ticket from the last one buy where do you turn those in that would be mayor Lewis’s house actually oh okay I literally have it a tuna frenzy oh my God there’s little tun jumping out of the water It’s So Co I don’t have a fishing oh no no I’m right a man that’s so cute yeah I love it oh my God Will’s closed well guess no one will be getting the tuna frenzy ah yeah like update 1.6 added so much little stuff like that this is so fun it’s so cute you can see jumping dang I didn’t realize how much it added like I I read it but I didn’t really like process it yeah oh man I don’t know what I’m going over here just a hunt all right thank you old man for telling me I’m not ready to get married that’s so valid maybe I should look where I’m going before I go there a smart idea what that okay it’s 8m I probably shouldn’t go into the mysterious trunk a have you seen this yet oh what’s that there’s like a big trunk like tree trunk oh yeah did you do that already last time yeah like it’s like a St on the way to the like um traveling Merchant or whatever yes oh gosh uh when I saw it it was a tree not a trunk now it’s a now it’s a stump huh boom like a cut down tree to clarify I feel like I couldn’t remember the word for stump yeah it’s like tree trunk no that’s not right oh my God stop coming at me from all directions here okay can I stop long enough to eat yes thank you okay oh man I thought I was uh maybe dead there but next time bring more food lesson learned Place only has like 15 floors so I thought oh you know I’ll be fine no problem yeah have you not gone to the bottom of it yet not yet see this is the funny part because you know all about the 1.6 stuff but I know about the ginger Island stuff oh nice I got a prismatic Shard oh just for free hell yeah it is 11:00 p.m. oh oh oh oh that I just got to the end of it ah almost died too Place weapon or tool in the left slot oh my God yeah you can upgrade gemstone what the heck oh my God you can upgrade stuff okay I’m going to try it Galaxy sword Prismatic Shard o two of those going fancy 25 you know what’s funnier than 24 25 25 oh it also tells you what you’ll make that’s cool oh there we go I just didn’t activate it okay bug killer okay I am returns [Music] SE hurry there we go yay almost there oh man it’s going to be close oh boy oh boy yes oh my God that’s all you want [Music] man just barely made it 19 hey n Y spr is pet pet pet wait oh Donna I thought that said Diana I was like wait really all right um zo guess I’ll put ginger in there too pineapple seeds stick those over in the seed chest I reckon yeah that works and stick you in there oh I never used the rain totem when I was over there H well silly me oh I got another artifact okay guess I’ll have to turn that in later H weapon enhance oh Artful bug killer do more damage to bugs allows you to do special moves more rapidly V occasionally siphon Health from a monster do more damage to Unholy monsters oh spooky do more tool damage to Stones trees and the like increases your charge up capacity for a greater area of effect shading chance to peel off additional wood when chopping bottomless watering CLE never run dry I love that one see yeah I think that was the one I’m I made my husband get for me when we were doing it nice greater chance to find artifa efficient takes no energy to use oh my God that’s huge some of these are so huge increases fishing level oh man automatically hooks fish when they bite Bait and Tackle have a 50% chance to not be consumed that is kind of awesome jeez wow they have a divorce Ledger in P in in uh ls’s house oh God dang there’s two books in here and one says the owner of the farm can request to split profits if you have somebody else on your farm or that after marriage you may file for divorce here holy crap well that’s dark this is supposed to be like a paradise where you know no bad things happen oh I see how it works okay it’s an amicable might save these broccoli save these broccoli seeds then cuz they they take 8 days to produce and we don’t we have eight days left at the season that doesn’t seem like a yeah that definitely sleep here weird uh oh yeah there are some weird ones is that normal like the ones by the uh the bus stop with the tappers in them like why are the trunks all green huh this one too I guess oh maybe you haven’t seen the thing that happens in summer then I don’t want to spoil it but it’s pretty cool well we’re we’re we’re not going to get to summer for a while so yeah that’s uh H and it’s also random like it might not happen from what I hear do the trees explode not really okay should I spoil it or not yeah what do they do uh basically green rain rain falls and it’s just green and everything gets covered in Moss and then those trees start showing up that’s so cool yep like all of our it’s only all of our trees with tappers on them which is weird huh yeah that is weird there’s so much I might have to start playing on my own again the first time I saw it I could L not believe it I’m so glad I didn’t get I’m going to go into this stump okay oh oh we have to fix it oh no we need a the old tree is yeah we need 100 pieces of hardwood oh okay uh yeah probably have that we might just wow this is really beautiful H it’s like a shipwreck down here hello are you a monster like playing whacka all here West Side born and raised looks like the wizard door here you hear a strange voice from behind the door only the greatest wallnut Hunters me enter here 34 out of 100 oh yeah still got a ways to go we spent we spent a long time all man yeah I like long challenges like that just kind of feel like you’re taking your time working up to it mhm dwarf scroll yeah wonder if we have hardwood if we did it would probably be in the chest by the door but I don’t know I doubt it oh look I don’t know that’s a lot this quite a bit 80 stick oh wow close my ax is good enough to do it oh no that’s right yeah maybe I can I haven’t upgraded any of my stuff I was just kind of stealing yours hell yeah that’s okay I don’t I don’t need it oh no I think he’s left for the day ready to report maybe not how many purple flowers oh no no not right now oh yeah he has you questions yeah and you have to have to know me and my [ __ ] memory did not have a good time with this I’m leaving space in here cuz I think uh Ginger island has new trees like fruit trees oh maybe yeah so that way I can put them in here sweet I think they have like a mango tree and a banana tree awesome so exciting Mighty bananas oh I see it now yeah it is a stump how about that yeah see huh and they say you need you need stuff 100 pieces of hardwood this could be fixed up yeah I don’t know what it does I take it you don’t either not really well I know a little bit because I’ve heard it in ASMR video but uh oh I think after that weed yeah like SM how do you a smoke do I need a smoker can I make a smoker oh cool H there’s I think the recipe is sold at Robin’s Place but I’m not sure maybe I’ll go look then H I got our hardwood so we’re good now oh cool yes indeed I was trying to put all the ancient fruit in the the greenhouse oops all ancient fruit I did did it nice well done so proud of that by the way yeah the dog exclusively sleeps in my house now dang [Music] sorry yeah we’re going to see because I’m saving all these gold star vegetables we’re going to see our profits dip but it’s okay that is totally fine I mean we’re still making 15 grand a day like that’s yeah oh it’s raining raining again whoa don’t do that I almost went to sleep for the night at 6:00 in the morning yeah ah this days are waste ah let go to bed yeah yeah I never check the weather these days I know I rain all day tomorrow hey hey I got ma hello there deer I got chocolate cake from Evelyn oh that’s nice enclosed to something called the chili dog I have 104 ice cream in here good Lord Demetrius is going to be I’m not sure I don’t remember buying that okay not surprised that I did though think this might actually be a good day to stop on once we’re done with this day yeah that works yeah that works for wa I have time to like get it all put together and everything I’m not sure like when these would go up maybe like Saturdays at some point which will happen it’s a good summer series I feel like oh yeah I don’t know what about this game feels very summery to me like all the time yeah it sure does get rid of that and that that well yeah that was the Rainer day upon a lonely Rock of beautiful maidens saw I Tails I’ve heard of Seaborn maidens but n note she muster oh I think I know what this is think I might have read about this oh what is it it sounds like you summon a mermaid on the boot or something and then you play like the mermaid song I assume except you got to make blocks to do it so I’m going to go turn this hardwood at the stump and see what happens oh okay with you wait a minute okay you want to ride the horse might as well I’m not really doing anything else wait I’m going to get this on the way go ahead yeah oh another chicken statue I think I’ve dug up like three I mean I don’t know if it’s going to show me anything but I’m gonna I’m gonna be here to witness you yeah oh ah that’s a lot of rain maybe someone will decide to move in Oh yay we built a house oh Neo can I go inside no I guess not well no one lives there yet I guess it’s like another Crist situation no well keep an eyee on still have yes I do I’m going to go turn in these veggies it’s giving me a prize ticket there I I don’t want to take it if it’s takes it away from you though I’ll try it yeah you can take it okay oh yeah I’m going to get the I didn’t see you anywhere for some reason so oh I I was over by the shop still oh okay oh right right right yeah I think we sh oh it gives me one too no worries oh okay so unless that was from uh me it I did just complete two quests so maybe it gave one from doing that yeah maybe I’m going to get these clams that thing should probably plant these Peach saplings oh yeah yeah whenever wherever that’s anyone any [Music] whatever I don’t know how that song really goes I have no idea oh it’s raining hereo oh here it is I got it I got an amethyst I wonder I think I know how this works I’ll plant them over here by my house so if this operates like I think it does howy Leo didn’t expect to see you here you’re sad today oh no oh no getting in the pages of the journal okay there’s like a package over here I didn’t see this oh nice tent kit times three oh what is that I like that means I could like spend the night basically anywhere anywhere outside that’s kind of rad that is pretty cool yeah to be fair that’s what I figured it did but oh yeah oh I thought I was going to have to use a rain totem to make it rain but it’s already raining here now so think we’re good all right I don’t have a flute I’m thinking of uh thinking of animal well yeah so you got a flute in that game then suddenly I’m thinking I have one here fishing fishing good for the soul the more you do it the more you roll I was like where you going with that yeah I wasn’t too sure it’s another W not saved it how do I have fishing skill and I don’t have a fishing rod What’s happen here that is weird maybe I accidentally like put it away or something possibly that’s really strange yeah yeah unless it counted me getting experience from that fishing mini game is fishing oh I have a fish I have one aha also I have a flute block oh cool so maybe I’m wrong about that flute thing oh maybe maybe note blocks you get in a different way now this is a really fascinating piece of Natural History thank you no problem collect rewards o nice okay got some more walnuts something else I was going to do here and now I forget what it was oh maybe it was nothing did I have to do with the rain totem did you answer your question about the rain totem um did you bring the rain totem I did but it was already raining when I got here so oh well then never mind maybe I still have to use it well I heard something about like a mermaid on the beach and I also read about that on the Wiki page but I don’t really see it here like the rain tot normally makes it more likely to rain the next day so if nothing else it’ll more likely to I’ll be able to just do it tomorrow or like next time we record 1220 oh well oh it’s going to oh I can tell you it’s going to rain there tomorrow too oh yeah oh yeah yeah nice it’s going to rain here and Rain there oh what in a rain everywhere this information is utterly useless because we’re stopping oh 1 a.m. but I got to say I really love this return scepter yeah it’s it’s the best investment honestly I’ll dump these in here I will like if you see any clams I don’t think You’ be going that direction but if you ever did like keep them cuz we need them for the tree I just passed out out I forgot what I was doing you were too busy telling me about the clam I guess holy God what do we what do we need them for uh for the tree stump later oh okay yeah I will I’ll save clams goe it’s like five is all we need so I think anyway oh okay that’s not that many ancient fruit holy CRA have a fish chest that is a lot oh man ancient fruit is so good and that’s not even most of it like I’m saving most of it to make into wine nice man oh man well I’d say we definitely kicked some butt so next time on Valley will kick more and I’ll sound better because I’ll back be back on the regular pills and [ __ ] again so yeah don’t forget to save this though save oh yeah let me save that yeah waiting for other players don’t make my heart ancient fruit work go to waste yeah yay

Gathering corn and pushing through the “mines” on Ginger Island and just having a good time being alive. You know it.

#stardew #valley #stuff



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