today is going to be such a fun day at the park are you excited dude yes s what in the world oh no is that Chad yo what’s good Alexa what’s good Heather y’all could both be like my girlfriends if y’all want oh my gosh yes you’re so dreamy what oh no Alexa just said she wants to be Chad’s boyfriend what’s up oh no um hi guys hey we’re all here to play at the park can we join you what you guys talking about oh no bro what you doing out over here loms that means lame plus OHS girls laugh at my joke so funny it’s true layo hey I am not a layo Chad don’t be a big bully face but what are you guys doing can we play with you we’ve been wanting to do something all day long we’re chilling with Chad OHS we don’t need you right now what chilling with Chad j we’re going to have like a little get together a party you could call it what look they’re having a party ooh that sounds like so much fun Chad please can we go please bro you messing up my Ora right now bro keep it cordial bro what what does keep it cordial mean and what does mess up Aura mean luky I don’t know I think it has to do something with him looking cool but come on dude we want to hang out with the girls too yeah and hold up wait wait wait you’re having an actual party I’ve never been to an actual party before it would be so so much fun if you could invite me bro why would I invite loms to my party is Babes Only no men bro you mess up yeah seriously we’re not having any layo boys other than chatty Wy what did you just call him chatty Wy are you just going to let this slide bro I got you what I mean I don’t really care ly we could just go to my house and hang out just me and you he could have the girls if he really wants no way we’re going to look like losers guys we’re having our own party with way more babes way more drinks like fruit punch and apple juice and it’s going to be litty sauce fire what um 1 second guys what one second um what are you talking about ly we don’t have a party what do you mean and it’s going to be at ‘s house there’s going to be celebrities there’s going to be awesome people there’s going to be oh you can eat cake okay uh um uh look I don’t know if we should be doing this hold on hold up hold up celebrities for real for real you f have David goggin at your crib um who’s David goggin oh my gosh bro girls I think he’s capping right now what y’all thinking don’t lie to Chad I’m not wait Luke don’t put this on me Luke is the one coming up with the LIE Luke I’m not I’m not involved in this bro at home in 2 hours be there or be square what look why don’t we do it at your house what’s going on oh gosh all right bro we all going to pull up right girls you going to be my plus toos and we can make out in his bathroom or something oh my gosh that sounds so crazy what you’re not okay Luke I’m locking my bathroom doors you’re not doing that but okay guys um I’ll see you there all right bro we expected some fire activities don’t let us down or I’m going to beat your butt up and Rob you and I’m about to poop in your face and miss the toilet with my pee so it goes all over the flow and the toilet CE wow Luke this guy is bugging bro okay see you guys in 2 hours please bring my babes Luke what did you just get us into dude my house is not decorated whatsoever and we are not prepared for a party they’re going to be here in less than 2 hours what do we do oh gosh we promis celebrities an unlimited cake oh my gosh we don’t even know any celebrities and we don’t even have any cake the only thing I have in my house is this burger what are we going to do luky we’re going to get made fun of and your girlfriend is going to be with Chad that’s really sad that is unacceptable this calls for the backup plan what the backup plan why do you have a phone in your hand what are you about to do I’m going to call in a super illegal crazy item what super illegal crazy item oh look illegal items are not allowed you can’t put that on the server we can get banned okay you just talked over me ly I was saying illegal items aren’t allowed on the server if you actually get one we could get banned hello I would like one order of the super illegal epic awesome item what Luke that’s the exact opposite of what I said wait what did I say the did they say yeah did they say yeah yes we could have one coming right your way what is it coming oh my gosh wait what’s the illegal item excuse me person on the phone what’s the illegal item hello sir hello it’s very haunted you don’t want to mess with it what Luke what is this item that he’s talking about what does it do dude it literally grants all your wishes you just have to tell it what you want bro you’re going to get an item that can grant any wish we can grant that this entire place is set up for a party we we can get unlimited cake and celebrity guests yes sir and I can ask them to make my jawline sharper what are you oh yeah yeah like a Mew you could do meing that’s very very smart but I wonder when it’s going to get here hey buddies is this the house what oh my gosh ah are you the guy that luky called uh yep I got the good stuff you guys got to pay up though good stuff Luke what the what did you buy bro I don’t know I don’t know if this this is the right guy are you sure you have the right house you’re a little bit weird and you’re creeping me out dude yeah that green guy over there called me I recognize his face what look you’ve ordered stuff from this dude before what do you do in your free time bro BR stop asking questions uh let me just get the diamonds so I can pay this dude uh okay this is weird sir your shirt I could see like dots that on your shirt what what is that supposed to be hey you got to many questions buddy thanks for the payment see you guys later okay see you later sir nice to meet you Luke it looks like he’s going into your house oh yeah I forgot to mention guys be very careful you might spawn in a demon what a Luke what does bro mean about spawning in a demon what the what is inside this package bro is this worth having a party I say we just throw it off and we cancel it all and we just let the girls go to Chad’s house no dude we can’t let that happen it’s basically like a Genie in a Bottle check it out what a geni in a bottle that spawns in a demon and whoa oh demon eye and warning manual bro this item is so illegal and deadly I don’t know why I’m holding it you hold it I’m not holding that yeah I’m not scared oh no that thing looks so illegal it looks like an Eye of Ender but wait I just saw some movement bro did that thing just move it just moved I’m not even capping right it just moved again you saw that it’s alive it’s alive oh my gosh okay just leave it on the floor I’m going to read what the warning manual says it says warning if you summon a demon like a stupid poopy fart all right what we’re not stupid poopy farts are we maybe let’s just not jinx ourselves okay yeah we’re not say this chant to open a portal to lock the demon up say this five times ooh this is the chant to make the demon go away but wait there’s a second page it says don’t use it too much or you will get possessed by the demon okay so luky we can only use the demon eye to get our wishes a little bit cuz if we use it too much the Demon’s going to come and do bad stuff here you go you you could use it I’m I’m not touching that thing all right I’m going to do what it takes to get our girlfriends back uh okay well what’s your first wish going to be don’t waste it on something silly we need to use it on making the house look Super Duper Party decorative I wish I wish a p star for a pepperoni pizza are you no wait don’t do it don’t do it let’s go are you serious wait that’s for the party right you didn’t just get it are you oh yeah oh God did you just eat all the oh my gosh ly dude it just said a demon could like possess you bro if you use it too much we have to only use it on Legit things and bro we have less than an hour to make this place into a party make the next wish to give us items for a birthday party so we can make this place look spiffy please all right I got you I wish I wish a a star to give me aesome stuff to make this place litty especially for the girls to want to be here yes that’s exactly what we need what did you get what did you get slide me the items SL me the items I got the goods OHS check it out what are you serious wow bouncy balls yes sir so we can all bounce around this is fire and what ice cream we’re going to have delicious snacks yes s ke and that’s not all party hats so they know it’s a party dude this is sick party hats and what is that what is that that’s a whole arcade machine so we can play games wa is there anything else yes s chck get out is that a ball pit is that a a ball pit oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh this is so cool this is so cool wait wait a minute I just got an idea for the ball pit what if I do wait I want to combine it how do I wait oh giant ball pit ly look I’m making a giant ball pit area wait let’s shred some blocks over here can you move my hamburger yes sir bye-bye Burger thank you and then wait I’m about to move this one here and yo gigantic ball pit yeah this is awesome right dude yes sir and I got a some pizzas wait are you cereal Bean those are empty pizzas low key did you just eat them in 1 second bro yeah I’ll leave some leftovers ew oh my gosh that is gross and wait I can put some pizza on the table over here so someone can Munch and wait what’s that your hand over there ly they’re party blocks so they know it’s a lituation it’s a lit situation bro I like that word you just made that’s fire lit situation but bro this looks so lit and wait wa wait you have any item frames I could have I want to put the party hats over here on the table yes sir ski I got you my boy Luke you are actually a goat but wait are you feeling possessed by the demon right now or are you feeling like normal ly cuz if you’re a demon then I’m going to have to say the chat it’s uh I don’t want to say yeah but are you a demon no I’m perfectly normal right now oh okay uh let’s just make sure not to spam use that item cuz if you turn into a demon that would be terrible and boom I put the arcade machine over here ly oh my gosh this is actually W motion this is actually W motion and with the item frames I’m about to SU a bunch of party hats over here one for all of the guest Alexa Heather and Chad and one for me and you luky so I’ll put another one right over here bow and O the party blocks are making this place look so spiffy yes sir it’s making it actually feel like a lit party I know and wait I’m about to put the ice cream over here so we could serve our guests so let me put ice cream and wait you have full pepperoni pizzas yes sir they’re super tasty wait can I have some blocks to place it I don’t want to eat floor pizza that’s mad gross I could put some wait you can’t even place it down I could just put some on the couch over here like that oh yeah that’s nice and chill you could eat pizza on the couchy mhm oh wait I could put it on item frame so it’s like place and even over here when people are going to chill over here I could put a pizza in the middle so they can enjoy it waa n luky we really party ified my crib dude this is looking super duper Amaze balls yes sir let’s put on the party hats oh yes all right let’s put it on yeah check me out ly it’s a party of my what are you wearing is that a doag or no it’s a party it’s just falling over oh my gosh that dra look like a whoopy cushion but I got the lip party hat yo oh my gosh this place is looking so good okay okay okay you’re still not possessed yet so do you think we should keep getting more wishes from the illegal item yeah what do you think we should get H well we already have the party super lit we have fun things to do we have food we don’t have a celebrity gu guest we should spawn a celebrity guest in who are you thinking that would be a fire guest we could have o oh if we got someone like a rapper they could perform for us at the show and pretend they’re cool with us dude that is genius make sure in the wish you say rapper is cool withes and Luke don’t make him like too cool for us he has to be friends with us so the guests think that we’re like super duper cool rappers yes sir we’re going to use their Aura to build our Aura yeah and wait wait before you get the rapper can you ask the I to give up rapper outfits cuz I’m trying to look swag yo yes Siri all right I got you I wish I wish I put on a Star to give me and SES an epic rapper outfit so we look cool and swaggy and to spawn in a rapper celebrity to perform and be cool with us to show how cool and awesome we are to everyone bro just shoved in five wishes in one and wait are you a demon did you get possessed is there a demon around are you ly still yeah I still feel normal okay and wait do I look any different right now bro look awesome W no no no no no no no no bro I’m looking so cool I have the full golden armor and I know you see the chain on my neck bro look at the chain on my neck she you Iced Out Boy and wo wo wo wo wo ly you literally have flames on your shirt you’re looking a fishala yes sir yeah no no no no no you’re getting it down wait wait check me out check me out check me out ready for this yeah Watch Me Whip hey now watch me neigh neigh oh oh watch me whip whip watch me neigh neigh watch me do did you see that ly I yo you’re hitting it too whip whip neigh neigh o that is fire it’s fire what what was that was good it’s your boy little Trav wow how did he just hold that for that long ly he just hit a high no oh my gosh he’s so cool we have to dab him up dabs DBS yo what’s good have flame wow Luke he talks in adlibs wait this is the guy that made sicko mode wait a minute did you make sick mode Does this answer your question it’s yo it is it’s it’s l Travis oh my gosh oh my gosh are you here to perform at our birthday party yeah I am wow Luke that eye is awesome oh my gosh wait we got to make him a little stage over here uh Luke break the TV break the TV we don’t need a TV we have real life performances oh my gosh bro we’re actually about to have the Tik Tock Riz party what is a Tik Tock Riz party I do not know what that is ly make the stage my brother man make the stage okay you don’t know the one that goes ho what is he talking about L Travis I have no idea what luk is talking about but come over here this is where going to be performing Luc is setting up the stage for you wa this is fire the flame it’s lit wow he he keeps saying the thing L he love flame and it’s lit those are his most popular sayings oh my gosh he’s a natural I’m trying to find something I’m I’m panicking I’m panicking stop panicking ly oh my gosh I’m so sorry little Travis we’re trying our best to accommodate you because we have guests coming over in the next what time is it 10 minutes 10 minutes oh man oh man oh man what what’s up we got to hurry all right let me just make his little stage like this you can perform right here that is so fire bro that is so fire all right here you go little Travis this is where you’re going to perform at so you could go crazy you could go sicko mode huh you got to l s oh my gosh we’re so cool right now yes sir we’re hanging out with little Travis bro you don’t for real for real dude and you also have a chain we also have a chain as well and Loki ly I’m looking more blinked out than him wait dude you can’t be cooler than the rapper he might not like that oh wait wait no no but you wish for him to like us dude he going to Mohawk yes sir wait L Travis are you cool with us being as cool as you yeah but it looks like some guests are here love F yeah hello is this where the party is at hello oh gosh look it’s Chad and the girls be chill be chill hi hi Chad hi Alexa hi Heather welcome to the party wow you guys actually outdid yourself this place looks legendary yes sir ski I told y’all this place is awesome hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up loms I might have to take out that ew from your name cuz is that who I think it is over there is that little Travis yeah that’s little Travis he made sicko mode the one that goes ISL yeah he made that see he just said the thing yeah that’s our close friend too we got him to pull up yeah we’re super cool right anyways we have a ball pit bro Alexa jump inside yo this is Vibes yes sir ski and we got pizza we got ice cream we got party hats and we also have arcade machines and little Travis could perform for us you know what it is uh bro I’m not going to lie uh where’s your bathroom at oh my bathroom upstairs first over there okay I’ll see you yo Alexa Heather come on let’s go hang out over there and leave these losers alone what what do you mean losers alone wait what does he mean losers alone we just made a whole awesome party yeah the Fun’s down here why do you want to hang out with chadly yeah seriously you don’t actually want to go there we put so much effort to make the downstairs uh yeah buts Chad wants to be with us what don’t you dare go up there Alexa we put way too much work don’t you dare uh we’ll be right back all right bro I’m going to see you appreciate it bro oh my gosh luk we literally used illegal items to make an awesome party and the girls still don’t want to hang out with USS that’s it I’m about to wish that Chad was never born whoa whoa wait Luke you already used it a lot and I’m afraid that Demon’s going to possess you or something I don’t even know what this book is trying to tell me is going to happen dude something about a demon and items illegal I don’t think you should use it again come on let’s just throw it out yeah yeah you don’t know my paid Alexa is better to kiss another guy I can’t have that happen I wish I wish a a star the Chad was never born Luke no I am not Luke anymore my gosh no Travis what just happened no bro I’m out of here really are you serious oh my little tra okay he’s gone oh Luke are you in there or are you a demon right now I’m not Luke I’m the demon inside of his body Alexa has a where did Chad go he just disappeared stop talking stop talking luk is a he possessed demon things stop talking what what do we do what do we do what do we do what are you even talking about Luke was just here he’s fine uh close the door oh my gosh close the door uh okay girls I have some explaining to do so um me and luky wanted to hang out with you guys really badly so so we got an illegal item and then the illegal item kind of said that it would turn Luke into a possessed demon if he use it too much and now he’s a possessed demon cuz we use it too much and we don’t know what to do are you telling me that you guys do that thing to get rid of Chad oh yeah we made it so he’s never born he he doesn’t exist in the world anymore that was our HBY are you serious I’m sick I’m going to throw up that is disgusting girls what about Luke he’s literally a demon and he’s about to kill us what do we do do you have any instructions or something how to beat him oh wait I have a manual oh it says five times to get rid of the demon if it gets possessed to someone yo ly um blue blue blue blue blue blue blue [Music] bla what the what girls a portal just spawned and Luke is gone we have to go inside and save him he’s probably on the other side UHS is ly still the demon I have no idea but we’re about to find out come on Alexa let’s go oh huh where are we girls and wait is this a giant Church it says abandoned church for sale and Heather turn around what is that this is a graveyard this is super creepy it looks like a lot of people died here and hold up Luke is that you over there ly is that you in the bars oh no yeah yeah it’s me guys save me wait a minute Luke you still have that weird eye thing on your face are you still possessed by that weird demon thingy yes don’t save him and don’t read the book what the book I don’t care what you say demon we’re saving lugie right now come on girls there’s a book is there like a chest or a Sher or something or bow maybe where could this book be ‘s right here right here right here oh thank you Alexa and wa look five steps on how to kill a demon let’s go there’s a tutorial guys hello reader are you a dumb blue dog who messed around with demons to impress girls well fear not there are five ways to stop the demon guys we could actually save ly and we could stop it from taking over his body oh my gosh no you won’t oh gosh oh he’s scaring me step one set up demon traps like ghost blocks that lead into holy water and arrow traps with holy arrows wait are there holy arrows inside here okay guys we have holy arrows and that’s the second step the first step is we have to make a holy trap over here inside the church ooh OHS how in the world do we do that it literally says in instructions it says that all we have to do is add holy water with ghost blocks above it to get him to fall on the Trap this guy is going to get smoked and if we kill the demon that’s inside luky he’s going to turn back to normal yes and then we can have my hubby back I mean my our friend our friend Al so don’t talk like that you betrayed ly for Chad but wait guys this is just normal water how do we holy it we can’t just use normal water we want look get on your knees and pray what uh is that really how it works wait I got to make the water down over here so we have room for the ghost blocks all right Heather do your thing to make the water holy I don’t know how to do it just do whatever you got to do okay actually I got you shab sh what all right Alexa do you have a method to make it holy it just looks normal right now yes I will dance on it what Alexa I don’t think that’s not okay you know what sure whatever work work don’t worry guys I’m putting all of the ghost blocks so I’m getting step one completely set up over here like that excuse me oh wait actually it doesn’t even matter if you move cuz the blocks just go through so now when he tries to come in he’s going to fall into the holy water and the ghost will get sucked out but if he’s able to survive out of here he will step out right this way and he will be met with arrows not just normal arrows holy arrows yes and that will help him get back to normal mhm come on guys let’s set a little layer of this dispensers over here girls you must copy my actions on the other side look I’m putting four dispensers just like that do the same on this side please we got you w and girls are you going to explain yourself as to why you’re hanging out with Chad Luke was feeling very sad about that no cap have you seen his muscles really Heather oh my gosh all right well what about you Alexa why are you hanging out with Chad explain yourself I thought you had a crush on Lucas well it’s kind of complicated he’s like really popular and it was making us feel really cool M yeah Alexa you’re a bad person I’m just kidding Alexa I’m just kidding no I’m not I’m sorry you would do it too no I wouldn’t I would never I would never forget about my boy ly that’s why I’m going to kill that ghost possessed thingy inside his body so I’m putting the Redstone Dust all around just like this and I’m going up over here and I’m going to set the Redstone to connect all around okay that’s a great idea yeah I know it’s a great idea cuz I’m that guy buddy I’m that guy boom and now here girls put the holy arrows inside I threw some so you can duplicate it make sure they’re all there and now I’m going to add a secret pressure plate on the floor so once he steps on it it should activate everything so I’ll put it down like that then from over here I’m going to make the Redstone go down and around like this then on this side I’m going to make it go down and around over here just like that so now if we step on it it should boom activate all the dispensers wo yes that’s going to work so flawlessly it does and look it doesn’t need to have like the little Redstone in the middle all we have to do is just make sure that it works good from over here like that so now once you step on it oh my gosh the holy arrows shoot into your face bro Boop oh my gosh that is fire all right step one is officially complete we got the holy water and the holy arrows set but let’s read step two step two get a priest to teach you how to get holy Powers call here 1800 holy what we could get a priest to do something like that wow call it see what happens all right I’m calling him up uh 1 800 holy okay hello hello hello hello is is this the holy people uh can I get a priest please I need uh you to do something for me please come in yes we have father Bob coming your way oh Father Bob all right where’s father Bob at I’m looking around father Bob hello what’s going on brother what the what um hi Father Bob uh wait what’s your purpose let me read the book it says um you have to teach me how to get holy powers can I get some powers please father Bob well of course brother come right this way uh okay uh which way are we okay no we just walked two blocks this way where’s my Powers I want to have like God abilities to go brow so I can defeat the monster look brother it’s very simple you just have to look into my eyes and believe what uh Heather this is lowkey kind of sus right yeah does this dude even know what he talking about uh father Bob can you show me some Powers first and then I’ll whoa whoa whoa whoa what did he just flash what was that in your hand father Bob it’s my special ability would you like to see it yeah yeah yeah do it father Bob do it wa what the okay uh I need that right now slide that over father Bob I want to be cool like you not so fast brother uh what do I have to do H do a cool dance for me young brother I’ve been waiting for this all day now watch me whip now watch me neigh nigh can I get an now wow that is a teen full of swagger here you go brother wow he’s going oh my gosh there’s oh my gosh there’s so many Powers there’s so many Powers let’s go this is sick I have blessing of life and I have the guiding B boo boo bo bo bo bo bo all right see you later father Bob thank you okay be very responsible with those Powers father Bob loves you wait where are you f Oh my he just jumped off kabanga brother wow what just happened guys we now have awesome abilities I think we’re able to beat him I don’t even need the rest of the stab no way you can’t do that cuz what if he gets you and eats you alive um what that’s not going to happen yo possessed dude are you almost broken free from that little cage of yours dude he’s trying his best to break out just let him break out ly we already have things situated over here P up are you sure about that cuz I’m coming through oh no girls inside careful the water drop careful the water drop shorty was not oh my gosh little yo what are you doing Heather Alexa watch your jet run oh gosh he’s right there yo over here y I’m so hungry for flesh oh wow that guy is scary over here hi Mr demon dude it’s me SS um if you want to get me you have to walk through this path it shouldn’t be too dangerous okay but just know I ain’t no fool oh we got him in the water how does that holy water taste buddy it’s too pure he’s escaping but he’s about to get hit with the arrows come up over here if you think you’re that guy pal come to me I can taste your flesh it’sing wait was I supposed to kill malexa I read past page two oh are you serious follow the roads next time wait wait wait I’m calling Luka oh gosh he’s answering yo what’s up brother wait are you okay ly yeah I’m like in my house right now wait Luke’s back in his house come on guys let’s go ly ly are you okay Luke L are you alive still hello Luke yes guys you’re back to normal we were all so worried about you now things can go back to the way they were you were like on a possessed one block a whole lot of stuff happened did we actually get rid of Chad though oh yeah Chad’s completely gone sorry Alexa no more of that weirdo actually SS I might have spawned him back in what you did not spawn oh my gosh what was good really L he’s back he’s back oh no I have to do this again but no and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are POSSESSED On ONE BLOCK in Minecraft!


  1. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeèeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeèeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeèeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeèeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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