I Ruined My Friend’s First Time Playing Minecraft

Show of hands, how many of you guys play Minecraft regularly? Very nice, very nice. So you all kinda understand what features are part of the vanilla game. Well, I’m included in this. I struggle to think about what this looks like to someone who’s never played. So when I heard that Minecraft was 50% off for their 15th anniversary, and I heard that one of my friends had never played, I forced him to buy it. Today I’ll be testing his perception of vanilla Minecraft’s features, but I’ve also added a few mods that feel like they could fit the base game, just to throw him off. If he can guess where a feature comes from, either Minecraft or a mod, then he gets a point. If he’s wrong, he gets a fail point. And by the end, if he gets a passing grade, then I’ll pay him the $15 it cost him to buy Minecraft. Let’s see how many he can get right during his first ever playthrough of the game. And genuinely, this was his first ever playthrough, and it’s really funny. It’s a mod! IT’S A MOD!! Enjoy. Hey, friend from real life, how’s it going? Hi. Welcome to Minecraft, this is the first time you’re seeing it, what do you think? Is this the first time I’m seeing it! We definitely didn’t have a whole lot of issues. Well, okay, you haven’t moved from this spot. That’s, that’s, yeah. That’s true. You joined one other world, this is where you’ve been, this is it. This is your entire play experience. All right, well, this is our first location. This is a village. This chest, by the way, has a bunch of food for you if you want that. It’s kind of nice. Yeah, there’s a lot of nothing here. Right click on it. Yeah. There you go. Ooh. So that’ll be your food source. You’ll notice there’s a little hunger bar down there. That’s a vanilla feature. I’ll just give you that one right off the bat. That’s vanilla. Oh, okay. This is our first spot. So come on over here. Um, so this is, this is a cow pen. What do you think of this guy? What do you think? Is this a vanilla feature or is this a mod? I’m going to go ahead and say that I don’t know anything about this game and I’m going to say, uh, mod. Okay. Is that your final answer? You locking that in? That’s, that’s my final answer. I think that’s wrong. This is a vanilla feature. This is an iron golem. Isn’t that crazy? Hi buddy. It’s kind of cool. Oh yeah. They hit hard. They hit really hard. I thought I was petting him. So they’re, they’re villager protectors, essentially the villagers, uh, spawn them in to protect the village. They’ll attack hostile mobs, that kind of a thing. They’re kind of cool. I can go watch this. Ready? Ready? Ready? Ready? Boop, boop, boop, couple iron blocks. And then, um, boom, there he is. Okay. Next feature. Come back in here. Okay. Okay. All right. Okay. Next feature. You ready? See these chains. This is just like, you can place chains like this, right? So this is, this is kind of how they work. They’re just, it’s just kind of a block. You can place them, but you can also hook them between things like this. Okay. It’s kind of cool. What do you think? Is that a mod or is that a vanilla feature? Uh, considering Minecraft is mostly blocks that are in a quadrant type grid system. I’m going to say that’s a mod. That is correct. That is a mod. Yeah. Yeah. I’m going to give you a bonus point. If you could guess which part of this is not part of the mod. What’s modded is the fact that it bends that like each of the links bends. Kind of. It’s, it’s just the fact that you can hook them together. Yeah, that’s fine. It’s just, yeah, the chains themselves are regular Minecraft features though. That’s, that’s actually in the game. You have two points. You’re already, you’re already succeeding. All right. Next feature is this. See this up here, the lantern. Yes, sir. Yes. Is that a vanilla feature or a modded feature? I’m going to say that is a vanilla feature, but the fact that it sways back and forth is modded. Very nice. Very well done. And I also want to ask me holding it like this. Do you think that’s vanilla or modded? I’m going to say that’s modded too. Yeah, that is also modded. You’re going easy on me. I want the hard stuff. You can have that lantern if you want. Enjoy. Okay. This is, this is the next one. These are leads and it allows you to hook mobs into it and lead them around. I’m going to guess that’s, that’s probably a mod because I don’t think they would, I think they would have to be like, it’s like, oh, you pick up the animals usually and throw them into a bin. And then this way it’s just, you can lead multiple of them around. Yeah. Yeah. This is, this is super convenient, but this is actually a vanilla feature. So this is actually a thing that you can actually just do in vanilla. Yeah. Yeah. And I can fly and bring this guy with me. And now if I unhook him, he, uh, next up let’s do, oh, oh, oh no. Oh no. So throughout this village, each of these houses has a different door. I want you to guess. Each of these houses… So cause some of them are actual doors and some of them are not actual doors in game. Each one that you get right is a point. So let’s start over here. Let’s start over here. That right there. This, this door right here. Minecraft or modded. See, okay. I’m going to, I’m going to be smart about this. Okay. Yeah. I’m going to say because it matches like every other kind of texture of like wood grain and stuff effectively, I’m going to say that it is Minecraft. Nice. Yes. Correct. This one. What do you think? Minecraft. That is incorrect. This one is a modded door. What do you think about this one? I don’t like this game. I’m going to go all in Minecraft. That is correct. This is a Minecraft door. This one. I’m going to go ahead and say. Mod incorrect. That is also a Minecraft door. That is also a Minecraft. All right. What’s this one? Mod. Correct. That one’s really easy. What’s this one? Minecraft. Yeah, that is a Minecraft door. That is correct. I’m just guessing at this point and it’s working better! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMinecraft Also correct. Oh, random, random side question, random side quest. What is this? Is this a Minecraft or a modded feature? Oh, it’s a bell. *ding* Oh, okay. Well, you just gave that away to me. I think. Mod? Nope. That’s a vanilla feature. All right. Come on. Come over here! Couple more doors. Ready? This door. What do you think? Minecraft. Yes, correct. This one. Mod. Correct. This one over here. Mod. Incorrect. That’s a vanilla door. What do you think? Minecraft. Correct. Yes. Four doors. Oh my God. I’m going to say gold is not Minecraft. Mod. Correct. Okay. Iron is Minecraft. Correct. Cherry is cr– Minecraft. Correct. And then this one must be mod. Yeah, we already saw that one over there. Oh we did? Okay. So you’ll notice that these villagers each have workstations. They have, they have like jobs and stuff, right? So these are considered what- considered workstations. They go to these and they like refresh their trades and that kind of a thing. There’s a bunch of different types of workstations and I laid out a ton of them over here and I want you to guess if any, if there’s a modded one. You’re not even letting me know if there is one. Okay. That one looks like a chessboard. I’m going to say that’s in here. That one looks like a stove. I’m going to say that’s in here. That one looks like a furnace. I’m going to say that’s in here. That one’s definitely a saw. I’m going to say that one’s maybe not in here, but let me see. Uh, that one. That, that one. And this one looks like another, like a brick oven. I don’t know what the, I don’t know what this one is. This one is called the grindstone. That’s what that’s called. The grindstone. It’s supposed to be like a circular stone, I think. Oh, well, this is probably the worst game to have circles in. I’m going to say the rotating saw blade is a mod. Final answer. Yes, sir. Because that is incorrect. This is a vanilla feature. This is the stone cutter. I’ll let you guess again. You know, I’ll let you know there is one modded workstation here. That guy is, he’s working away over there. The one you’re standing on. This one, this is called the cartography table. Allows you to do things with maps. Final answer. Modded. Modded. That is incorrect. That is a Minecraft feature. All right. Any others, any others you think? What do you think? What are you thinking? Uh, chessboard. That is a crafting table. It allows you to craft. Nevermind. Nevermind. Okay. I’ve heard that word before. I’ve heard that word. How about the circular stone square? That is also a Minecraft feature. Okay. I didn’t, I didn’t, I didn’t give my answer yet. Yeah. No, that I marked it down as a fail. So yeah, too bad. Uh, how about the knives thing? This is knives all over it. This is a fletching table. It’s a, has to do with arrows. You can’t actually interact with it. Minecraft. Once again, that is incorrect. Man, you’re racking up the fail points. Now this is a Minecraft feature. What is a Minecraft? That’s what I said. I said Minecraft. No, no, no. I didn’t hear that. Uh, you want to guess again or do you want, uh, you want me to– I’m gonna guess there’s fall damage. all right, one more. I’m going to guess the, this metal furnace looking thing over here is not Minecraft. It is a mod. Well, you might want to check if there’s fall damage because this is also a Minecraft feature. The one that is not Minecraft is this one told you this would be difficult. I did. I did let you know. This is a difficult process. Yeah. So this is just the village. This is just the village. We’ve got a few other places we’re going to head to. Uh, they won’t be quite as intensive, but this is going to very much test. If you’re able to figure this out, he’s wandering off. There he goes. Alright. Part two. I saw a kitty cat. So you see this, you see the structure here. Yeah? I will tell you there are naturally generating structures in the game. Is this one of the naturally generating structures in Minecraft? Well, it looks like a skull, but I will say this, the Minecraft people, like your guy, he has a skull that’s a little bit smaller than this. And I would guess that they would base their designs of like architectural skulls around real world things. So I’m going to say this is not natural. That is correct. This is not a Minecraft feature. I’m going to show you first of all, you see these little items sitting around here. What do you think? Are these little placeable little items here? Are these a Minecraft feature or a modded feature? Uh, yes. They are Minecraft. Minecraft. Minecraft. That is incorrect. Those are a modded feature, but the items that you can place down are all Minecraft things like the diamonds. Well, is there a place over here that has fall damage? Come back! There’s another thing here that I think you’re going to find kind of cool. So this, these little placeable things here. This is called a smithing template. They allow you to take armor. I’m going to take the diamond armor and put designs on it. And then you put these in here. You put the little items in there and then now check out my armor. When I put this on, I’ve got fun little fancy designs on it. What do you think? Minecraft or modded? The armor itself is Minecraft. Oh! Modded. Modded? Yeah. Is that your final answer? That’s my final answer. That is incorrect. This is a Minecraft feature. I will give you a point though, if you can look in this chest, there’s a bunch of armor trims. There’s four of them that are not actually from Minecraft. Okay. I’m going to say razor armor trim is not. Dude armor trim. I’m going to say is not. Snout armor trim. I’m going to say is a no go. I’m going to say whatever this one is. Uh, spire armor trim. I’m going to wait. I’m going to guess that I got zero right. That is correct. I will give you a point for knowing that you didn’t get a single one correct, but I will also Fall damage! give you four fail points for the number of ones that you got wrong. These, this is your set of armor. This is netherite. I wanted to ask you if you think netherite So many noises, so many noises. Question. Do you think netherite is a Minecraft or a modded feature? I know that the nether exists. That’s all I know. I know that the nether does exist. Yes. Fun. I’m going to go ahead and say yes. Minecraft. Yes, that is correct. It is a Minecraft feature. All right. Give me the, give me the armor. Do you want to have a color preference here? Wait, I have to give you the armor? I need them. I need to put the trims on it. Thank you. Oh, that’s the skull. I want it. Bright pink, bright pink. I can do amethyst, which is like a purple. All right. Here’s your armor. There you go. Yeah. Yeah. That looks nice. I like that. Heck yeah. Now you’re protected and ready to go. Call me Prince because I’m about to make it rain purple. I don’t know. This is a trident. Trident. Yeah. What do you think? This is throwable. You can throw them. You can pick them back up. There’s some enchantments for them. You can get them from under the sea naturally. What do you think? What do you think? Wait, naturally. Ooh, was that a hint? Well, naturally, as in you can get them from mobs. I’m going to say those are mods. That is incorrect. That is a Minecraft feature. All right. Next up. There he goes! All right. All right. Next up. You may want to stop moving for this one. It’s about to get creepy. Here we go. It was creepy. I saw your face right up against mine for a second. This is an ancient city. And yeah, this is a material called skulk. Yeah. That’s a skulk sensor. This is a terrifying place. What is that? I don’t know. What is it? This is a mod. This is a mod. This is a mod. Yeah. Yup. You know, that’s all we really need to see. I think. All right. Final, final answer. What do you think? What do you think? Final answer for that area. Mod. Mod? Well, funny story. That is not a mod. That is a Minecraft feature. Man. All right. This is going to be, this is, this is where things get interesting. Here we go. This is part four. Welcome to the desert tavern. That’s what this structure is called. Check it out. There’s a villager in here. Hey, buddy. He’s a butcher. He sells some food. There’s some, you know, workstations here. What do you think? What do you think about this structure? Is this a mod? Or is this a Minecraft feature? Modcraft feature. I’ll say mod. How about that? I’ll switch it up. You know, you know, I’ll do the, I’ll do the, what’s it called? The money haul problem. Okay. I’ll switch it up. That is correct. This is a modded feature. Okay. Thank goodness. Good job. Good job. Good job. Good job. Good. Good swap. All right. This little guy. It’s a little octopus or jellyfish or whatever. What do you think? What do you think of the jellyfish? Do you think this is a modded or Minecraft feature? I’m going to say they’re, I’m going to say jellyfish are modded. That is correct. They are modded. I’m doing so good in this game. I know you’re getting there. You’re learning. You’re learning. What do you think about the crabs? Which are currently they’re dying. And the crabs, the crabs are Minecraft features. They almost were, but they are actually are not. These are a mod that is recreating a feature that was not added to the game. This is a desert village. It’s very iconic. It’s beautiful. You know, very desert, very desert, very village. What do you think? A Minecraft or mod feature? You know what? I’m going to just start answering them straight up. Yeah. Right off the bat. Not even, not even questioning. Definitely not stalling right now. I’m going to say the village is a Minecraft feature. Well, technically there is a desert village, but this one is not the desert village for Minecraft. Oh so trick question, huh? Well, no, this is a modded one. So this is all modded. This is modded, but there, I will say there is one element in this entire village, you might want to come back out here. There’s one element in this entire village that isn’t a modded feature, but they assimilated it into the village. One piece. One piece. Is it this one? That is correct. This is the one piece, but that’s not why we’re here. We’re actually here to test your knowledge of mobs. So the crab we know is modded, jellyfish we know is modded, but I do have a few more starting with this guy, the allay. What in the Sonic adventure two is that? So you can see he’s holding a block there, right? This means that he’ll follow me around. I’m now his, his, his owner, his master, whatever it is. But now if I’m like, you know, digging up a bunch of sand or whatever, and I placed some sand on the ground, he’s going to go pick it up for me and give it to me. Mod. Look at that. That was so cute. You see how he’s– MOD. He’s adorable. That is incorrect. This is a Minecraft feature. Next up we’ve got the llama. Llama, mod. That is also a Minecraft feature. Sorry. Next up is the sniffer, which is, they come from this. Mod. That is also a Minecraft feature. Next up we have the glow squid, which spawns in caves and glows. MOD! That is also a Minecraft feature. That is incorrect. Next up we have the illusioner, which is a type of an illager that can do some crazy cool illusion stuff. Minecraft feature. That is correct. It is a hidden Minecraft feature that you can’t actually find in the wild. The elder guardian. Minecraft feature. That is correct. That is a Minecraft feature. This is the wandering trader that also spawns with his little trader llamas. Minecraft feature. That is correct. They were all Minecraft features except for the two that we covered earlier. Well done. You have managed to pick up one more point than the fail side. This is anyone’s game. I put a nether portal in this, in this building. I know what that is. Yep. That’s a Minecraft feature. The nether portal is a Minecraft feature, but I didn’t ask that question. Good job. Let’s go through. I got a point. This is the nether. This is not all the nether, but we are going to go to one of the biomes in the nether. This is the soul sand valley and that is a soul lantern. So kind of like the regular lanterns, right? Kind of like the regular lanterns, but it’s a soul version. What do you think? Is this Minecraft feature or a modded feature? Minecraft. Correct. Do you think the biome is Minecraft? Minecraft biome. Yeah. That’s two points! Welcome to the other side of the village. This right here is an actual structure. You can dig through it. This is called the trail ruins. And you can find archaeological items in here. You find us that way. Think Minecraft or mod. Minecraft. Correct. I don’t think the trident is meant for digging. Is that Minecraft or mod? Definitely not. Oh, another another fun feature. Look at me. Look at me. Ready, ready, ready. Oh, blowing bubbles. Mod. That’s correct. That is a mod. All of this is leading up to the final moments of the game. We’ve been playing through all the regular Minecraft features. Ope. All this is leading up to the final boss fight. Can you if you can guess what the final boss fight is, which I think you already know the final boss of the Minecraft. Yeah, what’s the final boss of Minecraft? Ender dwagon. Yeah, correct. I will give you that point. We’re going to see how you fight the Ender Dragon. Oh, there he’s. Yes. OK. Oh, he’s. Is this where the Ender Dragon is? Nope. Ender Dragon come out. Face me. We’re going to go to the place or I will kill my friend. Where we can find the Ender Dragon. Are you ready? Welcome to the stronghold. Is this a Minecraft or a modded feature? The stronghold? Minecraft. Yeah, correct. I’m just trying to get you points right now. All right. OK, so in this chest, there is there’s some circles. Oh, he broke it. Yeah, those circles are important. Are those are those Minecraft or are they are they modded? Minecraft. That’s correct. Right click with it. There it goes. Oh, don’t don’t use them all, though. Don’t use them. This is these. Those are silverfish. What do you think are those Minecraft? Or are they modded? The reason I have brought you here is because this is the end portal. Is this Minecraft or modded? Is this is this portal Minecraft or modded? Oh, my Minecraft. Correct. You’re getting so many points. You recognize that thing. See what that is. Looks like an eyeball. Yeah, eyeball. Yeah. What do you do with those eyes now? Put them in the things. Yeah. There you go. Here you go. I’m doing it dad. I’m giving you two points for that. Do you do? Does this portal have to be over lava? I d– You know, probably not. But that’s what they did. So boom. Hold that. There you go. Oh. Block me. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Kind of nice. Kind of nice. All right. So now if you defeat the Ender Dragon, I’ll give you 20 points. Yeah, I don’t know if that’s going to happen. Get her. Come here, my queen. You can do it. Oh my God. I got her with an arrow. This Ender Dragon could be worth $15. Go get her. Hit her with the sword. She’s so close. Hit her. I don’t have a sword. Hey, dude. You can do it. Yeah. Yeah. If you have to let the hammer build back up, spam clicking is– there’s a little meter. If you hit the head of the dragon, it’ll deal more damage too. Oh, well, I don’t want to risk that. I’m sure it’s fine. So, Knarfy here tells me you’re a girl dragon. You can call me donkey. This is a very safe way to defeat the Ender Dragon. I appreciate it. I can respect it. Uh oh. Watch out for the dragon’s friend. I’m going to give you something that’ll help. I gave you 20 golden apples. If you eat those, it regenerates your health. Oh. I’m going to shoot you. I’m going to shoot you, ma’am. While you’re doing this, I’m going to also ask you questions about other Minecraft features or not Minecraft features. Are you ready? All right. This is a pair of wings called the elytra and I can put it on and I can wear it and I can fly around. What do you think? So Minecraft is a modded feature. Uh, it’s like really loud. What? This pair of wings. What do you think? Minecraft. Minecraft. That’s correct. This is a coconut that you can throw at things and it deals damage and it breaks when it hits things. Minecraft. That is incorrect. That’s not Minecraft feature, this. Yeah. But you’re almost done with the Ender Dragon! You’re almost there! Yeah. You did it completely legitimately without any help. Ooh, pretty. You’ve done it. You’ve defeated Minecraft. You did it. Actually, wait, you haven’t quite yet. Uh, this right here on top. I beat Minecraft. You see this? Fall damage! Wait. All right. All right. Ready? One more point. One more point for you. Is this thing on top? This weird looking thing. Is this a Minecraft or a modded feature? Minecraft. That is correct. You know what that does? It’s an Ender Dragon egg. That is an in fact an Ender Dragon egg. I’ll actually give you a bonus point for that. That means that you got 41 points. But I will also say that the fails had 26 points. But you also gained 20 points from defeating the Ender Dragon. So that means you were at 61 points. And with that, you have destroyed the fail side and you have earned yourself $15. Jump into the portal. Yeah. How do you feel? I hate Minecraft. Thanks for watching! Send Redactted some love in the comments for putting up with me lol – Subtitle Knarf

Today I invited one of my actual IRL friends to play some Minecraft with me! He’s never played the game, so I forced him to guess if features were Minecraft features or added by a Mod. How many can he get right? And will I pay him back for forcing him to buy the game?

Thank you Redactted for putting up with me lol

Mods used in this video:
► https://modrinth.com/mod/amendments
► https://modrinth.com/mod/another-furniture
► https://modrinth.com/mod/connectible_chains
► https://modrinth.com/mod/dungeons-and-taverns
► https://modrinth.com/mod/essential
► https://modrinth.com/mod/handcrafted
► https://modrinth.com/mod/items-displayed
► https://modrinth.com/mod/more-armor-trims
► https://modrinth.com/mod/supplementaries
► https://modrinth.com/mod/wilder-wild
► https://modrinth.com/mod/yungs-better-jungle-temples
► https://modrinth.com/mod/yungs-bridges
► https://modrinth.com/mod/yungs-extras

Edited by Eddie
Finalized by Knarfy

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  1. ONE PIECE MENTIONED 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥⁉️⁉️⁉️🦅🦅🦅🦅📢📢📢📢🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️

  2. the skull structure was from minecraft story mode i think or black plasma studios (but they changed name multiple times so its hard finding black plasma studios and story mode is bankrupt) and tridents are 1.13

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