I Built 100 FARMS in Minecraft Hardcore…

I am stranded at the world border 30 million blocks away from my home and that means that I’ve lost access to every single one of my Farms so to fix that in this video I’m going to build 100 farms in my world and then I’ll have every resource that I need to get back home the first three Farms use spawners one for bones one for string and one for Rod and flesh so that means I’ve got to go caving to try and find some Dungeons and to come up with 100 ideas for Farms I had to do a lot lot of thinking and a lot of research so the list includes Farms that even I’ve never built before some I’m pretty sure no one’s ever built before and there’s even a bonus farm at the end which involves buddy my dog yeah it’s about time we did something useful and I have to say this looks like a pretty good cave to me so let’s try and find some dungeons not a dungeon but it is a diamond but diamonds are for peasants so never forget your roots SB well that’s supposed to useful every now and again so I better grab them whenever I see them and that is spawner number one successfully found hello fellas let me get rid of you disable it with some torches look at that the other side this that’s actually really really rare at least it’s rare to find it in a dungeon anyway and now I’m just going to build a way that makes it easy to get in and out from there I’ll grab a few different resources and quickly and easily build the farm that’s the room completely dug out the water added in and this clever trick means I can make an upwards shoot that will send the mobs upwards where they’ll then land right here meaning I can defeat them in one hit so I’m going to remove the Torches from this and patiently wait at the bottom as they all head on through fall down the hole and get defeated and so that is Farm one done leaving me with just 99 to go and now I’m going to continue searching for another dungeon and look at this is mission accomplished so I’ll do exactly the same thing again and that is Farm Number Two complete and as for the spider spawner well I already know the location of one of them so building a farm for string is also very very easy easy and with three out of 100 Farms done I’m now going to go ahead and build 10 different automatic crop farms here’s all the items that I’m going to need and I’ll also grab all of the crops that I’m actually going to farm right here we’re going to have a wheat farm which works thanks to water logged trap doors I’ll just simply run a load of redstone along here and add a l at the end so that when I flick this off the water flows harvesting almost all the crops just one moment I need to make this entire thing one block shorter and now it works perfectly as intended and with four Farms down I can now build a farm for carrots a farm for potatoes and once I very quickly grab some of these a farm for beetroot 2 next I’m going to make a melon farm which requires observers pistons and a Wandering Trader which will sell me melon seeds I’ve got two and now I’ve got 14 thank you sir don’t actually need that many but it felt rude not to buy his produce and then for this Farm we till the ground PL a seed and grow it to the max height there’s going to be bricks on the front Pistons either side and an observer I can then repeat this a couple more times and if we also get some water bottles to turn these into mud blocks it means that these Hoppers will pick up anything that lands on the mud whenever a melon grows it updates the stalk pushing the Pistons and it harvests it all up now to do the exact same thing on this side so they also have a pumpkin farm as well and now I’ll place a few blocks to build a cactus farm and right here we’re going to farm netherwart right here I’ll have the vine farm and that’s just in case I ever run out of vines in this jungle you never know it could happen one forest fire and it’ll all be gone but don’t you worry we’ve got Vines here and directly opposite that we’re going to use observers and pistons plus a bit of cleverly placed water to make a kelp Farm which Harvest itself every time the kelp grows and that’s the last of the Farms that I’m going to let peacefully grow on their own for the rest of them we’re going to use bone meal and to get lots of bone meal we’re going to make a bone meal Farm makes sense doesn’t it this is going to require four rails as well as composters to build this I need eight Hoppers all going into that chest with eight composters on top eight hoppers on that some normal rails powered rails a redstone block and finally a moving Hopper mine cart and then all the spare items that I get from these Farms can go into the mine cart Hopper and very very quickly they all get turned into comp compost that fills this chest so that’s great but you know what is even better for converting to bone meal it’s Moss so next we’re going to build a moss Farm also guys I want to quickly talk about something else because I often receive comments from viewers saying things like hey SP your videos really helped me to get through a tough time and to be honest it’s really humbling to to hear stuff like that and and to know that my content has a positive impact on your life but sometimes you might need more than just my videos to get you through tough times and if you’re struggling with stress anxiety depression ju just hoping that these things will go away on their own what won’t really help you and it can actually just worsen how you feel in the future and the truth is if you if you’ve had that situation unless you’ve been to therapy then no one has taught you how to deal with those emotions and many people think that therapy is just for clinical mental health issues which means a lot of people just struggle on their own just think it’s normal and it’s it’s all part of everyday life but today I want to debunk that misconception by telling you about my pay partnership with better he and over 4 million people have used better he but to live happier and healthier lives that’s the same amount of people as I have subscribers that’s that’s kind of crazy isn’t it first all you go to their website you can use the link in the description betterhelp.com sb737 and then you just answer a few questions and betterhelp will match you up with the right credential therapist for you um relationship status single yeah forever alone SP sp737 the therapist in match has years of experience that will specifically help you because because of the questions you’ve answered it’s it’s tailored and this happens in as little as 48 hours so is really really quick so if you think this sounds like something you could benefit from go to betterhelp.com sb737 or choose s sp737 at signup but for a special discount on your first month of therapy and now I can get back to the Farms here I have every single item that I’m going to need except I need three sticky pistons which thanks to the panda slime farm that I built last episode I can easily craft and I also need Moss blocks which would make a lot of sense I’m literally building a moss farm so the goal right now is to track down a lush cave and I think digging is is pretty much the only way I can do that wow found diamonds well if we can find diamonds I’m sure we can find moss I’ve come into a m shop which connects to an amethyst J and I’m pretty sure this is clay from a lush cave right surely yes it is fantastic so that means we’ve now also got Moss and a massive deep dark how cool is this anyway I can’t get distracted I’ve got to get out of here and get busy building here we’re going to have a nice little Redstone clock and after adding a bit more Redstone and storage as well as a bit of moss the farm is done I’ll just have to add a bit of bone meal into the farm to get it started and just look at it go and as you can see it automatically replenishes its own bone meal and it also gets me all this Moss at the same time so yeah it’s a it’s a pretty self- sustaining farm and if I want more bone meal well I can just get it in in here and it’ll fill up the chest and with that out of the way I can now begin all the animal farms the first one is going to be a very simple cow Farm it’s just a few blocks like this and then I need to head out and actually find a cow apparently my base is surrounded by horses it’s a shame I’m not making a horse farm but that’s probably more of a thing that Tesco would find useful ah and we’ve got a cow and not just one cow but two of them I will be making a pig farm later and a chicken one so you know what I’m just going to grab any animals I see you can be tied up there and you and you need to be put in this hole with some water and then I can use the wheat from my wheat farm to breed them both yes all my Farms are connected and once these guys grow what in Earth is this weather but once they’ve got over 24 of these entity cramming will cause the adults to die and the meat will go into the chest and next door to this I’m going to build another Farm which requires hoppers mud and also a fully grown cow and if I couple that with a little bit of redstone as well as some buckets we get a working milk farm how cool is this I can get all of its milk although I didn’t really think about the fact that I didn’t make a big enough storage so I’ll just extend it a little bit more and now to go next to the cow Farm I want to build a mushroom farm but that might be a little trickier because I’ll have to spend a bit of time flying around to find a mushroom Island mission accomplished it’s up ahead and now I just need to make a nether port portal and go above the Bedrock so that when I drag a few of these through the portal I can take them home much quicker and much easier why are there’s so many pandas in this portal I completely forgot about them all sorry guys don’t mind me just need to get you guys out of here and please don’t mess this upv that’s it steady away and into the water and with both of them in there I’ve also successfully got a mushroom farm and then right next to that I’ve also got a farm for mushrooms stew you know I am seriously starting to wonder how many times I’m actually going to say farm in this video so feel free to count it if you’d like to I’ve now successfully also built a pig farm a llama Farm a rabbit farm although this one does feel a little bit evil I’ve also built a sheep farm a wool Farm a cooked chicken farm an egg Farm a frog Farm a goat farm a camel farm and a goat horn Farm which just get you a lot of them very very fast and that is every single one of the animal farms that I need to build I’m 30% of the way there and next I need to build an amethyst Farm just because it’ll come in handy for some of the future Farms that I need to build I want it to be near my house so that it’s always active I’m going to dig down right here oh we’ve got x-ray wait can we see anything it really is such a weird glitch if I just stand over here it goes but yeah that’s so so strange it’s a shame it’s not really helping me finding amethyst Geo that could have been great it also looks like it’s it’s kind of okay that’s just weird I’ve successfully dug into a cave now to explore it in search of a geode well I seem to have found a dungeon which is a bit of a positive where was this earlier when I needed to build that farm found a few diamonds a flooded cave that’s attached to a geode perfect my plan for this is to make the design very very simple and it’s not going to harvest every single one I’ve got a great amethyst Farm back at home that’s quite a few Pistons added around as I said I’m not going to do it for all of them I’m going to keep it very simple and use water for the collection system and I’ll connect every single piston with redstone time to give it a quick test run and it seems to work perfect perfectly and this simple Hopper clock system will make all of these Pistons activate every 3 hours so yes this one was a little bit more complex but it is another one checked off the list next I’m going to build a mud Farm it’s such a useful block and I’ve already used it loads already so I’ll grab all the needed materials and get to work building it in order to make the mud I’m going to need a load of dirt and if I also craft a diamond shovel then the farm will be in full flow basically just works by placing and breaking dirt really really fast and right next to it I’m going to make a simple dripstone farm that harvests it every time a dripstone grows and from there I can actually use all of this mud and all of this dripstone to build an automatic clay farm that converts all of my mud into clay also Midway through recording this something has happened this YouTuber called founding MN had the exact same idea as me to build a 100 farms in Minecraft hardcore but hey I’m not stopping now I’ve already spent multiple days Planning and Building all these Farms and I also didn’t spend 3 days making this spreadsheet for nothing we’re currently 34 farms in and the next 20 Farms all require bone meal so it’s a very very good thing that both my Moss farm and bone meal Farm have been working very very hard in the background for the first two Farms I’m going to need to find some sweet berries and some glowberries thankfully I already know where a tiger biome is so getting these is very very easy and if I dig down right next to one of these aelia trees that lets me easily find some glowberries next I need a dispenser connect it up to a little bit of redstone and I’ve Got My Sweet Berry Farm as well as the glow Berry one next I can build the cocoa bean Farm a flower farm a tall flower farm and then a farm for glow Len drip leaves pink petals propag Gilles hanging Roots grass Ferns seagrass and sea pickles and my next place to use the seagrass that I get from this Farm to build a nice little turtle scute farm we’re going to need a fence around the outside like this and then we’re going to add slabs so that only baby turtles can get through this Gap and when they do come through the water is going to push them into this little spot where the Hoppers will collect up the Scoops and now all I’m missing is some turtle eggs and I think I used them for a farm before so I should have some in one of the chest yep I do so I’ll Place both of these here and then I’ll take this extra sear grass because I’m going to go out in search of even more Turtles aha four have been spotted no speak actually it’s five I should learn to count so I’ll do a bit of breeding and collect up the eggs now to wait ages for all of these to hatch and I’ll actually build another Farm down here when the farm is in full flow but until then there’s still a few bone meal based Farms that I want to build starting with the Weeping Vines farm and then the twisting Vines Farm after that there’s going to be a crimson fungus farm and a warped one too and then I can use all of that warped fungi to make a strier farm I I just need to go and get the Riders perfect you’ll do nicely I’ll just have to build a bit of a fancy staircase to get you all the way up here and apparently you’re too fat to get through all righty well let’s let’s try that instead also if you’re wondering how I split them up I just used a lead on the top one and it came off through here both of you can go and yeah this this is the normal World guys they don’t look very happy to be here do they anyway just keep coming with me and this is water yeah Qui whoo you die in water I didn’t know that I’m so sorry guys get out of there come on come on you can survive you can do I had no idea I mean seriously what kind of a monster am I let’s just put you in a hole for now I’m hoping that some sort of bridge like this will allow them to safely get across to the other side and I’m going to leave them here because this is technically a desert so if it starts raining they won’t take damage but they would if I had them over there speaking of wood I’m going to grab an extra warped fence and build a lovely little Strider farm that is going to get me lots and lots of strength this is basically all there is to it the Striders are also going to be sat on some lava and that’s what will push the babies into the middle but I’m missing a piece but thankfully the lava Farm has got me covered there we go that goes there next I’ll build a nice little staircase and put one Strider here and one Strider there I am also going to give this a glass roof because I do not want them to die in the rain and in order to use the farm I just take my warped fungus breed both of them and then the lava will push the baby down into the water it will survive for now because he’s he’s absolutely tiny but then when he grows into an adult the water will hurt him and the string will end up in the chest yeah I know it’s evil but it doesn’t die as a baby so you know what my conscience is clear and loads of other creatures are getting murdered when they grow up so you know what we’re just we’re just going to live with it and with the strid sorted I’m now going to get back to something that’s kind of more like a crop because I want to build a mushroom farm all the items I’m going to need are pretty much here but I will also need some amethyst shards to make tinted glass a giant spruce tree so that I can get podel and finally brown mushrooms next I make a nice and simple little collection system with pzle on top and glass next to it and the idea of this glass is just to make it so that it is dark enough for the mushrooms to grow I also have an observer right here that will detect when a mushroom grows here and yeah it’ll do something like that for a second then it was an S sp737 farm not a mushroom farm and because it’s podle you can plant the mushrooms at any light level we can cover it all up and every now and again one of those two mushrooms will spread to that block and instantly get harvested thanks to the piston and from there end up in this chest and we can use the mushrooms that we get from that to build a nice little mushroom block farm and this works by planting down all your mushrooms and then flicking this lever they’ll all grow and from there you can Harvest up the mushroom blocks oh The Strider the strider’s grown up wait we got string evil I know but I’m glad to see that the Farm’s working and if I had a silk touch axe this farm would be even better in fact for now I’m just going to use it to get me mushroom items as it does also have that functionality as well and with the other another Farm down the next one on the list is going to be a sniffer Farm but in order to build that I’m I’m obviously going to need sniffers and to get sniffers I’m going to need to find some sniffer eggs now I do have some feathers here which can be combined with copper to make some brushes and then all that’s left for me to do is fly out over the ocean to track down warm ocean ruins it looks like we’ve got one down there I’ll have to do now is get rid of the drowns that got it and brush away at the suspicious sun look at this laser gentlemen we’ve got the sniffer egg if you’re wondering why I’m still getting advancements for them even though I’ve got them before it’s cuz downgrading your world does break all sorts of stuff like that but that is great news it was the last bit of suspicious sand that I actually searched here and now I can put this dolphin on a lead and we can go swimming extremely extremely fast and find yet another ocean ruins too all righty let’s get searching or should I actually say let’s get Excavating yeah I feel like a proper archaeologist when I’m busy with my brush and that is sniffer egg number number two as well perfect that means I can get out of here so this right here is the platform where the sniffers are going to be searching for the seeds whilst I’m here I’m also going to grab a well we’ve got a lot of moss in here I’m just going to grab a couple of moss blocks though and then I can place down my sniffer eggs and in time I will have some hatched sniffers next along here I need to create infinite water sources and then Place trap doors these slabs will prevent the sniffers from escaping and this right here is the Redstone that will open and close the trap doors and it’s the water that will push the seeds into the hopper and my sniffer eggs are cracking amazing I am also going to temporarily block this off for now because I do plan to breed these two sniffers into about six or seven of them and connected to this sniffer seed Farm I’m going to have a torch flower and picture pod Plant Farm so the seeg from this can go into it if I want to but to get that I’m going to need to kidnap I mean hire a villager remember all villagers used in sp737 farms are willing volunteers and not trapped against the will hello good sir it’s a Beau day isn’t it a beautiful day to take a raft and just go for a nice little ride look at him he’s even stood up on it I’m I’m sat down he’s stood up very very cool indeed you can stay right there and I’ll get busy building the farm so that it is ready for him so the village is going to be stood here and he’s going to be constantly planting the seeds that he receives and these two dispensers will be filled with bone meal we’re going to have a couple of observers that will be powering them and that’s pretty much it I’m just going to try and get the Villager inside also we have baby sniffers which is great progress but yeah I do still need them to grow up and where did I leave the village why did I put them all the way over there anyway I’m going to be very sneaky and place down beds so he thinks oh I’m just going to go and get a good night’s rest well mate I’m sorry but you’re not you’re actually going to be up all night farming seeds yes this is going to be it for the rest of your life you see the fate of all of these creatures the battery chickens the sheep with no space to run yes this is you know what I really am the villain in this world aren’t I I am evil but hey at least you’ll be able to enjoy a somewhat fulfilling job no don’t escape okay I thought he got away there oh he did get away as I was saying you are going to enjoy this fulfilling job whether you like it or not that’s small oh you just broke the dirt suppose I can fix it now let’s put some glass above his head oh yeah it’s very fulfilling work all I need now is these sniffers to grow up and then once they start producing seeds this little fell will be able to grow them and I’ve currently got it set up so that any seeds will go through here and land at the farmer but if I flick this lever upwards any items that then go into the water stream will flow down here and end up in the chest with the sniffer Farm out of the way now we’re going to make an LA farm and you know what the great thing about the LA Farm is I can use shards from this Farm to power the LA Farm it’s absolutely perfect that should be just about everything and I’m now going to get busy building up the entire thing that is the farm itself done but I am also missing a music disc which I happen to have in this chest and also an laay I I can’t build an laay Farm without at least one to start with I’m hoping that the Woodland Mansion over here has some of them in cuz if not I’ll have to look for an outpost or another Mansion or or something like that and after scouring the area there unfortunately doesn’t seem to be any there so in that case it’s instead going to be Outpost to hunting time I’ve managed to find one and inside the cages there’s a couple of poor little La don’t worry guys I will save you just kidding I’ll only save one of you whichever one leaves first is coming with me all right looks like you’re a Survivor you you know what you’re both survivors but you were the second one out and rules are rules let’s see how good your survival skills are now come a little fell you’re coming with me yeah if you tried to build 100 farms in Minecraft you’d go kind of crazy too four guys’s on fire no he’s not on fire he survived turns out I was wrong about that guy he really is a Survivor and I forgot but if I just give this guy a random item he’ll follow me which will make getting him back much much easier it’s quite the journey traveling thousands of blocks for this little fell by my side I think I’m starting to prefer being with him over buddy and now if I throw a piece of glass by this boat in theory if the LA is any good at you what are you doing as was saying if the LA is any good at its job you’ll pick it up and go in the boat it worked and I will take that glass back thank you very much and the way La breeding works is if you give them an amethyst Shard whilst a music disc is playing like this all right we’ll just ignore the mine cart give him that get the heart p and there’s two of them he’s got a friend now that’s fantastic and so to use the farm you just put that in there and then you can go like that and then you just got of keep resetting the music over and over again I believe you can breed a new one every 5 minutes so I’ll have to come back and use the Fula later but in the meantime it would seem that my sniffers have grown up so I’ll turn on the farm and seeds will go into this chest and I can use that to breed more and and eventually this guy will be able to make his picture pod plants oh my goodness we’ve overloaded the storage ladies and Gentlemen let’s very quickly get that problem sorted and then next Farm I’m going to build is a void trading wandering Trader I mentioned this Farm a while ago and a lot of people were like SP how can you do that you can’t go to the end how can you void trade well don’t worry I’m about to show you right here is all the items that I’m going to need but I also needed wanding Traders so I spent quite a bit of time AFK the wanding trader Farm I build last episode and now we can see what we’ve got I don’t know why they’ve all gone to this side and none there but anyway we we’ve got a couple of them which is great any decent trades I mean I’d say no from you and I guess ice and Moss is is okay so I can use a boat to extract him out wait what are you doing your llama you are not welcome else none of the llamas are welcome let’s just get rid of them all and then I can bring him over here and start placing down the necessary rails I’m going to have a block right here and this lever is going to power all of them except the end one now I’ll just carefully move you out of the way and place down 50 rails in total then I just make this completely symmetrical on this side add a bunch of levers and buttons and that’s it the farm is done I’ll just finally need a few mine carts which will be placed here here and also here now to drag you all the way across this way and safely where where do you think you’re going oh what don’t just walk over my boat as I was saying safely put him into a mine cart now to do the exactly the same with this fell here there we go from there I need to change my render distance to be two then I can take my emeralds and face the trader here’s his trades what we’ll do is we press this hold right click and I’m not going to trade with him until he goes out a render distance once he’s stopped I’ll know that’ll be the case and I can buy let’s say let’s buy all of his Moss we buy all of that it’s now got an X right next to it from there I can turn and TR trade with this fella and what should we go for should we go for some let’s go for blue ice that’s kind of rare isn’t it so we stop moving we trade for all his blue eyes we turn to this guy and all of his trades have restocked so I can buy even more M from him and I can turn to this guy and I can buy even more blue ice once we stop moving and this is this is just basically the process that you can just repeat over and over again I’ll buy blue ice one more time and then I’ll call it a day with this cuz I don’t really need either of those things but if I can get a wanding trade that sells slime I could get a lot of slime very easily and in a much more quicker and efficient way than my baby panda slime farm might as well compost this must to the bo as well and with that out of the way we now begin with the Aquatic Farms starting off nice and simple with a coral Farm I’ve got pretty much all the items that I need and there’s a coral reef over here which is perfect but I am still missing one very important block to build this actual Coral blocks yeah if I don’t have them then there’s no chance that I’ll be able to build the farm now since it does need to also be built in this biome I can’t put it where all the other ones are at so I’m just going to create a little Tower here and get to h building this this spot in the middle is where the dispenser is going to go that’s going to have the bone meal and these stone bricks will be Coral but they need water next to them otherwise they’ll dry out so the priority is to get the walls on first then place the water and very quickly add in the coral without any of the Redstone underneath getting washed away next I can build the walls up even higher add a layer of water to the top that will push all of the coral into this Hopper and that’s the coral Farm done I just need to hold the sil touch pickaxe and I go backwards and forwards like this breaking all of it and as you can see it works perfectly getting me loads and loads of coral which all fills up into this chest as a side point nearly all my turtles have hatched that’s pretty cool and the next Farm I’m going to build is a tropical fish farm it’ll be back in the coral reef and it is going to require quite a few different items so I’m going to go as quick as I can to grab every single one that’s now job done everything I need is right here so it’s back to the coral reef to get busy building this Farm we’re going to start off with a giant underwater platform that looks like this next I’ve got to build a wall and place down loads and loads of rails next I’m going to build up these walls to be even higher and add a layer of magma which is what will damage the fish and to get all the flowing water on top I have done something like this and you may not be able to tell but this middle layer currently isn’t all infinite water sources but if I keep going like this it now will be now I’m going to add the storage area this little comparative system means that the mine cart will stop when it’s empty in items we can put both of the hopper mine carts on and build upwards with 60 scaffolding from up here I can build a little AFK platform complete with a slab to stop Phantoms from spawning so whilst I stand all the way up here tropical fish will spawn down below and instantly go onto the magma and then the hopper mine carts will pick it all up and fill the chest actually got me load so far I’m going to grab the bone mail I think that could be handy and after building a tropical fish farm I’m now going to build a treasure fish farm here I have every single needed item except for a Target block which can easily be crafted and I’m going to build it right here and interestingly this is actually one of the first times that I’m using a calibrated skor sensor I think they’re very useful and I actually need to start utilizing them a bit more and so that it doesn’t keep detecting stuff I’ve surrounded it with wool there’s a bit of fancy Redstone right here and now I’m going to cover the entire thing with blocks and above that I can get busy adding all of the water and we’re actually going to use boats to align the bubber now to fence off the entire thing add some slabs to stop Phantoms and I would grab a fishing rod but I I don’t think I actually have one nearly 9,000 days in Minecraft hardcore and I don’t even have a fishing rod what is going on not to worry though they’re very easily crafted and of course in an Ideal World I’d have lure and I’d have look of the sea but at the moment we’ve just got this this normal one and to use the farm we just right click once and now we’re in position and then we just hold hold right click and okay hold on don’t do thatb what are you doing I was trying to be all fancy and show you what would happen with the farm don’t do that SP instead I to just make sure to keep my head down at all times look at that we’ve just caught a fish we’ve got three in total it’s working fantastic I was going to say fantastically but I I don’t even think that’s a word so it’s good to have another working farm and in the meantime every single one of my turtles is hatched even producing a few scoots oh I might as well pick them up for the ones that have grown and I’m also going to open these trap doors so the baby one can get through cuz six Turtles is definitely enough so I reckon I should get breeding and put this Farm to work and as I said this wasn’t just a scoop Farm I can actually make it another Farm as well but I’ll need a thunderstorm before that farm can be complete not sure how I got floating Vines but hey oh there we go and next I’m going to build a glow squid Farm but to do that I’m going to have to build it underground because it needs to be below y level 30 this is the size of the room that the squids are going to spawn in but I need to make it a bit deeper that’s the whole fully dug out now I just need to grab every single one of the materials feel like the Farms are getting longer and longer to build aren they but don’t you worry I will get to 100 I tell you what if I don’t make it to 100 farms in this video buddy dies yeah I’m talking about you mate nobody wants to say that so yeah I’d better get to work that’s every single item and now I can properly start building this thing and this whole rail is just going to be for the collection system I’ll set this little fell off going around and add magma on top and next I need fence gates lots and lots of fence gates next I need to open every single one of them next I’m going to fill the entire thing up with water so the squids can actually spawn and by adding kelp underneath every water source it will fill the entire room with water I’m going to drop a piece of tinted glass right there and then build upwards with scaffolding and in theory once I make a nice little s I’m no I’m not talking to you I’m recording a video as it was saying before I was interrupted I just need to make an AFK platform with a little Phantom proof roof and in the Theory the farm should be working as glow squid spawn they’ll eventually swim into the gates and onto the magma and that means I’ll get loads of glowing sacks from this chest with that out of the way I’m going to grab the seeds that I’ve got from this Farm breed both of these and get a second sniffer egg then I can place them on the Moss blocks block this off so that the baby sniffers don’t escape and I should have four sniffers very soon in the meantime this guy has been working away planting his picture pods and I’ve now turned the farm on so you can see it work I just have to wait for him to do some planting which he’ll do in his own time anyway glow squid Farm out the way this one is incredibly cheap to build and it’s even going to make use of my brand new little La breeder I’m not even using the LA breeder how it’s supposed to but there you go I’m going to grab two of them out of here there we go and the rest should stay oh it’s brilliant because to build this simple ink Farm I need to find a monument so both of you guys can stay right here and I’m going to see what I can find aha Monument spotted now ordinarily this farm would work by having Guardians take out squid but my mob switch back at spawn stops any guardians from spawning but you know what it doesn’t stop from spawning the big boy himself the Elder Guardian the Elder Guardian that very annoyingly keeps giving me mining fatigue I’m going to scaffold up here to create the AFK spot but yeah we will need to move those Elder Guardians around a little bit so that they’ll actually attack the squid so I’m going to drink this and I’m going to hopefully release him into the main bit of ocean there we go that’s one of you anyway down here we have the second one you might be a little bit harder to get out but I’ve managed to do it and with that the final one is down here which I can also release and in theory now from this platform up here squids will spawn and the Elder Guardians are taking them out which means all I’m missing now is those two alls come on then you two you’ve got a new assignment whilst I’m here I might as well just grab a few ink sacks so that he can hold them instead I re if I throw an ink sack here yeah he goes for it and and then it he’s going to fly away isn’t it all right we got him through the ptle Are you seriously in a boat with a panda what what are you doing get out of there come on and through the portal you shall go now I’m pretty sure two things I don’t think that the Elder gens will attack them and also pretty sure that once they get near the farm they they’ll start picking up those ink sacks on top I mean seriously guys it’s your job so I’ll stand here they’ll start flying around and oh look at them go I you know I’ve never actually used a Las iner Farm but they are just amazing at their job wow and they drop it right by the noble I mean yeah you miss but they’ll just they’ll just pick it up again if they miss oh that’s brilliant and the Ina just go in the chest so if I fly all the way to the top then they’ll be down there working away as the Elder Guardians take out the squid it’s a brilliant foolproof farm and it would be faster if there was normal guardians but we haven’t got that luxury I’m just glad that it works it’s another Farm checked off the list and in my list for the next two Farms I’d put guardian and drown Farm but as I’ve just remembered Guardians don’t spawn and and drowns won’t either so I’ll have to come up with two other ideas to fill those slots but next we can press on and build the copper Farm it’s going to be pretty simple to build only item I’m missing that I need is a cobweb and I’m pretty sure I can get loads of those from the Mesa biome the Mesa biome which is just over here there we go I knew I’d see a m shaft somewhere and I I’ll just grab a couple as that should be more than enough next I’m going to go to the spawner that I built right at the start of the video and then rather than build an entirely new spawner setup I can just instead add some features to this that will make it possible to convert drown so right here there’s going to be a piston with a block and then next to it a dispenser and just to stop these falling for a bit I’m I’m going to put a block right there and the way this is going to work is pretty simple so we’ve got a cobweb there with water above it and then there’s going to be a lever on the Observer every time I flick the lever it’s going to activate the dispenser with a water bucket in and the Piston which will push any mobs to here and then they’ll be in the cobweb and they’ll get turned to drown because of the water well that’s the plan in my head anyway so I’ll flick the lever and then yep we’ve got water flowing across there and then if I flick the lever again it goes back to dropping them in there let’s release them all flick it so that it’s now releasing drowns and look at that they’re coming down this side and they are tur into drowns but don’t seem to be falling down my cobwebs if I break that are they all going to come down yeah that kind of works and after making a few more tweaks this is what I’ve got and as you can see it’s getting me copper three ingots fantastic and now I’m going to go ahead and build a farm for slowness arrows which can be done by making similar modifications to this Farm although I’m going to need powdered snow to do that so yeah should should probably go and get some there’s got to be loads of it in this mountain range doesn’t there what’ you reckon down here we we’ve got to find snow that’s looking a bit suspicious and not safe this looks like the kind of thing to me good job a booket is the the greatest counter ever and this one’s going to be nice and simple I’m going to add a dispenser right here put the bucket of powder snow in and connect a button if I then press the button we’ll all start shivering cuz it’s it’s chilly and snow and then we get Strays Strays that will drop tipped arrows of slowness and so I’ve now done all the Aquatic Farms I’ve done all the converting Farms which means we can now build some more little fun farms right outside my base and just as a reminder this is what the area looks like before I started and this is what it looks like now can you believe it and there’s still over 30 Farms to go as you’re probably aware I do have a farm here that gets me loads and loads of Honey bottles in fact the storage is just completely full of them but I don’t really get honeycomb from it so I’d like to take a few beehives and build a nice little honeycomb farm and it is done I’ve got to do it before the bees Escape quick s all right I’ve messed up already get out of there right you go back in you know what hold your horses SP all right don’t panic in these situations we can place another one there why are you all going to different places should have done this at night shouldn’t I anyway if I put that there I don’t know if you’re actually going to be able to get back to your own hives guys you might have been an idiot in that situation but yeah anyway I have my working honeycomb Farm next I’d just like to grab a few stacks of bone meal if I place down a dispenser with a couple of observers and put a piece of glass up there we have a fully functioning micro tree farm so it grows you chop it down more saplings can easily be obtained by using a hoe you grow it again and you just you just rinse and repeat so it’s a great way to get wood very very easily and now that I have the saplings I don’t even have to wait for the leaves to disappear and thanks that glass block I never have to worry about the trees growing too tall and I’m going to use that wood to build build a charcoal Farm I know that kind of sounds pointless but it’s actually quite useful you see I fill the top chest with logs they go into the furnace and just to get it going I I’ll put some Oak planks in there so as the log smelts it turns to Charcoal very quickly goes through these Hoppers into the droppers into this chest into this Hopper and into the back and replenishes it so as you see once this one smelts this is going to go up to 16 there we go so really we’re creating more fuel than we are o clogs like it it fuels itself basically any so we’re just converting all the oak lugs that I had into charcoal and so yeah I can keep mining up more and more wood and then if I ever feel like I’m going to need more charcoal for fuel I can just Chuck in some wood here and it’ll keep building up and up and up but what could I possibly need all that fuel for well the next Farm we’re going to build is going to be a nice little super smelter it’s a nice and simple little design comprising of Hoppers furnaces even more Hoppers and then rails on top the chest boat is the final finishing touch we can set a mine card off going around and around and if it looks familiar that’s because it’s pretty much the same design as my composter only difference is they are furnaces instead of composters next I can take the charcoal that I’ve got from this and put it into every single furnace then in the boat let’s say I’ve got some sand that I want to smelt it’ll all get distributed evenly across all the furnaces and just look how fast it all starts coming through for my next Farm I’m going to build a TNT powered Cobblestone Farm I’m going to start with a block in the middle and chests all around that now water logging the leaves means that they won’t be blown up by TNT and when the lava touches them Cobblestone created this contraption up here is what’s going to send the TNT down let’s get a little observer in here TNT next to it and that just lets me get to the on andof button and I believe it should be done so we press that TNT should slowly drop down blow up the Cobblestone thank goodness didn’t break that farm and it’s working so so fast look in the middle we’re getting loads of cobblestone and that’s just in each different chest it’s fantastic and whil I Lees that running so it turns out if you fly away from your Cobblestone Farm it’ll it’ll break so yeah that’s been duly noted and I’m now going to build a normal Stone Farm also guys I just heard a thunderbolt you know what that means we’re in a thunderstorm and I can make possibly the most pointless Farm ever but I can make a bowl Farm yes I can make a bow Farm if I just put a lightning rod right about here and I’m also going to get rid of the one that’s on top of my house and now if these Turtles get struck by lightning and killed they will drop a wooden Bowl I’m kind of scared to do it but if I use my Trident on that it will get me a bowl but all the baby turtles will die so I’ll I’ll do it later when they’ve all grown up but with that lightning rod there that still counts as another Farm done and I can get back to work building the stone Farm it’s got trapo walls all the way around this little bit of redstone will move the Pistons from side to side and in order to get the most out of the farm I’m going to need a full Beacon thankfully I’ve been getting loads of iron blocks from iron farm and as for beacons I can easily craft another one like so the place I’d like to build this is on top of the mountain because I think that it’ll look pretty good and now that I have my haste I can go ahead and do that to start it and I just I just mine away and as you can see I mine up twice as many blocks as I would if I was just standing in one way because the Pistons are moving me from side to side and in a very short space of time we just click those to turn it off in here you’ll see look at it all we’ve got so so much so whenever I need stone bricks again in the future to build stuff we’ll have plenty okay that was um that was not meant to happen all I did was come down here just to get a bit of extra Redstone and apparently I need to learn how to fly now when I fly out I’ll try not to die oh no the sniffers are out I placed the eggs where they could Escape I’m so stupid what a disaster right you you get back in here this time I’ll put the eggs here so that they can’t get out and from here on out I’ll just concentrate on building Farms this first one is a nice and simple concrete converter and then right next to it we’ve got a log stripper which works very well and nicely fills up this chest next with a little bit of quick building I’m going to have a pretty cool pumpkin carving machine I think I could technically use this farm for that but as you can see it’s a lot slower when I don’t have the Piston breaking the pumpkin for me for my next it’s going to require a couple of squares a bunch of fencing around the outside and a couple of gates so I can get in because this right here is a nice little podzol farm yes it converts any dirt grass and also Moss Straight Into podzol as you can see you need to might need to mine the bottom ones it’s technically a dirt farm as well if I was just mining this with my fist I’ve just turned Moss into dirt so yeah pretty cool two in one farm and these two Farms here are what I’m replacing the drowned and guardian Farms with so we’re back on track even more turtles have hatched and I’ve got a load of scoots down here as well perfect also you guys are going to be in trouble next time as a thunderstorm but hey I’ll let you guys worry about that and not me and what’s the next Farm on the list you may be wondering well it’s going to be a leaves farm so I’d better get busy gathering up the materials I’ve nearly got everything I need but I’ve just noticed that a thunderstorm has started and you know what that means the bowl Farm is ready now a lightning strike might come here like if Pro what are you guys doing like because of the lightning rod I’d expect it would but just to be sure we can use this trident to kind of artificially speed it up so okay I missed how did I miss take two there we go and the lightning took them all out now the question is did we get some bowls from it we did we got two bowls so the bowl Farm works very very well kind of pointless but it is a fun little side project that was pretty cool wasn’t it lightning strike in the house and one of the items that I’m missing is a load of slime blocks I need 12 in total and you can see I’ve not got many slime balls so I reckon we should put the panda slime farm to good use from what I remember all I need to do is stand here and it should drop me off some bamboo or at least as soon as these items despawn it will anyway and from there I can breed loads and loads of pandas I think at this point it’s been long enough yeah that should definitely be enough slime balls so let’s grab them and I can make a load of extra wood from all this excess bamboo and now that I have all the needed slime blocks finally everything I need is right here yeah it is quite a big build just to make a leave Farm you you wouldn’t have thought that would you my plan is to build it right here and as you can imagine there’s quite a lot of red stone to go with it the trees are going to grow from this dirt and I’m going to need water to pick up all the excess saplings and stuff like that and all of these powered rails also need to be water logged and there we have it all the water down with all the rails and now I can add all the Redstone for the te TNT duping machines and that is the build completely done just need to push a mine cart onto that trap door and then I’ll grab a bunch of bone meal and aelas because this right here is going to be a farm that gets me aelia leaves that was the best one out of all the trees so I’ll flick both of these levers to turn the machine on and then I hop in the mine cart hold right click looking in this very specific position and also hold left click and in theory the mine cart would fall down but I didn’t quite move it all the way to the edge so I’ll just manually move it for the first time and yeah I’ve got to just hold left click to break the leaves and I slowly go backwards and forwards mining away at different parts of the tree then as I’m going along here TNT is blowing it up and I just get the angle back the tree gets planted and then I go back and forth all over again I’m very happy with that most of the leaves went into my inventory but we’ll Chu it all into there and it also gets a few logs as well which is a nice byproduct and I have to say these Phantoms are driving me crazy so you know what I’m going to do instead of sleeping I’m going to build a farm out of him yes Farm number 80 is going to be a phantom Farm all it requires is these items and I’ll probably end up building it through the day ready for tomorrow night right here is the spot that I’m going to build it and it’s pretty straightforward it just requires a load of fence gates and the idea of these fence gates is just to hold all of this water in now I just need iron bars around the middle I add a little doorway so I can get in and out very easily and the farm is done I’ll get that used tonight but in the meantime we are now 80% of the way there to completion we’re getting so so close and there’s not that many farms left and as for Farm 81 I’m going to build an automatic brewing station which means I’ll need a blaze rod as well as a load of other items too this is the stuff I need plus a a brewing stand yes something tells me that might just be important right here is the spot I’m going to build it but a phantom is spawn it is night time this is my opportunity to test out the farm so we stand here and oh he gets stuck wait does he drown is that how it works he can’t get out oh he got out so I guess he has to swoop in and then once he’s in the water okay now he’s definitely stuck right yeah he can’t get out I I don’t even think I meant to take him out I think I can take him out but I think he’ll drown right oh this is great it’s like fishing for Phantoms all right don’t Crouch s SP then they get out if you crouch they might Escape but honestly it’s nice to see them trap R change I have no idea why they’re doing that rir turning thing by the way oh more have spawned as well that’s pretty cool yeah it doesn’t look like they’re drowning so maybe I actually have to hit them and that’s how I do it I tell you what this does work pretty well anyway that’s enough of that we can’t stay here all night and I will just add a little chest down with the membranes in and now operation build the Auto Brewer can begin this is what one module will look like that will release the items into the brewing stand and I now need to repeat this 11 more times there there we go and these four modules here will add the extra effects such as adding time or adding strength to each potion item frames will be used so that I know what’s in each one it’s going to take a bit of time for me to go out and collect items for every single one of these but hey I’ve got all the Farms right here that I need what’s that I need a brown mushroom sugar cane and a spider eye well it’s a good thing I already have farms for all of those then isn’t it that’s basically the case for every single item that’s going to go in this Brew which is very very good to know I even have the scoots that I need for Turtle shells that’s that’s how well prepared I am with all of these farms and I unfortunately won’t be able to fill up the dragon breath one cuz I I can’t get to the end the nearest stronghold is 29 million blocks away way way too far and now let’s say I want to do a fire resistance potion I can get my Nether wart I can choose my magma cream and I want to make it longer so it’s 8 minutes and on top of that I’ll make it Splash as well so it’s splash potions of 8 minutes fire is as you can see it starts Brewing the awkward potions and then the Magma Cream goes in and you can see in the hopper Above All the items are there as well and once they are all complete I can flick this lever down they all go into the chest flick it back up new water bottles go in and I can just rinse and repeat and now for my next Farm I’d like to build one that will go well with my milk farm and my Mushroom Stew one and that is a water bucket Farm no no no I’m not running out of farm ideas but you see I’ve got loads of empty buckets and I’m always needing water so I might as well make a quick farm for it we’re going to start with a piston right here and then add all of the necessary obser as well as droppers and with a couple of water buckets like that and a bunch of them added into this dropper I now have a fully functioning water bucket Farm oh it’s brilliant why do I feel like I’m the only person to have ever built one of these by the way so i’ I’ve just filled up every single one we CH that through as well just look at that do I need water oh well you have got a full double chest of it and interestingly enough for Farm 83 I actually do need a lot of water because I’m now going to go out and build an ice Farm I was going to build it in this area where the mountains are but I feel like that’s just going to be annoying and I’ll actually have more success in a snowy biome where it’s much much flatter here we are I knew if I followed the world border along that there was a snow biome down here somewhere and I reckon this big frozen lake is the spot for me so I’m going to start off by making a big 37x 37 Square from there I’m going to go ahead and divide it up into quarters and then I’m going to place slabs oh what what on Earth is going on there okay it’s gone oh it’s back what on Earth anyway I’m gonna it’s so weird at the world border but yeah I’m going to place slabs in a diagonal pattern like this slowly getting rid of these temporary grass blocks there we go that’s all done and this entire thing can now be filled with water it’s freezing already that’s that’s a good sign I suppose isn’t it but I need you to not be frozen so the entire thing can fill up now to do the same right here and in the final two quadrants as well and that is the ice Farm technically done so I’ll block myself in here with a nice little window so I can see out and I’m going to wait for all of that to freeze over so you can see it in action that is long enough and now this next bit is very simple I just have to go around and mine all of this up with my pickaxe and because of this diagonal water in the middle it puts it all back to be water sources and next time it starts raining I’ll build another Farm back there I’m going to grab a couple of pieces of snow as well as a carved pumpkin and build a very fast and efficient snow Farm yeah it’s one of the simplest ones we’ve done in a while isn’t it mate but hey it works very very well to get me loads of snow and since I don’t have any idea when it is going to rain next I think I’ll just set up the next Farm but won’t be able to use it because after building an ice farm and a snow Farm I’m now going to create a powdered snow Farm which can easily be done by crafting a load of cauldrons and placing them all down and from there I I just need to wait for it to snow obviously we haven’t quite got the climate for it right now but that is all of the Frozen Farms now out of the way and I can go on to the next section which is the nether Farms starting off with the basalt Farm which I’m going to quickly grab the items for there we go that is everything and I reckon the safest place to build this is going to be above the nether roof and the reason you build one of these farms in the nether is because lava flows faster here which makes the farm faster than if it was in the Overworld that’s the farm complete we simply have a button right here when pressed it generates B and I can just stand here and mine a way to my heart’s content but as you can see right now it’s kind of slow but if I go ahead and grab some iron blocks and create a haste to Beacon then all of a sudden the farm will become very very fast and anytime I want to turn the farm off I can just press this and the lava will all disappear I better just spawn proof this Beacon and for the next of the nether Farms I’m going to need to be back below the Bedrock to build a blaze farm once again this is all pretty straightforward I just need to make this platform right here a little bit bigger and then place a bunch of fencing around the outside next I’m going to put lva in each corner and dig my way down the blaze will land right here on the Hoppers and if I just remove these last blocks and fencing from up here the blaze farm will be done I’ll I’ll try not to pop a totem mid mid thing I don’t know what you’re doing down here it’s a blaze farm not a Wither Farm but yeah anytime Blaze spawn they will go into the lava and be pushed down the hole in the middle and from there I can easily take them out and get loads of blaze rods and with that out of the way for Farm 88 I’m going to build a gold Farm how on Earth have you guys got out I have no idea but more importantly I will need a turtle leg for this as well as a bunch of other items which I’ll happily go and grab oh and it’s literally started raining this is a perfect opportunity a perfect opportunity to see the powdered snow Farm in action so I’ll jump in here and see how much powdered snow we can get I’ve been here for about a day the snow has stopped and as you can see the cauldrons are filling up I don’t know if any have filled up all the way Way to the Top no probably needs a second DUS in of snow but it shows that the farm is working and give it a bit longer and we’ll we’ll have plenty of powdered snow but anyway that’s enough of that now I’m going to get all the items for the gold farm this right here is everything next I’m going to carve out a pretty big room right here a Portal’s going to go in the Middle with a little spot that I will eventually place a turtle egg now to dig another room that is not good at all that really really bad you know when you just m away A Million Miles Away thinking everything’s going to be all right now every time I want to go in the ender chest I’m going to use up an Ender Chest that’s that’s going to be annoying isn’t it and I don’t even have an easy way to get silk touch again because the Villager that sells it is back at home I don’t know if you ask me I’m an idiot anyway I’ll just continue mining this and hopefully this gold Farm will be worth the trouble of losing an actual pickaxe guys I I I I I think I’ve made a mistake what are all of you guys doing here yeah I went through the portal too soon so then they were all going through the portal and now we’re in p jungle I really am an idiot anyway let’s destroy this portal build up really really high and then I can finish the rest of the farm all righty the Pigman have despawned the farm is finished and I can now get loads and loads of gold and loads and loads of XP to repair stuff like my shovel and you’re probably wondering what do I intend to use all of this gold on well a bartering Farm of course and just so you know these guys are not prisoners they are economy men all right well pigs I suppose but but they’re willing people supporting the economy I simply push this button and they will keep bartering and the gold will keep replenishing as long as the dispenser is full because I can’t get to the end I’m going to instead build an Enderman Farm in a warped Forest it’s pretty much like an Enderman Farm you get the end but obviously this one is in the Nether and it works decently well too in this Bal Delta I’m building a Magma Cube farm and the way this one works is magma cubes spawn and try to go for the Iron Golem but they just freeze in the snow and then all the babies try to jump to the middle and fall down the powdered snow where they freeze and drop their Magma Cream I agree it’s not perfect but if I can look in this chest as you can see we are getting magma cream from it which is good news and I can make another Farm really really quickly using that because if I steal one of these frogs from down here he will eat all the baby magma cubes meaning I’ve now just built a Frog Light Farm but let’s let’s see it in action so yeah it just eats any babies that fall into the middle hole and there you have it OA Frog Light absolutely fantastic the next Farm on the list is going to be a wither skeleton one requiring all of these different items this is the spawning platform for the farm all complete as well as all of the other stuff above the nether roof the Overworld portals are all built and linked I’m going to place down three cobwebs and light this portal oh my goodness don’t ask what I was thinking Le ladies and gentlemen don’t don’t ask right I I kind of made a mistake with the farm as you can see it is kind of working but I should not have gone through that portal I genuinely thought that was it I thought I was dead when I saw all those guys and how fast my health was going down I did not know how to get out there I was like I’ll just fly and yeah I didn’t think I I just didn’t think like I’m still going to get this video done it’s nearly 5:00 a.m. I’m I’m bound to make mistakes at this time but that could have been a critical one indeed it’s not ideal but because I accidentally built the farm at the world border I’m having to use two different portals and and kind of go between them so like I’ll I’ll grab the resources from that fly back and stand here so that more can spawn and then they’ll come back through I can take them out and that’s the cycle it’s not as efficient as it should be but you know what it’s another Farm checked off the list and for Farm number 94 I’m going to use these wither skulls to make a Wither Farm should be pretty useful and since I can’t build it in the end below the exit portal I’ll have to get creative and do it another way and also have loads and loads of these heads in this strer box which is is pretty handy too I don’t need a crazy amount of items and I’ve got them all here the plan is to use the Bedrock at the top of the nether to trap the Wither by creating something like this it automatically spawns the Wither for you and automatically replenishes the Soul Sand in your off hand once spawned the Wither will be trapped and you can just keep hitting it and collect the nether star and I literally could just keep doing this over and over again as long as I have the mob heads in there this Farm will work perfectly and for Farm Number 95 I’m going to build a Wither Rose farm which I can connect this by using dispensers eggs and poison so I flick this lever and loads of chickens will spawn and then when I spawn in the Wither poison will be splashed it will poison all of them they’ll be on half a heart and then when the Wither explodes all the chickens get taken out and the Wither roses go into here and because I put the chickens in a different chunk to the chunk that the Wither spawns in he’ll attack me and not the chickens for Farm Number 96 I’m going to build a warden Farm there’s going to be a deep dark somewhere around here I found an ancient city and a suitable shrier and after a quick bit of Spawn proofing and adding a fancy bit of redstone I should have a working Warden Farm I think I made this guy kind of angry but doesn’t matter mate I’ll see you later and I can just stand right here to constantly run the farm and using the skull catalysts I we can next build a skull Farm I’m going to build it as a dungeon that I found earlier in the video and as mobs spawn in here they’ll go flying upwards and as mobs fall to the bottom the skull will spread and allow me to harvest it we’re getting very close now Farm Number 988 is going to be a villager farm yep that means it involves you guys this is their little farming quarters in there you go good sir all four of them are in the crops are down and the beds are placed the farm looks to be working perfectly the villagers are breeding and the babies are stupid enough to fall for the Trap Farm Number 99 is going to be a villager trading Hall in theory that means I’ll finally be able to get a silk touch pickaxe back although I will have to wait for these fellas to grow up before I can start filling it so whil I wait for that at the same time I’m going to build Farm number 100 which is a RAID Farm however this raid Farm is unlike any other raid farm that I’ve ever built before and I feel like it’s quite a cool little Nifty design as well look at this we’ve got a couple of adult and you are coming with me and into the farm you shall go a bit of lava there and that’s it the raid Farm is complete but before I use it and get it going fully I’d like to push this fell into the mine cart and add him in to the trading Hall all right mate this is the point where you give me silk touch thank you very much indeed and now I just need to get efficiency Unbreaking and mending and buying that means I’ve got all of them so it’s very very nice to have a silk touch pickaxe back and if I can get one more gold ingot that is that back to netherite a sniffer has somehow got to the top of this scaffolding I have absolutely no idea how my little villager trading Hall is also now complete which means for Farm 100 I just have to make sure it actually works if it doesn’t I I’ll probably end up dying down here to vex’s or something stupid I’ve never tested it I’ve not really any idea what to expect but the emeralds will be useful let’s take this guy out and then I will land on my little raid Farm well a raid is starting that’s a good sign already I’m going to go here and and the mobs are going to get into the boat and I’m going to take them out with an axe well I can hear them I also need to make sure I don’t Crouch otherwise it’ll break oh my goodness I don’t believe it it’s working and it I could just do that and sometimes they’ll take themselves out if I don’t hit them in time what a great little farm this is yeah it’s not the fastest but the new update is going to break a load of raid Farms anyway and next episode I am going to return home I promise you guys I’m also getting more totems from this which is good because I I only had one left anyway I’ve done it I’ve done the raid we are victorious and that means all 100 Farms are complete and as I said next episode we are going to go home the fact that I now have so so many resources thanks to all of these Farms is going to really help in doing what I need to do to get there although buddy I said there was going to be one last Farm involving you a little bonus one if you like I call it the dog Destroyer 6000 and this ladies and gentlemen is where we will Farm buddy himself yes he goes along the water and then into the lava Goodbye old friend oh my goodness you escaped no we can save him I’ll give you food take it all this wasn’t meant to happen it was meant to be a prank buddy stay alive stay with me if he survived no way all right well yeah that wasn’t how supposed to happen it was meant to be a prank and it was going to land in the water but he teleported before you’re a stupid dog but I love you anyway all right buddy next episode we will go home

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►STARTING OVER IN HARDCORE: https://youtu.be/XpLLUS4eI1g
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In this Minecraft video I survive over 8880 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

Tutorials Used
I used tutorials throughout the video. Too many to list sorry, but the majority of farms where I did use someone else’s design, were either by Rays Works, ianxofour, or ilmango.


  1. Hey SB look up some stuff on the better help company, they retain users with a lengthy process to unsubscribe from their services and share your information to any company interested

  2. Man everything was great until SB promoted betterhelp…SB if you see this, do some research into why you shouldn't take betterhelp sponsorships. They're really an awful company. There are a bunch of videos on YouTube explaining why people shouldn't be promoting them.

  3. Bro sb it seems like you just wanted a fresh start to your hardcore world without dying am I right or wrong its okay if you don't care to return to your home base still love your videos 👍

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