Playing Minecraft as a PROTECTIVE POKEMON!

all right guys I just finished leveling up my Pokémon any of you guys want to lose lose I want to lose to you yeah I think I’ll let you and Ruby fight this time oh yeah oh yeah cam I bet you’re too scared to fight me my Pokemon is super buffed now take a look at him he’s level five oh heck yeah look how big he is wait what why is your Pokemon so big compared to mine oh nothing Ruby I just may have done a little bit of uh training and now he’s super big look at those muscles he’s got like muscles of Steel I bet he can punch through a tree with like one hit but our Pokémon are the same level I bet yours just ate a lot of candy and got fat what R did you really just call my Charmander fat you cannot insult my beloved Charmander look at you’re a little guy over here his name is literally twig he’s literally got twig in his name Ruby oh yeah come at me let’s battle all right all right let’s go let me pick up my Charmander real quick and battle time let’s go Ruby versus Dash let’s see who’s going to win uh obviously it’s going to be me honestly I think Dash is going to win you do not stand a chance your Pokemon is literally a tree my Charmander is like a fire Pokémon so it’s going to burn down your tree hold on let me hit fight real quick and okay I’m going hit you with the scratch attack boom take that oh I bet that hurt I bet that hurt oh look at your health it felt like nothing here’s attack wait what how did you just do like four damage to me now I’ve only got 15 out of 19 Health oh gosh um okay what should I do what should I do I’m going to hit you with the growl attack yeah this better do a lot of damage come on come on come on wait what oh no you’re going to make my Pokemon weaker here we go here we go how much did that do zero damage oh it just decreased your attack oh that wasn’t that good ow your thing did so much damage no shot yes you got to use a fire move how do I use a fire move do I use the scratch attack I don’t have any other fire moves oh well then just use your scratch attack oh gosh my PP is 34 out of 35 this is really bad come on Charmander you got you got to get it together all right we got to win we got to win all right I’m going hit you with the scratch boom you you’re going to win now ow that did so much damage I’m hold on I might actually lose this oh gosh oh yeah why don’t you press the Run button buddy wait what does this one over here do wait a minute what battle items what the heck is this wait wait hold on do I have any XP healing items and yo I’ve got some full heal potions oh heck yeah Ruby I’m about to hit my Pokemon with a full heal let’s go okay waiting waiting is it going to work is it going to work come on wait you have a full heal no way oh heck yeah Dash has used full heal it had no effect what oh my gosh oh man Ruby now my Pokemon is fainted I thought I was going to win that I told you I was awesome you could probably heal up your Pokemon now though well the only reason I lost that fight was because uh my Charmander was really tired from training yeah he was having a hard day of training today and uh that’s why he lost he was training all day uhhuh yeah uh do you want one these what the heck is this for be a revive actually yeah I would appreciate this let me go ahead and um revive my Charmander hey he’s back look at him all right now can I use a full heal it him I still can’t all right well I guess he’s just too tired after all that training a man you worked him too hard yeah he needs to do some rest now but guys hold on speaking about rest it’s getting pretty dark outside I think we should probably go to bed I’m getting tired too are you going to hug your Charmander in your sleep again yeah I’m actually going to get a bed for him he can sleep in the same room as me oh well it’s bedtime I’m very tired yeah same here all right good night guys good night good night those are some good Pokémon battles and all right well Charmander today was a good day but now it’s time for me to head to bed what the heck was that wait wait Charmander did you hear that do we have a burglar breaking into our house or something um hello is there anybody in here okay that was really creepy sounding and whoa whoa what the heck is that uh what is going on outside of my window why is there so many weird particles over here wait is our being haunted by a ghost huh wait it’s moving around what the heck wait wait hold on I got to go check if Cam and Ruby heard this sound cam Ruby you guys awake oh gosh I don’t think any of them are awake okay I probably shouldn’t wake them up just in case this actually isn’t a big deal or anything and yo yo I just saw the particles again it just went past this window over here where is it going to oh gosh okay this is really bad I should probably go investigate this first I heard a weird creepy sound and now these particles okay you know what Charmander we have to go on a mission I’m spawning you in I think the particles went over here somewhere and wait yeah look there they are okay okay hold on I got to go investigate this hey you is there a ghost back here or something what’s going on and um wait did the particles just go into that cave over there wait a minute what is this cave doing here I’ve never seen this cave before and I’ve lived in this house all my life okay um this is kind of creepy all right well Charmander we should probably go check this out we don’t want anyone in the house to get injured or anything here let’s head in hopefully there’s not actually anything bad down here and um why is there bedrock and stuff on the walls okay hold on there’s actually starting to get kind of creepy and what the heck is that welcome to my cave are you the one behind those weird particles yes I am and your Pokemon is first in my grand plan first in your grand plan what are you talking about hold on you know what Charmander we could probably beat this guy up he doesn’t look that scary you know what Charmander it’s time to go let’s fight that’s cute with your little Charmander wait wait hold on did you swat in a Pokemon on your own what the heck is that thing it’s level s Yep this is my re gigas and you’re about to get destroyed oh oh gosh okay this is really bad this is really bad uh I need to fight and then hit it with the uh scratch attack yeah this is going to do a lot of damage in uh did you just kill my beloved Charmander wait what am I holding right now is this it tail dude that is so evil one Pokemon down now I’m going to get rid of the rest from the world oh gosh oh gosh there is really bad I need to run back to the house and warn Cam and Ruby cam Ruby guys guys wake up wake up this is not a drill this is not a drill guys lock the doors actually forget the doors we need to leave the house K get out of bed get out of bed what’s going on wake up wake up wake up ow dude Ruby Ruby wake up why are you shouting there’s like an evil villain person outside of our house in a cave and he just killed my Charmander what what what are you holding right now this is this is his tail I’m pretty sure guys it’s called Charmander tale what he didn’t just like faint my Charmander he he literally killed it what who is this guy well I don’t know but after he killed it he said that’s one down and now I’m going to kill the rest of the Pokémons guys I think there’s like some sort of evil Pokemon killer person I’m not sure if we’re really safe in our house he’s right over there in that cave what really are you just playing a prank on us dude no this doesn’t sound like a prank he’s too panicked guys I’m not playing a prank C take a look at my charmander’s tail do you really think that’s a prank oh that’s so gross oh gosh give it back to me though I need to bury this with them oh man I’m going to miss my boy Charmander what are we going to do oh gosh I don’t know but guys we should probably move I didn’t know that we were living so close to this evil villain guys he’s right over there he’s right over there we got to go we got to go any more trainers living in here I think he’s looking to kill your guys’ Pokémons guys we got to run we got to run out of the house out of the house why is that guy huge I’m not going to let my Pokémon die we need to do something we got to go we got to go right now our Pokémons are not high enough level to fight him guys I did a Pokemon battle with him in that cave his Pokemon is level 70 level 70 that is insane it one shotted my Charmander that’s probably he died but oh man I’m going to miss the little guy he was like my pet since childhood I knew him for like all my life and now he’s just a tail oh poor thing wait uh what if we can try to heal him what to try to heal him but Ruby he’s gone he’s just a tail now no no no no no he’s a lizard lizards can come back just from the tail really are you sure that’s a thing are you sure this will work I’m pretty sure I know a super super crazy nurse at the nearby Village wait really do you think they might be able to bring Charmander back from justi his tail well we should hope so come on let’s go oh gosh yeah it seems like our best option all right where’s this Village at um I think it’s this way come on let’s go hopefully they can bring Charmander back I’m going to miss the little guy we have to go before it’s too late well even if they can’t bring Charmander back how are we supposed to get rid of that guy from our house he was like right outside C I’m going be honest with you I think we just have to move we have to switch to a different country what I just finished setting up my room it was perfect nah it’s too late we’re not living next to an evil cave that was that was crazy that was too crazy stop worrying about your room and just run we have a leave us Pokémon yeah you’re right we got to go to this nurse we made it we made it and okay wait Ruby this is the village you were talking about this place looks kind of abandoned what the heck is that thing over there don’t worry about it we just have to get to the doctor I’ve been to this guy since I was a kid all right I guess so and whoa is this the hospital over here yep uh it’s more of like a doctor’s office in a hospital but it should work and okay okay oh oh I’m guessing that’s him right over there hello doctor um we have kind of a dire situation right here I’m in a lot of trouble my pet Charmander just died your pet Charmander died uh can you just you know heal it back what’s going on no no I can’t just revive him back like normal he was fighting a level 70 Pokemon and he like died like like like actually died and now all I have is his tail oh no when when was this how long how long ago was it um I don’t know like like 10 minutes ago it wasn’t that long ago do you think you could still recover him just from the tail I got to get on the stat let’s go thank you you really think it’s possible to revive him I’m going to tr cry yeah this guy does a lot of experimental treatments but they usually work wa okay wait wait usually what do you mean by usually um sometimes they don’t work as well as you think they would uh if your charmander’s tail is on its forehead just I told you so okay oh oh um yeah I mean as long as I can get my Charmander back it’s all good um I guess it’s fine if some of his body parts are messed up that guy said he was going to take out all Pokemon from the world we need to stop him yeah true he did say that but cim how are we going to stop we’ve literally just got three level five Pokémon I don’t know maybe we could like uh make our Pokemon stronger or catch some in the wild we need to stop him though well shouldn’t we just wait for someone else to come and help us I don’t know I think we need to call the Pokémon police on this one but wait doc how’s my Charmander looking is this tailor looking better now uh I’m almost finished stand over there by that machine which machine there’s a lot of machines in here that one right there this one right here yeah I have to stand next to it why for reasons you might want get it out of the way Ruby okay wait what’s about to happen it’s right here is my new experimental procedure but uh don’t worry about it all I need you to do is just look into that machine behind you what why do I have to look into this machine aren’t we trying to like heal my Charmander not me I don’t have any medical problems yeah yeah you’ll be fine I just need a little bit of your DNA a little bit of my D what why it helped the Charmander regrow just look into the machine if you want your Charmander back fine fine I’m looking into the machine is this good is this am I looking in the right spot no which spot do I look at the square one which one there’s two of them this one yeah that that works all right nice is that good all right that should be good all follow me back here where are we going doc why do I have oh my gosh do we have to do more stuff yep we have to do one more thing uh back here what the heck is this is this your bathroom uh no this is where I do all my experimental procedures ah wait Ruby are you sure this doctor is good I mean he’s really really good at doctoring but uh if anything hurts just yell for help I guess okay you want your Charmander back bro I think this is our best option seems like he’s trying to do an experiment on me not revive my Charmander what do you mean why would he do that all right let me just grab a little bit of DNA here dude that hurts that hurts ow that should be enough all right let me place all these components here like that and um okay you’re just putting all the stuff on the floor are you sure this is going to revive my Charmander Yep this should work if everything goes according to plan all right good luck what what is that stuff what did you just put there a what just happened uh wait why is everything so bright close are you okay I can’t see anything guys what’s going on hello hello why is everything so color and um wait a minute why am I super short now wait guys did it work uh I think it worked where are you though and wait what where am I wait a minute did I turn into my Charmander doc what the heck is this oh I’m still working at the Kings dude you got the procedure all wrong you didn’t revive my charm rator you turned me into the charmer what is your problem dude relax relax okay look look I have I revived your Charmander technically you are your charm Charmander oh my gosh but wa wait hold on I’m higher level than my Charmander look I’m level 12 now my old Charmander was only level five oh wait you are yeah but this doesn’t mean that’s a good thing Dash yeah this still isn’t really good wait hold on I’m not even a human anymore what does that mean does that mean I can’t like eat food or anything hold on hold on um give me this uh carrot over here can I eat it oh gosh I can’t eat it guys I don’t think charmanders eat food no I don’t think you eat food it’s probably just different types of food here um try this and what what the heck is this a Cherry Berry uh I still can’t eat it oh wait never mind I just ate it what the heck uh did it taste nice yeah that actually tasted pretty good but guys I’m so short now I’m like half the size of you guys I can barely see anything but wait you are a Pokémon does that mean you can like battle other Pokémon does this mean that I can catch you okay guys don’t try to catch me but hold on a minute cam that’s a good question maybe I have like really cool abilities hold on I got to test something out wait guys you see this fence post right over here uh yeah what about it I’m going to try shooting a fireball at it I’m pretty sure that’s an ability that Charmander can do I wonder if I learned it let me just uh test it out come on Fireball here we go and dude did you see that that actually work you could shoot Fireballs you’re fire bre the dragon bro that was sick actually I don’t think I’m a dragon I’m like a lizard but yo that was actually awesome hold on let me try again let me try again come on okay I don’t think I can do it again I think I need to wait for the ability to like regenerate or something oh what that is crazy wait there’s also something else that Pokemon can do if you reach a high enough level I’m pretty sure you can evolve into another Pokemon wait wait a minute you’re right guys maybe I can evolve into a Charizard I can be like a really really big level 100 op Pokemon and then we can totally beat up that evil guy oh yeah that would totally work we’ll help train you since you’re the Pokemon and we’re the trainers after all oh yeah actually that makes sense we should do that I found you what is that what is that the evil guy from earlier yo how did he find us uh Dash is is that the evil guy yeah that’s the evil guy did you guys not see him back at our house how did he find us at the village we got to go we got to go he’s exploding everything we need to hide we need to hide um um um where do we hide where do we hide let’s go uh around this hill is he going to be able to see us here oh gosh he’s right over there um um we should hide in here come on uh Ruby he’s literally throwing grenades at us actually I I think we might want to go a little bit further away he’s right up there I don’t think he’s going to see us just get in oh gosh my Pokemon tracker never fails I’m going to catch all of you he’s got a Pokemon tracker oh no guys we got to cover up this hole we got to cover up this hole in okay F we’re safe in here but what the heck why does this guy hate Pokémon so bad I don’t know oh my gosh what is that guy’s deal I think I found you guys what the what doctor how are you here dude how did you find us that doesn’t matter what’s important is that you guys need to listen what listen huh do you know how to defeat this big evil scary monster guy uh no I don’t know how to defeat him but I do know what he is well what is he that thing is globgor he arises every 10 years and tries to destroy all Pokémon wa wait what uh okay that’s good to know but wait he tries to destroy all Pokemon has he ever like done it before successfully has he ever like destroyed all the Pokemon in the world before well he destroyed your Pokémon didn’t he yeah he did he hasn’t done it yet but I think this time may be it oh gosh okay well we have to come up with a way to stop him do you know any way to like actually stop this villain guy do you know his weakness no I don’t think he has a weakness even in Pokemon battle she’s too overpowered what do you mean wait when you fought him before how strong was he Dash well um Ruby like I said said earlier his Pokémon was level 70 and it one-shotted my Charmander where are you guys oh gosh he’s going to find us oh gosh oh gosh well hold on a minute it’s Pokemon that he’s after right well I’m kind of a Pokemon right now why don’t I just go and distract him maybe I can distract him and then uh you guys can run away to like a hiding spot but what about you yeah it’s kind of dangerous what if something happens to you well just um let me know which way you’re going to go and then after I distract them I’ll follow you guys I’m like super small so I can hide in like small spots I don’t think he’ll be able to get me wait before you go I know the perfect place we can meet up you do okay where this here is a piece of paper and on this piece of paper is an address meet up back here whenever you’re done and um uh okay I I guess I’ll meet you guys here 1 2 3 address Street got it all right we’re going to go you be careful do not get attacked by him I don’t know if you’ll survive yeah be careful all right yeah guys I’ll be distracted I guess um you guys should come out in like 2 minutes I’ll probably have this evil guy distracted by then um see you guys later I’ll see you at the address bye dad careful and okay okay now I just got to look around for this evil guy H I’m not seeing him anywhere around here so far was he even close to our hiding spot or it was me coming out here a waste of time oh gosh you little Charmander oh no oh no he’s throwing grenades at me why does he have so many grenades come here but wait wait hold on I have his attention this is good this is good now I just got to lure him away I got to distract him so he doesn’t attack my friends hey uh evil guy follow me over here what was your name gloop glap well you look like a like a poop Pap yeah what did you just call me I called you a ploop flap yeah that’s what you are all right it’s going to keep on running away oh gosh um how am I going to hide once I get him far enough this is kind of scary a poop flap that name sucks you’re not going to kill me leave me alone big evil guy oh gosh this isn’t even a cave there just a pond come on come on there’s got to be a hiding spot around here wait that cave over there looks promising just got to make my way over to it and okay okay hopefully he doesn’t see me here pH I think he’s on top of that hill over there I don’t think he saw me get into this cave okay I’m just going to go deeper in this cave he better not see me where did you go I can still hear him but okay now I’m in this corner of this cave I don’t think he’s going to be able to see me here he’s probably too big to fit in this cave let’s go oh gosh all right well now I guess I just got to wait here for a little bit I got to wait for him to leave the area and then I can get out of this cave and start heading to the address hopefully cam Ruby and that doctor made it there safely and okay I think I’ve been in this cave for long enough there’s no way that evil guy is still nearby let me just make my way out of this cave real quick I got to build myself up there we go I see the exit of the cave yo evil guy are you anywhere around here yo yo ploop gorp whatever your name was um okay I don’t think he’s anywhere around here pH I think I actually lost him all right well anyways I guess now it’s time to head to that address I got 1 2 3 address Street all right we got to head over I’ve never actually been to this part of town before so hopefully it’s not too far I’m pretty sure it’s off over here this way though and okay I think this should be the spot that the address leads to I’m pretty sure this is 1 2 3 address Street and yeah it is wait guys guys are you in here check it out there they are hi guys wait it’s Dash guys imagine if Dash died wait he’s alive guys I’m right here I’m right here I didn’t die I distracted that evil guy successfully but whoa okay this is um 1 2 three address Street what are we going to do are we just going to lift here from now on this is pretty cool we got our chair wait hang on hang on are you hurt do you need a potion or something no no Ruby I’m not hurt I just distracted him I distracted him and then I ran into a cave and he didn’t even see me all right well there’s a reason why I brought you out here wait what there is what are you wearing doc nothing just don’t worry about these but I you guys need to do something what we need to do something what do we need to do I think there might be a way to be able to defeat this evil villain guy wait wait really we can put him to an end forever hang on hang on hang on if there’s a way to defeat this guy why hasn’t anyone else done it yet yeah that’s a good question because it’s really difficult difficult how how difficult are we talking well you need to be one of the strongest Pokemon trainers in the world okay okay Ruby you guys are kind of the only Pokemon trainers now I’m kind of a I’m kind of a Pokemon I’ve evolved he could be the strongest Pokémon trainers in the world right um I don’t know my tur Only Knows two moves okay well hold on Doc get to the point what do we actually have to do well pretty much if you climb this mountain there’s an OP boss and once you fight it he drops an OP sword and that op sword should be enough to kill him and wait wait what this mountain that we’re on right now you’re saying there’s an OP boss up there yep One op boss right up there um op isn’t like stronger than the other guy I don’t know if we can do it wait wait hold on a minute I’m a Pokémon do you think I could use my Pokémon abilities to fight him actually that might work you also may be able to dodge his attacks this might be perfect wait a minute hold on hold on guys I think we might be able to do this we got one two three four people right well three people one Pokemon but I think all of us working together might be able to defeat this boss what do you think doc I think you guys got this what do you mean you guys um you’re going to join us right no I’m not doing that dude why not you realize if we defeat this villain it helps all of us right yeah but you realize if I try and defeat it I lose I lose everything well yeah so do we yeah so you guys got to do it not me anyway uh good luck guys oh my gosh well hold on Doc do you even have any weapons around this place that we can use to fight it or are we just going in empty-handed is the doctor really sleeping oh my gosh this doctor is lazy you should hit him with the fireball wait the doctor or the Opie boss well right now the doctor he why isn’t he coming with us I don’t know guys I don’t think he’s going to come with us I think we should just go by ourselves yeah honestly plus this guy looks kind of old I think his knees have seen better days all right well do you guys have any weapons um I’ve got my my uh trusty Piplup and oh gosh you’re really going to bring that level six guy to the fight I have to Ruby do you have anything better um no I only have my level six twig but hang on I might have something for you wait wait really what is it I was going to save this until I got a fire type Pokémon but since I guess you are a fire type Pokémon hold this and wait a minute what is this a flame plate wa what does this do you should make your fire type move stronger uh my mom gave that to me wao okay okay well thank you so much this is going to be op I think with this we should all definitely be able to defeat that boss I guess all we have to do now is climb up this mountain oh gosh it’s looking pretty snowy up there hopefully that doesn’t hurt me cuz I’m like a fire type Pokémon I guess we won’t die from the cold cuz we can just use your tail as a fire oh yeah right my tail is on fire wait my tail is on fire got to put it out got to put no it’s supposed to be on fire Das do not put your tail out of fire if a charmander’s tail gets put out you will die wait there’s a lava pool here you guys think I can swim in it no I don’t think that you can swim in it wait really I think I should give it a try I wouldn’t do that if I were you Ruby I need to test it out it’s for science okay hold on we need to find out if a fire type Pokémon can swim in lava and yo check it out I can oh this feels so nice it’s like a hot tub oh well that makes sense but guys we got to stay focused we got to get to the top of that mountain and yeah you’re right oh gosh it looks like it’s going to be a long climb but guys while I’m on fire um get your heat cuz I’m not going to be on fire for long okay okay uh wait I think I saw a path over here this way and wait there’s a path over here oh yeah look there’s a little path okay let’s follow the path we got to head up the mountain and yo I’m still on fire wow I guess I’m just going to be on fire for a while since I’m a fire Pokémon oh now I’m out of fire just as soon as we enter the snow nice maybe that makes you stronger maybe H do any of you guys have a flint and steel or like a lava bucket I don’t think it makes you stronger I think that’s just like a hot tub to you oh yeah I guess so it was pretty relaxing and wait is that the boss up over there is it that Pokémon right there uh no that’s a different guy I don’t know but these Pokémon look wild I’ve never seen these before yeah up here these Pokémons look crazy hang on the path ends here wait danger up ahead do not go up the mountain oh gosh it’s probably warning us of that boss well guys um we kind of need to go fight that boss there’s only one way for us to go we have to save all Pokémon I wish we had a professional with us we are a professional oh gosh all of us added it up is one professional yeah if you think about it this is like a this is going to be told for many years to come how we defeated the evil boss that tried to destroy all Pokémon exactly we’re going to make history here but oh gosh I’m not sure if you guys have been seeing but all the Pokémons around here are like really really high level I saw that Pokémon over there I think it was like a level 20 or something um I have some healing things so I I think we should be okay oh gosh I wonder what level this boss is going to be but let’s just keep making our way up this mountain maybe we can just uh ask it nicely uh to give us what we need I don’t think it’s going to work I think the scientist said it only drops when he gets killed yeah R I’m pretty sure we have to kill this boss but anyways it looks like we’re on the top of the mountain now and wait is that the boss up there yo that thing is huge what the heck what are we supposed to do against that what is they doing it’s like okay okay um so guys what’s the plan are we still going to fight this thing we have to but how are we supposed to you know oh gosh okay that is a good point but wait a minute he looks like he’s just made out of a bunch of rocks maybe I can hit him with my fireballs and just like mess him up maybe that might work okay okay well guys he’s looking pretty mad right now I think he just opened his mouth at us yo he’s got a big horn on his head you think I should just hit him with a fireball um I think so you probably just hit him with the most uh strong attacks that you have okay okay well here we go moment of truth let’s hit him in three two one take that boom oh gosh I think I missed no he’s getting mad okay the battle has started the battle has started go go go to the right dash to the right take that take that I’m trying this got of hard to hit oh oh I just got it I just got it oh yeah battle has started battle has started oh gosh oh gosh there’s stuff he’s chasing us he’s chasing us come on he’s right in front of you keep going I don’t think he has any range attacks stay from a distance and shoot at him okay okay but guys it would be pretty helpful if you guys could help too could you guys like punch him and stuff maybe distract him dude do you see that thing gam you got to punch it oh I just hit it with another Fireball let’s go I I can try come here ah wait wait guys guys look there’s snowballs on the ground grab the Snowballs and throw these at him we can use these to keep him at a distance that way he’s not going to get close to us what the heck was that I don’t know I think I think I threw a snowball and he blew up H wait wait hold on do more of those do more of those that was cool oh I just hit a fireball at him take that boom snowball snowball why are some of the Snowballs blowing up ow one of them just blew up on me I don’t know I don’t know do you have a different type of snowball C wo I think the Snowballs on this mountain have some uh gunpowder in them but here come on this guy must be so long look at how many times we’ve hit him let’s go we just got to keep on hitting him ow I think I shot a fireball on myself that time come on we have to fight this thing come on we got to get close and hit him with the Fireballs take that to the face boom oh yeah these explosions are totally working uh it’s h chasing us R you might want to stand back I don’t think he can do far attacks he can only hit you if you’re up close I’m trying you know what hold on I’m going to start building a little Tower up here I’ve not got my very own Fireball Tower and all right take that boom Oh gosh guys he’s trying to bite me he’s trying to bite me oh gosh I just shot a fireball on myself D do you have any other abilities that you could use um uh I I don’t know what other abilities do charmanders have uh uh try flamethrower I’m pretty sure he has an ability called flamethrower wait what is that like fire breathing yeah it’s like a giant fire breathing thing and it looks sick okay okay well here I guess I’ll give it a shot let me just get up close to him because I’m I’m fire breathing on him and all right take this flamethrower yeah and oh wait guys it’s actually working it’s actually working hold on I think it’s getting him low come on come on come on in wait did it get him it worked it worked what going wait a minute Ruby I think you just picked up the sword that he dropped I can’t believe we actually did it we got the Opie sword wa look at this thing wao that sword looks crazy wait wait hold on what’s it called it’s called The skullfire Sword wa wait this thing looks op and uh wait what the heck just happened to me did you just evolve I think you just evolved whoa wait a minute guys look I’m a level 36 Charizard now oh heck yeah I look sick hang on hang on hang on can you fly wait a minute that’s a great question hold on we got to test it out we got to test it out let me just um try it out real quick I got to get like up over here and all right moment of truth can I fly I just got to look up and Believe I Can Fly come on in yo guys I can fly look at this look at yourself you look sick watch for your fire breathing dude but wo that’s awesome wao guys look I’m a flying fire breathing dragon oh heck yeah this is actually insane wo I’ve never seen a Charizard in real life before the best is that look guys I’m level 36 I’m half the level of that op boss guys Pokemon oh gosh but wait a minute now we have this super op sword we should go back to the doctor maybe he knows how we can use this to fight the boss oh yeah good idea come on let’s go all right down the mountain we go wait hold on guys I can fly I’ll see you at the bottom wait hang on hang on can you fly us to the bottom um I can try wait Ru try getting on my back it might work okay okay okay okay uh it’s kind of hard too yeah I don’t think it works I guess you’re too fat what well see you guys at the bottom I’m already here bro I’m in here first I’m here all right perfect now that we’re all here I guess let’s go show this sword to that doctor guy yo Dr guy we got the sword and oh guys I’m too big to fit through the door what is that I’m going to catch you doctor doctor it’s me it’s me Dash did you just try to catch me dude you’re what are you doing stop throwing Pokéballs at our friend it’s me it’s me remember the Charmander guy and now I’m a Charizard I evolved we killed the boss wait really yeah look we got the sword check it out oh you did it you got the sword this actually might be enough to beat him wait did you not expect us to defeat him uh no not really what okay well we defeated him and now you think that sword is going to be enough to kill that op boss guy who said he’s going to kill all the Pokémons in the world yeah this sword should be enough what this sword does is it unlocks all your Pokemon potential oh okay okay well um I guess now we just got to look for that evil villain guy and then we can beat him up where do you guys think he is um he’s probably at our house or that Village or probably looking for us he could be anywhere let’s go back to the village and set up Fort there maybe we’ll be able to catch him off guard ooh all right that seems like a good idea we’ll probably even be able to ask people for Clues to find him and wait Dr guy you want to see something cool H sure what’s up check this out I can fly who I need to study you no dude stay away from me you probably shouldn’t let him do that I created you remember that oh yeah I guess you technically kind of did and all right guys I’m at the Village you guys here yet yeah we’re right behind you all right all right perfect but anyways here we are I don’t see the evil villain guy anywhere around here it looks like he left the village but we should probably set up a little base here in case he comes back oh maybe we can set it up at this abandon building thing oo wait a minute good idea yeah there’s a lot of room over here but wait um Dr guide you said this evil villain comes around once every 10 years do you know how long he stays around for he stays around for about uh two weeks oh two weeks okay that’s kind of a long time we should probably get rid of him early then yeah we need to defeat him as fast as possible I don’t want my Pokémon to get killed okay I think that we need to train to get stronger but uh should it be here this place looks kind of whack and yeah this place looks really a bit and duck what even happened to this place what was this building oh uh this used to be a Pokemon training center oh what happened to it that evil villain guy happened he destroyed this place and left everybody abandoned oh gosh wait he’s been to your village multiple times that is messed up well we should definitely repair this place and then this could be our Fort for when he comes back yeah here let’s start with the walls they’re kind of a an open design and yeah a little bit two open the evil villain guy can just break through here guys we need to get rid of all of the vines around here and ooh why don’t we build the walls out of this place out of some reinforced glass I think this could be really really strong oh yeah this is looking good okay I’ll get started on destroying all these plants and then you can do that all right all right and wait doc hold on what are all these people inside are these like other Pokémon trainers that have just lived here since yep they their souls stay here forever haunting what the heck well hold on we’re kind of Reviving the place right now how do we get rid of them well the only way to get rid of a lost Pok trainer soul is to battle them and win okay well hold on they look like pretty easy to battle this one over here is only level 11 I I I think we can do that pretty easily right guys oh yeah I’ll try battling this guy on the ground right now all right all right yeah I’ll just focus on building over here I can fly so it makes building super easy there we go just going to set all these walls here into some reinforc glass and guys we should also get rid of all this Mossy Stone over here this place got wrecked with all the Moss yeah this place looks so abandoned o wait a minute guys I know a way that we can quickly get rid of the Moss and stuff I can just light it on fire oh heck yeah take that fire breathing boom this is working so good who needs a lawn mower when you have fire breathing Powers wait guys I think I defeated the guy down here wait Ruby you were fighting the trainers yeah I was look at my tck it’s level 16 now who wait hold on your Pokemon level up so much after fighting that wait cam you should probably fight some too you can level up your Pokémon oh yeah maybe I can get mine to level 100 and help out in the final battle oh heck yeah guys we need to be prepared for once that evil guy gets back he’s probably going to come back to this Village soon he’s not going to know what hit him oh yeah he’s going to get pooped on all right here let’s just go ahead and put a bunch of glass over here these walls are looking pretty good and since it’s all reinforced glass I don’t think the evil guy is gonna be able to break through it I’m pretty sure reinforced glass is just as strong as obsidian and what the yo yo yo what in the world is happening over here what Kim what what happened to your Pokémon I I I I think it grew up it just turned into a penguin what the heck is this it was a penguin to begin with oh it’s a fat penguin no it’s a PR plop I’m pretty sure I can make it go even stronger too okay okay well yeah guys keep on trading your Pokémons we need to get the strongest Pokémons possible wait Dr Guy do you have a Pokemon or your own yeah I have my own Pokemon what you do what is it it’s a lior tongue what a lick a tongue yeah that’s his name that’s a pretty weird name for a Pokemon why do you name him that I didn’t name him that that’s the name of the Pokemon so he licks people with his tongue huh what the heck that’s weird that’s a weird ability no all just don’t worry about my Pokemon can I see him I want to see what his tongue looks like it’s probably like got like bumps on it and like pimples on it from licking all sorts of random stuff e don’t even say that stop making fun of my Pokemon okay I got him myself can I see him and guys guys come down here look look at this guy’s talk look look look what what is this dude look at this dude’s tongue where is it R check it out look at him why his tongue’s so long what he looks so silly I guess he needs a long tongue for licking lots of things he’s like a dog that just licks everything stop making front of my lick tongue wao he’s level 29 okay that’s actually pretty good we’re definitely going to need him in the fight uh guys I just defeated another trainer now my Pokemon’s level 36 wait wao level 36 dude it’s like a mega penguin now look at this dude he’s got like a trident on his face he’s so cool heck yeah all right guys we got to train all of our Pokémons to be big and buff like that I’m going to fight another Pokémon to battle Yeah rby fight all of the Pokémon trainers here looks like there’s still a few more over here this one over here is level 15 you could probably get a lot of XP from fighting him here we go I’m just going to keep on working on these walls oh heck yeah this building is looking so much nicer we’ve almost got all of the walls made out of reinforced glass just a few left all right I’m just finishing up these last few trainers on the roof here oh finally this place will be free of ghosts yeah wait hold on are these trainers over here ghosts they look like normal people I’m not going to lie I don’t know scientist gu said that they were ghosts they’re ghosts I’m pretty sure if they’re normal people this is kind of awkward but at least we get the building to ourselves yep but here guys this building is looking pretty good I think all of the glass walls are done now we just got to repair all of the stone around here there’s a lot of pieces of stone that are like Mossy and cracked so uh we can’t have that we need maximum security for this building here we go setting all the walls over here to Stone oh wait hold on there’s some glass missing over here we got to set this over here to Glass oh wait it’s evolving really wait wait your Pokemon is evolving wao wait wait wait I see it happening oh heck yeah heck yeah hold on is about about to turn huge I wonder what he’s going to look like wao look at that he just evolved into wait is he a lizard too it’s called a Grotle it’s not a lizard it’s a turtle oh okay okay that’s actually pretty cool looking well this is one of the meatest looking Turtles I’ve seen look at his face that’s a face of the termination right there wow he is so strong he’s level 18 but Ruby you got to get those numbers up getting to like level 100 look at this dude over here this guy’s level 20 Ruby you can’t let the random Pokémon be higher level than you I think there’s bushes going out of his back that cannot be healthy what do you mean that cannot be healthy there’s fire on your tail yeah that’s like cool though bush is growing out of your back yeah that’s like you got stuff growing on you like molding what what do you mean you’re growing all the time it’s just like there’s a plant growing now that’s weird that’s weird wait doctor is that safe he i’ for a Pokémon that’s fine I mean yeah I you’re you’re probably not the right person to ask your Pokemon licks stuff you are Pokemon boy yeah but I’m like a fire dragon I’m cool still a Pokemon No Matter What all Pokemon are equal Dash are they’re not yes they are some are better than others and wait doctor your Pokémon is licking you right now I think he’s getting a good taste he’s excited what the heck you let him do that often yeah I mean people let their dogs look dumb isn’t this the same thing no this is different me look how big his dog is he’s licking his whole body in one foul swoop yeah CH takes shower sometimes ew dude wait is that why you were never stinky when I came in for a checkup yeah I always take showers twice a day by my Pokemon licking me gross how did you get your medical license hold on you want me to give you a shower I can give you a shower by fire no I’m I’m okay no all right no trust me it’ll get rid of all the germs and maybe a little more I don’t think I trust you I don’t think I do all right well anyways guys this base is looking pretty good I think we now officially have all of the glass walls done yo this place is looking so much better than before now we just got to replace all of the mossy and crack stone with some good Stone and then I think this Pokémon training facility should be pretty good ooh wait a minute actually I’ll let you guys do that and I’ll start building some defenses around here defenses and then can you build some stuff for my Pokémon to work out with next no Ru you your Pokémon can work out like by fighting the other train oh okay I thought oh yeah I thought what we were going to make them do push-ups or something they can do push-ups in their free time they they can do push-ups anywhere just on the floor but here guys the first thing we’re going to need is a really really strong door because um we do not want anyone breaking into here without access let’s just go ahead and um build ourselves a nice piston door right over here oh yeah I’ve got a good idea for how we’re going to do this are you going to use glass for the door no Ru I’m not going to use glass for the door that’s too weak we need to use some strong iron blocks yeah oh that’s cool yeah that’s pretty cool and hold on we also need to move these over here this way a little bit I kind of built this wrong we got to move it like that okay well while you build that door I’m going to make my Pokémon stronger all right all right we got to be quick though we don’t know when this evil villain is going to arrive next here next thing I need to do is just connect this Redstone together I need to connect both the Redstone from both of these doors over to one spot there we go that’s looking pretty good and now if I put down a button here I should be able to open up the door oh I’m just fire breathing oh there we go it worked okay perfect hey Dash check it out you like my shades bro uh hold on I’ll check it out in one moment I just need to grab a pressure plate over here and what the heck dude those don’t even go over your eyes I I think you got the wrong size maybe that’s probably why they don’t work so well dude you got to get the right size well I I thought that this was the right size they only had like two sizes it was uh normal and big okay you need to ask for the small size next time that might work and ooh wait a minute guys I have a really good idea for the entrance of our base I found this thing called a secret button I’m pretty sure what this thing is is like a button that just looks like a normal block hold on hold let me go ahead and just connect some Redstone to it and check it out it’s a button that looks like a stone block oh heck yeah we can use use this to enter our base I’m just going to place it down right over here and then underneath it I can connect it to the door with some Redstone so there we go and all right now if I press this button it opens up the door oh that’s actually so sick and oh you know what else we need in this base what a Pokemon dueling Center ooh okay okay a Pokemon dueling Center would be all right I guess but guys we need to focus on like more defenses you realize that there’s going to be an evil villain fighting our base in in a bit yeah and I’m going to try and train as much as I can all right all right fair enough ooh you guys know what else we should build what we should put some proximity mines around the area what oh wait I think my Pokémon’s evolving again and wait wait what he is hold on on where is he where is he we’re outside oh I see it I see it hold on I want to come see this I want to come see this oh here we go and who what the heck Ruby he’s got a whole tree going on his back now what his name is torra now he’s a tortilla bread oh heck yeah can I eat him no no no not tortilla torra his face kind of looks like a watermelon he’s got the green on the outside and the pink on the inside Don’t Call Him a watermelon he’s perfect yeah I’m just kidding but this guy actually looks sick yo what level is he level 32 wait guys hold on we got to level up our guys like super super big what’s your turtle going to look like once since at level 100 uh it’s going to look the same I think this is the final evolution in wao why is your Pokémon so huge cam I don’t know they they just kind of evolved to be this big a big turtle anyways guys hold on check this out I need to show you how to use the door you guys see this this is the door right here and the way to get in is by pressing this button it’s a button that’s hidden on the floor Josh isn’t this door kind of short for you but short no no no look it works just fine for me oh my neck kind of hurts every time I go in actually but um it works it gets the job done okay well how do we get in like I said you have to press the button what button look around looking around I don’t see a button oh my gosh for the button is hidden look it’s this stone block over here you just have to click that stone block where on the floor right here right here look huh where huh huh right here right here right here oh okay um let me try to open the door now yeah all right you got to do it by yourself where is it again it’s a stone block how can you forget oh oh oh this guy this guy okay okay Ruby’s actually going to die if we get raided by this villain wait it’s it’s it’s too fast I can’t go in Ruby is actually going to be first to die what are you talking about gosh I think my Pokemon’s evolving too wait what your lick guy is evolving and what the heck what is his name now lick a licky bro he’s like fat and he licks people still um I think having that sword nearby made him evolve uh I don’t know what to do now oh gosh um maybe you should feed him some ice cream here I have some ice cream for Pokémon oh ice cream maybe let me just smother it all over myself and let them lick wait what ew that sounds like a weird way to feed him ice cream but anyways guys I think we got to build some defenses around this area like I said earlier what do you guys think of proximity mines we can just have a bunch of mines around the base that way in case the villain is ever getting close he can just hit one of the vines and blow up doesn’t that seem like a bit dangerous as long as it doesn’t hurt the Pokemon it’ll be just fine as long as none of our Pokemon steps on it we’ll be all good here let me go ahead and just uh grab a few mines real quick and ooh okay we got a lot to work with let’s see what should we use ooh what about some of these dirt mines they look like normal dirt blocks but they actually blow up here I’m going to try spawning a zombie on it for testing purposes and whoa whoa that did a lot of damage guys did you see that that zombie just got wrecked uh yeah it got destroyed all right well hold on I think we know what we need to do now let’s go ahead and put down a bunch of these dirt mines all around the premises we got to make sure not to put them too close to the base though otherwise they might do some damage to the base itself yeah we got to make sure that we know where they are at least yeah yeah it’s kind of easy to tell where they are it’s all of the dirt blocks they kind of stick out since all the other blocks are grass uh if they’re all the dirt blocks you need to chill out dude look at how many are right here bro no no no they’re not these dirt blocks over here they’re further apart like this dirt block over here is a mine oh yeah I see it now dash if I can’t remember where the stone button is I’m not going to know which ones are mine oh wait that’s a good point Ruby just don’t go outside of the base just like stay inside of the base that’s your new home wait wait how am I SP s defeat the boss guy villain thing you can summon your Pokémon your Pokémon can carry oh okay all right there we go I think this looking pretty good though I just spawn in a bunch of mines around the base and hold on a minute guys um I see a problem why do we just have a staircase that goes up to the ceiling uh where’s the staircase right here what are you talking about do you not see this game the evil villain guy can totally just get in from here he can just build a little Tower of blocks and then get in through here we got to defend this Blaze oh yeah what do you think just block this off or what’s your idea I’m thinking we just build a little door over here we can to have a door so that we can actually get up to the roof except we got to make the door secure what door do we use though oh wait a minute hold on hold hold on I’ve got an idea I’m pretty sure we can use one of these things it’s called a keypad door who what what now let me just put it down right over here pretty much just a normal door but you need to enter a code to use it what should we set the code to um something that Ruby can remember all right Ruby what can you remember what give me four digits that you can remember what’s a digit oh my gosh okay let’s set it to 0987 it’s like 1 2 3 4 but like the opposite Ruby you got it what the code for the door is 0987 8907 okay she’s a lost cause yeah she’s in the house all right let me go ahead and enter the code to see if it works and yep the door certainly works oh I’m too big to fit through I think you know I think we might need two of these doors y big butt KY through yeah I’m too big my muscles are too big unfortunately hold on I have to open up both these doors at the same time oh there we go first one open and then second one open oh I made it let’s go that was a little extra I think it’s best if you go through the front door yeah honestly that might be better but waa this area is looking pretty good we got the medical equipment in here and everything yep I moved my whole doctor’s office in here W okay yeah good idea that way in case any of us get injured we can just pull up here and this could be the doctor area is there any other stuff that we’re going to need let me head down here real quick and wait a minute guys we should put some weapons in gear around the Pokémon training area over here we’re going to need some weapons in case that big guy comes back oh yeah you’re right well what kind of weapons do we need besides our Pokémon well guys first of all we’re going to need to have that op sword why don’t we just go ahead and put it down um on the middle of the floor right here oh never mind I just light the floor on fly how about we put it down over here yeah there we go the skull fire sword that thing is op yeah be careful with that thing it’s looks like it’s on fire but uh I guess that doesn’t really matter to you huh yeah yeah don’t worry don’t worry I got it I got it but um what other weapons are we going to need we’re going to need some weapons for you guys as well since there’s only one skull fire sword and I dibs on it wait why do you get that um Ru I’m pretty sure I did the most damage to the boss on that mountain um I guess you did so it makes sense okay well what about we add some uh let’s see H what about a chainsaw for the other weapons a what a chainsaw yeah check it out I got a chainsaw look at this thing this thing rips oh oh it just broke the block no no no no you broke the floor my bad my bad my bad but I think that shows this chainsaw is pretty good if it can destroy the floor it can probably destroy um some evil guy let’s go ahead and put a few of those over here oh heck yeah but guys we also need some armor armor what kind of armor can we even use against someone like him I don’t know that’s a good point oh we’ve got a lot of armors though let me go ahead and put down some chests over here we can put down like a a chest beneath each one of these item frames where we can put the armor in let’s see what armor do we need H I want to use uh this armor oh wait a minute guys I think I found what I’m going to use I’m going to use the magma armor oh heck yeah this stuff’s looking cool it’s made out of magma so that’s going to match my fire I’m going to use the Necromancer battle mage set who and what wait did I just see the doctor flying H you can fly too what the heck yeah I just made a jetpack you made a jetpack what the a man I’m not the only one who can fly anymore I think I’ll put on a set of iron armor it’s probably good for our budget iron armor Ruby come on you got to do something better than that what about some ooh Ruby what about some Ruby armor there’s like your own armor H wait am I allowed to I thought this stuff was expensive no no no it’s we can get it for free wa look at me I look awesome W you’re really living up to your name I’ll put it on the town’s credit card the town’s credit card uh does this mean we have to pay for this later nah all right well here guys let’s put all of the armor inside of the chest this is going to be really good and um is there any other stuff that we need ooh are there any like healing items that we might need oh oh I have some I have some wait you do what is it here’s some revives here’s some um potions oh oh and I have some special stuff oo okay okay revive and super potion that’s some good stuff that’s good here’s some instant noodles and some milk and some ice cream what the heck what is the doctor doing yo okay hold on what the doctor chill CH go easy with that what are you doing oh my gosh I think this doctor’s going crazy bro you’re ringing the glass dude chill this glass is not like that reinforced oh my gosh W and I ran out of ammo I think I made a mistake earlier I gave him ice cream and he’s probably hyper oh gosh yeah this doctor is not very good with ice cream but W okay this stuff should be good except for the instant noodles and MooMoo milk and the cupcake thing what is this R hang on hang on hang on hang on all of those things are good all Pokemon love eating those things it heals them a lot promise okay okay fine well everyone put some of this stuff inside of your chest this is going to be some good healing items but anyways I think other than that we should be pretty good does everyone have their stuff what was that noise wait did you guys hear that wait was that the evil villain uh I think your little Rampage with that uh thing uh Mr doctor uh alerted with him where we are oh my gosh why did you shoot that stuff inside of the house oops my bad oh my gosh okay well guys um I think it’s time this is not a drill it is Battle time everyone grab your weapons I’m pulling out the sword and everyone make sure to grab your armor and healing items I’m going to bring the chainsaw I’ve got my armor oh heck yeah everyone bring all you’ve got it’s time to go it is Battle time let’s go all right all right but wait a minute guys we don’t actually know where this evil guy right now we kind of just heard him outside of our house what the is this him what is this this guy’s got stuff in his mouth I don’t think that’s him I think that’s just a random Pokémon yeah okay okay well hold on we got to look for the evil guy he’s probably somewhere around here um hello evil guy is he anywhere around here I don’t know where he is but I’m spawning in my Pokémon yeah here I’m going fly around we got to look for him hello evil guy are you anywhere around here wait guys I think I see him I think he’s evolved what why is he so big is it just me or is he bigger than last time um that that’s definitely bigger than last time what the heck this is it I’m getting rid of every Pokemon ever oh gosh oh gosh but guys hold on he may have gotten bigger but so did we we’re super massive and op now all right we got to beat him up let’s go I’m going hit him with the fire breath take that still Tor come on we have to win I’m going hit him with my sword take that boom to the face to the face oh yeah wait wait wait you guys should make him run into the dirt mine thingies wait a minute you’re right hold on hold on I need to find one H hey big evil guy you want to follow me over here oh yeah come over to here to the water maybe you can push me in here and I’ll take damage cuz I’m fir oh you want to be first huh oh yeah yeah come on come on let me just get him over that fire mine and oh gosh I don’t think the fire mine worked guys wait maybe that was just a normal dirt block say something mean to him it’ll make him want to run to at you or something okay okay but first I need to find one of these dirt mines okay hold on I think this one over here is definitely a dirt mine hey uh uh Glo poop Lord come over here step on that mine what don’t call me that H ow wait a minute I think it worked let’s go he stepped on the mine oh heck yeah he’s on fire now he’s on Fire come on we have to get him wao wa keep hitting him keep hitting him I’m on the roof gosh I got him from here all right all right nice dark you just stay safe out there just keep hitting him with your blaster I’m going hit him with some more fire breath take that I’m going to ride on my torta I got to now oh yeah oh yeah I know this shs take that take that wait hold on Dr do you know how much health this guy has I think it’s 10,000 what the heck okay okay well here we got to hit him more with the skull fire sword this was like that super op sword right go chainsaw go Ruby are you riding your turtle what the you’re riding it with the chainsaw in hand he’s not a turtle he’s a tortoise that’s pretty much the same thing hold on you know what I think I need to eat one of these instant noodles oh I can’t eat it I just keep fire breathing every time I try come here your first Charizard oh gosh guys he start getting me you know what I need to fly up take this to the face yeah fire breath oh yeah yeah get him Fire come on come on he must be low come on T bite him bite that guy the guy I think we just need a few more hits with the skull fire sword come on come on everyone go go go I’m going hit him with some more fire breath let’s go come on how muchal does this guy have leave me alone leave me alone please oh yeah oh yeah look the tables have turned and let’s go we took him out let’s go is it over I think it is wait so doctor now the next time he’s going to come back it’s in 10 years from now uh no I think once we defeat him he’s gone forever wait really let’s go that means we don’t have to deal with them ever again we saved the Pokémon you just saved our Pokémon Mar Tera you did so good let’s go that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

Playing Minecraft as a PROTECTIVE POKEMON!

This video Dash turns into a POKEMON! And has to protect his friends against an evil villain trying to eliminate all Pokemon from the world! Will he do it? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


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