JJ Found a New SECRET PASSAGE In the FURNANCE in Minecraft – Maizen?

our friend’s birthday is coming up and we’re planning a surprise for him but we need to make sure he doesn’t find out about it I think we can pull it off but we won’t tell our JJ about it so he doesn’t find out okay I’m home I wonder what my friend is up to he told me to go home because he has some very important plans he’s hiding something from me I have a secret room a whole bunker that I made to observe my friend when we’re not together there’s a whole system of surveillance cameras a server and I can watch anyone but I will be watching my friend and now we’ll see what you’re up to what secrets you have from me you shouldn’t have any secrets from me what are you doing you’re sitting at the computer playing games just as usual nothing secretive but what’s that on Google some doors or something I need to see what he’s hiding there yes I need to watch his every move see what he’s doing because he doesn’t want me to see what he’s planning it must be something secret I don’t know who he might be or what he wants to do we need to see everything he does where he goes because I’m very curious about what he’s up to how can I find you where did you go where did you disappear to it’s bad that I’ve lost track of you and can’t see you on the cameras I need to find you I see you’re doing something in the garden do you think you can hide from me I can see you anywhere my cameras see through the entire Village I can find you anywhere you go there’s no place where you can hide from me what are you doing that’s so secret that I can’t know why did you send me away and tell me not to look where did you go I don’t understand what are you doing there it looks like a hidden place but I don’t have cameras there to see what’s going on I need to go there quickly to see what it is and where where you went but I need to make sure you don’t find out that I’m watching you with the cameras in your room I need to check if there are indeed secret doors to some hidden bunker or what it is the important thing is that you don’t find out I’ve been watching you all this time but what are you hiding from me I’m very curious I’ll visit you and see if there really are doors there and how to get inside I need to place a camera there so I I can see what you’re doing you can’t hide from me so easily oh hi I didn’t expect you so early why did you come over now I didn’t invite you but if you’re here okay come in have a seat here’s some food and there’s the table you can sit and eat if you want it’s strange that you came by you never visit during the day but if you wanted to see me that’s fine we can talk how are you how was your day what are we going to do yes yes I think this will take him some time I can see what those hidden doors in his room lead to I need to get in there and find out oh no they’re locked with a key I need to open them but the key is hidden how can I get in I need to break the doors but I can’t let him know that I know about them I’ll have to do it at night sneak into his room and break the doors sit at the computer do whatever you want make yourself at home I don’t think I’ll bother you but we agreed to meet later why did you come so early maybe you could come back later I have some very important things to do right now and I don’t want you to disturb me I don’t understand he doesn’t want me to see what he’s doing he might be doing something illegal or terrible I need to think about this I can’t just sit here I have to find out what he’s hiding from me it’s good that I have surveillance cameras on him I can go and watch what he does at home by himself self why doesn’t he want me to know about it maybe he’s making a lot of money or maybe he’s doing something really shady maybe he has a new girlfriend or a new friend and doesn’t want to be friends with me anymore okay I need to find out everything he’s doing and what he’s hiding from me if he has a new friend I’ll just move away and stop talking to him so what are you doing tell me what’s in that secret room because I want to get in there and find out everything I’ll wait until you go to sleep then I’ll sneak into your house and quietly break the door to get into that secret room I think that’s a good plan now where are you going I’m very curious you must be going to the store yes I have a camera in the store I’ll see what you’re doing there so you’re buying something interesting what will you buy they sell different drinks and products here what are you doing what are you hiding from me I see you don’t have any other friend are you friends with this seller don’t you think this seller could be your friend you bought an axe that’s very strange why do you need an axe are you some kind of maniac this is scaring me why do you need an axe you’ve never chopped wood before I think my friend might be a maniac I need to figure this out urgently I’ll wait until night and execute my plan when he goes to sleep I’ll go and find out what he’s doing in that secret room what could be in there what secret could it hold maybe he’s a killer maybe he killed someone there I don’t understand anything I need to find out quickly maybe I can still save him or maybe I need to hide from him I don’t understand anything okay I need to get out of here before he finds out that I have a secret bunker where I watch his life because he might come over and easily Discover it I don’t want him to know about it because it would be very dangerous I’ve taken my tablet with me so I can see the cameras I need to grab some weapons just in case I don’t know who he really is or what he’s hiding from me I also need to break down the door I’ll put on my secret suit so I’m not easily seen and take a pickaxe to break through the door and get into the secret room I won’t find the keys to that room and he definitely won’t open it for me because he’s hiding something very serious friends don’t hide things like this maybe he has a lot of money he doesn’t want to share or maybe there’s something very interesting in there I think he’s about to go to sleep so I’ll sneak into his room then I’ll sneak into his room without anyone seeing or hearing me the main thing is that he doesn’t wake up and sleeps very soundly because I might make a bit of noise he finally fell asleep I need to quietly sneak into his secret room and find out what he built here in secret from me I need to know what he’s hiding from me because Secrets shouldn’t be kept from me I’ll break through these doors and get to his secret place that he’s hiding so strongly from me the main thing is that he doesn’t wake up and hear that I entered it’s locked here I need to see if he’s still sleeping because if he wakes up it will be bad I need to hide so he doesn’t find out that I came to his house to see what he’s hiding from me I need to quickly cover my tracks and hide somewhere in his closet so he definitely won’t see me I think it will be a good place to hide from him I have a bad feeling as if someone is watching me I don’t understand there doesn’t seem to be anyone at home or outside someone wants to find out about my secret I don’t want anyone to find out about it maybe it’s all in my head I need to drink some water and see if someone is here I’m scared for some reason I should find out who could be hiding here everything seems fine there’s no one here I’m alone at home so I can go back to sleep wow I didn’t know he talks in his sleep that’s quite strange but my friend is so peculiar he keeps secrets from me which is also very odd now I’ll find out what Secrets he’s hiding from me I need to quietly sneak behind this curtain and here will be the answer to all my questions there’s some kind of door to a bunker or something there with a lot of light what could it be I really don’t understand what he’s built here this room is very strange and I’ve never been here before there’s a lot of space here what could he do here there’s soil and various incomprehensible structures what is this there are Graves skeletons what is he doing here I really don’t understand this can’t be true how can my friend be involved in such strange things no I didn’t understand where he is among them he woke up if he finds out that I’ve broken into his room and discovered what he’s doing here with people it’s over for me I don’t know what to do I need to find a way out of here quickly oh you got caught it’s all over for you it’s all over for you you know too much for me to let you go I thought you were my best friend but you decided to find out my secret now that you know it I’ll bury this secret with you you’ll never get out of here so you can stop screaming no one will ever hear you here your time here is over you can do nothing now goodbye I will never speak with you again oh no why did this happen I thought we were friends I won’t tell anyone about this leave me alone I’ll disappear from this Village and never return don’t bury me no why did you do this it’s terrible I can’t believe what I’ve gotten into I’ve been friends with someone I don’t even know what do I do now how do I get out of here what happened was it all just a dream I was lucky I thought it was real I need to put an end to all this yes I have to find out what’s going on what he’s hiding from me I’ll go and see for myself now so so I can tell the police or I don’t even know what to do but I need to come up with something quickly so this can’t continue I can’t know what it is I need to warn the other villagers quickly if this is true what I see can’t be true my friend couldn’t do such a thing but if it is true then I’ll have to destroy him he can’t be like this in our village and do such things it’s just wrong what’s happening what’s going on why did you run here why are you so agitated no you can’t go there that’s my secret room you can’t go there I forbid you calm down everything is happening for a reason what’s wrong with you don’t go there what’s this what’s this surprise I don’t understand where all these gifts are from what’s Happening Here I don’t understand where’s the corpse are we going to the graveyard an underground bunker are you preparing a birthday present for me while I’ve already come up with something for myself you can’t imagine imine I’m sorry it happened this way I didn’t know it would be a surprise I thought you were up to something really bad it’s time for me to go I’m sorry once again I’ll try to forget all this it’s time for me to go I understood that everything is fine with him he’s not deceiving me in any way he was preparing a surprise for me and I ruined everything now I need to calm down I watch too many movies I want to tell you that I have a special room where I watch you look the computer Studio the cameras all over the village and in your room I’ve been watching you all this time and I thought you were doing something bad like harming people but I realized I don’t need this because we’re true friends I’ll destroy this room and all the things that helped me watch you I don’t need it anymore because there’s nothing more valuable than trust I won’t ever never use this again and I don’t want it to harm anyone I don’t know why you thought I could be harming people or doing something against you I always involve you in everything because we are best friends it was supposed to be a surprise for your birthday and you weren’t supposed to know about it it had to be a surprise otherwise it wouldn’t have been a surprise if you knew what I Was preparing for you but if you already found out there’s nothing to change the main thing is that you don’t do such things in the future because we’re friends and we have nothing to hide goodbye to everyone

JJ Found a New SECRET PASSAGE In the FURNANCE in Minecraft – Maizen?

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.

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Maizen – @maizenofficial