Morning Dew: Stardew Valley

e okay let’s see here oh yeah I need to be prepared to do that and it’s raining today that’s great do their best to shower everyone with Good Fortune good during rainy perfect I can fish today fish fish fish okay don’t let me forget to fish dog oh I’m going to freak [Music] oh yeah that’s right I got that little alien thing good morning ladies no [Music] [Music] thank you ladies I got three milk okay [Music] let’s see oops I need that I should probably upgrade my axe today not going to lie [Music] [Music] [Music] no why is it not working weird [Music] [Music] oh for [Music] [Music] upgrade my tools please to Golden Egg thank you sir 100 cauliflower I need a by so many seeds well jeez the leaves I have no money can’t believe I just did that $28 and four for oh shoot I missed the SC oops [Music] find go what that’s weird I know I had a bunch weird well let me do that quick hello hello yep you are first lucky you you are the champion how is your morning good hopefully good hopefully not lots of phone calls again I just made coffee highly recommend I will say I just this is my last Kake cup of that Starbucks Veranda I’m not a huge fan I’m not I don’t know why I just don’t think I’m a Blonde coffee girl I think I prefer a darker roast I don’t know it’s just not not it’s good but it’s just not there for me but I’m glad I try to now I know that I hate it I’m just kidding um yes so that’s that is it pronounced blonde or Blondie I’ve never known coffee girl yeah you do give off that Blondie coffee girl vibe shower I you’re right but I’m not I’m like 90% sure yeah I would have thought you were trying to poison me but just kidding no it was a good recommendation it’s better than what I was drinking um but there’s just something missing for me so I was thinking I would um go shopping today and pick out a different kind try a different blend [Music] I forgot all the fish mother trucker yes freaking hell yeah different blends blend so yeah do you have any other recommendations Wim a wh WI wind that’s so fun to say that way refined quartz okay I need to deliver this to Leah and she lives up here where the hell does Leah live oh hell no she’s impossible to find just go fishing and wait for her to walk by on the bridge how was your stream sorry I couldn’t catch much [Music] can I please catch a walleye sorry I’m looking something up oh it needs to be fall got it what happened to my it is I FL blend [Music] green and some bait [Music] o oh Leah where are you you done it your shift got your refined quartz where did she go where is she they’re still open time did they close [Music] [Music] [Music] no son of a gun okay how late is this place open 9:30 I need her to be done with work so I can give her this gift she’s tricky lady to find are they literally open 247 hopefully my house will be done soon so I can cook in the kitchen it’s 10 o’ 10 10 they’re still open sorry I’m poor I can’t only have $28 to my name spent it all on cauliflower what time do they close what time close okay there’s no way there’s okay where’s Leah then okay this is freaking me out what are they doing in there why hasn’t she come out okay any Quests for Le are practically impossible then because I waited for her to be done with work and she never came out of the building what’s up with that so I guess I won’t be giving her this refined quartz fine then just need a walleye and a puffer fish a walleye and a puffer [Music] I should have taken the freaking railroad back would have been quicker I got to check the cave for fruit in the morning je it’s just working day and night on this house hopefully it’s raining please please please be raining not completely broke though it’s not raining dang it minus thank you I need that for my freaking collection so kind of [Music] lus she’s still working away in my house feel like I need to buy more cauliflower seeds today is that excessive of me oops are these done already oh oh my gosh way that’s awesome that’s so quick love that [Music] oh dang it this not okay at all just kidding do not have to be sorry you do not have to chat at all if you don’t want to my gosh these are all ready my gosh my garden is flourishing I’m loving that lots of more space to my cauliflower okay I need to get five gold par snips I got nine even better hell yeah okay cool cool cool cool cool let’s go take care of the rest of the farm we’ve got chickens they can come outside today wish I could open the um door from inside that’ be cool no no no no I need my booket need booket [Music] I need to buy more cauliflower seeds today cauliflower goodness so many eggs no duck egg in there in the honey and then cool I got another [Music] Diamond got to check my tappers nothing okay my fruit cave my bat cave should be full of fruit because check it on Wednesday and that’s when it replenishes I think okay it’s not full but it’s fine will do that’ll do that’ll do [Music] donkey what okay let’s go to Z Community Center posture is horrible [Music] okay feel like we’re going to get a little bit accomplished here crops bundle finish that off heck yeah heck yes oh hell yeah okay okay spring crop I have a parsnip I have a potato those are on their way oh I forgot to water my beans to to my beans can’t forget it need a truck there cabbage and then a rabbit I’ll bring you one hey mayor leis Louise would like a copper bar C also I have another preserves jar that I’m going to put what in there for [Music] copper [Music] bar thank you sir Leah I’m done with your quest because you’re never home bu [Music] sh okay beautiful and my par Snoop sh perfect lo oh there’s one PL that needs to be water B [Music] a [Music] honestly don’t know what I’m doing I have no no thoughts in this [Music] Noggin excited for my house to be done though it’s awesome awesome awesome missing a chicken one two three four missing a chicken where are they hey cows get in it’s time to go into your little Cops who’s over here my [Music] dog there goes the chicken okay they’re all in here good little chicken let’s go okay perfect everyone’s in good good perfect perfect perfect perfect yeah that’s going to be interesting [Music] feel this way my oh y my house must be upgraded damn that really gives you good [ __ ] sorry excuse my language [Music] look at this OMG this is so cute I love it oh I’m going to have to start cooking I’m obsessed you little B I just sold all my apricots so thanks [Music] you’re lucky I still have one sorry excuse no come on yay I have carrots that are done please move chickens you’re in the way he [Music] [Music] and then this carrot then I just have the beans oops that didn’t work cool cool cool cool cool cool let’s do two eggs and two milks shall cook with the rest cool [Music] bringing those with to the mines jeez carrots give a lot of energy love that um something broke out of this um that’s not good that’s a we bit scary oh my ax is ready I can’t forget [Music] [Music] where does Emily [Music] live hey pam pam he Louis thank you Clint for my golden ax I need to find Emily actually she lives that house I don’t remember what she looks like blue hair okay easy to find easy to spot [Music] see if she’s home she is heck yes girl always follow through okay cute I love that oh yeah okay um construct farm buildings I think I need to get a big barn now allows you to M wheat to beets right interesting Pond PE NOP cute Big Barn 12,000 450 wood 200 Stone okay I can do that 450 wood 200 Stone got [Music] it this this place needs to be cleaned up for for [Music] it’s there much better much better damn it something let me break that but it won’t a shame what a shame there lus I cleaned your area up for you coffee is gone okay [Music] 450 wood I’m close 200 stone I have plenty of stone I just need a little bitty more wood I have so much Stone oh my gosh so much just a way bit more wood and there’s a freaking alien on loose look at this I feel like I need to donate it to gun to Z there everyone in everyone’s in here everyone’s in there perfect perfection [Music] [Music] good morning turnip how are you how’s it going oh my goodness I cannot walk hold on I got to put a sweatshirt on okay sorry I’m just getting a little chilly you’re all right I’m doing good I worked last night so I came home took the dogs on a walk made some coffee and here I am I don’t work till Tuesday night so I don’t want to sleep all day I kind of want to try and flip my schedule because I have a wedding this weekend so yeah that’s my morning so [Music] far oh I got a kitchen I’m so excited I wish I could rotate the te be that sucks I kind of want the fireplace in my room now it’s so dark in there just set that on the floor for a moment I guess we’ll put this stupid it sounds stupid but not very cute all my little collections there I’m going to put this in the kitchen there there and then that can go there feel like it like that before guess it’ll have to go there for now okay yeah so I out a kitchen made a couple things [Music] excited I now saving up to upgrade my barn next thing he could he could he good how was the stream last night much disp spirits today pizza pizza pizza I um accepted the challenge to mail 100 cauliflower so that’s like the majority of my garden right now nice yeah I caught a little bit on my lunch break that was around 1 I think that was it all the clly cauliflower and I upgraded my axe um so all my tools are upgraded as far as I can get them at the moment that’s cool um I should probably get some more seeds today yeah oh what is this tail okay don’t know point in that I think I bought every seed that Happ one of them I definitely need to get more seeds today definitely need more but I want to make more sprinklers cuz this watering is exhausting let’s see what do I need I need cauliflower and green be okay oh wait okay no they’re fine trying to save stuff for the um like this kale I’m going to save for the caves for that skeleton cave because I feel I’m to do a lot of fighting so I’ve just been storing stuff in my fridge that I want to take with me and I’m going to go on a good luck day um so I’m just waiting for that feel like I’m missing an egg guess so [Music] um no I’m not going for Perfection um I mean I would prefer it I guess cuz you make more money that way I’m assuming purple’s the best one purple gold yeah it seems to be I don’t know if I should be saving the purple ones for a challenge or something oops I forgot to open I need to make stairs for the cave I suppose so I can cuz if I put stairs in the cave I don’t have to like I can use them when I if I leave and come back right [Music] look at my the thing in this broke out I don’t know where it is I have no idea I just woke up one morning and it was not in there so that’s scary let’s see iron bar gold bar ref oh that’s what I used all my refin cords for that’s [Music] right [Music] a I need to make more of everything looks like sorry sorry so sorry okay what I need to do today [Music] um should go buy some more seeds that’s what I should do o pars a leak idiot idiot why did I think it was a parip I’m met in the Cory in a b in a minute minute Prismatic Shard oh okay I’ll take you ready more no problem there [Music] shoot I was going to um buy more seeds today I need to go do that quick more worms okay I those look like worms to me so that’s why I call them that I think I saw it in like a hint or a tip that um they’re called sticks like it said if you dig the sticks that are wiggling out of the ground you get some reward I saw that in the game I was like they look like worms to me what should I buy um feel like honestly I got a lot of money for garlic so I’m gonna do that shame Emerald I don’t know if I have anal oh boy oh boy okay I need to figure out how to make um shoot I would should have cracked that geod oops need to figure out how to make stairs for my shirt it’s of my recipes pretty sure I’ve seen them there plant all this quick oh wait what am I doing around the sprinkler what are we doing we just wasted wasted our wats of time oh well not a big deal was the ugliest planting job I’ve done okay let’s look at our stair recip these oh my gosh 99 Stone [Music] okay good thing I have a lot I can [Music] make 10 nine steps or I can make 10 10 [Music] staircase um how many bombs do I have I know I have some bombs mega bomb are these bombs okay turn up just the regular bombs I could make Mega bombs for sure gold or I can make quite a few Mega bombs how many do you think I need just made 10 [Music] I don’t understand what that is what I’m supposed to do with it [Music] don’t oh that is not where I want to put that is I in the wrong chest okay fix it a little bit May a little bit [Music] SP okay um I’ll be bringing that with me when I go I’ll be bringing that with me when I go be bringing that with me yep [Music] the weather supposed to be like tomorrow oh my gosh scale islower whatever this is is not watered what the heck and neither are these carrots what am I thinking [Music] [Music] it’s a doops cheese gives you 101 Health oh my taking that with me to the caves oh God okay do you think I can get to 25 in a day um what is that an explosion was heard in the night I don’t know explosion [Music] event won’t be going to the mines today do I have to go investigate the explosion I don’t even fight anything I can go back right and find what I need to if I need to I need to water my beans cauliflower starting over there didn’t I just plant those parsnips going crazy oops damn it good morning chickens I need this egg thank [Music] you I need my bucket should just leave my bucket on the floor in the barn [Music] got open the door he okay let’s see [Music] here think I have to go investigate that explosion noise like that’s would be useful check my Batcave first nice I have not found a Sweet Berry yet for that guy in the woods statue in the woods I wonder if it broke the SP up here that would be cool dang it it didn’t [Music] sorry lus he didn’t say anything [Music] interesting nothing so far oopses oh my goodness I cannot walk I can’t believe nothing like happened where did where was the explosion then that’s what I want to know goodness yes I am taking a break break break break I should go crack this geode I’m over here oh oh I’ve had that before petrified slime oh I’m getting tired for sorry I just got like a wave of exhaustion need to snap out of it okay I don’t know where this explosion was what Aly is that your name yeah whatever Pam will take you on a bus ride if you pay her hey po poppers oh my why nice I make horse radish ew I can I don’t want any more carrot [Music] SE feel like I have to go tomorrow I just feel like I have to just going to try it [Music] out who’s Q anyway who is that guy is that the little guy in the cave [Music] make sure all my animals are there I don’t know what time Pam gets to the bus stop is 9 I need to shoot for 9:00 9 a.m. please have a good luck please have a good luck please have a good luck or just not bad luck luck will be on your side or will not you know what I’m just going to try it what’s the worst that could happen first I need what the garden first yes moty cute I like that it’s some baby dock cute I love that there they are come out come out oh cute no come on e [Music] [Music] chicken oh my goodness no near my garden stop it grass this one not [Music] good need to go on the house and grab all my food I want to bring the high energy stuff like the cheese I think that should be enough food I don’t want that just get rid of that we’re going to go going to go to the caves spooky this place okay okay okay let’s do this thank you Pamela I’m scared I’m scared okay run like you said run oh my God I’m dead oh my God what do I do what do I do oh no I just lost everything oh no it’s the first time I’ve died oh my gosh emergency surgery oh my gosh all my stuff all my bombs and my stairs oh [Music] no my stairs I guess oh my gosh what a waste that is rough stupid slimes I hate them Mama didn’t raise no quitter going to try again I didn’t think the freaking slimes hurt me that bad okay I need to have food readily available let’s do this bomb I need a bomb way run away maybe I can get enough I feel like I need to mine these yeah get enough Stone from bombs to um more stairs the deal a hole what does that do yeah jump in are you freaking qu quitting you freaking quitting me yeah I need to drink something okay nine levels that’s pretty good what level am I on 11 oh Lordy I need to find a hole or something hate these spiral ones I need a [Music] ladder yes I do I need a lad fudge that hell yeah hell yeah ah I’m scared pick it up please thank you horrid place interesting yeah jump in five levels I must be getting close it should tell me right 18 okay no are is in veed I need to build a staircase quick no freaking way God Dam it this isn’t good this is not good guys I’m scared okay we got this we’re doing good we’re doing good goodness gracious okay it’s okay we’re okay what is that mean when they have hearts on them uh oh goodness that’s freaking one uhoh three nope nope nope nope NOP careful okay goodness die not another freaking curly round so close no yes damn that is I almost just killed myself holy crap I meant to eat cheese I am need to calm down what I need to do thank you turnup thank you thank you I just need to find the freaking exit here I wonder if I have enough to build this I do I’m not going to use it here um because I still have time dang you bat Perfect Two it’s racing 23 damn that still hurt me crazy radius One More Level oh I can use my staircase duh yay I did it is this the end or is there more what was my freaking reward that’s what I want to know oh there’s more damn this is impressive you ready up yes yes oh [ __ ] oh my god let’s not do that well is that Jade got it I need to leave though is time for me to leave cool cool cool cool that oops sorry okay we did it that was like really intimidating me for some reason but we did it yeah what was my reward though that’s what I don’t get crab cakes hell yeah I collect the inventory is full sell this I get spicy eel from interesting oh I got a cloth [Music] oh oh a bandana shirt interesting oh cool okay lovely I love that oh my gosh turn up I am just getting overwhelmed overwhelmed my storage stressing me out just feel it’s going to take so long to freaking organize it [Music] I watered my garden it’s so windy out here today dang yeah yes yes yes Hallelujah it’s raining $10,000 oh my gosh thank you it’s amazing now I can upgrade my barn just need to get enough wood what do I use diamonds for turn [Music] up so many hello everybody for [Music] I’m going to go and get you guys’s Barn upgraded today I’ve got enough wood sure I do almost I need 450 we’re getting there 450 I need a bunch of stone I don’t remember what else I need copper I [Music] think remember don’t recall what is that oh my gosh that’s amazing I love that oh my gosh what am I stuck on wow the bats are slacking their days are usually Wednesdays to be popping off they’re just like no thanks no thanks [Music] yes I need a big bar not a deluxe cool a big Baron 200 Stone let’s build it oh my gosh oh I was like what I thought it was having me place a new one I’m so excited we did it [Music] copper ore oh wait I have to collect them I’m pretty sure yeah I’m not doing that I already I could bring this stuff I already have then I do it carrots if I can make carrot juice well let’s you do just about anything just about anything [Music] [Music] should I be plenty more cauliflower probably huh I can’t get any today though CU shops closed so I’ll have to do it tomorrow really wanted to plant today CU it was raining going to go see what animals are for sale if I can buy any wood animal catalog oh sick I love that that would be idea buy that doing well thank you dear that Ted why aren’t you happy never found out where that explosion came from or landed happened whatever that’ss interesting this little da is cute looks like an egg I’m going to do that I’m sick of this big bow okay that’s cute that’s cute ouch sorry spring it again why can’t I get over there [Music] what y cute should get a lot of money it’s fun I like the rain knet the noise always creeps me out [Music] wow you got it oh look who’s here Shane what’s up my guy got it what should we get let’s eat probably get some recipes something a salad eat it here with the friends should have got the beer okay I guess I just gave it to Pam Lely Pam I need you to move I wonder how I knew that was your favorite buddy Willie that [Music] well that’s all she wrote that is all she wrote I think I’m going to be done for the day I’m feeling pretty tired pretty tired um so yeah I may may not be on tomorrow morning I’m not sure not sure sure um let’s just take a little Gander outside see what we’re going to walk into oh thanks oh interesting got it girl got it well I guess that’s what we be walking into um but I hope everyone has a great day in a great week weekend I mean I guess it’s Thursday and I will see you [Music] later bye

#stardewvalley #chill #firsttimeplay #stardew

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