Terraria Calamity Life Share is TERRIFYING…

if you haven’t seen part one yet you missed a lot but I put a link in the description if you want to go check it out anyways I hope you enjoy similar to yesterday we don’t get off until we kill another boss I like the name change yeah I switched my name Emily oh wait no that’s not Gio there he is yeah Emily how you doing Gio here what did you just give me whoa that’s sick as hell oh did you you’re giving it to me yeah oh why sake man am I not allowed to like do something nice I was just curious no it’s fine dude I get it whatever I’m just notoriously a fat [ __ ] huh stupid fair is trying to show me where loot is don’t call them that anymore sorry snorts your cousin is trying to show me where some loot is the Zam bonies they want my dick I’m lying no one wants that [ __ ] I was about to say [ __ ] C you H I’ve got eight summon damage weak knockback uses 10 Mana summons a baby bch oh dude plus 10% that Su in his cheeks I’m going sell it then does anybody have P gold that I can buy off of them what are you willing to pay your soul perhaps okay bro that’s insane today’s episode is all about mining because we can’t get anywhere without it miners but as really fell off after this damn a million views in 2 seconds bro fell off I lined my chest room with wood to match your and now I’m thinking about doing the walls too maybe what about grabbing the walls I’m sure we could arrange that you can throb in my walls any day big boy oh God that was nasty as [ __ ] pretty runy that was disgusting apologies not accepted dude get the [ __ ] out of here you go to hell I found Escape Rockets yeah yeah I found them underground and I want to see what they here we go oh there he goes [ __ ] oh my God goodbye that was cool uh I I went way higher than I thought that I would Bro think he Drake cuz he fled the country you uh bring a camera down here and take pictures while you were snooping around yeah I got picked of your feet oh great so what is next on the boss checklist King Slime oh great I think King Slime is our best bet but we ALS so could do I I think we could do both yeah okay today could be a very eventful day if we play our cards right dude I need a crazy [ __ ] to torture me with the teu rose toy or I’m going to die a teu rose toy crazy you can just get like a platinum from it holy [ __ ] yep oh I got it oh it’s game over bro I might need to start my magic build now so this is a magic weapon I just got the plasma rod waa and then this is the sword I got oh wa yeah dude look and it tracks oh my God it’s over with dude a what’s the point of a elevator if it changes with cuz I’m not done with it yet God damn it this has been a a very long project is the campfire needed for anything yes it heals you if you’re near it dude I love it when me and I say the exact same thing as exact same time it’s like we’re making out and like exchanging fluids it’s like him putting a collar on me yeah you holy [ __ ] bro that’s insane my God I found a a weapon that does 44 Rogue damage that looks sick where’d you get that uh this called a dingle hopper and the building burned down so you’re not ever going to find it ever again is anyone in a situation where they’re going to die no not even close okay we’re all at the house good bro got booby trapped I think I just lost all of my gold I had 23 and I lost it all and then lava poured onto where I died oh so you actually lost all your gold y oh my God at this point I was Broker Than a fat bitch’s bag trying to pick up a tub of butter and I decided the best way to farm money and do something productive was to try and fight I of cthulu and that was a [ __ ] mistake don’t mind me gang just for the cold ulture oh oh oh no oh oh dear God no oh yes the rain was just perfect I had to start kicking this big eyeballs ass yo sorry I’m actually not surprised even a little bit that was the most us thing to ever happened sorry well he’s back anyways I’ll stay over here where I can’t [ __ ] fall oh we’re kind of King his ass we are all right phe two already he’s a third I almost died oh careful [ __ ] that hurt that [ __ ] hurted fam come here [ __ ] come here [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God that hurts so bad SS SS SS it’s me you want get off of him oh [ __ ] dude you got to go you have to go I can’t get past him he’s actually taking a lot of damage though all right I’m going uhoh no there it goes run it back yep oh my God the amount of projectiles is almost distracting I know right oh I’m stuck I can’t move I got locked in place whatever the [ __ ] that thing was got rubbed out by eye of catha what I’m going set this next one out unless you guys need help with it I think you got it though I gave you all that gold didn’t you make gold armor uh I’m going to make some right now all right we’re halfway through the night I think we could take them out to be honest [ __ ] dude dude he’s all over you I know he’s rubbing one off on you he really is bro he’s humping my leg oh my God oh my God oh my God that’s like scary that noise is scaring me get out of there help oh my god there it goes bro come on my head got stuck F take over oh my God I’ll go over here [ __ ] it’s me me this is the point we finally realized that this [ __ ] was never going to work unless we geared up a bit more so we decided to fight King Slime instead snorts if you don’t mind I’m going to need some help oh this dude sucks anyways yeah he’s a push over bro yeah what a nerd King Slime more like King lame sauce ah he’s killing me he’s killing me leave him alone it’s me you w get out of there that’s a death trap bro yep yep yep yep go talk to the nurse bro you need it this [ __ ] stuck slime is falling from the sky you didn’t have to craft [ __ ] I’m going to die don’t die don’t die we’re so close [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he’s stuck he he’s going to teleport out he’s going to T mine’s on his ass a live live live live don’t die oh there go oh my god did that was the most intense King slim fight I’ve ever been a part of I know dude that was crazy okay it’s night time and the lanterns are out you know what that means what does it mean love those lanterns we now have an epic backdrop for an epic boss fight that we’re epically going to win epic that’s epic all right you guys ready three two one cul ow careful he does nothing I don’t know dude I heard he’s a registered tip toucher so he’s going to charge yep oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God why can’t it move just run in One Direction and jump that’s how you avoid it he spamming that move right now I know the tip the tip is going in no no me me tip why is he spaming it you can’t even hit him barely he’s going to do that because yep he’s just going after the NPCs this go gi’s in there yeah hit him with that [ __ ] didy dude man yeah I’ll [ __ ] I’ll do whatever I want I’m about to drop a six solo and it’s going to kill him another day is gone oh my God he’s all alone you’re going to kill him by making them go death oh my God oh my God we can like just keep going this way for a while we we don’t have to stay there oh my God he’s stuck weing out come back come back come back come back he’s almost dead keep going keep going yes yay holy [ __ ] and I got The Relic yeah go put that statue in the house baby drop it in dude yes woo two bosses in one day let’s go I’m going to buy a piggy bank and put it on the main floor cuz I’m not a commi what are you talking about bro oh nothing trying to say something little bro no no no no absolutely not why would I do that I have nothing good to say I have nothing good to say ever oh one more thing what uhoh is that going to blow up my base it will won’t it yep what did you what the [ __ ] bro that’s pure evil [Music] dude to waste your time the man broke the man he aoke so you got to get loose with the in the coke 3 2 1 go want to have fun if the man don’t dance he’s move on get the man now can I get a

Terraria Calamity Life Share is debatably one of the scariest challenges on any video game, especially Terraria Calamity with Life Share on MASTER MODE.

Watch Episode 1 Here: https://youtu.be/qsGRk_-8NIk?si=xDnJccK4074ypeem

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  1. Azraeo i know i asked this twice but pls record a video of the next season of fortnite its chaotic right up your alley
    Also this is a nice video

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