Strong JJ and Mikey Escape From Prison in Minecraft ! (Maizen)

Mikey and JJ sneak into the bank at night they move quietly avoiding the cameras Mikey picks the lock with ease JJ keeps watch nervous but determined they enter the Vault room the prize is within their reach officers surround the building there’s no way out Mikey and JJ are trapped they dropped their bags in defeat Mikey this place is awful the cell is so small how did we end up here we should have never done it I know JJ we made a huge mistake this isn’t what I imagined we really messed up Mikey JJ it’s time you’re being transferred follow me quietly don’t make any trouble where are we going what’s happening officer are we in more trouble I’m scared Mikey stay calm JJ we’ll be okay let’s just do as they say we don’t want more trouble it’s a chance for rehabilitation did you hear that Mikey there’s hope for us we can turn things around we have to try yeah JJ this is our chance we can make things right Mikey help that this guy is huge I can’t break free he’s too strong hang on JJ I’ll distract him just keep moving we need to find an exit he’s not letting go Mikey do something I’m really scared we need to get out of here my legs are shaking but I won’t stop we have to escape I’ve had enough of feeling weak Mikey it’s time to change I’m going to work out every day I want to get stronger that’s the spirit JJ I believe in you with hard work you’ll get there let’s see what you can do it’s tough at first but I won’t give up look at those muscles JJ you’re really improving keep it up buddy you’re almost there I feel amazing Mikey so much power and strength I’m ready for anything just watch me now here comes that bully time to see what you’ve got JJ show him your strength make him regret it take this you won’t hurt anyone again I’ll stop you right now feel my power you did it JJ he’s down for good I knew you could do it you’re amazing thanks Mikey I couldn’t have done it without you I’m starving JJ let’s head to the cafeteria I hope the food is good today I need a decent meal yeah me too Mikey I’ve heard mixed reviews about the food but anything is better than being hungry let’s give it a try welcome boys today’s special is um stew enjoy your meal it’s fresh sort of thanks cook it doesn’t look too bad let’s sit over there JJ we’ll see how it tastes here goes nothing oh no Mikey this tastes awful I can’t eat this you’re right JJ this is really bad we can’t eat this let’s just throw it away sorry cook but it’s really bad we can’t eat this we’re just being honest we can’t keep eating this stuff it’s just not good we need decent food all right you two time for showers follow me and stay in line no funny business got it yes sir we understand we’ll behave just need to clean up thanks for the escort officer we appreciate it a shower sounds good it’s been a long day here we are make it quick I’ll be back in a few minutes don’t cause any trouble this place is kind of grimy but it’ll do let’s just get this over with we don’t want any more issues yeah Mikey I just want to feel clean again let’s hurry up the water looks cold let’s finish up quickly the officer will be back soon hey Mikey look I found something it’s a pickaxe what’s it doing here whoa JJ this could be our ticket out we need to hide it don’t let anyone see I’ll tuck it under my shirt no one will notice this is our chance we have to be careful we need to act normal just like nothing happened all right Mikey we’re back in the cell it’s time to put our plan into action we need to be quiet and careful we can’t afford to get caught now you’re right JJ let’s get started this is our only chance we have to make it work okay I’ll start working on the wall keep an eye out for any guards we need to know if anyone is coming this is going to take some time I’m on Lookout Duty JJ you focus on making progress just be patient and steady we don’t want to rush and make noise this wall is tougher than it looks but we’re making Headway little by little we’ll get through just stay alert Mikey I’m watching the hallway JJ no one’s coming yet keep working we’re doing fine we’re getting closer to freedom I can feel it Mikey we’re almost through just a bit more and we’ll have hole this is really happening I can’t believe it JJ we’re actually going to escape all our planning is paying off just keep going we’re so close the hole is getting bigger Mikey I can almost see the other side this is it our way out we just have to stay focused hey Mikey look what I found there’s some wood in this drawer we can use it to make a ladder this will help us Escape once we break through we have to move fast we can’t hesitate we need to know our next steps do you remember the out I’ll start cutting the wood you keep an eye on the door we can’t afford to get caught now this ladder has to be sturdy all right Mikey the ladder is finished let’s set it up and get out of here be careful climbing down we can’t make any noise I’m going down first JJ make sure the ladder holds once I’m down you follow we’re almost free oh no Mikey it’s the police they found us our Escape Plan is ruined Mikey this water is getting unbearable we need to find a way way to drain it we can’t stay here like this it’s only going to get worse I know JJ the water is rising fast we need a plan any ideas I think I saw some pipes under the water if we can fix the broken ones we might be able to drain this place it’s worth a shot good thinking JJ let’s look for those pipes maybe we can find something useful we need to hurry I found the pipes Mikey they’re in a box under the water let’s pull them out we can use these to fix the problem great job JJ now we just need to figure out how to use them the water’s getting higher we have to act fast I think I can fix this just give me a minute we don’t have much time but I know what to do be careful JJ this place is already a mess we can’t afford any mistakes I trust you to get it right thanks Mikey I’m doing my best just a little more and I think it’s working the water’s going down JJ you did it we’re going to be okay this is amazing I can’t believe it worked we might actually get out of here let’s keep an eye on the water level make sure it stays down we need to stay alert the guards might come back we don’t want any surprises but for now we’ve got a chance let’s use this time to rest a bit we’ve been through a lot but we can’t let our guard down completely we need to stay ready you’re right JJ we need to stay sharp this isn’t over yet but at least we have some hope now Mikey the water’s gone now it’s time to clear this Rubble we need to find a way out let’s start moving these rocks good thinking JJ we need to make a path be careful though we don’t know what’s on the other side I’ll start clearing the way Mikey you keep an eye out for any dangers we can’t afford any surprises let’s do this got it JJ I’m on Lookout Duty just let me know if you need help we’ll get through this together this Rubble is heavy Mikey but I’m making progress just a little more I think I see something ahead keep going JJ we’re almost there I’ll shine the flashlight it’s a tunnel Mikey we made it out let’s go before the guards find us this is our chance to escape I can’t believe it JJ we’re finally free let’s move quickly we don’t want to get caught again we’re in the sewer Mikey it’s not the best place but it’s better than that cell let’s find our way out of here agreed JJ let’s keep moving we’ll find a way back to the surface and then we’ll figure out our next move let’s go JJ we’re almost there one step closer to Freedom nothing can stop us now Mikey I think I can pick this lock it’s our ticket out of here just give me a minute keep an eye out for any guards be careful JJ we can’t afford to get caught now if we make it to the guard room we might find a way to escape the facility I’m trying Mikey this lock is tricky but I won’t give up I’ve almost got it hurry JJ I hear footsteps we don’t have much time keep going you’re doing great got it the lock is open let’s move quietly we don’t want to attract attention well done JJ let’s get out of this sewer hopefully the guard room isn’t too far stay close and stay quiet Mikey these uniforms fit surprisingly well I almost feel like a real cop let’s head to the Armory we need to arm ourselves agreed JJ but let’s be cautious we don’t want to raise any suspicions stick close to me got it Mikey I’ll follow your lead but I can’t can’t wait to get my hands on some weapons let’s make this quick keep your eyes peeled JJ we need to blend in act natural we don’t want anyone to suspect a thing hey you two what are you doing here you’re not supposed to be in the Armory something seems off about you uh we were just doing a routine inspection yes that’s it everything’s under control hold on a minute I I don’t recognize you two are you imposters sound the alarm AJ it’s time to act we’re busted let’s take them down stay low and aim carefully I got it Mikey let’s show them what we’re made of watch my back I’m going in covering fire JJ we can do this keep moving don’t let them pin us down they’re falling back Mikey we’re gaining ground just a few more shots we can take them one last push JJ they’re on the Run let’s finish this Victory Is Ours we did it Mikey we’re Unstoppable together now let’s grab some weapons and get out of here our Escape isn’t far now hey you two listen up there’s been a breach in security Red Alert what’s going on Red Alert we need to get out of here JJ follow me right behind you Mikey let’s find a way out but where do we go we can’t go back the way we came we’ll have to make a new exit JJ we need explosives TNT should do the trick let’s gather what we need got it Mikey I’ll start crafting the TNT you keep an eye out for guards we don’t want any surprises be quick JJ I’ll cover you we don’t have much time the guards could be here any minute we need sulfur charcoal and sand keep an eye out I’ll gather what I can find let’s make this fast I’ve got the ingredients Mikey let’s find a quiet spot to craft this TNT Will Blast us out of here stand back all right JJ let’s do this but be careful we don’t want any accidents great work JJ now let’s find a suitable wall to blast through follow me stay close this wall looks weak Mikey let’s plant the TNT here stand back it’s about to get loud fire in the hole get down JJ here we go wow Mikey that was impressive we made it through let’s get out of here quick JJ through the hole we’re almost free I can see daylight we did it Mikey we’re finally out thanks for sticking by me this looks like a safe spot JJ let’s take a moment to catch our breath but we can’t stay here long it’s not safe agreed Mikey we need to fortify this place grab those barricades from the crates we’ll need them we need to find a safe place JJ let’s check out this house stay sharp and watch out for any traps we can’t be too careful got it Mikey I’ll keep my eyes peeled let’s see what we can find maybe there’s something useful here look JJ there are bar ades in these boxes we can use them to fortify the house this could buy us some time let’s get to work great find Mikey let’s start barricading the doors and windows we need to make sure we’re safe and ready for anything we have to make it as secure as possible the last thing we need is a surprise attack I’ll take care of the windows Mikey you focus on the doors we need to work fast there’s no telling when they’ll come for us right JJ let’s make sure every entry point is sealed tight we can’t afford any spots Our Lives depend on it the windows are barricaded Mikey no one’s getting through them now let’s reinforce the doors we’re almost done these barricades should buy us some time JJ the cops are here we need to hide quick let’s stay quiet and out of sight they can’t find us I’m right behind you Mikey let’s find a good hiding spot stay calm we can do this just keep quiet stay low JJ we don’t want them to see us maybe we can hide in the closet let’s go hurry I’m with you Mikey let’s hope they don’t search the house stay silent no matter what we can’t afford to get caught I hear them outside they’re getting closer hold your breath JJ we can’t let them find Us JJ we need to make a tunnel it’s our only way out let’s start digging we need to be fast I’m with you Mikey let’s find a good spot to start we need to go deep enough to avoid detection I’ll grab some tools this soil is tough Mikey but we’re making progress just a little deeper we’ll be out of here soon keep going JJ you’re doing great we’re almost there just a bit more I can see the other side Mikey we did it the tunnel is complete let’s move quickly let’s go JJ we need to get out of here before the cops come back stay low and stay quiet the tunnel will lead us to Freedom I’m right behind you Mikey let’s make our Escape we’ll find a way to outrun them together we can do anything we’re out JJ we made it now let’s run we can’t let them catch us now JJ the cops are blocking our way we have to fight our way through stay close to me let’s show them we’re not giving up I’m right beside you Mikey we won’t let them stop us get ready for a fight we’ll make it to that ship here they come get ready to defend ourselves aim for their legs JJ we need to slow them down I’m on it Mikey watch out for their backup they’re trying to flank us stay focused keep moving JJ we can’t stay in one place for too long let’s make a run for it follow me I’m right behind you Mikey watch out they’re regrouping we need to keep moving don’t let them catch us stay low JJ we’re almost there the ship’s just ahead we can make it we’re almost there Mikey just a little farther keep pushing forward we won’t let them win get to the ship JJ I’ll cover you go go go we’re almost free I’m going Mikey cover me don’t let them stop us now we’re making our Escape I won’t let them JJ keep moving we’re almost there just a little more we made it Mikey the ship’s right there let’s get on board freedom awaits us we did it JJ we’re finally free let’s set sail and never look back our adventure is just beginning I can’t believe we made it Mikey we’re Unstoppable together let’s see where the wind takes us our future is wide open we did it JJ we about smarted them all now let’s sail towards our next adventure nothing can hold us back now I couldn’t have done it without you Mikey

Strong JJ and Mikey Escape From Prison in Minecraft ! (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

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