This Calamity Mod Weapon Deletes Bosses… (Terraria)

This calamity mod weapon is broken today we are talking about the Calamity mod weapon the staff of necro steio sites this Summoner weapon can be obtained from the dungeon from dark casters with a 10% drop rate on expert mode and a 6.67% on normal mode with the battle potion active I went into the dungeon and it took me about a minute and 30 seconds to get the drop which in my opinion is completely worth it considering how good this weapon actually is when used it summons a small skeleton which is a ground type minion that deals contact damage and emits lingering bone matter as they move now that you know what it does let’s go ahead and get it into action the first thing is you want to Stack as many minion slots as possible we are using B armor with the following setup which allows us to have six minion slots in total all right so here it is in action we have a flat arena with no other platforms so that the slimes basically have to stay wherever the little uh Skelly boys are and as you can see by the DPS meter and the health bar is drastically decreasing that’s already the red slime dead so we’re finishing up the fight here and this is a pretty sloppy fight but even though it’s sloppy we are just doing so much damage that it doesn’t even matter and when you look at the fight time that fight lasted 33 seconds I really feel the need to explain just how insane doing this boss fight in 33 seconds is I just did a playthrough with Mage and it took me 4 minutes and 30 seconds to kill the same boss now in case you’re not sold on this weapon just yet this is also really good against the wall of flesh you can also upgrade your minion slots by one by upgrading to a jelly charged battery at this point which allows you to do even more damage and really all you have to do is just build a platform where one of the eyes is going to spawn and then the minions will do the rest of the work for you and if a 33 second slime God was too long for you here is a 202nd Wall of Flesh absolutely insane that my Mage play through that had a wall of flesh time of about 2 minutes and 10 seconds I could have saved nearly a minute and 50 seconds just by playing Summoner this is crazy now don’t get me wrong this weapon’s really good but it’s also not perfect let’s go ahead and get into the pros and cons so the pros is that obviously it has extremely strong damage whenever you use it correctly and it is good at single Target and it also is pretty good at groups of enemies because they just kind of run around and do their own thing it’s also quite easy to get there’s no crafting recipe you just farm for you know it took me about a minute and 30 seconds and obviously it gives you very fast boss kill times the cons though is that Arena setup is really important to maximize DPS potential and it can result in some tactic boss fights your Arenas are not always going to be the best type in terms of safety it’s going to be primarily for damage it does require a bit of give and take in that department another thing is that it will struggle against flying and fast moving enemies basically anything that is primarily flying like queen bee or Skeletron for example is going to be incredibly hard to hit with this thing because they are completely blocked into walking on platforms and they’re just not very good at covering vertical distance but they’re very good at horizontal and lastly and one thing that’s really important to note is that this is really only relevant for two bosses which is slime God and wall of flesh after you defeat Wall of Flesh you are going to basically be flipping the game on its head again and this thing will be on the back burner as it’s just not good anymore because there’s much better options so let me know in the comments if you guys think that this weapon is good or if you’ll be using it I’d love to hear your feedback down below and also make sure to like And subscribe if you want more Calamity mod weapon reviews like this thanks for watching

This Calamity Mod Weapon Deletes Bosses… (Terraria)

Staff of Necrosteocytes is not balanced… like at all.
Also this video is inspired by Sockrteez and GitGudWo.
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  1. Would love feedback on this one, trying out new things in terms of content type, as well as some after effects usage to spice things up. Also use this weapon before it gets nerfed lmao

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