NOOB vs PRO: SECRET ELEMENTAL BASE Build Challenge in Minecraft!

a mutant spider is coming to attack us and we have no way to fight back oh no it’s over for us we need to hide don’t worry guys we can just get elemental powers how in the world can we do that woodo all we have to do is build Elemental houses and whatever elements we build we’ll get those powers that sounds awesome I want to get nature powers so I can have flowers and animals everywhere that’s cool axie I’m going to build in that volcano so I can get fire powers axi what if we build a secret base in the ocean that way I can get water and ice powers great idea this looks like a good spot all I have to do is use SL slash paste to spawn in an underwater house we can edit axie this looks amazing m go we just need to clear out all this water because this is going to be a nature base what axi I’ll clear out the water but it won’t be a nature base it’s going to be a water base that’s why the base is underwater we’ll see about that it can be a water base for now come on for the first room what we can do is build an entire ice lab because water and ice are directly connected to each other that’s cool but what’s an ice lab well axi I’m going to add all sorts of things that are ice that way I can get all of the ice poers super duper easily ice powers sound kind of cool but actually fire powers are 10 times cooler and more op you can come over and build on my side if you want to really win wo everyone knows that water beats fire no it’s the other way around fire heats up water and then the water disappears voodo ice can literally take out fire any day of the week but check it out axi I’m putting down a bunch of different testing tubes over here this has all the water and ice powers I need but I’m not done there guess what else I’m going to do are you going to make me an ice cake what we don’t have time to eat cake axie I’m placing down a bunch of snow over here because if I place down a bunch of snow and water mobs I’m going to get super duper strong easily and then I’m going to take down that mutant spider and voodo you’re not taking anyone down relax yes he is woodo and I’m putting down a bunch of snowflakes so we can freeze you I’ll put down a toilet cuz I know you guys are good at taking those things down that’s not funny voodo Once I have all of my ice powers you are going to be super terrified of me trust me don’t worry Mom M go I’ll just turn on a heater and then I will be cold oh my gosh this guy thinks he’s so funny a see I’m not even done with this room yet but when I am done with it I’m going to get my first ice power and the first thing I’m going to do is use it on wudo that’s going to be so funny I can’t wait to see the look on his face exactly let me just get all of my super duper cool ice armor over here and oh my goodness this is going to be so awesome you know what’s going to be more awesome M what is it woodo my lava bab hey lava is not that cool okay everyone watching comment ice right now if you think my ice element is better than Wood’s lava element comment ice and comment nature no comment lava if you like it hot and spicy oh my gosh axi check it out we’re done with our ice lab with which means I should be getting my power soon wo look at your hands what in the world axi just by building this little small lab area I already got my first bit of ice power and I got an ability too check it out hey don’t go shooting that at me axie this is how cool the ice power is you don’t even have any abilities right now that’s because you haven’t helped me build any nature things come on we’re going to make what I want to build next oh my gosh what do you want to build axie well my favorite thing in the world is food so we’re going to make an enchanted forest Cafe what in the world does that even mean you’ll see Monga where should we build this well we can build it on the other half of this main area all I know is that ice is the best element axi so even if you do try your best to make this nature area look cool you still won’t be able to beat me yeah yeah we’ll see about that let me just place down some jungle tables and also chairs actually look this is already starting to look really foresty of course it is especially cuz I’m putting down these dark oak trees I wouldn’t be too happy if I were you the nature element isn’t even that cool that’s not true and you’ll see that when I get my Powers but axie all you have is a bunch of trees and stuff how is this going to give you your powers well it’s not done yet we still have to add all the other foresty plants like mushrooms and cool sparkly crystals hey axie I just want to remind you that lava in fire destroy nature stuff so I would be a little bit careful about what you choose to build with it’s okay wood that’s what I have for water beats fire and nature beats water wait what no you don’t axi plus we’re on the same team why would you try to beat me just in case you get overconfident and try to take over the world you can never trust a water element axi trust me I know from personal experience what come on guys ice and water are the best elements ever and we all know you guys can’t trust us because we’re the most powerful or maybe because you’re the most stinky hey that’s not true Woodle a you’re really annoying me now come on I need to put these lights up quickly so I get my Powers W wao ax I wonder what your first power is going to look like I really hope it’s good enough to take down that mutant spider it will be the last thing we need is a kitchen so that we can serve delicious foresty food and I’m going to put it back here what kind of food is in the forest axi I’ve never heard of forest food there’s a lot of forest food such as mushroom soup oh my gosh that sounds disgusting woodo would you eat mushroom soup uh mushroom soup that sounds kind of good but I don’t want to eat mushrooms that’s too natury I want to eat something spicy like these Hot Chili Peppers wood the last time you ate something spicy you cried for 2 weeks well this is different this time around because I’m a fire element and I need to be a big boy and learn how to eat spicy things and these Chili Peppers are so spicy looks like even the fire element couldn’t help you with your spice tolerance wudo oh don’t you worry as soon as I’m done building I’ll be a full fire Elemental and then I’ll be able to eat the spiciest hot peppers in the world no you won’t because I’m helping axi make the ultimate Pond of all time a pond is not only Forest nature themed but it’s also water and ice themed which means we’re both going to get powers from it a pond are you kidding me that sounds so boring would you rather live in a pond or a volcano Little’s kind of right I didn’t say you could make a pond oh my goodness you know what this woodo guy is talking too much trash actually I say we go ahead and go prank him wait but before that I feel like I’m getting my powers wo axie you look so awesome check it out you’re one step closer to being a nature Elemental of course I am and I have my own power now as well take this wait what what are you doing axian wait what are you causing an earthquake that’s right it’s the ultimate nature power oh no my whole screen everything is shaking let’s get out of here and go prank woodo axie let’s do it and I just thought of the perfect prank idea all I need to do is go into the morph menu and we can turn into lava monsters axi as lava monsters we’ll go inside of wo’s base and sabotage it come on I think his base is here on top of the volcano and wait what is this oh my gosh my super awesome volcano elemental house is looking awesome is he kidding this place is so small literally our water and Forest space is way bigger than this volcano and it looks like he just has a bunch of food here M I’m ready to eat all this delicious spicy food and what is that thing we’re lava monsters and this is our house now wait what no way is that something that I gained from building such an amazing Firehouse you guys are my pets we’re not your pets we’re your masters is exactly come on axi what we need to do this place on fire so he gets scared since you like the fire element so much we’re going to put everything on fire wow this is so awesome I’m getting more fire elemental powers you’re not supposed to be happy you’re supposed to be scared and mad at us why would I be scared you guys are on my team we’re all fire Elementals and you guys are doing fire Elemental things yay no that’s not how it works we’re going to destroy everything in here oh you’re making space for me to build my bedroom you’re so nice let me go ahead and put some beds over here mongle how do we get through to him he still thinks we’re helping we’re not trying to help you we’re trying to destroy your entire base cuz you’re not letting us live here wait what you guys can live here that’s fine oh my gosh we don’t want to live here we don’t like you then leave I guess why’ you come here in the first place you guys are weird are you serious actually this prank isn’t working plus look woodo has a super duper cool lava bedroom we need to add our own bedrooms inside of our secret base that way we can get even more powerful that’s right let’s ditch Wood’s base and make our bedroom super awesome bye lava monsters I’ll see you guys later are you serious actually next time we prank him we got to get him really good but for now let’s build the ultimate water bedroom a does it have to be a water bedroom of course it has to be a water bedroom water and ice are the best elements ever so come on what I’m going to do to start off on this bedroom axi is make a giant aquarium it better be filled with Axel what ax lados aren’t the only water mobs there are there’s a bunch of other mobs like turtles and fishes and dolphins and sharks yeah but no one likes turtles or sharks what are you talking about everyone loves Turtles and not sharks what woodo people love sharks because they’re scary I bet you everyone watching the videos likes sharks more than Turtles wait what no everyone loves Turtles right if you guys like sharks and think they’re scary then hit that subscribe button right now we’re getting closer and closer to a million subscribers hit the Subscribe button and comment that axelos are the coolest sea creatures ever a check it out now that we have our aquarium I can place down all sorts of different tropical fishes over here that way inside of my bedrooms I’m living with all the sea creatures and I can get the ultimate sea Powers that’s super cool but these fishes aren’t very powerful or scary and wait your jellyfish are killing your normal fish what in the world that doesn’t matter axie I’m just going to get stronger because the jellyfish are super strong come on though we’re not done with this bedroom I need to place my giant bed over here right in front of the aquarium then what I’m going to do is have poles of water outside of my bed that way whenever I wake up from sleep I can fall straight into the water that’s kind of of cool Longo but hey take this wait what stop using a trident on me it doesn’t even do anything cuz I’m the water element however it will really really hurt wudo though because water completely takes out fire no it doesn’t yes it does woodo and that’s why and I are going to create a whole Armory of water weapons exactly axie and what I’m also going to do is make this entire floor super duper Sandy because at the bottom of the ocean there’s a bunch of sand wao this sand is so nice exactly axi but I’m not done there what I’m going to do is place down a bunch of sea lanterns all over the place as decorations hey woodo does the fire elements have cool decorations like this the fire element has 10 times cooler decorations no it doesn’t you’re just lying because you want us to like your element more uh H why would I lie I don’t need to lie when the obvious facts are the truth okay whatever you say voodo but does the fire element have Turtles I don’t think so well yeah they’re called uh fire Turtles no they’re not wood you’re lying exactly look over here my water element over here has a bunch of turtles that are relaxing in their ocean they’re pretty cute hey woodo are you sure you don’t want to be a water Elemental come on voodo come over to the good side no this is the good side you guys are on the noob side oh my gosh this guy really thinks his element is still better actually I can’t wait to be done with this bedroom because I’m going to get even more Powers you’re going to destroy him he has no idea how strong water in nature are exactly but axi come on to finish off this room what I should do is add some water dripping from the top of the base that way our entire base is covered with water you should make it yellow water so it looks like pee e why in the world would I make a yellow water ax that sounds nasty come on let me search up red water instead because red is the best color in the world I think the yellow water is funnier this red water looks like ketchup oh gosh you’re right it does look like liquid ketchup but actually it doesn’t even matter matter cuz with this added on my water bedroom is now complete which means I should be getting more Powers oh look at your feet they’re made of water wait what and oh my gosh I’m one step closer to being a full Elemental and axi I just got another ability too hey what’s with testing them on me because you’re the perfect test subject come over here no I’m not un go I need another Power too we’re going to make my bedroom now and it’s going to be way cooler than yours wait what a nature bedroom can’t be cooler than a water bedroom yes it can I’m going to prove it to you first we need to put a ton of nature decorations around a bed like hanging lights and flowers oh my gosh fine axie while you do that I can get some jungle trees because I think jungles are the perfect part of nature jungles are okay I guess I think volcanoes are the coolest thing inside of a jungle wait there’s no volcanoes in jungles woodo plus we’re already on our second Powers how are you looking buddy um I’m already on my third mangu okay wudo you’re just lying there’s no way you progress that much in your build obviously I have we’ll just have to see in a second wudo for now I’m going to keep placing down these jungle trees because they look so cool inside of this bedroom they do look really cool but not as cool as my hanging flowers wo axie you really love the nature theme don’t you of course I do nature is the coolest ever but come on we need to make this bedroom look even better than it does right now it’s super duper empty right now that’s true we need to add a bunch of plants everywhere and also some animals wo you just gave me an idea I think the animals that remind me of the Jungle and nature are bees so I’m going to add a bunch of bees all over the place I love be add as many as you can wao look there’s so many of them we definitely have to give them Nam so we know who they are this one is going to be fluffy and this one is going to be Duffy and this one is going to be bluffy wait what those are some silly names everyone comment what you think this be’s name should be over here I know what it should be Nam it should be called bloopy what in the world W that’s even worse than the names that axi was coming up with no it’s not my names are the best all the fire Elementals have the coolest name ideas whatever Woodle I’m going to add a giant pile of honey so the bees have plenty wo axie that looks like so much honey I bet the bees are totally going to love it I do have to say your nature bedroom is coming along pretty good but there’s no way your next power is going to be more powerful than my power it’s not only going to be more powerful but it’s going to be way cooler to look at too oh yeah just you guys wait and see what I have to show you oh my gosh it’s this guy talking again he really thinks fire is better than water when I can literally take him out with one blow look at this amazing power yeah woodo what do you have to say about that huh H oh oh my gosh I’m so scared guys I’m shivering oh my gosh your acting is really not that good woodo we know you’re actually not shivering yeah no kidding cuz that was a joke oh this guy really thinks he’s funny axie we’ll just have to prove that we are stronger than him and we can do that once we get all our powers exactly look over here I’m even adding gaming setup inside of your room that way you not only become more powerful but smarter too axie oh yeah playing video games makes you super smart I would know exactly let me just place down some chairs for these gaming setups and wo actually I think this bedroom is pretty much complete which means you should be getting your second power wao what’s on my head did I just grow something axi you now have a mushroom on top of your head which means you should have your second ability too oh yeah I think I feel it take this stop that axi what is that that’s my nature spray power oh my gosh did axi just let out a huge fart against Maro voo my ice breath is way stronger than her farts uh it’s not my farts guys oh gosh neither of you guys brush your teeth that’s why you can let out all of that breath are you you serious oh my gosh this woodo guy is so annoying he really thinks his base is better than our one ax yeah he probably thinks he’s so cool just cuz he has his own lava bathroom and wait we need a bathroom wait a second axi if we combine our elements and make the ultimate bathroom we’ll get even more powerful come over here let’s build our bathroom in this area we can build a waterfall nature bathroom that sounds awesome where do we make the waterf up here well I’m going to place down the water over here then it’s going to break into the ground and actually our bathroom is going to have a giant river that goes through it that sounds so cool come on start adding all of your nature stuff while you do that I’m going to add all the water stuff and together we’re going to take down wudo and the mutant spider I’m going to add the coolest trees ever you guys are in taking taking me down are you done playing along and being like little babies cuz I’m about to show off my real fire power wait what you got a fire ability woodo oh yeah I think I’ve actually maxed out my fire abilities and I look so cool there’s no way woodo you’re just bragging right exactly this guy isn’t that far off axi don’t listen to him he’s just lying oh I’m not lying night guys I’m telling the truth I actually got super op well it doesn’t matter voodo cuz we’re going to get even more op look over here axi I’m placing down all of the cool things that would be inside of a bathroom like these mirrors over here and the sinks that’s really cool I’m going to add some decorations to this River like lilypads wo this river is going to be upgraded of course it is nature always makes everything better come on while you do that I’m going to put down a bunch of leaves all over the entire bathroom well I’m going to put Vines everywhere and they’re going to be poisonous wo that sounds insane but I’m not done with just my decorations here ax what I’m going to do is actually make a hot tub that way not only do I have normal water powers but my water powers are going to be hot too wo so it’s basically like having fir Powers but with water exactly roodo thinks he’s so cool just because he has firep powers but I can have fire powers too what you are taking my fir Powers that’s right wudo and once I’m done taking your powers I’m going to come get you next wait what oh gosh I got to get more powerful and build cooler things you should be scared woodo yeah plus you don’t have enough time because the mutant spider is going to attack attack soon wudo I think we’re going to have to save you with our water and also nature powers wait what it’s okay Woodle once we save you and your lava base explodes you can come live here with us exactly look we just finished our nature bathroom which means we should be getting our third ability and wo axi take a look at you and look at me too we both look so awesome and I think we should have our next abilities too yeah look at my third ability ouch iie what was that it’s my acid spin are you serious look at my third ability I can teleport around and it leaves ice people behind wo that’s actually awesome your guys’s Powers aren’t that awesome mine are 10 times cooler oh yeah voodo why don’t you show us one of your powers right now then okay he let me show you my first Power what in the world that tickles wudo come on axi why don’t we show this guy how powerful we are let’s do it I’m going to get my poison spray now hey get that away from me take my fire shots wo take this to your face and then I’m going to use my ice breath on you as well I’m going to use my earthquake oh stop it then I’m going to teleport around you so you can’t even hit me oh you guys are too powerful I’m going back to my volcano actually check it out we’re so much stronger than that guy but are we strong enough to take out the mutant spider I don’t think we are yet we need one more build and I want to build an animal sanctuary an animal sanctuary what in the world does that mean that means a place for all animals including water and nature animals to live peacefully away from that mutant spider oh my gosh nature does correlate with animals so come on axie let’s just set the entire floor to a bunch of grass and what we can do is have a bunch of animals all over the place that sounds great I guess we don’t need to put them in cages if we’re going to make this all one big room for the animals exactly we’re going to have so many animals that our base is going to look insanely cool let me just block off all of these areas and ax now we can put whatever animals we want I’m going to put down some Lions over here uh I’m going to put down parrots well I’m going to put down pandas oh my gosh they’re so cute I’m not done there axie I’m also going to put down some snakes because Udo is scared of snakes snakes I’m a little scared of snakes too NOP you guys are putting down snakes yeah poo we’re going to put down the scariest mobs of all time so we get even stronger come on axi what’s the final scary animal I can add I don’t know I’m putting down some ocelots but I don’t know if those are scary enough actually I’m going to add T-Rexes oh my gosh I’m going to ride this T-Rex into battle with all these animals added on I think we should be getting even stronger axie look at us we look so cool what in the world axi I think I reached my final form of Elemental and I should be good enough to take down that mutant spider hey what is that that’s one of my new ice powers axi what kind of power did you get I got a poison Cloud wait what what is that do it’s going to turn everything into nature that touches it oh my gosh don’t use that on me let’s go use that on woodo let’s see what type of things he built inside of his volcano and oh gosh it looks like the same I’m being attacked get away from me no take this woodo wait where did woodo even go I’m right over here you can’t even catch me take this r that doesn’t hurt at all I’m going to use my ice power on you if you don’t stop okay please don’t use it on me just take a look at my amazing fire base I have my super awesome kitchen over here with lots of delicious hot food and then I have a nice little playing area with all my toys and I even have my own personal fire bedroom with a Fire TV looking at a fire volcano that’s pretty cool I guess but vooodo have you taken a look at our underwater secret water/ nature build what in the world did you just say that was a mouthful exactly vooodo because this is a mouthful of stuff in here look we first have our ice lab which got me my first power and then we also have the nature Cafe but we can’t forget about the water bedroom oh my gosh this place is humongous of course it is woodo it’s not tiny like your place and if you come over here you’ll see my nature bedroom is even cooler than Mongo’s water bedroom wait what gaming computers don’t exist in nature you’re a scam no I’m not plus built that yeah it exists in her bedroom woodo come over here this is our nature bathroom but you can forget about this and come over here to our Animal Sanctuary where we got all of our ultimate powers from wo all these animals look so cool what if I use my fire abilities on them hey don’t hurt the animals wodoo wo get out of here stop using your fire abilities on them we have to use our abilities on the MU and spider quickly we have to thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed then watch our video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye

Mongo and Wudo have to build SECRET ELEMENTAL BASES! Who builds the best Secret Elemental house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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