Minecraft Bedrock: 6 Easy Commands for Survival and Creative

[Music] hey everybody the Great Escape here and welcome to another episode on our minecraft bedrock testing world and in today’s episode we’re going to be exploring something that is brand new for ps4 users but is old hat for all you bedrock folks out there and that is the command feature and in today’s episode we’re going to explore six basic commands four that are really useful for survival games and two they’re useful for either survival or creative games so if you are excited about that drop a like down on the bottom and we’re gonna go ahead and get started with the very first few things do not have commands popping up you first need to go to wireless here wireless controller and come down to your controller layout and make sure that open chat has been assigned a button and the easiest way to do that if it’s not it’s just hit the X and then it’ll ask you to input a button there the second thing you want to make sure is that you have activate cheats activated because otherwise you might not be able to make any of these things happen so here I am in a new world and I don’t have anything in my inventory and I need something and so to fight off all the baddies or to keep things at bay I’m going to get myself a diamond sword and so in order to activate that all you do is come in here and if you’ll notice I’ve been testing things out a little bit you see it there but if you hit this it’s going to give you some options for time whether quick and easy ways to change the world spawn and things like that but we’re going to go over to this option here and the moment you start inputting this it’s going to start giving you windows of options and so the first thing we’re gonna put in is give which is our command and you can see what it does there once you hit space it’s going to give you some other options so who you’re gonna target and so you can put in a player’s name you can use the things over on the left to kind of change or fit things if you hit a space again it’s gonna show you the options of what you can put in and pretty much with anything it’s just the word with a underscore between any of the words that are present there and so here we go with a diamond sword and once you hit that you hit square boom got a diamond sword in my inventory I’m ready to fight and kill some things next up so now I’ve got my diamond sword I’m gonna need some other items so I’m gonna you know I need to get it out with armor and instead of just giving myself all the armor I’m gonna come in here and I’m actually gonna use the exact same command to give myself some diamond blocks and one diamond block just won’t do so I’m gonna come in here do diamond block and I’m gonna put in 64 to get a full stack of diamonds here and that’s a weird glitch showing me one diamond block there but 64 diamond blocks here but anyway now I’ve got 64 diamond blocks I can make anything that I need to make with that alright so the last thing and the most important if you want to mess around with commands a lot is that you’re going to need to have a command block and so the easiest way to do that is to do it just like anything else and just give yourself a command block and so I’m gonna come in here and type this out and now I’m gonna have access to a command block which simply allows you to do longer and more complex commands so I’m gonna set it down here because we will definitely be using this later on so you kind of get this and it has all of the different things like block-posts impulses and all these different things and there’s a lot that you can play around with on this to to make it work looking around the world is kind of barren so I want to put some things into this world and so our next command is the summon command and I’m gonna pop in here and you just hit summon and as you see you get the option over there as it pops up and then what am I gonna summon it gives you the whole option there so let’s just go ahead and summon something simple like a pig there we go now I’ve got a pig in the world and if you want to do that with the command block you can do the exact same thing over there and you can input the command on the command block like so all right and it’ll need redstone so if I give myself a button really quick which I could use the give command to do but I can also just do this in creative look there’s a pig there’s another page and I can just do that infinitely you could put a redstone signal into that to summon all the pigs that you potentially need in the world and now that I’ve got my diamond to pickaxe with it I can just kill them all off now that we know how to create items and we know how to summon things into our world you can then also teleport yourself places so there’s no need to walk anywhere you want to go you can just teleport and the code for teleportation let’s open up our command block here our command guide here and put this teleport and you want to put your target yourself or whoever you could target somebody in your world or random entity or whatever teleport self and I’m going to put in some coordinates here that maybe will take us to the Far Lands hopefully and then you just put a space and then the same thing so these are your XY and z coordinates and boom whoa I think these are the farlands odd odd odd world all right I’m trapped here let me tell the port back now we’re at a much safer environment here to continue to play around with some different things so we’re gonna move on to our fourth one today and I’ve got you know a diamond sword I’ve got all the diamonds I need to do things but they’re kind of weak at this point because they’re not enchanted and so this command enchant gives you the ability to enchant your objects if you come in here and you hit in chant you’ll see it pops up down there and so you just kind of put in the enchant you’re gonna target yourself again just like normal or whoever you want to target and then it gives you the list of enchants that you want to do and the current item I having equipped is a sword so I’m gonna do sharpness on it a sytem and then what level it is so we’re gonna do sharpness for BAM so now I’ve got sharpness four on my sword now I’ve got my sharpness sword for sword I am ready to go and tackle things and knock things out and kill them and get spit at by oh I didn’t mean with its baby behind so now we have summoned a sword we’ve summoned things to fight with our sword or kill in this case of pigs we’ve got our diamond block so we can build more armor and things like that and we learn how to build command blocks and next we’re gonna play around with how do you actually build and change the world around you so these functions might be more useful for creative building and so the first one we’re gonna look at is the fill command but for our first helpful command of the two that we’re going to be talking about for creative mode and that is the fill command so let’s say you’ve got a huge section here of water or a mountain that you want to get rid of and you do not want to spend the hours and hours and hours punching through blocks or putting sand and this is what you’ll need the fill command so I’m gonna come down here and we’re gonna do this spot right here and the first thing I wanna do is find the corner of what you want to fill in the space and write down those coordinates and then after you’ve got those coordinates written down you want to find your opposite corner so if that was corner number one my opposite corner is going to be the top corner over here that I’m gonna fill in so this spot right here so I’m gonna write that coordinate down and then all you have to do is open up your command menu here type in the fill command and that it’s gonna ask you to put in the first coordinate so our first coordinates immediately followed by your second coordinates and then after you hit space it’s gonna ask what type of block you want to put in and for this case we want air because I just want to get rid of all that water and once you put that in hit up boom and now you have an air pocket and you know there are gonna be some issues with it like it’s gonna all fill back in with water in this case there is a way around having your water fill back in if you want to do this and it’s the easiest way is to use the fill command again and do it just like you would normally so your fill and your coordinates and then the type of block here instead of air we’re gonna do let’s say prismarine and then a1 and then either outline or Hollow and we’re gonna do Hollow for this one when I hit that boom now I’ve got a giant what looks like a giant block of prison bearing but when I break in this is now just a hollow tube of Brisbane so this is a quick and easy way to build a giant section of land and it gets rid of everything in the middle that you don’t need that’s that’s air and things like that so you can play around with the fill command and get different things you can do outlines you can fill a space and just fill the air in the space and things like that you can use the fill command to destroy all the blocks in an area and so then they will drop their block Oh game is lagging it is currently destroying all of the prison bearing blocks in that area and what that does is it takes any blocks that could be destroyed in that area and it makes them drop themselves so notice I guess I killed a fish and a spider and a couple zombies in the process but this is a good way to kind of gather huge quantities of resources because you could walk over to an area and pick out a Timbit in space and then just destroy it and all of those things would shoot up to the top the clone is very similar to phil you need to know you’re at coordinates R and so I’ve got this happy little Hut here you know our starting height and maybe I’ve moved my base somewhere else and so I need to know my sort starting coordinates here so this block right here and once you’ve got that you need to find the other corner block so here we go but once you have those and using our command here we can change the weather once we have those all we have to do is you’re going to use the clone yeah then you put in your starting coordinates I mean just put in the coordinates of where you want to move it to so you’ve got the coordinates where it starts and then the coordinates of the move and if I turn around BAM there she is so I’ve copied my area from there and it copies all the blocks so I’ve got the torches in there everything is the same hope that you found those six tools very useful and helpful you’ve got the summon the give the enchant the teleports the clone and the fill thanks to the way that this is set up and giving you the options as you fill in to guide you through the correct way to fill it out this is a super easy way to to do things and it’s a lot of fun and it’s gonna be helpful when we’re doing things like building massive structures in creative mode or if I’m building a farm you want to copy over the farm and things like that but have fun and play around with commands let me know what some of your favorite commands are down in the comments and we will you know kind of make a thread down in the comments of other fun commands that you can use but I hope you like this little video of six fun and easy commands that are useful for creative mode and/or in survival if you don’t mind playing with cheats in Minecraft if you liked the video please drop a like down at the bottom if you want to see more like it please subscribe but this has been the Great Escape and I will see you next time [Music]

#minecraft #RoadTo10000

In this Minecraft Bedrock episode, I explore 6 basic commands for those who want to take advantage of the cheats and quick build options available in Minecraft!

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  1. I know this is an old vid and you probs won’t respond but how do you get the slash to change the weather with that button because on my realm I don’t have that button does anyone know how I can get it

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